I Am Here for You

By Lady Misterious

Published on Aug 31, 2002



Nick turned on the lights immediately and stared at the man sitting on his bed.

"What are you doing in my house?" - Nick asked slowly and harshly.

"Calm down, dude! I can't believe you still hate me after all those years! I'm here in peace, Nicky..."

"Don't call me Nicky. I hate it." - Nick's eyes were frozen in rage to find that person inside his house. The place where he was supposed to feel safe.

"Ok, ok... I came here to talk. I want you to forgive me, Nick. I know what I did was wrong... I should've never done that to you..." - Taison stared at Nick's eyes looking for any signs of fear. He found none.

Nick wasn't afraid of him. He hated Taison. Hated him and that was all. He didn't want that person in his house, he would never forgive him.

"How did you enter here?"

"AJ was here. He wanted to talk to you and as soon as he saw me he got all cheered up." - Taison grinned. He knew this would make Nick pissed.

"Thats coz he doesn't know you. How the hell did you find my address you motherfucker?" - Nick was getting angry as quick images rushed from when Taison almost killed him.

"Hey! I said I'm here in peace... I came to Tampa on vacations and I happened to run into Brian's wife. She said you guys missed me..."

"Bullshit!" - Nick yelled.

"Well, I asked for the addresses and she gave me."

"Its not true, she knows what you did to me!" - Nick regretted saying that the moment it was out of his mouth.

"She does? It can't be, Nick... She was all friendly with me! Why would she give me your address if she knew about... Oh, well, if she knew I raped you?"

"Fuck you!" - Nick couldn't keep his anger as Taison said that word.

Taison was playing his role.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, dude... Didn't mean to bring this back..."

"Taison, shut the fuck up and get the hell out of my house! I'll never forgive you, ok? If that was what you wanted you can go away now!"

"Ok..." - Taison frowned and stood up. - "I just wanted to ask you something more... Why did you send that letter to my father?"

"Which letter? I don't know what you're talking about!"

"C'mon, Nick... You sent my dad a letter telling about everything that went on. He hates me now."

Suddenly Nick felt cold. The pieces rushing through his mind to show the puzzle. A letter? A letter to Taison's father telling about the rape? Jealousy had one name, and it was Leighanne.

Fast Nick came back to reality.

"Taison, I didn't send any godamn latter, now please get out of my house, I don't want you here!"

"That letter made me break apart with my family. You ruined my life, Nickolas."

The silent hate building up inside of Nick came up at once as he closed his right hand around Taison's neck and pushed him against the wall of the bedroom. He was no longer a fourteen years old. Nick was strong, Nick was as tall as Taison. Things were much more equal.

"I ruined your life?! And what you did to my life you fucking bastard!"

Taison was breathing fast in surprise as Nick's hand was closing against his throat, his eyes shining with rage, pain and hate flames. Burning Taison with promises of revenge.

"You raped me when I was fourteen years old! Fourteen, Taison!! I was a kid! I was a kid, I was your friend, I trusted you and you raped me! You almost killed me when you left! You did to me something I didn't even know that existed, the pain you made me feel... Don't you remember it, Taison?!"

"Oh..." - Taison's eyes widened looking at a furious Nick.

"I fainted when you raped me. I passed out and you didn't stop! I begged you... I begged please to stop the pain but you went harder, you made me bleed, you made a part of me die that day... For years I really wished you had killed me instead of letting me live. But now... Now I finally got my life back because I had friends there for me! Something that a person like you could never have..."

Nick felt disgusted looking at Taison.

"I'm glad your father knows who you are... No one deserves a person like you as a son. You are a contemptible human being, Taison. Do you have any idea of what your words did to me? You humiliated me. You made me feel embarrassed as if I was to blame for what happened. You made me feel disgusted of myself..."

"Nick... I'm sorry... I said I was here to ask for forgiveness..." - talking was a hard task once Nick's hand was almost keeping him from breathing.

"Then you can go away, Taison. Get the fuck out of my house, get the fuck out of my life. I'm cured now. I finally got over what you did to me, and I won't let you come into my life again."

Nick's lips were trembling in hate as he let go of Taison's throat abruptly and kept the rage stare at him.

"Go away, Taison. Go away and never look for me again. Never!"

"O... Ok." - Taison gasped.

He looked towards the door, turning away from Nick. A jeer smile came to his lips.

"You really don't know me..." - Taison babbled.

"What did you say?!"

"I said you really don't know me! Or did you really think I came here asking for forgiveness? Or did you actually think you'd get away from me?"

When Taison turned around his eyes were just like they were that day, and for the first time Nick shuddered. He was afraid.

Leighanne just wouldn't let go of the telephone. During all the night Brian watched his wife calling at all sorts of friends from old times. All of sudden she decided to get up dated on their lives. Brian was bored.

Ten fifteen Howie dropped by his house.

"Who's here?" - Leighanne yelled from the upstairs's room to Brian.

"Its Howie, honey!"

"Oh, ok, hey Howie!"

"Hey, Leigh!" - Howie laughed and yelled to her.

Brian also smiled and sat with Howie at the living room.

"So, what's up buddy?" - he asked.

"Well, I tried to contact you on the phone but I couldn't get through, so that I just decided to come here."

Brian sighed heavily and Howie understood who had been responsible for the telephone issue. He giggled.

"Let her, Brian! She probably misses her friends..."

"Yeah, I know..." - he sighed again.

"So, I came here coz your lovely cousin told me we have a meeting tomorrow afternoon."

"Wha...? Damn, Kevin. We are on vacations...!"

"I know. I called AJ, he is clubbing right now. Don't even need to say he got very pissed. But Kevin said it was very important and blah, blah, blah..."

Brian knew his cousin.

"Sure I'll be there. Did you guys talk to Nick yet?"

"No, I was gonna call him but AJ told me to do it a bit later. He's got a visitor right now." - Howie smiled thinking Brian already knew who it was.

"Oh, really? And who's that?"

"Don't you know? Oh well, its an old friend of ours."

Brian thought a little.

"Who?" - he asked again.

"Oh, man! Taison is in town and AJ ran into him at Nick's house! He might be there talking to him right now."

Brian's mouth dropped open and he stared at Howie. Little by little his eyes were getting bigger and his heart raced more and more.

"What Brian?"

"We gotta help Nick. I'll call the police, I'm going to his house right now." - Brian said in a state of shock, standing up and fighting with himself to know what he should do first.

"What? What the fuck, Brian? What are you talking about?"

"Nick... we gotta help Nick..." - Brian was swallowing hard.

"Why does he need help?"

Brian walked to Howie and held his arms, forcing him to look deep into his eyes.

"The supposed car accident in London, member? Years ago... with Nick."

"Yes, I do!" - Howie was shaking his head not understanding a thing Brian was saying.

"We lay. That wasn't what really happened. Nick was raped when he was fourteen. And Taison was the responsible for that."

The cold breeze and Brian's words made Howie's skin crawl. He gave back Brian's stare. He froze. Nick's life could be in danger at this very moment.

"I'm here to do what I should've done that day. I'm here to finish you up, Nick Carter."

Saying that Taison threw himself at Nick and they began to fight.

"You bastard!" - Nick hit Taison on the face, making him bleed as they fell both on the floor, Taison on top.

Nick tried to use his hands to hit him again but Taison caught him out of guard, punching him too. It was different now. Nick wasn't a kid, he was just as strong. It was being hard to keep him from moving under his body. Nick hit Taison on the stomach before the latter could finally grab hold of his hands.

Taison was smiling, blood flowing from the corner of his mouth as he looked at Nick.

"Who knows? Maybe I can have a little fun with you before I kill you. What you say, Nicky? Would you like me to fuck you, huh? I'm sure you'd love it..." - Taison grinned.

"You dirty bastard... I'm gonna kill you! You'll never do that to me again!"

Nick struggled to move but Taison was in a better position.

"Oh, Nicky, maybe you're right. You know what I'd love to do?" - Taison's face was only inches away from his. - "I've seen your little brother performing... he looks just like you. Oh, know what? Don't you think Aaron looks like Kurt? Don't you think he is handsome? I think your little brother is cute, I'd love to fuck him too...!"

"Oh, you fucking piece of shit!" - Nick felt the biggest rage he had ever felt in his whole life. - "You don't dare to touch my brother! You don't dare to come a mile close to him! If you do that, if you ever touch one strand of his hair I swear to God this will be the last thing you'll do! If you ever touch my brother I'll kill you! And then I'll go to hell and revive you, only to be able to kill you again...!" - Nick had his teeth brushing in anger.

Taison laughed.

"C'mon, Nick...! This would be a great experience to him... Do you think he is gonna be such a faggot as you? Do you think he is gonna scream like a sissy as you did when I thrust into you? What you think, huh?"

Nick breathed fast for a couple of seconds before reuniting all the strength inside of him and making Taison get out of him, he threw him on the floor beating him hard, breaking Taison's jaw.

"Oh, you motherfucker!" - Taison screamed in pain.

Nick smiled evilly as he came close to him, stepping on Taison's neck, looking him in the eyes.

"I could kill you right now... But I won't, Taison. Because I'm a decent human being. What you did to me I wouldn't want to happen to you. Because I have a heart, I'm human. I just want you to get out of my life. Get your fucking ass out of my sight and never come back again. I won't kill you. You can't die. Dead people don't suffer. And you need to suffer, Taison. You need to."

Nick let go of his neck and still frightened Taison stood up moving away from Nick.

"I... I'm going..." - Taison muttered turning around.

Nick grinned satisfied.

Slowly his grin faded. Taison wasn't moving. And when he turned around to him he knew why.

Taison looked Nick in the eyes, smiling at him while holding a gun in his hand.

"As I said before, you don't know me, Nicky. You can never beat me."

"Howie, Howie, we gotta call the police! There's no time to tell the others what's going on! Nick needs us!" - Brian was yelling totally freaked out.

Hearing the screams Leighanne went downstairs still talking on the phone.

"What is it all about?" - she asked.

"Leigh, gimme the phone, please. Its urgent!"

"No, Brian! I'm talking to Lora. What do you want it for?"

"I'm sorry, dear, this is a case of die or live."

Brian rudely took the phone from her hand and dialed a quick number.

"Hello? Is it the police? Oh, thanks, I got an emergency...!"

Leighanne stared confused at Howie.

"Why is calling the police?"

"Nick's life is endangered."

"Taison... you are not crazy to shoot me..." - Nick stepped behind.

"Oh, Nicky... Yes, I am. I'm very much crazy. Didn't you know that? You ruined my life. My father will keep me from having his fortune. I don't know what to do from now on. I'll have to give up the parties, the fancy cars, the comfort, the little boys I get for myself..."

"Gross, Taison! Thats gross! You are sick! You need treatment!"

"... and its all your fault." - Taison's eyes again into that evil trance.

"I don't understand you. I swear I don't! Your father is one of the most honest and responsible men in this world. I can feel how ashamed your father must be of his son." - Nick was trying to get on his mind.

"Shut up!" - Taison yelled. - "You don't know my father, dad loves me! One day he'll beg me to come back home! The old man can't live without me!"

Nick was afraid. The man holding a gun pointed at him was completely insane.

"No, Taison, he won't. You're dead to your father. The least you could do is get a decent life to yourself. Make him proud again, Taison, you can start it all over, you can make it right!" - Nick insisted. He was trying to save two lives into this dangerous game.

Taison began to cry.

"Do... do you think he'll ever accept me back if I start over? Do you think he can forgive me someday, and maybe, and be even proud of me?" - Taison whined.

"Yes...! Of course, Taison... deep down he still loves you so much... You just need to show your father how much you love him back and that you can change into a better person!"

"Oh, Nick... I'm so sorry..." - Taison pointed the gun at the floor. - "Could you, could you hug me?"

Nick was unsure. Could he believe what Taison was saying? Oh well, he didn't have much choice. Maybe he could try to get that gun out of his hand.

Nick went close to him and just when he held Taison he punched Nick in the stomach, making him curl onto his belly.

"For the third time, Carter: you don't know me. Jesus Christ! Are you still so innocent?" - Taison grinned, his voice firm. A totally different person from the one Nick was talking to seconds before.

Just when he got over the pain Nick invested against Taison, both men struggling as they were leaving the room. They were walking backwards as Nick was trying to take the gun out of his hand, Taison trying to knock Nick down.

They stopped when they almost fell down the stairs of Nick's house. Still the fight went on.

"You sick bastard, you won't win, Taison!"

Nick punched him hard on the chest and ignoring the pain Taison got a handful of Nick's hair touching the gun to his chest.

"Thats where you are wrong, Nicky... I always get what I want. I got to fuck you, remember?"

When Nick looked in anger to Taison he heard the noise. He didn't know what had happened until he felt that burning pain on his chest. Nick took his hand to where it was coming from and he felt that warm liquid flooding into his hand. He was bleeding. Taison shot him.

Nick's eyes found his and Taison was grinning as the warm blood filled Nick's hand.

"Taison, please... you gotta help me..." - Nick babbled.

"See you in hell, dude."

Taison pushed Nick making him trip and fall, rolling down the stairs.

When the cops arrived with Brian and Howie they forced the door to run into a grinning Taison looking at the floor from upstairs. Downstairs, right on the base of the several steps there was a body lying on the floor. A puddle of blood surrounding the unconscious man.

"Nick!" - Brian's scream was the first thing heard by the people there.

Nick Carter was immobile on the floor, dry blood on his shirt and his body hurt from rolling down the stairs. Blood coming out of his mouth. And what scared the most was that Nick didn't seem to be breathing.

Finally some blood, I was getting bored! LOL Just kidding!

OMG! Did I kill Nick???? Did I??????!!!!! You wanna know?!

E-mail me then! Lionessy@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 18

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