Hurricane Warning

By Desert Rat

Published on Sep 3, 1999


This story depicts graphic sex acts between consenting gay males. If gay sex offends you or is illegal at your locality, you'd better move on. Other wise, I hope you enjoy my story.

This is the continuation of the story "Hurricane Warning." If you have not read parts 1 and 2, you might want to before continuing. The story is still incomplete but the last section has been written and is being proofed. It should be posted within the next few days.

My characters always swallow cum freely and the only time rubbers are worn is if you expect some hunk to lick the cum off your cock after you fuck his legs off. In the real world, exercise caution; play safe and live long.

As always, I appreciate comments and story suggestions are always welcome. The greatest compliment I can receive is that my stories made you hard or made you want to pop a load.

Hurricane Warning - Part 3 Copyright 1999 by The Desert Rat

I drove home with a heavy sadness in me. Man, how did nine days pass so quickly? I suppose most of our free time had been spent in bed! That first weekend being together, staying naked almost the entire time. Then racing back to the house after work, stripping and not dressing again until the next morning. Yesterday, the dread started setting in: our stolen time together was almost over. The sex the past two days had almost been too intense. I knew for a fact I had never had sex like that with any woman. Hell, not even if you could combine the sex with all the women I had ever known! That wasn't a fair comparison though, they weren't William. They didn't have his sex appeal or sex drive. I didn't know I did either until William brought it out of me. I knew I should be happy to see my wife again but the thought of not sleeping with and waking up next to William left me with a hollow spot in my stomach.

When I got home from the gym after William and I had sex at the office that Saturday, Claire was sitting in the living room, the drapes were closed. I heard her softly crying in the darkness. She had a growing depression, which was something the doctor had warned would probably happen. I had seen it getting worse but didn't know what to do about it. I had held her needing to reassure her but at the same time hoping my scent was more sweat than sex. Also wishing I had thought to brush my teeth or at least use a breath mint. Leading a double life was not going to be easy. I wanted William but Claire was my wife. If she weren't pregnant, I could consider a divorce but it was my baby or at least half mine. I kissed the top of her head and suggested a movie but she didn't want to leave the house. Once I got her quieted and laying down. I cleaned up. My guilt was heavy in my mind but as I soaped my ass, thoughts of William caused my gut and prick to respond. I ached feeling so torn between two worlds. I needed to get Claire to go away for a while. It would do her good and allow me time to think. And be with William. I knew we could use Brad's place if William were willing. I thought about Claire's parents and sister living outside of Seattle. Maybe she would like a short vacation.

I left the bathroom with a towel around my waist hoping she wouldn't notice anything unusual about the towel or my semi erect cock. I never bothered with a towel wrapped around me even when I shaved. Claire was awake and listened to my plan about her going to visit her family for a week. She brightened but expressed concern over the expense. I assured her we could afford it plus Brad and Ken were sure to give us a bonus for landing the new account. That was something they had done in the past. The real bonus from this account was winning William regardless of any money that came along.

Claire finally agreed and went off to call her folks. I felt like shit and at the same time was relieved. Even if William wouldn't go to Brad's, I knew we could come here but we would have to use the sofa bed in the office or the floor. I wasn't comfortable having sex with William in our bed. I dressed and then Claire felt like the movie was a good idea after all. So that got my mind off William for a while.

That night, after dinner, Claire made her plane reservations and called her sister who would pick her up at the airport. When she finally went to bed, she was in a good mood but that only partially eased my guilt about wanting to get rid of my wife so I could be with a man. I sat in my office and wondered what was going to become of me. In spite of all my turmoil, my thoughts were of William. The sex had been too good to be true. He had fucked me three times but I hadn't fucked him yet. I wondered if I ever would. He seemed to be leading and always assuming it would be me who got fucked. He couldn't possible be seeing me in any feminine role. He was very familiar with my cock down his throat and had swallowed several of my loads so if those things were any measure of manhood, he knew I was just as much a man as he was. I had no problem with him fucking me but I wondered if gay men had defined sex roles like straight men did. Was it normal for one man to take a passive role and the other the dominant role? Between a man and a woman, this was more or less just a biological necessity. But two men had two cocks and two asses. Surely the variety of fucking or being fucked would be present. Without thinking about what I was doing, I had started rubbing my cock and it was hard. With a sigh, I closed the door and I jerked off to thoughts of my fucking William. Before I went to bed, I sent him an E-mail telling him the news about Claire going away for a week.

At first, William had been doubtful about my plan. I remembered the conversation that following Monday morning in the office, William had called me to verify I was alone in my office and then came through the little lavatory our two offices shared. We never did that because Mary, our receptionist needed to know where we were at all times while we were in the office. If we snuck around, she would get confused and then people would start talking about why we were sneaking around. Small offices were worse than small towns.

William leaned against my desk and I pushed my chair away and sat back with my legs crossed. "Look buddy, don't take this wrong but I just don't know if I want to use Brad's house," he had said. I guess I looked deflated because he put his hand on my knee. "Chas, I want to be with you, you have to know that, don't you?" I nodded and I hoped that really was true. After all, hadn't he admitted he jerked off twice thinking about me? William continued, "It would be obvious as hell that you did more than just checked on the place. And what if he thought you were seeing another woman? Would you want him to think that about you? Why don't we just find a hotel some place? It won't be that expensive for a couple of nights."

"A couple of nights!? William, we have the option of being able to be together every night for nine nights and nine mornings too if you can think of a way to explain your not being home if Stephanie should show up suddenly. Think of it buddy, not just a couple but nine nights!! I told you Brad knows we're having sex and he knows we both have obligations. He's not passing judgement on us. He's offering us the place so we can be together. It isn't some kind of a set up so he can trap us. I think it is great of him and I think it would be a slap if we didn't use it. Do you remember the two nights in Miami?" William rolled his eyes and just groaned an answer. "Just think stud, nine nights just like Miami. I'll keep your balls so drained you'll forget what it is like to pop a full load!" To close my argument, I reached over and squeezed his cock. It was very firm just from our discussion. He sighed. "Just think buddy, every night we can suck or fuck or jack each other off or not do anything if we want but we are free to make the choice." I leaned over and sunk my teeth softly into his prick feeling the soft wool on my lips. He groaned and pulled away. "Just keep thinking of my mouth on you every night." I stood and started to take him in my arms to kiss him.

"Not here!" he said grabbing me by the biceps and pulling me into the lavatory. "In here!" Behind the closed door we kissed a long deep kiss. William resistance softened as his prick stiffened. Even with the confines of our clothes we could still feel each other's muscles and rising cocks. "We gotta stop or I'll have to jerk off. I'm dripping already," William gasped.

"NO! No jerking off! I want you to cum so hard I'll think I'm going to be blasted off your cock." He finally agreed to consider staying at Brad's. We would, I'd see to that. I had my plans for this young stallion. I was determined that by the end of the week, his ass would no longer be virgin. The kiss and physical contact was something I had sworn to myself would never be done in the office but I was a desperate man. I had cleared my obstacles, so at least he could meet me half way. I'd have let William fuck me on top of Brad's desk with him watching to guarantee his going along with this plan!

William obviously had been thinking about it because by midweek, he started talking about our being together over the entire weekend and had a plan worked out about us going fishing to explain why he had not slept at home. I rewarded him by sliding my hand in his pants and playing with him but only until he was rigid with desire. Then the following night he asked me if I thought Stephanie would believe his being away on a one week business trip and was I going to pack for the whole week or just make trips to my house to pick stuff up. I was confident by then I had him hooked and made out with him for several minutes while we rubbed each other's crotch.

The next five days had been the longest days of my life. I felt like a five year old waiting for Christmas to come. Finally Friday morning had arrived. It was difficult to hide my excitement from Claire. I took her suitcase out to the car an hour before we were to leave for the airport and listened for the tenth time to the detailed instruction on how to care for her plants. I had defused her stocking the refrigerator by telling her I was going to be working late and would just eat lunch and dinner away from home to save the trouble of trying to cook something that late at night. She had accepted that but got a few things for my breakfast. Although William and I were staying together through Sunday night, the rest of the week I would return home and sleep here. I couldn't see staying at Brad's if William wasn't able to. I knew Stephanie would see through a faked business trip since we would be at work everyday if she were to call there looking for him. Mary certainly couldn't be asked to cover for him.

Then Claire and I were hugging and kissing at departure gate and she was gone. I had waited until the plane took off before leaving. The cross town traffic had been heavy at that hour and the boring stop and go traffic allowed me to have a running battle with myself all the way to the office. I knew on one hand, I had sent my wife away so I could be with William and engage in the illicit affair we had begun less than two weeks before. I needed his body again like a junkie needs a fix. My other side argued that she would have a good time with her family and if I had a good time with William, it was a win-win situation and no one was being hurt. On the other hand, I knew what I was doing was cheating on her even though I knew I would never consider doing this with another woman. But William was a man and how could I cheat on a woman by having sex with another man? William was providing me with something Claire could not. The arguments raged: one side winning a round and then the other side winning a round. I finally called a truce by deciding it was fate. If it weren't meant to be, Claire wouldn't be going off to Seattle, Brad's house wouldn't be available and Stephanie wouldn't be sulking in Houston. So all I was doing was giving in to my destiny. End of argument.

I remembered arriving at the office and being a bit surprised to see William was not there yet. Mary had said he had phoned in saying he would be late. We were in our weekly staff meeting when he ducked in. He apologized to everyone and sat down. Several times I glanced in his direction; he seemed to be beaming. I was intrigued by the way he looked. It was like he was bursting with a secret he was dying to tell the world. I knew this wasn't just from anticipating our week together. As soon as the meeting was over, I bolted before Brad could collar me. He was leaving at lunch and we still had not spoken about me watching his place all though he had reminded me of the request the previous evening as I was leaving the office. I needed to see what was up with William. I grabbed William by the biceps and propelled him through the door and into my office. Against all caution, I locked the door. William was grinning and I was being driven crazy with curiosity.

"What is with you?" I asked. He just continued grinning. I grabbed him by both biceps and shook him.

"Okay, okay, calm down, champ. Stephanie had me served with divorce papers this morning. I've been at my lawyer's office. Of course I'm not contesting it. In fact, Steph is walking away with nothing. She doesn't want the car, furniture, the condo, nothing! Not even any type of maintenance. She just wants her clothes and personal stuff. This is the work of Daddy Dearest. He had to come up with a pretty good bribe to get her to agree to this. He wanted his little princess back. She told me once he had offered to give her part of her inheritance early if she would call off our marriage. I guess she told me that to demonstrate how much she loved me. Hardly matters now. Buddy, now we can be free!" I guess I must have winced or looked shocked because he clutched my shoulder. "Sorry Chas, I'm not expecting you to get a divorce too. I just meant that as soon as Stephanie's things are gone, I can have the locks changed and we can use my place. I know you've got obligations. I just want you to know I'll be there when you can be free. But tonight, you are going to get sucked like you've never been sucked before and plan on spending every night at Brad's and not just the weekend!" I started to kiss him but remembered where we were. Just then, there was a knock on the door I moved quickly to open it before it was noticed to be locked. It was Brad.

For the rest of that day, I hadn't been too productive. I went home at lunch and packed a bag and got a suit for work on Monday. Since William was now free every night, there was no reason not to sleep there. Still, I'd be coming back daily to check on the house and pick up fresh clothes. Back at the office, I must have looked at my watch a thousand times. I called Claire to make sure she got there okay and told her I would be calling daily and to call me on the cell phone if she needed to call since I would be working late and with Mary gone for the day, no one answered the phones. I prayed she would not call me on our house phone at 6:30AM when she knew I should be getting ready for work but I doubted they would be up that early. Of course I could always say I had gone in early but she knew I wasn't a morning person and didn't bat an eye at working until 9:00pm but would only consider going to the office earlier than 8:00am under the most dire of circumstances.

About 4:00pm, William had ducked his head in my office door. "Hey buddy, let's hit the gym on the way home tonight. You know we won't have time this next week and we haven't been since last Saturday. We're developing some very bad habits here!" He winked at me and blew a kiss in my direction.

I could tell he wasn't joking but was dead serious. We knew we wouldn't be working late all next week but would be in a hurry to be alone. Then I remember what it was like rolling naked on the floor with our muscles pumped up. There was possibly some merit to the suggestion. "Sure guy, that sounds like a winner. You going to change here or at the gym?" Luckily, I still had my gym bag in the trunk of my car.

"Probably here so I can just leave my suit in the car. I'll clean up when I get home." I knew this conversation was for Mary's benefit. She could read a book and carry on a conversation at the same time and still be able to tell you word for word a conversation going on thirty feet away. Some people would even add that the conversation could be whispered.

"Sure buddy, let's plan on it, a sauna sounds especially good," I said returning both the wink and the kiss. I knew we wouldn't use the sauna at the gym but it seemed to me I remember that Brad had one in his bathroom.

The gym had been crowded but we got right down to our work out. I could sense someone was watching us and it was making me nervous. My over active imagination had Claire or Stephanie having us followed by a private investigator. As nonchalantly as possible, I glanced around and saw that blond dude was there again. He was staring at us and kept his eyes on us the whole time. I didn't know if William noticed it or not. The work out wasn't as quick as I would have liked and we had to wait for machines. Twice, the blond was only four feet away from us. I didn't want to be rude but I didn't want to encourage him either. We were completed novices when it came to gay interaction. I decided a friendly smile was hardly an invitation to riot. He grinned back and nodded at me. I returned my attention to William who was now finishing up his work out with bench presses, as he always did. I glanced down at his crotch and I could see he was almost hard and it was showing even through his gym trunks and the confines of his Lycra shorts holding it back. "Jeez," I swore under my breath, he just grinned at me. The sight of William so obviously aroused set me off and my prick was fighting my jock strap, which unfortunately was from college and had seen better days. I lay back on the bench and swung my leg over to the opposite side. I heard a sickly sounding rip and realized the straps had ripped free of the pouch and the whole unit suddenly sprung up tenting my trunks. It looked like one of those jack-in-the-boxes when the catch finally gives and the whole thing pops up. William was so startled he physically jerked his torso backward like he was fearful of an impending explosion. I sat up as quickly as possible and looked around. My face had to be scarlet red just from the sting on my cheeks. To make it far worse, that blond had seen the whole thing and was suppressing laughter. "Now what?" I said trying to act like nothing was wrong.

"I'd say it is time we left."

"How?" I held up my sweat towel, "This tiny towel isn't covering anything, these trunks have no pockets, our clothes are in our cars and it is fifty feet to the door."

"Yeah, and you would have chosen the midriff shirt."

About that time, the blond had walked up. "Hi, I'm Danny, I see you have a little problem. Well, far from what you'd call little. Here, allow me." He held out his own towel, which was a full size bath towel. I stood wrapping it around my waist. Danny raised his eyebrows in appreciation at the sight of my thick cock trying to struggle free of the now useless jock strap.

"Thanks," I smiled, "I'll return it later."

"I think you should keep it, at least tonight, judging by the looks of both of you, I'd say you'll need it!"

I blushed again and glanced at William who was staring down and rubbing his jaw with the back of a balled fist in an attempt to hide his grin. "Uh, I'll wash it first," I said not realizing until too late the implication of what I had said and that made me blush again.

Danny laughed as he walked off saying, "Oh, in that case, you don't have to return it!"

"Let's blow this place, I've already lost my hard-on," William said trying hard not to laugh.

We had walked out of the gym with as much dignity as possible but once on the sidewalk, William had started laughing hysterically. I knew it was at my expense but somehow, I didn't mind and had to chuckle a little at the comicality of the situation. Due to my extreme embarrassment, my prick had softened naturally so Danny's towel probably wouldn't have been necessary.

Our cars were on different levels of the garage but William waited for me on the street. I had followed him along the winding road. My prick started stiffening with each turn in the road. It wasn't quite 7:00 when we got to Brad's house on Laurel Canyon overlooking Sunset. We parked our cars in the driveway. I had to wait while William put the top up on the BMW. He had put it down while waiting for me on the street. He had also taken his shirt off. Something that was causing my prick to strain at the front of my trunks. I let us in with the key Brad gave me and carefully punched in the security code. He had programmed a special code for us. It was 2-2-6-9. I suppose to him that was cleaver.

The sun had just starting to set and Brad's view was magnificent. The house was also. We had been to several social functions there in the past. It was one of those California modern places built in the early sixties and had walls of glass overlooking the city. It also had a fair amount of land with it so the neighbors were a good distance away and that meant privacy. The place was far more than I thought that Brad could afford on his income from the agency. Rumor had it there was family money behind him. It didn't matter to either of us: if we had privacy, a cardboard box would have been enough for us.

We had deposited our bags and suits in the bedroom. William pulled my shirt off and took me in his arms. He kissed me long and slow. My prick rubbed against his crotch. We broke the kiss. "You want to grab a shower?" William asked.

"Not just yet. I'm enjoying this right now and then let's hit the sauna." William nodded. I stepped back and ran my hands over his bare chest. His pecks were hard and more prominent than usual. I noticed for the first time a vein on each of this biceps standing out do to the pumping he had given them. It seemed sexy to me and I ran my finger tips over them. "Ummmm, flex your biceps." He did so without question. The large grapefruit sized muscle formed. I squeezed it; there was no give to it, just solid mass. William grinned at me as I leaned over and kissed it, then darted my tongue over the smooth skin.

"Uh, buddy, shouldn't we shower first. I'm probably kinda smelly," he said but still didn't pull away.

He definitely had a scent to him but it was that deep musky scent that seemed unique to him and was so intoxicatingly sexy to me. "You smell just great to me." I continued licking. The hair of his pit was inches from my mouth. In this position, it was all bunched up and looked munch denser than when his arm was extended. I licked in that direction. William started to raise his arm. "No, stay just like that." I darted my tongue into the soft mass of hair. It tasted slightly salty from his sweat but I didn't find it to be an offensive taste. With his free hand, William tugged my trunks down and extracted my prick from the useless jock strap. He stroked it while I satisfied myself with his pit. I slid my hand in his trunks and tugged them down also; they dropped to his feet. William started pulling the Lycra off. "You might want to leave those on a minute. I shifted my attention to his crotch. His prick was as rigid as mine was but trapped inside the snug fitting fabric, it was slung out to the side extending all the way to the edge of his hip. His fat knob and piss tube where clearly outlined. Held tightly against the inside of his thigh were his two massive balls, also clearly outlined. I dropped to my knees and buried my face between his legs and started licking along the piss tube up to the knob. I couldn't tell if the wet spot was the remnant of his sweat or if he was dripping already. I pulled the waistband away from his abdomen and his cock swung up. I licked it confirming the moisture was more William's juice than sweat. I slowly pulled the tight garment down licking his cock an inch at a time as it was exposed. Once free, his cock twitched wildly. I swallowed it and held it deep in my throat pressing my face hard into his coarse bush. I slowly backed off bathing his shaft with my spit until his knob was now in my mouth. As I swirled my tongue around the fat knob, William rocked unsteadily on his feet. He pulled out of my mouth and pulled me to my feet.

William kissed me hungrily and then said, "Let's do the sauna now or we will never get to it. I wonder if Brad has anything to drink?" While the sauna heated William and I had gone to the bar in search of something to drink. We helped ourselves. There was no way Brad was not going to know we had been there.

We had finished stripping each other and held a long kiss feeling our rigid pricks pressed into each other. I was going to get nine whole days of William's body and he seemed as eager as I was. We went to the sauna, it was a small room and instead of benches it had a wide platform with a thick pad that was upholstered in vinyl. It was evident this room wasn't just used as a sauna. We stretched out and as our bodies started sweating, we held on to each other and kissed slowly. Our pricks were already hard and ready. I sucked William slowly and then he did me. When the timer clicked off, we went to the shower, which was almost a room in itself. It was easily large enough for four people and that caused both us to raise an eyebrow. There might be more to Brad than meets the eye. The "room" had six showerheads, two on each wall: one at normal height and one at crotch level. Showering became an erotic act. Getting ready for work was never going to be the same after this. Our attempts at giving each other a suck wasn't too successful with the water splashing in our faces. We abandoned that but it didn't take long before we really got into liberally soaping each other up and holding on to each other and kissing. William had me turn around so he could soap my back and ass. When he was done, he pulled me into his arms and kissed my neck while he humped my crack and ran his hands up and down my chest and belly before settling on my cock. His humping me suggested what he wanted. I wasn't getting miffed about this but it seemed like he was narrowing our focus to me being the passive member of the relationship. He did have some kind of a mental block about me reaming him but didn't mind my rubbing his hole. It was a little on the confusing side.

We toweled each other off and were headed to the bedroom for some serious sex, both our pricks still rigid, when we passed a door. I paid no attention to it but William had the curiosity of a cat and stopped and tried to open it. It was locked. William gave me a mischievous grin. "Now, what do you suppose is in here, a closet?"

"Possibly, but why would it be locked?" It wasn't a keyed lock but instead was the kind of privacy lock people used on bedroom or bathroom doors.

"Only one way to find out," William said as he walked over to his duffel bag. I didn't know how many times I had seen William naked at the gym and he had always been pretty casual about his nudity. Now, he walked around with a raging hard- on with the same lack of self-consciousness. He retrieved a small pocketknife from his shaving kit and quickly had the door opened. He found a light switched and turned it on. Now illuminated, we found a room that probably had once been a large closet but now was a mirrored womb with a large bed. On each side at the head of the bed two large mirrors were angled away from the wall and a third angled mirror joined the two and also joined the mirrored ceiling. The whole effect was a giant dressing room mirror except the oversized black spandex covered mattress and large pile of pillows covered in silver and gold satin pointed towards another use. At the foot of the bed was a large TV set.

"Wow," I said, "do you suppose Brad sleeps in here or only fucks in here?"

"The question is," William said as he crawled on to the bed, "do WE sleep in here or do WE only fuck in here." He grinned at me and flipped over on his belly. He stretched out full length with his head resting on his forearms. He ground his crotch into the mattress. His concave ass cheeks flexed and were blazing white compared to the shiny black surface. The sight of him inflamed me with desire. I had to have that ass and I was determined that tonight it was going to be mine. I got on the bed with him and stretched out beside him running my hand from his shoulders to his ass. I ran my hand up and down his crack, rubbing out along his cheeks all the while wanting him more and more. He smiled at me as I kissed his whiskered cheek and worked my way to his ear and gave it a tonguing. I slid over on top of him and straddled his ass and lay on top of him. My cock slid along his crack, the soft hair caressing me. I felt a trickle of my juices as I started kissing his neck. William pushed back with his ass rotating it seductively as I humped him.

"I know what you want," he purred.

"Yeah? You going to let me have it?" He just smiled but I knew the answer. I started kissing him and working my way down from his neck. I kissed and licked his back right down his spine. His body undulating with pleasure as I worked my way lower. As soon as I reached the little triangular patch of hair at the base of his spine, he realized where I was heading. His body tensed.

I raised my head up. "Buddy, you gotta let me do it! I swear I won't hurt you but you have to let me. Please, just for me." I practically was pleading. I don't know why that had become so important to me. Probably just because he wouldn't let me. It had become our forbidden fruit. "Please?" William lay there unmoving and then slowly nodded. "Just relax buddy, once you get into it, you'll enjoy it." That almost made me laugh. I had no experience in either giving or receiving it. I had no way of knowing for sure that he would enjoy it. I just hoped that after all this fuss, I did! I started working his ass over with my tongue sliding it down his crack but avoiding his hole. I wanted him to get comfortable with what I was doing first. I knew I was risking his changing his mind but it was a risk I was willing to take.

Now, his ass was directly in front of my face. I spread his legs. He tensed. "Just relax," I said and licked up the inside of his thighs and then back down and then back up. I could barely see his hole because of his deep cheeks and dense hair. I gave a few flicks of my tongue around the hairy surface in the general area. I separated his cheeks and could get a glimpse of the little tawny colored pucker with its halo of honey blond hair. It excited me to think my cock was soon going to be invading his southern territory of the winking eye. I started licking inside his ass crack and then a little inside his cheeks just a fraction of an inch from his button. I saw it twitch. I darted my tongue over it. It twitched again. I used a little more pressure. I felt William relax more. I could see his reflection in the mirror; he had a slight smile on his face. He almost looked angelic with the locks of hair that had drifted down on his forehead. I started tonguing him steadily as his hips lifted off the mattress and soon, he was on his knees with his glorious ass in the air. I continued working his velvety bung over with my rough tongue. I was soon rewarded with a soft moan. I reached around and found his prick. It was dripping and harder than I had ever seen it. It totally defied gravity and was completely parallel to the plane of his belly. I stroked him slowly. He pushed back with his hips forcing his hole against my mouth. His groans were becoming louder or maybe it was just from the reverberation off so many hard surfaces in the room. I tried pulling his cock down to lick or maybe suck it a little but it was too rigid and I could tell my efforts were uncomfortable to William. Instead, I sucked his balls, which were becoming tighter as he became more aroused. William was now on his hands and knees.

"Man Chas, that is so good," William said as he rotated his hips. "I had no idea." I raised my head and was greeted by four reflection of William. It was enough to make my head spin. I kissed his ass cheek and tightened my grip in his slick prick. I wanted to suck him.

"Flip over," I told him. He wasted no time and squirmed on the slick soft surface of the bed while watching his reflection in the mirrored ceiling.

"This is nice. I wonder where you get sheets like these. I want some."

"I just hope the are washable," I said noticing the large wet spot where William's cock had dripped and smeared into the sheet. Oh well, I suppose if this really was his sex chamber, Brad wouldn't have anything that was fragile. I shrugged and stuffed a pillow under William's ass and started devouring his slick rod. I sucked him a few minutes and then worked his balls over, they were starting to get even tighter, but the warmth of my mouth loosened them. William was moaning and rubbing my shoulders.

He seemed to be intently watching me from all the different angles. My own prick was so hard it was aching. I wanted to stroke it but I wanted even more to fuck him long and slow. More long than slow!

William sat up, grabbing at my legs. His hair was tousled and he had a glazed look on his face, his jaw was clinched tight. He pulled me roughly around to where he could get to me and dove down taking me in to the hilt with the first lunge of his warm wet mouth. I swung my leg over his head and got on my knees, his head below me. It was an awkward position for him to suck me with movement but his tongue was constantly at work and he pulled down on my ass forcing my cock deeper down his throat. I started fucking his mouth in time to my sucking of him. I wanted to eat his ass again but even with the pillow elevating his hips, I couldn't get to it; his heavy thighs wouldn't allow me close enough no matter how wide I tried to push out his thighs. Feeling very frustrated; I stuffed another pillow under him and pulled his legs back to where they were stuck under my arms. Now his hairy little pucker was fully visible and very accessible. I tongued him unmercifully attacking his hole and then moving to his tight ball sac and then onto his prick and then back again. His body thrashed under me and he sucked constantly, his muffled grunts and groans reverberated off the mirrored walls.

I used some of his pre-cum to lubricate my finger and probed him gently. I felt his bunghole relax and my finger slide in. I worked it in and out feeling his muscle clamping tightly down on my finger. I refreshed the pre-cum several times until my finger moved easily. William's deep groans told me he was enjoying this and I wondered if he was willing to go further. "You about ready?" I asked.

"Oh yeah, oh yeah," he panted. "Do it now." His muscle tightening on my finger to emphasize his desire. I moved into place lifting his legs to my shoulders and probed him with my knob. It was slick already from my pre-cum and his spit. I was so hard, it hurt to push it down to where I could enter him. It didn't seem as if my cock had been this hard since I grew out of my teenage years. I watched my knob stretched his pucker and then disappear leaving a dusky pink circle of skin surrounding my shaft. William grunted as my knob disappeared and then cleared his muscle. It felt like I had a tight, warm fist around my pole. I backed off until I felt the muscle again and started back in. He groaned loudly, the sound reverberated off the walls. As impossible as it was to imagine, I had never thought a man laying on his back with his knees pressed into his chest would look erotic but William looked so fucking good in that position. This wasn't an act of feminine and masculine roles: both of us were men and both masculine. But I was taking William in a way that he had never experienced before, for that matter, neither had I before he had been the first in me.

I squeezed his shoulder. "You okay buddy?" He grinned and pulled me by the hips causing me to fall forward and the rest of my rod to slide into him. He pulled my face to his and slid his tongue deeply into my mouth. I kissed him back and started rocking while he rotated his hips. I backed off and slid back in. It was an incredible sensation. Just the knowledge that I was the first to know him like this was enough to have made me cum but I was determined to make this last. My movements were slow but deep, all the way in, I could feel my balls pressed against his ass. I ground my hips and through our kisses, we both groaned loudly. I broke the kiss, "Man William, this feels so incredibly good!" I started pumping with a steady rhythm wrapping my fist around William's large prick. The skin of his cock slid easily in my fist and his juices flowed liberally coating his shaft.

After a very short while, I realized I was on the verge of exploding. William must have been in the same situation. "You'd better slow down or I'll pop too soon," he said through gritted teeth. I let go of him, slid in all the way and just rocked while kissing him. His hands drifted to my back and massaged me with strong movements rubbing lower and lower until they were on my hips pulling me into him as I rocked. He let go of my hips and reached under himself s until he found my tightening balls. He squeezed gently sending a shock wave of pleasure up and down my spine. I groaned through the kiss and started pumping again as his hand held my balls firmly. I felt sweat trickle down my back. I gripped his shaft again; my fist pumping his meat slowly in time to the pumping my cock was giving his fuck chute. "Chas, buddy, I can't hold back any more, go ahead and let your cum fly because I'm so close a tickle would bring me off."

Our breathing was deep and labored. "Try to hold back, I want to cum with you," I said releasing his cock. My thrusts became short and ragged as I knew the end was near.

Maybe it was my vision or maybe it was his own lust but William's face was distorted and beads of sweat dotted his forehead. "Ah Chas, you're gonna fuck the cum right out of my balls any second now." Hearing those words and feeling his muscle tighten around me set me on that irreversible course. I felt that familiar tingle and slowed my movements to almost imperceptible thrusts. I felt William's legs tense just as the first convulsion hit me. William legs bucked against my shoulders. I glued my blurring vision on the head of his cock just in time to see a solid ribbon of cum spurt out the head of his cock and land on his cheek. I felt my own jiz squirting, unseen, in William bowels aided by the contractions of his sphincter muscle tightly gripping me. Another streamer ejected from his knob with as much force but landed on his neck and chest. In spite of my own violent release, I managed to get my fist around his cock for the remainder of his orgasm and could feel the sold shaft convulse causing more and more of his hot cream to coat his hairy torso as my balls emptied in him.

As our orgasms subsided, William's body went limp. We were both breathing deeply as I squeezed his cock milking it of the last of his cum. It oozed out of his slit, rolled off his knob and onto his belly. The thick spunk that had landed on his cheek was running down his neck and onto the black Lycra sheets leaving white blotches. My own cock was softening rapidly. Maybe it was my body's defense mechanism and a way of slowing me down. The orgasm I had experienced seemed more intense than that first one I had shared with William less than two weeks earlier.

Slowly, we caught our breaths. My cock slipped out of William with a wet slurp. William smiled and stretched as best he could with his body still doubled up. I let his legs slid off me and leaned forward and licked his jiz off his face and then his tight chest and rock hard belly. When I was done, his body hair was still badly matted. He pulled me up into his arms and kissed me, our softening and still leaking cocks pressed together. William broke the kiss and grinned at me. "Wow, I'd say that was a very appropriate way to have my first sex as a soon-to-be single guy. I was beginning to think you didn't want to fuck me but I was sure as hell going to try to get you to. All I had to do was see the look on your face when I was fucking you to know that it was something to experience. Now I know it for sure."

I chuckled and made a vow to myself that from now on, I'd be more open and express my feeling instead of just keeping them inside. "Yeah, I'd say it was suitable since you popped my cherry, I should get yours!"

"Uh, a man doesn't actually have a cherry, I mean technically."

I brushed his jaw gently with my clinched fist. "You know what I mean and I guess you are right but what would you call it, something cute like deflowering?" After all, you were virgin."

He grinned at me again. "Yeah but not now. Man, I want more of that."

"Just remember that "look" you say I have on my face when you are pounding my ass, I like it too. I'll get something to clean you up properly," I said kissing his lips. I rolled off the bed and padded into the bathroom. I found a cabinet with some wash rags and washed myself up. My cock was totally limp. I wet a cloth and tested it on my own crotch to see if it was too hot before return to clean William up. He was propped up on the pillows looking at the many reflections of him in the mirrors.

"You know, I got so wrapped up in what you were doing to me, I forgot all these mirrors!" Remind me next time we fuck, I want to see that pretty ass of yours humping away on my hole." I glanced around and realized the mirrors where kind of limited in scope. While I was sucking and reaming William, I couldn't see anything because he blocked my vision. I guessed he could see more than I could. I supposed that Brad must have had them installed so he could watch guys sucking him or maybe watch while they fucked him. Brad's sexual tastes where still unknown to me but I didn't really care about Brad, right now I had William to tend to.

I carefully cleaned him up but not before licking the last little dribbles out of his thick crotch hair and planting a loud kiss on his cock head. I slid his foreskin back and washed the exposed skin before allowing it to slide back up over his knob. I then ran the rag down his crack and pressed it into his pucker. He grinned at me. "If I hadn't been such a prude that first night, you might have had me first!"

"It doesn't matter buddy, but I'm glad you let me finally do it." To demonstrate my gratitude and the agreeability of the act, I lifted his legs and pushed my tongue into his hole. It was puffy and loose looking. I was surprised at how far my tongue would now penetrate him. He whimpered and forced his ass harder against my mouth.

"Man, you keep doing that and you're going to be fucking me again tonight." I glanced at his cock and sure enough, it was stiffening fast.

"Buddy, I'd love to but I'm afraid as intense as that was, my prick won't respond for a while."

William grinned and said, "Wanna bet?" With that, he removed his legs from my shoulders and dove down on my soft cock. He pushed my head in the general direction of his now hard cock. We stretched out and started sucking each other. William must have known more about me than even I did because soon, I felt my blood surging as his expert tongue and the suction of his mouth caused my prick to responded and stiffen. I cocked his one leg up and started preparing him for another fuck, first with my tongue and then with a finger again lubricated with his pre-cum as I sucked his meat.

Once he was satisfied he had gotten me totally aroused, he flipped over on his back and pulled his legs back with his forearms. "Okay stud, ride my ass. Show me how a California boy fucks a Texas red neck. Let's see if you can fuck the cum out of my balls again." I was between his legs before the sentence ended. My prick glistened with his spit. I lifted his ass with both hands spreading his cheeks with my thumbs and dove in with my tongue working him up to where his sighs and moans told me he was ready. I let the saliva accumulate in my mouth and released a wad of spit that landed right on his winking eye. I toyed with his ass rubbing my now rigid prick around it before sliding in to the hilt in one smooth stroke. He wasn't as tight the second time possibly because his chute was already lubricated with what at the time had felt like a quart of my cum being deposited deep inside him. By the time this night was over, he would probably slosh when he walked. I took hold of his rigid rod and squeezed it tightly in my fist. Man, this just felt so right. William let out a deep moan and I started stroking his meat.

"Yeah stud, show me what you can do with that prick of yours," he said as he rotated his hips pushing forward and grinding them against mine. "Fuck me, make me know my man wants my ass." The lusty verbal encouragement was something we hadn't done yet. I found it stimulating to hear the words accentuated with that husky drawl come from him. I started pumping slowly at first to ensure he was comfortable and then with more vigor. "Oh yeah stud, ride my ass, make me feel it." He reached up rubbing my pecs with firm strokes and playing with my nipples rubbing them at first and then with light pinches. The effect made my prick stiffen more.

I found a comfortable pace that William seemed to enjoy offering a fair amount of stimulation for both of us. The look on his angelic face was that of a fallen angel who had just discovered a mortal vice and was engaging in it with total abandonment. I leaned forward and kissed him sending my tongue as far in his mouth as I could. He grunted and kissed back. His hands were now on my shoulders and biceps rubbing me with the same firm strokes he had used on my chest.

I'm not certain how long it lasted but William and I succeeded in cuming together for the second time that night. William's load was not as abundant the second time but he still shot on his upper chest as I added my second load up his fuck chute. I stayed in him until I softened and slipped out. As I was "cleaning" him up, I wondered if the day would ever come when I didn't crave the taste of his juice. It didn't seem possible. I finished the clean up with the wash rag I that had already been used for the same purpose and then mopped my soft prick until it had some semblance of looking normal.

William got up to use the toilet. I allowed him that privacy and went around making sure the lights were off and the door locked. I got my cell phone and put it on the end table. When I returned, he was still in the bathroom. I crawled up on the huge bed and lay there, looking at all the images of me.

William returned and joined me on the bed. He rolled over on his side and I did the same. Now we were facing each other. Still naked even though our cocks were now soft. We started rubbing and playing with each other's body. We were both extremely satisfied with the outcome of the first night of sex during what would be our nine days together. I leaned over and kissed him on the lips. "Hey William, it doesn't get much better than this, does it buddy?" I asked as I stroked his forearm. His hand was on my hip, rubbing it gently. Less than a foot separated us.

"Are you always going to call me William?" he asked.

"What would you like me to call you?"

"I don't know, maybe you could call me Will. I don't really like Bill and loathed Billy when I was a kid. Actually, my legal name is Bill, not William. I adopted the name when I was in my last year of high school. I thought by going into college, it would be a clean break with the old name and people would just start calling me William. Some of my family still call me Bill. I was the baby of the family and the name Billy always seemed to emphasize that. My twin brother refuses to call me William and still calls me Billy. He says William sounds affected. His name is Bob and the family still calls him Bobby but he doesn't seem to mind."

I sat up right, stunned at the realization there were two Williams. "I didn't know you had a twin brother."

"Yeah, and another older brother. I guess the topic never came up." He looked up at me, smiled and then continued, "I'm younger by six minutes but it might have been six years since I was always treated like an infant. You know, I guess he is gay also. Now I recall things I saw when we were in high school. Mainly between him and his best friend but he has never married or even dated. It looks like when that egg split, we both got a dose of gayness. It just took me longer to realize it." My mouth must have been open so wide my jaw was on my chest. William pulled me back down and pushed me over on my back. He laid his head on my chest and his leg over my thighs, his cock was pressed into my hip and his fingers running through my bush. "I could spend the rest of my life just like this," he said as I absentmindedly wrapped my arms around him still pondering this turn of events.

"Are you going to tell him or do you even consider yourself to be gay?"

"I don't know yet. About telling him that is. I do know I'm gay. But wouldn't I have to be gay in order to swallow your prick and let you fuck me like we do? Wouldn't you say that is a pretty good indication?" he laughed. "How about you? Bisexual?"

"Mmmm, don't know yet. I guess I'll find out when Claire and I resume our usual sex life but that is still months off. No use wasting time agonizing over something that isn't yet an issue." I felt him nod and roll slightly to kiss my chest. His hand slid up my chest and into my pit. I raised my arm and he ran his fingers through the hair. "Do you like that?

"I don't know, not really all that much but I do like your chest hair. Now, since you brought that up, I've been wondering, why do you like my pits?" he asked.

I chuckled at this first open acknowledgment of that attraction. "I don't really know. That first night it seemed so sexy tonguing them but this is really my favorite spot," I said reaching between us and tugging gently on his bush. "I guess I just have a body hair fetish. You know, like some guys are attracted to different things and some are not. I mean, why did I take to any of this for that matter?"

"When did you know you first wanted to have sex with me?"

I thought for a few seconds recalling the events of that night. "I'm not really certain. I felt something odd when I saw you in those shorts. It wasn't until you where in the shower that I realized I had gotten a hard-on just seeing you in them. And then when you were toweling off, seeing you naked like it was for the first time. But I think I finally knew it when I was watching you stroke yourself from the bathroom. Later, I got another raging hard-on just seeing you laying there. Your cock was so obvious and you looked so fucking sexy."

William raised his head and grinned at me. "You really were watching me weren't you? Do you really like those shorts? I was going to jack off on them and then send them to Steph with the rest of her stuff but if you like them, I'll keep them."

"Yeah, I really do like seeing you in them. I'd like to have sex with you wearing them or at least for a little while!" I said kissing the top of his head.

"Then I'll bring them over here and you can have your way with me wearing them. What did you think when you first had my cock in your mouth?"

"I don't know buddy, it just seemed so right. Like it was something I should have done a long time ago. What about you?"

"Yeah, I couldn't believe anything could feel or taste as good as having you in my mouth."

I chuckled, "Do you like that better than having my cock up your ass?"

"I think I like them equally as well." He was silent for a sew seconds and then said, "How did this happen? I mean here we are two married and seemingly straight men, neither of us had ever had sexual contact with another man and now we are laying naked together after you fucked my ass and licked my jiz off my body. Shouldn't there have been some kind of a sign? How could we have something this monumental buried so deeply? If anyone had ever told me even a month ago that on that first night in Miami I'd succeed in sucking a man off, I'd have said he was crazy and maybe even popped him on the nose."

I chuckled again but grew uncomfortable with the conversation. I knew I wasn't totally innocent having had that one experience with Todd. I guess I tensed because William raised his head. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" His face held concern and his deep blue eyes looked deeply into mine. "Is there something you want to tell me?" I sighed deeply. "Only if you want to of course."

"No, I mean yes, there is something. I might as well tell you. I should have told you before now. I'm sorry I didn't. But I'm not entirely without some experience."

"Uh oh," William said.

"I'm really sorry. It was only one time. I know I should have admitted it but we never really talked like this until now and before we had sex, of course I wouldn't have told you." I relaxed and told him the story of Todd and I in our dorm room almost six years ago. It didn't take long to tell the story. I remembered so little of it. William continued caressing me while I told him. When the brief story was over, he raised his head up and kissed me on the lips.

"Do you still have some contact with him?"

"No, I guess we were too busy getting established and we lost contact not long after we graduated. I sent him an invitation to our wedding but it came back with no forwarding address. I don't know what ever happened to him. I really do hope you don't mind.

William's hand closed around my balls and he massaged them gently. "Why should I mind? It isn't as if we were together then. We're together now and that is all that matters." That statement caused me to think about what was expected of us as far as sex with outsiders was concerned. William would soon be a free man but I had obligations. He had said he would be there for me when I could get away but what of the interim? I knew for a fact that we had gay men in the office. Would he ever be tempted? He was such a desirable man. I had often seen the sidelong glances people gave him and there was no doubt that guy at the gym was interested. I decided to take the same approach as I had with my straight sex life and not worry about it until later.

"You about ready to turn out the light and get some sleep?" I asked with a yawn. The scotch was wearing off and the physical and sexual work outs had left me lethargic.

William rolled off of me. "What do you normally sleep in?" he asked with a grin.

"With you, nothing of course but you already know that but at home, in just my underwear. Why?"

"Because, before the week is over, I want to know everything about you so that when I'm jerking my cock thinking about you, I have details to fill in the picture. I sleep in my underwear too. I'd like to sleep naked but Steph never liked me to. I think she felt intimidated when I'd wake up with a hard-on."

"Did you really jerk off thinking about me?" I asked as I found the switch mounted besides the small laminated plastic platforms that served as side table and turned out the light.

I laid down and William pulled me back into his arms. "Yes, I did just like I would have every night this week if you hadn't made me promise not to! And I suppose you want me to believe you wouldn't have jerked off thinking about me?"

"I did." William started to protest. I quickly cut him off. "It was last Saturday night before I said you couldn't."

William looked at me and grinned. "What were you thinking about or is that too personal to share?"

"Jeeze buddy, I've sucked your cock, swallowed your cum and gave you my cherry or what ever you want to call it. I'd think we have gotten past the "too personal" stage. But to answer your question, I thought about fucking you."

He grinned again. "Did the real thing live up to the fantasy?"

"Much, better in real life," I said kissing him lightly on the lips. "What do you want to do this weekend?"

William was still smiling at my answer. "I don't care just so long as it involves not leaving the house, wearing a minimum of clothing and a maximum of physical contact."

I laughed again. "Well, that does kind of limit it but it sounds fine with me. How much clothing is "minimal" or maybe I shouldn't ask!"

"Nekkid, all weekend so I can touch, lick and suck you anywhere I want to, any time I want to."

"Wow, you turned out to be my kind of guy. Those were my thoughts exactly. What..." William put his fingers to my mouth to stop my sentence.

"Hush, no more, you need some sleep. I've got a busy weekend planned for you. You'll look forward to going back to work just to rest up."

I chuckled and snuggled into his chest with his arms wrapped around me. I went to sleep almost instantly.

That was how our first night together ended, with me sleeping in William's arms content to finally have equalized our relationship.

A traffic light turned red bringing me back to the real world. I sighed when I realized that in spite of having already cum three times that morning, I was hard again from the recollection. I was trying to be rational about it. William was going to start packing Stephanie's stuff up tomorrow as soon as he could get the shipping company to drop off the boxes. We had already made plans to "go to the gym" Saturday if not one night during the week. It all depended on how soon he could get the locks changed at his condo. I thought he was being a little too cautious but his not contesting the divorce had to be like a bur to Stephanie who was probably piqued that she wasn't being begged to come back. He said he wouldn't put it past her coming back unexpectedly to find out why he was taking this so calmly. If nothing else, the day was coming when she was going to be a VERY wealthy woman and that would prompt any number of men to endure her moods and temper. Why was William willing to let that much money slip away without so much as asking her to reconsider?

So, William and I had our plans. William had grown up outside Austin, Texas and had fished a lot as he grew up. He had talked about maybe buying a mountain cabin at Big Bear or Lake Arrowhead that we could use as an excuse to get away for a weekend. Also there was always the possibility of Brad and Ken sending us out of town again. And as soon as the baby was old enough to travel, I'd send Claire back up to her folks so she could show the baby off to all her friends and family. But until these things became a reality, we wouldn't be able to sleep together or spend those long leisurely evenings caressing or just looking at each other. To me, that had become the frosting on the cake.

I sighed as I pulled into the driveway of our home. Seeing Jean in her back yard gardening hit me like a bolt of lightening. My god, I hadn't thought about Jean. Nothing happened on this street that she didn't know about! Surely she would know I hadn't slept here all week. She was bound to tell Claire and here I was about to get out of my car carrying an overnight bag and a suit. If it were Friday, I could just pretend I had been at the gym on my way home from work. I forced myself to collect my thoughts and decided to leave the suit in the car and carry the bag like I had been at the gym. It was too bad the suit wasn't in one of those plastic covers. It would look like I had picked up cleaning on my way home from the gym. Of course neither the cleaners nor the gym was open on Sunday but Jean wouldn't know that. I made a note to save a plastic bag next time Claire picked up the cleaning. It might come in handy some day.

I had been here during lunch every day but had she noticed me bringing clothes in and out? Our house was the reverse of hers and our kitchen windows overlooked each other. Claire seemed to like it and was always giving Jean a cheerful wave if she saw her. So Jean was bound to know I hadn't been here at night or mornings although I had never seen her lights on when I got up so maybe she slept late and wouldn't notice. Of course I could say I had been working late. Jean watched TV in bed and that was on the other side of the house. I knew everything would be okay. All I had to do was keep my wits about me and not explain too much. That was always a dead giveaway when you explain in too much detail or too quickly. I wouldn't say anything until it was brought up and then I'd simply say I worked late.

Instead of parking in the garage and having to walk past her, I left the car in the driveway. Like many older homes, ours had the garage built in the back of the house. Only a white picket fence separated our driveway from hers. The phone was ringing so I had an excuse for dashing in the house with only a quick wave but the phone stopped ringing before I got to it. I checked for any phone messages but there weren't any. The call had probably been William, of course he wouldn't leave a message. I called him at Brad's house. "I want to suck your balls dry!" I said deepening my voice in an attempt to disguise it.

William laughed deeply and said, "So what's changed since a few minutes ago? Hey, you left your cell phone in the living room and it's been ringing a lot. Of course, I won't answer it. You want me to swing by with it? I'll be here for a couple more hours or there abouts. I've got that black spandex thing in the washer. Man, you should have seen what all we got on it! I got a hard-on just from remembering how each spot got there!

"Naw, just bring it into the office tomorrow. It's probably Claire, I'll call her. Oh, was that you calling here a minute ago?"

"Nope, not me," he said.

"Ah, well no doubt it was Claire. She probably thought with me being away from the cell phone, I was home. Hey stud, I've got to call Claire and then do a few odds and ends here. I'll call you tonight after Claire goes to bed. Maybe we could do a little phone sex or did I wear you out with that fuck?" My ass twitched from the remembrance.

"That'll be the day that you can fuck me into the ground. Buddy, you haven't seen stamina until I pull out all the stops. When that day comes, you'll limp home! In more ways than one! Call me!"

"See ya stud." And he was gone.

I called both Claire's parent's house and her sister and got no answer at either place. Well, I knew she would be calling back if it was her but we had agreed yesterday we wouldn't call today. Maybe she forgot to remind me of something. Probably just worried about her plants. She sure babied those things. Now to get busy. I already had made notes about what all I had to do. I knew the plants were okay, I had just checked them on Friday and I had sorted the mail on a daily basis. There were several pieces for Claire, mainly catalogs and store sale announcements, I had stacked it all next to the coffee pot just like she did my mail every day. I squatted in front of the open refrigerator checking to see if anything needed dumping out. Most of the breakfast food had been taken over to Brad's so it wouldn't be here when Claire got home. She wouldn't expect me to replenish anything I ran out of. We would have to stop at the market on the way home from the airport and get groceries or maybe Claire would be rested enough and would want to do that on her own tomorrow. I hoped so. I didn't want to bother. That one time at the market with William had been a thrill because of what we were doing but that was an exception to the rule.

That first Saturday morning I woke up on my belly as I usually do. My hard prick was slung out to the side and in a very uncomfortable position. I raise my hips up allowing it to assume a more natural position before raising my head up to look for William. He wasn't in bed with me. I had decided he was probably in the bathroom taking a piss. I ground my prick into the slick sheet in anticipation of our morning sex. I was just about to doze back off when I realized he wasn't back yet. I got up and went to the bathroom, he wasn't there either. A check of the bedroom turned up nothing. I wandered into the living room and then to the kitchen. William had every kitchen cabinet open and was squatting, naked, in front of the open built-in refrigerator.

"Good morning," I had said trying not to be a little miffed that he was more interested in food than in me. He glanced up and didn't even acknowledge that my prick was rigid and pointing to the heavens. His was limp but I knew how to remedy that condition.

"Man, you're not going to believe this but there is NO food in this house! None! What does Brad eat!?!" William asked in amazement. "There isn't even any junk food!" He was right, there were just a few cans of soup and some frozen dinners. "I can't live without a good breakfast. Looks like we go to the store! Let's grab a quick shower before I pass out from hunger!"

"Why don't we just go out for breakfast?" I asked noticing the neglect was taking its toll and my cock was softening.

"You'd look funny sitten nekkid in a fancy vittles place!" he said taking me in his arms.

"Well, I assumed we would dress first. Do you expect me to go to the store "nekkid"?"

"Yeah, I guess your right but I WANT to cook for you!" he said emphatically. "Aren't you even hungry?"

"Yeah, I could eat a horse," I said reaching for his soft prick.

"Later stud, definitely breakfast first. I would have thought after I gave you my cherry you would have brought breakfast to me on a tray. Guess now that you have had me you'll look for some fresh new face to "deflower"."

I Laughed and pulled him closer to me. "Never guy, remember you got my cherry too so now your stuck with me. I'll be like some love sick teenager hanging on you day and night!" He laughed also and then kissed me lightly but my response was deeper and with more urgency. But William called a halt to it.

"Hey stud, don't you think we should save something for later. I mean if this is going to be a sex weekend, we don't want to blow all our loads before it is even noon of the first day!" I smiled and let go of him. "Now I want FOOD!" he said.

"Okay, off to the shower," I said tugging him back toward the bedroom.

We showered together just as we always did, or at least when we could, liberally soaping each other up and holding long kisses. Soon, we were hard again and stroking each other. "I thought we were supposed to hold off until later?" I asked.

"Correct!" William exclaimed removing my hand from his rigid pole. We rinsed and then dried each other off. William looked so sexy standing there with a stiff cock. "Chas, I've got to shave. If I don't it will irritate you unmercifully and by Sunday afternoon, I'll look like a werewolf. Do you mind? I know you're hungry."

"Hungry for you," I said grabbing at his meat.

He laughed, "I said later stud, by the end of tomorrow, you'll have had me so many times you won't want me anymore."

"That'll never happen. Sure, go ahead and shave but I get to watch."

He smiled at me. "Of course, I'd have it no other way."

As he shaved, I watched and rubbed the back side of his body from his shoulders all the way down to his ass, paying particular attention to his crack and that wonderful little button. It must have been doing something he liked because his prick stayed hard. I wrapped my fist around it but he gave me a stern look and I let go. Realizing he was serious and not going to let his hard cock dissuade him from fixing me breakfast, I decided I'd better shave too even though I usually didn't on Saturday until Claire and I went out to dinner that night which we always did.

When I had finished. William took me in his arms, we were both still hard and getting wetter by the minute. He kissed me holding the kiss a long time while he ground his hard-on into mine. Breaking the kiss he said, "That's just a sample of what you get later. Now let's get moving, the day is almost over."

I glanced at the clock on the vanity and was surprised that it was only 9:00am. I usually never got up until after 9:00 on the weekend. "What are you going to wear?" I guess maybe subconsciously I must have been on the same wavelength as William because I didn't think to pack anything to wear this weekend: all I had was the suit I had worn Friday, the suit I was going to wear Monday and my gym clothes.

William reached for his Lycra shorts and pulled them on slinging his still hard cock out to the side. "Ready to go!"

"No way, you wouldn't would you!?!"

William laughed and pulled them off. "No, I wouldn't," he said pulling his regular trunks on. I reached for the underwear I had worn on Friday but William took hold of my hand. "I said minimal clothing. Just your trunks." I wouldn't go so far as to say I was shocked but even soft, my cock shows no matter what I have on. In college it never bothered me but now, it seemed a little too obvious. William's was softening and I could still see the outline of his too. What the hell, we would be clothed so it wasn't as if we were breaking some law. I pulled them on and grabbed my wallet. With no pockets, I tucked it in the waistband which helped a little to hide the obvious. William noticed.

"Chicken," he smiled and tucked his in at his side. I detoured into the little room to grab my cell phone. William nodded at the reminder of my other life and I was concerned it would put him off but he smiled, kissed me lightly on the lips and we were heading out the door.

William put the top down on the BMW and we started down the winding road. "Do you have any idea where the nearest market is?" I asked.

"Yeah, the one I shop at, they've got a great bakery and the best vegetables in town. The meat counter is good too but I've rather developed a taste for your tenderloin." he said reaching up my leg and taking hold of my finally soft cock. I pulled his hand away.

"If you get me hard, I'll sit in the car, I sear it!" I smiled at him and wondered if he really would be so blatant as to go out in public sporting a hard-on. I knew I couldn't.

"Jeez, you're no fun at all or are you just a grouch when you don't get your breakfast?"

This playful side of William was new. Up until now, our developing sexual relationship was pure lust. This was the first time we had to be intimate and discover personal things about each other that we never would know from just being ordinary co-workers. I also certainly couldn't complain about how attentive he was being. His sexual appetite was unending too even if we didn't have sex first thing this morning. I wondered which one of us would be the first to say "enough". I was already learning how deep my own sexual passions ran.

The sun felt good and I was actually disappointed to see us arrive at the market. Getting out of the car and waiting while William put the top up and set the alarm, I pulled the wallet out of my front and put it at the side like William had done. William noticed and gave me a wink.

Inside the market, I couldn't tell you if William knew what he was talking about or not. I seldom went with Claire to the market although lately, I had more often due to her getting tired so easily. For the most part, I hated shopping. About the only thing that could get me to a store was to buy a suit or shopping for gifts for Claire. Claire did an excellent job of keeping me stocked up with any other clothing I needed and I certainly didn't object. Thinking about it now, William seemed to enjoy shopping and would often go to three or four stores when he was looking for clothes. I went with him once during lunch and was appalled to see him actually go to three stores looking for a pair of shoes and then didn't buy any! I then realized what William had said a short while before. "Do you do your grocery shopping?" I asked.

"Yeah, Steph hates it. I do the cooking too but that is usually only once or twice a week. I'm pretty good too, if I do say so myself. Since we eat out at the office, I usually only grab a sandwich or a salad for dinner. Steph is pretty picky with her eating and eats practically nothing."

I was amazed that I didn't know this about him. Claire did all our cooking. I was useless in the kitchen for anything but clean up which I routinely helped with and really didn't mind since it made me feel like I was contributing to the effort.

I don't know why but I almost enjoyed shopping with him like this. As I said, this was a side of him I didn't know. He insisted on going down every isle and before long, he had almost a full cart. I just kept staring and wondering just when we would ever eat all this food as he loaded more stuff into the cart. Occasionally, he would ask my opinion one something to which I usually deferred to his preference. At the meat counter, he got a chicken. "You're going to cook a chicken?" I asked in disbelief.

"Sure, for Chinese chicken salad, one of my specialties and then we can make soup out of the carcass."

I was dumbfounded. "What ever you say," I said. William just grinned at me. Something told me before the week was out, William was going to amaze me in many ways.

As we walked the isles, I became aware of other men in the store. Not men alone or with women but male couples, obviously lovers by the way touched and didn't pull away if they got pressed together. My god, William shops at a gay supermarket I thought. More than once I saw men looking at us with what looked to be envy. I knew we made a striking couple; both tall and in our shirtless condition, obviously well built. I knew I was okay looking and William was flat out gorgeous. In the vegetable section we encounter three rather effeminate men giggling over the cucumbers. William must have seen me blush and smiled at me. "You get used to it," was all he said. Just as we were about to head for the checkout lines, a man walked in wearing nothing but a pair of iridescent green lycra shorts with his limp cock completely visible. You could even see the ridge of his knob. William jabbed me with his elbow. "See, I wouldn't have been at all out of place." I stared as the guy walked past turning slightly to see a voluptuous ass wiggle by. The guy also turned slightly and winked at me. "Don't even think about it!" William hissed. "You're mine!" I laughed and punched him on the chest. He smiled back, he nodded in the guy's direction and said "He's shopping but it ain't for groceries!" I laughed again and nudged him towards the checkout counters.

We had to wait an eternity to check out. William seemed totally at ease and was patient just looking at the people. Once he nudged me and nodded towards two good looking men in another line. "They just met and are already in love, you can tell by the way they are looking at each other."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"Because that's the way I look at you."

My heart was in my throat and I couldn't speak. William just smiled at me and squeezed my hand. I didn't pull away. I didn't say anything the rest of the time in the store or while we drove back to the house. Wow, was William telling me he was in love with me? His words rang in my ears. I had never thought about love between us. I knew it was possible of course but this had started out as lust and new found attractions. Could I love him and Claire at the same time? I tried to clear my thoughts and was relieved when we got back to the house. I carried the bags in while William put the top up and set his alarm.

Once we were both inside William pulled his trunks off and then mine. "Remember, no clothes!"

"Are you going to cook that bacon naked?" I asked.

"Microwave! Savior of the working class. Brad's got everything else in that kitchen, he has to have a micro too."

After a brief search for cooking pans and utensils, William made omelets while I monitored the toaster. Soon, we had a heaping plates of more food than I eat all day. I wondered how this guy could shovel away that much food and still have a 31" waist. I didn't have the heart to tell him that breakfast to me was a glass of OJ and a bagel and low fat cream cheese. When we were done eating. William pulled me into his arms and kissed me lightly. "Why don't you go make your call and I'll clean up." I tried to protest but he slapped me on the ass and propelled me out the door.

I talked with Claire for about twenty minutes. At first I was self conscious about being naked but I knew she had no way of telling. Luckily she was excited about going on a picnic with her family and some old friends and didn't ask me what I was doing. The weather was clear and they were taking advantage of the opportunity. I finally said good bye and reminded her to call on my cell phone which I was keeping close at hand.

I went back into the kitchen and William was rinsing dishes and putting them in the dishwasher. His back was to me and I could see his broad back and shapely ass. I wanted him again.

I walked up and wrapped my arms around his chest and kissed his neck running my hands down his chest and belly finally settling on his limp cock. He turned the water off and turned around taking me in his arms and kissing me. He started to lead me to the door. "You can finish first," I said.

"They're not going anywhere."

"Neither am I"

"Yes you are." he said leading me back to the mirrored chamber that had become our playroom.

William pushed me down on the bed, I propped myself up on the pillows and watched him. Instead of sucking my stiffening cock, he took one of my balls in his mouth sucking it slowly watching my prick grow and snake along my thigh. He let go of the first one and sucked the second one. My rod was now inching its way across my belly until the knob rested in my navel a few seconds and then rose off my belly. Satisfied he had aroused me this much, he took me in his mouth sucking me slowly at first and then picking up his pace a little. I lay there relishing the pleasure he was giving me which was heavily accentuated by seeing his handsome face swallowing my cock. The feel of his tongue so steadily at work caused my body to shiver. William noticed this and I think he smiled but couldn't be certain since his mouth was busy. He abruptly spun around so I could get to him. He straddled my head as I had done to him the night before but I found the position too confining to really enjoy. I was actually enjoying more the sight of his hairy ass just a few inches away from my eyes. I reached up and rubbed his cheeks as I attempted to suck his pole. I became dissatisfied with trying to suck him and pulled off of him sliding my arms and part of my torso between his legs to where I could tongue his hole: that wonderful little button which he had so willing given to me the night before. With the first feel of my tongue on him, William moved his knees forward lowering his hips and ground his ass against my mouth. I reached around his thigh and stroked his cock, at first not certain if the wetness was the remnants of my spit or his dripping. The slickness of the fluid confirmed it was William's pre-cum. His mouth continued to suck me as his hand was now massaging my balls. I felt some growing wetness on my chest as his steadily dripping cock had created a pool of pre-cum that was soaking down through my thick chest hair.

William moved his hips and I thought it was so we could sixty-nine but instead of stretching out, he spun around and straddled my hips. Before I realized what he was doing, he sat on my cock driving it deep inside him with one lung of his hips. He groaned loudly and rotated his hips, which were tightly pressed against my crotch. William towered above me, all 6'3" of muscled masculinity. I could feel his muscle tightening around my shaft with rhythmic squeezes. He raised up a little so I could start pumping. His cock bobbed and weaved as I slid my cock in and out. William took hold of his cock and started stroking it as I fucked him. He leaned forward and kissed me biting my lip lightly before sliding his tongue in.

"Wow baby, you sure know how to make my ass happy," he gasped out. Like everything else we had experienced, he now threw himself into being fucked with wild abandoned. It was impossible to believe this guy hadn't been having man to man sex all his life. Had he been switched for his twin brother? I plugged his ass steadily grunting and groaning with my eyes drifting from his face with its distorted grin down his sculpted hairy chest and then finally to that massive prick being slowly pumped by his large fist in time to the fuck his ass was receiving. I felt my balls start to tingle as my cum started simmering in preparation of coating his insides for the third time in less than twenty-four hours. I slowed my thrusts to allow him to catch up.

"Let me know when you're going to shoot," I said. He knew what I wanted. We seemed to have an uncanny knack for being able to cum together. One more reason why as a couple, we just seemed to fit together.

"Yeah, well, I'm almost there." He slowed his strokes and his body shuddered with each stroke. "Get ready." He then shouted loudly, threw his head back and came on my chest just as my balls exploded. Our bodies jerked and his knees were clutching my sides tightly. His head snapped again as several short spurts of cum jetted onto my belly. He fell forward. Sweat was running down his neck and onto his shoulders. I kissed his neck tasting his sweat for the first time. It wasn't at all unpleasant but I wondered if it was unhealthy to eat it. As he recovered, he sat upright again and grinned at me through deep breaths. "Wow," was all he said.

"Are you sure you've never done this before?!" I asked.

"Yeah, remember, last night. You were there!"

"No, I mean before last night. You're sure taking to this."

"If it is worth doing, it is worth doing right!" he said swinging his leg up and my cock to unceremoniously be pulled from his asshole. He lay on top of me smearing his cum onto both of us. Our semi erect cocks were pressed together. "What do you want to do now?" he smiled that angelic smile.


"Nope, sleeping on a full stomach isn't healthy. I've got to look after you if we're going to make it into old age together. AND, we are going to get back into the habit of going to the gym. Plus we have Danny's towel to return and but first we probably should buy you a new jock strap." He kissed me sliding his tongue in and holding it for a minute or so. "Mmmm, you always taste so good!" He laid his head on my shoulder and kissed my jaw bone. I wrapped my arms around him and held him. As he nuzzled my neck, he said, "You know, last night at the gym when Danny implied we were together, as a couple I mean, and earlier today in the market when guys were looking at us? I was proud to be with you. I know I said I didn't think I wanted to be openly gay but being with you and having people think we were in a relationship made me feel good. Just like knowing our first sex was with each other. Oh, I know about Todd but that doesn't count. Just what we have done counts."

I held him tighter. I know he didn't mean to, but I felt pressure from him. He was free to pursue whatever life he wanted but I could only exist on the fringes of that life. He had to know that. I agreed with him though, once the initial surprise of Brad's confrontation about William's and my affair had worn off, I found it exciting to know he knew and approved. For the first time in my married life, I wished Claire wasn't my wife and that I was free to be with William for the rest of my life, to be as outrageous or as conservative as we wanted to be. I even thought with time I could go to the market in a pair of Lycra shorts with my cock slung out to the side like that one guy we saw. But that was all impossible. I was trapped and William was going to have to understand. My stomach hurt thinking about not having William as a full time partner. I vowed to myself to make the rest of this week as memorable for him as possible. "I think we'd better get cleaned up before we stick to each other. You wouldn't want to have to call 9-1-1 to get them to pry us apart would you?"

"Only if we can play with the firemen's hoses!"

I laughed at the feeble joke. "Man, you are incredible. I'm involved with a sexual maniac!" he rolled off of me but before I could get up, he put his hand on my chest holding me down. "Chas, I don't know how this happened between us but I still want you to know I'll be there when you can get free. You're special to me buddy and I do mean that." He kissed me lightly on the cheek.

Next: Chapter 4

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