Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Oct 22, 2022


Hello dear readers :)

I have created this page in hope to pursue my dream and passion for writing. I have many projects in mind but right now my primary focus in on LGBTI explicit story of Rick, named Husband of my homophobic sister. For that reason, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

Also this story is fiction, created for entertainment only, and I kindly ask not to repost this story without my permission.

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Husband Of My Homophobic Sister (7)

Chapter 7 -- One Happy Morning

I felt a hand on my shoulder, the heat of it and its weight. It was strange but not necessarily bad. I slowly moved on my side, eyes closed, realizing I was awake. Memories from last night started to fill my consciousness. I smiled, feeling his body under my hand. I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Were you watching me sleep, Nathaniel?"

He had this sad smile again. "No, I just woke up when you moved."

Looking at the way my room was filled with light, I knew my inner clock refused to work today.

"What time is it?" We both looked at the wall clock realizing it was past 8.

I wanted to embrace him and cuddle, then put my morning wood to good use, but after last time we had sex, I was worried a bit. He must've seen it in my eyes. He smiled shyly and moved towards me, bringing his lips to my ear.

"This is maybe the first time in my life I don't mind my morning wood."

I looked at him with interest, and dozens of questions flooded my brain from sexual to curiousness about asexual people, to how can a man live without a morning blow? Even dislike it... But I decided that there will be time for that later. I grabbed his head and plunged my lips to his, pulling him on top of me. He obliged with deep-voiced laughter.

Damn, have I ever told you how fucking sexy his fucking deep voice was? I could jerk off to it sometimes. The way he growled when I bit his neck and sat him up on me was maddening. I sat up and kissed his nipple, then licked the second one and came back to the first, biting it. He took my head into his hands and tilted his head back in a sigh. My hands were roaming his back muscles and glutes.

"I don't think I can do it all the way now", he said pleadingly.

I took his hand and licked it all over, smearing spit on it, sucking, and licking at his fingers. Then I placed it on both our cocks. I spat into my own and joined his hand on them. Wanking and twisting them in sync, slowly speeding up. All the while I was holding him with another hand and looking at him. His breath got sharper as he looked at me. I raised my arm showing him my armpit.

"Lick it." With a growl he dove in, licking it all over. He pushed me down to lay on my back still jerking us off and licking my pit.

"That's it boy, eat it. Come for me." He shook then looked at me and kissed me deeply, went to my neck and bit it lightly. I started to feel my balls coming closer to blasting with each stroke.

"Fuck, Nathaniel; I am going to cum!"

"Wait for me."

I curled my toes trying to hold my cum inside and hardened the grip around our cocks.

"Fuck, boy; you are amazing", I said looking at him.

"Can I ask you something?" He asked with a voice that was both horny and unsure

I raised my eyebrows. "Tell me, boy."

"Can we come in here?" with that he licked my pit.

I nearly let out a shocked chuckle. It was a bit unusual...but I managed to only smile, not wanting him to feel judged for his kinks.

"Only if you're going to eat it all afterwards."

"Fuck, yes, please!" He said with that fucking deep growl and started trusting into our hands, grinding against my swelled cock.

"I'm very close!" He dove into my neck, and I could feel he was taking deep breaths there. Don't know why, but this whole situation was making me crazy. I needed to blast. Our movements were so fast at this moment that soon we both started shaking.

"I'm coming!" He growled so quietly in my ear, he seemed almost silent.

"Me, too!" With that, he rose and looking at me, pointed our dicks at my pit, both erupting a couple of ropes onto it, shortly one after another. As I floated in the darkness, I felt his tongue licking my pit clean. It was so hot, I found myself holding his head down as he was feasting on me.

When he finished, he moved to my dick and cleaned it thoroughly as well. I was starting to get hard again. I moved and laid him underneath me, kissing his neck, moving down to his cock and taking it in as well. He tilted and thrust it into my welcoming, groaning mouth. But after a few seconds, he pushed me away. He smiled weakly, kissed me, and combed the hair out of my face.

"I'm starving, man."

"I thought I just fed you, boy", I said with a smile.

He laughed and kissed me again, this time leaving the bed.

When he saw his shorts he just looked at me wickedly and left naked, leaving the door open.

I found him in the kitchen on his phone, texting and drinking water. I waited patiently, drank a big glass of water, and made coffee for us. I waited, looking at him. When he put the phone down, I came to him, taking him in my arms and kissed him.

"I wrote to my secretary at work; I took a day off." He looked at me and for a second I saw sadness in him. "I must tell you something, but I would like to enjoy one happy morning, if that's ok with you."

I pressed my forehead on his. Breathing out of my nose heavily, I looked at him. "I'd love to."

He smiled lightly and kissed me, taking my hand into his. He went to the fridge and with one hand, put some things out on the counter. Then he stepped next to sink and put my arms around him. Without a word, he left them there and started preparing breakfast.

He was really cute like this. I rested my head on his shoulder, watching from behind as his strong hands worked with patience and care. I found myself thinking about the most unimportant things, realizing I don't even need to bend much as he is this tall. I started to really appreciate this `no height' difference.

You see, when you are tall and built like me, it's a surely a real boy-pussy magnet, but at the same time you get used to calling "cute" all those little men that you tower over. Every time you want to kiss them, you just automatically lower to their level, or pick them up. Also, then they have to climb over you when they want to kiss you. Sure, it can be empowering; but now, resting my head on this tall man with stone hard back muscles and pressing my slowly rising cock on his tight glutes, I was getting hooked, thinking if the idea of being with shorter man will work for me ever again.

When I looked into his face, he was calm and focused, but a different calm than his usual stone face. He had this mesmerizing slight smile, and his kind eyes were traveling along with his moving hands. I had to do something. If I don't change the tone of this situation, I will seriously fall for him right here.

I started moving my hands over his torso and slowly thrust my hips into his butt. I kissed his neck and moved to bite his ear, when he began laughing, telling me he was starving and to let him be.

I removed my hands from his hard pecs and sat myself on my knees behind him.

"You're right, I'm starving, too." With that I dove into his spread cheeks and licked his pussy.

"Rick, please `, he moaned.

"Spread your legs, baby." He scoffed, but complied.

I pushed on his back to bend him a little over the counter and licked and sucked on his hole, sending shivers up his spine. I loved the view of goose bumps all over his back and ass. I bit his cheeks and scratched his lower back, and then started to really eat him out. After only a few moments, he was spread in front of me, moaning and growling, begging me to go deeper, to go harder. I ate him like my last meal ever, then spreading that ring with my fingers and dove back in. After I loosened him with two fingers and started fingering his button, he was just whining and thrusting back on my fingers.

"Fuck, Rick; you won. Just fuck me, already." You would have to live here these past months to really appreciate the vast difference in this horny mess and stone-cold, proper suit guy I was living with before. The change I was witnessing was chilling. How many bottled-up emotions this man had in him. How much more could I bring to the surface? I loved this. The sheer thrill of unchaining this strict, cold man was taking me to the edge just thinking about it. Somehow, I wish his secretary or someone familiar with his regular cold-faced-self would come through the door right now just so I could show off what I have made.

I rose and took him into my arms, turning him to me and shoving him onto the kitchen island behind me. He took a hint and sat on it. I raised his knees and stepped in between his legs, kissing him. Fuck, I love kissing this man. I spat on my dick and slowly started pushing in.

"I want to feel it. I can take it. Fuck, just fuck me hard... daddy." He looked like he was trying to be able to say those words. Not at all confident with them leaving his lips, but determined to make it work.

"You want me to fuck you like a brute, Nathaniel?"

"Yes, daddy." The slight question-like tone was giving him away, but seeing this pile of muscles in front of me, pink rosebud in front of my cock and lust in his eyes, gave me hope he can indeed take it.

I took him by the back of his head and pulled him closer, bending him to me.

"It's sir, for you boy."

"Sir." he twitched under me.

"Then take a good look, boy." I flicked my tongue on his lips and pulled his head to look at his hole about to be impaled. With the second hand I spat in it and smeared it all over my shaft, just then getting another idea. I saw him twitch in anticipation.

I then licked his throat and grabbed him by it with both hands just slightly but firmly to see his reaction. He took a sharp breath, looking at my 8 inches, thick in full mast and about to invade his pussy, when I growled in his ear.

"But you were starving...let me feed that hungry hole first." With that, I backed out from his legs. He had to brace himself against the counter so he won't fall. I quickly walked around the island and took his throat from behind, laying him roughly down, his head hanging down over the edge of the counter.

"Open wide, boy. I want to give you a taste first." I growled above him, pointing my dick at him. He opened and reached for me with his hands. I took his wrists and moved them to his sides.

"Put them behind your back, boy." He looked at me, his eyebrows slightly up. "Hurry, boy; I am losing my patience. I want to fuck that hole now." He slid them underneath his back and looked at me for approval.

"Good boy; now open up for me." I bent and licked his mouth. He parted his lips again, and this time I took his jaw with one hand and my cock in other and rammed halfway in, then pulled it out and opened his jaw wider.

"Tongue out, boy." I slid in I felt the back of his throat shaking. "Swallow and let me in, boy." With small thrusts, I kept attacking his throat. He gave it his best. I felt him on my balls and down my cock as he tried breathing through his nose choking on it slightly as I started to move faster.

"Open up, boy; let me in there." I growled deep on top of him trusting on that poor throat when I felt the pop. I stopped letting him take a deep breath through his nose, spreading those muscles like it was a virgin pussy. The sheer tightness of his throat was amazing.

"Good boy. Breathe. I am so proud of you." With that, I grabbed his neck and saw his dick twitch and leak. I slowly started pounding that hole of his, slowly increasing the tempo.

"Breathe, boy; I am going to fuck you good." My voice deep as ever, I was past horny. I was making all efforts not to ram it in all at once. I started thrusting and boy, he was taking it well. Soon I felt him take me to the base of my cock. I looked at that spectacle and pulled on his nipple, twisting it.

"What a beautiful, hungry slut you are!"

This fucking tight throat was making me mad. I started fucking his face for real. Both hands now squeezing his nipples and watching his dick twitch with my every trust in, leaking like faucet. I dove at it and licked it. He moaned around my cock, sending vibrations all it. I leaned once more and took his cockhead into my mouth, making him moan again, but at the same time starting to choke.

I pulled out. Holding his head in my hands, I squatted next to him, kissing those lips.

"What a good fucking slut you are, boy." I licked that throat and made him sit up.

My cock, lathered with his saliva, could never be more ready for his pussy then right now.

Still, I grabbed olive oil from the cabinet and poured some in my hand, shoving one finger in without warning as I grabbed him by the neck, looking at him menacingly.

"This what my hungry slut needs?"

"Yes, daddy." He looked at me with those crazy eyes and swollen lips. I gritted my teeth. It was so hard not to just fucking impale him now. I added two fingers at once, fingering that cumhole rapidly.

"My fucking whore... you are so fucking hot right now, you have no idea. I am going to fuck this pussy so hard, you will feel it for days. Is that what you want?"

"Please, sir; take me."

I aimed his head down again to look at his hole and my fourth finger going in.

"Look how hungry she is, boy. We need to feed her good."

I stepped in and as I removed my fingers, I jammed my cock in, full-length at once. He looked at it, his dick pushing out another ounce of precum that moment. He gritted his teeth in pain.

"Don't grit. Ease your jaw, boy; breathe through it. The pain is more bearable that way." I licked his lips while taking my dick out and showing it to him as his pussy was invaded again. This time he breathed, even shaking slightly, and his moans had a whine in them.

"Good boy." Fuck, this fucking tight hole was making me crazy. I started long-dicking him faster, watching those crazed eyes of his soaking in what he was witnessing as he watched his pussy being pounded again and again.

"Your hungry pussy is squeezing me so tightly, boy. Is this what she begged me for?"

"Lay down, boy; I need to feed her good." It took him a second to comply and when he laid down I fucking started ramming it in. The noises he made were fucking wild. Given that he laid on his hands, there was nothing to hold his screams back and I loved to see this crazy lust-broken side of this man. I was jackhammering him, holding his knees now. Then an idea crossed my mind. I stepped out from him again with a loud pop and crazed, disapproving roar.

I pushed his knees to his chest and told him to hold them for me. He did, and I left. I am sure there should be still that cumstained jock in the laundry. And sure, there it was. I smelled it, and it was pungent. I took it to my cumdump on display and kissed him deeply, ravishing his mouth.

"Open up, boy; I bring gifts." He looked at my wicked smile with concern, but parted his lips. I put my jock under his nose. His eyes rolled backwards. "My little beautiful pervert. You love this, don't you?"

I took it with me and walked again to my waiting boy-pussy. I smeared more oil along my dick and pushed it in.

"Open up, boy." I held the jock above his mouth as I started thrusting. His fingers were white as he held tightly on his spread knees, shaking with my every thrust.

"Lick it, Nathaniel." He raised his head towards it and put his tongue out, licking and sniffing it deeply, squeezing his already tight asshole around my cock. I had to brace myself on the island from that sensation, or my knees would give out on the spot.

"Eat it, fucker I'm going to breed that pussy now!" I growled like a madman, shoving that jock into his mouth, squeezing his throat with one hand and his hip with the other as I started to massacre that fucking tight pussy under me.

At some point he was raving like crazy into my jock, shaking his head from side to side. Holding his knees for dear life. I was pounding us both into oblivion.

Given the position we were in, no-one paid attention to his cock, but his balls obviously couldn't take any more. With a scream so loud, even muffled with jock-gag, he raised his back and his dick erupted in volleys of cum all over his chest and face. Seeing that and feeling the tightness of that cumming pussy sent me over edge, and with a fucking roar I bred that man. I felt weak like never before. Darkness all over me as I laid my torso on his, not even caring about cum all over it. My head on his shoulder, resting on his neck. Spent, famished but happy.

"Fuck..." he said with sigh.

"How's that for happy morning", I spoke. He started laughing, deep throaty laughter I have never heard from him, ever. I loved that sound.

We stood up and Nate wetted a washcloth with a little soap and cleaned my chest, then his.

"Why not lick it off me?"

"I am not taking any chance. I need food."

I raised my eyebrow suggestively, he laughed. "Real food."

This time I let him and stood next to him, kissed him on the cheek as we prepared breakfast. As we sat and ate naked, I couldn't take my eyes off him, and he looked the same. We ate in silence for the most part, both famished at this point, and honestly if we ate burned stones, I would find them to be the most amazing food ever. To this day whenever I have full plate of vegetables with fried eggs, I think of this morning. He smiled a lot, probably more than I have seen him in these past months, but because I wasn't with him much before, I couldn't really judge. He just beamed, and take me for self-absorbed man, but I believed it's my doing.

"I like this side of you, Nathaniel."

He smiled like he knew, but still asked teasingly, "Which one?"

"This open, cute one; I thought that everything I ever get would be that stone-cold mask you were wearing."

He looked surprised. "I thought you were going to say something sexual." He frowned a little. "What do you mean by that?"

"You know; that always composed, calm poker face I've seen since day I came to live here."

"You mean my regular face?"

"No, it's mask; you just grew so used to it, your face took its shape. You perfect it every time something's troubling you, or you return to it when you feel unsure. I've seen cracks here and there." I pointed at him with smile. I stood up and took out plates to dishwasher.

"Don't try to read my mind. I myself have trouble with that."

"I think I read that somewhere."

"Me too, but still applies." He came to me. "We don't know each other that well, Rick; I like that you are trying to get to know me, but there are still many things we just don't know yet." He put arms around my waist and looked me in the eyes, "Don't make judgments about my character based on first weeks a stranger I didn't know was alive, came to live in my house and was constantly fighting with my wife. Would you be you best, cheery self?"

How deep this man goes? I had to admit he was right. In the end, I was full of myself.

"You are right. I may have judged you prematurely. Sorry."

He put his forehead to mine, closing his eyes. "But I should probably also admit that right this moment, right now, I feel happy and I honestly I don't know if I felt like this, ever."

I smiled and kissed him, holding his head in my hands.

He kissed me back and then hugged me, standing like that for long, resting his head on my shoulder.

He seemed saddened, only then, I remembered that he wanted to tell me something.

"Can this morning be the whole day", I asked hopefully.

I felt his cheek move into smile on my neck.

"It wouldn't be fair, I think."

I sighed, took his hand and kissed his palm. I intertwined our fingers and led him to couch in living room.

I sat there looking at him calmly, bracing myself for worst.

"Tell me, Nathaniel."

"I wanted to tell you yesterday, hell, even the day before. I was a mess and thought I had to sort it out in my head first, but when I thought I had it, I ended up making love with you." I sat silently, remembering last night.

"Ashley is coming back home for quarantine." He looked at me sad. I don't know why; I just silently squeezed his hand like a child looking for refuge in a person he hopes can save him. It took me a few moments to get over that. Like, sure; how long did I think 3-6 weeks will last? Given that we were pretty much secluded in this house for past months, the sense of world out there kind of changed. Now she is coming back "home"; my sister, his wife.

I will post the next chapters every 10th day for all free websites. You can see the next one here around the 30th of oct.

I created a Patreon page for those interested in supporting me -

If you want to read at a faster pace, you can join us here, the next chapter is posted every 5th day. And for Early access readers as soon as I write it. I will also post other short stories on an irregular basis.

Schedule for my patrons is as follows:

Ch 1-14 are already posted Ch 15 - 25th of October 2022

And so on. At this moment there are 17 chapters written and 18th in progress, if you wish to comment or present ideas for the story, consider becoming my Influencer, and if you don't want to wait even those 5 days, become an Early Access reader or Co-creator.

Hopefully as Rick's story will progress I will finish the whole book, which will be available in pdf. format for my patrons.

I thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope you will enjoy my work and more will come in time.

I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 8

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