I Blame His Boyfriend

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 27, 2018


Hi! You know the drill, read if you're allowed to. Let me know if you like where this one's heading, I've got a few ideas for Pete and pals.

My other stories are His Best Friend's Slut in gay/adult-friends, as well as Cum Bucket in gay/encounters.

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The next couple of weeks were hard as fuck. I only got a few chances to suck Lance off again, savouring his cum when I did manage to swallow it.

It probably didn't help that my brother and his boyfriend seemed to have stopped wearing most of their clothes. Mitch has mostly been wearing light, thin gym shorts that stop just underneath his round ass. And from the sight of his near-constant arousal, he doesn't wear anything under them.

But Ben. Fuck. Showing off his broad chest with hair running down his thick pecs, my eyes couldn't help but follow that river of dark fur down to his longer shorts. The soft material seemed to adhere to every line and curve of his thick, heavy dick, and I probably jerked off five times a day.

"Please." I whined as we were tidying up before closing the shop. "Just let me?" I sounded like a little bitch but didn't care.

"I dunno." Lance replied, looking at me incredulously. "I think I've done my part in expanding your horizons. I mean, it's fun but we're friends. And I have a boyfriend!"

"Right! But I've already swallowed your cum so what's one more time? For good luck?" I smiled broadly and hoped I could win him over.

"Fine. One more time." He smirked and shook his head, pulling out his phone. "I'll just text Evan."

My heart was booming in my chest as I opened the door, my dick thickening with anticipation. My stomach dropped as I heard laughter in the lounge. Hopefully we could sneak past them without drawing attention. "Petey!" Ben boomed as I stepped into view. He was stretched out on the couch, one arm around my brother, his hard rod bulging obscenely in his shorts. "And a friend!"

"Holy fuck." Lance hissed at me. "Hey, I'm Lance." He stepped in closer to the two, getting a good eyeful of the two near-naked men. Ben Introduced himself and Mitch.

"What are you boys up to? You should have a beer!" Ben knocked back the rest of his beer, adding it to a collection of bottles on the coffee table in front of them. Mitch just shifted against him, looking slightly uncomfortable, enveloped by Ben's frame.

I opened my mouth to object but Lance cut in. "That sounds good." His voice had a playful tone and I felt a pang of jealousy which was stupid.

"Pete, would you mind grabbing four beers?" Ben threw me one of his dazzling grins and I didn't say a word, just walked out to the kitchen. I pulled four beers out of the fridge and then looked through the draws for anything to get the bottle caps off, eventually finding it under a shopping bag on the bench, popping all four open and sauntering back to the lounge.

I stopped in my tracks and was grateful I didn't drop anything at the sight in front of me. Lance was facing the couch still, but it was empty. Ben was now standing next to him, arm wrapped around his shoulders, and my brother was on his knees in front of them. His hands gripped Lance's thighs and the slurping noises filled the room.

"There they are." Ben looked back and winked, and I didn't know where to look. He pulled himself away from Lance and stepped over to me. He smiled as he yanked on his shorts, freeing his rigid cock and tucking them under his balls. My mouth fell open as I stared in amazement.

He took the beers from my hands, planting them on the coffee table and stepping back towards Lance, this time side on so I could see the full length of his 9 thick inches. He guided my brother off my friend, and my brother's face finally came into view as he wrapped his lips around Ben's cock and slid down until the entire thing was lodged in his throat.

I tentatively stepped up to the other men, my cock straining against my work pants, conflicting thoughts rattling around my brain. As I stepped in towards Lance he leaned in, kissing me, letting his tongue slip between my lips. I parted them eagerly and moaned into the kiss. We pulled away, and as I looked back towards Ben I only caught a glimpse of my brother sucking on his cock as he leaned in towards me.

His kiss was more aggressive. His lips fought mine, his tongue invaded my mouth, and his hand slid down to squeeze my ass firmly. I moaned, and heard Ben's cock pop out of my brother's mouth. This kiss was broken and I glanced down to see Mitch shuffle back over to swallow Lance's cock again, mercifully ignoring me.

I looked back up to Ben to see his eyes lock into mine. His intense stare cut through me as he took my hand and placed it on his wet cock for the first time. My fingertips didn't connect, but I squeezed his cock, moaning when he resumed the kiss. His hand returned to my ass, this time squeezing itself into my pants to paw at the bare flesh.

"Hot little mouth on him, right?" Ben asked when the kiss broke again. Lance eventually responded between moans.

"Y-yeah. Such a good mouth." My hand was now sliding up and down Ben's cock, exploring the burning flesh, my own cock leaking precum wildly inside my underpants.

"Better than his brother's?" Ben's eyes never left mine. His finger had made contact with my hole and I gasped, my hand squeezing his thickness as he traced my entrance.

"Unf. Fuck I dunno. They're both so good." Lance replied, gasping as Mitch's mouth worked his dick. "Pete's a fucking natural, man."

"Good." Ben said as his finger pushed gently into me one more time then pulled away. "We've kept you too long." He kissed my lips more gently this time for just a moment. "You boys should go get busy. Besides, I need to fuck."

I looked over to Lance and Mitch had pulled himself off his cock. He couldn't look at me, looking at the ground instead. Lance grabbed me by the wrist and we headed for my bedroom, his cock bobbing as it led the way.

As soon as my door closed our lips found each other. He held my head as his tongue explored me. The moment I could break away from the kiss I fell to my knees, realising as I took his cock into my mouth that it was still wet with my brother's spit. I sucked him furiously and he moaned, his cock leaking his sweet precum into me, until he pulled me off him.

I tried to get his cock back into my mouth, but he wouldn't let me, keeping his distance. He pulled his clothes off and told me to do the same.

As soon as we were both naked he pulled me into his arms and we kissed again, this time with our hard dicks pressing against each other. I loved the feeling of his naked body on mine. He eventually brought his lips to my neck, nipping and chewing at the flesh, making me moan.

Then he moved downwards. I'd played with my nipples before but they didn't do much until he had one between his teeth, the sharp jolt making my cock jump.

He pushed me down onto the bed and moved further, sucking my cock to the root, his nose buried in my ginger pubes.

He effortlessly swallowed it, causing his throat muscles to tighten around my cock lodged inside of his mouth. When he'd gathered all the precum he could from the source he pushed my legs up and took my nuts into his mouth.

I liked having a mouth on them but it didn't do too much. He released them and surprised me by moving further down, his tongue trailing across my taint, pushing my knees toward my chest.

"Oh! Fuck." I groaned as his tongue lapped at my untouched hole, tracing it and tasting me. This encouraged him to push his tongue further, penetrating me gently, making my eyes roll back and my cock throb.

He explored me with his mouth for what felt like forever but not long enough. He pushed and prodded at me, grazing his teeth against me, moaning as he devoured me.

And then it was over.

He pulled my legs and I let them drift down to the ground as he leaned over me, his lips touching mine gently, my own lips parting to let his tongue make its way between them again.

This time he aimed his cock against my ass, pumping it between my thighs as we made out, his weight on top of me. My own cock was trapped between our bodies, and I tried to push against him as I felt my climax building, moaning wordlessly as I exploded between us.

Eventually the world came back to me and I slid onto the floor to suck him again. It didn't take long and I tasted him, his cum flowing down my throat perfectly. We lay around for about ten minutes after that just enjoying the silence and wishing I'd brought those beers up with me, before he tidied himself up and got dressed, leaving me to shower and collapse into bed.

I don't know what time it was when I woke up to the voice in my brother's bedroom. They were yelling but I was too groggy to make the words out. A door slammed and they stopped, and I lay there, growing more conscious by the second as I tried to figure out what was happening.

I'd just decided to climb out of bed and check on my brother when my door opened. I squinted in the darkness as a figure made his way over to me, standing beside me. A hand reached out and stroked my hair, his other hand touching himself.

"You awake?" It was Ben. I mumbled a quiet yes. "Good boy." One of his knees landed next to my pillow, his body coming closer, and the smell of sex hit my nose. I was hard again. "Open your mouth."

Was I finally going to taste him? I could make out the movement of his hand, stroking his cock as it edged closer toward me in the darkness. I opened my mouth, anticipating a thrust that would finally bring his meat to my mouth, and he grunted.

His cum splashed against me, landing on my forehead, my cheek, onto my waiting tongue, and I even heard it on my pillow. It felt like it took forever for his load to stop raining down on my head, but he brought his hand to my mouth and I sucked the last drops off his fingers.

He bent down and kissed me softly, briefly, on the lips.

"Sleep well."

Next: Chapter 3

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