I Am Mark Anthonys

By moc.loa@09121GRUBP

Published on Jul 23, 2013


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I am Marc Anthony's #4

Mark Anthony continued the assault on my throat as he watched his self-made show of entertainment, rewinding to parts that he found really interesting. I could feel his power and control over me, growing, as he used me to get off watching his conquest of his latest girlfriend. I sensed him getting close. I could feel his rhythm picking up and the quickening of the pulsing of his cock as he pumped his pre-cum into my mouth. All of my senses were filled by Mark Anthony. All I could taste was the essences of his pre-cum. All I could see was the area of his abdomen and crotch as he pummele d my face with his cock. All I could smell was the sex that was filling the room. I was relieved knowing that he was about to finish. I wanted him to finish, knowing that he'd probably be exhausted and finally be done with me. I felt his climax growing and about to go when in a lightning fast move he cracked me upside of my head then grabbed my head and impaled me on his cock right as the first spurt was about to blow from his cock. Mark Anthony then brought his legs up in an aggressive Jiu-Jitsu move wrapping his legs around my neck and spinning me on the bed till I was pinned under him. I was trapped as he fucked deep into my throat. Mark Anthony's cock was blocking my airway as he squeezed his legs adding to this brutal from of domination over me. I struggled trying to breath, but as I did he just tightened his hold on me stopping any flow of oxygen into my body. I wildly slapped at his legs as he injected me with his sperm. I felt myself blacking out. The last thing I remembered was hearing Mark Anthony roar over me as he claimed his reward of power over me pumping load after load into my limp body. I never did get to watch the end of the movie. I came too, gasping for air. I was totally confused and in a fog. I choked as I coughed tasting his cum in my mouth. My neck was sore from the brutal Jiu-Jitsu move he twisted me around with. Marc Anthony was still on top of me sitting back on my chest. His sweats were pulled back up and his legs were spread wide. He was breathing heavy as I watched his shirtless chiseled chest heaving as he sat on my chest towering above me. I looked up at him not knowing what to do. I was looking for some direction from him. Marc Anthony reached over to his end table and pulled a roach out of the ashtray. As he did the crotch of his sweats brushed against my face. I breathed in deeply. I could not help but to try to get another scent of this man that was above me. The smell of him was intoxicating, a strong male smell and it was of power and sex. I took him in as he took a hit of the joint. I breathed in his scent like I needed it to live as he took another hit off his joint. An ember of the joint dropped onto my chest as he took a hit. I flinched feeling it burn me slightly bringing his attention back to me. This action made Marc Anthony look down at me. Marc Anthony looked down at me as if he has just recognized he was sitting on top of me. He leaned forward putting his hand against the wall grinding his crotch in his sweats into my face. He grabbed the back of my head with one hand grinding me into him. He drew hard on the joint as he ground his flaccid cock into my face. It was more degrading allowing a man to grind their soft cock into your face. He was doing it purely as a degrading motion since there was no arousal involved. I held on to his calves as he ground into my face. I accepted this motion submissively. I didn't want to interrupt any action he chose to have with me. He coughed on the last hit exclaiming "God, I wish you were a chick right now." With that comment he swung his legs over my body and off the bed standing up. Almost groggily he reached down and scratched at his pubic hair through his sweats and looking around the room that he had just destroyed after I had so recently cleaned it for him. His clothes tossed around and dropped as he had removed them while he conquested Karen. His bed was also ripped up and a mess from the recent degradation of me. "I'm going to take a shower. Clean this place up and you can head out.

I'll call you later." The statement was dismissive. Clearly he was done with me. The bathroom door slamned again and I heard him take his third shower of the day washing any interaction with me and Karen off him. I looked down and picked up one of his black gold toe socks and brought it to my face. I inhaled his scent, moaning out as I did. I could not believe this; I still wanted more of him. I shoved his sock into the pocket of my sweats keeping this souvenir of him for later. I picked up his boots and wiped the dust and grime of the evening off with my bare hand, placing them in line with the other elements he adored on his feet. His clothes went into the hamper as I finished cleaning his room. I changed the sheets and made up his bed to accept his clean body so he could sleep in comfort and peace. With that I turned down the sheets and cover as if I was a maid in an expensive Ritz Carleton hotel. I left no trace that I was even there tonight. I received no consideration of the time I spent with him tonight and I did not expect any. I was truly his slave to use as he pleased and I accepted my role proudly. I walked out on the porch as the sun was rising over the trees in front of me. It was a beautiful morning. I t must have rained hard last night.

The pavement was just starting to dry in the morning sun and the trees looked like they were dripping liquid glass on to the ground. I pull out my phone and glanced down at it not realizing that it was already 700 in the morning. Thank god it was Sunday I thought to myself. I know I had some free time to myself now. Marc Anthony always got at least 8 hours of sleep. I probably wouldn't hear from him to at least late afternoon or early evening, if I even heard from him at all. I walked down the street loosing myself in the thoughts of the night before. I was trying to wrap my mind around the fact that I was still turned on how I was letting another man treat me like I let Marc Anthony. I was everything that Marc Anthony said I was. I am a submissive faggot and put on this earth to be used and service guys like Marc Anthony. Just the thought of this and accepting it got me hard again. I rounded the corner and there was Grant. He was jogging towards me Grant was one of the guys that lived in Marc Anthony's neighborhood. Damn they built them nice here. Grant was about 9 years younger than Marc Anthony. He grew up practicing Judo, wrestling and jiu-jetsu with Marc Anthony. They also belonged to the same Dojo. Grant was an Italian Irish guy that grew up in a working class family. He was the youngest of three and kids and he was hot. Grant was about 6 feet tall with dirt blonde almost brown hair. He also had light green eyes and he was ripped. The years of Judo and the combination of working as a lawnboy and construction did his body good. He had a good jog going as he came closer to me. He had on a T shirt that the sleeves were cut out of leaving a large opening on either side showing his well-tanned body. Grant also was wearing his burgundy shorts with the wrestling logo from his high school and black Nike socks and a very old pair of Nike running shoes. He was carrying a pair of work boots in his hand as he ran towards me. I could see a look of anxiety on his face but his eyes lit up as he saw me. "Jay!" I don't know why he always called me Jay? He was always shortening my name to one letter. "I am so happy to see you! Give me a ride to work. I'm fucking late as shit and I'll get fired if I don't get there soon." He asked me as a request, but I could see this was not a request but an order. This 23yo kid was the hot shot in High school. He was good

looking and an all-state wrestling champion; He dated the captain of the cheerleaders plus had multiple chicks on the side. Grant was used to giving orders and he was now giving them to me. "Where are you working today?" I asked "where do you need to go?" "Victory Hills" He answered. "Wow that was 35 minutes away." I shot back. "So!?" Grant questioned me sensing my hesitation Grant wasn't used to being questioned and it was apparent in his interaction with me. I was going to drive him and it didn't matter to him if I had something else to do "Ok but my car is at my place." I stated We both jogged to my car and climbed in. it must have been 120 degrees in it already. As I pulled out Grant was kicking off his Nikes. I just stared at his feet then I heard him "come on John, let's get going. If I'm late ill kick your ass." I sped off as I listened to him talk. He was picking the dirt off the bottom of his boots and dropping it on the floor of my car. He didn't care about the mess he was making, and I didn't either. I'll just clean it later. Grant talked about starting to train to fight pro MMA and get out of the lawn care/ construction business that he has been doing for the last year. I imagined him on top of me pummeling me into submission as he spoke about what the training was like. I immediately got hard at the thought of this young guy dominating me. We arrived at the house they were landscaping in 30 minutes. I shaved 5 minutes off my time, and I was proud that I got this testosterone filled guy to his destination. "Pick me up at 430. Ok?"

Grant questioned me but it was more of an order again, I just nodded my head as he pulled his work boots onto his feet. Grant wasn't looking at me when I nodded. He was lacing his boots onto his feet. "Hey! Answer me when I ask a question." He grabbed my ear using it to turn my head so I had to look at him. "Pick me up at 430?" He asked again in that questioning order. "Yes Grant of course I can." I retorted in the most upbeat voice that I could conjure up. He was still holding my ear like a wrestler getting ready to use it to turn my body so he could slam me down. Don't ever disrespect me. Do you understand me?" He sounded like Vito from the God Father movies. I would have laughed at this comment if it wasn't for the ice cold stare he was now giving me and the total distain and seriousness in his voice. "Yes Grant, I understand." My voice cracked as I answered him. I was in fear of him. I believed at that moment that he would kill someone if he didn't get what he wanted and right then he had a hold of my ear and he was questioning me. Asking me if I was going to give him what he wanted. "Fuck I'm horny" Grant glared at me. ." How about helping me out?" With that he pulled me down to his crotch as he pulled his short down under his balls. Grant's cock was thick. Not as long as Marc Anthonys. But it was thicker. "I never let a guy blow me before, but I heard things about you around the neighborhood. I heard you like to suck cock." I nodded and leaned over and took his cock in my mouth. I gave Grant and awesome blowjob. I started with the head, tasting his precum, licking the tip. Then I went down deep on him. Hearing him moan in pleasure, I could tell this wasn't going to last long. His cock spasmed and I lifted up some to accept his cum into my mouth. He pushed me back down, filling my throat with his cock as he came. I could tell I probably just gave him the best blowjob he ever had. Better than any chick would give. I knew I was good at this. "God, that felt good." He patted my check letting go of my head, Grant pushed me off him and stood up. He peeled his shirt off in the morning sun. The sun kissed his body, making his skin glow golden bronze. The sun liked him and it enhanced his pure beauty. He through his sneakers in my car and started to go away As he jogged he yelled back, Don't be late, If you know what's good for you. I'll have to kick your ass if you are." He and jogged off towards the other guys working. I watched him run away towards the other workers. He looked like a kid running towards them. I thought to myself, how could someone so young already possess such a confident and dominating attitude. Were you born with this? Or was it created? I continued watching him as I felt my ass clench involuntarily and I started to cum. I was having an orgasm. Fuck, that's power. He made me cum just by talking to me.* I drove home as the morning sun grew hot. It was going to be a hot one today. I entered my house. I t was dark and cool. The window unit would keep it nice as long as I did not open the shades. I stopped in the Kitchen and poured myself a very large glass of wine from the box in the fridge.

I went to the bathroom and turned on the cold water to the shower. As I undressed I could still see the welts on my back from Marc Anthonys Beating. There were less of them but the ones that were still there were now like a dull abstract painting on my back. Shades of yellow, blue, purple, and red. I stepped into the cold water. This time it felt good. I stood in the stream and reached out for my wine. I felt the water and wine relaxing me. It felt good. I ended my shower drying off and pulling on a pair of loose sleeping pants. I went back to the kitchen and poured another glass of wine. I shuffled groggily to the bed room opening my laptop, I mindlessly started to check my email. But I was way too tired. I couldn't even keep my eyes open. I closed up the laptop and laid it on the floor by my bed and slid into my sheets and I instantly fell asleep. I heard the ringing in my sleep but I ignored it. Sleep felt so good. My bed was soft, warm, comforting. Then I heard it again, that ringing. It was annoying. Why wouldn't it stop. Then that is when my mind instantly snapped awake. GRANT! What time was it? Fuck! I grabbed my phone. It was 5:01! I was already 30 minutes late! I grabbed the phone, Fuck, it was him. I answered the phone and immediately started to apologize. "Man, I am so sorry. I fell asleep. I'll be right there." I was cut off in mid apology. Why are you not here! Didn't I tell you to pick me up! Didn' t I warn you not to be late?" "Ill be right there. I am so sorry! Please, don't be mad." Click. The phone hung up on me in mid-sentence. I jumped from bed pulling on an old Adidas T- shirt I jumped into a pair of old Nike shoes that I kept loose laced that I wore like slippers. I drove to his job site like I was driving an ambulance with the president dying inside it. But there was traffic. It was rush hour. My car was not cool yet so I put down the window. God it turned into a hot day. It had to be at least 97 degrees out. I ran over in my brain every excuse I could come up with. I just then just realized, there was none. I would just have to accept that he was mad. I'll explain it, and we'll be done with it. As I pulled up to the plan Grant was sitting on the bucket of a very large front end loader in front of a new construction home in the plan. His shirt was off and his boots were loose around his ankles'. I grabbed his shoes from my car and jotted over. I waived at him and yelled "Hey Grant!"

I got no response. He sat on the edged dangling his feet like a young child. Except for the look he was giving me. I could see the temper in him, Grant jumps down and puts his arm around my shoulder like he's going to give me much needed advice. He pats my cheek. "Why were you late?" "I'm sorry man...I fell asleep. It was a really long night. Really. I am sorry!" Come with me" He directs me toward the foundation of a new construction home in the plan. It's a concrete block foundation with a smooth poured concrete floor. There are a few metal pools holding up the foundation. "I told you not to be late. I told you, you'd be sorry if you were. I am tired from working and you are making me do this. I'm going to have to beat your ass now." He stated coldly. Grant kicked off his work boots and started stretching. It is amazing how

flexible he is as he did a split. He then started jumping up and down as if he was getting ready for a match.. He got right up in my face and said ": I told you. You would be sorry." With that he turned away I thought we was going to walk away when he spun on his heels brought his leg up high and round house kicked me in my head. I stumbled back with the lightning speed that he hit me with. My jaw was aching from where the top of his foot cracked my face and I felt the loose molar in my mouth. He kicked me sideways into my chest knocking the air out of me I want backwards into the wall "Please" I begged But he didn't care and he proceeded to give me a beating harder than I have ever had. I cried, I begged, then I just accepted my beating. I fell to the ground and he crawled on top of me and started pummeling me and telling me he's going to teach me to never disrespect him. "What would people think of me if I let a faggot like you disrespect me?" He demanded. I submitted to the fact that he could kill me if he wanted to and he just might if I did not submit to him. This wasn't just sexual dominance. This was true dominance over another human being. He was carving a spot for himself at the top of the food chain and I was a tool to get there. Either I will submit to him or he would do away with me. He was also learning how to treat a faggot like me. He was new to this but I could see him liking the power of making me submit to him. I fell to the ground in a corner as he stood up over me. My face was bloody my lip was cracked and bleeding. I could feel my one eye swelling shut. My bottom teeth on my right side were loose from where he kicked my face. He was going to put me in the hospital at the least.

Next: Chapter 5

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