I Am Mark Anthonys

By moc.loa@09121GRUBP

Published on Jun 11, 2013


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I am Mark Anthony's

Mark Anthony pushed his cock into my throat forcibly and held me there. It was obvious that he was truly pissed at me for being such a submissive fag. Mark Anthony is such a straight alpha male and he was pissed. After 5 years he could not change me and he did try. Now, He was done trying. "Is this what you want?" he roared over me. "You want to be treated like

this?" I heard him saying to me as his manhood filled my throat. His cock was throbbing angrily as it penetrated past my chocking point. I held on to his legs feeling his power surge through him as he took his ultimate pleasure over me. Mark Anthony was totally dominating another man. He was making me service him in the ultimate form of submission. Mark Anthony is going to make me sorry for what I asked for and pleasure himself as he does


I have been Mark Anthony's property now for a year and a half. I had given myself to him when I realized I was so unhappy with my life and the choices I have made for myself. I begged him to take control. I thought it better that I let him, an obviously superior man, than I to make those choices. I basically forced him take complete control of my life. He did not want to do it. There was nothing sexual that interested him in me. It took years of baby steps to get to this point. I signed a contract with him. I gave him all access to my financial records, bank accounts, and savings.

Now I am wondering if I made a mistake. He is giving me everything I asked for and more. I met Mark Anthony almost 5 years ago. I had answered an ad for a Personal

Fitness Trainer on Craislist. I was 40yo and probably 30 pounds overweight. I tried everything to lose the weight. I was not athletic and I felt that I needed some help. I saw an ad for a personal trainer. It stated, "are you looking for a different approach to weight loss? Have you tried everything else and it hasn't worked." And wow his credentials. He was a Graduate of the air force academy, an NCAA wrestler, and was on the Olympic Judo team. He also owned an online organic food company. He was everything I wasn't. He has accomplished more than I ever would in fitness and being a man. Woman loved him and men wanted to be like him. All that he asked for in the ad is that I be open and coachable. Crack! Wow, did he just hit me up side my head? I was brought back to reality in a flash. All I heard was Mark Anthony saying pay attention faggot. Mark Anthony pushed his cock into my throat and held me there as I choked. I realized that things have changed. Our relationship will never be the same. I was on my knees at his feet, my throat spasmed on his cock like a pussy orgasming I felt this ultimate man take his pleasure on me. As his hands grabbed my head giving, me no choice, but to do as he wanted. I could feel the exchange of power. I was no longer his friend. I am now something for him to use as he pleases without question or argument At first glance Mark Anthony was not a muscle god. But there was something about him that drew me to him.. When he answered the door that first time he was wearing an old dark blue t shirt and a pair of blue Adidas running pants with a grey strip down the side. He was 5'11 and approx. 175 pds.

He was not big but damn he was shredded. It looked like he was rock hard and his ass looked like two cannon balls in his sweats. Marc has this Dark unruly hair combed back with piercing blue eyes. He also had about a three day shadow on his face. Damn I thought to myself. How was I ever going to concentrate with him training me? He is totally hot but also totally straight making him that much more attractive. I made it through that first workout. He really pushed me on that first workout. I thought I was going to puke. But I made it. Now look at me impaled on his cock! I asked for this. I have no one to blame but myself. I wanted to be dominated. I wanted to be disciplined. I wanted to be beat. What I forgot was that giving this type of control to someone else is not what you always imagine in your fantasies. You have control of your fantasies. I had no control of Mark Anthony. He had control of me and he was taking full advantage of it. He was treating me like I hurt one of his family members. He was teaching me a lesson I will never forget. This all started a few weeks ago. Mark Anthony asked me to give him a daily diary of what I ate but I wasn't doing it... He kept asking me why I would ask to do something and not do it. We agreed that he could charge me when I did not do my diary, however nothing changed. I guess I was trying to piss him off. He was at the end of his rope with me and asked what he should do? I sent him an email and half-jokingly asked if he'd be willing do physical punishment. I emailed my request and he basically told me I was messed up. Why would I ask for this? Told me it must be some sort of sick comedy skit. But I kept on pushing. I wanted the discipline. I have been doing things for Mark Anthony for a few years. It started with me fixing some things in his house. I was handy. Then I started cleaning his bathroom and kitchen in exchange for him training me. I wasn't allowed in his room for the longest time. But that he also saw the benefit of me cleaning his room and to my greatest pleasure, doing his laundry! I would smell each sock, underwear or shirt before I washed it. He had almost no scent. He smelled clean. I would feel my submissiveness growing as I completed each task. I was always asking if there was anything else he needed. He started leaving list for me to complete. The lists kept growing some of them with tasks that I was not able to finish that day and he would email me his displeasure. I accepted this. I was now doing things for him without pay and he was getting used to it, expecting it. One day he requested that I fix 2 door knobs, Hang some towel hangers in his bathroom, hang some guitar hooks, dig up a plant, finish the laundry and the cleaning, email my diary and cook him a pot roast diner. How was I going do all of this? These lists kept growing. As you know I was not able.

I worked at his place till 4 till I had to go I texted what I did and left. This was the response I got back I see the new hooks on the bathroom door, they need to be adjusted so the door is easier to close. what were you doing here if none of these things are done? holes in attic floor are still there guitar hook that came down down is still down 3 new guitar hooks aren't hung I don't have an inventory Where are the socks I wanted you didn't uproot the plant that is adding to my allergies pot roast isn't in my fridge no report on progress on how to make me money no posters hung or clients gained for PT ============================== I need light bulbs, or tell me where ones are if they're already here His domination and arrogance were growing. He was now expecting me to read his mind. There were things that he wanted done that he didn't tell me about and he was mad I didn't do all of it. The next day he texted me to come to his place right after work and don't be late. I loved when he gave me orders. I showed up at his place after work, I was nervous and I wasn't sure why. I knocked on his door. I could hear him inside. But he didn' t answer. I became more nervous as I stood there. I know he heard me. Was he making me wait? After a few minutes I heard him some down his stairs and answer the door. He was wearing this paper thin blue t shirt, It looked like it clung to his body as if the shirt was worshipping him. I could see every ridge and bulge of his chest and abs it that shirt. The shirt was almost see through He was also wearing a pair of camo pants that he filled out perfectly. On his feet was a pair of Asics wrestling shoes. I soaked in the sight. I could tell he wasn't happy but, God he was he hot I thought. "Stop staring at me and get in here" Mark Anthony said. "Close the door. We need to talk." "Ok Mark, whats up?" I asked. I could tell he was high and he was wrestling with something in his mind. He started "that email that you sent me

were you wanted me to ahhhh punish you? That you wanted me to beat you for disobeying me and that you would pay me?" I'll do it for $500 if you are serious? "Yeah I guess" I answered almost below my voice "I don't know what I want " I said a little louder. He raised his eyebrow and was just staring at me. His eyes were a little glassy. I realized he was also high. "Look" he started "I am not into this shit. This is not going to help you. But I need the cash. I don't know what kind of sick dream you have and I don't want to be a part of it. But I will do it this one time for $500." I must have looked like a deer that was just about to get hit by a semi. " What?" is all I could say? As I searched his face for if this was really happening. He was glaring at me for my answer. He took a stance as if he was a getting ready for a fight. He was nervous also, I could tell. But he wasn't showing it. "WELL?" He probed "OK?" "OK" I agreed Go down stairs he said. Wait down there, I'll meet you in the basement. He ordered Mark Anthonys basement is an old western pa basement. Old white cinderblock walls with glass block windows. Probably built in the late 20 or 30's

He has a red heavy bag hung from the old rafters with grey duct tape holding the seams together. I heard him coming down the old wood stairs...my back was towards him so I looked over my shoulder. I first was his feet in those white Asics wrestling shoes. As he came down he was holding his black belt. It was a thick black leather casual belt with a bushed metal buckle. You sure you want this? He asked you can back out now if you want But you still have to pay me the $500 if you do back out.. "No I don't want to back out I'm ready. Ok Take off your shirt and face the heavy bag and grab the chains over your head. As I did I could feel and excitement running through my body. I heard him crack the belt behind me. Mark Anthony was holding the buckle and cracked the belt in the air. I felt fear and excitement. Then I heard him say "ready?" As soon as I nodded yes he wasted no time and cracked my back with the belt causing the most intense searing pain. I let out a howl that I know could be heard outside. I let go of the bag and dropped to my knees. My god that hurt. Get up! Grab the bag Mark Anthony snarled Fucking faggots! Jon- mike walked over to a workbench in the basement and brought a roll of packing tape. He then taped my hands over my head so I could not move. The sound of packing tape peeling of the roll as someone is using it on you is a very frightening sound Jon –Mike I am not sure I can do this. You are not backing out now you fucking faggot he said. He walked over to a laundry pile in the basement and picked up one of his socks he had worked out in and shoved it in my mouth. Or at least as much that would fit. He then used the packing tape to secure it in my mouth so I could not spit it out. He came over to me and grabbed my jaw in his hand and made me look at him. `Remember, you asked for this" he pulled on a pair of black Under Armor football gloves. Mark Anthony walked back to his position behind me. "I am going to give you a beating you will never forget. You will be sorry you asked for this. He instructed to me. Across the basement was an old round antique mirror with beveled edges hanging on the wall. It was covered in dust from the dryer vent, but I could see both of our reflections in it. It gave the impressions that this was not real but an old TV show or bad porn. It would have been the best porn I thought except this was going to be real. He then proceeded to whip my back, methodically and without emotion. On the third whip my legs buckled but the packing tape held me in place to the heavy bag. My muffled cries filled the basement as he continued to whip me for 25 times. I was in the worst pain I have been in but my cock was rock hard. He beat me till I was no longer standing. I was hanging from the chains sobbing. I looked in the mirror and I could see myself hanging with him behind me with the most intense stare.

I think he was enjoying the power over me. He came up close behind me and started talking. "Is this what you wanted?" I nodded. "Are you sorry for not obeying me?"

I nodded again. At that point he ripped the tape from my mouth so I could spit out the shirt. He grabbed a knife from the work bench and cut the tape securing my hands. I fell to the ground on my knees and forearms. I was crying as he walked in front of me. All I could see was his Asic wrestling shoes. Look at me. It was an order. I slowly raised my eyes up his chiseled body to his face. Those cold blue eyes staring back at me. What do you say? He asked I looked at him, confused. "What the fuck do you say? He asked again slowly each word like he was talking to an idiot.

I looked back at the ground, which was the wrong thing to do. He pulled my head back by my hair and backhanded me hard. Look at me! What the fuck do you have to say me!? He screamed. Sorry I cried out...no he screamed and slapped me three more times. Back handing my right check the slapping

the left and backhanding me again. What the fuck do you have to say to me he stated again. Thank you I cried out. Thank you what? He answered. Thank you Mark Anthony I cried out. Your damn right he said. When you address me, you will do it with the utmost respect. Do you understand me? Yes Sir I submitted. I am going to show you how a real man treats a piece of shit like you. He stepped closer to me he was undoing his camo pants. He pulled down the zipper of his pants and I could see his huge cock growing beneath the cotton of his white boxer briefs.. I cannot believe you would let me do this to you I could see him getting angry again he pulled my hair back harder and spit in my face. It hit my check and dripped down to the side of my mouth. I instinctively licked my lips which really pissed him off. He slapped me so hard that I fell back on my knees till my back was on the floor and in an instant he was straddling my chest. Folded in half backwards my calves pinned under my thighs. He grabbed my hair again and pulled my face up to

his crotch grinding it into his now hardening cock. This is the treatment faggots like you get. I moaned like a bitch. You want some of this? Yeah? Well beg for it! He pulled me to my knees as he screamed at me " Beg!" I dropped down and started kissing his feet in his wrestling shoes. He picked up his foot and pushed my head down to the floor, grinding the side of my head into the concrete. I tried to free myself grabbing his ankle squirming under his trampling. "you will learn to obey me" he lifted his foot and told me to roll over. I was on my back looking up at him standing over me. He put his foot on my throat and pushed down limiting my air flow. I looked up at him. Even in this position. With absolute fear I found him to be the hottest man alive. He was glairing down at me. What a faggot. He cleared his throat and I heard him hawk up a good wad of spit and fired it on my face. Here I was on the ground under his foot

being beat by a man that I trained on how to kill if he wanted and that could kill me if he wanted. I had no choice but to obey him. I felt my submission growing. I was truly learning my place. I needed this and I was turned on beyond any fantasy I imagined. I knew there was no going back. Marc grabbed me by my hair and pulled me up to a kneeling position in from of him again. He stepped up close and said "I am going to teach you how to service a real man. At that point he pulled out his magnificent cock and smacked it off my face. Using his one hand on his cock as the other held me in place by my hair. I could feel the precum dripping from his cock sticking to my face. Open up he sneered and he pushed the head of his cock in my mouth. That day I tasted him for the first time. I could taste the precum in my mouth. The essence of a real man and I was instantly addicted to him. I needed him. It was like a drug addiction. Like crack I needed his seed in my mouth. Mark Anthony pushed deep into my mouth gagging me on my cock. His hands grabbed my hair pulling me into him and grinding my face into his body holding me there and doing it again. He did it over and over picking up a rhythm. Each time his cock plunging deep into my throat. I looked up at him towering over me, fucking my mouth, a picture of power and strength. Tilting his head back as he clenched his ass and drove into me grunting out as he thrust. Not just dominating me now but also receiving pleasure as he

fucked my face. I saw his mouth open as he lost himself deep in the pleasure I was giving him or I should say that he was taking form me. I could feel him getting closer. His grasp tightening on my head. I dared not to disturb the trace he was in. I wanted him to get pleasure from me. His pre cum filling my mouth and lubing my throat and invading my senses with his essence.. I could feel is power surging through his body it was intoxicating to me. Mark Anthony paused for a split second then he erupted into my mouth. He pulled me tight to his body. He emptied his load into me. His cock was growing even larger as he came. He let out a long intense moan, leaving his body. Followed by him growling "FUCK" in pleasure and power. Mark Anthony began to pull his cock from my mouth as I sucked the last drops of him from it. A wave of shame washed over me. I can't believe what just happened things will never be the same. This was my entire fault. I made him do this to me. I wanted him to dominate me. We were both panting hard from the effort. I was still on my knees but also sitting back. Jon mikes left hand still had a grip of my hair as I knelt before him. I was looking down at the ground as he pulled my head back. My eyes were closed. I could not face him. "Look at me" he ordered. As I opened my eyes I was met with the most intense stare. It was as if he was looking right through me. As if he was searching me for an answer. He was also processing what just happened. Then his expression changed as his answer came to him, he smirked and cocked his head to the side as if to say to himself "alright If this is how it's going to be? I can do this" I am now Mark Anthony'

Next: Chapter 2

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