I Blame His Boyfriend

By Joe Jam

Published on Mar 9, 2018


Welcome! You know the drill, read if you're allowed to. I'm hopefully going to develop this story a bit more so please send feedback if you're so inclined, let me know if it's a worthwhile start.

My other stories are His Best Friend's Slut in gay/adult-friends, as well as Cum Bucket in gay/encounters.

Also, donate to Nifty! http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html is the page, every bit helps.

I don't know why I'm doing it, I swear I'm not a pervert. But for the last few weeks, every damn night I end up stroking my cock to the sounds in the next room.

"Please! Harder, fuck me harder!" The walls are too thin here, and the bed bangs against it as my big brother begs for dick.

I've never really been attracted to guys. I mean, I can recognise when they're handsome but I've had a couple of girlfriends growing up and even gotten lucky a couple times. I never really looked at other guys and put them into a sexual light.

But somehow hearing the guy I grew up worshipping as he gets pounded really fucking does it for me.

I hear his boyfriend's low growl through the walls and can't quite make the words out, but Mitch's reply comes through clearly, filled with need.

"Yes, I love your monster cock! Breed me please." He came out when I was probably 10 and it was never a big issue. It just meant he'd love boys instead, but he was still my hero. 8 years later and I'm on the edge as I hear him begging for cum.

My pale cock throbs and jerks in my fist, jutting up from my crotch at almost 7 cut inches. I stroke it slowly, trying not to cum too quickly, and run my free hand up my tight stomach to tweak my pink nipple. The sharp jolt makes my cock drool.

Their bed slams harder against the wall, banging with every thrust and Mitch moans wordlessly. I tighten my grip and gasp as I'm unable to stop myself from exploding across my stomach. I'm covered in a sheen of sweat, breathing heavily, trying to work out what is wrong with me as my cock deflates.

Ben practically roars as he unloads inside my brother. They've been together for a few months now and they definitely used to be quieter. I'd be able to hear the soft rocking and occasional slap of hand against flesh through the wall, but recently it's become common for his boyfriend to taunt and tease my brother, making him beg and whine and scream for more.

After some time I clean myself up, looking at myself in the mirror. I'm pretty lean with pale skin. My hair is ginger and a bit too long, easily hanging over my eyes if it weren't a tangled mess. I check there's no obvious puddle of cum on me and head to the kitchen for a glass of water.

I'm in my boxer briefs leaning against the cool counter, cold liquid pouring down my throat, when he walks in. Ben. I've heard him a lot more than I've seen him, he usually comes over pretty late, but every time I've seen him my breath has caught in my throat.

Mitch had mentioned him a couple of times but the first time I saw him, a few weeks ago, I had walked into the lounge quietly. Not on purpose, just lost in my own world, but then I froze as I saw them. Ben was glorious. Spread out on the couch with his hands behind his head, his brown eyes sparkling and an inscrutable grin amidst his thick brown beard, my eyes locked onto his before traveling down.

His broad chest was tan and covered in dark brown hair, spread across his heavy pecs, gathered in his armpit. His arms were like boulders held together. His stomach muscles rippled, abs showing through the fur, pulling my eyes lower, where my brother's blond head bobbed up and down.

Mitch noisily slurped as his head bobbed up and down, Ben's thick thighs spread out to either side of him. Mitch was shirtless, his back muscles moving as he eagerly sucked on Ben's cock. His thick round ass strained against his light blue briefs. His arms were planted on the thick, heavy thighs splayed in front of him.

My eyes travelled back up to meet Ben's eyes and then a smirk graced his handsome face. He reached down and his hands slipped into the back of Mitch's underwear, his eyes never leaving mine. I glanced down to see the movement of his finger in the blue briefs.

I shouldn't have stayed there. I shouldn't have watched them. But most of all, I shouldn't have touched myself to the sight of my big brother being fingered as he noisily slurped on an unseen cock.

I groped myself as Ben brought his hand to his face and sucked his finger. He winked at me then his finger returned toy brother's ass. Mitch groaned, his face still in Ben's crotch, and I watched mindlessly.

"You like my big dick, baby?" Ben asked, his finger pumping into my brother who just groaned. "You want me to fuck his hungry little ass?"

Mitch pulled off him then. "Yes! Please. I need your cock in me." Ben stood then, revealing 9 uncut inches of thick cock, covered in my brother's spit.

"You're going to get it then." His eyes never left mine. My cock throbbed, trapped and tormented in my jeans, and I left the room to jerk off furiously.

Now Ben's sauntering into the kitchen with a cocky smirk on his face. My face feels like it's on fire as I devour him with my eyes, taking in his broad shoulder and following the thick swirling hair down his stomach and fixing onto his thick, heavy cock, swinging as he walks toward me.

"Didn't realise you were up." His deep voice rumbles at me in the quiet kitchen and my cock jumps. I can't look away from girth as it lazily swings with every step closer to me. "Hope that's not my fault." My own cock jumps in my underwear.

"Um, it's fine. Sorry." I snap my eyes away from him and stare down to the bottom of his glass. He steps in towards me and suddenly all I can smell his him, his body radiating heat against me. I glance to the side to see him reaching into the cupboard behind me and getting a glass.

"Don't be." I feel his breath against my neck and a shiver runs up my spine. "Just enjoy the view if you want to." He steps back and I look back at him, from his tousled hair to his thick thighs, and I watch as his huge hand grips his manhood and squeezes it.

He lets go and that thick cock flops back down. It's at least 6 inches, hanging there, heavy and mostly soft. My mouth waters at the sight of him and I need to get away. He chuckles as I dash to my room.

In no time at all I'm stroking my cock again and watching a video I have bookmarked on my phone. A blonde teenager squeals in the video as a man pretending to be her step-father squeezes his monster cock into her gaping hole.

His hips thrust against her, and for the first time ever I wonder what it would be like to feel his balls slapping against my ass as my cock unleashes my load again. My breathing slows down and I drift off to sleep, my mind a confused tumble of images, the vision of Ben's massive dick always rising to the top.

I wake up later than I should the next day and throw my work clothes on, splashing water on my face and running out of the door. I'm only a few minutes late to the store and my shift plays out normally except for the image of Ben's naked body filling my brain whenever I stopped moving.

I work in a store that sells a variety of crap, and from 5-7 it's just me and my best friend helping the stragglers who come in between restocking the shelves. I've been there about 6 months and Lance helped train me. We usually go for drinks around the corner after work on Thursdays and Fridays, his boyfriend Evan joining us sometimes.

Most of the time during work we're talking about games or movies or whatever but we talk about everything. sex, religion, political insanity, nothing has really been off limits and I've valued his experience and honesty. So it was probably about 6.30, after stewing all day long, when I was feeling brave.

"Do...do you actually enjoy sucking dick?" My voice cracked toward the end of the sentence as I threw it out. "I mean, is it just something you do to get it done to yourself or is it...actually enjoyable?"

"Why, Pete! If you weren't so straight I'd be cheating on Evan right about now." He winked and gave me a lopsided smile, Leaning against the counter. "But really, it's pretty fucking satisfying. The taste, the texture, the way it throbs and leaks when you know you've done it just the right way. It's amazing."

I gulped hard. "What if I-if I wasn't that straight?" I shifted further away from him and started tidying up some of the stationary underneath the cash register. Neither of us said anything for about a minute and then I glanced back at him.

"In that case I'd be willing to sacrifice my body for you to discover if it was a good fit." My eyes didn't know where to stop as I tried to figure out how serious he was. He leaned there in the polo shirt that was probably two sizes too big for his lean frame, a smirk amidst the stubble. His large, warm brown eyes scanned me up and down, his ankles crossed in his black pants. His black hair flopped down across his forehead. His hand dropped down and gently squeezed his bulge.

"I..." I shouldn't. I work with him 4 days a week, and if things got fucked up I wouldn't have a best friend any more. He has a boyfriend who I get along with. There's dozens more reasons why I shouldn't. "Yes. Please. I want to try it."

My cock was hardening in my slacks as I pictured being on my knees in front of Ben in the kitchen last night. I wouldn't be able to suck him off, but maybe if I try it with Lance I can push Ben out of my mind and destroy the allure.

"Alright!" Lance sent a message to Evan telling him we'd be going for drinks and not to wait up. The rest of the shift was a blur as we went through the motions closing the till up and locking the store.

Soon enough we were perched on my bed in silence, staring ahead. I didn't know what to say or how to start things.

"It's okay. We'll just try a couple of things, and if you don't like it, we stop." Lance said reassuringly, bringing his hand up to stroke my back. "Relax."

He leaned in and his lips brushed mine. I froze, my breath catching, my mind buzzing as I didn't know how to react. We kiss softly and I part my lips when I feel his tongue graze against me, finally breathing again. He pulls my body to his and lets his arms wrap around me. His tongue strokes against mine and I start to ease into him.

I pull away. "I need to...to try this." I drop to my knees in front of Lance and his thighs part as I rest my hands on them. I stare at the bulge in the black material and, after what feels like forever, I reach out to touch it. It feels hard and soft and amazingly hot. I fumble with the button fly and the green material of his briefs expands into the open air. I look up, meeting his eyes, and my heart pounds in my chest.

"You can stop any time." His soothing voice fills the room and I reach up. He lifts himself and I slide his underwear down, his cock rising into view, throbbing and hard in the open air. He's circumcised and it's probably about 7 and a half inches. Definitely bigger than mine and the head is wet with precum.

I slowly lean forward and my tongue tentatively reaches out, licking his head and tasting the sweet sharp tang of him. He leans back and I wrap my lips around the head. Sucking, I swirl my tongue and catch another momentary taste before it disappears onto my tongue. I push myself forward and his cock fills my mouth. Lance groans above me and I start stroking him with my lips, edging myself further down his length.

Lance's hand strokes my hair as I bob up and down trying to do everything that I thought I should. I kept my teeth away from his flesh and kept moving my tongue. I thought I was doing pretty well but then his cock brushed the back of my mouth and my throat convulsed around him. Blood rushed to my face in embarrassment as I gagged audibly, but he just gently stroked my hair and I let my breathing calm down.

I eased back a bit and build up a rhythm with what I could do. I had to admit, it was better than I thought. All I could smell was the his musk, the sweat from a long day filling my nostrils. He moaned as I savoured the glimpses of his flavour as his cock leaked onto my tongue.

I didn't even realise how hard my cock was until I heard them in the next room and it throbbed uncomfortably. My brother was moaning next door as I sucked my best friend's dick. I heard the low rumble of Ben's voice asking something I couldn't make out before my brother answered him.

"Fill me, Ben. Breed me." My brother's loud whine carried clearly through the wall, accompanied by the shake of the bed frame.

Lance's breath caught. "Oh, fuck." He moaned as I managed to suck his cock more deeply, fighting to get it to enter my throat for a few seconds before returning my focus to the head.

"Fuck! It's so big." Mitch cried out from the next room and the rhythmic slapping noise spurred me on to match Ben's rhythm.

"Fuck. I'm gonna cum, buddy." Lance moaned, whispering loudly as I manipulated his cock with my mouth. "You might wanna stop, you're-you're gonna get a mouthful!"

I didn't stop. I worked faster and harder, sucking deeper, and in no time at all he was flooding my mouth with his seed. I can't say I loved the taste but it was better than I expected. Sharp and sweet, spurting across my tongue, I waited until it stopped flowing from his cock and I gulped it down, my cock jumping in my work pants.

Once I'd swallowed it all I looked up at Lance, panting, tasting nothing but him. He leaned forward and our lips connected again. His tongue darted into my mouth, tasting himself, and he reached down to my crotch.

He had barely touched my cock through my pants when it happened. My cum burst into my underwear as my brother's moans became grunts in the next room over.

I was hooked.

Next: Chapter 2

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