
By J C

Published on Apr 23, 2017


Hypnotherapy: Part 2

Welcome back, Colin. Please take a seat.

Do you remember anything from our last session?

That's right. You should start to feel relaxed any moment now...


Colin, can you hear me?

Colin, I need you to answer me.

Thank you.

How has the past week been?

Have you noticed any changes?

I see. It sounds like your sex drive has been causing you problems. You won't remember, but I raised it in our last session in order to try to accelerate your sexual development.

It's not unusual to experience spontaneous arousal as a growing teenager. It's not necessarily anything that you need to worry about. I'm sorry to hear that it has been distracting you in class, but I think that with time you will get used to it. If anything it's probably a good sign that your development is improving.

I'm sorry to hear that there hasn't been much progress in terms of hair and body growth. It's still early days, though, and proper development can take months or years.

Last time you were here, I had you take off your shirt so that I could see your physical development. I think it would be best if you were to do that every time we are in session. Please take off your shirt every time that you sit down. In order to make you more comfortable, I will do the same.

Thank you, Colin.

Colin, I think it's important that I take a look at your genitals. I think it might give me further insight into your condition.

Please take off your trousers.

Thank you. And your underwear as well. Please hand me your underwear.

Do you feel shy standing naked in front of me?

That's ok, Colin, it's natural to have anxiety about being naked in front of other people. Especially when the size difference is as apparent as the two of us. In fact, I think it would be useful if you started to compare yourself to other people more often. It might help you to be more aware of your physicality.

I don't mean to be blunt, Colin, but your dick looks quite small to me. Have you ever taken a look at your classmates?

Yes, it's pretty likely that they are bigger than you. But before we can say conclusively I need you to get hard.

Colin, I anticipated this might be necessary so I have not showered this morning. I want you to walk up close to me and bury your face into my armpit.

That's right, Colin.

Ok, I would like you to run your tongue gently around my armpit. Really savour the taste.

That's good, Colin.

Colin, I am asking you to do this because it should help you to become aroused. Would you say you are now fully erect?

Ok, I have a tape measure with me. Let's take a quick look...

All right, your cock is 4.4 inches long which is fairly small for your age, even given your height.

Colin, I think it's important that you have a realistic expectation of what a man's cock ought to look like. A lot of pornography can be misleading so it would be best if I showed you myself. Excuse me for one moment while I take off my trousers and boxer shorts.

Ahh, that's much better.

As you can see I am fully hard at the moment. Let me measure it with the tape measure...

As you can see, my cock is a little over 9 inches in length. You know, that means it's over twice the length of your cock.

Colin, please wrap your hand around the shaft of my cock.

You can tell that it has a great deal more girth than yours. That means you are holding in your hands perhaps three times as much cock as yours, maybe more!

Do you see my large testicles as well? Virile men often have big balls. They produce more testosterone and provide a higher sex drive. They also have a distinctive smell.

Bury your face into my nutsack, Colin. Lick and suck on those huge hairy balls. You are so small they barely fit in your mouth. I can smell them from up here but they must be so much stronger down there.

Ok, Colin, you can stop that now. Please start rubbing on my dick like you're masturbating yourself.

That's right, Colin.

Keep going.

Ok, Colin, I want you to stretch your mouth open around my dick head and taste the precum that I'm leaking.

That's good.

Keep stroking my dick.

That feels really good.

I want you to remember the taste of precum and sweaty dick head in your mind, Colin, when you are pleasuring yourself. Add it to the fantasies that you already have about strong, manly men.

In fact, I think it would be useful if periodically, you thought exclusively about how sexy you find muscular, hairy, sweaty men. I want you to regularly think about mens' cocks, their muscles, and the smell of sweat. At that moment, you should remember the taste and smell of my body vividly in your mind, whatever is happening.

I don't care if you're arm is getting sore, Colin. It's important that you don't stop. I am about to blow my load into your mouth, Colin.

Remember exactly what it tastes like, Colin.




Swallow it Colin...

Tell me what it tastes like...

That doesn't sound very pleasant, Colin. I would have thought you would really enjoy tasting a mature man's cum.

Maybe you were just a little surprised? Think about it for while. Maybe it's not so bad.

I would expect it to taste a little bitter. But at the same time, I would have thought you would have found it quite satisfying.

Colin, from now on, every time you pleasure yourself, I want you to swallow your cum. And every time you do, I want you to find it more satisfying and erotic. Increased semen production is an important part of adolescence so it's important that you get over any hang-ups about bodily functions.

Speaking of which, please clean up my leaking dick for me using your tongue.

That's excellent, Colin.

We are nearly done for today's session, Colin. I just have a couple more things I need from you.

When you are fantasising about masculine men, is there anybody in particular you have in mind? Specifically, is there anybody you know of that comes close to your masculine ideal? I am thinking maybe a schoolmate, or a teacher.

Oh really? Coach Anderson, let me look him up quickly. Ah yes, the school's weightlifting and rugby coach. A retired athlete. I can see why you would be think of him. He looks like he could be even taller and well-built than I am.

I see he has some contact information on the school website. I may have to get in touch with him later this week about your development.

Thank you for the information, Colin.

Colin, I am guessing that you still haven't lost your virginity yet. Is that right? I think it is very important that you become more sexually experienced. I think it will help you to become more comfortable with maturity.

Colin, when you encounter masculine men, I would like you to do what they tell you, as if it were me talking to you now. Even if what they ask sounds unpleasant or humiliating, you should try to do it anyway, and do as good a job as you can. You should try to enjoy it as much as possible.

Can you promise you will do that for me?

Thank you, Colin. I have very high hopes for you.

There's just one more thing.

I know you said that you have been horny all week, but I want to make absolutely sure that your sex drive is normal. I am going to put you back into a deep trance and raise it again.

Don't whinge at me, Colin. You are supposed to be an adult, even if you don't necessarily look like one. It's for your own good.

Just relax, and follow my instructions...

Colin... you can wake up now.

Do you feel satisfied and refreshed?

I'm glad to hear it.

I am sorry to rush you out, but I have other plans to get to today. Same time, two weeks?

I'm looking forward to it as well.

If you could excuse me, I have an important phone call to make.

Have a great couple of weeks.


Feel free to send me your thoughts at jcrazyninety@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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