I Felt Like A Hooker.. But Worth It

By Devilsnight007

Published on Aug 17, 2005



I'm sure you all know the rules now.... so I won't have to repeat myself.

This story that is about to be told is 100% True.... and happened to me just last week.

I've been chatting with this dude Zach for over a year now, we met somewheres on the internet. He's also 19 years old, and VERY hot, i love his smile... anyways back then he use to live here on the island, and he was after me to hook up with him. That wasn't long after I got out of the hospital, and I wasn't really into seeing anyone that I had met on the internet. But told him maybe another time. Last summer he was moving over to Nova Scotia, and he really really wanted to meet me before he moved there, bcuz he wasn't sure when he would be returning here. I still didn't want to meet him, mostly bcuz I didn't really know if he was who he said he was, all I had to go by was a picture that he sent me, that he claimed to be him. So I politely refused to meet him. Since then we'd chat once in awhile, he's barely on the computer, so when we did chat it wasn't nothing major. Last night I came on the computer, and I noticed someone added me to msn, I don't recall giving my addy out to anyone, so I then started to panic, thinking it's someone around here tryin to lie and hack back into my email.... I went and checked my hotmail, and there was a email from a Zach guy, I didn't clue into who it could have been, so I opened it, and when I saw the email I knew right away who it was. All the email said was: "hey, I'm in PEI till Tuesday morning. gimme a call at 1-902-*-** if you wanna meet. bye." So I read it, and thought about what I should do. I emailed him back, saying I didn't have insurance yet, and I couldn't drive out there until Tuesday afternoon, bcuz I have to work. Just as I sent the email, that person who added me to their msn came online... So first I'm like who's this? He explained to me who it was, it was Zach, under his other email. So we began to chat, he said how much he wanted to meet me, and that we should meet tomorrow afternoon. He couldn't say much else, bcuz his sister was there with him. So I said I didn't know, I can't drive to meet you. He then offered to come here, and pick me up. I said I don't know... I was still uneasy about meeting this dude, bcuz I've still only seen a few pictures of him. He wanted me to call him around 10am, and tell him what's the scoop, and what we're goin to do. After a long battle we settled at 12, bcuz I didn't think I'd be up at 10am. He said he'd be back in 15min, and to think about it. He came back, and said that his sister was gone, and it was alright to chat about anything now. So I asked what he wanted done, and he asked if I'd suck him off. I'm like fucking right I will. So we chatted some more. He then brought up that his sister has a camera, and he's goin to look for it. After awhile he found it, got it hooked up, and went on web cam for me. I knew then I was meeting this guy. He is hot! He played around with the cam for awhile, showed me his dick and all that stuff. Then it was time to head to bed, if I wanted to meet his strict deadline tomorrow. So we exchanged numbers, and we agreed when to call, and where we were goin to meet if he had to come here. He said he was coming here if I wanted to meet or not.

This morning I woke up at 10:03am, I tried to go back to sleep, get a couple more hours in, before I had to get up and call him. But I kept thinking about it, and at about 10:10am I knew I wasn't getting back to sleep, so I got up, got showered, dressed, and went out to the living room to see if dad had set up the insurance yet. He was in the process of calling them, they said that the insurance won't be active until 12:00am tonight. So I had to scratch the plan on meetin him in town. I then went into my room, got him number, and called him up around 11:30am. It rang and rang, until he finally picked up, he was still in bed, a bit hung over from the night before... I told him that I couldn't meet him in town, and if he wanted it, he'd have to come here and pick me up. So he said it was alright, and that he'd give me a call on his way here, about 1.5 hours. I came onto the computer, and chatted waiting for him to call me. Finally he called and told me he'd be down at the store in about 5-10 minutes,and he told me what he was driving. I put my shoes on, and started walkin down to the store. When I got there I saw a blue car, I wasn't sure if it was him or not, so I went around, and sure enough it was a blue Honda accord with NS license plate... So I started walking over to the car, and I walk up to the window, and he's there rolling a joint. I said it didn't take him long to get here, and he told me he was speeding. So I went around, he unlocked the doors, and I jumped into the car.

We chatted for a few minutes, and then we took off, he asked where's a place to go. And I couldn't think of anything. He lit up his joint, so he could relax, and we went down the main road, I told him to take a left, then another left down a dirt road, meanwhile he asked me if I wanted some of his joint, I said nah... We then took a left and that brought us right down on a dirt road by the ocean. We talked about the fun I have with all my friends. He backed up, and pointed the car back up the road, so we could easily get outa there if someone did come our way. He said he wanted to check on the beach, just to make sure there wasn't anyone there. He got outa the car, and walked down, sure enough there wasn't anyone down there. He got back into his car, and proceeded to continue smoking his joint. So jokingly, I said "soooo whatcha wanna do?" and he's like what do u think we're here for. He said that he was sad that he couldn't do anything to me, and he wished he could return the favor. He put his seat back, and I put my hand down on his crouch, he was already semi hard, and I played with it for a few minutes while he smoked his joint. I then took away my hand, and he undid his shorts, and pulled them down to his knees, and there was his dick, fucking hot and uncut, he says he's 6.5, but man, this had to be at least 7. I stroke it for a few more minutes, and then I remind his that I brought my camera, and said he was uneasy about pictures taken, bcuz he's not out, and he don't want his pictures on the net, I tried to convince him that I wouldn't send to anyone, and keep them for myself, and he refused. So I then started suckin his cock. I put it in my mouth slowly, wrapping my tongue around his soft cock head, and pushing my head up and down on his nice fat cock. I gently fiddle my tongue on the top of his cock, and stroked it while I was sucking on it. He told me to stop for a minute, bcuz he didn't want to blow right away. So I then slowly jerked him, while he laid back with his eyes closed. I asked him for just one picture, and he said alright, but he didn't want his face in the picture, then he offered to take the picture himself. I turned on the camera, and passed it to him, I then started sucking on his long hot fat cock again, he told me to kiss his dick, so I kissed, and he took a picture, then I started goin back down on his dick, and he took a picture with his dick inside of my mouth, I then went down onto his balls, and started gently sucking on them, and playing with them with my tongue inside my mouth. Man that really got him moaning out loud, I continued to suck on em for a lil longer, then continued to sucking on his dick again, I put his dick right down to the back of my throat, and he started moaning again. I then started licking his dick head with my tongue, and he told me to jerk him off, so I began to jerk him, and he said he was coming close. I looked up at him, and he just had his head back with his eyes closed, and he was moaning.. Then he said "it's coming now, now!" so I got down there and put my lips around his dick and continued to jerk him off, and then I could feel his body tense up, and then he exploded into my mouth, his hot cum oozed outa his dick, I made sure I sucked it all back. His cum had a great taste, it was pretty sweet tasting. I decided to swallow his load with great pleasure.

He just laid back, tryin to catch his breath. He told me that it was awesome, and it was the best blow job he had ever received. So we just hung out down there for a few minutes, and he pulled up his shorts, and then we took off. He kept saying how much he loved it, and how much he enjoyed it. He then asked for my camera, and i showed him how to turn it on so he could see the pictures, he then continued to fool around with it, then he asked how to delete pictures, he said he didn't want any pictures, he was afriad they'll get on the internet. (which i do understand why he'd think that) so i showed him, and he deleted them. i was sadden at that point, but meh.. it's not a huge deal... we sat tehre for a few more minutes... I told him that I felt like a hooker, and he laughed...However he said felt like shit, bcuz he just came to get me, get a blowjob and drop me off again, he said he didn't like doin that to someone.. He had to get back into town, to pick up his girlfriend from work at a certain time. But I insured him that it was fine, and there's nothing he could do about it. We then headed back to the store, where he dropped me off.

In the middle of typing this he came back on, and told how much he enjoyed it. I told him that I loved the taste of his cum. "Zach says: oh my god that was like...Fantastic tho" we talked about maybe meeting tomorrow before I go to work, he said he wasn't sure bcuz he's goin to breakfast with his sister tomorrow. So chances are that we probably won't.

"Ben Dover - I'm Your #1 Fan! Says: would u want to do it again sometime when ur here again?

Zach says:ummm hello

Zach says:yes

Ben Dover - I'm Your #1 Fan! says: haha okay good"

The name mentioned in this story has been changed to protect his identity.

I'd Really enjoy hearing your comments,Send all comments to, devilsnight007@gmail.com , and u can also visit my blog, where I often write about sexual encounters with my friends at: http://electricblue04.blogspot.com/

Copyright - devilsnight007 @ SCN - Aug. 2005

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