Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on Dec 30, 2023


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 5

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect, eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc. It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 5

After class, Andy went for his swim and cross training. All went well until he returned from his swim. His clothes were missing from his locker again! Two of the jocks who'd fucked him previously were standing next to his locker with big shit-eating grins on their faces.

"We want another go at that hot little ass and pretty mouth, boy."

"No. In fact, fuck no!"

"I guess you don't want your clothes back."

"Of course I do. But you wouldn't give them back anyway. You're jock assholes. That's your nature."

The two jocks laughed, bumped fists, and one said, "Good point. Give us one good reason not to just take you. We wouldn't have any trouble overpowering you, you know."

"You couldn't get into my ass even then. I have a locking butt plug, and only my owner has the key. And he has enough power on this campus to get you expelled, if you rape me. You want me again, you'll have to get his permission."

"We don't know who he is."

"Too bad for you."

"Well, if we can't have you, we can at least enjoy the view."

And with that, the two jocks grabbed Andy and pulled him out of his Speedos. Once again Andy was going to have to do his cross training naked. Well, at least he'd saved himself from an unauthorized fucking, just as his owner wanted! And the naked teen was really proud of himself for standing up to these jock assholes! Before the hypnosis, Andy would have been too shy and passive to do that.

Andy grabbed his phone, wallet, and keys from his locker and kept them with him as he went to cross training. He didn't trust those two.

By the time Andy was done, there were a dozen jocks watching him cross train naked. Due to his programming, he could not have cared less. In fact, he didn't even notice he was naked. But he was concerned that with that many of them, the jocks might decide there was safety in numbers, and would force him to put out. So, with one machine to go, Andy sent a quick text to his master.

As he finished the final machine, the jocks started to move toward him. At that moment, the swim coach walked in. Andy wasn't sure if that was good or bad, so he held back.

Coach: "Alright, break it up."

Jock: "We weren't doing anything coach. Just watching the homo bitch work out."

Coach: "Who has his clothes?"

The jocks all looked at each other, then at the coach and, nearly in unison, shrugged their shoulders and smirked.

Coach: "Andy which one took your clothes?"

Andy: "Actually, I don't see them coach. They must have left."

Coach: "Okay, the last one of you meatheads leaving the gym will have to strip naked and give your clothes to the boy."

Coach figured that was the fastest he'd ever seen those guys move. The cross training room was devoid of jocks in seconds, with no one left to strip for Andy.

Andy: "It wouldn't have done me any good anyway, Coach. None of them were wearing anything I'm allowed to wear."

Coach: "Well, at least it got them out of here, and it kept you from getting raped. Professor Gruber called me and told me if I didn't save your ass, my son and I would never have you again."

Andy: "Thanks, Coach."

Coach's help was of dubious value, since he left with Andy still naked, and missing one more set of clothes. He was due at Professor Gruber's office in a few minutes, and would not have time to go back to the cottage first. And it was still broad daylight. Most of the students and teachers had left campus, but certainly not all. Andy wouldn't be walking to Gruber's naked. He'd be running his ass off!

Andy texted his owner, and asked what he should do. He received a one word answer--RUN!

Andy moved carefully through the gym to the exit nearest the route to his owner. He didn't want to run into any lurking jocks! Once he reached the exit, he peeked out the door. There were several people passing on the sidewalk outside. He stayed behind the door, until the area seemed clear. Then he bolted through the door, running across the grass, on a direct line to his owner's building. The grass was easier on his bare feet, and wasn't hot, like the sidewalk.

As he ran, students appeared on the sidewalk. Most didn't notice him. The ones who did, stopped to watch and laugh, but didn't come after him--at least not until he was about two thirds of the way to his owner's building.

The two jocks who had stolen his clothes spotted him and chased after him. Andy didn't see them immediately, so they made up a whole bunch of ground very quickly. By the time Andy saw them it was too late. They caught him about 800 feet from his owner's building. They tackled him and pinned him to the ground. They were football linebackers. Huge guys. Andy was helpless!

The first one said, "We may not be able to fuck you right now, but we can sure have some fun!"

With that one of the jocks removed his backpack, and pulled out a big roll of athletic tape. The two men pulled Andy's arms behind his back, and taped each wrist above the opposite bicep. There was no way for Andy to get loose! They put Andy on his back, pulled his legs apart, played with his junk, and laughed when the hot naked teen couldn't get hard.

"What's the matter, pussy boy? Doesn't your little dick work?"

"You two don't turn me on."

"You didn't have any problems taking our dicks the other night, did you bitch?"

"Did I get hard when you fucked me?"

The two jocks looked at each other and shrugged.

"We didn't notice."

"Because there was nothing to notice. I only take dick when my owner commands it. Even then, that doesn't mean I'm into it."

Andy didn't think he should tell these jocks that he was under the influence of hypnotic training. That might cause problems for his owner. So he said whatever he thought might get him out of this without involving Professor Gruber. But what was said next made that impossible.

"Are you heading to your owner now?"


"Take us with you."

"I'll have to get his permission."

One of the jocks put Andy's phone on speaker, and held it up to him.

So Andy said, "Siri, call my owner."

And Siri did.

"Is there a problem, boy?"

"Yes, Master. Two of the jocks caught me, and taped my arms behind my back. Now they want to meet you, and get your permission to use me."

"Very well. I'll meet the three of you at the building entrance."

Andy was relieved that his owner didn't sound at all upset. The naked teen guessed he was prepared for something like this. Gruber was very smart and very dominant. The jocks helped Andy to his feet, and walked behind him, grabbing his amazing ass repeatedly. Gruber was waiting at the front door. He knew there was no way Andy could have entered the code, and he didn't want him giving it to the jocks.

"This way, gentlemen."

Gruber whispered something to Andy as the jocks entered the building first. Andy grinned. When they got to Gruber's office, he motioned for the two jocks to sit. Gruber then removed the tape holding Andy's arms.

"Andy, pour these two gentlement a beer. What are your names?"

Andy went to the small kitchen. One of the jocks answered.

"I'm Mack. My teammate here is Mike. We're the starting outside linebackers on the varsity football team."

"Were you two of the jocks who fucked Andy the other night?"

"Yeah. He's a hot little bitch and we're between girlfriends right now, so we want another go at him."

"Well, I can certainly understand that. The thing is I charge for his use. You had him the other night because the swim coach had paid for him."

"Oh. Uh, we don't have money to pay for sex. We just want to fuck his ass and mouth. We're starters on the Varsity team. Professors always give us what we want. It's kind of an unwritten school policy."

At that moment Andy returned with two glasses of beer, and handed one to each jock. They immediately chugged them down in jock style, and ordered Andy to bring them another. Andy took the glasses back to the kitchen. While he was gone, Gruber went to work. The beer had been spiked with the psychotropic drug the professor used to leave his subjects open to his post-hypnotic suggestions. It only took about two minutes for the drug to take effect.

Andy had been ordered to remain in the kitchen until Gruber called for him. So he sat naked, at the kitchen table for the next half hour. When Gruber called him in, Andy had to laugh at what he saw. The two jocks were stark naked, and standing in the display position, with butt plugs in their asses.

"Like what you see, boy?"

"Yes, Master. Couldn't happen to a more deserving pair of jock assholes!"

"I had them sign all the paperwork for my project once the drug took effect. And I got that on video. There are no outward signs they've been drugged. But they will obey any order. They've now had preliminary hypnosis and several post-hypnotic suggestions. I thought you might like to watch while I remove all their body and facial hair."

"Oh, heck yes!! Can I help?"

Once the two jocks were permanently as smooth as a baby's butt, Gruber ordered them to get on their hands and knees with their legs spread. The professor pulled out their butt plugs and looked at Andy.

"Would you like to fuck one of them, while I fuck the other?"

"But my dick won't get hard."

"It will if I order it to."

"Oh gosh, yes please!!"

Gruber gave the order, and Andy's dick instantly went rock hard, as his sex drive went through the roof!

"You don't have to worry about pleasing them. They won't be able to orgasm, or get their cocks hard ever again--unless I order them to. And I'm not planning on doing that. I know about these two. They have a reputation for date rape. They get away with it because the school looks the other way. So... Problem solved."

"Will I be able to cum?"

"Not right away. I'm going to let you go at it for a good long time. Your orgasm will be a lot more intense, when I give you permission to cum."

"Thank you, Master."

Gruber grinned and said, "Let's get to it. Which one do you want first?"

"The one on the right."

"That's Mack. Not that it matters. You're going to have lots of orgasms today. One in each end of each jock slave."

Andy didn't even realize he'd been stroking himself ever since his cock got hard. But it didn't matter. He wouldn't cum until ordered to do so. He walked up to the kneeling jock, knelt behind him, and rammed his unlubed cock in to the hilt. Mack wailed in pain, and continued to groan, as Andy pounded his ass as hard and as fast as he could.

Gurber smiled in approval as he knelt behind Mike and did the same. Andy's dick was getting it's first taste of sex that didn't involve sweet-talking his hand. He was in heaven! Andy and Gruber pounded away for a solid half hour. Gruber came, then ordered Andy to do the same. The slender little teen shot a massive load into the ass of the six foot four inch ripped jock, with a scream of ecstacy. And Mack let out a wail of frustration and regret, as he realized he would not have an orgasm.

Mike let out the same wail. Basically, they were being whining jocks in stereo. Andy and Gruber swapped ends, and the jocks licked their cocks and balls clean. Orders weren't needed for the cleaning or the blow jobs they gave afterward. They were now programmed to submit to any cock presented to them.

When the blow jobs were complete, Andy and Gruber swapped jocks and repeated the process, with one exception. Instead of accepting blow jobs, they relentlessly throat fucked the newly mind fucked slaves in front of them.

When they were done, Gruber called the head coach of the football team.

"Hey Frank, you know that problem you were having with your outside linebackers? Problem solved. They can't cum. Can't even get hard. And they will submit to any cock presented to them. You and the coaching staff can use them any time you want. Hell, make them the team fuck toys if you want!"

Andy could hear raucous laughter coming through the phone.


I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

My email is:



Next: Chapter 6

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