
By J C

Published on Apr 21, 2019


Please send me your feedback: jcrazyninety@gmail.com

This chapter is another written in third person.

It was 6AM. Colin was fast asleep in his room when his doorknob turned. Slowly, the door opened. Through the doorway was the silhouette of a huge behemoth of a man. He crept in with surprising grace, and began to slowly approach the sleeping student. He had to crouch a little to fit through the doorway. He was approaching 7 feet tall, and he was hugely muscular. Built like a powerlifter, he had huge, thick muscles, but a noticeable gut as well.

It looked as if every inch of him, front and back, was covered in hair. The man was wearing a pair of filthy overalls and nothing else. His hair was long, greasy, and wild. He was sporting a knotty, unkempt beard.

He looked like a caveman, or a barbarian. The man hadn't showered in a couple of days and had accumulated noticeable body odour. He slowly made his way to the sleeping young man. Gently, he pulled the covers off the unconscious Colin. The tall barbarian stifled a gasp at the petite and fragile beauty asleep before him.

As quietly as he could, he popped off the buttons on his overall. It fell down around his ankles. The hair of his body got dense around his bulging midsection, forming an epic treasure trail that spread into a jungle of thick, sweaty crotch hair. His cock hung half-hard at a terrifying 10-inch length.

The bull of a man fisted his shaft slowly. For the last few days, he'd been unable to think of anything but the beautiful young boy living at his conservatory gig. Other construction projects had got in the way, and this morning was his first chance to come visit since he'd first checked out the site. From the moment he saw the kid, he had resolved to deposit ever drop of spunk he could muster into the sweet boy, over the course of this project. Because he'd been away a couple days, he had five or six loads to give him today.

The boy's father had given him a key to the house. He knew the parents were both away at a conference today. The school opened at 9AM and it was a 15 minute walk away. Colin would need about 15 minutes to get ready for school. So by his calculation, they had two and a half hours to play with.

How much cum could he deposit in the boy, he wondered? The two of them were about to find out.

His cock was now fully hard. It was just a hair over 12 inches, a wrinkled, greasy pole of terrifying girth and proportions. The organ oozed and twitched. The smell of sex was overwhelming, to the point that even the foreman noticed. Lifting an arm, he sniffed his pit. It was overflowing with damp, curly fur. It was undeniably ripe. He made a mental note that he had neglected his hygiene again... he needed to talk to his therapist about that.

His thick prick head nudged the boy's cheek. It left a thick, sloppy string behind.

With one hand, he reached for Colin's shoulder. The huge, hairy, calloused paw engulfed the shoulder easily. He gently rocked the boy from side to side.

"C'mon, son. It's me, Ian. I'm back for some more fun." The man's voice was deep and rich.

Colin's eyes fluttered open. He gasped at the terrifying mountain of muscle and fur towering over him.

"Oh, Ian, it's only you... you scared me..."

"Hey, man. Sorry to wake you up like this. I thought, since we had so much fun last time, I should come early today."

"Oh!" Colin said, gazing up past the terrifying tower of masculinity that was gently bobbing by his cheek, up to Ian's smiling bearded face. "Your wife is still out of town?"

"She sure is, buddy," Ian lied with a grin. "Got a few days of saved loads for you. Thought it would be fun to see how much you could take in one session."

"Oh... sure thing, Ian." Colin was still waking up. What time was it...?

"C'mon, buddy. My prick is so hard to see you. Why don't you give it a kiss?"

Colin turned to face the giant, leaking pisshole and brought his sweet tender lips up to it. Gently he pursed them over the hole and tried to swallow as much of the orange-sized head into his mouth as he could. At the same time, his tongue ran over the man's sensitive head, lapping up as much precum as he could find. Ian produced more precum than most men could cum. It was real useful for lubricating his fat shaft.

On that topic, Ian tried to steer the direction of the morning. "Hey, man, actually, I'm thinking of skipping a blow job this morning... how about you just get my cock nice and sloppy with your mouth, eh?"

Ian had to use plenty of real lubricant to penetrate someone like Colin. But he did love the feeling of the young man using his lips and tongue, polishing the shaft of his huge wrecking ball of a dick.

He had Colin roll over onto his front while he worked, so he could spread the boy's little ass cheeks. His cock throbbed and leaked at the sight of the boy's hole. That was one part of Colin that was growing rapidly. It was a lot more swollen than it had been a few weeks ago.

The man sighed as Colin doused the last few inches around the base of his dick. The huge cock was running with sweat and spit and pre-cum. "Turn around, buddy," the older man ordered, and Colin dutifully spun around, presenting his asshole and lifting his hips up off the bed.

From the pocket of his overalls, the man pulled out some cheap lubricant. He proceeded to empty a good third of the bottle onto his terrifying, sloppy manhood. He went through this stuff quickly, so he couldn't afford anything fancy. Lining up the giant head of his cock with the boy's hole, he started to penetrate the gasping and groaning teenager.

He eyed the clock. 6:16. That left him two hours and fourteen minutes.

Colin started struggling from the pace that the older man was filling him up. But Ian knew he was on a schedule. And who knows how long it would be until the next window to breed this thing of beauty?

"Jesus Christ, Ian! Is that thing even human??"

Ian grinned. "Still another 5 inches to go. You can take it, buddy. You're a real man, right? You can take a little pain."

"Ahhh, fuck..."

Colin's short, slim penis throbbed and jerked against the sheets underneath him. He'd barely woken up, the large man's cock hadn't even finished penetrating him, and the young man could already feel his first orgasm of the day building.

"Ohhhh, no..."

Ian grinned lecherously as he bottomed out in the boy. He could feel the boy gasping and shuddering uncontrollably. He knew he had made the boy cum from just one thrust.

Colin buried his face in the mattress and groaned as his whole body radiated pleasure. The last few weeks had been a sexual awakening for the boy. His sex drive was through the roof and he could cum more often than he had ever thought possible. But each orgasm was also stronger and lasted longer than he was used to. It was incredible. It was addicting. Even when he wasn't having sex - which was always mind-blowing - it was a real struggle to concentrate on anything that wasn't getting his next fix of cock.

He vaguely remembered he had plans to meet his friend this morning. But he was helpless now, underneath the rutting foreman.

"Ugh... ugh! Slow down!"

"Sorry boy! I need to feel more stimulation! Can't let you have all the fun!" Ian laughed as he railed the younger man, hoping he could bring the boy to his second orgasm in only a few minutes.

"Argh! No! Fuck!" It was already happening again. That familiar sensation. Starting deep in his loins. Spreading like wildfire.

He tried to hold it back. But his body was useless. It couldn't hold it in. It was at the mercy of his assailant. But the older man had no mercy to give. In fact, he was determined to make Colin cum, as many times as he could.

By the time he left for school, Colin had lost count of the times he had cum. His legs were wobbly from the intensity of the experience, and felt like they were going to collapse. His bedsheets were ruined, but Ian had offered to replace them for him. It must have been at least a dozen times; Ian had cum maybe seven or eight. But Ian had been resting for days, while Colin had been getting a lot of action.

The poor kid didn't have time to freshen up, so he showed up to school smelling of sweat and sex. He tried to keep a low profile. It seemed like he was getting some weird looks from some of the jocks. He hoped it wasn't because of the smell.

Colin wouldn't have believed it was possible to have cum so often if he hadn't been living it. It seemed to be the one part of his anatomy that was well in advance of his peers.

As he arrived at his desk, he hastily texted his friend an apology about ditching him. As he prepared for class, he remembered that he had a special period with the coach this afternoon. And then in the evening, when he got home, the construction crew would probably just be finishing up work. He really wanted to be a gracious host while his parents were out of town...

Colin sighed and tried to focus on the class, which was going to be on trigonometry. But how could he focus on studies at a time like this...?

Next: Chapter 7

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