
By J C

Published on Jul 30, 2020


It was a Saturday morning. Colin's parents had dropped him off at the school gym so that he could attend an extra credit "Physical education and training" session. The Coach had persuaded them that it was in Colin's best interests. He was so underdeveloped compared to his peers, that he risked falling behind in his P.E. grades. They'd been very grateful for Coach's concern about Colin's education and wellbeing.

Coach's weekly workouts were a kind of "physical education" of sorts. Perhaps it's more accurate to think of them as a kind of scientific experiment.

Today, Colin was lying face-up on a hastily thrown-together futon in the Coach's office. It was scruffy, but large and comfortable. His wrists were loosely tied behind his back.

You could tell, if you looked closely, that the boy had put on some muscle over the last several weeks. He was undeniably scrawny, but his body had shape in places where previously there had only been skin and bones. He still had prominent ribs; but he had a bit more meat on his chest. His waist was still very slim, but his stomach bulged somewhat, with muscle rather than fat. He was developing a prominent vein along his left forearm.

Although, what would probably draw your attention first was his tiny, bobbing, drooling, little cock. It was one part of the boy that stubbornly refused to grow.

Today was an experiment in sensory deprivation. Colin was blindfolded. He was wearing heavy-duty, industrial ear protection, which blocked out all noise around him. His face was obscured by a damp handkerchief that had been carefully laid over it.

Coach had needed some time to prepare for today's session after Colin arrived, and so he had come up with this exercise as Colin's warmup. Colin's task was to cum hands-free, with no direct stimulation to his cock. The Coach had told him to try to cum as many times as he was capable of. Coach had been working out when Colin had arrived, and so to give the boy some stimulation, he had wiped a handkerchief vigorously through both of his armpits, and between the crack of his sweaty ass, before laying it over the naked boy's face. With every deep inhalation, Colin could smell the man's pungent scent.

It might seem far-fetched to be able to cum like this. But consider that Colin had many times the sex drive of even the randiest of teenage boys, by this point.

He was only 18 minutes in and was already approaching his third orgasm. You could tell it was coming if you inspected him closely.

His body had begun to vibrate. The small muscles of his torso had become pronounced and tense. His cock was twitching, more than usual. The boy was already moist from the last couple of orgasms, but if you leaned in closely, you could smell the sweet scent of fresh teenage sweat.

In addition to the sensory deprivation equipment, Colin's mouth was stuffed with a large ball gag. As his orgasm overtook him, he began to moan involuntarily. But it was almost completely muffled by the gag.

The entire hands-free orgasm process took about 45 seconds, from start to finish. Colin could feel it coming before it started, a bit like a migraine. It was like his mind was blanking everything out, so that it could focus entirely on the act of cumming. Everything would fade away, except for the smell of the dominant, masculine Coach.

This sensation would build and build until Colin was acutely aware of the pleasurable glow emanating from his cock. For a few seconds, that was all he could feel. His prick felt like it was going to explode from pressure. He could feel every time it thudded against his pelvis. It would bounce back and forth, in greedy anticipation.

Colin would hover on the edge for a number of seconds. It was unbearable, simultaneously both agonizing and immensely pleasurable. Then, without warning, his prick would explode. The actual amount of semen was fairly unimpressive. The sensation, however, was anything but.

It would radiate from his genitals, out down his legs to the very tip of his toes. He could feel the sensation traveling up his spine and along his back. Then it would reach his head, and nothing else would matter. His entire world was pure sexual energy.

It was the strongest feeling he had ever felt. It was stronger than anything he could have imagined. It was too much for him to rationalise in the moment. It was like a religious experience. The person called "Colin" ceased to exist, obliterated by the sensations in his mind.

The feeling would gradually abate, and as it faded, Colin's consciousness would begin to recover.

Colin was overcome instead by a sense of deep peace and satisfaction. His life revolved around this, now. It hadn't always been like this. But now, he could never go back.

His prick finally softened, sliding into the sloppy mess over his stomach. Colin realised that, if he was left here like this, he would never stop cumming. He would keep cumming and cumming, until his heart failed. His body craved this, now. It needed it more than it needed to keep Colin alive. It needed this more than it needed oxygen. The thought of it scared him. Until he took a breath, the first since his orgasm had started, and inhaled the scent of the Coach, again.

This continued for some amount of time. Colin had no way of tracking the time, or indeed, anything other than how close he was to the next inevitable orgasm. So it could have been half an hour, or several hours. Time had ceased to mean anything any more. He was stuck in a permanent sexual limbo.

Until, eventually, the small piece of damp cloth was removed.

To Colin, it felt like stepping into another dimension. After a few minutes, his heart slowed back to normal and his dick went soft. It felt like a relief.


Coach's fat cock slapped Colin in the face. Not hard enough to hurt, but enough to get his attention. Colin knew it was Coach's, because he recognised the smell. He didn't notice, but his mouth started to water around the thick ball of plastic.

Thwack. Thwack.

A second cock smacked against Colin's face. Two men were rubbing Colin's face with their cocks. Their long, heavy cocks.

Colin began to whimper, but it got caught in the gag. The second cock's smell was familiar, but Colin couldn't place it. It was like remembering something from a dream.

Strong hands reached under Colin's shoulders and lifted him up off the futon. Colin's wrists were untied, and gently laid down beside him. Colin was lifted up so that he was lying face-up again, but underneath him lay the body of what he could tell was the Coach. Colin's body easily fit into the torso of the huge, strong man. His head nestled comfortably in the hairy cleft between Coach's thick, bulging pecs. Colin's scrawny chest looked barely human in comparison.

They were positioned such that their crotches overlapped. Coach's long, thick cock lay along the top of Colin's torso. It ran up his pelvis, past the entire length of Colin's (now very excited) cock, and up past the boy's belly button.

The second man rested his own prick along the other side of Colin's cock. It was now flanked on both sides by thick pillars of flesh. Colin could feel each prick head resting somewhere near the top of his abdomen.

Colin started to feel dizzy. Coach had warned him at the start of the session. Today was not just about sensory deprivation. Coach wanted to see if Colin could take two dicks at the same time.

Colin was fairly sure that this wasn't safe. Either of these cocks should, by all rights, be able to do serious damage to his guts, if he was unlucky. So the thought of two of them, side by side, made his head spin.

He reminded himself: trust the Coach. He knew that Coach was going to push him out of his comfort zone. At the end of the day, that was what he wanted. Coach was doing him a favour by spending time with him, and teaching him these lessons.

Spending time with tiny Colin. It made him feel so happy and warm to think that a giant god wanted to spend time with him. He was so lucky to be able to pleasure the Coach.

The mystery man got to work preparing the boy laying in Coach's arms. Soon, Colin's hole was sopping wet with lube. They weren't being stingy, as you can imagine. Fitting two cocks in that hole was not an exercise for the unprepared, or the faint of heart.

The first fat prick speared its way into Colin's slim hole, taking him by surprise. Despite having been ravaged repeatedly throughout the last few weeks, that hole was surprisingly resilient.

Colin's body immediately spasmed. It was like this every time, like clockwork. Colin moaned helplessly into the gag as he felt the familiar twitching pressure in his tiny prick.

Coach waited until the boy had stopped writhing from the pleasure of the initial penetration. Colin found himself pushed into a sitting position, resting on Coach's pelvis. Rough, calloused hands grabbed onto his ass cheeks tightly. Colin was lifted up into a squat position, with just Coach's head stretching open the hole.

A second prick lined up beside the first. He felt a pair of huge, brawny arms encompass him from the front, in addition to the Coach's embrace. It was reassuring to him.

They stood like this for a few moments. Colin realised that they were waiting for him to make the first move.

Nervously, he began his descent.

It wasn't long before he was really struggling. The two prick heads, side by side, were bigger than anything he had taken before. All the lube was helping , but it was a tight fit.

Colin's dick was as lively as ever. With a grunt, he sank deeper, letting a sizable amount penetrate him at once. It didn't hurt as bad as he feared. In fact, he felt a strange pleasure that he had never noticed before. The fullness of his bowels made his cock tingle in new and exciting ways. The boy didn't think it was possible, but he was surprised to discover a form of sexual desire that he had yet to come across. And it made him hungry for me.

Slowly - carefully, he descended the twin shafts. His gag could no longer stifle the moans as the huge, brawny gorilla in front of him squeezed him closer into his muscular body. Another pair of leathery, calloused hands gripped onto the boy's shoulders, and he could feel the Coach's heavy breathing against his scrawny neck.

These men could break me in two, Colin thought. The thought crossed his mind right as a wave of pleasure swept through his body, yet again. Neither of the big men seemed in any hurry, and let the boy vibrate in their firm grip until the sensations had passed. The heat from their combined bodies was causing all of them to sweat, soaking Colin in pungent male musk.

As Colin came down from his most recent high, only one thing came to mind. He needed to go deeper.

Sliding down, inch by inch, Colin found himself having to hold himself back from injury, rather than having to push himself through the pain. It hurt, but it was worth it. It took some time, but in his somewhat delirious state, Colin made it to the very bottom. He could hardly believe it was possible. He had both men's enormous phalluses embedded to their hilts. Inside his body, the two pricks throbbed against one another, duelling for dominance. Outside the body, the two men had cocooned the boy in their embrace. His head was trapped between their thick, hairy chests. Their giant bodies wrapped him up easily. He was surrounded by the men on the outside, and stuffed completely by them on the inside.

Tears rolled down Colin's face, a combination of pleasure and pain.

The three of them stayed like this for a while. But slowly, both men began to move. Colin moaned again as the big men began to thrust their raging hard cocks, back and forth. The boy moaned at the sensation, as the two men greedily used his body for their pleasure. The sensory overload of it all was driving Colin closer and closer - yet again.

The two men alternated small thrusts. The boy's tight channel did a great job of providing friction. The pair of alpha males used the boy's hole like a fleshlight. The two pricks rubbed against one another, and against the boy's prostate, bringing the big men slowly closer to their own climaxes.

Before long, Colin was howling into his ball gag. He had expected the intensity of the experience to abate at some point, like it had earlier. But instead, these new sensations simply kept getting more intense. His brain was reduced to mush as he found himself trapped in a permanent, full-body orgasm. Wave after wave of unrelenting orgasmic energy obliterated the poor boy's consciousness. He could not think, he could only feel, as the two men asserting their dominance over him. And it was more amazing than he could have imagined.

Eventually, it was over. The Coach had removed the ball gag, but the blindfold and ear protection remained on.

The boy was a drooling, twitching mess on the futon. He was unresponsive to the Coach's attempts to get him to stand.

"Did we overdo it?" the Coach wondered. Both men had plenty of stamina, so it had been a marathon session. Coach had wanted his first DP to last a good few rounds, and he hadn't been disappointed.

"Don't worry about it, the little guy will recover in an hour or so. I've been... expanding his mind, a little bit," the therapist replied. "He's probably not used to this much stimulation. If you keep practicing, he should become able to recover more quickly."

"Is it good for him to use him up like this?"

The therapist shrugged. "Probably not. But it's not like anyone has studied this. As far as I know, this level of hypnotic suggestion is one in million. And even if it was common, what I've done to him is not exactly ethical. On the other hand, I've never had any client who has complained."

"The poor boy. He needs this so badly, now. And he's totally helpless to stop it. I guess that means he's totally dependent on us."

"Don't feel too sorry for him. He's experiencing heights of sexual euphoria that most humans are incapable of. It's only natural that there would be a neurological price to pay for it." The therapist checked his watch. "I need to get back to my practice. Don't forget about your appointment on Thursday. We're making good progress on your anger management therapy."

And with that, the Coach was left to nurse the boy back to consciousness.

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