Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on Oct 12, 2023


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 3

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect, eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc. It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 3

Andy only had about 45 minutes left before his final class of the day, so there would be no time for circuit training. He asked coach for permission to come back after hours to complete his day's training, and Coach agreed. But he told Andy he would have to train naked, and service anyone who happened to see him and want him.

Usually, the facility was empty after hours, so Andy didn't see any harm. But he did wonder if the order from Coach meant that if someone did use him later, he would be able to cum. Andy didn't know how long the magic words would remain effective, but he knew they were still effective in that moment--because he still saw Coach as a Greek God.

Andy was curious if he would be able to cum with others, if Coach wasn't there or the magic words had expired. After all, Coach had given him the order when the magic words were clearly still in effect. The little teen could only hope!

As he was already naked, it seemed best to take a shower before going to class. He was leaking cum out of his ass, and wouldn't be wearing underwear for the next four years. Dripping into his warm-ups didn't seem like a good idea.

After his shower, Andy looked at the tiny little Speedo Thomas had bought for him, in wonder. Before yesterday, he could not have conceived of wearing such a garment, even in private! When he swam before today, he wore a jock, board shorts and a t-shirt. Even then, he covered himself with his robe as soon as he came out of the pool, because his torso was faintly visible through the wet t-shirt.

Now, it appeared to those around him that he was completely comfortable with casual public nudity. It still scared him, but now, thanks to his owner, it also thrilled him--when he actually noticed he was naked, that is! Unless it was pointed out to him, or he received a direct order to strip, it wouldn't occur to him. Even then, he seemed to forget about it, especially when he was acting on other orders--like servicing cock.

In fact after his shower, he had almost walked out of the locker room naked, until the Coach was nice enough to stop him and order him to put on his warm-ups, polo shirt and sneakers.

Class was good. No one paid attention to him, which was just the way Andy liked it. When it was over, he returned to the locker room and put his clothes in his locker. It was a combination lock, so he didn't even need to carry a key. He proceeded to the circuit training room, stark naked as ordered, and began his workout.

About halfway through Andy's workout, Rick, the swim team captain came in. A senior, twenty years old, six foot two, and 180 pounds of lean muscular perfection. He wasn't the least bit surprised to find a beautiful naked freshman, who was glistening with sweat, as he worked out.

Rick had a problem. He didn't have time for a girlfriend. He was on an academic scholarship and had to maintain high grades. Add his swim team responsibilities, and there was simply no time to seduce a girl and keep up a relationship. And he didn't want a relationship at this point. He just wanted sex!

The Coach suggested he find himself a boy bitch. But Rick was concerned the guy would wind up crushing on him and becoming high maintenance--he'd had that problem in the past. So Coach had set up Andy for Rick's benefit. When Andy looked up and saw Rick, and the look on the young man's face, he knew what was coming. Without even realizing it, he got up and assumed the display position.

"Coach told me all about you. I gotta say, Professor Gruber has great taste in pussy boys."

"Actually, until yesterday I was a straight virgin, with no interest in guys at all. I'm still coming to terms with all this."

Rick laughed, "Yeah, Coach told me. I don't care. I'm just really glad you're available right now. I am one horny fucker! Get on your knees. I'm gonna start by skull fucking you."

"Yes, Sir."

Andy knelt. As he hadn't been told to change anything else about his position, he maintained his hands behind his head, and kept his legs spread wide. Rick figured that was perfect. He didn't want the cute little slut touching him. And the sense of complete control it gave him, made him even hornier!

Rick dropped his shorts, ordered Andy to maintain eye contact, and shoved his seven inches of tube steak right down Andy's throat. With no gag reflex, Andy took it all, easily. In fact the naked slave noticed that he was automatically flexing his throat muscles around the shaft when it went to the back of his throat. The extra pleasure got Rick moaning, and much to the stud's frustration, he came within two minutes.

"Keep sucking until I'm nice and hard again, and then I'm going to take your ass!"

And Andy obeyed. He was curious to see if he would cum, since the orders came from the Coach while the slender teen was still under his control from the magic words. Either way he found he was still enthusiastically serving the cock in his mouth. Andy also knew the magic words no longer controlled him. He no longer felt that the Coach was a Greek God. If Coach were to give him an order for sex right now, Andy knew he would refuse.

But he knew he couldn't refuse Rick! As Rick hardened in his mouth, Andy grew more excited, hoping that his latest fucking would lead to another orgasm. Before the hypnosis, jacking off had been okay. But this getting fucked thing was amazing, especially with his extra sensitive prostate!

Once Rick was rock hard again, he had Andy lay across a workout bench. He had brought rope with him, even though he knew it wasn't needed with Andy. But he liked his boy bitches helpless. It really turned him on, and gave him a wonderful sense of power.

For Andy, there was a moment of panic. He knew in his head that he was helpless, due to his mental restraints. But the physical restraints, combined with his nudity were much more real to him. It made him feel incredibly vulnerable. His hypnotic restraints didn't prevent him from finishing his workout, getting dressed and heading back to the cottage. But if this clearly sadistic young man left him tied up naked, there would be nothing he could do about it!

Andy hoped it would wind up being like the collar Thomas made him wear--symbolic. If not, then maybe giving this young man great pleasure, would give Rick incentive to release him. Andy was always helpless now, and would be for the next four years, at least! So Andy settled down, and accepted the fact that he had to obey, and just hoped that his imminent fucking would at least lead to an orgasm.

And it did! Andy was truly grateful to his owner, for allowing the orders the coach gave him to carry forward, even after the magic words had expired. Rick pounded his ass for all he was worth, making no effort to get Andy off. But Andy's prostate was so sensitive, and his orders so compelling that the orgasm was inevitable, no matter what. That was the good news.

The bad news was that Rick left Andy's hot naked body tied down to the locker room bench when he was done with him. Rick went for a shower, and Andy hoped against hope that he would be released before the swim team captain left. No such luck.

When Rick came out of the shower, he got on his cell phone.

"Yeah, I'm done with him. Yeah, he's really hot and an expert at pleasing cock. Kewl. No, he's not going anywhere. I have him tied to a bench, buck naked. Trust me, you'll enjoy the view."

Andy took a deep breath, and worked up the courage to speak to Rick.

"Excuse me, Sir. What's going to happen now?"

Rick gave his hot little captive a predatory grin. "I'm done with you, but there are other team captains, who are between women, and horny as fuck. My understanding is that you are ordered to remain naked, and service anyone who walks through that door who wants you, until you finish your circuit training. Is that right?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Have you finished?"

"No, Sir."

"And you won't be able to finish, until someone releases you. And that won't be me. So plan on a long night."

Andy groaned in dismay. He knew he'd be punished by Thomas for coming home late. But then it occurred to him, that he might be in for more orgasms. The college athletes who would be using him would be doing so as a result of his orders from the coach!

Rick left, and Andy began to feel a bit of panic. What if someone wandered in who didn't expect to find a naked teen tied to a bench? Would they release him? Would they get violent? Andy found himself hoping that the next team captain who expected to use him would arrive quickly! He wanted someone in the room who knew what was up.

After what seemed like forever, a massive hulk of a man walked through the door. Six feet four inches and 240 pounds of pure muscle. Andy began to tremble uncontrollably as the man silently walked over to him. The man ran his huge hands over Andy's helpless slender body. The bound and naked teen began to moan, in terror and sexual arousal.

The man spoke in a deep, quiet voice.

"You're a hot little thing. If my whole team ever got their hands on you, you might not survive. You had best make sure I enjoy this."

Andy didn't know it, but the man who would now use him was Rock Hogan, a 21 year old senior, and defensive captain of the school football team. He was the middle linebacker, and he loved fucking the asses of helpless teen boys. Andy certainly qualified in that regard!

Rock began with Andy's ass. No words were spoken. He just rammed his eight inches into that inviting hole, and went to work. He managed to keep it up for more than fifteen minutes, before shooting his load into the little teen's bowels. Andy came after seven minutes, and was on the verge of another orgasm, when Rock finished, leaving the helpless naked boy moaning and frustrated.

Andy didn't see it, but Rock had a huge grin on his face, when he saw the boy humping air, clearly hoping for more. Rock moved around to Andy's face and presented his dripping meat, which was still hard. Andy never hesitated. He licked Rock clean, then immediately began sucking the huge cock. When Rock came, Andy just managed to keep up, swallowing the load.

Rock pulled out and said, "Nice job bitch. Okay boys, he's all yours."

Andy looked around as best he could and saw four more naked athletes, waiting their turn. Gosh, they were so hot! But Andy was so exhausted! Still, Andy's programming kicked in, and though his brain was in neutral and everything was a blur, his body did it's level best to please.

Andy lost count of the number of times the various young men switched ends, as they spit roasted him into a state of mental oblivion. The little teen even lost count of the number of orgasms he had, but was vaguely aware that the last few were dry.

As the young men finished with him, Andy fell into a deep sleep. When he woke up, he was still naked and covered in cum. Then he realized the best thing--they had untied him. While his butthole wasn't sore, the rest of him ached horribly. But his body answered Coach's instructions, and he slowly finished his cross training. It was not his best effort.

Andy took a long hot shower, and the pain in his body slowly lessened a bit. Not that he was out of pain, but he could manage to move a bit more normally. More importantly, he was starting to think a little more clearly. When he got to his locker, it was open, and his clothes were gone! Someone knew his combination!

Andy sat down on a bench with a thud. He looked up at the clock in the locker room. It was midnight! He did not want to think about what Thomas would do to him. Walking home naked was happening with worrisome regularity. But at least they had left his phone, wallet, and keys in the locker.

So the bruised naked teen with the battered butthole he couldn't feel, and a very sore jaw that he did feel, carefully made his way back to the cottage, and a waiting Thomas. He was not looking forward to seeing Thomas. Actually, he never looked forward to seeing Thomas. But his programming would not allow him to go anywhere else. And he knew, once in the Cottage, he would be completely obedient.

As Andy let himself in the back door, but didn't see Thomas. He found him asleep in his bed. Andy had no obligation to wake him, so he quietly went to his own room. Just as he shut his door, he received a text message. It was from his owner, Professor Gruber.

Andy, You should not have had to service the athletes. Coach went beyond our agreement in making you available to them. You don't deserve punishment from Thomas, and you're too tapped out to serve anyone. I triggered a safe mode I've programmed into Thomas. He won't wake until late tomorrow morning, and won't remember that he didn't use you, or that you came home late. This will give you a chance to rest and heal. Come to my office tomorrow after your last class. Gruber

Andy let out an exhausted sigh of relief. His gratitude for his owner's kindness actually made him weep. The naked teen slave flopped down on his bed, and went instantly to sleep.

I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

My email is:



Next: Chapter 4

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