I Blame His Boyfriend

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 30, 2018


Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoy. Let me know if you're liking it so far.

My other stories are His Best Friend's Slut in gay/adult-friends, as well as Cum Bucket in gay/encounters.

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My brother was cold to me the next morning as I made my way downstairs, ignoring my greeting and just tidying up as I ate my cereal in the lounge.

"Morning baby." Ben sauntered in like everything was normal, and my eyes found themselves glued to his naked form, his cock swinging free.

"Put some pants on." My brother said as he picked up empty bottles from the coffee table. Ben came in behind him, pressing his hairy chest against Mitch's back.

"Take yours off." He kissed Mitch's neck, and Mitch arched back as Ben's hands slipped into his shorts and revealed his body, my brother's hands too full to stop him.

"Don't." Mitch said weakly. Ben looked at me and dragged his pink tongue up Mitch's neck, his hands roaming across my now naked brother. I swallowed the mouthful of cereal that I'd been holding for the last minute or two as I watched them.

Ben just grinned and brought his fingers to Mitch's mouth, slipping them in, Mitch sucking them with his eyes closed. His seven inch cut cock jutted out in front of him, and I can't believe it made my mouth water.

The now-wet fingers left my brother's mouth and Ben reached in behind him. His eyes were still locked onto me as Mitch gasped, his boyfriend fingering him in front of me. Mitch bent over, placing the bottles on the ground in front of him, bracing himself on his knees.

He finally looked at me with a concerned expression painted across his face. His pink lips were parted as Ben pulled his fingers out and spat onto them.

He grunted and his eyes grew wide as Ben stepped in closer, his cock entering Mitch. My jaw fell open further as I watched them, knowing I should leave but wanting to pull my cock out.

Reason won out and I got up to leave them to it, pausing as I made my way around them, taking in the sight of Ben's massive cock stretching its way into Mitch. He pumped his hips as I watched his immense girth disappear inside of my brother, and I wanted to do something but didn't know what, so I fled.

The moment I was in my bedroom I touched my cock and cum exploded from me. Was I sick, watching my brother get violated that way by the cock that I was becoming obsessed with? Probably.

But it turned me on so much.

At work Lance made it clear he was sticking to his word, ignoring my pleas for his cum. I tried to put it out of my mind and figure out what I was going to do about my growing hunger.

"Maybe I can help, just not that way." He said as the shift was drawing to a close. "Doing much after work on Saturday?"

"No plans." My heart jumped as I wondered what he was talking about.

"Let's go out. Find you a cock that's a bit less complicated." It sounded weird to me, going out for the purpose of finding a dick to suck, but I realised it's what I needed so I agreed.

And so on Saturday we closed the shop, changing into some more casual clothes and headed off along with Lance's boyfriend Evan to one of the clubs they suggested.

"I can't believe you like guys. Have you done much?" Evan asked, his handsome face broken by a wide grin.

"Um, no. Not really. Just some blowjobs." I'd gone bright red wondering what Lance had told him. "They were fun."

"Ha! Damn right!" He laughed into the night air as we walked along the street. He was about the same height as Lance, scrawny and young, always stylishly dressed. He had large silver rings in his ears and nose and I wondered where else.

About ten minutes later we were going downstairs to a club called Tribe. It was dark and the music thumped itself through my skull. Evan grabbed as some drinks and I leaned against the bar with Lance.

"Anybody you like the look of?" Lance asked leaning into me so his hot breath tickled my neck.

"I don't know yet, they're all wearing pants." I replied, making an attempt at humour and getting a laugh for my efforts.

Evan arrived with premixed vodka drinks and I guzzled the sweet liquid down, casting my eyes across the tightly packed crowd.

"Well you'll have to find somebody to tear the pants off." Lance replied, and I felt his hand cover my butt cheek, squeezing it gently as he drank next to me.

"What sorta guys do you like so far?" Evan asked from my other side as his boyfriend's hand gripped my ass more firmly.

"Um. I...don't really know. Older than me? Big?" I noticed a couple of guys grinding against each other, their thick muscled bodies bulging out of their light singles, hairy pecs exposed and covered with sweat. I felt a twitch in my pants, and Lance's roaming hands didn't help.

"Big like a bear? Or big like you wanna choke on some muscle dick?" Evan asked, his body pressing against my side now as he leaned in to speak over the music.

"I wanna choke on a big dick." I yelled back to him, my face burning red, the drink going to my head. I went to take another sip and realised it was empty. "Need a refill?" The other two shook their heads and I made my way to the bar.

I was waiting for the bartender to return when one of the grinding, hairy muscle men stepped up to the bar beside me. He turned his body toward me and my eyes travelled across him, taking in the sight of his package bulging against his jeans and his pecs showing despite the flimsy singlet, before landing on his face to find him smiling at me.

The bartender returned and I accepted the drink, taking a gulp but staying there next to the handsome man. Then his friend from the dance floor stepped in behind him, pressing his bulge against the first guy's ass, his mouth latching onto his neck. I was about to walk away when he spoke.

"What's your name?" He asked and I almost melted.

"I'm Pete." I eventually replied, smiling as the man humping him from behind looked at me as well.

"Cute." The second man said. His voice was deep and smooth. I took a bigger sip to recover my senses. Not knowing what to do I mumbled thanks and left to find Lance and Evan.

I found them where I left them, their bodies pressed against each other, their lips battling one another, their crotches grinding. I stood there awkwardly feeling a pang of guilt and then a flood of jealousy, so I walked deeper into the club to find myself in a bathroom stall.

A few minutes later my head had cleared. I didn't know what I was doing, but I owed it to myself to try again.

"Cute Pete." It was the second man from the dance floor, standing at the urinal as I left the bathroom stall. "Having a good night?" He asked, turning slightly so I could see the thick meat as he pointed it towards the urinal, his thick stream of piss slowing to a stop..

"It's okay." I replied, my eyes glued to his hand as it gently moved around his dick. "I...don't really know what I'm doing here." He shook his cock and stepped towards me with it still hanging out of his open fly.

"None of us do. You wanna talk?" I couldn't look away from that heavy dick, hanging there between us.

"Um. Sure. I...would like that." I licked my lips absentmindedly then he tucked his member away. I followed him out of the bathroom to the rear of the club and we stepped out into a smoking area. As I looked around his arm came around my shoulders pulling me against him, the smell of his sweat hitting me as my body settled under his armpit.

"So tell me what brings you here." His voice was so confident that the words fell out of me explaining that I had just started exploring my desires, and that the man I wanted was fucking my brother. I told him how there was a need growing inside of me after I tested the waters and I was scared of where it was taking me, and that my friends hoped this would help.

"So you're not too sure what you want. Are you attracted to me?" My cock throbbed as he touched my stomach through my shirt.

"Fuck yes." I didn't hesitate in my reply, looking at the ground as the words came out.

"That's a good start." He responded. I found myself lost in his warm brown eyes until we were interrupted.

"Gar!" The other man from the dance floor exclaimed as he ran up to us. "I've been hunting for you." He glanced at me and then their tongues were dancing, my body tensing under his arm.

"Hey Paul. Remember Pete?" Gar asked when the kiss finally ended. He leaned in towards me and, confused, I let Gar's lips find mine. It was gentle and warmth spread throughout my body as our bodies drew in tighter against one another. "He's coming home with us." He said.

I glanced at Paul who beamed at me. He leaned in, his kiss hungrier than his boyfriend's, his tongue flowing into my mouth and his arm coming around my waist to pull me in closer. All I could feel was the warmth and muscle of these two men surrounding me.

The trip to their place was a blur. I don't even remember saying goodbye to Lance and Evan.

I was in awe as Paul and Gar stripped in front of me. There seemed to be no pressure for me, they simply exposed their magnificent, hairy muscled bodies, and my jaw hit the floor.

They were both muscled. Gar was just a bit taller, both their handsome faces graced with tight stubble that led into thick fur trailing down their bodies. Paul was hairier and his hair blonder. Both were hard as stone.

Paul's cock was a handsomely thick six inches. Uncut with veins that I wanted to run my tongue across. Gar could just about give Ben a run for his money with 8 or so uncut inches reaching towards me.

I was drawn to the floor in front of these two men. They kissed each other, standing side by side, and I grasped their cocks. Tasting Gar's leaking hardness, I slid my lips to the root of him before easing back and moving over to take in Paul's thickness. I moved between the two men and just took my time exploring them with my mouth, swallowing every drop of precum I could find, feeling my jaw ache.

Eventually Gar reached down and pulled me upwards so I stood, he and Paul undressing me. My cock bounced as it was freed, throbbing with every heartbeat, my blood pounding in my ears as I stood exposed in front of these two men.

They pulled me against them, the three of us pressing against one another, their hands exploring my body. Gar's was kneading my ass, rubbing against my hole, as Paul ran his up and down my back. I took turns kissing each of them, enjoying their different styles and losing myself in the sensations. I gasped and squirmed when I felt Gar's finger finally push itself into me.

"No, I don't do that." I whispered, hoping he wouldn't be angry at me. He pressed his nose against mine and smiled.

"Okay baby. Don't worry, I'll only fuck you when you're ready." His finger left me and my hole throbbed, suddenly untouched. "You ever fucked a man though?" He asked me and I shook my head.

Paul stepped over to their couch and climbed up on all fours. His smooth, muscled ass was pointed at us, and my eyes fell between those cheeks trying to see what was hidden there. Gar got down and kneeled next to him, reaching out for me. I fell down next to him onto my knees. He put one arm around my shoulders and the other one grasped his boyfriend's ass cheek. I gripped the other side and we spread them apart, and I caught a glimpse of his smooth, pink hole, waiting for me.

"Before you fuck him you're gonna need to get him wet." Gar breathily told me, nuzzling into my neck, making a shiver run up and down my spine.

He just watched as I leaned forward, tentatively sticking my tongue out, looking at him nervously as I braced myself to make contact with this stranger's asshole. It couldn't be too bad from the way Lance had groaned as he licked me, and I was excited by where this could be going, so I just went for it, and was amazed at how sexual it really was. I didn't gag or want to pull away or anything.

In fact, the way he moaned as my tongue touched his hole made my cock leak. Soon I was holding his ass cheeks apart, stroking my tongue up and down him, tasting his intoxicating musk and trying to push it into his entrance. As I lost myself in his bubble butt Gar left and returned, sliding in behind me. His arms came around my body and I felt him smearing lube onto my cock, though with the amount of precum I was producing I don't know if I'd have needed any.

Gar leaned in, chewing gently on my neck before he whispered to me. "Time to fuck." I stood up and he followed, his muscled fur pressing against me from behind. He gripped my cock and aimed it at his boyfriend's ass, his free hand holding my hip, guiding me forward. I thought I was going to explode as the head of my cock made contact with his outer ring, but then he kept pushing me forward.

My eyes widened in amazement as the bright red head of my seven inch cock disappeared into Paul's ring, which opened up to accept me. Seconds later and he groaned as my ginger pubes pressed against his ass. Gar's cock was pressed up against my ass and he humped against me, causing me to gently rock myself into his boyfriend.

Gar's arms wrapped around my torso as I felt his cock dragging against my own hole, causing me to moan and grind my cock further into Paul. Gar's hands found their way to my pink nipples and he twisted them.

"I don't-I don't know how long I'll last." My head fell back onto Gar's shoulder as I enjoyed the way Paul's hole gripped my rod, squeezing it as he moaned, pushing back to swallow me whole.

"Don't last. He wants your cum." Gar's voice was a rough growl in my ear. Paul was now thrusting back hard against me, and the pressure built up in my balls.

"Please, give it to me." Paul begged and I obeyed, groaning wordlessly as I unleashed my cum into his ass.

I slowly came down from my high and let my cock slide out of him, watching in awe as his hole closed, wet with just a dribble of my cum running down to his balls.

Gar captured my mouth with his and it didn't take long to become horny again. I found myself on my knees, a hand on each cock, stroking them and taking turns tasting each one. This time it built up until they each exploded, and I captured every drop I could on my tongue, swallowing down the load from these two men I'd only just met.

We showered and stumbled into their bed where I found myself sandwiched between them drifting off to the sound of their breathing, satisfied in a way I hadn't felt before.

Eventually I woke to the feeling of flesh rubbing against my hole and I pushed against it instinctively.

Next: Chapter 4

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