I Am Mark Anthonys

By moc.loa@09121GRUBP

Published on Jun 21, 2013


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I am Mark Anthony's #3

He grabbed a pair of black Florsheim dress boots and pulled them onto his feet. I looked at him and wished I were those boots. He stood up in front of me and patted the side of my head. "Make sure you do a good job. If you do, you will like what I have for you. But, you will be sorry if you don't." With that he smirked and walked out the door. He then closed the door, .leaving me to tend to his belongings. I am Mark Anthony's I was standing there in my jeans with a ranging hard on and a back full of welts. I was about to cum thinking of him. I had guessed he had a dominant side but I never imagined him taking on this role so quickly. I thought I was the one initiating this scene but I was wrong, so wrong. He has totally out played me on this. He has already dominated me sexually, physically, and most important mentally. He has batted me around like a cat would play with a mouse. I finished his laundry and went to his room to put it away. I put everything in its place and in order. He had things just shoved in drawers. I emptied all of them and organized his socks, underwear and T-shirts. I also organized his closet and lined up all of his shoes. Some of them need to be shined, so I spent 20 minutes doing that also. I changed the sheets on his bed and did my general clean up. I grabbed a bucket and washed the hardwood floors on my hands and knees. The place looked good and smelled clean. I went into the bathroom and it was pretty much a mess also. There was hair all over the sink from where he was trimming his 3 day beard growth. There was piss splashed on the toilet and floor and the shower need to be scrubbed I got to work and cleaned the bathroom even though he didn' t tell me to. I was trying to anticipate what he wanted. I spent 4 hours cleaning another man's place. These are things that only a servant would do and I was his servant. I wanted to be of value to him. I was totally addicted to him. It was getting late and he could be home at any moment with Karen. So I finished cleaning up the living room and kitchen. I went back to the basement and proceeded to put on my shirt. It hurt to lift my arms and for the fabric to touch my back. I accepted the pain with pride in knowing who inflicted it on me and why. I walked back upstairs and headed out, I closed the door knowing that I did my best to make his place nice for him. I drove the few blocks around the corner to my place. I was exhausted. I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower. I looked at my back in the mirror. I sucked in my breath in surprise. Deep dark bruises of purple, green, yellow, and black were forming. These will be with me for a while. Some will probably even leave a scar. Mark Anthony kept his word. He gave me a beating more than I asked for. I stepped in the shower and turned my back to the spray. I cried out as the spray hit my back. I jumped right back out of the shower. My back was to tender from the beating to even take a shower. I started to sob. I dropped down to my knees and placed my forehead on the floor and I cried. I don't know how long I cried for. I could not hold back the feelings pushing through me. I didn't even know why I was crying. I cried long hard sobs from my soul. I needed to cry like this. There was nothing that could have stopped me. I was cleansing my mind. When I finally got a hold of myself I stood up slowly. I got up and washed my face. I was truly exhausted but more at peace with myself than I have been in years. I started a very luke warm bath and added a little rubbing alcohol and epsom salts to the bath water. I slowly slid into the bath feeling every inch of the water touching my back. The water was cleansing my back like my sobs cleansed my soul. I watched as the water slowly turned a little gray from the small amount of dried blood from my back. Though people would not believe me and tell me that I am a victim. I am OK with this. I am more than ok. I am totally at peace with the role that I have helped form for myself. A light smile crossed my lips and I closed my eyes and I was out! I was awakened by the sound of my IPhone ringing like a telephone. I set Mark Anthony's ring tone as an old fashioned phone ring so I would always know when it was him calling. I was shaking from the cold bath water. How long was I in there? It was freezing but it also kind of felt good on my back. It was 3:30 am and it was Mark Anthony. I answered the phone groggily. "Yes Mark?" Hey "Faggot!" Mark Anthony retorted as if he was talking to his best friend. "Get your ass over here. I got something to show you." I hated him calling me "Faggot". He says it with such pleasure. As if he was back in school and found out something about another kid that he can make fun of. In all honesty he has. There is a cruel childlike playfulness that he has taken to an adult level that I am learning to fear. "Mark Anthony it's 3:30 in the morning" I returned. "What do you want?" There was absolute silence on the other end of the line. I realized I fucked up again and quickly back tracked to repair my mistake. "I'm sorry Mark, I'll be right over, I wasn't thinking right, I was asleep." Then all I heard was a click. I was shaking from the cold water. I quickly dried off and got dressed in a pair of white Adidas sweats a red hoodie. I ran over to his place. It was foggy. The neighborhood was absolutely silent at this time at night.

I rounded the corner to his street and look up at his house. The porch light was on. It was the only light on in the neighborhood except for the light in the second floor to his office. The mist in the air from the fog created an eerie glow around his porch. It was a scene that you would see in a horror movie where you would be yelling at the stupid person in the movie to not go in there because you knew the killer was in there. I climbed the stairs to his house and knocked on the door. I heard him moving above and the light to the stairs flicked on. He came down the stairs quickly and the door swung open. He was wearing an old blue T-shirt and blue Adidas running pants. He had no underwear on. I could see his flaccid cock through the fabric. There was a glare of excitement in his eyes. Immediately I smelled the weed. It was strong as if he had been smoking it for a while. "Where have you been?" he asked as if he was a child waiting to open his gifts on Christmas morning. "I have to show you this! I filmed me and Karen! This is awesome! Man, wait to you see what I did to her! I really used her!" He was stating this to me with an excitement and playfulness of a young child that just discovered something new.

He grabbed me by my hoodie and pulled me in quickly and closing the door behind me. "Let me see your back." As he inspected it all he said was

"Nice!" "Come up here" He took off up upstairs to his room taking three steps at a time as I hurried after him nervous and afraid of what he was going to show me. As I ascended the stairs he called after me to hurry. I entered his room and it was filled with a cloud of pot. The contact high was immediate. "Sit Here" He patted his bed for me to sit on the edge in front of the TV in his bedroom. His clothes that he was wearing from tonight were tossed across the bedroom in a random act. I can only imagine at this point what went down here tonight and I was about to find out first hand. He dove across his bed behind me to his bed stand to grab the remote and pressed play as he shot it at his TV set. "Man this is awesome!" he declared as he positioned himself on his bed with his back against the wall his feet next to me. "I wished we had popcorn!" Mark Anthony burst out laughing at his own statement. The TV came to life with a picture of him and Karen smoking weed from a pipe as they danced and grinded to music. He reached up with one hand and grabbed her breast as he pulled her to him with the other embracing her with a kiss. Mark Anthony's mouth covered Karen's mouth as if he was trying to inhale her totally. I realized he must of filmed this as I slept. What unfolded before me was pure aggressive sex with a woman. I couldn't believe he was making me watch this. I watched as he proceeded to push her down to her knees. She struggled some, trying to pull away, but he grabbed her by her hair and made her look up at him. "You know you want this!" He exclaimed. I saw her look up at him as he grabbed his package in his black jeans with his other hand. You could see the outline of his growing cock in his jeans. Karen looked up at him and you could see any will power leave her body. "I do" she submitted. A smile came across his face. More of a smirk as she started to undo the package in his jeans in front of her face. He stepped out of his boots using one foot to push the other one off as she freed his cock from his jeans. You could see the huge outline in his white Calvin Klein boxer briefs. She pulled down on the waist band of his briefs as his cock pointed right at her face. As he stood over her he looked down at her and unbuttoned his shirt revealing his chiseled chest and abs. Karen in the video and I watching it both breathed in deep as we looked at his body. Neither one of us could say no to him. He reached forward and placed a hand on the back of her head and guided her to his hard cock. "Open up." He directed. He inserted his cock into her mouth. He was encouraging her to take more of it.

He was pushing in to her mouth trying to get the entire thing down her throat as she started to choke. He pulled back a little till so she could recompose herself and he proceeded to try again, encouraging her to take it all. She did better this time, choking only when he held her down on his cock for a prolonged period of time. I could see in the video that he was getting close. "Wait till you see this part," He tapped my side with his foot. He then placed his foot on my back pushing on it to gain my attention. He kept his foot on my back. It felt good to have him touching me. She pulled of his cock in the video and looked up at him. "Mark. I want to feel you inside of me. Please! I need you to take me. He looked down at her raising and eyebrow and asked "How bad? How bad do you really want it?" he toyed with her. "Please!" She begged. "I'll do anything you say! " "Anything?" he questioned again giving her a chance to leave. "Yes, I want to do anything." She repeated. With that I watched him grab her by the wrist and pull her to his bed bending her over. He rubbed her pussy from behind. `Damn you're wet" he stated as he rubbed the juices from her pussy onto her asshole. Karen tried to stand up but he pushed her back down. "What are you doing?' Mark Anthony asked in a demanding voice. "I can't have you fuck my ass. Please it will hurt too much. You are too big!" she cried. Well get out then." He stated coldly. "What? No! Please I want to be with you." She pleaded. "Look, I don't need any kids from you. I'm not sure I even want to stay with you. I don't need you getting pregnant. We do it this way, or you can leave, it is your choice." You could see her resign to his will again and she agreed. Mark Anthony stepped up behind her and slowly pushed his cock into her ass, little by little allowing her to get used to his girth. You could see that he wanted this. Mark Anthony owned this situation and proceeded to fuck her ass and he fucked it good. Not once did she ever ask, beg, or plead to him to stop. She accepted her fate to him as I had done earlier tonight. I looked back to him when he tapped my side with his foot and I could see him rubbing his hardening cock in his sweats as he watched his own home porn. He leaned forward and grabbed me by my hair. In a demanding voice "Come here" He pulled me up to his crotch by my hair and instructed me to suck his cock. Not like I had a choice. I took his hard cock from his sweats and into my mouth and serviced him as he watched his self-made porn. I felt him grab my head as he did Karen's and drove me down onto his cock. He was much rougher with me than he was Karen. I tried to open my throat to accept this invasion as he fucked my face. I wanted to show him I could do a better job than her. I wanted him to know that he could depend on me for this service. Mark Anthony continued the assault on my throat as he watched his self-made show of entertainment, rewinding to parts that he found really interesting. I could feel his power and control over me, growing, as he used me to get off watching his conquest of his latest girlfriend. I sensed him getting close. I could feel his rhythm picking up and the quickening of the pulsing of his cock as he pumped his pre-cum into my mouth. All of my senses were filled by Mark Anthony. All I could taste was the essences of his pre-cum. All I could see was the area of his abdomen and crotch as he pummeled my face with his cock. All I could smell was the sex that was filling the room. I was relieved knowing that he was about to finish. I wanted him to finish, knowing that he'd probably be exhausted and finally be done with me. I felt his climax growing and about to go when in a lightning fast move he cracked me upside of my head then grabbed my head and impaled me on his cock right as the first spurt was about to blow from his cock. Mark Anthony then brought his legs up in an aggressive Jiu-Jitsu move wrapping his legs around my neck and spinning me on the bed till I was pinned under him. I was trapped as he fucked deep into my throat. Mark Anthony's cock was blocking my airway as he squeezed his legs adding to this brutal from of domination over me. I struggled trying to breath, but as I did he just tightened his hold on me stopping any flow of oxygen into my body. I wildly slapped at his legs as he injected me with his sperm. I felt myself blacking out. The last thing I remembered was hearing Mark Anthony roar over me as he claimed his reward of power over me pumping load after load into my limp body. I never did get to watch the end of the movie.

Next: Chapter 4

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