I Am Jack

By moc.liam@namehtzda

Published on Oct 24, 2010



My name is Jack Lambert. I have just 18 years old and I attend Holy Trinity School sixth form. I'm a popular student, who is in the football, basketball, athletic and swimming teams and I was voted Prom King at the Year 11 Prom in June. I'm also very bright, despite not much caring for school and was the only one of my group of mates who got an A*. Two in fact, in Physical Education and French.

I'm 6ft tall, have a good Athletic body with a little hair on it, black hair (which is ALWAYS spiky. I spend 45 minutes working on my hair in the morning), nice big thighs and an impressive 9 inch cock.

Like most teenage boys, I love keeping fit, having sex and drinking until early hours of the morning. And like most teenage boys, I learnt the art of self satisfaction when I was merely 11 years old after finding a gay porn site on my Uncle's computer.

Oh yes, I forgot to mention the fact that I'm gay which has caused umpteen complications but I'm a fighter and I don't take shit.

When I first began attending Holy Trinity School I was 14 and had moved to Kent from Manchester. I live with just my father after my mother left when I was 7 years old. but I still see her every other weekend. My father owns a massive porn company which makes and distributes porn legally in the UK and US. He's a massive success, and his DVD "Harry Snotter and the Leggy Blondes" is the 2nd biggest porn selling DVD in the 2000's. I hardly see him as his always touring different countries, with a different blonde attached to his arm, so I pretty much run the house that we live in.

I live in a massive 8 bedroom house in south Kent which has two pools (an indoor and an outdoor one) and my bedroom includes all the latest modcons. When I came out as gay, when I was 14 my father was disappointed and surprised. He'd always thought I'd inherit his porn company when he dies (I've been told I still can infact, but I probably won't be shagging any of the models like he does). My friends think that my father is a God and ofen inqure onto getting some of his DVDs for cheap.

I'm out as gay to everyone I know. It's not a secret. and when I first began attending Holy Trinity I got bullied a little bit. But I soon showed them that I was a star athlete and people began to warm to me. I wouldn't say that the winning of the football team and athletics team is just down to me, but I was pretty fucking fantastic.

School is pretty shit today. I have double PE which is always fun, but then I have 2 hours of French and then an hour of Religious Education followed by a 1 hour detention for answering back to head of P.E Mr Green.

We're doing training for the upcoming Kent Olympics in which our school compete with 19 other schools. It's always a laugh. I've been selected to run the 800m, 1500m running competitons and I will also be doing the 800m front stroke in the swimming pool.

"Fucking hell" my best mate Tommy says to me after reading the published list in the sports hall "Your going to be fucking fucked!"

I laugh. "That's easy mate" I reply "I just wished I was picked for the relay races aswell, but apparently 'I'm not good with teamwork'".

Tommy and my other best mate Lee both burst out laughing. "Your fucking not!" Lee laughed "Remember last year when poor Sam dropped the batan in rehershals and you threw it at his head and his was in hospital for 3 days and had umpteen stitches? I'm surprised you wasn't arrested for that dude".

I laugh and we walk out of the sports hall but we are suddenly stopped from P.E teacher Mr Godden. "Jack" he states clearly "Mr Green has gone home for the day, back problems, so your be sitting your detention with me tonight. I've been advised by Mrs Collins that you have ICT coursework due so you will be doing that tonight".

I look at Mr Godden who is all muscle and simply state. "Right you are" and walk off.

"You fucking fancy him, init" Tommy laughs as we begin to walk to our next lesson, which for me is 2 hours of French with Mrs Merrien "You will get Mr Godden on his knees!"

"Fuck off, I do not. I'd never shag a teacher, that's disgusting" and clearly a lie. Mr Godden has been the subject of my wank sessions for the past 3 months. A record, really. The only one who comes close was during my morbib month and half fasnication with Robbie Williams. I grew out of that one though thank God.

"You lie, everyone wants to" Lee states "Like I'd fuck Mrs Kelly, that English teacher, have you seen the tits on her?"

"And for me, It's Mrs Merrien, she might be 40 odd but she sure looks good in them skirts!" Tommy laughs "And you have her now, init, send her my love, lover!" he continues before the pair of them walk for thier next lesson which I believe is Mathetmatics.

Sitting in French I'm next to Cally Simmons, who is Tommy's ex girlfriend. Which is awkard because she's not actually his ex yet but he is planning on dumping her tonight because he is hoping to hook up with big breasted Amanda Knight at Robbie's 18th birthday party tonight.

"How's Tommy?" she fires a load of questions at me "Is he OK? He's not answering my texts. And I've called him five times and I think he put the phone down on me? Why did he do that? It's our 9 week anniversay today, he shouldnt be ignoring me!"

I don't know what to say so I don't say much. "He didn't mention that" which clearly doesn't impress her because she huffs and throws her pen on the desk.

"Oh and did you hear that fucking Amanda Knight, who is a right slag by the way, shagged Ben Marshall last night? He told Lindsay who told Samantha who told me and now I'm telling you. You usually have the gossip, is this true? because she said she didn't and we all think that Ben is a liar".

I sigh. Ben Marshall DID shag Amanda Knight because she texted me this morning because she needed a morning after pill. But I'm cool with that, the thing I'm not cool about though was that just 4 days earlier Ben Knight was writhing in pleasure as I fucked him hard in my father's limosuine.

Ben Marshall is probably the 2nd coolest kid in the school, after myself of course. He has good looks, a great body and an impressive cock with a nice set of bollocks. But he's so scared to be labelled. He told me that he's "almost 100% straight" but then an hour later, he was in my fathers limosuine, legs in the air and my 9 inches pounding him. He said later that night that it was his first time (He is almost definitely lying because noone is that loose on their first night, Trust me).

But I do like Ben, I don't even particualy fancy him because his denials get on my fucking tits so I decide to help him out.

"Yep, he did fuck her. Twice I heard, and she wanted more but he had to go" I say as I put my pen on my book and start writing a paragraph in French about what I plan to do in the weekend.

[i]Je prévois me procurer guère de sommeil, une strip-teaseuse baise Hunky et se saouler à la vodka et de coke[/i]

Which basically translates to "I plan on getting hardly any sleep, having sex with a hunky stripper and getting drunk on vodka and coke". Of course, I don't actually write that but it would have been jokes if I did.

"Oh I can't believe that, fucking skank" Cally says as she also begins writing.

I laugh to myself about the whole hilaritay of the sitaution, and the reason that Cally is so distraught. Ben told me just three days before I done him that Cally came onto him but he rejected her.

Tonight is Robbie's 18th birthday, and after my detention with Mr Godden I will be going to Lee's house to have a few strongbows and get ready for the night out. I leave my bag in the changing room and walk into the sports hall where Mr Godden is practising his basketball shoots and he is quite good. I sit down on the table that he has put out and put my coursework onto it and pretend to write.

"Why did you get a detention for anyway for Lambert?" Mr Godden says as he throws another ball straight into the hoop.

I love that he calls me by surname. It's attractive in a strange way. "I was having a bad day and called him a few names I probably shouldn't have. But he knows not to put me on a team with Terry Knight because the man is infuriarting!"

He laughs as he dribbles a ball and begins walking over to me. He sits on a chair opposite the table. "You know, Lambert?" he says with a smile. He places the ball on the table and it rolls over to me. "Your a very, very good football player, basketball player and basically everything else, Actually is there anything your not good at?" he enquires.

"Tennis" we both say aloud. It's funny because it's true. I'm TERRIBLE at tennis.

"You need to focus more on the actual sports because the more you show off, and IT IS showing off, the less you are showing of your talents in the world of sports".

I think for a moment and Mr Godden does speak some sense. I mean, I wouldnt call it showing off- more making people laugh- but I have spent an awful lot of time in detention lately which aswell as sucking doesn't look good in my folder.

"Your right Mr Godden" I say as I put down my pen on my book "I am brilliant at all those sports, I guess I just have a natural talent".

He laughs at my speech. It wasn't meant to be funny. It's clearly the truth.

"No, You are good and I think it's brilliant that you can see that!" Mr Godden says "But are you good enough to beat me? I challenge you to a game of hoops".

Never one to turn down an oppourunity to thrash a teacher, I oblige.

"But what about my coursework?"

He shrugs. "Your the one with the mouth, I'm sure you can come up with something".

35 minutes later, I am sitting on a bench breathless. Sweating. We had a great game of one on one basketball and I lost. Just. I was winning for the first 20 minutes, 12-9 but he came back and got another 5 hoops in the last 5 minutes. Jammy bastard.

Mr Godden sits down on the bench next to me, sweating aswell but still smelling of Lynx deodrant. Chocolate flavour, I believe. "I hope your considering doing Sports for University because I can see you doing well in that field, what are you planning to do for Uni anyhow Lambert?" he says slightly breathless.

"I'm looking into becoming a fitness instructor, or possibly a football coach or something. Not 100% yet" I say to him wiping sweat of my forehead.

"That's good" he smiles "What about being a P.E teacher? Obviously, You'd have to do 2 years at University but you could come back and work here, you'd be brilliant".

I'd never actually thought of that. I'd love that actually, but I'm not making it look like that. Just yet.

"Your brilliant, but obviously, we'd have to train you in tennis" he smiles at me and pats me on the back.

"Only if you wear little tight white shorts" I say but regret it after thinking he is going to hit me. Or kick me. Or both.

But he laughs. "Your funny Jack, real funny".

And then I do something that you most definitely shouldn't do a teacher. I kiss him.

He pulls away, almost immediatly. "Dude, what was that?" he says. He still has a grin on his face though which is strange.

I panic slightly. "I'm so sorry! Complete accident!"

"It wasn't" he says "And that's fine".

Wait. WHAT?

And then he kisses me back.


So I'm on my knees sucking off only the fittest man in the school. His Reebok shorts are around his ankles, my mouth is round his 7 inches and his balls are banging me in the chin as I deep throat his cock, which is surrounded by tons of brown hair.

"I'd get so fired for this" he moans but he is clealy enjoying it as he pushes my head further onto his rock hard cock. "So fucking fired".

My own 9 inches is straining against the material of my adidas shorts as I enjoy taking my P.E teachers cock into my mouth. He pulls me up and sits me on the bench with him, taking my shorts down to my ankles and wrapping his hands around it.

"Could you imagine if Mr Wiley walked in right now" he grinned "One thinks one would be extremly fuming with me".

I laugh "Does this mean that I can get away with my doing my P.E coursework this week?"

"Fuck off" he grins "But awesome cock, boy, massive".

I lean back down and take his cock into my mouth. He moans furiously and its obvious he is going to blow.

"Gonna cum" he moans as I suck faster and harder on his erect poll. "Fuck gonna cum boy".

And he does, all in my mouth. And I swallow the lot.

I stand up, feet either side of the bench and wank my cock furiously until I cum myself, all over his Reebok t-shirt and his own cock.

"So boy" the Black haired muscsley yet skinny P.E teacher said to me "That was quite good".

"Quite good?" I say as I pull my shorts back up and sit on the bench. My erection still intact but dying down gracefully.

"Lambert" he smiles as he wipes away my cum with a the towel he used to clean his sweat with earlier "Good at football, check. Fantastic in the pool, check. Great at cricket, check. And a god damn perfect cock sucker aswell". He pulls up his shorts and begins to walk away.

"You have 10 minutes, finsh up the coursework Lambert" he says. And he carries on walking. "And next time, I might let you fuck me". And the hes gone.

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