I Erotically Tickled A Dragon Merman erotica

By VaKuya Zeth

Published on Apr 29, 2021



I Erotically Tickled A Dragon Merman

As everyone else on earth knows that I always have a strong fixation with the fictional world of merfolk; mermaids and mermen. Out of all of the creatures of lore that has been around for centuries, mermaids happens to be my favorite creatures of all. If some of y'all don't know what a mermaid or merman are, please allow me to break down the basics of what those magnificent creatures are like.

The prime definition of a mermaid or merman is that of a marine creature that lives in the oceans of the earth. They have a head and upper body of men and women, and from the waist down, they do not have a pair of legs nor bare feet. Their bodies ended in a tail of a fish. In most myths surrounding these creatures differ, but depending on the countries and realms that has them. Sometimes mermaids can be beautiful, sometimes they're nightmarishly hideous. Some of them may have an interest in humanity, some others simply want to drown humans, particularly men. And the same can be said of mermen; their male counterparts. In some myths, mermen are usually depicted as even more hideous and wilder than the female mermaids. And they rarely could care less for human beings. But in reality, sometimes that's not always the case.

Enough history lessons about them! That's not what we're all here for. We're here for the delicious tale of an one special encounter with the creature that I never knew I'd fell head over heels for. This is the hot tale about him.

For quite a few who has followed me on my journey throughout the years, everybody knows that I find it hard to view mermen as foot tickling fetish material, due to the fact that they don't have legs. Or so I used to think of that in a way. Until that one day, in the summer of 2015, a mutant merman named Travannus came into my life and proved me wrong when he use his mutant powers to turn his long black fishtail into walkable legs, completely covered in shining black fish scales, fins on the hips and calves, and sexy big size fifteen feet with sexy long webbed toes. Although he is straight, Travannus is surprisingly open minded and he is willing to partake in my private fantasy in my hotel suite residing in the Caribbean. And oh man! Do I have fun tickling the shit out of his feet in the shower that day!? And I'm pretty sure that he had fun with it too. Not to mention that he allowed me to tickle him multiple times, just as long as I don't touch his manhood without his consent. Because that was only a one time thing when we did that in the Caribbean. I wasn't too sore about it though. I respected his boundaries. Well just as long as I get to tickle his feet and muscular body, then it's all that matters to me.

Although Travannus is the first merman I've tickled for years and ongoing, but he is not the only one nor the last. In recent years, he introduced me to another mutant merman he has befriended in the pacific waters. And he is much more taller than Travannus, and scarier too. But just like Travannus, he too is misunderstood by others because of his frightening appearance. He is not hostile to people, unless they threaten him or those close to him. His name is Duncan. And he is the Black Demon Shark Mutant Merman. Once I was introduced to him, Duncan immediately took interest in me and everything in my life. That didn't surprise Travannus when Duncan and I hung out at his safe house on the harbor. And he already knew about my foot fetishes for anything male feet related. Just because Travannus has told him about it. So being the open minded monster that he is, Duncan entertains my foot fetish by allowing me to tickle his feet and his muscular body for hours, as well as making him feel good in the climatic ending. He told me that he was a virgin all of his extended three hundredth years, and he had never has engaged in such activity with someone outside of his species before, let alone, a human male at that. I wasn't surprised in the least. But overall, he really enjoyed it as much as I did. And he promised me that whenever he and Travannus are barefoot when we're together, they will let me do whatever I wish to their bare feet and muscular bodies. Alas we did just that, multiple times.

The rest of the other two mermen, mutant or not, remains unknown. But I know that they are coming. I can feel it. And I can promise y'all that. However, this exciting erotica is all about him. This is his time to shine in the tale that is about to be told. This is how it begins.

In the summer of 2021, I was enjoying my time off from my job at the UPS center. In which I deserve for all the hard work. I definitely needed a breather. And what better way to enjoy it than to take a trip to the natural park near the saltwater harbor. Luckily for me, the park was less crowded due to the pandemic. Yes! It is unfortunate that it had to happen in the year 2020, but look on the bright side. At least you don't have to worry about crowds and crazy people butting into other people's businesses, creating problems out of nothing so small. If it's one thing that the pandemic did right by people like me and others, is that certain places is sometimes isolated, although that's not always the case.

I was just taking a long mile walk on the ledge of the harbor. It's nice to take in the salty water scent in the air. I feel like I'm in a "Little Mermaid" story. I like the way the wind is playing with my long dreadlocks. As I was looking out to the water, then all of a sudden, I happen to spot a strange fishtail splashing on the water. I immediately knew that is no ordinary fishtail. It is way too long and intimidating to be just a normal fish. I look around my surroundings to make sure that nobody is nearby, seeing this. Then I notice that the strange shadowy creature in the water is heading up the stream, northeast from here. I know I shouldn't be tagging after it, but my gut feeling is telling me that I have to. So without further ado, I cautiously pursue the thing swimming in the water.

I have followed it without detection of sound. During the quiet pursuit, I did happen to have a glimpse of the thing's tail splashing soundly upon the water, all the while propelling the unknown figure forward to the end of the park's waterfall aisle. The unknown figure has stopped there. I hid myself in between the bushes next to the hillside trees. That way I won't be spotted by the thing, whatever it might be. As I poke my view through the two trees in front of me, I finally have a good look at the thing emerging from the water and is now sitting on the rocks. It is gazing at the roaring waterfall. That thing looks like a male creature, but not like anything else I have ever seen before. He is completely covered in reddish scales all over his head and his upper muscular body. Accompanied by tiny black spikes on his shoulders, forearms alongside with fins, and on his head alongside with the horns. His entire upper appearance looks like as if of a human-like dragon from fiction. And from the waist down, he has a long aquatic tail that is a hybrid fusion resembling that of both dragon and fish. The same spikes are pearly white, accompanying the fins on the sides, dorsal fin, mini fins and at the end of the huge tail fins with a sharp stingray-like pointer in between. From what I can gather from his appearance, he looks like a Dragon Merman. Reptilian on top, fish-like at the lower half of the body. I watched him for a quite a while as he bathes in the waterfall, letting the water dripping down from his body. Despite of his intimidating visage, he just looks so beautiful, even from afar. Although I'm completely captivated by this sight, I can't help but feel like I'm intruding into his privacy.

"I don't know what to do." I thought to myself. "But I don't feel good spying on him like that. Should I stay and watch? Should I go and greet him? Or should I just leave him alone?"

But before I could decide on my next move, he suddenly stops basking in the waterfall for he can tell that he is being watched. He turns to glare at the natural scenery, right where I'm hiding behind the trees.

"I know you're there!" shouted the dragon merman. "Come on out!

My heart dropped for I'm afraid of what he'll do to me if I'm to be discovered. So I covered my mouth, hoping that not a single sound would give me away. The dragon merman drew his breath out of irritation for he has no choice but to use his secondary power to draw me out of hiding.

"Fine then! Have it your way!" shouted the dragon merman.

He then begins to sing. I am completely in a hypnotic trance by the sound of his voice. For a brooding creature that sounds like a demonic monster, he sure does have a beautiful singing voice. So ethereal, so otherworldly and yet, so deeply masculine. Before I knew it, my body is losing control. I can't seem to stop myself from doing god knows what. I unwillingly get out from behind the trees and then make my way down to the waterfall aisle. In my mind, I love the sound of his voice when he sings, but I am afraid of what will happen next once I set foot on the waters edge. Is he going to kill me? Is he going to drown me? Is he going to let me drown? What am I going to do!? I silently whimper out of fear. But at the same time, I felt so at ease. As if I'm being drawn into an heavenly plain. Before I can fathom on my fate, the dragon merman suddenly stops singing. I was relieved of the song. But it seems that he's not done yet. He dove into the water and he eerily swam towards my direction. Then he disappear into the watery deep. I don't know where he swam off to. I was in high alert for I don't know what he is going to do. My heart is racing as if I just ran a mile course. As I stood on the edge, frozen in fear, then suddenly, the dragon merman emerges from the water in front of me. He is towering over me, using his tail to stand on the shallow edge of the water. I fell down onto the ground, frightened out of my mind. I quiver fearfully as he glares down upon me. Because of his glare, I was lead to believe that he is going to kill me. I was ready to accept my tragic fate. However, he has an ulterior motive in mind. The tall muscular dragon merman knelt down to my level, lending his hand out to me.

"Get up from there." the dragon merman uttered. "The damn ground is dirty. You're going to ruin your white clothes."

I became utterly surprised by this turn of event. Here I thought I was going to be killed by this fearsome creature. But thankfully, he didn't kill me or worse. I look at his big masculine webbed hand with sharp talons that match the spikes of his body, before I could glance at his face.

"Well!? Are you just gonna sit there and stare at my hand? Or are you gonna let me pull you up?" says the dragon merman.

Therefore I took his hand. He pull me up from the ground. I just stood there, gazing up at the merman's features. He looks completely reptilian from head to waistline. And for some reason, I can't seem to look away for I am deeply drawn into his hazel bluish yellow eyes.

"What's the matter? You never seen a merman before?" the dragon merman snickered in sarcasm.

"Uhh.... no. It's not that." I spoken, breaking my silence. "It's just that I have seen mermaids and mermen in my lifetime. But I haven't seen merfolk like yourself in any kind of species before. I assume you're different from any typical merfolk in mythology."

"So they all have told me." says the dragon merman, folding his arms. "Yeah, yeah. I'm not like those pretty boy looking mermen that every human imagined us to be. What of it?"

"Well I don't think that way at all....." I remarked nervously. "In fact, I happen to be friends with a few. And trust me, they're not pretty nor too hideous. They are far from the two standards."

"Oh really?" wondered the dragon merman.

"Yeah. I would say that." I said to the creature. "I mean, sure they can be tough and scary, but they are attractive in their own right. So I'm not afraid of making friends with scary creatures."

"Oh? So you're not afraid of me, despite of the fact that I look like a scary dragon by design?" the dragon merman asked.

"Well.... no..." I stammered responsively. "I'm not afraid of you.... Really! I'm not! In fact, I'm kinda intrigued by you."

"Oh really? You're intrigued by me?" the dragon merman asked with a smirk.

"Yes. That's right." I answered. "Just as long as you're not too hostile and try to kill me out of feral instinct, then I have no reason to be afraid of you whatsoever."

"Haha! Well then, consider yourself lucky, little human." says the dragon merman. "Because if I were to be honest, I am no ravaging beast that goes off terrorizing humans and sea creatures alike. In the matter of fact, I just keep my distance away from land as much as possible. And I like to keep it that way. I'm only hostile if those idiot humans try to fuck with me. But you don't strike me as the kind of human who thrives off of fuckery."

"Well that's good, because I tried my hardest to stay far away from that." I chuckled humorously. "I rarely get myself involved in those kind of social activities. Like I used to."

So you're kinda like a lone wolf, just like I am, huh?" the dragon merman said as he examines my body language.

"Why yes, maybe." I answered as honestly as I could. "But I'm mostly an introvert, when I need to be."

"You're an introvert? That's awesome." said the dragon merman, patting my shoulder. "I like you already! I know that you and I are going to be good friends! We'll get along just fine!"

"I hope so....." I uttered nervously.

"Oh I know so." says the dragon merman as he was about to leave. "I should be heading back out to the salty sea."

"Oh ok. I guess I should be heading home too." I said as I check my phone for time. "It's getting rather late now."

"Yeah. I know." said the dragon merman as he sunk his long tail into the water.

"Well it's been nice to meet your acquaintance." I said to him.

"Likewise, little human." The merman responded. "Likewise."

Before we can both part ways for now, the dragon merman turns to face me while his body submerge halfway in the streaming water.

"If you want to know my name, it is Thryax!" the dragon merman bellowed from afar. "I'll be seeing you again soon!"

"Okay! Thryax!" I shouted back, waving goodbye to the merman.

Then he dives into the water. I just walk away from the waterfall aisle and I headed off home before dark.

Not a single day goes by where I can't seem to stop thinking about Thryax, the dragon merman. Every time when I'm alone in my living room, all I can think about is nothing and/or nobody else, but him. He has completely taken over my mind and I cannot seem to forget him. Every time when I close my eyes, all I hear is his deep monstrous voice, especially when he sings to lure me out of hiding that day. Here I thought only sirens have the power to seduce men with their song. But how does he do that? I thought sirens are only female. But somehow, he had the power to overwhelm me with his song. Could it be that he is a rare creature of myth? Could it be his secondary power? So many questions boggled my mind as I try to put two on two together logically. During the quiet hours in my living room, that's where it hits me. The only way for anything to make sense is that I have to see him again. Because after all, he did say that he'll see me again soon. But will he keep his word? There's only one way to find out for sure.

Many days have come and went. Every other weekend, I would come to the same place at the waterfall aisle, where we first met. My heart is pounding and my body is shaking. Not of fear, but for something else entirely. I just want to see Thryax again. Well speak of the devil, he has finally shown up and climb onto the rocks, glancing down upon me.

"I knew you came back." said Thryax.

"I just had to see you again." I responded. "I hope that's not a problem, is it?"

"Oh no! There's no problem with that at all." Thryax reassured confidently. "Strangely enough, I felt the same way. I was going to come meet you on dry land."

"For real?" I wondered.

"Yeah." said Thryax, smiling. "Even though I swore to myself that I keep my distance from land, because of human beings acting stupid these days. However, I will make an exception, all because of you."

"Because of me?" I asked in wonderment.

"Yes, my little human." says Thryax. "Since you can't visit me in the water, how about I'll visit you on land? Would that sound fair to you?"

"I suppose." I remarked, scratching my head. "But for how long will you stay?"

"As long as I have to, that is if you want me to." Thryax said, winking at me.

"Oh do I ever?" I replied happily. "Of course you can."

The dragon merman grinned. We would sit on the rocks that's neighboring the waterfall aisle, and then we will chat for hours about everything. I would tell him everything about myself, such as my hobbies, my hopes, my dreams and anything outside of the ordinary. Thryax became very intrigued of my personality. And when I'm done telling my side of the story, it is Thryax's turn to tell his life story to me. His backstory is a lot more interesting than mines alone.

The story of how he came to be about his unique existence is as if of a union of his birth parents. One that nobody knew that it could happen. He told me that he got his merman heritage from his mother who is a mermaid siren. And his other powerful inheritance is from his father who is a fearsome dragon man. Because of their strange mating, that is how he was born. Both dragon and merman. Throughout his years, he was bullied, ostracized and belittled by other merfolk, simply because of his appearance. He was lead to believe that he can never belong anywhere, not on land or under the sea. Instead of succumbing to victim hood, Thryax fought back against his suppressors. From his childhood, to teenage years, to adulthood, Thryax would rather be proud of who he is and stood out from the crowd rather than trying to fit in.

I was moved by his life story for I can relate to him and many other people whose been through these harsh trials. I guess some can say that what doesn't kill us, makes us the stronger, better versions of ourselves. So we hung out at the waterfall aisle all day long, talking and laughing, sharing everything about ourselves and playing in the watery stream. That is when I knew I'm having the strangest feelings for Thryax. Maybe it's love, or maybe it's something else entirely. As the sun has set around dusk, we said our goodbyes and then both parted ways, heading back to our homes.

Fast forward to the end of May, around the Memorial Day holiday, I was visiting my family on a cookout. We all had a good ol' time, chatting, laughing, playing games and outdoor activities, all the while my dad and uncles were watching a football game. After an hour later, we all bid our farewells to the family and left around dusk.

I took an Uber back to my apartment. Upon arrival, I tipped the Uber driver before I head inside the building. Then the Uber driver took off down the street.

As I got to the fifth floor, I have entered my apartment at last. Now what is left for me to do is relax, all evening long.

While I sat in my living room, looking at my pictures on my phone, then suddenly, I hear a loud thud on my window pane. I went to go check out where it's coming from. When I peeked through the curtains, I notice tiny black spikes on the ledge. I just knew that it had to belong to someone. Then I turn to notice a strange tall figure standing on the fire escape, a foot away from my window. I recognize that reddish dragon scales all over the man's torso, black spikes with the horns and his charming smile. It was Thryax! He came to see me! I rolled up my window at his signaling request.

"Is that you, Thryax!? I shouted out to him.

"The one and only!" the dragon merman responded back from afar. "Now back up! I'm coming right up there!"

He sprouts his large wings from his back, spread out his wingspan and he took off from the platform below. I backed away from my window, just for him to climb right in my apartment's living room. Then he closed the window behind him before turning to face me. I was not expecting a surprise visit from him, let alone, seeing him with legs, even in his true humanoid form. Thryax is bare chested (no surprise there lol), and all he wore on land was a pair of black baggy mercenary trousers with a belt full of weapons, knee guard pads and a pair of black and brown boots with loose high tops. I stood there mesmerized by this pleasant sight as Thryax hid his wings and tail into his body. He glance at me for he is happy to see me again.

"Hello there. So we meet again, my little human friend." says Thryax as he approaches me. "Forgive me for intruding into your home, but I just wanted to see you. That's all."

"Oh ok. Well hello to you too." I said in response. "This was unexpected for you to come see me at this time. But trust me, you're not intruding."

"Well that's good." said Thryax, folding his muscular arms.

"Uhh speaking of which, how do you know where to find me?" I asked him.

"Ah that is nothing." said the tall muscular dragon merman as he taps his nose. "All I have to do is smell your scent, track it and I followed it here."

"Oh that's right! Dragons can track smells." I mumbled out loud.

"So this is where you live, huh?" says Thryax as he looks around my apartment.

"Why yes. This is where I live." I chuckled abashedly. "It's not much, but it's modest and cozy."

"Well it beats having no home at all." Thryax added humorously. "Sleeping in the caves, on shores and under the sea. You should be grateful for that."

"Yeah, you're right." I said, agreeing with the masculine reptilian merman.

"Anyways! What are we going to do now that I'm here?" Thryax wondered with his arms over his head. "Should we talk some more? You know, getting acquainted with each other? Playing those video games that I heard about, what humans play nowadays? Or something?"

Before I can say anything, he has interrupt me unintentionally without being rude on the spot.

"Or if I'm being way too intrusive to your space, and if this is bad timing, I can just leave right now. Then head back out to the sea." said Thryax as he slowly turns to my window.

"No! Wait!" I blurted out, stopping the merman. "It's not like that at all! Honest!"

Then I calmly spoke out with my first request.

"I.... I can use some company for the time being." I sighed. "So please stay as long as you like."

The tall muscular dragon merman grins and he turned around away from the window.

"Then I will!" says Thryax joyfully.

The masculine creature gently pushes me down on the couch. Then he sat right next to me.

"So what do you wanna do?" the tall muscular dragon merman asked, putting his arm around me.

"That's a good question." I said, unsure of what he wants. "Well we could watch something on Netflix, but I'm not sure you want-"

"Yes! Netflix!" Thryax boasted triumphantly, interrupting me again. "Ummm....... what the hellfire is Netflix?"

"You know, Netflix." I said with a little confidence. "It's a streaming site where you can watch movies, tv shows and everything."

Thryax just looks down at me with a puzzled expression. That's when I realize explaining to him isn't going to cut it. So I get up from the couch and took his webbed hand.

"You know what? It's best if I show you." I sighed in defeat. "Come on."

I took the tall masculine creature into my bedroom. From there, I show him the Netflix site on my Xbox One. The masculine creature became so interested in the app as he browse through the sections of different movies and tv shows by using my wireless controller. I just can't help but find that adorable that Thryax selects a documentary about the deep ocean mysteries. He was deeply immersed in learning about the oceans of the earth. And he is seeing it through the eyes of human biologists. I only watch it with him for a little bit. But then out of boredom, I just pull out my iPad and watch a few videos online during the time.

A few hours past us by. And the documentary movie is nearing the end. Thryax has learned a thing or two from the biologists filming their underwater journey. The movie has completely caught his attention from beginning to end. The dragon merman turn to me.

"Wow! Can you believe it?" says Thryax excitedly. "These humans have discovered so much of the ocean that I never really thought about exploring the place. I guess not all humans are as dumb as...... I....... thought........"

He paused when he notice my iPad in my hands. Curiously, the tall muscular dragon merman crept up on my bed, wondering about my iPad.

"What is that you're holding?" he asked out of curiosity.

"Oh this?" I responded as I paused the video I'm watching on Chrome. "It's an iPad. A digital tablet from Apple."

"A digital tablet? Apple?" Thryax wondered.

"Yeah, that's their manufacturing company." I explained as best as I possibly can put it. "They made a lot of things, such as computers, laptops, iWatches, and iPhones."

"Oh wow! That is incredible." Thryax uttered in astonishment. "What else did they make?"

"Ah who knows, Thryax." I said in a seldom manner. "That's all we got from them thus far. But if they did come up with something else fare more interesting than what we have now, we all would've got a sneak peek by now. Until then, I'm good with what I have in my possession.

"Hmm I see." says Thryax as he then sets his sights on my screen. "What are you watching?"

"Oh just a video from a random website." I lied just to protect my secret fetishes. "It's nothing seriously interesting than the documentary you just watched earlier."

"Well I beg to differ." said Thryax as he tugs on my iPad. "I want to see it too."

"Hey! Give that back!" I shouted defensively. "Don't watch it!"

"Oops! Too late now!" said Thryax as he unknowingly taps the play button on screen.

I bury my face in my hands in embarrassment. So ashamed of what Thryax is watching on my iPad.

In the video are a group of men doing erotic things to the one older man in bondage. Some of them are halfway clothed, while a few others are baring nudity. The older gentleman is bound to the rack, completely naked and vulnerably exposed. The men were tickling the older gentleman. And all he can do is laugh for he is being tickled all over by the other men. The video is ten minutes long.

Thryax watch the entire video through. I can't believe he just saw that. Now he's probably going to judge me for it. If I'm ever lucky by chance. Alas the video ended. Thryax turn to face me as I avert my eyes in shame.

"So that's what you're watching, huh?" Thryax said whilst putting my iPad down on my bed. "But what are these humans doing to that man? Why are they torturing him like that? Do you know?"

I can't bare to lie to him in his face. I am caught red handed, indulging in my private desires like I did. So I have to come clean and let him know about my fetish.

"I can explain......" I uttered softly in embarrassment.

Thryax can tell that I am feeling like I'm being humiliated for liking these things. So he tries to have a mature conversation with me, just to ease the situation in here.

"I have a feeling that you're hiding something from me." said Thryax in a serious tone. "Is there something you want to tell me? Come on! Fess up!"

I took a deep breath and look him dead straight in the hazel reptilian eyes.

"If I tell you about this, you have to promise me that you won't judge." I said firmly.

"Okay! Just spill it out." said Thryax. "I'm all ears."

"Okay then.... Here it goes." I sighed and then blurt it out. "I have a foot fetish for male feet."

The tall muscular dragon merman raised his eyebrows out of slight bewilderment for he has never met a human being who has a fetish. He has heard about fetishes throughout his time, visiting land every once in a long while, but not once had he thought of diving deeper into that kind of domain. Whether it's something that straight people do or those from the LBGT community that have partake in such activities. Either way, it makes Thryax even more curiouser about me and the things that I'm into. So being the optimistic tough masculine creature that he is, Thryax comforts me by showing that he can be trusted with the revelation.

"Listen, little human. There's nothing to be ashamed of." says Thryax with a rough yet soothing tone. "If you like this kind of stuff, that's fine. But you know, you don't have to be afraid to tell me. I won't judge you. I will still be your friend regardless of what you are into. You can count on that."

"So this means you're okay with this?" I wondered in relief.

"If I wasn't, I wouldn't be staying here for long." said Thryax with a smile. "My hard scaly ass would be long gone. But I'm still here. And I would never run out on you like that, over a fucking foot fetish. That's stupid."

"Well that's a relief." I replied after I drew a deep breath. "I thought you might be disgusted or weirded out by the fact that I like male feet."

"No! I'm not disgusted by it nor weirded out in the slightest." says Thryax, shaking his head. "I was surprised by this actually."

"Oh you were?" I questioned the merman.

"Yes I was." said Thryax. "I mean I have heard of fetishes surrounding most humans on land, but I've never had met one in person, until you."

"Yeah. Strange coincidence, isn't it?" I added, smiling faintly.

"But whatever floats your boat, as human saying goes, then power to you." Thryax remarked. "Besides, I told you that we're going to be great friends. Because of you, I have a reason to come to dry land again. I did that for you, my little man. So if I'm interested in you, then I'm interested in the things you're into."

After hearing his uplifting pep talk, I felt the burden being lifted off my chest. I smiled at the tall muscular dragon merman and he too smiled back at me.

"Thank you, Thryax." I said to him. "I feel much better now, knowing that you're cool with this."

"You're welcome, my human friend." says Thryax as he reaches out to give me a big hug. "I want you to know that you can always come talk to me about anything, no matter how weird it is."

"That's good to know." I said as I lied my head on his chest.

Thryax looks at the picture of a man's foot on my lock screen as the iPad went to sleep mode. Then he faces me to spark an short conversation beforehand.

"So if you don't mind, may I ask what do you like to do with feet?" Thryax asked me.

"Well I like to play with them." I answered him. "Massage them, pamper them. But mostly, I like to tickle them."

"Oh!? So you like to tickle any male's feet, huh?" questioned Thryax.

"Yes, that's right." I answered.

"May I ask why do you like tickling feet?" Thryax asked.

"It's just because it turns me on." I answered as honestly as possible. "I know it sounds weird."

"Maybe it is weird." said Thryax, smiling. "But it doesn't make it bad."

I turn to my iPad and brought up the video again. Thryax glues his eyes on the scene with the men are tickling the older gentleman by his bare feet while the other men are tickling his genitals and upper torso. And the man is laughing and screaming his ass off. Although it is torture, but the man is enjoying himself in this harmless sensual torment as much as the men whom were dishing out the tickling upon him. Then he turns to me one more time.

"So they're just doing this to him for fun?" he wondered.

"Yes. It is all in good fun." I complied. "Just as long as everybody has consented to it, then it's all good. No harm, no foul."

"Oh I never really thought about that way." Thryax uttered as he turns to watch the video. "They're enjoying this."

Then suddenly, I have an idea popped into my head. Since I have Thryax all to myself, maybe I could do what I've been longing to do with him. Of course I remember the two other mermen I've tickled in the past few years. And mutant ones at best. If I can have at their feet, whether socked or bared, then I can do the same thing to Thryax. So I summon the courage to ask the dragon merman about partaking in my deep dark fantasy.

"Umm Thryax?" I spoken up.

He turn to me when I got his attention.

"Yes? What's up?" Thryax asked.

"Can I ask you something?" I asked in wonderment.

"Sure! What is it?" says Thryax.

"How would you feel if I were to say that, what they're doing to him, I wish to do it with you?" I asked, although in slight hesitation.

Thryax gave me a bewildered expression for he has never been asked to engage in such activity of any kind, especially if it may lead to something sexual involved in the pleasurable experience. But to be fair, his curiosity gets the better of him.

"You want to do that with me?" asked Thryax with a puzzled expression.

"Yes please." I said hesitantly. "If that would be possible."

"Well I never really done anything like this before." says Thryax in short thought. "No one creature has ever been too close to touch me in a way. So I don't know what to say about it."

"All I'm asking is for you to try it." I begged. "I will really appreciate it if you do. Besides, weren't you the same tough merman who said that you will do anything for me, no matter what it is? Don't you remember?"

"Yes? I did say that." the dragon merman remarked. "Of course I know what I said."

"Then please, Thryax." I begged for the last time. "Give me what I want and let me do this with you."

Alas the brooding dragon merman gave into my plea.

"Okay, fine...." sighed Thryax and he then joked. "After all, your wish is my command."

The merman gets up to come over on my side of the bed. Thence he sat right next to my side. Although unsure of what is to be expected of him, Thryax just grins in my face anyway.

"So do you wanna just start at my feet, if I'm guessing right?" asked Thryax.

"Oh yes please." I replied excitedly. "I want to have at your feet."

"How badly do you want my feet?" Thryax asked, being a tease.

"So badly." I answered seductively.

"Socks on or off?"he asked for the last time.

"Leave the socks on for now." I said to him. "I just want to take my time playing with you from the ground up."

"Oh! Getting down right kinky, aren't we?" Thryax chuckled seductively. "Well then, who am I to stall on you?"

The tall muscular dragon merman reaches down the undo the laces, kick off his boots and then he scoots himself up a little, taking up most of my bed due to his towering height. He wiggle his right foot in my face.

"Party on, my friend." says Thryax, teasing me with his jet black socked foot.

Alas I wasted no time putting my hands on his big sexy socked foot, starting off with a nice long good foot massage. That'll get him to relax for a bit. Thryax carefully laid his head on one of my pillows without poking them with the tiny spikes on his head. The dragon merman's horns are hanging halfway off the other side of my bed. I massage every inch of his big masculine socked foot, putting the right pressure onto the sole. Thryax likes the way I worked my hands on his foot. It makes him feel so good, it is like he is on cloud nine. He glance at me with a warm smile.

"That feels so good." says Thryax in a relaxing tone. "You like giving foot massages too?"

"Yes, Thryax." I answered softly. "I love to make ya feel relaxed at first. This is also another one of the things I like to do with feet."

"I can see that." said Thryax, grinning softly. "Oh I can get used to this."

"Do you like it? I asked the merman.

"I think I do." Thryax said, readjusting his body in a comfortable position. "I mean it's something different than what I'm used to. But it's all good."

"That's good to know." I said as I then continue massaging his foot.

The tall masculine creature just lies there and allows me to massage his right foot away for one minute. Then after that, I reach out to grab his left foot and started to massage the sole. I just love touching his feet, whether he is wearing those jet black socks or barefoot, in which we will get to that in a moment. I rub the dragon merman's left foot for at least two and a half minutes before I grab both of his feet together. Thus rubbing them both for another long minute. Thryax puts his muscular arms behind his head for he is enjoying the foot massage he is receiving from me.

"You got really nice hands, my friend." says Thryax, complimenting my effort.

"Why thank you." I replied, blushing softly. "I get that a lot."

"Well you really do." said Thryax, grinning. "From the way you rub my feet, I feel like I'm in heaven. It is so relaxing. You should be proud of yourself, buddy."

"Thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it." I responded joyfully.

"Hellfire Yeah, I'm enjoying this!" Thryax boasted optimistically. "You sure know how to put this dragon merman to sleep with those little hands."

"Oh have I?" I asked the creature.

"Well you nearly did." Thryax remarked. "But almost."

"So should I keep going then?" I asked him in wonderment.

"Sure! If you want to." said Thryax as he gaze at the ceiling. "I'm just here for the ride."

"Oh I'll give you a ride alright." I snickered quietly under my breath.

I continue to massage his feet throughout the hour.

As the clock stroke a quarter of ten, as the tall muscular dragon merman has gotten too relaxed due to the foot massage, that is when I see the opportunity to go in on him. I gently set his left foot aside, ankle-lock his ankle, and then I begin to slowly, and playfully, stroke one finger onto his large socked sole. Only one big toe twitched inside of the jet black sock. Then I place one finger at a time on the arch, gliding the tips across the smooth sweaty surface. That is enough to make all of his toes wiggle and twitch. Then the whole foot begins to squirm as I build up the speed of my fingers overtime. What followed after the foot reaction is the sound of Thryax's voice, going from a cute giggle, to chuckle and ultimately to laughter. But his laughter is kinda tamed. Not to loud, not to quiet. Just mildly tamed laughter. I like the way he squirm his right foot around in my arm as I tickle every inch of his socked sole.

"So your feet are ticklish, huh?" I asked with a sinister tone.

"Yes they are!" Thryax answered whilst laughing. "I'm surprised to just found out that I am ticklish myself!"

"That's nice to know." I remarked as I tickle his foot. "You have a very sexy laughter, by the way."

"Haha! Thank you!" Thryax complied as he bury his face in his webbed hand.

I continue to tickle his foot for a short minute. And Thryax continues to laugh. Then shortly after, I went over to the other edge of my bed and I grab his other ankle. Thus I tickle his left foot. Thryax just laughs as I stroke my fingers across the jet black socked sole. He just lie there and allow me to have my way with his feet. Not only that, he plays along with my fetish by rubbing his right foot on my arm sensually.

"Tickle tickle tickle! "Thryax teased. "My right foot wants to join now."

I smiled back at him. I grabbed both of his feet, ankle-locked the ankles and I tickle his soles away. Thryax squirms a little bit while he laughs. He seems to be enjoying this sensual torment as much as I do. So the socked feet tickling went on for five minutes. And after all that, I believe that it is time to move on to next best part. My favorite part of the playtime. As much as I love the jet black socks that Thryax wore perfectly on his feet, and I enjoy tickling them through, but for me to be completely turned on, his socks gotta come off. While I gave Thryax a break to catch his breath, I remove his socks in order to reveal his most beautiful features ever for a tough brooding male creature; his big masculine bare feet. I instantly get a hardon the minute I laid eyes on the dragon merman's feet. Tiny red scales accompanying the many veins on the tops, a small healthy bunions, black leathery soles and irresistibly long webbed toes with toenails to match the talons on his hands. That is when I fell in love with his feet. JUST FREAKIN' LOOK AT THEM!!! Who doesn't love a monster with beautiful feet like that?

"Oh Thryax! You got the most beautiful feet." I said, complimenting his best features.

"Oh you think so?" Thryax asked, all the while blushing.

"Yes. You really do." I replied.

"Why thank you, little human friend." says Thryax. "Nobody has ever found my feet attractive before."

"Well first times for everything." I remarked as I hold his right foot up in my hands. "So are you ready to continue this fun time?"

"Oh hellfire yes. I'm ready when you are." said Thryax as he positioned his body comfortably.

Therefore I ankle-locked his ankle and tickle his right bare foot. Surprisingly to the both of us, his feet are even more ticklish when the socks came off. Although his feet are a tad smelly, due to wearing boots on land, but I don't care. I don't mind a little foot odor on my hands. So I tickle the tall muscular dragon merman's right for at least four minutes. Thryax laughs his ass off. Although he is strong, and he has every opportunity to kick me off his leg and get away, but he chose not to do that. He just lies there and took the foot tickling torture like a man. Or a dragon merman (no pun intended). After that, I went over to the other side, grab his ankle and tickle his left bare foot. Thryax just laughs like the watery beast that he is. And find his laughter to be very inviting. I tickle his left foot for another four minutes. All he can do is squirm his whole foot around. Wiggling, curling, spreading and twitching his sexily long webbed toes. I love every second of it. Then I grab both his feet together and start tickling his leathery blacken soles. The tall muscular dragon merman burst out laughing whilst burying his face in his webbed hands. Then again, his laughter is still not too quiet nor too loud. He hasn't beg me to stop yet. The dragon merman sits up to watch me tickle his feet for at least five to six minutes.

"Get my toes!" the merman directed.

"Ok! You got it!" I complied as I dug my fingers underneath his long webbed toes.

Those spots alone is enough to drive him up the wall. Thryax smacks my bedsheets uncontrollably for his toes are at my utmost mercy.

"Goddammit!!!" Thryax cursed whilst laughing. "My feet are so fuckin' ticklish!!!"

"Yep, noted." I snickered with a grin. "Just how I like it. Your soles are so soft, sweaty, smooth and leathery. Gotta love me some monster merman feet. Fishy and sexy. Not to mention, ticklish too."

"That's what I get for wearing boots." joked Thryax.

"All the reasons why I love doing this with you." I said as I then gave him a break shortly after.

"Yes. I can tell." says Thryax, panting out of breath.

I turn to his feet before asking him a question.

"So, Thryax. I have to ask you something." I uttered.

"Yes? Shoot!" he replied.

"What size are your feet?" I asked the merman.

"Well my foot size are sixteen half seventeen." Thryax answered. "But it depends on the shoe brands that I wear."

"Oh nice! Okay then." I said in a seldom response.

Then he starts to sing a song.

"My feet are sixteen, going on seventeen." he sang as he playfully wiggle his long webbed toes purposely in my face.

Man! For a tough brooding sea creature, he can sure be playful when he wants to be. Which I find it very charming on his part. After he sang a song for a short minute, he then sits up to put his muscular arm around me. And he smiles upon me.

"So do you wanna tickle me anywhere else, or do you just like to tickle my feet?" Thryax asked me.

"Yes, I do full body tickling too." I said. "Although I'm strictly a foot person, but I also like to explore a man's body. Whether he's human or not. I would love to tickle your body, but only if you let me."

"Well I'm letting you now." said Thryax as he then opens himself up, exposing his body to me. "So by all means, go to town!"

And alas I did just that. I start by tickling his harden six pack abs. That made him giggle a tad bit. But he is not that ticklish on his abdomen. So I explore my fingers elsewhere on his body. I dig at his ribs. Unfortunately, he is not ticklish there. So my only option is to go straight to his underarms. Well surprise, surprise! He is ticklish on his armpits. Just as equally ticklish as his feet. That caused him to laugh and squirm on my bed. Thus giving me the opportunity to climb on top of him and tickle his armpits. Again, the dragon merman is not fighting back to defend his underarms. He just had his arms up, leaving his armpits exposed to my fingers. The tall muscular dragon merman laughed his ass off as I tickled his armpits for five minutes straight. Then I tickle his thick neck full of gills, making him giggle like a girl. And after that, I gave him another break. Thryax gaze upon me as he was panting out of breath.

"Damn! You broke me." Thryax joked whilst panting.

"Oh I did???" I said in a playful sarcastic tone. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to break you like that."

"I meant that in a good way." said Thryax. "I'm broken, but I'm still enjoying it."

"That's good to know." I said as I place my hands on his pecs.

"Do you like my pecs?" asked Thryax with a grin.

"Yes, I do." I said to the dragon merman.

"Well let me put on a show for you." says Thryax.

I get off of him so he can sit up to move his pecs. He is such a damn tease and it shows. I watch him flex his entire upper body for a couple of minutes. Then the gun show is over. Now it's time to get back right into the fun. I climb back onto Thryax's body. Before he could at least expect anything else, I start to tickle his nipples. He moans softly to the touch of my fingertips onto his nipples. I like the sounds he makes when I tickle his nipples for at least three minutes in order to get him horny. Alas he felt so aroused by this sensation.

"Ohhh...... That felt so good...." Thryax uttered quietly.

I continue to tickle his nipples for one last second, until he felt the urge to request something that I never thought he would ask of me.

"Can you take off my pants please?" Thryax whispered his request.

"Oh ok..." I complied.

I crept downward to his waistline. And then I unbuckle his belt, unzip his flyer and then Thryax kicked his trousers off. Thus he is completely nude right in front of me. Black dragon scales that cover his entire meaty legs alongside with bright orange stripes and miniature fins on the sides. I set my sights on his reptilian clitoris (a reproduction storage). Knowing my biology from my college years, this shouldn't came as a surprise to me. As I standing there, mesmerizing his body from head to toe, Thryax threw me off my guard when he stated his requests.

"Do you like what you see?" Thryax asked with a smirk.

"I believe so." I remarked.

"Then I take it that you want to fuck me, right?" says Thryax.

"Uh no...." I said defensively.

"Why not?" asked Thryax, looking puzzled.

"I just don't randomly fuck other guys." I said in a calm manner. "Especially in the ass."

Then Thryax grinned and he gets up from my bed with precum still oozing from his reproductive body part. And he slowly approaches me.

"Who says anything about fucking the asshole?" Thryax said with a sly smirk. "You don't have to. I'm not implying that. I'm saying that you can fuck me right there."

He points at his reproductive body part. I raised my eyebrow out of bewilderment. Is he asking me to have sex with him? I mean I know that he's a creature of lore, but goddamn! I don't know what to say about this. I'm not sure if I should do that with him. But then, he said the rest of his requests. Thus making a gentle ultimatum.

"Tell you what. If you can fuck me tonight, just this once, I will let you do whatever you want to me." says Thryax and he went on. "You can tickle me anywhere, anytime. Whether it's my feet, cock, balls, armpits, anywhere. It's perfectly fine with me. However, if you can get me to entertain your fetishes, I can get you into entertaining mine. Just one time is all I'm asking. If you like it, then it's awesome! We can add that to the list. And If you don't like it, that's also fine. I won't ask you to do anything of such sort anymore. I promise. So is that a deal?"

"Yes. It's a deal. I sighed in defeat.

"Alright then. Let's get down right to it." said Thryax with a grin.

The tall muscular dragon merman proceed to undress me. He strips me out of my clothes until I am just as nude as him. Thryax drags me to my bed, push me on my back and then he climbs on top of me. Before I could do anything, he leans forward to kiss my neck. I was hypnotized by the feel of his warm lips on my neck. The feel of his fingers caressing my skin, although he is being careful not to cut me by accident. The same can be said with the spikes and the horns. His body warmth to match mine. Thryax turns my head to face his way, so he can kiss me. Then he crept down to lick my nipples in order to harden my dick. It is working for I am getting turn on when my nipples are played with. Thryax does this for a short minute. And when my dick is fully erect, oozing with precum, that is where Thryax proceeds to grab my dick. He rub my little head against the clitoris walls. The dragon merman moans for he is getting aroused by the feeling of something brushing up on his reproductive part. He turns to look down directly at me.

"Are you ready, my little human?" Thryax asked me softly.

"In theory, I guess I am." I replied.

"Then here we go...." said Thryax.

He inserts my cock inside of his clit. Thus my cock glides inside his warm wet walls. Thryax grabs hold of my body and then he rides my cock, fucking on the inside. While we're at it, I can feel my little head touching his little head inside of his body during the otherworldly sex. My mind went blank for the feeling is so damn good to pass up. I never felt anything like this before. Of course I have my fair share of tickling/erotic encounters in my lifetime, but this one with a dragon merman like Thryax takes the cake.

The tall muscular dragon merman continues to fuck my dick inside of him. He is moaning soundly and simultaneously, with his head held high, gazing at the ceiling. I lied my head onto his chest for this feeling is irresistibly overwhelming, but in a good way. He then gaze down upon me, smiling faintly.

"Does that feel good, my little buddy?" Thryax questioned softly.

"Yes..... it does...." I responded, although quietly. "It feels amazing....."

"It sure does." said Thryax, moaning continuously. "Do you want me to keep going until we both came?"

"Yes please....." I uttered softly.

"Alright then." said Thryax. "Brace yourself. Because I'm about to finish the both of us off."

The dragon merman holds my body closer to his bare torso, gripping tighter as he sped up his lower region faster onto my cock. I lost my train of thought as my cock glides swiftly inside of his wet warm walls, gently grinding against his own cock underneath the shaft. Thryax grins when he notice my dazed expression. That is when he knew that I'm enjoying the feeling as much as does he. Thus the masculine merman decide to go a little faster.

The pleasurable sexual experience went on for quite an minute. Thryax continues to fuck me, pounding my lower area on my bed. I grip firmly onto his back as we both moan simultaneously and heavily throughout the entire moment. The faster he gets, the closer we are to finishing our limits. During the last few seconds, Thryax went from subtle moaning to loud ferocious grunts. And he is getting louder and louder as we are both about to reach our climatic ending to the session.

"I'm gonna cum....." I spoke out in a silent manner.

"ME TOO!!!!" Thryax roared with pleasure, raising his head up high.

The dragon merman shut his eyes closed. Not a second too soon, we've both have busted our nuts. I came inside his reproductive body part. And he too has also came on the inside. Our bodily seamen (no pun intended again) oozes out from his storage, dripping down to the floor. My dick became soft and sensitive as I pull out with ease. Then I look up at him. He too look down at me. And then we both started laughing at the fact that I am a quiet cummer in contrast to Thryax who is a loud cummer when finished. After all of the comical laughter, the masculine creature has finally letting me go.

"I suppose I should go get some fresh wet towels to clean this up." I said as I carefully get up from my bed.

"Yeah. That will be better to take care of the mess we made." chuckled Thryax.

"I'll be right back." I said as I went to the restroom next to my room.

Thryax waited patiently on the other side of my room. The seamen is still dripping from his reproductive storage to his big masculine webbed bare feet. A few minutes later, I return to my room with a few clean towels. Two are wet, the other two are dry. I hand over the towels to Thryax, so he can wipe his lower region clean. As did I before I use the sanitizer cloths to wipe the mess from the floor. Now that it is all taken care of, what's next is taking a nice shower afterwards.

"Do you want to join me in a shower, Thryax?" I asked the merman.

"Sure! I'd love to." Thryax answered with a smirk.

He gets up from my bed and then he follows me into my bathroom. Due to being toweringly tall, Thryax has to duck down to hop into the shower with me. With the warm water running down our bodies, we each take turns cleansing one another. Surprisingly, the shower water doesn't effect him, although he is an aquatic creature that can survive in both saltwater and freshwater. When in contact with either of the earthly waters, his walkable limbs with fuse back into a merman's tail. Fortunately, it didn't happen here. Thryax thoroughly wash my dreadlocks with shampoo and conditioner, before cleansing my whole body. Now it is my turn to wash him. Due to being seven foot and five inches tall, the dragon merman has to kneel down in order for me to wash him from the horns on his head to his long webbed toes. Although I'm trying my best not to purposely tickle him, Thryax is still laughing as I washed his armpits and his feet. The only spots that I remember from earlier. After that endeavor, we are both fresh and clean from the shower.

Now it is time for bed. In the living room, I pulled out a spare mattress right under the couch for Thryax to sleep in. But it is too small for him to rest on.

"I'm sorry, Thryax." I said, apologizing to the creature. "It's all I got for my guest."

"Don't worry about it." said Thryax. "I figure something out."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm sure." said Thryax. "You just head to bed. I'll manage from here."

"Okay, Thryax." I replied as I turn to walk towards my bedroom. "I guess I'll see ya in the morning then."

"Yep!" said Thryax as he then lies himself down on the mattress. "Goodnight, buddy."

"Goodnight, Thryax." I replied, closing the door.

I put on my sleepwear. And then I change my bedsheets because of the mess on them during the sex. I made my bed with cleaner sheets and now I'm going to tuck myself into the covers. Thus I fell fast asleep, with the exception of soothing music that helps me sleep.

Meanwhile in my living room, Thryax sprouts his large wings from his back and uses them as covers. Thus he slept in the nude throughout the entire night.

Morning has arrived. And I woke up around 8:30 am. What a restful sleep I had since the whole erotic tickle sex with Thryax last night. It is a truly "Out of this World" experience right there. I will never forget that for the rest of my life. And speaking of Thryax, I wonder how is he doing in my living room? I really feel bad for having him sleep on a small bed when he should've have a king-sized mattress for a tall male creature. I hope he's doing okay. So I got out of my bed and then I peeked through my door. I saw Thryax sleeping on two of my couches that held the bed together. How resourceful of him. Well at least I know that he managed on his part. I decided not to wake him up right away. I'll just let him sleep for a little bit longer. So I went to the bathroom and took care of my business.

When I finish brushing my teeth and freshen myself up with body spray, I went to the kitchen and fix myself a bowl of hot cereal. During the breakfast, I can hear Thryax snoring ferociously loud in the living room. That shouldn't surprise me for I've been around inhuman men. Monster ones, of course! So I'm used to hearing that kind of sound. Thus I continue on with eating my breakfast.

After I finish my morning meal and then wash the dishes afterwards, I stop by the living room to glance at Thryax for a short minute. He is halfway covered in his huge wings. To me, that is clever of him to use his wings as bedding covers. Then I notice that his bare foot is sticking out, hanging off the couch arm. That is when I have an crazy idea. How about I give him a good ol' barefoot tickling! A fun way for a wake up call. So I quietly crept into the living room without disturbing the dragon merman. There I stood at the end of the room, staring down at his big masculine sexy webbed foot. Oh man! I cannot get enough of his body, especially his bare feet. The sight of his red scaled top, long webbed toes with talons for toenails, and the black leathery sole is getting me so excited, I can't seem to keep it in any longer. So I knelt down to the side of the couch/bed. I carefully grab the merman's ankle without poking myself by the pearly white spikes on the calf fin. And then I start to tickle lightly on the sexy black sole. The long webbed toes reacted to the touch by wiggling, spreading, curling and twitching. Then the whole foot begins to wiggle around. And the sound of the monstrous snores fades into laughter. This bare foot tickling went on for a short one minute, until Thryax has finally awoken from his sleep and he is now staring at me.

"I knew you were going to do that." said Thryax as he yawn ferociously.

"Oh! Well good morning, Thryax." I greeted.

"Well good morning to you too, man." says Thryax as he then stretch his body awake. "Did you sleep well last night?"

"Yes I have." I replied with a smile. "How about you? Did you sleep well?"

"Yeah. I was out like a light." Thryax responded.

"I see." I remarked. "So it seems that you manage just fine. I mean, you put two couches together as extra support for yourself. That was pretty clever."

"Yeah, I have to make room for myself somehow." said Thryax. "Because I kinda move around in my sleep. You know what I mean?"

"Oh definitely. I know exactly what you mean." I chuckled agreeably.

The tall muscular dragon merman intentionally sticks his foot in my face, wiggling his long toes just to tease me a tad bit. It looks like he knew what I wanted to do and he is more than happy to entertain my fetish this morning.

"So you want to go a second time around with me?" Thryax asked.

"Yes please." I responded with a nod. "If that's alright with you?"

"Of course, man." says Thryax as he positions himself on his back. "I'm game for round two, mortal kombat style."

"Oh! I didn't know that you had heard of Mortal Kombat." I laughed humorously.

"Of course I have heard of the game." says Thryax, smiling. "I saw a few humans play it once. That was way long ago. But I ain't gonna bore you too much of my past history. I'll save that part of my life story for another time. Right now, I just wanna have fun with ya."

"Okay then. Let's get right to it. Shall we?" I uttered happily.

"Hellfire Yeah!" boasted Thryax with a tough male's pride. "But I'm gonna promise you that this time, I will try not to squirm around too much. Because I have huge ass wings. And the last thing I want was to break something in here. I thought I'd let ya know beforehand."

"Good to know that you told me." I said as I sat on the edge of the mattress and ankle-look his foot. "Okay! Here we go."

I start to tickle his right bare foot. Thryax begins to laugh. He bury his face into his hands whilst laughing away. I stroke each finger onto the smooth leathery surface of the dragon merman's big sole, tickling all over. I left no inch untouched. Thryax squirms around a little bit on the furniture. Just like he promised me that he would.

"Ah ha ha ha!!! Oh shit!!!" Thryax cursed whilst laughing. "Oh fuckin' shit!!! That tickles!!!"

I like the way his toes twitches when I attack underneath them. Not to mention the sunlight piercing through the blinds and hitting the veiny top of his foot, making the red skin glow and the tiny dragon scales shimmer. He's just so damn beautiful! I can't stress that enough. After the five minute tickle on his right foot, I climb over to the other side of the furniture, grab his ankle and tickle his left foot. Thryax laughs away whilst tossing and turning on the bed, although he carefully tries to not move around too much or else his wings would knock over household items in the living room. Then next, I held onto both of his ankles in my arms. Thus I tickle his feet. The tall muscular dragon merman grips firmly onto my furniture, and laughs continuously. As I tickle his big sexy masculine bare feet, I left no inch of his beautiful features untouched, stroking each of my fingers all over the creature's dawgs. My fingertips glides across his blubbery black soles, going from the heels, to arches, to the balls of feet and underneath his sexily sensitive long toes. And it drove Thryax crazy. The barefoot tickling lasts for ten minutes straight. Then I gave him a short break, so he can catch his breath. As Thryax lies there, panting and sweating, I crept upwards on his meaty legs, tickling his thighs. He looks down upon me, shaking his head.

"My thighs are not ticklish." says Thryax. "I'm sorry about that."

"Oh don't apologize. It's all good." I complied. "I'm just exploring your body and having fun as I go. No problem."

"Oh ok. That's good." said Thryax as he raise his muscular arms up. "Go straight to my armpits if ya want to."

"Okay then. You got it, fam." I said as I climb on top of his torso.

I dug my fingers into the creature's armpits. Thryax laughs out loud, although not too loud. But loud enough for me to hear. Thankfully, the next door neighbors didn't hear his monstrous voice. Thryax allows me to tickle his armpits for nearly four to five minutes. As the morning hours went by, I finally show the dragon merman mercy and gave him one last break. He looks up at me whilst sweating and panting out of breath.

"I appreciate that you are showing me some mercy." said Thryax, giving off an faintly smile.

"Well I'm not that sadistic." I reassured him. "As much as I love tickling you to my heart's content, but even I have to remember that we are only living, breathing, human beings. Or in your case, mostly human."

"Haha! Yeah. That's one way to put it." Thryax chuckled.

"Yep." I said as I place my hands on his pecs.

"So you want to play with my pecs?" Thryax asked.

"Yes. For a little bit." I responded.

"Okay, my buddy. This is for you." said Thryax with a grin.

The dragon merman moves his pecs up and down, all the while my hands are touching on them. I grasp firmly on them for they feel so squishy. During that, I gaze into his eyes. He gave me a seductive expression by biting his lips. And I was hypnotized by his charm. For an intimidating creature that can easily terrorize any human being that he comes across, he can surely be such an irresistible charmer and it shows. He gets that from his mother.

During the moment, I start to tickle his nipples once again. Thus making him horny again. Thryax begin to moan soundly for it feels so good. He gaze at me with hypnotic bluish hazel reptilian eyes.

"Oooh.... you're making me horny again." Thryax whispered seductively, biting his lips. "You're turning me on.... If you keep doing my nipples like that, I'm going to get hard...."

I smiled as a responsive acknowledgement. So I continue to tickle his nipples for a couple of minutes, until his reproductive body part starts to ooze out a significant amount of precum. Thryax tilts his head up to glance at the ceiling with watery eyes. Then suddenly, his big pinkish cock emerge from his clitoris, all covered in wet precum. I notice this, and I felt that his cock is ready for a finishing pleasure. Similarly, Thryax is thinking the same thing as I was.

"Do you want to make me cum?" Thryax asked.

"Sure. I would love to." I nodded with a grin.

I get off of his torso, and then I crept in between his strong meaty legs. Since his cock is already equipped with long lasting bodily fluid substance, I felt that there no need for lubricant. And I can't suck him off due to his size. So I use my hands to milk his big wet cock to completion. The tall muscular dragon merman shifts his body into an comfortable position with with arms up behind his head and his legs opening further apart. From the sound he is making, it seems like he's enjoying this cock milking as a happy ending. He moans quite soundly as I continue to jerk him off, hitting the right spots on his cock. From massaging the shaft to edging the little head of the merman's cock. Thryax gaze upon me, blushing softly for he is so aroused by the feel of my hands jerking him off.

"You got really nice warm hands." uttered Thryax. "Did ya know that?"

"Why thank you." I replied quietly. "I get that compliment a lot."

"Well you really do." said Thryax, smiling softly. "Please keep going. It feels so good."

"I will." I complied as I continue to milk his cock.

This session has went on for quite a few minutes. During the delicious moment, Thryax was eyeballing at my body for the most part. He felt that I deserve the same sexual thing as does he.

"I think I should make you spill too." says Thryax as he then makes his request. "So can you bring yourself over to my side, if you please?"

"I sure can." I complied as I turn my body horizontally over to him.

The masculine dragon merman turns his body over horizontally along with mine. So he grips onto my sleepwear pants and he strips them off of my legs. I took my undershirt off and throw it on the table with my sleepwear pants. Now I'm nude again, just like the merman. Then Thryax use his fishy fluids substance as lubricant from his wet cock, apply some on his webbed hand and he starts to milk my hardening cock, just like I'm doing to his big cock. Thus we jerk each other off for the rest of the hour.

As the clock stroke a quarter of eleven, we were about to reach our climatic ending. I was breathing heavily due to the feeling of a merman's fishy webbed hand stroking my cock. And at the same time, Thryax too is also breathing heavily, sounding off from moaning to ferocious grunts. His legs spread further apart, muscles tightening, and his big dick throbbing into stiffness. The same can apply to me as I too spread my legs wide open, right onto his harden six pack abs.

"Are you gonna bust your nut!?!?" Thryax uttered whilst grunting ferociously.

"Yes.... I am......" I responded quietly, breathing heavily.

"Me too!!!" Thryax grunted as loud as he can get. "Ohhh!!! Ahhh!!!! HERE IT COMES!!! I'M GONNA CUM!!!!"

Then he turns over his body. The dragon merman roared as he shoots his load all over my bare torso. Thankfully, it didn't get on my dreads. At the same time, I came into his bare hand, filling his monstrous palms with oozing seamen. Then our cocks became so sensitive that it starts to tickle. I began to tickle Thryax's cock and balls. And it made him laugh. However, he's not going down without a fight. He starts to tickle my cock and balls out of his playful revenge.

"So you think you can just tickle my sensitive cock like that, huh? Tickle my balls, huh!?" Thryax taughted as he too shows no mercy. "Well I got you right where I want ya too!"

"Oh shit!" I cursed as I laughed.

During the cock and balls tickling, I reach out to tickle his left foot that is next to me. But Thryax pull his foot away. And he grabs hold of my ankles. Then he tickles my feet. I was laughing away, squirming my feet around for they are at the mercy of the dragon merman.

"I'm taller than you!" Thryax teased, tickling my feet mercilessly.

"That's not fair!" I laughed.

We tickled each other's feet and genitals for two minutes. And then our erotic fun time has finally come to an end. Now we have to clean up our mess. Thryax slowly gets up from the mattress.

"Let me go get some fresh warm wet towels for us to clean up the mess." said Thryax, standing toweringly tall. "Stay right there. I'll be right back."

"Okay, Thryax." I complied, lying there with his seamen on my chest.

He went to the bathroom to fetch some clean wet towels. I waited in the living room patiently. Then I few minuets later, Thryax return to the living room with fresh warm wet towels. He hands a few to me, so I can wipe the white mess from my body. Thryax wipes the bodily mess of his genitals. His cock softened and went back into the lower body. Then Thryax held out his hand and pull me up on my feet. Now we have to take another quick shower for the last time.

After the same endeavor like last night, we are both fresh and clean once again. I went to my room and pick a emerald green shirt to wear, along with my deep blue Levi baggy jeans to match my Hanes socks and timberland boots. Thryax is also in my room, getting himself dressed as well. He squeeze his strong, meaty, many finned legs into his black combatant trousers. Before he can get his jet black socks, I quickly knelt down to grab his ankle. Thryax already knew what I was going to do and yet he allows me to tickle his bare webbed feet for the final time. He just sat on my chair and laughs again.

"Haha! You really love tickling my feet, do ya, buddy?" Thryax asked whilst laughing.

"Oh yes, Thryax." I said as I held onto his ankle. "I'm just in love with your feet. Forgive me if I'm getting a little too possessive over them."

"Nah! It's all good!" laughed Thryax continuously.

The tall muscular dragon merman lets me tickle his feet for a short minute. Then I stop the tickling to kiss the tops of his feet. Thryax puts his socks on and slip his feet into his boots. After that, he helps me clean up the living room, putting everything back where they belong. We just hung out in the living room for another hour, and then have a short conversation before he can leave for the rest of the day.

"So did you have fun?" asked Thryax, putting his arm on my shoulder.

"I sure did." I replied to the merman. "I always have fun when it comes to tickling men, especially the ones outside of the human race. They are much more than the average ones."

"I bet it is." said Thryax, smiling.

"How about you?" I asked the merman. "Did you have fun?"

"Oh I definitely had a blast." says Thryax. "To be honest, I have never done anything like this before. Especially with a human male."

"Oh never?" I wondered.

"No. This is actually my first time." Thryax remarked as he went on. "All my life, I've been looked at as a monster by humans and merfolk alike. Nobody wants to come anywhere near me because they're afraid of me."

"Well I'm not afraid of you." I added with optimism.

"I know you're not." said Thryax. "That's why I like you on the spot. You're an alright person. And I'm grateful to befriend you."

"Why Thanks." I uttered. "I'm used to be afraid of monsters when I was younger. But now, I'm not as I became a young adult. In fact, I would rather be friends with them than to fear them."

"Oh really?" Thryax wondered with a sly smirk.

"Yes really." I respond with confidence. "I relate to them better than people. For the most part, I mean."

"Haha! I can see where you're coming from." says Thryax.

As we continue to have our conversation, the tall muscular dragon merman wrap his arm around me, rubbing my shoulder with his webbed hand.

"So! Is there anything you like about our time together?" Thryax asked. "Anything in particular? Pick one to make it easier for the both of us."

"Well now that you mention it, I will have to say, my favorite part of our fun time together is that I tickle your feet fresh from your boots. I like the socks you wear when I tickle your feet in them."

"Yeah. I bet you like my socks on my feet." said Thryax with a charming smile.

"Although they look so freakin' hot on your feet. I will admit that." I said as I continue explaining myself. "However, I get more turned on when I take your socks off. Your bare feet turns me on more than anything else. Especially when I tickle them."

"Ah haha! I already knew that." boasted Thryax happily. "The way you have my feet trapped and tickle me. Oh fuckin' Neptune! That tickles like a motherfucker!"

"Hehe! But you did handle it very well." I remarked.

"Yeah, I did."said Thryax. "I tough it out for ya. Just because I don't want you to think that I'm boring and insensitive to your interests. So I choose to endure the torture and indulge in your deep dark fantasies."

"I really appreciate that you went out of your way to partake in them though." I said in a seldom tone. "It really means a lot to me."

"Of course! I do anything for a friend." says Thryax, rubbing my shoulder. "I aim to please your desires. And I hope that I satisfy you. Did I meet your utmost satisfaction?"

"Yes. I believe that you did." I reassured in a softer tone. "So if anything, you're all good."

"That's good." said Thryax.

"So what about you?" I asked the creature. "What's your favorite part of this fetish thing?"

The tall muscular dragon merman blushed for he is about to reveal his deep dark secret. A personal fetish of his own.

"Well this is going to be quite embarrassing for me to tell." said Thryax as he then reveals his secret fetish. "But here it goes! I have a fetish for humans pleasuring my reproductive genitalia. Especially when I fuck a human male's penis or to get fucked by one."

"Oh ok. I see." I replied, surprised by the merman's revelation.

"I've been wanting to do just that for a long time, since when I was a teenager." Thryax explained his livelihood story." I have developed that kind of fetish on the day when I saw a few human beings on a beach far away. Some of them were married couples, others are two men and two women. I just watch them from the rocks. They were all doing sexual things to each other. Needless to say, I kinda got a strange feeling as I was watching them. And that is when I had a fixation with the concept ever since. As I grew up, I want to engage with a human in that kind of activity. But just like the merfolk and other sea creatures, none of them wanted anything to do with me. So that's why I am a virgin. Don't judge me!"

Wow! I'm not judging you for that." I said respectfully. "But I also didn't know that you were a virgin."

"Yeah. I am. But now I'm not anymore. All thanks to you." says Thryax, smiling down at me.

"Thanks to me?" I wondered in confusion.

"Isn't it obvious?" said Thryax. "You officially became one of the first humans to ever engage with me and indulge in my own private fantasy. So thank you so much. I appreciate you, my friend."

"Of course. I'm happy to please you, Thryax." I said, nodding.

"Yes! You sure did pleased me, my little friend." says Thryax as he hugs me closer to his bare torso. "That was the most amazing expression I have ever had in my whole life!"

The way that he express himself almost reminded me of the other merman. Another one who is also tall (even taller), nightmarishly terrifying, and has a tail of a black shark when in saltwater. And he too has lost his virginity to my foot fetish activity. I lied my head on his brooding chest during the conversation.

"You know? You kinda sound like my friend when he said that very similar yet, exact same thing." I uttered out loud.

Thryax looks down upon me with an astonished expression.

"Really? Who is that friend that you speak of?" asked Thryax.

"He's another merman just like yourself." I answered. "But not one of those pretty boy types, must I add. He is also another monstrous merman. An mutant one at that. And the same can be said of the other one. I've mentioned that to you earlier when we first met at the waterfall aisle a few weeks ago."

"Oh yes! You did mention them to me." says Thryax as he remembers that time. "I remember now."

Then he turns to the window with the sun rays piercing through the blinds and the curtains. The tall muscular dragon merman went into deep thought for a short brief moment before he turns to me. From what he heard, Thryax now knows that he's not alone anymore. He resumed the conversation with me.

"So these friends of yours, the other two mermen. They're just like me, huh?" Thryax asked in slight wonderment.

"Yes. Kinda like that." I answered the masculine creature. "I told you that they're not like the other merfolk that we knew from mythology and folklore. They are different from anyone else, or should I say, anything else."

"Haha! I bet they're not like all the rest out there." said Thryax. "So tell me, buddy. What are these two mutant mermen friends of yours like?"

"Well I will say that they are unique in their own way." I explained as I went on. "Yes, they can be scary to some people, kinda like you are. And they are very intimidating too. But once you get to know them, they are not as bad as other people make them out to be. These two monstrous mutant mermen are incredibly friendly, so very down to earth and very approachable demeanor. And they are also undeniably fun to be around."

"Sounds like you are very close to them." says Thryax.

"Oh yes. We are very close within the past few years." I remarked. "In fact, they were more than just my close friends. These two mermen are like my seaborne brothers from another mother. One with benefits at that."

"So can you tell me their names?" asked Thryax. "If I'm prying way too much, forgive me for that. The last thing I want to do was to intrude any further into your life."

"Oh no no! Not at all!" I reassured him with a warm smile. "Their names is Travannus and Duncan."

"Hmmm.... Travannus and Duncan, huh???" wondered Thryax, thinking out loud. "I believe I've heard of them before. But I never knew what these two are like, or even met one of them."

"Perhaps we can all get together sometime in the near future." I openly suggested. "Well, depending on our schedules, of course. But I would love for you to meet them. I'm sure you would like them as much as I do."

"From what you just told me, I might consider it." says Thryax, showing of a charming smile.

He gets up from the couch, stretch his legs and then he head towards the window.

"I should be going." says Thryax as he open the curtains.

"Oh! Are you going back out to the sea?" I asked him.

"Yes I am." Thryax answered. "Aquatic part of me is calling. I have to return to the water."

"Oh ok." I said as I got up from the couch. "I suppose that is for the best."

Then Thryax turns around to face me once last time.

"But please, buddy. Don't think of it as a permanent goodbye." says Thryax with a cheerful grin. "I promise I will come back to the surface and visit you again. Whether it's by the saltwater harbor or a freshwater lake near the natural parks, you'll know I'll be there regardless of it all. I want you to know that I'd circle the two worlds for you."

"Would you really?" I wondered.

"Yes, really." said Thryax, winking at me. "You have my word."

Before he can set foot out the open window, he turns to me again.

"Oh! I almost forgot to ask you something." Thryax spoke up.

"What is it?" I asked.

"It's nothing personal, but it's about these two mermen, Travannus and Duncan." said Thryax as he asked his question. "Did you tickle them too?"

"Yes, I did." I answered, although grinning in embarrassment.

"Oh ok. And did they let you tickle them?" Thryax asked again.

"Yes. They both allow me to do what I want to them." I also answered. "From their feet to their whole bodies."

"Did get them off as well? Before, during or after?" Thryax asked.

"Yes I did make them both cum during tickle sessions." I said and I elaborate the rest. "For Travannus, it was only one time, because he is straight. But he has no problems letting me tickle his feet and body. Whether in human form or mutant form. As for Duncan, I did just that with him numerous times. And he didn't seem to mind it at all."

"Oh ok! One last question, I promise." said Thryax as he asked his final question. "So did they both enjoyed it, I take it?"

"They both did, yes." I replied.

"That's freakin' nice!" snickered Thryax joyfully. "That is all."

"Ok. Now can I ask you something before you leave." I asked the dragon merman.

"Yes? Go ahead! Shoot!" Thryax said in a boastful position.

"Now that you mention all of that, I have to know." I said and then asked my question. "Should we do this again sometime? You know, the foot tickling fetish thing? Whether we get together, just the two of us? Or even better, with others, like Travannus and Duncan?"

Thryax puts his webbed hand on my cheek so gently. And he smiled.

"Ah! My little friend. You don't even have to ask me either of that." says Thryax in a gentler yet seductive tone. "Because like I said to you the night before. You can do whatever you want to me, anywhere and anytime. And yes! I would like to get together with you sometime, and to do this fetish playtime. Also, I don't mind if Travannus and/or Duncan would like to join us. Besides, they sounds like cool mer-dudes. So I would like to meet them. I'm down with whatever."

"That's awesome." I said, smiling at him.

"However, I gotta let you know something." said Thryax in a funny voice. "A fair warning. Just because I was nice enough to let you tickle my feet, genitals and armpits yesterday and this morning, doesn't mean that you get to be so lucky the third time around. The next time we get together and we decide to do our fetish playtime again, just so you know that I will have to get ya back. It's best to keep that in mind."

"Well I suppose that's only fair." I remarked agreeably. "I'll keep that in mind for sure."

"Good." said Thryax as he then gave me one last hug. "I'll see you again next time."

"Yes, Thryax." I complied as I hug him back. "It's been fun. Thank you so much for the great time we had together."

"You're welcome, buddy." said Thryax as he backs up to the window. "Goodbye for now, my friend."

"Goodbye, Thryax." I uttered with a smile.

Thryax steps outside of my open window. He sprouts his large wings from his back and a dragon tail. And with the flap of his wingspan, Thryax takes off into the air, heading northwest to the sea from here. Thankfully, nobody saw him leave. I watched him fly away before I close the window.

I will never forget the time I had with Thryax, especially the night where he came to visit me in my own apartment. I never thought I could easily get him into doing this erotic foot tickling thing with me. And I never thought he would actually let me do this to him. But he did. And it all happens in my airspace. Thank god for a really memorable Memorial Day weekend. Thryax is a really awesome guy, even for a dragon merman. He is tough, upbeat, mysterious in his own way, and pretty chill for the most part. And I finally get to tickle his feet that day. Believe it or not, he is like the third monster merman that I have ever tickled to date. But I had a good feeling that I wouldn't be hearing the last of him. Because one thing's for sure, I know that I will eventually see Thryax the dragon merman again.

And that is the end of this delicious tale. However, here is a little epilogue.

In the middle of July, Thryax and I have been seeing each other lately. Whenever I'm not working on some other days. My schedule is very flexible. So we would meet up by any place near water or Thryax would just simply gain a pair of walkable legs at will, just to visit me. Whether we are just hanging out in isolated places, doing only god knows what, or we would indulge in the same ol' things like that last few times. Either way, we really do enjoy each other's company.

The following weeks after that, I was just in my apartment, doing nothing but relax. That is until I receive a few text messages from my iPhone. It was from my other friends. The tall muscular mutant mermen; Travannus and Duncan. And they're letting me know that they are in town for three weeks. I was excited for I have last heard from them since the beginning of May. So we plan to get together the following week.

Three days later, I have Thursday off from the UPS when Thryax just shows up at my window. Now normally, I would be cautious of him visiting me that way because of the neighbors watching (thankfully, nobody spotted him). But since I didn't have any male feet to play with daily, and I was super horny at that time. So I was like "To Hell With This Shit". And I let him in. Thankfully, Thryax is more than happy to let me tickle him and then make each other came during the playtime.

The following week has arrived. And I am so excited for the three burly mermen to meet. So I set up a time a place for all of us to meet up. I told Travannus and Duncan via text message to meet me at the waterfall aisle in the natural park. So they can meet my new friend, Thryax. They both agreed to this and said that they will be there. So everything is set in place. I gather my everything, put on my gray sleeveless hoodie and then I left my apartment.

I arrived at the natural park's waterfall aisle. From there, I patiently waited there for my mermen friends to show up. A few minutes later, I notice that two tall figures are approaching the aisle. As they got closer to the waters edge, I immediately recognize their features from a foot away. The taller one has pale white skin, a black metal substance around his mouth and jawline, eyes as red as the demons blood, a dorsal fin on his head which is hidden in his black beanie hat, and he wore an all black clothes. The other figure is wearing a dark gray drench coat with his bare torso exposed through the opening. He wore a pair of breathable black jeans and black slides on his bare feet. Those two figures are the tall muscular mutant mermen themselves, Travannus and Duncan. They were both happy to see me as I was happy to see them.

As we talked for a little bit, I wanted them to meet my new friend. Thryax the dragon merman. And speak of the devil, he has finally shown up as he emerges from the streaming freshwater. Thryax notices the other two tall mermen standing right next to me. So I introduced the three mermen together. And then a few seconds later, it was not long before they became unquestionably intrigued with Thryax's infectious personality. Just as I knew it, they were all talking about everything related to the oceans and one another's origins. And that is when they became good friends. We all hung out at the waterfall aisle all day long.

And that's it. We have reach the end of this erotic tale. No doubt about it that I have tickled three tall muscular monstrous mermen. All as individually, but one of these days, I will have to plan to get all three of them in the same place at the same time. Maybe I could host a foot party with just four people. I'm sure they'll be up for that. But then again, we'll have to wait and see. In any event and/or under such circumstances would I have the extraordinarily opportunity to tickle Travannus, Duncan and Thryax at the same time? One fishy webbed barefoot at a time? Who knows? Only time will tell. Until then, stay imaginative, stay kinky, stay inhuman and most truly, stay golden! Oh and stay safe too!

The End.....for now

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