Hypnotic Enslavement

Published on Apr 10, 2023


Hypnotic Enslavement Chapter 1

Hypnotic Enslavement

By Randy MacAnus

©2023 All Rights Reserved

This story is pure fantasy. I try to make my stories as realistic as possible, but none of this is true. I should be so lucky. A person cannot be made to do things he doesn't want to do, through hypnosis. His own will prevents that.

But there is at least one psychotropic drug, that has been shown to circumvent not only morals, and personal limits, but also, while one is under it's effect, eliminates any sense of self-preservation. In South America it is used by thieves to order people to withdraw money from their savings, give up passwords, etc. It is also considered to be the first date rape drug. A person wakes up with no memory of what happened.

I will not mention the drug's name, as it is incredibly dangerous. An overdose will cause brain damage. In larger doses it will kill. There are legitimate uses for it in small doses, often combined with other drugs.

This story is based on the supposition that if a person is hypnotized while under the drug's influence, one could be given post hypnotic suggestions that would control their actions, even if it went against their beliefs, or was something the person would refuse to do under any other circumstances. I have no idea if this is true, but logic would seem to indicate it might be possible. If nothing else it makes for an interesting fantasy!

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Chapter 1

August 15th

At the mansion of William Forsythe

William's oldest son Thomas, waited nervously outside his father's office. Thomas was a gay total top, who had been trying to get in the pants of the son of two of the household servants through all four years of high school, but had failed utterly.

Physically, Thomas was a Norse God. Six feet tall, medium length blonde hair, big blue eyes and a wonderful defined 180 pound body. But mentally, Thomas was a budding Sociopath. And due to his narcissism, he was at a complete loss as to why anyone wouldn't be thrilled to be his sex slave.

The boys had been accepted to the same university, which was not affordable for the servants' son, Andy. Thomas' father had agreed to pay for Andy's education, provided he roomed with Thomas in the cottage William would provide. To pay for his education, he would act as his son's servant. But Andy had made it clear that sexual servitude would not be part of the deal. It would be a very frustrating four years, if Thomas couldn't get the boy to submit.

Thomas' best hope was the meeting going on at that moment between his father and Professor Anton Gruber, a senior professor at the university, who was conducting research into mental control. If his father thought the research was viable, and Professor Gruber was willing and able to turn Andy into a sex slave, college was going to be much more enjoyable!

William had refused to let Thomas be a part of the conversation. He wanted no distractions when negotiating with the professor. But he had agreed to let Thomas come into the room and hear the results of the meeting, if an agreement between the two men was reached. So Thomas sat and waited...

Finally the office door opened, and his father waved him in. It was going to happen!

His father sat behind his desk as Thomas took a chair opposite the professor. "Thomas, an agreement has been reached, provided you can accept it."

That was weird. What would he not accept, if it meant he'd have the sex slave of his dreams?

"You will need to cooperate in the effort to get Andy to participate in the professor's research. That means you will have to participate, as well. Andy will be motivated by a generous stipend, but will have problems with the intake process because he is so shy, and reserved. Plus, he doesn't like needles."

Thomas was now concerned. He definitely didn't want to be hypnotized, especially by a man who might actually be able to exert total control over him. That's what the research was about after all.

"The intake includes a complete physical, which requires total nudity. And a shot that will be administered. If Andy sees you going through the process without problems, he will be much more likely to consent."

"What's in the shot," Thomas asked, suspiciously.

"For you, primarily Vitamin B12. You need that regularly anyway. For Andy, a psychotropic drug that will render him completely obedient."

An evil grin appeared on Thomas' face, as he nodded his agreement.

"Now, you won't be able to use Andy immediately. The process is expected to take about a month. So you will be hypnotized, to implant a post-hypnotic suggestion that will cause you to lose all sexual interest in Andy on a temporary basis. It's really important to the process that Andy not see you as a threat to his virginity. And while the full process will take about a month, you will be seeing changes in Andy within a week. For example, as part of the experiment, Andy will go from a boy who never lets anyone see him with his shirt off, to one who spends all his time in your cottage stark naked. I know you well enough to know you wouldn't be able to keep your hands off him."

Thomas had to agree. It had been an act of will, not to attempt raping Andy. But he didn't just want him once. He wanted to own him! If his father had allowed it, he would have offered to buy the boy from his parents.

"When the process is complete, it will be Professor Gruber that takes his virginity. This is not negotiable. And he will be whored out on a daily basis for his entire college career. And when you boys are home for the holidays, I will be tapping some boy pussy, myself. But whenever he is in your cottage, he will be yours to use as you wish. Is that acceptable?"

Thomas had to think about that. He wanted Andy's virginity, and didn't want to share him. But it was clear that it was either this arrangement, or he would never have Andy at all.

Finally, Thomas said, "Okay. Whatever it takes for me to own him."

William turned to Professor Gruber and said, "Very well. I will provide $350,000 to fund the completion of your research. If the research is successful, you will fulfill our agreement as stipulated in our negotiations today."

Professor Gruber said, "Agreed."

There were evil grins all around.

September 2nd

The research intake center

Thomas and Andy entered the center, the former with a grin on his face, the later shaking with trepidation. They were handed the necessary paperwork. Thomas glanced at the first page and casually signed. Andy carefully read the first page. But it all seemed fine, and Thomas hadn't been worried, so Andy signed too.

Both boys were ushered into the exam room. Thomas was examined first. He removed his clothes, as instructed, went through the physical, received his shot, dressed and went to his hypnosis session. Andy was incredibly nervous about both the shot and the nudity, but Thomas did it, so he bit his lower lip and stripped. He was examined. The boy was so hot, it was all the Doctor could do to keep from feeling him up! Then Andy received his shot. After that, he didn't remember a thing.

October 1st

Professor Gruber's Research Center

Andy approached a building he was sure he'd never been to before. He didn't know why, but he felt compelled to go there. He walked up to the secure door, and without thinking, entered a code on the keypad. And the door opened!

"That's kinda creepy," thought Andy.

But he went in, walked to the back of the building and took the stairs to the basement. When he got there, he saw a man behind a desk, who looked familiar, even though Andy could not remember ever meeting him.

The man smiled and said, "Right on time."

Now Andy was really confused. He stopped in front of the desk, and waited. The man just looked at him with a smile on his face for a full minute. It never occurred to the cute college freshman to move or speak.

Professor Gruber had wanted Andy from the moment he had set eyes on him. And it turned out that Andy was an ideal candidate for his experiment. Gruber was experimenting with combining a psychotropic drug with hypnosis, to create subjects who would be completely open to any post-hypnotic suggestion he cared to implant in the subject's mind. If it worked, he had the potential to gain absolute control.

And here was straight virgin Andy standing in front of him, ready for the final test. He was a virgin, but not because he wasn't desirable. It was because he was painfully shy and a beta. Andy was a five foot nine inch, Blue-eyed, Black-haired, pretty boy. He had a slender defined body, that weighed in at 145 pounds.

But while his genetics were amazing, his upbringing got in his way. His father and mother were both servants to a very rich man. And the boy often helped out in the mansion. To top things off, the rich man's son Thomas was the same age. And he had made a point of carefully grooming Andy to always obey "his betters."

Unfortunately for Thomas, he could never get Andy to the point of submitting sexually. Andy simply had no interest in guys, and Thomas had been unable to get past that.

Andy had volunteered for the experiment, because he was poor and needed the generous stipend the experiment provided. He had no idea what he had gotten into, but he was about to find out.

The man behind the desk looked at his prey with great satisfaction. Professor Gruber had doctorates in hypnotherapy and biochemistry. And Andy represented the nefarious goal of his life's work.

"Andy, get naked. Now."

Without any thought or hesitation, Andy undressed completely, neatly folded his clothes, and set them on Gruber's desk. Then he stepped on a five inch high platform in front of the desk, spread his legs to shoulder width apart, put his hands behind his head with elbows out to the side, and gave Gruber a very confused and disconcerted look.

"You look confused boy," Gruber said with a smile. "Are you wondering why you would automatically obey such an order?"

Andy nodded, as his whole body blushed.

"Do you remember volunteering to be a test subject for research that involved hypnosis?"

Again Andy nodded, while still holding his display position, stark naked.

"Do you remember coming back for more sessions?"

Andy shook his head.

"That's because I told you to forget the sessions. The purpose of the research was to see if there was a way to eliminate a person's ability to refuse to follow a post-hypnotic suggestion that he didn't like and felt strongly against. And you are the proof that we succeeded. One of your post-hypnotic suggestions was to instantly obey without thought if I ordered you to get naked. Further, you were told to hold your current display position until I told you otherwise. Try putting your hands over your junk."

Andy tried desperately, but could not move. Gruber truly enjoyed the expression of panic on the boy's face.

"Don't worry boy. You have a truly beautiful body. There is nothing to be ashamed of. You are not hypnotized right now, but you are subject to all post-hypnotic suggestions I've given you. We need to know whether the suggestions will wear off over time, or remain firmly implanted until they are removed. That means we need to continue to use you for the balance of your college career."

Andy would have asked what Gruber meant by `use you,' but he found he couldn't speak.

"It is very obvious that you are straight, and have no interest whatsoever in sex with men. So we have implanted post-hypnotic suggestions that require you to serve and service men that we select. You won't legally be a whore, because you won't be paid. You should think of yourself as a sex slave. You've spent your whole life learning to be a servant, like your parents. Just think of this as sexual service, in the name of science."

Andy was in shock for two reasons. The first was the whole situation, of course. He had not read past the first page of the agreement before he signed it. He suspected they were counting on that. It was 43 pages of eight point type. And he suspected that he had agreed to all of this when he signed it. The second reason he was shocked is because the whole situation actually turned him on!

"Watch the video screen behind me."

As Andy watched, a video started to play. The boy was mortified with what he saw. In the first part of the video, he saw himself in a room with a dozen fully clothed older men. But Andy was stark naked, carrying on a normal conversation with the men, as if he didn't realize that he was naked, or that the men were groping his hot little body!

In the second part of the video, he was once again naked, and giving a lap dance to the University President! It left no doubt in his mind, that he would be completely controlled by Professor Gruber for the next four years. He could only hope he really would be released when he graduated!

"You won't be attracted to all men, and if anyone hits on you that doesn't say the magic words you will automatically say no. The magic words are a trigger phrase that will cause you to be highly attracted to whoever says it, and you will obey these men completely. On average, you can expect to hear the magic words once a day, from now until you graduate. You might go several days without hearing it, or it may happen two or three times in one day."

Gruber continued, "There will be one person, other than myself, that you will always obey and serve sexually. That is your roommate Thomas. His father provided the grant money to complete our research, with several stipulations. One of those stipulations was that Thomas be allowed to use you sexually, throughout your time in college."

Andy was amazed. Thomas had been spoiled by his mother for his whole life, until her recent divorce. Part of that agreement was that she would never see her sons again. What Andy couldn't imagine was Thomas' father William spending a ton of money, just to get his son a sex slave! William didn't even like Thomas!

Andy didn't like Thomas either. (Actually, no one liked Thomas.) For his whole life, Thomas had used Andy as a servant. Even now, as roommates, Andy did all the chores, from cleaning the room to doing the laundry. Andy even had to iron the boy's socks and underwear. (Andy was okay with that, because Thomas' father was paying for his education.)

He had always been pleasant and obedient to Thomas, as his parents' jobs depended on it. The one exception to that had been the boy's frequent attempts to seduce Andy. Now, if Gruber's post-hypnotic suggestions worked, he would not be able to refuse Thomas anything. But he was most deeply disturbed by the fact that the prospect of being Thomas' sex slave was really turning him on!

Gruber went on, "I wanted you to be wide awake, and fully able to understand what was happening to you. You deserve to know. I also want to be the one to take your virginity, and I would like you to be fully awake for that experience."

Andy couldn't speak or move, but Gruber did see a small reaction from the boy. He started hyperventilating.

"Now, if you prefer, I can put you under before taking you. But I'm concerned that if you are under whenever you are used, all of this will become very disorienting and confusing for you. And any pleasure the sex may provide will be forgotten. But others will know, and their behavior toward you will likely be really disturbing, and impossible to understand."

This man was going to fuck him! He guessed he was now predisposed to want that, because he really wanted that! He found the man unbelievably attractive, even though Gruber was in his fifties--and a man!

"Do you want me to fuck you while you are awake?"

Andy nodded.

"Do you want to be awake whenever you are used, including being used by Thomas?"

Andy nodded. He would never have believed it, but he really did. It occurred to Andy, that had it not been for this research, he might have been a virgin for his whole life. He was simply too shy, and had spent his whole life learning to be submissive. And as upsetting as this seemed, he thought it was probably better than dying a virgin!

Gruber got up from his desk. Andy now got a good look at him. He was about six foot two, and very fit. His salt and pepper hair made him look very distinguished. His piercing emerald green eyes were mesmerizing. Which figured. He was a hypnotist!

Gruber slowly inspected Andy, running his hands over that beautiful, helpless, naked body. He'd seen him naked in every session they'd had, but the boy didn't remember that. And Gruber wanted Andy to feel the Professor's effortless dominance. And boy, did Andy feel it!

Andy knew he couldn't move. He had tried. It was even more restraining than being tied up. And that had been a secret fantasy of Andy's since puberty. Except he had always dreamed of being tied up by a girl.

Being stark naked in this man's office, unable to move and utterly helpless was the most incredible turn-on of his young life! The only thing he couldn't understand is why his dick was soft! Andy could move only his head, so he made eye contact with Gruber, then looked down at his soft dick then back up at Gruber. The man grinned.

"That's part of our research, boy. We want to know if we can control the body as well as the mind. You've been coming to my office every day for a month. And every time, you have stripped naked for the session. And you now spend all your time in your apartment stark naked, without noticing. That's control of the mind. But I have also trained you to remain soft, and have no interest in sex at all. Not even jerking off. I also made sure you wouldn't notice that your dick won't get hard."

Andy was stunned! He hadn't gotten hard in a month and hadn't noticed, simply because this man said so?!

"You can have an orgasm, but the only stimulation that will normally work for you, is a dick up your ass. Your dick will remain soft for the next four years, unless someone who is using you orders you to get hard. Some of the men with the magic words may want to blow you, or watch you masturbate. That will be the only time dick stimulation will get you off. You could stroke yourself for a year, and not get hard, unless the right person orders you to do so. Basically, it's like having a mental cock cage."

By now Gruber was behind the naked, and mentally bound boy. Gruber moved up to the back of the platform. At six foot two, the professor was five inches taller than Andy. The added height the platform provided, allowed his man meat to line up perfectly with the virgin hole in front of him.

As he said his final words, he put his hands on that fantastic ass, and the boy made his first sound. He moaned. Gruber spread Andy's ass cheeks and pulled out the butt plug the boy didn't even know was there. Gruber took a moment to enjoy viewing the pretty pink pucker he was about to penetrate.

And because he had been given a post-hypnotic suggestion to ignore the plug, Andy didn't even notice it being removed. With the plug out, Andy's sphincter was nicely relaxed. His tight hole had been properly trained with a dildo during the boy's hypnosis sessions. So Gruber didn't need to waste any time. He lined up his uncut 7 inch man rammer, and in one smooth motion ended Andy's virginity.

He buried himself to the hilt. Andy could feel the man's pubes against that hot little butt, and moaned. It was the only sound he seemed to be able to make. As Gruber began fucking him, Andy found there was another movement he could now make, other than moving his head. He could push back against the cock in his ass, in an effort to drive it further into his newly minted boy pussy.

A grinning Gruber picked up the pace, delighted that his post-hypnotic suggestions were locked in and working as intended. Andy was in ecstasy! That was thanks to a post-hypnotic suggestion that made it impossible to feel any pain in his butt hole. He could only feel the pleasure.

And while Gruber had not found a hypnotic way to increase prostate sensitivity, he had developed a drug that would accomplish the same thing. It had been added to Andy's daily dose of the psychotropic drug, that had rendered him obedient to all commands.

The result was intense pleasure from the second Andy was penetrated. And that made a rapid buildup to an explosive orgasm inevitable. In fact, Andy shot his load twice, before Gruber came!

If Andy had not been mentally locked in the display position, he would have collapsed to the floor. He had never felt anything remotely this intense in his entire life! If this was what being fucked was going to be like for him, he wasn't sure he would ever want to be released!

"Lick your cum off the platform, boy. You never want to leave a mess."

With the command, Andy dropped to his knees, and enthusiastically obeyed. He didn't know it, but enthusiasm to obey the men who would control him, was now hypnotically locked in. So when he finished, and was ordered to lick Gruber's junk clean, then suck his cock and swallow the load, he went to work with a vengeance!

Andy was amazed at how much he loved serving this man. He knew it had to be the hypnosis, but it felt real and organic, not imposed. He hoped it would be this wonderful with Thomas and the older men as well. At first, Andy had worried that he would feel degraded, helpless and used. He still would have obeyed, but it would have made for a miserable four years. But this professor wasn't sadistic like Thomas. He had seen to it that Andy would love being a sex slave. And for that, the boy was truly grateful.

By order, Andy had maintained eye contact with the man he now considered his owner. As Gruber approached his second climax inside his new slave, he shoved his cock deep into the boy's throat. His throat had also been dildo trained, and after several hypnosis sessions, Gruber had managed to eliminate Andy's gag reflex.

Andy found he was thrilled at the deep penetration of his throat. The swelling of the cock in his mouth was exciting to him. And although his dick had remained soft and untouched throughout, he was surprised and thrilled when swallowing his master's cum caused him to have an orgasm of his own! Andy had so many wonderful things to look forward to during his enslavement! The boy was sure there would be times when being a slave would be humiliating, and degrading. He had no doubt Thomas would see to that. But encounters like this would make it all worthwhile!

Once Andy had completed servicing Gruber, he immediately lowered his face to the platform, and licked up the load he'd spewed. And he did it without an order. Well, he had been told never to leave a mess, and how to clean it up. And Andy was a smart boy. He didn't need to be told twice!

Professor Gruber raised his naked prize to his feet, and gave him a long passionate and very erotic kiss. And the slender teen melted into his arms. Gruber picked Andy up and carried him across the room to a machine Andy didn't recognize.

"I prefer my sex slaves to be without body or facial hair. I will leave the hair on your head and your eyebrows. But you will never grow body hair or whiskers again. Submissives aren't Alpha males, of course. And I'm of the opinion that only an Alpha should have body and facial hair. Do you have a problem with this?

"No Master. Whatever pleases you."

Gruber grinned and slowly, erotically, removed every last follicle on the naked slender teen's body and face. It made Andy feel fantastic that he could please this powerful man in this way. He had no doubt the feelings were implanted, but they felt real, and really good. And he didn't think he would be able to fight them, even if he wanted to.

When Gruber was done with Andy's laser treatment, he had the boy stand, and return to the display position in front of a full length mirror. Andy couldn't believe the difference! He'd had some chest hair, hairy legs and arms, and a five O'clock shadow, in addition to hairy pits and pubes. Now he looked like a tall and beautifully defined 11 year old!

"I'm going to take pictures of you to show to the men who may want to rent you from me. I want them to see what they'll be paying for. You are to have a relaxed smile on your face, that makes it clear you are looking forward to serving them."

"Yes, Master."

Gruber took pictures from every angle. And the hairless naked teen cooperated fully. It seemed no matter what order his Master gave, Andy was thrilled to obey.

"I have some rules for you, boy. From now on, you will never wear underwear or socks. You will only wear pants or shorts that have an elastic waistband, so you can strip or be stripped quickly and easily. You will wear Polo shirts, or muscle shirts, a size too small, to show off that incredible definition. You will not wear shoes with laces. Only loafers, or other footwear that can be quickly and easily kicked off. Since nothing you wore here is acceptable, you will return to your apartment naked. It's after dark now, so you should be able to make it back without being caught, if you are careful. Thomas has acquired proper clothes for you. You may take your wallet, phone, and keys with you."

"Thank you, Master. If someone catches me, what should I do?"

"It would be best if you are not caught. If you are caught and the person or persons who caught you want to use you, you are to submit. You have my phone number in your memory, just as you do the code for entering this building. If the police catch you, and are not willing to release you in return for sex, you are to use your phone call to call me."

"Yes, Master. I can't believe how scary and exciting this is!"

Gruber gave the boy his predatory grin, handed him his wallet, phone, and keys, and sent him on his way. Then he texted Thomas with the trigger phrase that would restore his sex drive, and his need for Andy.

I love hearing from readers. Let me know if you would like this story to continue. And I am always interested in suggestions from readers. I have an idea where this story is going, but I'm happy to incorporate interesting ideas, that work with the story.

My email is:



Next: Chapter 2

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