I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Jun 12, 2024


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This story contains slavery in an imaginary world as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now.

Gay Authoritarian

Many thanks to everyone who encouraged me to continue the story and apologies for the very long gap in my writing.

I can prove it to you

Part 8

I was cuffed and tightly spread eagled on the stainless-steel table with leather bands across my hips, chest and forehead so I could only see Bruce and Dave out of the corner of my eyes. One rolled a cart alongside the table and then out of my vision behind my head. The other carried what looked like an ice bucket with wispy vapor pouring over the edges.

One of them reached down from above my head and plugged my nose. When I instinctively opened my mouth to breathe, a ball gag went in and was strapped into place.

`I'd say this is going to hurt us more than you, but I'd be lying,' one of them said laughingly.

One of them swabbed my right pec with alcohol and waved his hand above it to make it dry faster. I realized that I was about to be branded and despite being completely immobile I did my best to squirm away.

`Steady. This will hurt more if you move. You're lucky we use dry ice for this now. It still hurts but there's no smell.

I could feel the cold and saw the iron with a #1 in an oval throwing off whisps of vapor as it came into focus over my head. I tried to say `please, no' but with the ball gag I just made a snorting noise. I squeezed my eyes shut as I braced for the pain but then I suddenly heard Parker.

`Hold off guys. I want to manage this one myself.'

Parker was standing beside the table. He slid his hand under the strap holding me down and ruffled the hair on the nape of my neck.

The tears poured from my eyes down both sides of my face. I was relieved, thankful and hopeful all at once.

`Feel free to head on home guys. I'll look after the rest.'

`You sure Parker?'

`Yeah, I'm good.'

`Okay, see you around man. Have a good evening.'

`Thanks guys. You too.'

I heard footsteps recede and a door slowly close. Parker looked down at me and I was lost again in those grey eyes.

`Do you trust me, Andrew?'

I did my best to nod and blink a yes. Despite everything, this man was the most important being in the whole world to me.

`You're going to be mine. It's not going to be easy but I have a plan. You just need to be brave.'

Over the next hour or so, Parker finished up my initial physical processing. After shaving the fuzz from my pits, giving me a buzz cut with the clippers, and taking off my small patch of pubes, I was still strapped to the table but was strangely happy being tended to by him. I almost forgot about the near miss with the branding iron. That is until Parker stepped away from the table and returned with the dry ice bucket.

`Be brave, remember?' he said as he pulled the iron out and, despite knowing it was futile, my body tried to lurch backward onto the table. Before I could blink, he held against my chest.

The pain was blinding. All at once several things happened. I peed myself, could hear the sizzle of the cold as it marked me as a slave for life and -- more important than anything else -- felt Parker's hand teasing the hair on the back of my head.

`Okay, let's get you cleaned outside and inside before the appraiser gets here.'

Three hours later I was standing surrounded by lifer slaves. Looking down at my right pec, I could still feel the pain of the brand and it looked angry red and puffy, but I couldn't help but smile. It wasn't the large #1' in an oval but a P' inside a circle and only about a quarter the size.

All of us in the holding area were cuffed behind our backs with one ankle cuffed to a ring in the floor. I was naked, of course, except for a purple metal collar, a purple cock ring and the tag in my ear. The lifer slaves with blue collars around me seemed like giants: almost all over 6 feet tall and built. Poking up from between the cheeks I could see serial numbers in blue in the cracks of their muscled asses. From the front, their packages all looked enormous. Even with the purple ring pushing it up and outward, mine paled in comparison.

I looked up from the nearest massive cock and locked eyes with the steely-eyed man it was attached to.

`Hey, natural faggot, you like my dick? If we ever serve together, you'll be squealing as it goes balls deep in that pink little hole.'

He leaned toward. I stepped back as far as the ankle cuff would allow and connected with the torso of another lifer standing behind me. I felt his cock in my lower back as he leaned his head forward and licked my ear.

Just then the Number One staff came to take the first one in the row to auction. As we waited, I tried to ignore all the comments about my size and my hole from the lifer slaves.

One by one they disappeared out the door, not to return.

After what felt both like an eternity and no time at all I was alone in the room. Without the other bodies surrounding me, the air felt cold. I shivered, probably as much from fear as the cool air. And then they came for me.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. alexsub@nym.hush.com

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