Hustler's Dirty Trick

By BawdyPen (Roderick Stafton, Roderick Shafton)

Published on Oct 10, 2004




Darien knew that Conrad was entertaining a client today, and hoped they weren't 'fornicating' in the living room! He wanted to clean up and watch some televison. The two young men were hustlers--callboys, to be exact--and shared an apartment. Mostly, they got along fine. It was only when 'bringing your work home' interferred with one's privacy that things got upsetting. Fuck 'em! If they're doing it, they'd just better not block the TV! Any guy that'll pay for prick shouldn't be bothered if someone else is watching. Not that he would be interested. He'd just finished with a tiresome three-way at the Blake Hotel. Two tired queens who both wanted fucked. Took forever to get it up again. Now all he wanted to do was wash the stink off his prick and relax.

Damn! It was worse than he thought as he stepped into the apartment. Then he realized it was much stronger than his dirty prick. Conrad swaggered naked from the hall...a short guy around 30 meekly following. "Hey, why's it stink so bad in here?" Darien asked, squinting.

"Aw, this guy just ate my shit," he calmly explained, pointing behind him. The man blushed crimson at having his intimate perversion announced so boldly.

"REALLY?!!" Darien cried. It was one of those quirks that he hadn't encountered so far.

"That's his gig, man. He just gulped down a hot, chunky enema." He turned, smirking. "Didn't you, buster? Swilled it down then told me how fuckin' delicious it was. Jeez, what a pig! Had his face bent back over the toilet. Then I squatted down and let go! OOOH! SPLATTER! SPLATTER!" he laughed. "Then the creep glues his mouth to my asshole and lets me explode the rest right down his throat. Shot his wad all the way into the tub while he gulped it down!"

The man twitched nervously now. He was getting apoplectic, looking like he was ready to keel over. Darien felt sorry for him.

"Uh, jeez Conrad!" he whispered. "You shouldn't be telling me all this--not with him still here."

"Why? He knows you suck cock for money. Besides," he looked back at the man, "he don't matter. He's just a fuckin' shit- eating masochist, man! A turd-sucker! Probably started out on dogturds, didn't ya?"

"Uh, guess I'll leave now. I'm...t-thank you," he muttered, quickly rushing for the door. But Conrad grabbed his collar and roughly jerked him back.

"Hold on, Squirt!" Then he grinned at Darien. "The time for punishment isn't over until he walks out the door. See, I always make sure my clients get their full money's worth!"

"Well, I've gotta clean up," Darien shrugged. "You could smell my stinky dick if it wasn't for all..." he waved his hand and sighed.

"Hmmm. Why bother with a shower? Bumeater here wouldn't mind sucking some stranger's shit taste from your cock. Hey, you got a turd?"

"Jeez, Conrad, let the poor guy alone. He wants to leave."

"You think so?"

Quick as a flash, he undid and yanked down the man's pants and shorts. An average, extremely stiff erection sprung out!

"That look to you like he wants to leave?" he chuckled. He reached down and roughly grabbed the guy's prick and pumped it. "Just mention shit to a guy like this and he springs one. Got a gut full of turdballs and he's still hungry!"

"Conrad..." Darien whined. But the evidence of the man's excitement left little doubt.

"Whatda you think?" he persisted, dropping the guy's prick. "Think my roommate's got a cute ass? Bet ya'd like to suck a turd outta there, hunh? Hell, if nothing else just think about the slime he's got on his cock from some faggot's asshole. I know you'd like to lick that off!" The man cringed at the insults--hanging his head in shame.

"Sorry about all this," Darien said to him. "Conrad's the one who can be a turd sometimes. Nice to, ah, meet you." He headed away.

Suddenly, the man's expression completely changed. He groped at Darien, nearly tripping over his lowered pants. "WAIT! P-please. I have time. I'll do it. Let me suck your cock. I'll clean it thoroughly for you. Every dirty mess that guy made...I'll lick it off and swallow it down where stuff like that belongs!"

"GAWD!" Darien cried, shocked at the man's transformation. He looked over at a smirking Conrad.

"Told ya!" he laughed. "Gotta remember, buddy, I deal with filthy perverts like this all the time. You're still a candyass when it comes to the rough stuff. Probably be good training for you. Go ahead and feed him your sour pecker. Watch how he laps it up!"

Darien studied the little man's pleading face for a moment. Well... clean it anyway...weird scene! He shrugged and unzipped his trousers. The man instantly dropped to his knees. His eyes lit up when he hauled out a half-hard 8-incher. He even licked his lips once the reeking stench went up his sniffing nostrils.

"W-what was he like?" he asked, looking up. "No, don't tell me. He's a me. Let me imagine he was a rich young guy that had to be discreet. And he was in so much of a hurry to get his butt stuffed with hot meat like this that he neglected to clean out his ass. Yeah, lucky for me, hunh?! OH I LOVE THE SMELL OF A HOT GUY'S SHIT!"

He started on the underside, sliding his wet tongue along the track and collecting the dried scum and shit streaks. Darien blinked...wondering what he'd say if he'd seen the dank old stinkpits his prick had been rummaging around in! As exhausted as he was, the man's lewdness was giving him a boner. He really didn't want to know.

"You would lick anybody's shit, wouldn't you?" Darien demanded.

"Mmm...maybe...I I don't...know who," he said between slurps. Licking underneath still, he looked at Darien with puppy dog eyes. "All pretty much tastes the same, sort of. Doing it is what turns me on. LICKING SHIT! Some guys are born to be shit-lickers. I was." His absurd reasoning was irrelevant. His passion wasn't. "Fella really needs to shit...a guy like me hasta help him!"

How pathetic, Darien thought, wiping the other side of his prick over the man's lips.

"Lick his turd...suck his ALL of his shit if he wants me to!" he continued on his favorite subject.

"He was a big fat-assed slob!" Darien lied, feeling evil. "And you still want to, doncha?!" Darien accused, catching sight of a bemused Conrad coming around. He was jerking off and grinning--obviously enjoying the exchange.

He raised an eyebrow at Darien's newly-found sense of domination. He was always tickled at seeing a guy discover new facets in his makeup...especially if they were butch things. He walked around and put his hands around Darien's waist. Like the pro he was, in two seconds he had the guy's pants down. Walking around again, he grinned.

Darien smiled back, then looked down and pulled his prick away. The startled man looked ready to cry. He wanted that dirty cock back!

"I'm convinced, you scatalogical freak!" Darien growled. "I oughta drag you into the bathroom and make you just watch me shit turds into the toilet! That'd be torture. That'd fry your brain, wouldn't it? But I'm a nice guy, so I'm gonna let you lay down and open your mouth. I'm one of those guys that really needs to take a shit...and here you are!"

The man beamed with excitement, then instantly began to whine.

"N-no, no! Not that again! Why me?" He sprawled on the floor with a terrified, disgusted expression on his face.

Darien quickly squatted over his face. "I'll learn the game for a freak like you later. Right now, clean out my asshole!" He started to grind his smelly asscrack back and forth over the guy's mouth. "Clean me out real good. You wouldn't want to eat shit out of a dirty asshole, would you? No, obviously not. I can tell by how far you have your tongue up my ass. Keep going. You'll be licking the end of my turd real soon." He looked up at Conrad and grinned. He was actually enjoying defiling the man. "I think I'm gonna shit real big, man!" he chuckled.

"Go right ahead, buddy. Shit right in his mouth."

"You sure? I mean really big! What if I choke him?"

"Besides the fact that he'll die happy," he laughed, "don't give it another thought. Shoot the whole fuckin' thing down his throat! He can eat a turd faster than a man can shit! I think I'll go watch this."

Conrad got down on his hands and knees with his face next to the action. He'd shit so many times for creeps like this... and even made a few of them shit and eat their own stuff...that he was totally unconcerned about how his roommate's shit might smell.

"OH! OH! UMMMM!" Darien grunted, arching his back and pressing his asshole tighter to the man's mouth. He felt fantastically lewd! "HERE, YOU FILTHY FUCK! EAT THIS!" With a long, drawn-out moan that exemplified the pleasure of defe- cating, his asshole flushed out an absolute monster! He held nothing back.

Conrad gasped as the man jerked his neck and adjusted his mouth expertly...knowing precisely how to take a man's steamy turd. The slimy thing just kept squishing from Darien's widely- stretched anal ring and disappearing between the man's shit- eating lips. He was absolutely amazed! The guy was better than he thought. He kept working his lips over that fantastic, greasy turd, pulling it into his mouth and not bothering to chew. The force of delivery, combined with the man's frenetic vacuum-mouth, had the turd sliding whole into his belly! Conrad tried his best to give encouragement, but it came out in gasps since he was also masturbating and nearing a sudden orgasm.

"Eatthatshit, eathatshit! Aaah...mmmmm...fuckin'...fuckin' man...fuckin' what a shit-eater!" He rose up after seeing the soft end come squeezing out and the man suck it in and twist his head painfully to work it down so he could breathe. Huffing and puffing, he saw Darien's asshole clamp shut--clean as a whistle--and shot his huge wad all over the man's face!

Darien threw his leg over and turned. The first thing he saw was Conrad's startled expression and the jizz hanging from his prick. Next he saw the cum-splattered man contentedly licking his lips. The thing he didn't see was what he'd just done.


Conrad shrugged. "Amazing."

Darien flashed his eyes frantically, glancing over the entire room.

"No way, man! No way?!" he cried.

"Without a second bite," Conrad confirmed. "I've shit in a lot of human toilets, but he's definitely right when he says he was made to eat shit. He's like a fucking vacuum hose! Slid down his gullet faster than cum down a cocksucker!"

"GODDAM! Maybe we oughta call the neighbors over? Put a bathroom rug on his chest and let everybody sit n' shit!"

"Awwww..." the man squirmed around, "I always wanted to do that! Eat the whole thing! Was...was it as big as it seemed? It felt like it was still coming out of his ass when the other end hit bottom. Musta been in double-digit inches!"

"Yep! You ate a foot and a turd at the same time. And still you're jacking off! I don't get it," Conrad shook his head. "Seeing you eat that filthy turd got me off...but you're just stiffer!"

"Oh, my prick felt great the whole time. But I was enjoying the taste too much to worry about coming. Now I gotta come!"

"You might be a sick little puppy," Conrad said, "but you're one fucking expert at it! You want some dessert? I'll let ya shit in my hand and feed it to you this once."

"Uh, no thanks. I don't know how fast that soup of yours will run through me. I don't think you'd care for that. But I wouldn't mind a mouthful of piss while I jerk my meat."

Darien tossed his balls. "One bladder malt coming up!" He stuck the head of his dick into the man's mouth and proceeded to piss without letup. As talented at drinking piss as swallow- ing turds, the guy gulped it all down without missing a drop. Conrad quickly placed his hand down to the fellow's prick and caught the explosion, then carried it to the piss-wet mouth to be greedily slurped up. He wiped it clean in the man's hair.

Before leaving, the man pulled out a big bill and handed it to Darien...who waved it away.

"No, please take it. It was well worth it!"

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