I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Aug 18, 2022


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This story contains slavery as a theme. If this offends you, please stop reading now. Gay Authoritarian

I can prove it to you Part 6

The door opened and Parker stepped into the hallway. He was fully clothed.

I was instantly torn between relief at seeing him again and confusion. Why was he clothed and why am I still naked? What was happening?

`Andrew, there's only a couple of seconds before they're going to take you in. Just remember, be true to who and what you are. You have a chance here to influence your future. I wouldn't invest if I didn't see so much potential in you.

He put one hand on each of my shoulders and held my gaze. `If you're given a choice, make the right one.'

`Wait, Parker, what's happening?'

Even with my arms behind my back he gave me a big hug and I melted against his body. It felt so good for that moment and then he ruffled my hair and disappeared back into the room.

Bruce or Dave opened the door and pushed me forward. `Okay tourist boy, here's your chance for a real-life experience.'

I found myself in a wood paneled room with three rows of bench seating facing a two blank video screens.

I was relieved to see Parker, his father, Steve and Nathan sitting in the second row. Parker and his father had their heads together and were having what looked like an intense discussion. Steve looked up with a grin, and when Nathan turned to me he looked shocked to see me naked.

`Nathan, I need your help. This is...,' I started to say just before one of my handlers slapped my ass hard.

`Keep your mouth shut until you're asked a question, or we'll gag you.'

They hustled me to the front of the room, pointed to a purple `X' on the floor and told me to stand there with my eyes forward and my hands above my ass. One of them stood directly behind me.

The two video screens lit up and the largest, at the front of the room, showed a judge sitting behind his desk and looking to the side at a video monitor. The other screen was divided. On the left of the screen was my face below my full name in all caps, and under that was a list of statistics, starting with my age, height, weight, sexual orientation, and a hundred other measures.

But what captured my attention was a video closeup on the right side showing me reaching for the purple doorknob, turning it and walking into the second room in the slave processing centre.

The judge paused the video and turned toward me.

`Please confirm that this information is correct. He read out my name, birthdate, age, and address.'

Yes, Sir,' I answered, But, I'm only here on a tour.'

The judge looked over his glasses and barked, `The subject will answer only my questions and nothing else. Is that understood?'

`Yes, Sir.'

`Did you enter Number One Slaves willingly?'

`Yes Sir.'

`Did you open the door with the purple knob and walk through the door to the processing path willingly?'

Yes Sir.' I turned to look past my handler at Parker for help but received a hard slap on my ass and an eyes forward!'

`You say that you entered the slave processing path on a tour.'

`Yes Sir.'

`Why are you on a tour?'

`Um, because my friend was showing me that slavery is right for some men Sir.'

You have friends here today? What are their names?

`Yes Sir. Nathan and Parker Sir.'

`Nathan, please come forward. You know the subject well?

`I do your honor.'

`In your estimation, is the subject inherently obedient?'

`Yes, your honor, he has always been obedient. It's part of his personality and he is attracted to authoritative men.'

`Thank you, Nathan. Parker, please come forward. It's nice to see you again son.'

`Thank you, your honor. It's good to see you too,' Parker replied with a smile.

`What can you tell me about the subject?

`Your honor Andrew is compliant, submissive and, I believe, moldable.' He smiled at me and I couldn't help but smile back.

`Thank you, Parker. You may both return to your seats.'

The judge inhaled a deep breath and leaned forward. `Young man, take a moment and think. Tell me the truth. Slavery is right for you is it not?"

After everything that I'd experienced so far that afternoon and all the questions, my nerves were jangly and my knees felt like they could buckle at any moment.

I looked back at Parker and Nathan and this time didn't receive a swat on my ass. Nathan gave me a small smile and a nod. Parker gave me a `thumbs up'.

I turned back to the judge and for some reason I suddenly felt really calm.

`Yes, Sir,' I said.

For the first time the judge smiled and looked kindly at me. `While natural slaves are rare, in my many years on this bench it has always been obvious when one comes before me.'

The judge read my full name and followed with `I declare your personhood null for the remainder of your life. The clerk will record it as property of the state with a corresponding registration number. Number One Slaves will be entrusted with sale of the property, with proceeds divided as follows: 40 percent to the state treasury, 40 percent to Number One Slaves, and 10 percent finders fees to each of the two young gentlemen in attendance today.'

To be continued.

Thanks to everyone for the feedback. It's really great to hear your thoughts on the story so far. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 7

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