Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on Jan 27, 2024


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 6

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023-2024 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect, eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc. It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 6

Andy was thrilled with the day's events, but he still had a problem. He was going to have to get home naked--again! His limp dick order had been restored. So no chance of fucking Thomas. He didn't really think that was ever going to happen anyway. After all, it was Thomas' father that was paying for the research. But it was a pleasant thought. Maybe if Thomas fucked up sufficiently...

Gruber told him that he had to restore Thomas' sex drive. So Andy could expect to get fucked when he got home. But Professor Gruber said he had left his reduced cruelty post-hypnotic suggestions active. So things wouldn't be as bad as they had been. Andy was really grateful to have such a wonderful owner!

Andy asked Gruber if he could get Thomas to buy him more clothes, since so much of his permissible wardrobe had been stolen. The beautiful slender teen was really afraid he would run out of clothes soon, and his post-hypnotic suggestions would require Andy to attend classes naked. Gruber said that Thomas didn't have any specific post-hypnotic suggestion that would cause him to do that. But Andy could explain the situation to Thomas, and perhaps the boy would buy him more clothes.

Professor Gruber sent Mack and Mike on their way, after implanting a few more post-hypnotic suggestions. He had them leave the building naked and collared, knowing that their coach would be waiting for them outside the building. The two turned out studs were in for a long night!

Gruber turned his attention back to Andy. The Professor was amazed at how horny this boy made him! At age 50, he was extremely fit, and fully functional. But he had just had more orgasms in the last few hours than a normal man his age would have in a week! And now he wanted Andy again. And Andy was all for it!

It took Gruber a long time to cum. Andy came twice, despite all the orgasms he'd had! Afterword, Gruber held his naked teen slave in his arms for nearly an hour. Andy had never experienced affection like this, and it was all he could do not to cry with sheer joy. The boy wondered if his hypnotic training made him feel a need for this. But in thinking about it, he decided that up until Gruber took ownership of him, he had never known what he was missing.


Outside the building, Frank Morgan, the head football coach, was waiting impatiently for his two outside linebackers, and brand new fuck toys. The buff beauties came out the door stark naked and collared. They saw their coach and hung their heads in shame. Both felt an instant need to serve coach sexually--and any other way the man wanted! Their whole lives they had been homo haters, and now they suddenly found themselves desperately needing to serve cock. Thanks to their hypnotic induction, and the psychotropic drug, they would never get hard or want a woman again. They didn't know why they felt that way, but were deeply ashamed that they did. They were also ashamed about all the evil things they'd done to homos, and straight boys they decided were homos, over the years.

But now that they had taken dick. They `knew' what they were. Two bitches with only two purposes in life: To be the best linebackers and students they could be, and to submit to any male who wished to make use of their incredible buff bodies. They walked up to Coach Morgan with their eyes focused on his crotch. They hoped they would see him hard, and that he would want to use them.

They stopped in front of him, and without any thought, assumed the display position. Coach opened the door to the team bus, and said just two words: "Get in."

Mack and Mike obeyed immediately. When they entered the bus, they found themselves facing the entire coaching staff. They were ordered to get their naked asses to the back of the bus, where the coaches had a rectangular couch that bordered a work table.

The hot teens were ordered to lean across the table with their legs spread wide. It turned out that the table was an excellent size for spit roasting a couple of young hot studs. As the bus began taking a very long route to the athletic dorm, the first two cocks entered their tight hairless asses. And shortly after, their mouths were filled with two more.

Unlike Andy, they felt every bit of the pain, and did not have the advantage of the drug that would make their prostates more sensitive. So they would suffer far more than Andy, and would never be able to cum. And they knew without a doubt they deserved all of the pain and humiliation that would come to them.

And thanks to Professor Gruber's efforts, they were actually looking forward to all of it. The teen studs would feel a tiny bit of redemption every time they submitted. They hoped that if they were used enough times over enough years, that perhaps they would suffer enough pain and humiliation to make up for all the bad things they'd done in their first eighteen years.

And the coaches were more than happy to help them find that redemption! These two were great linebackers, but it had become clear very quickly, that they were a nightmare for the coaches, and even for their teammates, when they were off the field. So what the two naked and newly submissive studs were getting was a hate spit roasting. And with eight coaches rotating from one hole to the next, it would last for hours!

The bus wandered aimlessly through the town as the new sex slaves were broken in. It only stopped once, so one of the coaches could take over at the wheel, to give the driver a chance to get even with the buff bastards. Coach Morgan had texted the defensive team captain, to tell him of the new status of his two outside linebackers. He was Rock Hogan, one of the young men who had used Andy when the boy was in thrall to the swim coach.

When Rock got the text he was in the common room of the athletes' dorm. He jumped out of his chair and yelled, "Fuck, Yeah!!!"

He quickly relayed the news to the rest of the team. There would be a lot of hard dicks ready to greet the new fuck toys when they arrived! The offense was kind of bummed, because Mack and Mike would only be available to the defense. But Rock told them not to worry. Coach Morgan had hinted that the offense would be taken care of.

That made some of the boys on the offense a little nervous--and for good reason! Mack and Mike weren't the only problem players on the team! And no one could figure out how Andy, Mike and Mack had been turned. Could it happen to anyone?

If it had just been Andy, they would have figured he'd always been a secret homo. But Mack and Mike? They were constantly date raping girls. And no team member thought for a second that either of them had taken a single dick in their lives.

Not that the team wouldn't be happy to make use of them. Their behavior in practice had resulted in everyone getting extra laps on a regular basis. The fact was, they were hated by the whole team. If they hadn't be truly gifted at their positions, Coach Morgan would have thrown them off the team.

The same could be said of four offensive players. Two of them were the absolute best at their positions and the absolute worst as teammates. It's one thing to treat ordinary college students like poop. Most of the guys on the team did that, just because they could. But you don't act like that toward your teammates! And Tim Harper, the Quarterback, and Jim Wilson, the halfback were total divas.

The linemen in particular were hoping those two would be turned into the offense's fuck toys. They were a total pain, treated the linemen with contempt, and were the only white guys on the offense who were starters. Plus they were incredibly hot! By the next day, there was actually a betting pool on who would be turned out, and when. No one was betting on how they'd be turned out. None of them had a clue. And no one really cared how, as long as it wasn't them!

Finally, the team bus pulled up to the athletes' dorm. The door opened, and out stepped Mack and Mike. They were stark naked, collared and covered in cum. The team was surprised and pleased when they saw they were totally lacking in body hair. The jocks viewed body hair is one of the marks of a real man. So this was serious and well deserved humiliation. Besides, they weren't men anymore. They were pussy boy fuck toys!

When the newly submissive studs saw the entire defense standing at the entrance to the dorm, rubbing their junk through their shorts, the boys stopped directly in front of them and automatically assumed the display position. They looked to Rock for orders, as he was the captain of the defense. Rock just walked up to the pair and started feeling them up. When the two young studs didn't move, and submitted to the ball grabbing and nipple twisting, Rock looked up at the defense and grinned.

"Looks like we got us a couple totally submissive pussy boys, all ready to serve the defense, whenever we want!"

The defense cheered, and Rock ordered the boys to walk the gauntlet the defense was setting up. They were required to maintain their hands behind their heads, as their teammates swatted, twisted, and grabbed all the fun places painfully. When they finally reached the common room, Rock gave them some basic orders.

"From now on, you two will always be naked when you are in the dorm. You will wear those collars whenever you are not practicing or playing football. You will dress and undress in the dorm lobby. The only time you may close the door to your room, is when you are studying. The rest of the time the door will be open, and anyone who wishes to use you for sex, can enter your room. And you will always obey any member of the defense. Is that understood?"

The boys spoke in unison, "Yes Captain. We will obey."

The Captain smiled and said, "Since this is our first chance to use you, stay here in the common room until every defensive player is done with you."

"Yes, Captain."


It was after dark when Andy finally headed back to the cottage. This time he was fortunate not to be caught. As he was already naked, the only thing he had to do before entering was to put on the slave collar that Thomas required him to wear. As soon as he entered the cottage, Thomas pushed him up against a wall and entered Andy. He fucked the boy hard for over half an hour, then had him kneel, lick him clean and suck him off.

Andy willingly complied, as his programming required. He didn't get orgasms from Thomas, so this was simply something to be endured. Fortunately, there was no pain, and it felt very good, except for the lack of release.

After the sex was done, Andy made dinner for the two of them. Andy was able to sit at the table and eat like a real live boy. Thomas' programming had eliminated most of the cruelty, and this included his requirement to eat out of a bowl on the floor. Andy was grateful, but was smart enough not to mention this to Thomas. If he had been reminded, he might have reinstituted the requirement.

After dinner, Andy explained his problem with his clothes being stolen, and asked Thomas to buy him more clothes. Thomas had an evil smile on his face before answering. Andy didn't know what answer was coming, but he knew he wasn't going to like it.

"You have to do whatever I want when you're in the cottage, right?"

Andy nodded.

"Well I'm going to make you earn the money for more clothes, and I'm going to pick the clothes. I know you get whored out pretty much on a daily basis. Can you cum with those men?"

Andy nodded again.

"But you can't cum when you're fucked here. I really like that. I want it to be about the pleasure you give. So I am going to invite some friends over to fuck you, provided they pay. I'll use the money to buy you more clothes. You won't like your new clothes, but at least you won't get thrown out of school for indecent exposure. I know you would refuse these guys if you weren't here in the cottage. But here you have to obey my order to submit to them, even if they don't have the trigger phrase. That's the only way you're getting more clothes."

Thomas texted three friends, telling them the deal. That had all expressed an interest in using Thomas' fuck toy. Now, for the right price, they would get their wish. They were all from rich families like Thomas, which is one of the reasons they had become friends. The other reason was they were also sadistic gay tops.

The three boys knocked on the door ten minutes later. A naked and collared Andy was required to open the door then step to one side, assume the display position, and allow them to play with his incredible body. Andy was glad he didn't have classes with any of them. They seemed like the type that would have called him out in front of the class.

As they played with his body, they caused considerable pain. But they were frustrated that their efforts didn't get Andy hard. When the boys asked Andy why his dick didn't work, he told them the truth. Not the whole truth, of course. He didn't want to expose his owner's research. He just told them that they didn't turn him on, which was true. He would obey because he had to, but nothing they were doing aroused him.

Ironically, all four sadistic gay tops were massively aroused by the straight boy who had no interest in any of them, but would submit anyway. The four spit roasted Andy relentlessly, for over two hours. After the sex he'd already had that day, Andy doubted he would have been able to cum, even if it had been allowed by his programming. Fortunately the next day was Saturday. With no classes and with Thomas being completely worn out, the tapped out teen was able to sleep in until noon.

It turned out that Thomas had ordered Andy's new clothes online, while waiting for his friends to come over for the previous night's fuck party. And Thomas had been right. Andy was not amused. What he received was a box of crop top t-shirts, Dallas Cheerleader style jeans, that were tighter and covered less, than the ones the cheerleaders themselves wore, and five sets of slip-on girl sneakers in girl colors--pink, lavender, purple, yellow, and baby blue.

With no underwear, even his limp little dick showed through the tight fabric. And the shorts were so tight they ran right up his butt crack. They looked like they'd been molded to those glorious globes! Thomas took the clothes that had not been stolen and locked them up. Andy would have to wear only the new stuff. If all the new clothes were stolen, Thomas would let Andy have the remaining clothes from his initial wardrobe.

Thomas had planned to watch Andy swim and cross train, but he got a phone call. Andy noticed a change in Thomas that he didn't understand. After the phone call Thomas changed into his own revealing outfit, then left the cottage for the afternoon. Andy didn't know it, but Thomas was on his way to spend another session as the College President's fuck toy.


I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

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