Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Jun 21, 2023


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Chapter 28 - At Brandon's Place

We just stared at each other. Accessing the other in front of us.

"How is Nate?"

"Why do you care?" Matt asked quietly.

"I just do. Can you tell me?"

I looked at Brandon, who had this frown on his forehead but looked more inviting than the strict angry businessman next to him.

"He is a mess. I don't think I've seen him as devastated as he is in a long time." Brandon spoke calmly, but I could tell he was blaming me. And rightfully so. I nodded slightly, feeling sad about that. No matter that I wasn't expecting anything else. Still hearing it broke my heart a little.

"I am sorry."

"What have you expected?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "Do you want to beat me up now?"

"How would that help?"

Brandon spoke calmly, but Matt, I could see he was clearly angry with me.


"What you wanted to talk about then?"

This whole situation was uncomfortable.

"Could we go somewhere private?"

I looked at Brandon. Is he seriously thinking I will go somewhere private with two best friends of a guy whose heart I just broke?

Like he could read my thoughts, Brandon raised his hands, palms facing me. "Look, man, I swear we just want to talk, but in a couple of minutes, Nate will come here, and you either stay here and sort it out with him, or you will come with us and explain to us why whatever you two had cannot work."

"Why do you want to talk with him about fixing it? Didn't you see the state of Nate? Do you seriously think that's something this man deserves?"

"He told him about Luke." Brandon was now staring into Matt's eyes, and Matt leaned back and looked at me in amazement.

He glanced at Brand. "How do you know that?"

"Nate told me."


They both looked at me.

"Did he?"

I nodded. I understood it was an obviously big thing, but the way they stared at me made me think its something very special.

"What did he tell you exactly?"

"That he was his brother."

Matt nodded with a frown. "And what else."

I folded my arms and blinked, trying to suppress the tears. "How he died." I felt my eyes water when I remembered that night he told me. Matt looked withdrawn.

"How many people have you told it to, Matt?"

Matt looked at Brandon with a strange sadness in his eyes. "One."

"I haven't told anyone in my whole life. Neither did Nate. Ever. Not even Ashley. If Nate valued this man after two months of knowing him and half of that hating his guts. If he valued him so highly that he told him. I want to give him a chance."

"I just wanted to tell him he is a piece of shit, and it didn't feel right to say it in front of a baby. How do you want to take him home and talk with him when we are meeting guys in," Matt looked at his watch, "ten minutes."

"I don't know, but I need to see if there is a chance for them."


They've been talking like I wasn't even there. Not that I minded but knowing that Nate would be here gave me a strange sensation. I didn't know how to perceive it. I wanted to see him, yet I thought it would be unnecessary torture for both of us.

"Is there?" Matt looked at me accusingly.

I shook my head. "I don't know."

"Bran, let it be. It's not our fight to fight."

Brandon looked at me seriously. "Richard, I have one question. Please tell me honestly. Do you love Nate?"

"Yes." I said, "But it's not that simple."

"It never is." Brandon looked at Matt meaningfully, and for some reason, Matt grew defensive. He folded his arms and took a step back.


Brandon took out two things from his pocket: a car key and a phone.

"Richard, come with me. You too, Matt."


Brandon dialed someone on the phone and held it next to his ear as he walked. We both followed, unbeknownst to why we just obeyed his order.

"Hi, buddy. We met Richard on the way. We are taking him to my place."

"No, don't worry. No. I promise Matt will behave."

"Trust me."



"Please just trust me, Nate."

"I am not saying it will. I just want to talk with him."

"No, seriously."

"Okay. Say hi to Dan and John."

"I don't know."

"Sure, promise. I would never do that to you."

"See you."


I matched his steps. "What did he say?"

"He was shocked, then afraid for you. Then he tried to make me swear we would not hurt or force you into anything."

"Why do I need to go as well?" Matt grumbled behind us.

"Cos I got you by the balls, and you know you want to be there. So you can pretend you have just been blackmailed into submission and keep that macho persona as you will hear everything you wanted to anyway."

"What is going on here?" I was feverishly trying to add all my information about these two. Submission... I turned so hard that my neck cracked. "You work with Thomas Birns!"

They both stopped like I just threw an ice bucket in front of them. Matt's face turned red! His eyes grew fierce, and something about his posture looked like I angered a bull. Then in fear for my life, I heard Brandon laugh so hard that when I looked at him, he held his knees and wiped tears from his eyes.

"Man, I don't know how this happened, but we are having a party tonight. I need to hear it all!"

"How do you know I work with Thomas Birns?"

"Cor is my best friend, and we went to college together."

Matt peered at me while Brandon observed us with a newfound interest.

"Why is it relevant that I work with him?"

"Well, it wouldn't be if you didn't look at me like I just stepped on your tail, and this one wouldn't laugh so hard. I was originally just surprised that we have a mutual friend."

"Yes, he is my assistant. Is there a problem?"

I shook my head. "Assistant? Isn't that a bit downplaying it?"

"What do you mean by that?" Brandon asked, curious.

I looked at him. "He is one of the best one can find. He only works in one company for a year or two. He has an astronomical salary rate and is usually booked a couple of years ahead. He specializes in growing businesses and building them up."

I looked at Matt, who looked really surprised by what I had just told them. I thought that was why he asked Dora to call him for help...

I was stunned. It's true that Dora was a personal assistant, but hiring Tom as PA is quite OP.... "Is he really just a PA?"

Matt nodded. "He wasn't PA before?"

I was astonished. Why would Tom even do that? "You've never checked his background?"

"He did, but not the one you mentioned."

I looked at Matt, confused.

"Don't mind him. He loves to mock me."



"Okay. This is my baby. Step in!"

"This is your car?" Damn!

"Yeah. Richard, come sit in front."

We drove for a few minutes. Matt seemed to be deep in his thoughts. I wondered if this was a good idea, but I think I liked them, and part of me yearned for a connection with Nate, even this distinct as hanging out with his friends. Finally, we came to an apartment building and soon went up to a nice loft. I had to say I would have guessed this man would live in a mess with some quirks lying around, but it was nice and cozy.

"Sit down. Do you want to drink something?"

"Water would be fine, thanks."


We sat there. There was this eminent awkwardness between us. Brandon looked at me sadly, Matt glared at me like I was a vermin, and I was observing them, thinking these are the guys that mean so much to Nate.

"I am glad Nate has you."

Matt only scoffed, and Brandon made this sad smirk watching the glass in his hands.

"What now?" Matt turned to Brandon.

"I don't know. I only thought it up to a point when we will come here."

"Strategic, bravo. Now we are all here, and this is awkward, man."

"I need a drink." Brandon looked at me. "Do you drink?"

"Not usually in the middle of the day."

"Good, but it's 3:47 pm. So I will make it an early evening this time. Do you want a beer?"

"Screw it. I am fucked beyond measure. Do you have something stronger?"

"Yeah. Scotch, rum, or whiskey?"

"Give me whatever you are drinking."

"Good. Matt?"

"Are we seriously going to drink, like getting drunk, drink?"

"Why the hell no? It's the best bonding way."

"No, sex is, but I'll take the drink."

I had to smirk when Matt said that. They both looked at me.

"I just agree."

Brandon brought a bottle of decent whiskey and three glasses.



Great, so now we can sit awkwardly with a drink in hand... Fuck it, I downed it with a shaking hand. The longer I was here, the more I regretted coming.

"You want a refill, man?" Brandon grinned.

"Fuck it. Yes. This is really all messed up...."

"Let's play a drinking game!"

"Bran, you are coming today with the worst ideas one can think of. You invite this guy over and ditch Nate, and now this?"

"You two hate my guts, do you?"

"No."/"Yes." they said in unison

"I get it. I hate myself as well."

"Then why did you do it?"

"What would you do?"

"Probably something more stupid." Brandon shook his head, walking around us.

"Maybe he did right by Nate by leaving," Matt spoke silently into his glass.

We just looked at him.

"Don't you think Nate should have a say in this too?"

"Why? It's not like he's got anything to do about that once one decides. It's just a painful reminder, keeping each other on edge with no relief. Even if they manage to screw each other once in a while, all that would bring is guilt, confusion, and more temptation. Vicious circle. I think they better off apart."

Brandon looked at Matt intently. "Would you want to be apart?"

"I am too big of a pussy to do that, you know, Bran." Matt's glass was empty, and he grabbed the bottle and poured himself more.

Were they still talking about Nate and me?


"Have you slept with him?" Matt just asked suddenly.


"No, Thomas."

"Why are we talking about him? I don't think that's any of your business."

"I know it isn't," Brandon looked meaningfully at Matt, "but would you be kind and answer him? He cares a lot."

"Why?" Then I saw it. I turned to Brandon. "Does he like Tom?"

Brandon smiled with soft sadness.

Damn, I would really like to help him out. Anything that takes my mind off Nate at this point, but as I knew Tom, this was useless. Matt was obviously straight, maybe bi-curious. Tom would never even consider that.

I looked at Matt. "Sorry to disappoint you, but I don't think that there's a big chance... he would never mix work and pleasure. And I thought you were straight."

"How can you be sure there's not?"

"He's got strict principles and very ... well...distinct taste. But that's not my place to talk about. I just don't think it's worth it if you are interested in him."

Matt was quiet, but he seemed like he was fuming.


"So, have you?"

I exhaled. "Yeah. Years ago."

"What was he like back then?"

I looked at Brandon standing there with amusement on his face. Didn't they want to talk about Nate? I wanted to talk about Nate!

"What was Nate like when he was young?"

"Why do you care?"

"Why do you care what was Tom like?"


"Yeah, I usually call him Tom."


"Dude, I've known him for over a decade. I think I can call him Tom."

"Then what was Tom like?"

I smirked. "Smart guy, very determined, and never took shit from anyone... Why?"

"Just curious."

"What was Nate like growing up?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"I can't seem to help it."

"What do you know already?" Brandon filled my glass.

"Thanks. I know he had demanding parents, and he used to be quite wild."

They looked at each other.

"He was someone you could call in the middle of the night, and he would come running to save your ass."

I smiled, figures.


"He loves you, you know that, right?"

"Yeah. I just... everything went so fast!"

"Sometimes that happens," Matt growled.

"Fuck both of you, cowards. Okay, drink if you feel like this was a bad idea."

"Fuck it." We smiled slightly at each other and took a sip.

"Drink if there is someone in your life you want."

All three of us drank.

"Drink if you feel you can't have that person."

All three of us drank.

"Who can't you have, Brandon?"

"Florence, my ex-wife, and Diana, she was kind of my lover."

Matt laughed. "You can't have Flo, cos you had Diana!"

"Still. I love them both."

"Damn..." Matt shook his head, and I started to feel the alcohol.

"Drink if you ever cheated on someone."

They drank, I haven't.

"Fuck you! You should drink."

"I never cheated on anyone. I have just been with a married guy. There is a difference."

"Coward, drink!"

"You phrased it wrong."

"Okay, smarty pants, drink if you have ever been the one that person was cheating with."

Brandon and I drank.

"Really?" I laughed at Brandon.

Yeah, I was definitely starting to feel the booze. When did I eat last?

"Yeah, Diana's husband beat the shit out of me when he found out from my wife. It was proper soap opera style."

"So why you cannot be with her?"

"They try to make it work. So she's a good girl now."

Matt and I smirked. We were getting drunk.


"I have one: Drink if you ever kissed a guy."

They scoffed, and all three of us drank. I wasn't finished.

"Drink if you ever had sex with a guy."

I watched them with a grin as I drank. Matt looked at amused Brandon, then he said, "Fuck this. You are not telling anyone." Pointed his finger at me and downed his glass.

Brandon just watched us, grinning.


"No." he shook his head with a smile.

"Drink if you ever slept with a woman."

They watched me as they drank, and I leaned back comfortably on the back cushion.


"No, I've kissed a few, but I knew soon enough I am gay."

"How many men have you slept with, Matt?"





He nodded

"I am so sorry, man."

"Why are you sorry?"

"You really like him, do you?"

"Why are you sorry?"

"Tom is very strict with people he chooses to date. He hates guys that call themselves bi." Heck, I am really getting shitfaced with the way this is going here!

"You knew that?" Brandon looked at Matt. He nodded.

"I am honestly surprised you slept with him. He is very strict about no straight or bi-curious men. Damn, even if one admits he slept with women out of curiosity, he loses interest. And you are working together! Man, have you seriously done it?"


I looked at him with a kind of admiration. Tom is a freak! Amazing guy, but sex with him is intense even for me! Now, when I add what Nate told me about Matt, I understand why Matt could consider him desirable. Holy fuck... These two could be a hot pairing.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"If you slept with Tom, you know why."

Bran laughed!


We spent hours there like that! The three of us drank the whole bottle, thankfully, at a slower pace once we started talking and teasing each other. It was hilarious. I love those guys to bits!

We talked about Tom a lot as Matt wouldn't stop asking me about him, I kept pestering them about Nate, and Bran was making fun of us the whole time.

The bond these two have is one of the best I've ever seen. Forget how they dressed. Once you closed them in a single room and let them go at each other, they were a unit! I never had anyone who could razz me so hard as these two did to each other. It was entertaining!


I puked sometime in the early morning, unsure if because of the alcohol or Bran's food. Matt insisted the whole time it was because of the food.

Have you ever had to vomit while you laughed so hard that you thought you would die? It was a trip!


I don't remember when we fell asleep, but I was worried for my life when I thought about the state will I wake up in...



Chapter 29 - Good morning, Richard -

Next: Chapter 29

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