I Am Mark Anthonys

By moc.loa@09121GRUBP

Published on Jun 17, 2013


I am Mark Anthony's Chapter 2

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Mark Anthony began to pull his cock from my mouth as I sucked the last drops of him from it. A wave of shame washed over me. I can't believe what just happened things will never be the same. This was my entire fault. I made him do this to me. I wanted him to dominate me. We were both panting hard from the effort. I was still on my knees but also sitting back. Mark Anthony's left hand still had a grip of my hair as I knelt before him. I was looking down at the ground as he pulled my head back. My eyes were closed. I could not face him. "Look at me" he ordered.

As I opened my eyes I was met with the most intense stare. It was as if he was looking right through me. As if he was searching me for an answer.

He was also processing what just happened. Then his expression changed as his answer came to him, he smirked and cocked his head to the side as if to say to himself "alright, if this is how it's going to be? I can do this " I am now Mark Anthony's Mark let go of his grip on my hair with a shove, also pushing me away from him. He started to reposition his cock inside his briefs and pull up the zipper of his camo pants as I remained kneeling at his feet. Shame was washing over me as I thought of how I let another man treat me. I didn't just let him. I asked for it! I offered to pay for it! Mark Anthony started talking not so much to me but to himself, and at me. "I need to take a shower. Fuck, I stink now and I'm going to a party tonight with Karen. Clean this fucking place up! Oh, and make sure that pile of clothes is clean while you're at it. Don't come up stairs till I'm gone and your done with what I told you to do. Oh, and be gone before I get home tonight. I don't need her asking me why you're here." Mark Anthony turned to walk away, and then turned back. I was still on my knees slouched on the ground. "Where's my fucking money?" He asked coldly. I looked up at him. "What?" I asked not even being able to process his request. "My Money, you freak! I didn't do this for free. Where is the money you owe me?" he repeated. I looked over at the old dresser under the stairs where I had placed my cell phone and wallet. Mark Anthony walked over to my wallet and opened it. His eyes widened as he counted the money in my wallet. There was $1200 dollars in there from a new tenant that I had just met. She had given me cash for her first month's rent and security deposit. He paged through the bills counting them. I could see the wheels turning in his head. "New tenant?" he questioned. I just nodded. `I'm taking $700. He stated bluntly "Mark! You said it was $500" I cried out. "I need that money to pay the bills!" Mark Anthony walked back over to me. He looked down at me. I was glaring at him as he started to tell me how it's going to be. "I am going to give you the courtesy this one time and explain to you how this is going to work." He grabbed me by the hair again and pulled me up to my feet. Then he grabbed my throat and jacked me up against the basement wall. He got up in my face and asked. "Do I have your attention now?" I nodded strongly. "Good" he sneered. He proceeded in a monologue not caring that he was spitting on me as he talked. "First of all, I gave you four times more than what you asked for. This was way more valuable than $500. As I see it. You owe me $2,000 and for questioning me I am taking another $100. You OK with that?" I just nodded in submission. "Second, no more of this nodding shit. If I ask you a question I want you to answer. I don't want there to be any confusion in that fucked up brain of yours of what I want and need. You will address me by my name, and you will do it with respect and obedience. I do not need you calling me Sir or Master. But If I sense any disrespect towards me there will be consequences." "Next, you will do what I say and when I say it. You will do it without question. I don't care what it is. If I give you a list, you will do it and complete it. No excuses. You will make sure I have food. You will do my laundry and clean my house. You will shine my shoes. You will make sure that all of my needs and met before you even think of your own. You will anticipate my needs and you better hope you get it right. I now see what you are and what you are good for. I am going to take full advantage of this situation. If I wish to beat you, I will. There may be no reason but for the fact that I want to and can. You will thank me for the beating when I am done. I will not apologize to you and I don't care what you are feeling. I am not a fag and anything I do to you will be purely to enforce my dominance over you. Do you understand me? "Yes" I answered. Mark Anthony raised an eyebrow at my answer. I quickly retorted. "Yes Mark" he let go of my throat he smirked an slapped my face, "Your learning" then he turned around and started to walk away peeling of his gloves and dropping them to the ground. I called after him, "Mark Anthony? He turned again, "What?" "Thank you." I answered sheepishly With that he smirked again. And walked up the stairs and called over his shoulder. "Get this shit done and you can go." The basement door slammed and I started to pick up the remnants of my beating. I can't believe how turned on I am. I just got beat and used in the most humiliating way and now I am hard as a rock. I picked up the gloves and placed them on the dresser so Mark Anthony could find them easily. I threw away the tape that he used on me. I proceeded to sort his laundry as I heard the shower upstairs turn on. He was cleansing his body. Getting ready to go out with his girlfriend and here I was in his basement, like some gimp out of pulp fiction, doing his laundry. I placed the whites in the washer but did not turn it on. I didn't want to disturb the flow of water to his shower. God I was horny. I kneelt back down on the concrete floor and proceeded to pull out my hard cock and beat myself off. I picked up one of his socks and brought it to my nose. Inhaling his scent as I brought myself to a climax thinking of how he just fulfilled my greatest fantasies. I came. Wave over wave of pleasure surged through me as I proceeded to have the most intense orgasm, shooting across the concrete floor. I inhaled deeper from the sock. I could not get enough of this man. It was like an addiction. Like crack, and my drug that I needed to live was him. I was brought back to reality as I heard the water heater creak as Mark Anthony must have been done with his shower. I proceeded to turn on the washer and start the tasks that he instructed me to do. I stayed in the basement as he got ready to go out with Karen. I washed his clothes and cleaned the basement. I took care to inspect each item for stains and treat them. "Jerry!" I heard Mark Anthony yell from his living room. "Get up here."

I rounded the corner to his living room and he was sitting on his couch his royal blue dress shirt was unbuttoned showing his chest and abs. He had on a pair of tight black Levi jeans and he was pulling on a pair of black Goldtoe socks. His black curly hair was still damp and was combed back. I could smell him and he smelled clean and he looked awesome. Mark Anthony began rubbing his foot through his sock. He looked up at me standing in front of him. "That has a pretty intense session...ha? I 'm actually tired from the beating I gave you." He was speaking to me like what just happened was no big deal. As if it was an everyday occurrence. "You alright?" he asked "Yeah" I answered softly as I watched him rubbing his foot. "You want to do this for me?" He asked raising his eyebrows. "I could use a good foot rub after what I did to you today." I knelt down on the hardwood floor as he stretched out his feet to me. I began to massage the arch in his foot as he placed his other foot on my shoulder resting his ankle there. I was looking down at his foot that I was rubbing and paying complete attention to my task. My heart was beating hard. I was feeling my submission to him in every cell of my body. I could feel the welts on my back from his belt. The pain was searing into my soul reminding me of my place to him. What I was doing was so wrong in society's eyes, but it felt so right to me. I would do anything to please him.

I wanted to be a tool for him to use to make his life better. I don't think anyone would understand this sick fantasy of mine but it did feel right to me. He used his foot to tap the side of my head to get my attention. "You done with what I told you to do?" "Almost, Mark Anthony" I answered. "Good" he stated, as if this was normal. "Put the clothes away in my room, and straighten up my room. I want it to look good for when I bring Karen home to fuck her. Make sure it looks good. I don't want to have to give you a beating again so soon after the last one. I bet your back hurts? Turn around let me see it." He pulled his foot from me as I turned so he could see my back. "Damn! Those strap marks look angry; I really did a number on you." He reached out to touch my back, running his finger across the ridges of the welts. I flinched as he explored his handy work. It hurt to have him touch me, but I did not pull away. He was amazed at what he accomplished. "I can't believe you would want this? I would never let someone do this to me. Wow, that one broke the skin." I closed my eyes and accepted the pain as he expressed his feelings about the last session, I listened to him talk as if I was being hypnotized by his voice. Make sure you take care of those after you're done with my stuff.

He grabbed a pair of black Florsheim dress boots and pulled them onto his feet. I looked at him and wished I was those boots. He stood up in front of me and patted the side of my head. "Make sure you do a good job. If you do, you will like what I have for you. But, you will be sorry if you don't." With that he smirked and walked out the door. He then closed the door, .leaving me to tend to his belongings. I am Mark Anthony's

Next: Chapter 3

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