I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Aug 26, 2022


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This story contains slavery as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now. Gay Authoritarian

I can prove it to you

Part 7

For a few seconds my whole existence seemed to align. I had admitted that I was a slave at heart and the world had answered. And my body seemed to respond in agreement; my dick was hard as a rock and flat against my body.

My admission was as much meant for Parker as it was a realization for me. His happiness, pleasing him, wanting to serve him, to be used by him in any way he wanted, to be praised by him, meant everything.

And then reality hit me.

This was forever, and without Parker. My life as nothing more than property stretched out before me, sold and owned, used, worn out and eventually put down. I was alone and lost.

`Your Honour, Sir, please, I pleaded. I want to be a slave for Parker. Please!'

I turned to beg Parker to speak up for me, received a punch to the side of my head and found myself on the floor before being pulled to my feet by my ear.

`Shut up and eyes forward. Speak again and you'll feel the prod,' hissed the handler behind me.

The judge looked at me across the video screen and casually remarked, `This one likes to make noise. I recommend that Number One consider muting it to raise the value.'

He raised his gavel but, before he could bring it down, a voice behind me called out, `Your honor, may I approach the bench?'

The judge raised his brows and then smiled. `Certainly, my old friend. It's a good day when I hear from you and your son on the same day.'

Parker's father stepped forward to stand beside me. `May we speak off the record your honor?'


`My son has developed a liking for the property at hand and, while I'm not encouraging this sort of attachment, I did promise him that on his 30th birthday he could have a slave of his picking.

`The birthday is still 2 years away, so I'm not prepared to indulge him now. Two years of training and experience will also properly prepare the property for its role and any notion of being an equal or partner will be long gone.'

The judge leaned on his elbow and rubbed his beard. `What are you proposing Arthur?'

`I'd like to have it appraised. We will pay the state's portion of the market value and the finder fee for Nathan, then auction the property for a 2-year leasehold with the title remaining with Number One. At the end of the lease, Parker will have an option. I'll buy him the freehold title from the company or Number One will auction the remaining life and my son can choose another.'

I couldn't help but sigh with relief and blurted out, `thank you Sir!' before feeling a prod on my back and falling to the floor in a twitching heap. As the involuntary contractions passed, and despite the pain, I think I smiled. Surely, I could handle two years of whatever faced me if I knew that Parker would be waiting for me after that.

The judge paused for a moment, studied me, and said `I'm not inclined to grant wishes to slaves because it suggests to them that their likings have any value. And this action would clearly fall in that category.'

My heart sunk.

`But I've always been fond of Parker, so I'll make a rare exception.'

`Number One Slaves will arrange for a full appraisal. Following payment of the state interest in the property and the finder fee, full title will pass to Number One unencumbered.

`See you on the course next Tuesday Arthur.' The gavel fell and the video screens went blank.

I started to turn to Parker and Nathan but was roughly shoved forward and then pulled by my ear out the door and back into the bright hallway. My feet scrambled to keep up and I did my best to keep my head and my ear moving in the direction it was being pulled.

`Love the idea of the tour, huh Dave? This piece of shit seemed to have no idea what was coming.'

Yeah, just how clueless can they get? At least he won't need much of a brain from now on.' He leaned his mouth close to my ear. Just follow orders slave if you want to keep the pain to a dull roar.'

After turning a corner, they pushed me through 2 swinging doors. Before I could look around the room, I was pushed face-forward toward a wall and my head was forced down into the slot of a stainless-steel bracket. A big round bar like an industrial handrail was below and on either side of my neck. They were close enough that there was no way to pull my head out other than by standing up and sliding my head back upward. To prevent that, another bar was slid down against the back of my neck. I was bent in half, arms still locked behind me and my head almost touching the wall.

They kicked my legs wide apart and cold metal shackles were added to my ankles. There was no way to move.

They left me like that for a minute or two and all I could do was stare at the bit of wall and floor below while I listened to them moving about and gathering tools. My senses were heightened. I smelled antiseptic, I felt air conditioning blowing on against my hole, and my ear throbbed. My shoulders ached from having my arms pulled back in the handcuffs. Oddly, my dick was still hard. I willed it to go down, but it continued to twitch with every heartbeat.

They came back and in my limited downward vision I could see the wheels of a steel cart beside me.

`Don't move or this will hurt even more.' My heart was beating as I anticipated some kind of pain. Would they hit me with the prod again? One of them started lightly rubbing my ass as he read out some numbers.

`It's N 22-604-483-818.'

`Right, check the code before we tag it.'

`OK, I'm getting N 22-604-483-818. Intact male, age 24, current title resides with the state, custody of Number One Slaves, no markings. Candidate band telemetry downloaded. We have cardio, breath, biomarkers, and audio in the database.'

I could feel some sort of tool between my right wrist and the purple bracelet and then suddenly the bracelet released. `Save that one for Parker's trophy collection.'

Even though my arms were still cuffed behind my back and my head was trapped in the vice, I still involuntarily tried to turn to get one last glimpse of the purple band and said, `No, please.' It felt like the band was my symbolic attachment to Parker, and now it was gone.

Stay the fuck still asshole,' was followed by a vicious slap to my balls. I cried out and received a second slap. Keep it up...we can do this all day.' I pursed my lips and clenched my teeth to avoid making another sound.

`Ok, where were we? Good to go with the code?'

`Yep, hand me the rivet gun.'

I felt a finger and then cold metal behind and inside my ear, a crazy strong pinch and then simultaneously heard a crunch and a loud snap. The pain started and then grew. It felt like the top of my ear was ripped off and I realized that there was blood running across my face.

When they sprayed the side of my head with some sort of disinfectant the pain hit a new high and at that moment, I think I broke. I started sobbing. `Please, I've changed my mind. I want to go home. This isn't for me.'

The laughter from Bruce and Dave cut me to the core. `Shut up slave. We've barely started. No one cares what you want, what you feel or if you blubber. And if you thought you had a choice in front of the judge, you're even stupider than we thought.'

OK, last check...' I heard metallic snapping behind me.. N...2...2...6...0...4...4...8...3...8...1...8... good to go. Make sure you get the ink distributed.'

`Purple right? We don't get to use it that often.'

`Yeah, naturals are always purple. Nice to use it once in a while.'

One of them spread my ass cheeks. I braced myself for something entering my hole, but instead, suddenly it was like a thousand needles just touching down the centre of my ass crack, from just above my hole to the top of the cleft.

There was a metallic thump and it felt like the needles were going right through me. I screamed and simultaneously tried to pull away as my knees buckled. But my head just hit the wall and the bars held me there. The guards grabbed me by my waist and pulled me back up.

`Keep your legs straight asshole.' The needles were pulled away and they wiped disinfectant down my crack. I screamed again. They slapped my balls, and I knew that if I made another sound I'd feel it again, so I clenched my teeth and just grunted.

`Nice Bruce, that's really clear.'

`Hey asshole, you'll never see it yourself but you're wearing your new ID where it'll get seen every time you're fucked. Good reminder for your Owners that you're just a fuck hole slave.'

One of them stuck his finger in my face. `Open up slave. Get it nice and slick or you'll regret it.'

I opened my mouth and he repeatedly shoved his finger to the back of my tongue. I gagged but did my best to lather it. He pulled his finger back and in a flash it was up my ass, pumping in and out. The invasion took my breath away for a minute.

`Dave, you won't believe how tight this is. Think we could fuck him for a bit and still meet the schedule?'

`Sorry Bruce, the boss wants this one prepped for tonight. No time.'

I wanted to cry out again, but I knew better. I grunted. Tears were flowing from my eyes, but it took me a minute to realize it wasn't from gagging on his finger. This was my new life; my pain was nothing, or worse, something to be celebrated.

`OK asshole. I know you're loving this, but we have to move on. The finger slid out of me and he patted my hole a couple of times.

`The tracker is activated. Try scanning it.'

`Yep, getting a strong signal. Read back the code.'

`N22-604-483-818. Location is here and the coordinates check out. Let's chip it.'

I felt a swipe of something cold between my shoulder blades. It was followed by a sudden sharp cut just to the right of my spine. I felt and heard a tearing noise as something plunged into my flesh and then pulled back out.

OH MY GOD,' I yelled. Please, stop, ahhyyeeeeee. Oh, please stop!'

Some sort of liquid (was it glue?) and a bandage went over the wound as one of them said `man, this one is as stupid as they come. It won't shut up.'

They hit me with the slave prod again and despite my head being in the wall bracket, my knees buckled. I was left at a 45 degree angle writhing half on the floor and dangling by my head.

They left me there for a couple of minutes crying silently. I heard the cart roll away and then they released my legs from the shackles and picked me up by my waist again.

`Stay quiet and use your legs asshole, or you'll feel the prod again. Next time it won't be on the lowest setting.'

I did my best to keep my legs straight. My head and ear ached, my ass crack was on fire, the stab wound burned, and my shoulders and lower back were near exhaustion from the handcuffs and being bent over.

When they released my arms, they were so numb that they fell to the side and dangled from my shoulders, which came into their own state of agony from the sudden shift in position.

They slid the bar up from behind my neck, but I was too weak to stand up on my own. One of the handlers put his arm under my chest and lifted me back to standing position. I was dizzy and my knees wanted to buckle again.

`Don't worry slime. You're going to be horizontal for a bit now.'

They dragged me backwards to a stainless-steel table and despite the cold on my skin, it felt like heaven for a minute just to be laying down.

They wrapped leather cuffs on my wrists and ankles and then pulled them tight so that I was in a spread-eagle position. A belt went across my forehead and another across my abdomen.

I realized that there was more to come and wanted more than anything to just be back in my old life. `Please, let me go home. I'll do anything. I have some money. It's not much but you can have it. Anything, please. Just let me go.'

Fucker, you just don't get it and if you weren't on metal table, I'd stun you to Sunday.' He grabbed my balls, squeezed hard and pulled them until they felt like they'd rip off my body. You own nothing. Not money, not clothes, not your time, not even your balls. There's nothing you can do or sell or give anyone. You have nothing. You are nothing but a number.'

`Now, shut up so Bruce and I can finish our part of the processing. I'm already going to be late getting home to kick back and have a beer with my wife.'

To be continued.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It's really great to hear your thoughts on the story so far. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 8

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