Husband of My Homophobic Sister

By I Dusk

Published on Dec 9, 2022


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I have created this page hoping to pursue my dream and passion for writing. I have many projects in mind, but my primary focus is on explicit LGBTI stories. Therefore, my content is not suited for people under 18 years old.

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Chapter 12 -- One good day part 1 - Shaving session

I lay in bed, looking at the ceiling and thinking, how the heck did I end up like this? That hot man had me around his finger, even though he was the "submissive" one. If it were up to me, I would leave. Right now, I would probably be fucking some twink to take the edge off. But for some unknown reason, I agreed to stay here and play the game "How to fuck up three lives at once."

Sure, Nate was fantastic, caring, and funny. He could make me cum with an intensity I didn't know I had ever felt. The rage Nate let me express should be troubling, but Nathaniel took it so well it nearly seemed by design. Still, he is risking years of marriage over the guy who fucks him a few days. I thought about Ash. This is not fair on her either. Yet, I kept doing it, and I was sure if I stayed here, I won't stop until I left, or she won't catch us. I exhaled in frustration. How easier it would be if I didn't care.

Nathaniel came into the room. His hair was damp, and his hard-toned muscles flexed in the chilled room. "Can I close the window?" "Yeah." "Can I sleep here tonight?" I just looked at him walking naked in my room, mesmerized by his figure, facial features, and how he was carrying himself.

I reached my hand to him, and he came to the bed. Nate took my hand and kissed it. Then he kissed each finger and moved above my body. Kissed me softly as he sat on top of me. I brushed his chest. There were remaining bruises from the tree bark and slight marks on his neck, arms, and legs. I sat and kissed all those places without thought, hearing his satisfied moans and letting him play with my hair. I embraced him and kissed his lips again. I felt my dick growing again and saw his also waking up. "You are so beautiful, baby, so erotic and hard. I love it." He said silently, with eyes dazed as he stroked my hair. "Don't call me baby Nathaniel." "Why?" "I call baby only people I am in a relationship with." "Are we not in a relationship?" I looked at him. "I am the man you cheat on your wife with. I don't want to call this a relationship." He seemed hurt by my words. "I would like to have a relationship with you, Richard." "What kind?" I raised my eyebrow. "The real kind." "Are you thinking of leaving your wife? Or are you just thinking of having me as your stay-at-home dom?" I wasn't saying it in an angry voice. I was just sad and hurt a bit. "Dom?" "Dominant." "Well, don't you like it yourself?" "I want something real and honestly maybe even some illusion of choice, not just glorifying this because the stakes are so high that we need to persuade ourselves it's worth it." "It is real for me." "Yet I seem to be the only one having doubts." "I don't have doubts. I want you." "So, when Ashley comes home, what will happen?" He looked slightly annoyed. But mostly just troubled. Finally, something.

"Richard, I love Ashley." "I know. Well, I think you do. Yet you are sitting butt naked on my cock, kissing me here." "And you love it." "Yes, I do. And I want to keep fucking you every day until I can, but I don't want to share you with my sister. Look, I promised I would stay, but seriously, it's driving me crazy, and still, I will try. I will, but I need you to think about what you want because I don't like the person I am becoming because of all this."

"Can you give me some time, Richard?" "How much of my rage do you think you can stand?" Nathaniel leaned to my ear and whispered, "All of it." I asked him gently to move and went for a bottle. Took a sip and just stated that I was going to sleep. He moved to his side of the bed, covering himself and looking at me as I laid down wordlessly, turning off the lights.

He took his phone and read some articles. I glanced without thinking and got interested. I asked him about it, and then we spent a couple of minutes just glossing over the current crisis. I liked his worldview and opinions (I prefer not to go into specifics, as these times, opinions break more families and friendships than it's good, so I will keep this part vague). I liked that he had this natural appreciation for different opinions, and we always let finish one another before replying, even in a heated discussion. We had a few minor disagreements about our political views, but all in respect and tolerance. I enjoyed this talk, maybe even more than yesterdays. We diverted into politics, socioeconomics, and minutes added up to over an hour. At first, I asked about that article just out of curiosity, but as this conversation progressed, I was really into it. We talked for a long time and then slowly fell asleep next to each other. Damn, why Ashley? Why did you have to marry her, of all people?

We woke up at about the same time. I felt Nate's fingers closing on mine and then intertwining them together. We looked at each other, and he smiled slightly. I went to him and kissed his forehead, caressing his hair. One last day rang in my head. Let's make it worth it.

We stayed in bed for a few minutes in silence. Nathaniel lay on my chest and played with the bit of hair I had on it. Given that I have light brown hair, some hairdressers demand to call it blond, like it actually should matter, and blue-grey eyes. My chest hair is not prominent. Some are around my nipples and between my chest, but mainly on the trail below my belly button. Nathaniel has even less. I always liked all kinds and shapes of men, leaning a bit towards darker, hairy men with deep brown eyes. The contrast to my appearance I always found fascinating, even when I bottomed. Still, something about this tall cute-faced man with his auburn hair and green eyes just made me keep fluttering.

I held him close and felt him trailing me with his nose, sometimes kissing lightly, but mostly we were enjoying the closeness, the sheer presence of one another. After a while, we got ready and went for a run. All morning went mainly in warm silence as if the wrong word could destroy the fragile balance of our illusion. We ran, showered, and went to make breakfast as most mornings, embracing and kissing one another like we were a real couple for this one day. I brought up an article from last night, and we sat down and discussed our ideas and opinions on this pandemic. Just a simple, quiet morning. We were holding hands as we ate. I cannot talk for Nate, but for me, it felt special. I didn't want to think about anything else but this moment.

"How would you like to spend the day?" "Take you to my room, lay you in my bed, and spend the whole day there. Making love as I promised you." I said with a kiss as I stood up, putting our bowls into the dishwasher. Then I came to him and embraced him from behind. "I would like to enjoy one happy morning if that's ok with you. Ideally, one that will last the whole day this time." He looked at me. "I'd love to." And kissed me softly.

"I would like to shave if that's ok with you. I feel better that way," Nate said, scratching his jaw. "Sure, I could probably use some trim myself." I touched mine, assessing the growth. I've been keeping a short beard for a couple of years now, as my skin never really liked razors, it's even more convenient like this, and I like the look it gives me. "Could I try it?" "What do you mean?" "Trimming your beard." "Have you done that before?" "Yes, a couple of years back, I tried it, but Ashley..." he stopped, "but I shaved it off after a few weeks." "I think it would look good on you but suit yourself." I didn't know if it would look good on him. The only time I saw him with a beard was when he stopped caring for himself for a couple of days, so that is not a good example, but I just wanted to disagree with Ashley.

"So, have you mastered it as everything you started?" I said with a smirk "Well, I am not a professional barber, but I think I could give it a go." "You are the cute, caring type, Nathaniel?" "I wouldn't put myself into a single box, but I can definitely be cute and caring if I want to."

We kissed again, went up for everything needed, and ended up standing in front of the mirror. Nate looked at himself, then at me. "Do you really think it would look good?" "In all honesty? I would prefer you to make your own decision. Not based on Ashley or me." He looked at himself for a while and then told me that we could start with me, and he'll make up his mind along the way. I agreed.

"Well, Nathaniel, how do you want me?" He smiled widely at me with his white teeth "Sweaty and hard. But for now, wait," Nate went to my room "I like sweaty and hard," I said as I sat on a chair, he had just pulled in. "How would you like it?" I smirked and looked at him. He laughed. "Your beard, I mean." "I will leave it up to you. Just don't give me a goatee." "No goatee noted. Even..." Nate looked at my beard, "I think you could pull it off." "No goatee, mister barber, thank you kindly." "Very well, mister."

He then started. I must say that next to him, I looked like a lumberjack cutting my beard with a saw. He used a hot towel, about four trimmer heads, and two different scissors, and I lost count of oils, lotions, balsams, and masks he used on my whole face. I couldn't tell what any of them was for. If he'd put venom on my skin, I would have believed him at that point. He was working with such dedication, precision, and care I felt like I was in a spa. When he finished, I loved it a lot! "Man, is there anything you are not perfect at? This is fucking amazing! I love it. Thanks!" He beamed as if he had just won the lottery. Brushed off excess hair and swept it behind me while I admired his art on my face. He shortened it and shaped it so well that I looked even hotter. My jaw seemed even more squared and defined. I touched it in disbelief. When he finally let me stand, I took him in my arms and kissed him. "Damn. I would love to reciprocate, but I worry I am nowhere near your level." "That's ok. I am glad you like it." I kissed him again, keeping his head in my hands. "I love it. Thank you." Nate stood in the mirror and looked at himself for some time. "I like my jawline." "I like your jawline as well," I said, coming behind him and putting my hands on the sink in front of him. I kissed his cheek and chin with the lightest pecks. "I will shave." He brushed his lips on mine. "Or would you want to do it?" I looked into his amazingly deep green eyes. "Sure," I said without thinking. "But I can't work this lotion magic of yours. Can you guide me?" He chuckled and brushed his forehead on my nose. Then, looked into my eyes in the mirror. "I will guide you."

He showed me how to prep his skin. I put so much stuff on his face during this that I don't know how he finds the patience doing this regularly. I lost count of how many and what I did before and after, but I hope I will never forget how he stopped me and took out a steel razor when I went after the trimmer. He had this foam you apply with a brush, as you see in a barber shop when they try to do it vintage fancy. Sorry to all guys passionate about this. Don't take me wrong. I get it now. The sheer elegance of it was breathtaking. I applied it to his face, and it took all my willpower to restrain myself from kissing his lips. Then, I slowly uncovered naked raw skin with smooth razor moves. Each stroke made me more and more enchanted as I looked at him. I kissed him gently after the last white speck was gone and held his face close to mine, watching his face.

He then proceeded with the next twenty minutes of treatment when he told me how and what to apply. I don't think I ever felt such calm bliss from caring for someone you ... like... yes, like! As I did at that moment.

When we were done and cleaned the bathroom, I asked if it always takes these many steps for him. He smiled with his white teeth and said he couldn't help himself. So I took him into my arms. "Good."

I felt blood rushing into my cock the whole time, and I thought it was the perfect time for release when my phone started ringing. I pondered the idea of leaving it, but I was curious about who was calling me on Sunday morning. "Give me a minute." "Sure." He let me with a kiss

Ben. "Ow fuck!" "You ok?" "Yeah. Sorry I need to take this." He nodded

"Hi man, I haven't heard from you since Wednesday. Are you still on today?" "I cannot miss it, can I?" There was silence for about ten seconds. "Do you have COVID?" "No" "Are you dying?" "No" "Is someone else?" "No" "Then you cannot."

I took Nate by hand and led him to bed. "Are Bennets coming?" "Of course" I sat on the bed and pulled Nathaniel to sit on my knees. I pressed my head against his chest, thinking. "I will be bringing someone." Silence

"You will be bringing someone?" He repeated slowly "Yes." "Make sure you both test before coming. One o'clock." "Don't any of you dare to eat before. Peter spent the whole evening cooking." "Yes, sir." "Good boy."

I ended the call and looked up at Nate. He looked confused. He was so cute. "Would you like to meet my friends Nathaniel?"

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I. Dusk

Next: Chapter 13

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