I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Jul 10, 2006


This work of fiction may not be reproduced without MY express permission.

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All I have heard regarding part 9 is this, "Romantic, tender, etc." You know, I am not all, a heartless bastard. Sometimes I actually know how to treat Alex like I love him, which I do! However, for those of you that think all I am is a cruel sadistic bastard, then this instalment won't disappoint you! I let Alex have an easy day Friday but knew I would make him suffer for it on Saturday. You see I now had two slave boys to play with. Sadistic me, planned on spending the weekend making them both suffer.

I have also been asked, why I took Jose on? That's easy, first he is one hot slave! He has a body and mind that just beg to be used and abused. Second, I am sick and tired of wiping Alex's ass. Now I have Jose to do it. Don't get me wrong, I love Alex, but I must admit I had no idea what it would be like to have to wipe his ass every time he took a shit. I have read his writings. I know how humiliating he thinks it is for him. But let's get real here! I am his Master. Do you have any idea how degrading it is for me! So at least for the next 5 months Alex's care and cleaning would be Jose's job. My other thought on this is, if Alex finds it humiliating having me do it, how much more humiliating will it be having Jose do it. Third reason, I am sick and tired of cooking and cleaning. I am the Master, yet I have to feed Alex! And I have to do most of the cleaning. I make him do what he can, but let's get real. He can't do a whole lot with his hands tied behind his back. Actually he tries. But Alex looks strange trying to mop the floor backwards. It's even worse watching him try to hold the vacuum handle in his mouth. I will admit that even I didn't really have any idea what it would be like to keep Alex in bondage for 13 months. So when I realized John was tired of Jose I jumped at the chance to take him on. Selfish, yes, 2 boys to play with. Selfish, yes, I could make Jose do all the shit I hated doing. Selfish, yes, Jose is as big a bondage and pain pig as Alex. Lastly, Alex really liked him, which surprised me. Alex can be a selfish little shit. When I had watched him take pain so Jose could have pleasure, I knew I could have a great time. I had always wanted the chance to really play 2 boys, one against the other. See how much suffering one would take to save the other. Somehow Alex had connected with Jose and I wanted to see how I could use that against them for my own sadistic pleasure.

Hopefully that clarifies the situation just a little. It may also explain why I was so sweet Friday (last entry). I wanted my 2 boys lulled into a false sense of security, only to have me shatter it Saturday. Once again, the scene. We are waking up Saturday morning. We are at my parents cabin. It is Alex's birthday weekend. He and Jose are tied up on each side of me and I just had the best orgasm ever! Two hot boys, whose only purpose was, to make me happy. Dear God, what more could I want? Torturing their hot little bodies for 2 days would do for starters. I think it is about time for me to turn this narrative over to my dear little Alex as he tells it so much better than I do:

As I slowly came awake I felt Rick's hard body pressed against mine. The memories of the night before flooded back into my head making my cock attempt to get hard in it's prison. It had been a perfect night. As much as I hated this damn cock cage sometimes, wearing it had taught me that Rick's pleasure was all I really needed to be happy in life. I heard Jose stirring across Rick's still sleeping body from me. I raised my head until I could see him over Rick. I caught his eyes and saw reflected in them the same extraordinary sense of pleasure I had at this moment. I wondered if Jose had ever been as happy with John as his eyes said he was right now? Suddenly though, the look of pleasure faded, to be replaced by apprehension. He glanced down at Rick sleeping between us and I knew what was going through his mind. I found out latter that he had never known if he should wake John up or not. If he did and John was in a bad mood he got beaten. If he didn't wake him up, and that was what John wanted, them he got beaten. Basically a no win situation. I, however, knew what Rick would want. I winked at Jose and started kissing Rick's chest. I heard Jose let out a sigh of relief and then felt him next to me also kissing Rick's chest. It took very little time for Rick to wake up. As his eyes fluttered open he said, "This is definitely the way to start a day."

He lovingly stroked our heads then pushed us away so he could get up. "Boys as much as I would love to start today the way I ended yesterday, I have other things planned. Hopefully you'll both enjoy them half as much as I know I will." The look in Rick's eyes left no doubt in my mind what he had in mind. When he gets this look of cold steel, I know that I'm in for one rough day. I had no idea just how bad and I knew Jose didn't. Next time he would, but not today. Rick might love me and treat me like gold, but when he was in the mood to hurt me he would. When he wanted his sadistic pleasures he didn't care how badly I hurt. But then again as I have said, I am a born masochist. From what I already knew about Jose I could pretty well guess that he gets off on pain and bondage too.

Rick started out explaining to us the new arrangements. Jose would do the cooking, cleaning, and anything else that Rick told him to. Rick also informed us that as of now Jose was responsible for my care and cleaning. The only thing Rick was reserving for himself was my body shaving. He then released Jose and ordered him to take me to the bathroom and then clean me up as he wanted to get the day started. As Jose took hold of my shoulder and led me toward the bathroom I wanted to be sick. It was bad enough having Rick wipe my ass, but the thought of having Jose do it made me want to scream in embracement and frustration. Needless to say that first time was just as humiliating as I knew it would be. But by the time I was cleaned up and Jose had led me back into the living room I had resigned myself to the situation.

Rick looked up as we entered the room and I knew by the wicked smile on his face he knew exactly how I was feeling and he was enjoying every minute of it. "All right boys now that's out of the way let's get started," Rick said. Then led me over so I was standing under the edge of the second floor balcony. Rick's parents had large hooks installed there which they used to hang things from at various times of the year. I assumed that I would be the one hanging from them soon. Rick ordered Jose to bring his big duffle bags over. Rick first took out a length of rope which he passed through one of the hooks than tied my hands to it. He then took out a leg spreader. Spreading my legs as far apart as he could he cuffed them to the ends of it. Next came a leather collar which he locked onto my neck. Then he pulled out a ball stretcher with a d-ring attached. He unlocked my chastity cage and removed it after which he placed the ball stretcher on me and locked it on. Once done with that he took another length of rope and ran it from a ring on my collar down to a ring in the center of the spreader bar. Rick pulled the rope tight until he had my head about level with my knees and tied it off so I couldn't raise my head. Next I felt the rope tied to my hands being pulled, dragging my arms up with it, until they felt like he was pulling them out of the socket. He held the rope tight while he fed the end through the d-ring on the ball stretcher. Rick pulled my balls back and up until he had them stretched as far as the could go. He tightened the rope just a little more yanking my arms up just a little bit higher. He tied it off leaving me stretched to the max. My ball being pulled away from my body by my own arms. If I really strained I could raise my arms just a bit and take a little tension off my balls but I could only hold them up that high for a short time, until they were once again yanking my balls. Rick came back around front and checked the rope from my collar. He decided that he could snug it up a little. When he did that I couldn't even move my arms the little bit I had been able to. Everything was stretched to it's limits and there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't see them but I could hear Rick doing something to Jose. I would soon find out that he was fitting Jose with the electrified butt plug and a locking harness to keep it in place. The next thing I saw was Rick waving a wooden paddle in front of my eyes. He set the paddle on the floor at my feet and patted me on the head saying, "It is time to explain our little game."

Which is exactly what he proceeded to do. Jose was to fix breakfast while I, as Rick put it, was just going to hang around. For every minute it took Jose to finish I would receive 5 swats with the paddle and Jose would get one shock with the butt plug. Rick picked up the paddle, looked at his watch and said, "Time starts now Jose, get busy." I heard Jose run off in the direction of the kitchen as Rick rubbed my ass with the paddle. "Alex, I am really going to enjoy this," Rick said with a sadistic edge to his voice. I knew when the first minute was up as I heard a yell come from the kitchen. Obviously Rick had activated Jose's butt plug. I knew I was next. When the first swat of the paddle hit my ass, and I automatically jerked in response, I realized just how precarious my position was. I literally couldn't move without hurting myself. Either jerking my balls or trying to strangle myself with my collar. As Rick let the next four swats fall in rapid succession, I locked every muscle so as not to jerk. When Rick finished he said, "another minute starts now boys. You better hurry Jose." I again knew that the minute was up by Jose's yell from the kitchen and I braced myself for the paddle to fall across my ass. Rick didn't make me wait long as he quickly laid five swats on my ass.

After what seemed forever I was beginning to wondering if Jose was ever going to get done. My ass was becoming more and more tender and it was taking real effort to hold still and take it. Finally, blessed relief washed over me as, I heard Jose call from the kitchen to announce that breakfast was ready. I assumed that Rick would release me so I could eat. However, that was not what he intended. Rick patted my hot smarting ass and said, "Not for you Alex. You will just have to wait. I kind of like you in this position. Besides a little hunger is good for the soul." To further torment me Rick placed a bowl of food on the floor between my legs for Jose. He cuffed Jose's hands behind his back and made him put his head between my legs, leaning down to eat out of the bowl. There I hung, staring at the back of Jose's head, while he ate his food out of his bowl. Smelling the food, seeing the food, but not being allowed to have any. My ass throbbing from the paddling and wondering what was coming next.

When Rick finished eating he allowed Jose to get up. He released Jose's hands as he was now going to clean the kitchen. Rick informed us we were going to play the same game again. Except to make it more interesting he was going to add tit clamps to both of us. In addition every minute he would add a small weight to mine just for fun. Off ran Jose toward the kitchen and Rick started the timer. This time I didn't know when the time was up as he started on my ass first. I didn't even have time to try and tense up. That first swat made me jerk around trying to castrate myself. After Rick was finished with me I heard Jose's yell from the kitchen. Rick must have held the button down as Jose's yell got louder and lasted longer. Then Rick turned his attention to my tit clamps. He added a weight and let it drop hard, pulling my tits and making me gasp in pain. Rick then announced that another minute had just started. We went on like this until Jose was finally done in the kitchen. By that time my ass hurt so bad that it felt like it was on fire. My poor tits had so much weight hanging from them, that I really thought if Rick added one more they would rip off. My arms ached, my balls ached, my back ached. I hurt so bad all over I wanted to cry. Again I assumed that Rick would let me down but once again I was mistaken. "I need a break Alex. I am going to make Jose torture you for a while and I'll watch," Rick said as he stroked my head. I wanted so badly to beg him to just let me down, but knew there was no use. He would keep this up until he was ready to quit.

Rick held two items in front of my face. One was a penis whip and the other a thin leather crop. As he did this he said, "You're going to enjoy this Alex." He lay them at my feet and I heard him moving across the room. I could see him, as I looked backwards, between my spread legs. He sat down in a large chair and let his hand slide to his crotch. He ordered Jose to pick up the riding crop. He then ordered him to spread my ass cheeks and take the crop to my ass hole. If you have never had your hole whipped, let me tell you it is incredibly painful. To have that extremely sensitive flesh beaten is almost unbearable. Jose obviously knew this, as he said to Rick, "Sir, please Sir. Don't make me do this." The words were no more out of his mouth than, with a cry of pain, he fell to his knees behind me, then onto the floor writhing in pain. I could see the remote to Jose's butt plug in Rick's hand. Rick's finger pressed down on the button.

When he finally released the button, and Jose recovered from the pain, Rick said, "Slave you don't have a choice. Either you do as you are told or I will just push this button and keep pushing it. Then I will tie you up and use the crop on both of you" To emphasis his point I saw his finger again hit the button and watched as Jose collapsed onto the floor. As soon as the pain went away and Jose could hear me I said, "Jose just do it, please. There is no reason for both of us to suffer." Jose's eyes looked at mine. They were so full of sorrow I wanted to cry. "Alex, I'm sorry," he said as he picked up the crop and reached up to spread my ass cheeks. Jose raised the crop and hit me. The pain was very minimal and I knew he really wasn't trying very hard. That first blow had no more than fallen when Rick once again had Jose on the floor in pain. "Slave, either you hurt him or I hurt you," I could hear the anger in Rick's voice. "Please Jose just do it and get it over with," I begged. Once again Jose picked up the crop, spread my ass cheeks and let the crop fly. This time it hurt and I yelled in pain. I could see Rick watching stroking his hard cock, brought fully erect by my suffering. Over and over again Jose struck out with the crop sending pain searing through my ass and body. Rick made him keep it up until I was finally crying with the pain. All the time Rick continued to stroke his cock. "Enough of that for now," Rick said. "Pick up the penis whip slave. See if you can take his mind off his ass." Before Jose could even reach for the whip Rick activated the butt plug and sent him down to his knees. "Just a reminder. I want to see him hurt," I heard Rick say.

Jose picked up the whip and proceeded to take it to my penis. Despite the pain, I had stayed hard watching Rick play with his cock. That immediately ended as the leather strands enveloped my cock with excruciating agony. Over and over again Jose hit me. With the position I was in I couldn't move an inch to try and avoid the blows. The pain finally overwhelmed me and just when I thought I was going to loose it Rick ordered him to stop. Rick's cock was still just as hard as he stroked it watching my suffering. Rick spent a few minutes shocking Jose over and over again with the butt plug before he ordered him to go back to cropping my asshole. By this time all I felt was pain. Every muscle, every joint, every inch of my body screamed in pain. I honestly didn't know how much more I could take. The weights hanging from the clamps were bouncing around keeping my tits in a constant state of agony. My balls hurt so bad I almost wished they would just pull off so they would stop hurting. Yet still Rick made Jose keep it up. Back to the penis whip, then back to the crop. The only break I was given was when Rick would lance Jose's ass with electric shocks. All the time Rick stroking his dick and keeping himself right on edge. Then finally just as I knew I couldn't take anymore I watched as Rick shot his load of cum into the air. Then and only then did he finally order Jose to stop. As I hung there limp and exhausted Rick ordered Jose to lick the floor clean. Then he made Jose clean his cock and finally ordered him to release me. Jose slowly released me from all my bonds until I lay on the floor with only my hands cuffed behind me. I ached all over and felt totally spent. Rick allowed Jose to bring me a bottle of water and something to eat. Jose cradled my head in his lap and fed me breakfast. Rick walked over and look down at his two slaves there on the floor and said, "I hope you both know that we have just gotten started. I have lots more planned for this weekend." My mind reeled. I couldn't quite decide if I was scared or excited. Probably a little of both.

As always let me stop Alex here. I have to say, I enjoyed that morning. Making Jose torture Alex was absolutely incredible. Jose hated doing it but knew he had no choice. Actually I had almost hoped Jose would refuse, so I would get the joy of working both of them over myself. That would, however, just have to wait till latter. As always If you want to hear more of my slave narrative just let me know. BNDMASTER13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 11

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