I Am His

By Nail John

Published on Jul 26, 2017


Jim and I are winding down our first week together and it has been heavenly for me and we are getting up getting ready to go to work.

Jim rolls over in the bed and starts to nibble on my ear and I moan and I say," Oh, how much I love that but we have to go to work."

Jim said," Call us in sick."

I said," I would love to the problem is those two new guys the boss has are unreliable and that house has to be finished on the outside within the next couple of days."

Jim said," Shit you are right."

Jim and I work for a housing contractor and we frame and roof the houses we also do some interior work.

Jim said," You know it is Friday we can go out tonight."

I said," I know but are you sure you want to come out of the "closet?"

Jim laughed and said," I only spend a couple of minutes in the closet in the morning. Well, this town will know soon enough."

We ate breakfast and saw it was about 6:00 and we inventoried all our tools in the back of the pickup satisfied we left our house.

Jim said," We need to get the deer licenses before too long if we want venison."

I looked at him and said," Wow, we have to get them next month."

Jim said," I haven't even stalked or glassed them yet." We say glass when we are talking about stalking their movements through binoculars or spotting scopes.

I guess you can say Jim and I aren't a typical gay couple or stereotypical gay couple but then we live in a western Missouri town so we don't know how a typical gay couple is supposed to behave.

We got to the house under construction and said," Jim, John Thank God you 2 showed up I don't know if those 2 guys show up or not."

Jim laughed and said," If you stop hiring worthless help you wouldn't have that problem."

Our supervisor Jack rolled his eyes and said," If you 2 didn't work so hard I would wonder why I take your mouth."

Jim said," We have our tools and are there anybody else showing up?"

Next thing we knew we saw another pickup show up and a man in his 50s came out of his truck and he put on his tool belt.

Jack said," This is Ron he has forgotten more about building houses than most of us ever learn."

Jim and shook his hand and Ron said," You must be the two young men that Jack gave raving reviews about."

Jim said," Thanks, we started working summers for Jack in high school. Why don't we get started the sun is coming up and we should be able to get some things done by lunch."

We started building the frames and measuring out the windows and connecting the frames to the foundations and finally, at 8 the other guys showed up.

Jack sarcastically said," It sure is nice to make your presence here."

One of them said," What is the problem it is only 8."

Jack said," I told you repeatedly said 6 because we have a lot of work to do. But now that you are here I don't want to see anything but asses or elbows. One of the 3 guys will tell you what needs doing and I hope you know half as much as you claim to do because if not I will chase you the hell off this site."

Jim walks over to the front of the house and said," The front door has to be framed up there are the measurements of what this frame is to be."

One of them said," My name's Craig and this is Ronny."

Jim said," Let's see how you do by lunch then we will be formally introduced."

I looked at him and said," Do you need to be so rude?"

Jim said," Those 2 boys are on thin ice let's see if they are here by lunch time." By lunch, the frames for the back and front doors are done and we have half the window frames done.

Jack walked over and said," Craig, Ronny you got your asses out of the fire this time but. next time when I tell you to be here at a certain time you better be here at that time not a minute later."

Ronny said," I am sorry sir it won't happen again."

Jack said," Make damn sure it doesn't."

We ate lunch and then we tackled the other framing and finished up the remaining windows.

Jack looked and said," Well, we are just about caught up on schedule. At 4 our supervisor said," You guys can knock off now for the weekend and now at the point to where the inspectors will come and take a look Monday."

Jim and I put our tools away into the truck and grinned at each other because we knew what this meant. After we got in the truck and Jim got it started and put it into gear he was quiet for a minute.

He said," Wow, this will be the first time we are going out as a couple."

I said," Ya, I know we have gone from trying to find places for alone time but now we are renting that house together."

Jim said," Well, by the end of tonight there won't be hiding us as a couple."

I asked," So, do you feel about that?"

"It doesn't bother me, I kind of like it, and besides when we had that weekend at that cabin I knew we would eventually make our relationship public."

Now, we weren't going to make our relationship a spectacle like we see on tv with the gay rights activists because that is not who Jim and I am.

We got to our place and Jim said," Why don't you take your shower first?"

I smiled and said," Are you sure you don't want to come wash my back and butt?"

Jim laughed and said," Do you want to go out tonight? I go in that shower with you there is a good chance we don't go out."

I showered and after getting out I shaved and dried off and I took my dirty clothes and went to take them to the laundry room.

Jim said," Sexy ass there."

I shook my ass at him before taking my clothes to the laundry room.

I got dressed in my good Wranglers and my new shirt and put on polished boots.

Jim came and I said," MMMMMM nice cock and ass."

Jim got dressed into his good clothes and we checked our hair and we put on our hats. Jim put his arm around my waist and raised the brim of our hats and we kissed for about 5 minutes and then walked to the truck.

After starting the truck Jim asked," Shall we go to the Bronze Boot?"

I said," Sure, serve good ribs and have a nice dance floor."

So we drove the 10 minutes to the place called the Bronze Boot.

After pulling into the lot and we got out he put his arm around my waist and I was nervous at first.

He said," What's wrong?"

I laughed and said," I just have to get used to this."

At the door, he held it open for me and we walked in and sat down at the table.

The girl came and said," My name is Michelle and I am your waitress tonight."

We both ordered our dinners and she took the menus.

A friend of ours came to the table and said," So, how did those guys work out today?"

Jim said," They almost didn't, they decided 8 was a good time to come to work. But they did all right for today."

The man we know as Alan left and I said," What was that about?"

Jim laughed and said," We are the "in" crowd."

We ate our dinner and drank a beer or 2 and we danced.

It was a wonderful night with Jim and it seemed we were accepted as a couple.

We ran to the truck like school kids and we drove home as quickly as possible and we got in the house. Inside the house, we were kissing and groping each other. We quickly disrobed each other and Jim lubed my hole and his cock as we worked our way to the bed.

I was on my back and he put my legs on his shoulders and he started pushing his cock inside me and I moaned.

He started thrusting in and out and I said," I love you."

We made love for about an hour and a half I felt his cock flood my ass.

We kissed while his cock softened and popped out.

We ended up in each other's arms and we fell asleep after our first night together as a coupe.

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