Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Hello dear readers :)

I have created this page hoping to pursue my dream and passion for writing. I have many projects in mind, but my primary focus is on explicit LGBTI stories. Therefore, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

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Chapter 14 - One good day, part 3 - Making love

"Now. Let's get real. If you tell me that the two of you are seriously only friends, I will apologize to you, Nate, if I offended you. But you have to be bloody special friends if Rick lets you call him anything other than Rick." He raised one finger and pointed it at me. "That man is fussier about what names people call him than anyone I've met. It's like weird OCD, or in his case, fetish, I think." He raised his second finger. "Second, he is not that considerate to his friends that he would bring them as plus one on something like this. Party, club, or festival, sure, I could see that, but meeting like this, it's just not his style. We are closer to him than his late parents, and he introduced us to enough boyfriends and fuckbuddies I care to count, but he never brought one friend to my house. Especially not since Sheila was born. That man has too much respect for that. So, you could maybe be best friends if ..." He raised his third finger. "The way you two steal glances at each other, it's obvious that you fucked. And the way you are acting makes me confident enough to say this all in front of you both." We looked at each other. Nate smiled and turned to Ben. "It's true."

"What the fuck are you two doing?" Courtney whispered. "I don't know. It just happened." "What about Ashley?" asked Courtney judgingly. "We don't know," I said. I felt like a teenager in front of loving parents that are giving me shit for something wrong I did. "How real is this here?" Ben asked, looking sternly at Nate "Very." He said seriously "Are you bi or closeted?" "For most of my life, I thought I was asexual, to be honest." Ben looked at Courtney in bewilderment, she shook her head, and oddly for her, she was quiet most of the time. Typically, Courtney is the one giving me shit, and Ben is the steady, firm one that listens, and when speaking, I shake with guilt. Now they just gave me an uncomfortable switch, and I didn't know what to feel like. "How do..." his voice went quiet when we heard noises getting closer. Kid chatters and steps down the stairs. "Don't tell Peter yet; it would break his heart." "Dora would be fine but let's not go there right now," said Courtney.

Sheila ran down first, and behind her was Peter, with Dora holding her baby Brian. I hadn't seen that little guy since he was born when I went to the hospital to look at him. He was so small. Sheila grabbed Ben by the leg, and he raised her. "Do you want to meet uncle Rick?" Dora asked that little chubby face with big blue eyes. He looked at her and touched her nose. He was funny. "Do you want to hold him?" she looked at me. "Sure, come here, buddy." Honestly, three years ago, when I first held Sheila, I was afraid to touch that little person, but now seeing her grow, I felt fine taking little Brian in my arms and flying with him from the stairs like he was a plane. He chuckled, and his moms and Peter went, "Rick!" "Sure, fine, don't worry, I won't break him, I promise." I was saying to his round chuckling face. Sheila asked for some sweets, and Ben told her she had just woken up and could have some later. So Peter took her to the kitchen to get her a drink, and the rest of us sat talking in the living room. I played with Brian's feet and arms and moved them into soft music in the background. I couldn't help but look at Nate. He had this dreamy, happy smile as he was looking at us.

Dora leaned to Courtney and kissed her softly, then whispered something. "Yeah, but Ben doesn't want to say anything to Peter yet." "You think he seriously doesn't know?" "If Peter knew, he would probably throw him out." They were whispering, but in a way that Ben, me, and Nate could hear them, and they didn't care. I rolled my eyes and grinned at Nate. He smiled and looked again at the little guy in my lap. "Why?" "I will tell you later. Just believe me for now, baby." Dora went to Nate and sat next to him. "Do you want to hold him?" "Can I?" "Sure." "Here," I told him softly and handed him this little bundle of joy. Nate took it awkwardly, and Dora corrected him a little, softly whispering to Brian, "Say hi to Nate." Seeing his relaxed mother's face, Brian calmed pretty quickly and looked at Nate. Nate seemed to be holding the most fragile treasure, looking humbly into his face. "Hi, little buddy." He took his little hand and moved it slightly. When Brian's little fingers squeezed his thumb, Nate's eyes looked as if he was going to cry. "Thank you." Nate looked at Dora and gently gave him back. "If you excuse me for one moment." He stood up and went to the bar. "Does anyone want something to drink?" He asked softly while he was pouring water for himself out of the jug.

We looked at each other in confusion. It was somehow emotional for him. Girls looked at me for an explanation, but I didn't have any. Then Ben stood up and walked up to him. That big black tower looked huge next to anyone, even my 6.2ft Nate. It was fascinating to see. They stood there for some time talking, but I couldn't hear a word. Dora sat Brian in her lap and looked at them. "Nate seems like a decent guy." She said quietly "Except for the cheating with brother-in-law part." Said, Courtney "Well, that is kind of unfortunate. True." "Do you love him?" "I don't know. I like him a lot. But everything is getting very fast, and we still don't know what will happen when Ash returns." "How long are you two together?" "Depending on the term together." "What do you mean?" "Well, I came to live with them a couple of months back, but we started talking normally only about three weeks ago and slept together for the first time last Sunday. So, a week?" Now saying it aloud just sounded ridiculous. I haven't looked at them yet, but by the silence, I anticipated the worst. So I turned to them, and I was right. They gazed at me speechless as if I should be joking, but it was too fucked up to be a joke. "A week?" "Are you serious?" "Do you think Nate will tell Ben?" "Oh, girl, you will know when he will say it to Ben. Trust me," said Courtney "Are you angry with me?" I asked, feeling a bit guilty, I know how serious their kids are for them, and Ben once told me that I should choose wisely who I will bring to show to their kids because they will not try to explain to them every time I get someone new where the last one is. Courtney was then over there with Dora, and they agreed with Ben on that.

"Fuck, man." "Courtney, language!" "Damn girl, give me a free pass for today, this is fucked up, and Brian has just a few months. Fuck!" she crossed her arms in front of her. "Like look, it's your life, and I love you. However you choose to live it, but until this turns out to be the love of your life and not just homewrecking in the heat of the moment, I can't say that I agree. At all. Damn. A fucking week. Don't cover his ears, Dora." "I know, I am not comfortable with it either, but it feels so fucking special. I never had something like this. Fuck. He knows." I stopped and instantly forgot what I wanted to say when Ben looked menacingly at me and back at Nate. We all looked at Ben. If we stood, we would take a step back in reflex. I would probably run and stop myself after a couple of miles. That's how nervous I was now. I thought I should go there and guard Nathaniel, but when I looked at him, I fell into shock; with my mount wide open, I was speechlessly looking at him. That man looked up into Ben's eyes, not budging. He saw the look of death and stared into it with confidence and bravery I never saw. Especially when Ben looked angry, and he definitely was furious! Nate said something in a calm and quiet tone. He hadn't even used his famous stone mask, just a peaceful stoic expression as if he understood Ben's problem with the situation but was confident enough to stand his judgment. Damn, he looked so hot right then. Their conversation lasted a good couple of minutes. The three of us just watched this silent spectacle wishing we could hear what they were saying. After a while, Ben's face changed. He looked angry, but you could see the respect he gained for this man in front of him, and I was proud. I was so proud I could hug him.

"What are they talking about?" We all jumped when Peter came with Sheila in his arms, looking worried at Ben and Nate. "Can I play with the baby?" said a little voice, saving us all. "Sure, you can, honey." Peter put her down Ben and Nate realized Peter was here, and both came to us. Sheila was a bit embarrassed in front of Nathaniel, but he sat on the floor and hid behind my leg with a little smile. Then peeked out, as did she, from behind Peter. They played like this for a minute, and soon she asked him if he would like tea from her kitchen. Finally, after only ten minutes, she took him from us completely and wouldn't let go of him until she had to go into the bath.

Then Ben and Courtney went to put the babies to sleep and, after a while, came back. Ben opened his new rum and handed it to everyone except Dora. "You are staying the night?" I asked Courtney. She nodded. "I would invite you also, but I think you both will be comfortable in your bed as opposed to our couch," Ben said into his drink. "Sure. I am not much of a drinker; if you are ok with it, I can drive, Richard." All looked at me. "Yeah, sure, you can." Knowing full well my friends know that NO ONE was ever allowed to drive my car. Ben once drove it when 'No' wasn't the answer for him, and I was too drunk to debate with him, but I usually just left the car and took a cab wherever I was. "Hmm." Peter exhaled with raised eyebrows but said, "Happy Birthday, darling!" kissed Ben and sipped from his glass.

Rest of the night, we sat and talked and laughed. We talked about college, weird life experiences, and all the shit adults speak of when they finally don't have to think that children could hear them. Ben loved his present and poured himself good four glasses throughout the night, moaning about how amazing that stuff was each time. Nate was excellent, he could easily fit into our group, charming and funny, and the only thing I was sorry for was that I couldn't hold him and kiss him as others did with their partners. I went to the kitchen to refill the jug with water when Ben came after me. "Want water?" He looked at me like I should know better. I inhaled and waited for my judgment.

"If that guy were single, I would force you into dating him. He is, I have to say, bloody special. I like him a lot. Damn, man, he is amazing." I could hear in his voice he was slightly drunk. "But I still can't tell you I support this. Fuck, when I heard you two had been together for a week and you decided to bring him in here, I was seriously thinking of dragging you both out of my door for such disrespect. I was so angry with you like I don't think I've ever been. You are risking everything over the guy you spoke properly to for just a few weeks. I somehow thought you two were together for at least a couple of months, or maybe you knew each other before all this, I don't know, anything. But a fucking week." he shook his head. "I know; I can't properly explain it either."

"What were you thinking, man?" "I don't think I was thinking. Honestly." "Seems like it. But still. He is fucking hot. I'll give you that." He gulped more from his glass and twisted it in his hand. "He's bottom?" I looked at him. This was Ben I knew in college. Marriage changed him a lot.

"Mostly and fucking good one. The first times he was a bit inexperienced, and it showed, but he can now deep-throat like fucking pro. He loves being submissive, and the smell of my sweat and cum is seriously turning him into a hungry slut." Right, I am getting drunk myself. Ben growled as he watched Nate say something and the rest of the group started laughing so hard they were crying.

"Daddy, sir, or master?" he said in a growl. I could tell he was getting aroused with this. Knowing Ben, Peter has a hell of a night waiting for him. "I like, sir. He tried daddy, but it just didn't feel right." "Hmm ... nice. What about Master?" "As sure you know, Master never grew on me." He smirked but said nothing. I could see his dick growing, and he adjusted it a little.

I don't know why but I wanted to push him further. "But I must say his blowjob is nothing compared to how he can rim a hole. That boy is making me seriously crazy when he's doing it. I made him do it to me a few times and nearly came so hard I had to stop him. If I could cum only from behind, it would probably be from his tongue in my hole." I looked at Ben and saw it was working. "And I have to say one thing, he topped me once, and it was fucking special." Now Ben looked at me. Knowing our history and the fact that we were a little drunk, some weird ancient electricity sparked between us. He took me by the nape and leaned closer to my ear. "That better must have been." Then he let go of me and looked at Nate, raising glass towards him. I looked as well and saw that Nate was looking at us. I couldn't read his expression. "I think the two of you should leave before I drink more of these," Ben said, looking deep into Nathaniel's eyes. I knew better than to argue.

"Ladies, I don't know about you, but I am a bit drunk, and I have a tough day ahead of me tomorrow, so I need to go to sleep. Nate, would it be ok if we went?" "Sure." He said with a smile, and we hugged everyone and said our goodbyes. Ben looked at us with captivating intensity and walked us to my car. Saying only, "Take care, boys." As he stood in the driveway.

I just relaxed and let Nathaniel take my keys. I sat and watched him drive. "Stop here, please," I spoke after we were a couple of miles away on an empty road. "Here?" "Yes, Nate, here." He stopped, and the second he turned off the engine, I took his head and mounted his lips, opening them with my tongue. We made out for a long time until we were both out of breath and hard as rocks. "I wanted to do this the whole fucking day!" I kissed him again and feasted on his moans. "I want you so bad, Richard!" he went for his seatbelt when I stopped him. "No, I want to make love to you tonight. I promised, and I don't want to do it in the car Nathaniel." He smiled at me. "Then let's go home."

The rest of the way was silent; we held hands until he parked in our driveway. When we came home, he pushed me into closed doors and kissed me sensually. I unbuttoned his shirt and slid it to the floor while kissing him. He took my shirt and pulled it over my head and then went down my torso kissing it and licking my nipples and my abs while unbuckling my pants and slowly unzipping them. I pulled him up. I kissed and turned with him, so he was now against the door. I licked his neck and kissed his shoulders while opening his pants. He took my head in his hands and looked at me. Then, he kissed me and pushed me away again. "Let me go shower, Richard." "What? No. Just stay like this." I kissed him in a hormonal rage. "Richard. Let's do this right. I want to have you too." He looked into my eyes like he was sending a message I didn't get yet. Then I got it. "Are you sure?" I asked "Are you? His beautiful, caring eyes looked at me like I was the most beautiful being in his sight. I loved it. "Ok, Nathaniel." I kissed him for the last time before leaving and heading up the stairs.

I went into our bathroom, and I could see he headed into one downstairs. I am not going into detail about this. One of the reasons I don't do bottoming much is this process that needs to be done, but I wanted to do it for him, and I agreed we both would feel much more at ease.

I went out and aired the room. I was feeling nervous. I was overwhelmed from the whole day, and I just stood in the window in my bathrobe; I don't even wear it usually, but It felt right this time. His hands embraced me from behind, and his lips kissed my neck. I closed my eyes, let him kiss my nape, and closed the window behind me. I turned to him and looked into his eyes before kissing him, he held me by the waist, and I opened his robe, guiding him towards my bed. I laid on him and straddled his waist, sitting with his erect dick pressed to my butt cheeks. I opened my robe and tossed it aside, leaving the belt in my hand. He looked at it. As he watched, I slowly pulled on it and rolled it around my hand. Then I reached with that hand aside and let it slide to the floor. He smiled, and I kissed him. He rolled with me, and when he sat on me, I helped him undress, he did the same thing with the belt, and as he was holding it, he looked at me and said, "But I want to try it sometime." Then he let it fall on the floor while watching me smile. I reached up and caressed his breast and flat stomach. I sat beneath him, kissed his nipples, and raised his arm to lick his armpit. He moaned and leaned to my neck and shoulders, kissing them. Soon we were rolling and kissing different parts of our bodies, our cocks crying for attention and wanting more each time we cherished one another. At some point, we were in 69. He was at my ass and started to lick my crack, slowly and painfully arousing me to madness. I moaned, shaking and turning to suck his cock while my fingers caressed his entrance. Nate took my balls in his mouth and sucked slightly, but with his gentle tongue move, he made me growl into his cock. After a while, I took charge and pulled away from him, moving between his knees. I slid lower and raised his knees, rimming that beautiful pussy. He moaned, his belly shook above me, and his dick leaked. "Richard, please claim me." I raised above his head. "You want me to own you, Nathaniel?" He took my head into his palms and kissed me lovingly. "Yes, Richard."

I slid my hands on his knees, priming his ass to stretch for me with one hand. I then aimed the head of my cock at his rosebud. I looked into Nate's eyes as I pushed slightly in. He moaned and exhaled, moving towards me and welcoming me in. I pushed on his crack and sank deep into his body while looking at him. My hand caressed his facial features, and I leaned in and kissed him again while slowly doing little movements back and forth. I pushed further, now buried whole inside him. His tightness and warmth surrounded me, and I moaned and kissed him harder. We started to move in sync, our bodies dancing with lust and love. We looked at each other as we moved, and I wished that moment could freeze in time and we would spend eternity like this. After a while, he rolled me on my back and sat on me, still impaled on my cock with his shaking and giving pussy. I watched him and brushed his torso in passion as he started moving and grinding on me. His eyes were dazed as he parted his lips. I sat and kissed them while I trusted from beneath. He moaned, and his cock jerked as I spat on my hand and started to stroke him gently. He took that hand and kissed it. We were both coming closer to the edge, and he seemed he didn't want to cum just yet. He gently laid me on my back and raised himself off my cock. Then he laid on top of me and kissed me.

I felt his hands on my knees as he tenderly spread them and lay between them. I started shaking with anticipation. I looked into his eyes and smiled nervously, raising my thighs off the mattress and onto his waist. He pulled my right leg and set it on the bed, spreading me in front of him. He looked up, took a bottle of lube with his left hand, and brought it back to my hole. Nate kept looking into my eyes. I felt his fingers press against my hole, causing me to moan. When one of his lubed-up fingers pushed into me, I gasped loudly in pleasure. Nate smiled, satisfied, and leaned for another kiss. He added a second finger, stretching my hole out and sending shivers up and down my body. Nate started fingering me, reaching my button as I looked at him, shallowly breathing under him. Soon, I felt a third finger slide deeper inside me and start pushing in and out, triggering waves of pain and pleasure. At that moment, nothing felt more right. "Claim me, Nathaniel." He seemed to be moved by those words leaning to me and kissing me as I felt his fingers leave my hole and the head of his cock pressing at my crack. It was there, waiting. He raised his head and looked at me like he wanted to say something but was afraid. I saw it in his eyes and didn't want to hear it either. "Me too, Nathaniel, but please don't say it yet." I pleaded, knowing those words would raise me high but simultaneously break me. He nodded and kissed me again as he slowly pushed inside. I felt him filling me, and slight pain was giving way to pleasure in waves as he moved in a slow dance into me. When he filled me, he looked at me again and kissed my eyes; I didn't even realize I had tears in them until I felt him kissing them from my cheeks. He moved gently and slowly, raising the intensity and speed the whole time, either kissing me or looking at me with a smile. We hadn't spoken; we were immersed in that moment fully. As if nothing existed, we created a single universe just for us, just for this moment. I felt myself shaking and my balls tense when his dickhead pressed against my prostate; it sent shockwaves of pleasure running all over my body. I pulled up and rolled onto him, straddling his pole and moving on his dick in circular movements. Nate was watching me and sat so he could kiss my neck and nipples. He raised my arm and licked my now sweaty armpits, breathing me in and moving my hips with his other hand. We both felt we are near, and it won't take long for any of us.

"Can I claim you, Richard?" "Take me!" With that, he rolled me on my back again and locked my ankles behind his back, trusting into me while holding my neck and looking into my eyes with love and lust. I could feel his dick jerking inside me, and I squeezed my muscles to bring him the most pleasure I could. Finally, he moaned and started cumming inside me. He trembled for a while, and I held and kissed him until he returned to me. Then he looked into my eyes, and I couldn't restrain myself any longer. I put him down on the mattress and took his softening dick gently inside my mouth, licking it, then I raised his legs again and licked his pussy, while he moaned and held my hair. I sat next to him and asked. "Can I now claim you, Nathaniel?"

"Please, baby." I let that go for now, still too immersed in this moment. I lay on him, and now on an absolute edge, I put my dick into his warm pussy. I growled, and in total agony from overstimulation, I started pounding into him. I was on edge for so long that it was the best feeling ever to watch him take me inside, squeezing my shaft with that hot, welcoming hole and moaning beneath me as I was letting go. My balls erupted volley after volley of my cum inside him, claiming him mine! I blacked out and just felt his broad muscles on mine. I embraced him tightly and let my dick soften a bit in his filled pussy. I didn't want to look at him for some reason. I had to say I was afraid to make this real. The moment didn't freeze, we still lived in a moving world, and now everything has come to an end. Fear and anger overcame me, and I couldn't push them away.

I felt his hand on my hair and his second one embracing my body. I composed myself and sat on the bed. "Are you alright, Richard?" "I don't know. But I don't want to think about it." He hugged me, and he understood. "Can I sleep here tonight?" I took his hand and held it on my chest. "You better!"

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 15

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