I Aint Gay

By Jess Sudhir

Published on Jul 29, 2003


I Ain't Gay by Jess Sudhir

Don't get me wrong. I'm as straight as they come. And Dylan and I were homeboys forever without ANYTHING gay ever happening. I mean people sometimes thought it was messed up that I was friends with some white kid, but that was their problem, not mine. And it's not like I'm some Uncle Tom either. I mean, normally, I hate the white man as much as the next brother. But Dylan was different.

I kind of noticed him right away. It was the first day of school. I was an eleventh grader and he was a ninth grader. He came in looking all little and scared and... cute. I don't mean that in any kind of faggotty way either. I mean, he looked like a lost puppy dog or something. And I've always loved puppies.

He had real straight blond hair and very pale skin and freckles. He looked just like that picture of Tom Sawyer on the cover of the book they were making us read in English. And he looked so helpless. I mean, it wasn't like we didn't have any other white kids in the school. But the others were all white trash, and more ghetto then any of the black kids. Dylan wasn't street at all. He was about to get eaten alive. So really, I was just stepping in to protect him. It's not like I'm some kind of punk or pervert and I wanted to get in his pants. It wasn't that at all. I was just trying to do a good deed.

Anyway, it turned out that his mom was like this activist, and she had decided to move to the ghetto because she was against private schools or something like that. Anyway, she was dating this big black dude and making Dylan go to my school even though he'd been in private schools all his life.

So anyway I decided to take him under my protection. I played football and basketball and was real popular so pretty much anything I decided was okay.

And it didn't mean nothing that I popped wood the first time I went over to talk to him --because I stay hard just about all the time. I always got a hard-on, so that didn't mean nothing. I kind of caught him staring at it though. I mean it was hard enough that you could really see it, even through my jeans. I kind of reached down and adjusted it and he looked away real quick. But I was just showing off a little bit. It wasn't anything gay. And he wasn't gay either. I mean it's natural when you're a kid to check a guy out especially if he's older and bigger and his dick's just sticking up through his pants. And I am pretty good-looking.

But anyway back to the point. He was real glad I was there to help him out and we became friends pretty quickly. I used to spend hours with him just teaching him the right way to act and talk and everything so that he wouldn't get messed with when I wasn't around. It just made me feel good to help him out like that. I felt like I was his big brother or something. That's kind of weird huh? Big black me being brothers with this little white boy. But it felt right.

And nothing funky ever happened at all between us. Because I ain't gay, aiight?

I admit there's this one white kid at school --Blake. I hate that racist mofo. And once, maybe twice I've jerked off while dreaming about shooting my load down his throat. But that's not a gay thing. It's just kind of a power trip. I'm not into that asshole Blake. I just like the thought of forcing his racist lying mouth open and raping his throat with my black rod. See who you call a nigger now you fucking white bitch-ass.

Man, I hate him. Sometimes I think about catching him behind the school, and getting a couple of my homies to hold him down while I stick my big black dick up his white ass. In my fantasy he's yelling and crying and begging me not to do it, but he really likes it. He wants to be my bitch, and I can tell cause his little white dick is all kinds of hard and he shoots a load all over when I cum.

But that's just a fantasy, and it has nothing to do with my friendship with Dylan. And I don't ever think about stuff like that with Dylan at all. Even though I did have a dream once. I was in the school showers, and he was in there too and he had a hard on and he asked me what it was and...

Well that dream was kind of gay but I ate about twenty hot dogs the night before I dreamed it so really it's whatever they put in those things, not me.

Anyway, that's not the point. The point was, by the end of that year, Dylan was the coolest white boy you ever saw, even though he was still like this little midget boy. Then over the summer I didn't see him much, but when school started back up he came in and I almost didn't recognize him. He had had a growth spurt or gone through puberty or something and gotten a lot taller. Plus he had put on some muscles. He was still real skinny and he still looked a lot younger than he was, but I had to admit, he looked pretty good, like some white boy on TV.

We still hung out all the time and I taught him how to be pretty good at basketball. We both liked to watch pro wrestling on TV so we wrestled a lot too. That was our favorite. I was stronger than him so I could usually whup him, but he was scrappy. He wouldn't go down easy. Sometimes we would be rolling around on the floor for an hour, each of us trying to grab for a better hold. Sometimes I'd be on top, and sometimes it would be him but neither of us would give up. Finally, by the end we'd be out of breath and panting. Sometimes we'd be so tired we'd just lay there for a while. It would really be over, but he wouldn't want to let go of me and of course I wasn't going to give up either.

I think it was his idea that we wrestle in our underwear. That wasn't a gay thing. That was just to make it more like the guys on tv. Of course that caused problems sometimes because we were both teenage guys and sometime we got boners. Really that happened most of the time when we were wrestling, but it wasn't anything gay. It was just all the motion and the heat of another body and the excitement and everything. Basically we just pretended not to notice. I mean sometimes he would accidentally grab my dick or I would grab his but that was just because it was hard to see what you were grabbing at when we were rolling around, and because our dicks were sticking out so it was easy to grab them completely by accident.

The oil was another thing we added. That was just to give Dylan a better chance. When we oiled him all up he was real slippery and it made it easier for him to wriggle out of my grasp. That was just for fairness.

I have to admit after we started using the oil we had a couple of "incidents". There was one time when he really had me when all of a sudden he started gasping for breath and making funny noises and kind of shivering all over. I thought he was having some kind of asthma attack and I tried to push him off of me but he just grabbed on all the tighter like some kind of death grip. Finally he let out a yell, and jumped off of me and when I looked I saw that he had shot a load right through his underwear.

He was real embarrassed of course but I kind of laughed it off. Sure enough the next time we wrestled, the same thing happened to me. I was on top of him trying to hold him down and he kept on wiggling underneath me and what with the oil and everything I started feeling something real good in my underwear. My dick was throbbing something fierce and my grip kind of loosened and he rolled me over and he was kind of sliding up and down on me and our dicks were rubbing up against each other through our underwear. Part of me felt like I should stop it, but it just felt so good so I just let it go and it felt better and better, and finally I grabbed his skinny body and held it tight against me and we BOTH blew great gobs of cum all over each other.

That wasn't anything gay though. It was just something because of the way the oil felt. Basically just a physical reaction. I bet it happens to real wrestlers all the time.

It's too bad the school year was almost over because adding the oil just took things to a whole different level. After that we always used the oil and pretty much one or the other of us would cum each time. That was just part of the game though. We just used it as part of the game. Instead of it being just straight wrestling, we took it to a different place and basically whoever came first lost.

It was just to make things more fair really. Because it used to be I could basically win any time I wanted to, but now Dylan came up with a lot of ways to make me lose. Like sometimes he would kind of grind his butt into my dick. I mean, is that fair? Then he started using his hand, so I started doing that too. Then we were even for a while. But then one day he licked my ear while he was grabbing my dick and I swear I shot so hard it went right through my underwear and hit the ceiling.

After that it was always him or me licking something while stroking the other guy through his underwear. But I wasn't prepared to take it to the next level like he was.

It was the night before the last day of school and I was sleeping over at his house. We were lying in his bed, both of us in our underwear, and I was trying to get to sleep. We weren't wrestling or anything, so we weren't oiled up. Suddenly I felt his hot hand on my dick, and I knew that he wanted to play anyway. So I moved my hand over to his dick. It was so hard it was almost bursting out of his shorts. He gave a little gasp and started jerking me off for real.

I wasn't about to lose like that, so I did something we had never done before and put my hand through his fly right onto his hot meat. He gave a moan so loud I felt sure he would wake up his mother, and splattered cum all over the inside of the sheet.

"Ha, beat you, mofo!" I said. "Teach a white bitch not to mess with me."

"Shh," he said, putting a finger against my lips. Then his head disappeared underneath the sheet.

"What the hell?" I said. The next thing I felt the strangest sensation. I ripped the sheet off, and there was Dylan resting his blond head against my black thigh. His tongue was sticking out and the tip of it was teasing my rod right through my tightly stretched underwear.

"You crazy," I said.

He didn't say anything, just tasted the bit of precum oozing through the fabric. Then, deliberately, he lifted his blond head up and sucked an inch of my cotton clad rod into his mouth.

"Man you ain't gonna get me!" I said. "I already came twice when we were wrestling"

He didn't say anything. He just looked up at me and his eyes were sparkling. He just sucked my whole rod in. It felt so strange. I could feel the moist heat right through my drawers. I could feel the sensation building up, but I was fighting it, fighting it hard. Then, suddenly his tongue found its way through my fly and I felt his tongue lick its way across the bottom of my rod, all the way from the base right up to that sensitive part right below the head.

"Holy shit!" I screamed as I grabbed his head and shot all the way down his throat.

For a moment, everything was quiet. Then we heard the sound of Dylan's mom's boyfriend stomping down the hallway towards the room.


Hey guys, hope you like it. If you like my writing I have a lot of other stories on nifty, basically all interracial, so check me out on the frequent author page. Also, I just opened a yahoo group to archive my stories so you can come read them there too (in the files section). http://groups.yahoo.com/group/irotica

As always, I love to hear from fans, so please write me!


Next: Chapter 2: I Still Aint Gay

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