I Blame His Boyfriend

By Joe Jam

Published on Apr 2, 2018


Thanks for reading! Gotta be honest, I wasn't expecting where this story has ended up. Let me know if you like it though, I have a couple ideas for where it could go.

My other stories are His Best Friend's Slut in gay/adult-friends, as well as Cum Bucket in gay/encounters.

Also, donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html is the page, every bit helps.

It was a great way to wake up, the hard flesh of Gar's cock rubbing against my hole, making me twitch and push back to try and increase the feeling. I knew I was in danger with that huge dick nestled between my cheeks, but I didn't care.

Luckily when they realised I was awake, Gar pulled me to my knees and Paul slid in front of me. I swallowed his thick cock as Gar pulled my ass cheeks apart and worshipped my hole with his tongue.

I moaned, sucking and slurping on that fat meat, Gar eating my ass like a demon. He licked up and down me, sucking and chewing on my virgin entrance, driving my senses wild. My cock throbbed and leaked onto their sheets.

"Ohh, fuck yes, work that mouth baby boy." Paul's hand guided me up and down his cock faster, his hips thrusting up from the bed as I sucked him.

I gasped as Gar pulled away and his finger pushed into me. My head was still as I adjusted to the sudden intruder, luckily I was wet and relaxed enough that it didn't hurt, it was just a shock as he slid up to the knuckle.

I returned to sucking on Paul as his movements increased, his hips thrusting up erratically, moans escaping his lips. As his orgasm built up Gar's finger pumped rhythmically into me, my own cock dripping as a result.

Paul groaned and flooded my mouth. I closed my lips tightly so none of it would escape, trying to swallow his seed as it came, moaning as his taste filled me. Gar suddenly pulled his finger out of me and I whimpered in disappointment without meaning to, then I felt it.

His cum splashed against my now-abandoned hole, coating my plump, pale ass cheeks, dripping down my taint. When it finally stopped, his finger trailed up my balls, collecting some of the cum as it travelled up my taint and then finally reached my hole which felt like it was on fire as he pushed it into me, coated with his cum.

Paul got up and moved away but I stayed in place, anticipating what would come next as he joined Gar behind me, my cum-covered ass jutting out towards them.

My head fell forward to the bed and a moan escaped my lips as their tongues both hit my ass at the same time. They stroked up and down my cheeks, collecting the cum that had splattered across me, only stopping for a few seconds to kiss each other.

They held my ass open and travelled inwards as they collected Gar's cum, and then they met in the middle, taking turns to swipe at my hole, probing it with their cum-covered tongues. My head thrashed and turned, uncontrollable noise escaping me as I lost myself in the sensations, their different styles driving me crazy.

And then one of them, I don't know which, reached between my pale thighs and gripped my cock. They didn't even stroke me and I unloaded all across their blankets.

Eventually I pulled myself up to face the two men.

"I'm sorry about the mess." Gar leaned in and kissed me then, his mouth a strange combination of cum and ass and his own taste.

"Don't worry about it. I wanted to make a mess." His gruff voice calmed me and he left us there to shower.

Paul and I lay down on the bed and I jumped when I hit the wet patch, but our mouths found each other and I stopped caring. Our tongues battled and our cocks hardened again, grinding against one another.

We only stopped when Gar stepped into the bedroom and pulled a pair of underwear on, leaving again.

"C'mon, cutey. Let's get you cleaned up." Paul broke the kiss and led me into their shower. The three of us could have probably fit in there and there was a shower head on each side.

We rubbed soap across each other, my cock bobbing in front of me, harder than it ever had been as I explored his beautiful body. He kissed me one more time than turned to face away from me. He reached back and guided my cock to his ass, and in no time at all I was sliding back into him, groaning as his warmth enveloped me.

Water splashed around us as we both thrust against one another, his hands on the shower wall, mine on his hips. I lasted longer this time, but eventually I exploded inside of him once more as he begged for my cum.

This time we soaped ourselves up then dried off and joined Gar in the kitchen where he was finishing off some French toast and bacon. I didn't realise how hungry I was but I wolfed it down.

Gar then drove me home and we exchanged numbers. He reached over and hugged me, and I let myself drift off in his huge arms for a minute.

"It really was a pleasure to meet you. If you ever need to talk, come find me." His smile made me feel warm inside. "And one day, I will fuck you." He reached up and stroked my cheek. I was instantly hard, but I got out of the car and made my way inside.

As I walked into the house I could hear the shower running. I'd barely walked in when Ben stepped around the corner and walked up to me, completely naked.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" My cock was still swollen and I tried not to stare at his swinging member as he walked up and planted his firm hand on my shoulder. I only nodded as blood rushed to my face. "I wasn't expecting you to be gone all night." He was acting more like a brother than Mitch had in a while.

"Yeah! I just went out with some friends, it went on longer than I expected." His body drew closer to me and he was all I could smell. My cock was starting to become painful. His eyes grew wide.

"Oh! Yes! Did you get some?" He reached out and cupped my cock. I almost groaned as his grip tightened, stroking me through my jeans. "Or did someone get you?" His hand stayed on my cock as his other hand slid down from my shoulder. I did groan this time, as his hand cupped and squeezed my ass.

"Um...yes. And no. I got some, but...he didn't fuck me." My face was heating up as I admitted to him it was a man. His hands kept firmly squeezing me, rubbing me, sending me to another level. My head fell onto his shoulder and his lips met my ear.

"Good. I don't want to miss that ginger ass getting opened up." My breathing grew shallow as the hand on my cock brought me closer to the edge. I hadn't even heard the shower finish.

"Fucking hell, Ben!" My brother yelled, his hair still wet, towel wrapped around his waist. His face was red and I hadn't really seen him shaking with rage like this since I broke his PS2. "What did I say?!"

"You said you didn't want me fucking your brother." He was no longer touching my cock, but he drew me in against his body so we were both facing my brother. "And I said I was going to, if he wanted me to." He turned his face towards mine and I let myself stare into his eyes, his breath hot against my lips.

"Do you want my cock?" He asked me. He took my hand and placed it on his manhood which was thickening. My breath caught and I could only nod. "It wants you. Tell me, do you want it?"

"Yes! Please." I was in another world as he reached full hardness in my hand. "I want your cock, I've wanted it for so long now." The words fell out of me breathlessly.

"Why do you have to steal everything of mine?!" Mitch practically screamed at me, snapping me out of my trance. His finger jabbed into my chest sharply, but I still held his boyfriend's hardness. "If you're gonna be a faggot then find your own fucking cock." His face was almost pressed against mine, contorted with rage.

"Baby." Ben brought his arms around my brother who was still staring at me, tears in his eyes. My whole body was shaking, unsure what to do. "Baby. I love you." Mitch tried to pull back out of his hands but Ben held on tightly, even when the towel fell off Mitch. Ben's lips came to Mitch's neck. "You know I love you."

"Then why aren't I enough?!" Mitch asked him, tears still flowing free. "Why do you have to fuck him too?"

"Come on now, you've always known we were open. I need to fuck, and I need to fuck new men. But I love you." His hands had loosened slightly, stroking down my brother's back. Mitch turned to face me and his expression had softened, looking mostly forlorn. Ben's hand drifted down to the valley of his ass. "You know I'm not enough for you either, baby."

Mitch closed his eyes. "He's my baby brother." Ben rubbed his back and then extended his arm towards me, inviting me into their embrace. Mitch looked at me again.

"I know what he is, but I don't think you do." I stepped forward and Ben pulled me tight against the two naked men, their bodies pressing against my clothed form. He leaned in and kissed Mitch softly in front of me. "He's a man." He tilted his face towards me and our lips met, sending a thrill through my body. "And he's hungry for this."

"Are you?" Mitch asked as he watched our kiss end. "Are you hungry for this? Is it something you want?" He asked me before Ben kissed him again, this time letting his tongue flow into my big brother's mouth. When their kiss broke he looked at me again.

"Yes. God yes. Seeing him...seeing you together made me realise how much." Mitch's lips returned to mine and now it was my turn to let my lips part as his tongue explored my mouth, pushing into me. Our kiss eventually broke and my eyes returned to Mitch's, finding lust in them.

"Tell us what you've done." Ben's breath in my ear made my body shiver as he kissed my brother hungrily, their bodies grinding against each other, my body trapped against them with an arm from each man holding me tight.

"After...seeing your cock I asked Lance to teach me." My voice sounded far away as I watched them devour each other. "I really liked swallowing his cum. I needed it." Their kiss broke, and Ben nuzzled my neck. I looked at my brother, who stared at me intently. "He rimmed me and it was amazing. I didn't know my ass could feel so good."

"And what about last night?" Ben asked, kissing me again before returning his attentions to my brother.

"I went to a bar with him and Evan. We were going to find a cock for me to suck, and I found two." Their kisses were rough and insistent in front of me. "They were so fucking hot. They took me home and I swallowed their cum. I fucked one of them."

"You liked fucking him?" My brother asked me. His lips were swollen and his eyes were hazy with lust.

"God yes." I replied. Ben moved behind me and Mitch's body was now pressed against me. I could feel his hardness grinding against mine, Ben's cock against my ass.

"What do you want now?" Ben asked me, his breath on my ear, his lips grazing my neck. I could feel Mitch's hot breath against my lips which were drifting dangerously close to mine.

"I want to be fucked." My brother's lips crashed into mine, our mouths hungrily battling each other, our tongues fighting to fill each other's mouths. I don't know how long we lasted like that but eventually we pulled away. My eyes were locked onto my brother's. "I want you to fuck me."

They tore my clothes off and we somehow arrived in the living room, the three of us naked and hard, mouths and hands exploring each other wantonly.

Ben took his place on the couch and we both fell to our knees in front of him. Mitch gripped his cock and I took in the sight of 9 beautiful inches, throbbing in front of my face, veins stretching throughout the thick form.

I parted my lips and leaned forward, loving the way his hardness felt as it slipped into my mouth. I moved forward until my mouth met my brother's fingers and I swept my tongue across the slit.

"Mmm yes, you like my taste?" Ben asked and my brother let go of his cock. I sucked him deeper into my throat as he gripped the back of my head. I could only moan around him as I slowly inched my way to the base of his cock.

Mitch moved in behind me and I almost jumped when I felt his cock slide between my cheeks. My brother's arms came around my torso and he held me close, his cock rubbing back and forth as he humps me from behind. I'm lost in a fog of lust as I suck his boyfriend.

Mitch leaves me so I focus on Ben's cock for a while, snapped back into reality when I feel Mitch returning, his wet fingers rubbing against my entrance. His cock replaces his fingers and I push back, wanting more, but I tense as I feel it stretching my hole wider than it ever had been.

"Shh little buddy. It's okay." Mitch held himself there and stroked up and down my back with both hands, urging me to relax. I looked up at Ben with pain painted across my face and he reached down, stroking my face, his cock still stretching my lips. "Just relax into it and it'll be worth it."

Mitch pushed forward and stars blossomed behind my eyelids. I wanted to climb away and escape but he didn't relent, gently nudging his 7 inches further into me. I pulled off Ben and braced myself as my brother's cock finally reached the end.

"Holy shit, you're so tight." Mitch whispered and his arms wrapped around my body from behind. "You're doing so well. It's all in you now, just breathe." He started moving again, gently rocking, and the pain began to subside. Ben gripped the top of my head and I looked back up his strong torso to meet his eyes.

"Get back to work." He said and slapped his massive cock across my face, smearing it with spit. I opened up and swallowed him again, focusing on it as my brother's cock began making deeper movements. The pain eventually subsided and I found myself pushing back to meet his thrusts, pleasure building inside of me.

"Fuck. Oh fuck, I don't know how long I'll last." Knowing he was close saw me thrusting harder against my brother, his hips slamming into me roughly, one of his hands holding me by the waist and the other gripping my shoulder as his pace increased.

"Breed him, baby." Ben commanded with my mouth wrapped around his incredible hardness. "Fill your baby brother up, let him take your load."

Mitch practically screamed as his cock pulsed, hips grinding against my ass, warmth flooding my insides. My own cock was practically vibrating, precum running down the length, Ben's dick held inside my mouth as I lost track of time, focused on the way my ass felt in that moment. Ben pulled my head back off his cock and I met his eyes.

"Was it what you expected?" He asked and I nodded my head. His hand gripped the back of my neck and pulled me up, our lips meeting. "Are you ready for more?" He asked when our lips separated. "Tell me."

"Yes. Please. I want to try feeling your cock in me." As I spoke his hands shifted my thighs so I was straddling him on the couch. I felt his cock prodding at my cum-slick entrance. "I need you to fuck me."

"Then it's time." Ben said. His hands grasped my hips and guided me down, his dick stretching me wider than my brother did. It felt like forever, but eventually I had swallowed his cock with my ass and all I could do was moan.

"You're so big." Our eyes met as I sat on him, feeling impossibly full. His lips found mine and I ground myself on him from side to side, savoring the way he felt. I gasped as he thrust upwards, causing me to lift and then to slide back down.

"You like that feeling?" He asked as I started fucking myself on his massive cock. "You like my big dick?"

"Yes, fuck. I love it." His mouth crashed against mine and his body moved forward, arms surrounding me, holding me as he got to his feet. Moving sideways I fell onto my back, my legs in the air, his cock still filling me as he climbed on top of me, his tongue against mine.

He broke the kiss and looked into my eyes as he took control, his cock pumping into me. My legs curled as his balls slapped against me. I could only moan, spreading my legs wider, pleasure rippling through me. My hands were linked behind his neck as I watched his face.

"Are you ready?" He asked me. Sweat dripped onto my face from his as he fucked me hard and deep.

Almost as if in response I gasped, my body shaking, and I screamed as my cum burst from my cock onto my torso between us. My hands gripped his strong back, my legs spreading further back, my hole convulsing around his length. And then he roared.

His movements slowed, his cock held as deep inside of me as he could, his load added to my brother's in my ass. It felt like that moment stretched on forever, his cock throbbing as his seed was planted in me, my hungry hole gripping him as if my life depended on it.

I felt so empty when he inevitably withdrew, sighing without him inside of me, his cum oozing out of my swollen, battered fuckhole.

The rest of the evening was a blur. I showered, I ate, and I crashed hard waking up late the next morning. It was a day off, so I drifted downstairs eventually, still naked.

My hole was sore still, and I was acutely aware of it as I joined the boys in the lounge. They made space between them and I settled in with my bowl of cereal.

Their arms came around me, their hands exploring me, making my cock hard again and as soon as I finished my breakfast, my hands were on them too, followed by my mouth. As soon as I'd swallowed a load from my brother and his boyfriend I showered and left for work.

"Okay! What the fuck happened?" Lance asked the moment I saw him.

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