Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Oct 5, 2022


Hello dear readers :)

I have created this page in hope to pursue my dream and passion for writing. I have many projects in mind but right now my primary focus in on LGBTI explicit story of Rick, named Husband of my homophobic sister. For that reason, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

Also this story is created fiction for entertainment only and I kindly ask not to repost this story without my permission.

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Husband Of My Homophobic Sister (5)

5 Chapter - Pervert


Then one day everything changed. I don't even know if it is a good or bad way. One evening after we finished with our workout, showered, and spent some time talking over beer in the kitchen.

After while he went to sleep, but forgot his phone on the table. I didn't care for it. I stayed there after he went, and watched some videos on my phone, when his phone, probably on silent, started vibrating. I looked there and swallowed a curse. Ash was calling. It was maybe little over half an hour since he went up and I thought he probably isn't sleeping just yet. So, I took it and sprinted up the stairs with a ringing phone in hand, well vibrating. There was light coming out from under the door, so given the situation I knocked quickly few times and just opened the door saying something like his wife's on the line.

But my words died in the spectacle in front of me.

He was naked on all fours, headphones in his ears, in his mouth black fabric as a gag. His red hard dick with cock ring around it leaking like crazy and his ass was impaled on a massive dildo or vibrator mounted on bedframe. Probably one of those dildos that you mouth somewhere with suction. I found out by the silent vibrating sound while he rapidly took out his gag that it was vibrating.

I never seen anyone like this, I mean his expression, he looked scared, angry and on the verge of crying but at the same time cold faced and focused. Can't really describe it. He jumped from bed with that familiar sound when something was leaving hungry ass and grabbed his phone. Looking at me with that look he said, "Get out, now!"

After that he took a deep breath and picked up his call. Like in a dream I looked around the room that smelled like lube and cum. Vibrator on full speed, bedsheet had stains of fresh cum drops, on tablet was playing porn with some twink being tied up and used by muscled dilf. His gag however looked very suspicious; it looked like my black boxer briefs I threw in the laundry bin maybe Monday.

While casually talking to her, he picked up the soaked gag, turned off the tablet and vibrator. When he threw them into a box next to his bed he turned around and looked at me. I gave him an all-knowing smile and silently leaned on the doorframe.

"Get the fuck out of here you pervert!" He screamed madly.

Now, I don't know if the sheer hypocrisy of this, the word I genuinely hate and, what Ash is calling me, knowing why and how I feel about it, or the disappointment of listening to the words from someone I started to view as a friend. Who knows, maybe all of them at once and maybe even some others, but at that moment I hated Nate with passion. He saw it in my eyes and stopped talking, just looking at me, maybe fear crossed him but probably humiliation overruled, because his features hardened again and now with menacing tone repeated those words.

I remained silent, glaring at him with disgust and left the room. Went into the hallway and started punching the bag so hard I had to take on his gloves because of the pain. Then continued punching till sweat ran down my spine. It was maybe one o'clock when I totally spent fell into bed and blacked out.

Next morning was Sunday, I went for a run alone, showered and started hard heavy weight training. I would go punch the bag again but didn't want to see him. I was just doing a set of deadlifts when I heard a knock on my door. I cursed under breath but kept silent and continued.

Another knock. Fuck him

"Rick I came to apologize. I am coming in, please don't punch me." With that the door opened, I stared at him like an enemy, didn't stop lifting. He was obviously troubled, kept looking at me and turning away, his hands fidgeting, and his eyes looked sad and scared now.

"Look man, Rick, I am really sorry, I was really stressed, I..."

He paused for long while, so I said "Give me back my briefs"

He nervously walked around the room talking "I know you have every right to be angry, I shouldn't say it, but you barged in there in the worst time possible, and I just wanted you to leave." I let the weights down to my hips and stood up in front of him. He stopped pacing, looked at me worried.

"Does your wife know you like sticking that thing up your ass?"

"I don't..." he started

"Fuck you, closet case, it's not my first rodeo, and you're either fucking gifted at taking dick or you've been doing this for long time by the size of that thing."

"Look Rick... damn it... No, she doesn't, but this... I don't do this, I think, I think I was just pent up and I just did it."

"Why my boxers?" I still didn't know for sure they were mine, if he told me they are his, who knows, I don't own very black pair in the world, but by the way he was reacting I knew damn sure they were in fact mine.

He started to breathe low and fast. Crossed his arms in front of him. Looking toward the door, my pecs in front of him and into my eyes. I needed to try something now. I need to know, or I will go mad. I turned sideways and laid the bells on the floor, then stepped towards him, he instantly stepped back, stopped by the wall behind him.

"Kiss me." I commanded, locking him with my eyes

"Excuse me?" He said out of breath

"Look asshole, there is door right there and you can leave whenever you want, I am not gonna hold you, or force myself on you. If you want to, go, if you want me to pound that hungry pussy of yours so hard you're gonna think of me every time you'd sit, you have to make that decision yourself, I am not making it for you closet-case."

I stood there with hands on my waist, waiting and glaring right into those big, scared eyes, not even two steps from him being pinned against the wall behind him. I was angry but composed, and with my bare chest still rising as I breathed heavily after my workout, he just interrupted, I knew I looked menacing.

But everything on him screamed he wanted it, and it's turning him the fuck on. This straight bullshit with dildo up his ass just few hours ago is annoying me beyond measure and I just had enough. But I wanted him to acknowledge it on his own before I will fuck him into shaking mess and fill his pussy with my cum, just before his homophobic wife comes home.

He stood there for quite a while glancing at the door and back at me. He looked kind of cute at that moment and I had to really hold myself from grabbing him behind his neck and mounting his mouth

"Look I am sorry, I will go." He spoke. I didn't move, so did not he, I kept staring in silence, he nervously looked around, on the space between us and definitely on my junk for formidable split second but I didn't move at all.

The pressure between us started to feel heavy and he was getting more and more flustered, he knew very well he's got enough space to leave, and he knew we both know that.

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Composing himself and then started talking again with forced calmness.

"What if you are misreading this whole situation and I don't want to have anything sexual with you. You as you sure know are brother of my wife." He was looking at me straight in the face and trying the stone mask he is so confident in using. Not this time bitch I thought

"Then I apologize, your butthole stretched over that big dildo, with my cum stained underwear in your mouth, or you checking me out every chance you get when you think I didn't notice, the fact that you watched me for I don't know how long with Jerry while you tented quite a big boner must have given me the wrong fucking impression." I said harshly glaring at him

He took sharp breath but tried to act cool saying nothing.

"Look Nathaniel." I crossed my arms "You maybe find this over the line, maybe the exact opposite and you secretly wish, you would be threatened and coerced, so you get what you want, but still keep the self-image of victim. I don't know, maybe you even worry that I will tell this to Ash, so I can ruin her some more. So let me say very clearly one important thing." I leaned towards him with serious look "I will never out anyone like this. Never. Not because it's you. Cos I wouldn't do that to anyone. So even if I have my issues with Ash, this is moral thing I do not cross. Secondly I don't coerce anyone into anything as I despise such way of treating another person. I told you once that if I ever fuck you, you will have to beg me for it. It would be your decision and your responsibility. So, if you are looking for some brute who'll coerce you into letting him fuck your hole into bloody mess go to someone else. If you want to leave this fucked up situation go, and we will never speak of it again. But if my assumptions are correct and you want my dick to fuck you silly, you will make the move first." I had to stop myself. I realized I got riled up a bit and kept talking. He silently hanged on every word I said.

He stood there silently for a while looking at me, I felt like saying much more but decided to wait.

"Can I sit please?" He spoke silently

I took step back and he went and sat on my bed putting his head in hands, he then combed back his hair and straighten his spine and shoulders. He looked at me seriously.

"This is fucked up." He said and when I decided to not respond he continued. "I found your briefs without intention, I was just putting laundry in. I don't know what possessed me, it's like I couldn't stop myself. The smell... I thought I am getting crazy. I ... We bought that vibrator with Ash couple years ago to spice things up, we used it like twice and it was sitting in box since." He was talking to his hands and the floor by this point.

"When I took those I couldn't help but ... I never done anything like that before. I always plan, organize, and strive for control, with them it was like I was different person. Weak, horny. I masturbated right there and then. Afterwards I felt like blacking out, dazed and ashamed, but still the next day I came for them and spent my working hours jacking... Damn... I... I... Fuck... I remembered Jerry and the way you were doing it. I wanted to be used like that. I went for the vibrator and I tried it. But the pain was too much even when I was so aroused. Still, I kept coming back trying. After about day I took it in and the pain was almost unbearable, but I was worried that if I will take it out I won't be able to get it back in and I wanted to feel how he felt, when he came back then. I started the vibration and then I somehow reached my prostate and the feeling. Damn I never felt something like that, I had to bite down those briefs so I won't scream, and you wouldn't hear me in the next room. And since then, I keep doing that. Honestly I am glad I can concentrate on prime tasks at work, cos most of my last workdays I sit on that thing on slow pulse and when I cum I clean myself and go workout with you. The only solace I had in that, was that you can't know. No one can't know. And when you opened the door, it felt like my whole world is going to burn under me." On his wrist fell a tear, is he crying?

This monologue of his broke me. I felt horny and shuttered to pieces watching him reveal this side of his. I lost all willpower and reason; in two fast steps I was in front of him and took his cheek in my palm raising it towards me as I kneeled one leg on the bed next to his hip. He looked me into the eyes, silent. Fuck it! Fuck this whole fucking pandemic! Fuck the fucking responsibility!

With second hand I embraced his head and kissed him, shifting my weight over his body, making him lay under me while we were making out gradually increasing the need in our kiss. My tongue explored his mouth and his welcomed me like hungry man welcomes food. His hands travelled my back, scratched me so hard I knew I will have bruises, still neither of us couldn't let go. I maybe romanticised this whole situation in my head but at that moment I couldn't care. All I needed was him, I wanted to burn myself within him and from the way he was eating from me I felt he needed the same.

After while I couldn't bare it any longer. My dick hurt from the amount of blood hushing in it, and I needed to fuck him like I never needed anything in my life. At that moment nothing else existed. I lifted his shirt higher, so I could feel his chest on mine and reached down to open his pants. I needed to feel that cock, to taste it and most of all, I needed to eat that hungry hole. I moved my hand to his neck. I didn't squeeze, just held him in place. Looked him deep into his eyes and with second hand removed his pants and underwear. Then I raised his legs and launched at that pussy with every skill I had. I licked, sucked, fucked it with my tongue until his legs shook in my hands and he moaned into his wrist. Seeing this I needed to do one thing I stood up and waited until he looked at me. Then I took down my shorts and took off my jock, covered in precum by this point, and shoved it to his face, under his nose.

He just laid there frozen, breathing it in.

"Lick it boy." He looked at me dazed, then he opened his lips and let his tongue take them in. As he licked and sucked the fabric I straddled him, sitting on his chest. I pulled them out and put them under his nose, his eyes rolled with pleasure as he sniffed, I then took them away and pointed my cock to his nose.

"You love the smell of my cock in them. Maybe you should try the real thing." He looked at it, then at me and then on my dick again. This may took a second or two but for my blood filled cock it felt like eternity. I pointed it to his nose, and he sniffed it with lust in his eyes.

"Taste it Nathaniel" he parted his lips, and I guided my cock to him. He took it with pleasure, sucked and licked the head like it was his first meal after months, I cradled his head and made sure he won't take too much at once. When the need in him raised and I could see he needs more, I leaned above him and fed him as much as he could take, slowly pumping his mouth and slowly going deeper and deeper.

"Swallow boy. It will go there." I said caringly and when he did I pushed just a bit more. He started gag "Breath with your nose, boy" He tried, his eyes started water, but he was determined. "That's it, boy, good. Keep that tongue down for now boy." He gulped again and I had over half of my cock buried in his face. The look of it was so trilling I had to pull out, so I won't start fucking his face mercilessly.

"Fuck Nathaniel, you are so fucking hot." I dismounted him and pulled his shirt over his head. The moment his lips were visible I dove in them and fed him my tongue hard. As his shirt fell to the ground I could finally see him naked just for me. I pulled him sitting up, more onto the bed and started kissing his neck and trapeze. My hands roaming his muscle back and abs. My tongue travelled to his ear, and I sucked and bit his earlobe. Then I licked inside and said: "Is this what you wanted Nathaniel?" He didn't answer just moaned

"Answer me boy or I will stop." He looked at me

"If you want me to stop say it or leave. I will not force you, but fuck I am getting ready to fuck your pussy silly if you won't stop me."

"I don't wont you to stop." He said in deep growl "I need you to fuck me."

"I will not tie you up today, but we can get there eventually." I caressed his hair and kissed him again. His hands were exploring my abs then legs and slowly went onto my cock.

"You need another taste boy?"

"Oh god yes please!"

I sat on the bed and propped myself with pillows behind my back. Arms raised towards him, calling for him. He understood and embraced me and kissed, holding my cheek with one hand, and stroking my cock with other.

"Breath it in Nathaniel. I want you to make mental map of my body with your nose. I want you to get so familiar with it that you will feel me in the room every time when I step in." He travelled all over my body taking me all in. His touch sent shivers all over.

"Taste my neck boy." He came up and lustily licked it

"Suck my nipple. Yeah boy like that, harder" I held his head in my hands as he was exploring me and I slowly started humping his belly smearing precum over it.

I then raised my arm "Lick my armpit Nathaniel. He looked me in the eyes and breathed it in before licking it all over. "Fuck... " I moaned and took his head to kiss him again. This self-designed torture was taking a toll on me. "Hurry boy I need that pussy of yours."

He travelled with his tongue down my stomach and legs, as he held them he sniffed my junk and licked precum running from it like from tap. Then he travelled down my calves to the feet and sniffed them like a puppy.

"Suck them baby." He took each into his hot lips and licked and sucked sometimes bit until all were soaked from his spit.

When he satisfied sat on bed I jumped him, kissing and biting his lips

"You are so fucking good boy" "This was what you wanted?"

"Yeah but I need more Rick, fuck please just fuck me!" He growled deep

"I need to taste you first baby." With that I made faster version of his exploration given how hard and leaking we both were, I cherished his pits, nipples, and bellybutton but when I came to his dick, he nearly didn't breathe, he watched me as I, with wicked grin, took his legs and put them on my shoulders, licked his pussy and spit on it. My tongue then made out with his taint and launched on his throbbing cock, tasting it deep, sucking it until he cried out and then I spread his hole with my fingers while still sucking him.

"I don't know how much longer I can take it. Please for fuck's sake just screw me already"

I sat straight and looked him menacingly into eyes. For second I've seen fear in them. I took a deep breath and abandoned my intention to pin him down and fuck him senseless.

"Sit on my cock Nathaniel. Cos If I take the lead now I worry I would destroy you."

I took his head into my hand and brought him to my lips. He sat on me and slowly impaled his hole on my dick. I held him with all my strength, biting his pecs

"Fuck Nate you're so fucking tight." He hissed a little and had to raise and come back for couple more times until he sat proudly with my full length inside.

I kissed him and realized that this is first time a bottom has to lean down to me when riding me. He really is tall like me. The strength of him, hard bulging muscles embracing me was good change to my usual hook ups. The way he was towering over me when he ridden me turned me the fuck on. The contrast of his usual stone-cold face with this wild, throaty moaning, swearing, unkept man with crazed look and messy hair was driving me into override.

I took hard hold over his hips and started grating pounding from below. He looked at me, fog over his eyes, rolling them upwards as I pounded him into oblivion when in three huge convulsions, he screamed loudly, his cock erupted and volleys of cum blasted on my face, hair, and chest. I was beyond sense when that spasm engulfed my throbbing dick and uncontrollably shaking filled him with my cum.

I felt his body collapse on mine and as I embraced him and laid in dizzy darkness cuddling him tightly. The thought of What now? Crossed my mind but I was too exhausted to care right now.

I had some issues posting. Hopefully I will now be able to catch up.

After this chapter I will post the next chapters every 10th day for all free websites. You can see the sixth one here around 10th of oct.

I created a Patreon page for those interested in supporting me -

If you want to read at a faster pace, you will find the next chapter there on every 5th day. I will also post other short stories on an irregular basis.

Schedule for my patrons is as follows:

Ch 1-11 are already posted Ch 12 -- 10th of October 2022

Ch 13 -- 15 of October 2022

Ch 14 - 20 of October 2022

And so on. At this moment there are 14 chapters written and 15th in progress, if you wish to comment or present ideas for the story consider becoming my influencer or Co-creator.

I will create new tier 5th of Oct. for those who want early access and see chapters as I write them without having to wait 5days

Hopefully as Rick's story will progress I will finish the whole book, which will be available in pdf. format for my patrons.

I thank you for reading and supporting me. I hope you will enjoy my work and more will come in time.

I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 6

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