I Got a Feeling

By Jenny Tian

Published on Jul 30, 2012


The whiteness covered us as we slowly worked our way down the way too steep slope. We shouldn't have chosen one so difficult, especially with the weather getting bad but no one expected a snowstorm like this.

I looked at the three figures behind me. They were close, yet it wasn't easy to see them with the whipping wind, the snow, the mist...

Suddenly I lost my balance, fell on me front and slithered down, unable to stop.

"James!" I heard and managed to turn around and stop my fall with the edge of my board. I sat, breathing hard and my heart racing.

"James! You okay?" Jason yelled.

"Yeah. Fine. Just... be careful." I said and looked up to them. I was several meters below them and they were just blurry figures. They drove carefully down to me and when Jason was there he sat down and hugged me.

"Damn." He whispered.

"It's okay. Nothing happened."

"It could've. This is murder."

It really was. This was a difficult slope when the weather was great but it could mean death in a condition like this. I saw the worried looks on my friends faces and knew they were all trying to stay calm but it wasn't easy.

"We should've just stayed with the easier slopes and gong home when the clouds started to..."

"Shh." I said and took Jason's face in my hands. The ski goggles covered the upper half of his face, he wore a cap like all of us and the scarf was pulled up to his nose. I leaned forward, gave him a peck on the nose and tried to smile. "We can't change that. So let's just try and get down to the station."


We got up and slowly made our way down. We had no idea where we were and where we were going but we were going down and that was good. The wind seemed to pick up even more and the sight got worse. After half an hour I felt exhausted and more worried. This seemed to go on forever and I didn't know why my feeling didn't tell me anything, why it hadn't told me not to go to this slope, why it was suddenly so quiet. It was unnerving and made me seriously wonder if this was the end.

Yesterday had been so much better. Sunny, beautiful, glittering snow. We spent the whole day on the slopes, sometimes teasing Kyle because he wasn't a snowboarder. We ate lunch together in the small restaurant and then went back to the ski lifts because there were so many places you could go. Easy slopes, really hard slopes, there was a place with jumps and we realized early on the the four of us were good together. We were all pretty good, we liked to jump, we all loved speed and difficult slopes. But not difficult like this. This was scary.

"Hey, what's that?" Declan asked and we all stopped. He pointed somewhere and when I squinted my eyes a little I noticed something dark in the whiteness.

"Let's go closer." Kyle said and we drove down to the left. When we got closer I saw that it was two dark things.

"It's two people!" Jason said and one of the dark spot moved and then yelled: "Help!"

Finally we were with them and saw that it was two kids, maybe fourteen years old. A boy and a girl, the boy lying on the ground, the girl was the one that had yelled.

"You okay?" Declan asked and the girl shook her head. It was obvious that she had cried.

"He hurt his legs and can't drive anymore. I tried to call someone but there's no reception."

Kyle sat down next to the boy. "Your legs hurt?" He asked and the boy opened his eyes, a pained expression on his face.

"I think it's broken."

"Okay. We need to get you down. Jason and Declan..." He pointed at them. "They will carry you. Is that okay?"


And the two hunks in our group tried to carefully lift the boy while the girl, Kyle and I watched with worried expressions. How would they manage to carry him down the whole way? It was almost impossible to drive alone and now they had to drive closely together, carrying a boy.

"Maybe just one of us should carry him." Jason said. "You can take him when I'm getting exhausted."

"Sure." Declan said and then helped Jason lift the boy. When he was on his back Jason nodded and tried to drive a little. I could see that he had trouble but he seemed to manage.

"Let's go." Kyle said, took the girl's hand and I grabbed the boy's skis.

We were now moving even slower, trying to be really careful and I just knew that if we hadn't come here the two kids would have died. There was just no way they could have survived the night in this storm and I shuddered at the thought, wondering if we were meant to come here.

After a while Jason had to give the boy over to Declan. The girl was having a hard time and fell twice but we seemed to manage. Time passed and it made me worried that we took so long. It was still impossible to see anything and the farther we went, the more I felt my feeling coming back and it was back with a vengeance.

"Left! Jason! To the left!" I yelled and he looked up at me, the boy once more on his back. "We need to hurry." I said and he nodded, having had a taste of my feeling. We headed left and then we saw something big and dark. It was a house, one of those wooden huts that stood alone somewhere in the mountains.

"Let's go inside." I said.

"Shouldn't we get the boy down? He has broken legs." Kyle said.

"No. He has to bear it some more. Maybe we can find some medicine but we can't go on."

Kyle looked unsure.

"Listen to him." Jason said. "I'll explain later."

"Okay." Kyle shrugged and when we stood in front of the house we took off the snowboards and skis and Declan tried to open the door. "Locked."

"Maybe there's a key somewhere." I said and started looking around. Under the carpet, behind a stone... I was just about to say we should break through the window when Declan yelled. "Got it."

"Where?" Kyle asked.

"Up there." He said and pointed at one of the balks. He then inserted the key, opened the door and we all walked inside. It was warm inside compared to the freezing temperature outside and I closed the door behind us.

"Where's the light?" Declan asked as Jason slowly put the boy down on the couch.

"Maybe there's no electricity. Let's look for candles." I said and found several in the drawer. We lighted them and Declan and I walked around in the small house. There were two bedrooms, the living room we had been in, a small kitchen, a small bathroom and an attic that was turned into another bedroom. We found some crackers in the kitchen and brought them to the living room. Kyle was taking the boy's clothes off to see how bad his legs were injured. We all gasped when we saw that one of his legs was seriously broken. It reminded me of how my leg looked like when I had asked Declan to break it in order to save my parents.

"Oh, Timmy." The girl said and started to cry.

"It's gonna be alright." Kyle mumbled but I could see that he was horrified at the sight and I wondered how the boy had stood the pain all this time. Maybe the cold had helped.

"We need to straighten it out." Jason said.

"You sure it's not too late?" Declan asked.

"No. But we should try."

"Well, does anyone know how it works?" Kyle asked.

"James does." Declan said.

"What? No! No, I don't."

"You do. Remember? Your leg looked pretty much the same and you only had local anaesthetic."

"No. I can't do it."

"What does your feeling tell you?"

"Shit." I muttered.

"Okay. Do it."

"Oh my god." I said and turned to the boy - Timmy.

"You can do it." He said and I was again surprised at his bravery.

"Are you sure?"


"You can do it." Jason whispered and gave me a quick hug.

"Okay. I'm going to." 'I can't' I wanted to yell but instead I kneeled down next to the couch, looked at his leg and then turned to look at Declan. "Look if there's any wood outside. We should make a splint afterwards." Declan nodded and went outside while I gulped and then looked at the boy. "This is going to hurt."

"I know." He whispered and I gave him a smile.

"I will count to three."

He nodded and I took hold of his leg. I was glad that my feeling was with me again and it seemed to tell me where to touch his leg and I somehow knew how to straighten it out. "One." I said and I almost felt how everyone in the room gulped and became nervous. "Two." I gripped his legs a little harder, felt the boy tense, getting ready.

"Three!" I yelled and pulled on the leg, I heard the girl screaming, I felt my heart racing, I knew the boy fainted and I saw the leg - straightened out.

Trembling I let go and sank to the ground. "You did it." Jason said and was next to me within a second, hugging me close. The girl went to Timmy, crying and looking worriedly into his face. "He's... out." She whispered.

"Yeah. But he'll wake up." I said and then Declan helped me with the splint. Soon he was all bandaged up in the makeshift splint and we all sat down.

"Don't we have any pain pills?" I asked.

"No. But we could look if there are any in this house." Kyle said and got up. I felt too weak to move. This day had been too much. I just wanted to grab Jason's hand, pull him to the bedroom and cuddle with him, maybe make love. We still hadn't done it. Yesterday night we were too exhausted after the whole day on the slopes and then this morning in the shower... We were both really, really horny but there wasn't enough time. Jason had pushed me against the shower wall, almost forcefully, saying that it was driving him crazy that we still hadn't done anything. Well, we both got off in the shower, rubbing our cocks together and soon we both exploded.

But now, I felt like I really needed Jason. All the fear and worry was catching up with me.

Kyle came back with a smile on his face, something small in his hand and a glass of water in the other. "I really found some."

"Good." The girl said and was still trying to get Timmy to wake up. A few minutes later the boy opened his eyes and there were tears from the pain. I felt really bad for him and hope the pills would work fast. Kyle handed him the pills and he swallowed them gratefully. The meal was quiet, everyone seemed to be in thoughts and even though it was early we all felt the need to go to bed. Jason carried Timmy to one of the bedrooms and the girl, his sister he said, stayed with him. Declan and Kyle took the one next to them and then I took Jason's hand and we went upstairs.

Once inside he closed the door behind us and just hugged me close to him.

"I was so worried today." He mumbled into my hair.

"We did it."

"Yeah. But when you fell... I think my heart stopped."


"I thought... I never thought I'd feel like this." His hand caressed my back, up and down, from the small of my back to my neck. "I didn't think it would become so serious. We've only been together a month. But Jame..."

"Hmm?" I asked, feeling safe in his strong arms, smelling him, being so close to him.

"I think I love you." He whispered and for a second I froze. I never thought he'd be the one to say it first but then I looked up, kissed his lips tenderly and smiled. "I think I love you, too."

"Good." He said, let his hands wander to my butt and suddenly lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist. "I really thought we might die today. And there were two things I really regretted not having done."

"What are they?" I asked as he walked over to the bed, though I had an idea what he meant.

"First, telling you that I love you. And second, not having made love to you."

"So, you did one. You gonna do the other, too?"

"You bet I will." He said with a grin, a playful, loving, sweet grin. He climbed on the bed and laid me down. I looked up at him and smiled back, my heart fluttering with anticipation.

Jason started kissing me, first my lips and I put my hands on his neck, pulling him even closer and we made out for a while but the longer we did, the more heated we got and I was soon panting and throbbing hard in my pants. His lips wandered to my neck and then to my chest as he pulled off my shirt and I tried with trembling hands to get the clothes off his body, too.

We had done the foreplay thing, the undressing and then the blowjobs but now... somehow it felt different, the sexual tension growing constantly and when Jason pulled down the last piece of clothing, my boxers, my cock slapped to my abs, leaving drops of precum there.

I really wanted it, I felt that I was ready and if it went the way I wanted, Jason would just spread my legs and fuck me hard and fast. But he didn't. He leaned towards my stomach and kissed me there, nibbled on my nipples, which sent me into outer space and then licked of the precum that had landed on my stomach.

"Jason..." I panted and he looked up with a grin. "Don't wait any longer..."

"I'm going to prepare you."

"Yeah, just do it." I mumbled, thinking that he'd probably use a finger, then two and maybe even three. But when I pulled my legs towards my shoulders he didn't do that. He put his hands on my thighs and his head went to my balls, licking them and his tongue wandered lower to my perineum, making me moan louder and I didn't care at all that the guys and the girl downstairs could probably hear me.

"Oh... oh... Jason... aaaah..."

"Hmm." He said and then his tongue went even lower and that made me jump. Yes, I had heard about rimming, I had thought about it but I never thought that Jason was going to do it. His tongue attacked my hole and I couldn't believe how good it felt, how good he was and for a fleeting moment the thought that he'd had plenty of training with the girls passed through my head but the sensations coming from down there were too amazing to think straight, or at all.

I was soon partly wanting him to continue and partly wishing he'd finally fuck me. I felt how my asshole felt relaxed and I was pushing back on him. Finally he pulled away, grabbed his bag from the ground and began to rummage through it.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"I brought... lube and condoms." He said and flashed me a grin.

"Ooh, were did you think we'd use them?"

"Actually, back at our chalet. But... maybe I was feeling optimistic. I don't know." He shrugged and finally dropped the bag back to the ground and kneeled between my legs. "You okay?" He asked.

"Jason! Just do it. I feel like... exploding if you don't finally get to it."

"Ooookay." He said with a grin, or maybe it was more of a smirk but his eyes looked at me with tenderness and love and I just knew I could trust him to be gentle and not to hurt me.

"You sure I shouldn't use my fingers and..."


"Got it." He smiled, ripped the package open and smeared a big load of lube on my asshole. "Ready?" He asked and positioned the head of his big cock on the entrance of my ass. He nudged it gently, not really pushing, just resting there and I prepared myself for the pain.

He caressed my face with his hand, whispered 'I love you' and the next second the head was inside. I gasped, my eyes were wide open and Jason looked concerned. "Stop?" He asked but I shook my head. He nodded and just waited, his hand roaming over my chest and stomach, which made me relax and then I nodded at him. Jason pushed some more of his cock inside but very slowly, very gently and it was a weird feeling. It wasn't uncomfortable, just strange and made me feel full.

Jason pulled back and then inside, filling me even more and after pulling and pushing several times he stopped and looked into my eyes. "You got everything, babe. Are you okay?" He whispered.

"Yes. Very okay."

"How does it feel?"

"Weird." I said and he smiled.

"I'm going to take you to heaven." He mumbled and I grinned at the line but then he pulled back and pushed everything inside me and I gasped.

"Good?" He asked.

"Mmh. Yeah."

"Love you, babe." He said and pulled back again. My legs were wrapped around his waist and as he continued to slowly fuck me I started to push back at him, meeting his gentle thrusts. He started to go faster and somehow deeper and then he started to twist his hips and suddenly he hit something inside me that really took me to heaven.

"Aaaaaaah!" I yelled and my back arched.

"That's the spot, huh?" I heard Jason say and he pushed in again, hitting that spot again... and again and again and again...

"Nnnngh... aaah... ooooh... Jason... aaaah..." Was all that came out of my mouth. I was unable to form any real words and could only concentrate on the sensations from my ass and also from my cock that was trapped between Jason's and my stomach.

Jason continued thrusting into me and I was staring into his eyes, getting lost in them and then I heard him groan and his face twisted. Knowing that he was coming inside me, well, inside the condom but still inside me, sent me over the edge, too and I think I yelled out his name and my fingers grabbed his back, my body shuddered and my cock jerked several times.

Panting, Jason collapsed on me and we were both breathing hard. Several minutes passed and then Jason lifted his head and smiled at me.

"Incredible." He said.

"I don't think the first time is supposed to be so perfect." I said.

"Yeah. It usually isn't. But I think we're very compatible."

"It was great. I love you, Jason."

"Love you, too." He said and kissed my lips.

"Want to do it again."

Jason chuckled. "Tomorrow morning, first thing we do, okay?"

"You're bad in the morning."

"You're right but I don't think I could..."

"I was kidding." I said and kissed him. "I think I'll be asleep in a few seconds."

"I'll get something to clean us up."

"Don't go." I mumbled and when his shrinking cock slipped out of me I wanted it back but I really felt exhausted. Jason got rid of the condom and came back with a towel, cleaned my chest and his and then slipped into bed with me.

"Good night." He said and pulled me closer.



The sun tickling my noise woke me up. I slowly opened my eyes, smiled when I saw Jason's peaceful face and walked to window. The sky was blue, not a single cloud up there, the sun was making the new snow glitter and it looked incredible beautiful. Not a single trail of skis or snowboards, just the untouched, new snow. It was so completely different from yesterday when the storm had even scared Declan who was never scared of anything.

Strong arms wrapped themselves around my waist and I leaned back. "Morning." He whispered and kissed me behind my ear.

"You're up early." I said and he chuckled.

"It's not all that early. It's after nine."

"Are the others up yet?"

"Let's go see."

"Mmh." I turned around, kissed his neck and nuzzled against him.

"We don't have time for anything." Jason said with a chuckle.

"I know."

"Let's get dressed, huh?"

"Yeah." I mumbled and we pulled our clothes on before going downstairs. All four of them were sitting on the table with mugs and there was the rest of the food we had.

"Morning." They all said and I saw how the girl and Timmy blushed. We sat down at the table and Kyle pushed two mugs towards us.

"Soooo..." Declan said and I blushed, looking at his grin. "Had a good time yesterday?"

"Yeah." Jason just said and took some of the crackers and fed me one.

"Soooo..." Declan said again. "Whose butt is hurting?"

"Jason's of course. I always said he was a total bottom boy... Ouch! Owww, that hurt, Dee!" I glared at Declan who had punched my arm.

"Definitely your cries we heard." Kyle said and I blushed when everyone chuckled.

"Oooh, aaah, Jason..." Declan mocked.

"Enough teasing." Jason said but he was also grinning.

"Protective, huh?" Kyle said and when I looked at Timmy and the girl whose name I still didn't know they both had red faces.

"There are kids on the table." I said and Kyle looked them.

"Sorry. We got a little carried away with teasing." He said and the girl shrugged while the girl smiled shyly.

"It's okay. At first..." Timmy said but then stopped, embarrassed.

"What?" I asked.


"No, you started it." I protested.

"It's just... err... I first thought someone was hurt and I wanted to get up. It wasn't really possible with the leg and then... err... Tina sort of explained that no one was hurt."

Declan laughed and soon everyone was laughing. "Imagine Timmy running up to your room..." Declan said, laughing hard.

"That would have been..." Kyle continued and I wanted the ground to open up and swallow me. I had no idea that I had been that loud. And I knew that Declan would do some teasing but this was really embarrassing.

"Okay." Jason said, probably seeing my face. "That's enough teasing. We should get going soon. Let's get ready."

They all agreed and within less than half an hour we were at the door. If there hadn't been the small roof over the door we probably would've had to push hard to open it. There was at least three feet of new snow.

"That's going to be a difficult ride." Kyle said.

"Yeah. But we can make it." I said and we got our snowboards and skis on and Jason took Timmy on his back.

It was really difficult because once you fell it was really hard to get up in all the new snow. But somehow we managed to get down at a slow pace.

After five minutes I stopped to look back and my heart almost stopped. "Guys..." I said and they turned around.

"Oh my god..." Jason whispered and then I felt all their eyes going from the left to me. From down here we saw the small hut above us and the left side was where we'd come from, where I'd told them we had to go to left and where there was a deadly scarp that looked almost like sea cliffs. And I just knew in my gut that if we hadn't gone to the left yesterday, someone would have fallen off that scarp and probably died.

"How the heck did you know?" Kyle whispered, his eyes wide.


That was chapter nine and I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know whether or not you liked it.

All the best Jenny

Next: Chapter 10

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