Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on Dec 16, 2023


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 4

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible,

but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to

do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent

not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect,

eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves

to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc.

It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no

memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose

will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses

for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under

the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would

control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the

person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this

is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it

makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 4

Andy got up the next morning at 10:00AM, about a half hour before Thomas. That gave him time to make the dominant boy's breakfast. Andy's jaw was still pretty darn sore. He was thankful he couldn't feel the pain in his boy pussy! He took a picture of his butthole with his phone so he could see what kind of shape it was in. Not as bad as he expected, but still red and raw looking.

To Andy's relief, Thomas didn't even think to demand sex before he left for his first class. Andy had a quick breakfast after Thomas left, taking advantage of his absence to sit at the table, rather than eat out of a bowl on the floor. He had an hour before he needed to leave for class, so he took a long hot shower.

He picked up some clothes. With so many of his clothes being taken, he was running short of things he was allowed to wear. At the rate this was going, he was either going to need to go shopping, or he was perhaps four days away from having to attend classes naked! The scary thing was, based on his instructions, he knew he would attend classes naked if it came to that.

He stepped outside still naked, as his programming required, then dressed on the back steps before heading to class. He would be early, but he didn't want to be in the cottage, if Thomas came back for some reason.

The day passed quietly. No one said the magic words. His owner really was looking out for him. He was beginning to think of himself as the luckiest slave on the planet! That afternoon, he completed his circuit training and swimming almost without incident. The swim coach copped a feel. Andy found he couldn't react aggressively, though he wanted to.

The teen was changing at the time and naked, when the coach grabbed his ass with both hands, then moved his left hand around to Andy's junk. Andy was able to tell the coach he wasn't interested. But he wasn't able to do anything about it. Gruber later told him that while he couldn't prevent someone feeling him up, if they attempted to enter him, he would automatically fight back.

So Andy found himself standing still, telling the coach no, as the coach ignored him and ran his hands all over him. The man only stopped when he heard several other boys entering the locker room. Before being hypnotized, Andy would have been severely traumatized by the experience. But he found he'd been programmed to be indifferent to this type of sexual assault. Again his wonderful owner had been looking out for him!

After he managed to get away from the swim coach and get dressed, Andy headed to Professor Gruber's office.

As the boy entered Gruber said, "Andy, get naked now!"

And Andy obeyed, placing his neatly folded clothes on Gruber's desk, then assuming the display position. The boy thought for a moment, then smiled.

"Why are you smiling?"

"I hope that's all right, Master. I was just thinking how disconcerting this was the first time. Now, it just feels natural. And last time, I was terrified but willing when you said you were going to fuck me. This time, I'm really hoping you're going to fuck me."

Gruber laughed and said, "No worries boy. Among other things, you will be fucked."

"Thank you, Master!"

Gruber grinned at the confused look on Andy's face. The boy was still surprised at his willing submission. Gruber's massive man meat was rock hard at the thought of another crack at that fabulous butt, and Andy, without realizing it, was squeezing and relaxing his boy pussy in anticipation of getting fucked by his owner--because his butthole knew when Gruber fucked him, he'd have one of those incredible orgasms!

Gruber had Andy bend over his desk. Andy was anticipating an immediate fucking, but Gruber surprised him. Instead, he applied a cream to his ravaged butthole. It was another of Gruber's inventions, and would help to speed up the healing process. Andy might not be able to feel the pain, but the damage was there. And Gruber wanted to take good care of his slave.

Then Gruber laid Andy out on a cot at the back of his office and gave the boy a full body massage. It was all Andy could do not to burst into tears. No one had ever treated him so tenderly. Gruber knew the effect he was having on the boy. He also knew the effect the boy was having on him! Having absolute control over this sweet, submissive, beautiful boy, had him dripping in his boxers. And he thought he might even be developing real affection for the boy. Not just a desire to fuck, but a desire to caress. A desire to hold the boy. And a desire to protect. He knew he now felt very protective of him. And that was a first for the professor. He certainly didn't feel any of that for Thomas. But that wasn't really a surprise. Thomas was an asshole.

Finally after more than two hours, Gruber moved to the bottom of the cot, raised his slave's legs up and slid between them.

"Eye contact at all times, boy."

"Yes, Master," said Andy, with a sweet smile on his face.

And Gruber slid into the eager boy hole in front of him. It was a long slow fuck that lasted nearly an hour. Andy came twice! The slender teen couldn't believe the intensity of the first. But the second! Not only was it more intense, it just went on and on! The combination of his super sensitive prostate and his hypnotic training, coupled with Gruber's skill, was almost more than Andy could bear. He nearly passed out!

After the sex, Gruber held Andy in his arms for a good half-hour. Then Andy slipped down between Gruber's legs, and without any order began to clean and suck the older man's cock. It surprised Gruber. The boy was doing this without an order! Was Andy developing legitimate feelings for him?

On the one hand he was concerned his research might be compromised in some way. On the other hand, what's not to like? The little teen was lying across Gruber's lap. Without really thinking about it, the professor began stroking the stunning naked body, ultimately caressing those amazing butt cheeks, and then finger fucking that inviting boy pussy.

Andy immediately began to moan around his master's impressive cock. His sucking became more enthusiastic, and he went from just tonguing the head to full deep throat, using his throat muscles to stimulate the massive head, rather than his tongue. Both master and slave were entering an orgasmic fugue state, losing themselves in the awesome feelings being provided. The explosive orgasms left them both exhausted.

About an hour later, Gruber awoke. His beautiful naked slave still lay across his lap. Gruber's cock was still in the boy's mouth. Though asleep, he was gently suckling it. The boy had not been hypnotically trained to show this kind of affection and enthusiasm for his master. As he thought about it Gruber guessed that his own affection for the boy had triggered a bonding he had not anticipated.

The professor guessed, rightly, that affection had not really been a part of the boy's life. His parents were cold toward the boy, and toward each other. Certainly Thomas had never shown him any affection. And as the son of servants, his classmates had mostly ignored him. The result had been a very shy and passive boy. But Gruber couldn't just release the boy, or make him his exclusive lover. He had no options. He was personally committed to his research.

But beyond that, he had obligations to others. Thomas' father William, had invested $350,000 in his research, and he had a number of obligations to the man as a result. And the University President was expecting the professor to provide a steady stream of willing and beautiful college boys. Andy would have to hypnotically serve as a sex slave for his entire college career. Gruber was too far along in his research to start over with a different boy.

In fact, he needed to enslave several more boys, to meet the needs of both the research and the University President. And while the President loved the lap dance he got from Andy, he was partial to `Norse Gods.' Andy's blue eyes were absolutely beautiful. But his black hair would not serve.

And the President wanted his boys taller than Andy--six foot, blond haired, blue eyed, defined but not jacked, and compelled to obey any command. And they could not ever remember their encounters with him. The man was not about to risk his career for a little bit of boy flesh!

It was in that moment that Gruber knew who the president's first slave would be. It would solve two problems at once. He could have the boy ready with one session, and reduce the workload and cruelty that Andy was enduring at the same time. Thomas was about to get an extreme makeover. And he would never know it had happened!

He didn't know it, of course, but Thomas had continued to receive the psychotropic drug and hypnosis sessions on a daily basis, just as Andy had. Gruber hadn't bothered with a dildo while training the Nordic Asshole. He had simply fucked his ass and throat in every single session. And Thomas had become and expert at giving pleasure, though he didn't know it. His body hair had already been removed, but he didn't notice, any more than Andy had noticed his total nudity in the cottage. The major difference was that Thomas had always been under hypnosis when he'd been fucked by Gruber.

Whenever Thomas left Gruber's office, he still felt how sore his jaw and boy twat were. But he didn't think anything of it. And he didn't leave his hypnotic state until he opened the door to his cottage. So he was completely unaware of where he had been, and always failed to notice that there was time he couldn't account for.

So all Gruber had to do was add a trigger phrase for the University President's use. The post-hypnotic suggestion would require Thomas to have an overwhelming need to obey any command given by the president, and to forget everything that happened, whenever that trigger phrase was used. Unlike Andy, Thomas felt the pain in his ass, and did not receive the drug to make the prostate more sensitive.

In fact, he was hypnotically prevented from feeling pleasure when fucked. He had been mentally trained to view himself as unworthy of pleasure. The only time he could cum was when he fucked Andy. In fact, that was the only time he had a sex drive!

After Andy dressed and went back to the cottage, Thomas arrived for his session. He didn't recognize the building and thought nothing of the fact that he knew the entry code. The very act of entering the building put Thomas into a hypnotic state. When he entered the basement, the first thing he always did was strip naked. He gave no appearance of being hypnotized, so he looked perfectly normal in all of the video Gruber was shooting.

Gruber deepened the boy's trance, and implanted the post-hypnotic suggestions that would enslave him to the University President. He also modified his behavior toward Andy. His agreement with William prevented Gruber from eliminating Thomas' need for Andy. But there was nothing to prevent him from eliminating the worst of the cruelty.

Thomas would no longer have any wish to punish Andy. He'd still fuck both ends of his cute little slave, but without anger. And Andy would now be able to eat at the table with Thomas. Andy would still be naked whenever he was in the cottage, and submissive to Thomas, as the agreement required.

And Thomas would remain upset that others were using his slave. But he would have no impulse to take it out on Andy, knowing that it wasn't the boy's fault. Gruber figured that was about as close as he would be able to program Thomas to act like an actual human. Anything more, would likely be viewed as a violation of his agreement with William.

Once the suggestions were implanted, Gruber called the University President. When would the man like a visit from his new fuck toy? Immediately! Thomas was given instructions to leave for the president's house (which was white). The boy dressed, but without socks or underwear. As Thomas left, he failed to notice where he was, and was paying no attention to where he was going.

Thomas arrived at the president's back door, stripped naked, and rang the bell. He was admitted, but very confused until the president said the magic words. The instant he heard them Thomas dropped to his knees, and put his hands behind his head.

"How may I serve you Master?"

The president gave a predatory grin, and ordered the boy into his basement dungeon. Thomas obeyed without hesitation. The president was thrilled! The teen was exactly his type! Gruber would definitely be getting tenure and a big raise! Thomas submitted to being strung up spread-eagled, and though it was painful, he never moaned or complained. Thomas was thrilled that he was pleasing his new master! After picking up a fraternity paddle, and turning his new slave's ass bright red, the president lubed up and rammed his six inch member straight in. The pain was electric for Thomas, though not as bad as when he took Master Gruber's thick seven inches.

Thomas knew that he only deserved pain. Other than those special times with Andy, he would never cum. And from now on, those orgasms would only be painful for him. But that was as it should be. A cruel teen boy only deserved pain. Thomas was fucked raw, and came tantalizingly close, but never reached orgasm.

The frustrated boy was lowered to the ground, placed on his knees and throat fucked with a vengeance. The naked teen sociopath, with the thoroughly fucked mind, worked his throat muscles with expert skill, desperate to please this new master. The president was ecstatic with the slave's efforts! He couldn't believe how fast and hard he came! Thomas was everything he'd ever wanted in a boy slave.

He kept the boy for a second round of fucking, then sent the exhausted little bitch home, stark naked. He gave the boy orders to return at the same time the following evening. He knew his orders would be followed even though the boy would remember nothing of the encounter, once he stepped out the back door.

Thomas arrived home naked, bruised, covered in cum and exhausted. He looked at Andy, and the naked boy caused and immediate stirring in his loins, but he just didn't have the energy to fuck the boy, at that moment. He sat at the dining room table and Andy served him dinner. To Andy's amazement Thomas invited him to sit and eat with him. With a look of wonder on his face, Andy got his plate of food, and joined Thomas for dinner.

When dinner was done, Thomas told Andy he was released for the evening once the dishes were done and the kitchen was clean. Thomas took a long hot shower and went straight to bed.

Andy texted his owner, "Did you make this happen?"

Andy knew his owner would know what he meant. And he got the answer he expected.

"Yes. Are things better now?"

"Oh gosh, yes!"

Gruber smiled and texted back, "See you tomorrow after class."

Andy wept in gratitude, as he headed to his bedroom.


I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

My email is:



Next: Chapter 5

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