Hurricane Warning

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022


WARNING! This story depicts graphic sex acts between consenting adult gay males. If gay sex offends you or is illegal at your locality, you'd better move on.

My stories are fantasies that occur in a world where STD's do not exist. Hey guys, in the real world, exercise caution: play safe and live long.

This is the continuation of "Hurricane Warning" which was originally posted last November. If you haven't read that part, you might want to before proceeding on to this part. I apologize for taking so long to complete this section. I also apologize for this not being the conclusion of the story! Depending on the response, there may be a Part Three.

"Hurricane Warning" - Part Two Copyright 1999 by The Desert Rat

I woke slowly, wispy memories of the night before might have just been dreams. I was on my side with my forehead pressed into William's shoulder with one hand on his chest and a knee resting on his hip. The queen-sized bed offered little enough space for two large framed men. The room was dark except for light filtering in from the bathroom light I assumed William had left on. Now, I remembered drifting off to sleep in his arms. Some time during the night we moved apart seeking our own space. I was vaguely aware of William getting up later and turning the TV and lights off. I heard him piss in the bathroom. I drifted back to sleep but I thought I felt his lips brush lightly on my cheek as he got back in bed.

I cautiously lay there before moving. I remembered the tremendous amount of alcohol I had consumed and naturally assumed I would be sick today. Nothing seemed wrong. I raised my head off the mattress looking around. William was lying flat on his back. His arm was up over his head, resting on the headboard of the bed. The hair of his armpit was still matted from my spit. Neither of us had any covers on and the pillows were no where in sight. The most obvious thing that greeted me was William's hard-on. My own cock, though not as gloriously hard as his, was quite firm and the sight of him was making sure it was a temporary condition as it twitched and started to expand. I wanted him, right then and there. I ran my tongue over my lips remembering the feel of his skin and the taste of his cum. I started to move my hand to his meat but held back. We were drunk and horny last night. How would he feel today knowing that not only had he sucked my cock but he swallowed my cum as well? I guessed I would know in time.

I inched my way off the bed and headed to the bathroom. My cock was now totally erect. Stopping by the full length dressing mirror next to the sink, I inspected my body. Not too bad, I thought. Chest is nicely defined but I should work more on my abs and maybe I could have ripples like William instead of just a flat hard stomach. I'd always lacked the drive to develop rippled abs. Besides, as hairy as my belly was, it would be a waste and I could never see shaving myself. I rather liked the hair on my body. Even before last night's developments, I found bare chested men looked unfinished, almost child- like no matter how developed the muscles. No, I was proud of my hair. Real good legs too from all those hours on my bicycle, tanned and hairy like the rest of me. Cock's not too bad either. I was glad William and I were the same size. Larger than average but not grotesque looking. I didn't know if size differences could create pressure in a relationship but didn't want to risk it.

Wow, a relationship. Heavy stuff. What now? All the issues I had refused to face last night were still there today. I had never felt this degree of physical attraction for another man. It just seemed like all the factors had been conducive to it happening and William, though more hesitant than I, had allowed me the use of his body to feel my way through desires I hadn't been aware of. Then in his turn, he made discoveries about himself. But we hadn't talked about what would happen tomorrow when reality returned and we both returned to our wives and separate lives. Could the sex continue if we were both willing? Could either of us be happy sneaking around grabbing a fast encounter here and there? I knew it was either that or nothing. I couldn't stand the thought of never having him again and was willing to do anything for what fleeting moments we could have. But what about him? What if he rejects me this morning? I shook my head to clear it and moved on into the bathroom.

I closed the door and pissed. I reached for William's shorts and found them no longer as heavily scented. It was a disappointment and I hoped that would be the worst one of the day. Finishing, I decided I had better pull my own shorts on, no use in putting myself on display until I knew the score. I stepped over to the small sink and decided to brush my teeth while I was waiting for him to get up. I didn't have long to wait.

He shuffled in mumbling something that could have been `good morning' I grunted back having a mouth full of toothpaste. He was still hard but unselfconscious about it. He leaned over the bowl, pushed his cock down with his thumb and relaxed. Slowly, the stream started and he shuddered. Once he knew the aim was right, he buried his face in the crook of his arm and sighed. With his face in that position, I could watch him freely. Seeing his hard cock, large balls and the loft of his bush, I wanted him more than ever. My own cock surged and in seconds was hard. When he finished, I leaned forward toward the sink to hide my hard-on. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see him give himself a few shakes. He was standing straight out now, still delectable. He turned slightly toward me and reached under me, gripping my cock. I spit the paste out. As I was rinsing my mouth, he slid his hand in my shorts and rubbed my bare cock with his fingertips.

"I see your feelings haven't dimmed since last night," he said.

The doubts I had just minutes ago evaporated. "No, they haven't," I said reaching for his cock. My hand circled around it and pulled on it gently. "How do you feel?"

"Surprisingly, not too bad. I would have thought all that alcohol on an empty stomach would have guaranteed a hang over. Maybe cum is the cure for a hangover!"

"I don't think it will ever catch on in biker beer bars," I chuckled.

He pulled me into his arms and held me. Once again, the familiarity of his muscles and body hair caused my heart to pound. Sliding his hand out of my underwear, he pulled me closer and started running his hands up and down my back and into my shorts, settling on my ass with one cheek in each hand. He pulled our crotches together with rhythmic motions. My cock started fighting it's way out of my shorts but William's persistent pressure wouldn't allow it to escape.

I leaned back as far as I could and I tried to kiss him but he pulled back. "No, let me brush my teeth first."

Reluctantly, I went into the other room to wait for him. I pulled my shorts off and found the pillows on the floor. I lay on my side propped up on both pillows facing the dressing area from where he would emerge. Slowly I stroked my cock, waiting. I heard him rinse his mouth and then heard splashing water. He came out drying his cock. He tossed the towel aside. He was completely stiff and looking as magnificent as ever.

"It's going to be impossible for me to ever see you in the office and not remember exactly the way you look right now," he said softly.

"I was just thinking the same thing," I said as I held my arms out inviting him into them.

He walked to the bed and knelt on it. I started to move to suck his cock again but he gently pushed me back down with his hand. "You were first last night. Now it is my turn." He reached down and pulled on my cock a couple of times. Then he leaned over and took me in his mouth. He sucked a few seconds and then pulled off "I think it tastes better today then last night." He returned to sucking me, cupping my balls in his hand and rolling them around. His tongue felt incredibly good and once more, I was in awe that this god had found my body even worthy of acknowledgment much less this attention. I raised my head up and watched him again. Seeing his lips pressed into the skin of my cock shaft was an unbelievable sight. He was stroking his rod very slowly. Twenty-four hours ago, I woke up next to my pregnant wife. Totally secure that my world was orderly even if it was boringly predictable. This morning, I woke up with an uncertain future after a passionate night of sex with my best friend and work associate. The intense look on William's face told me he had no regrets. Again, we were not going to face reality until we had satisfied ourselves with each other.

Like William's discover the previous night, I had forgotten how good a slow suck could be. I allowed myself to drift back on the pillows, close my eyes and just float along with the stimulation of his lips and tongue. A slow moan escaped my throat and William acknowledged it by rolling my balls around in the palm of his large hand while squeezing gently.

I allowed William a respectable amount of time to enjoy my prick before pulling him up into my arms. "You've had enough of that for now, my mouth is feeling neglected. He grinned and started to flip over on his back but I held him firm pulling him tighter against me and sliding my tongue in his mouth. It is hard to explain but the lust of the previous night had been satisfied. I knew I was going to suck him and I knew he was going to cum in my mouth. Now, I wanted a slow build up and slow easy sex. For me, sex that had always started with the slow build up had always resulted in the more intense orgasm.

Now, William's naked body was lying on top of mine. My prick was wet with his spit but I could feel a foreign dampness and I thought that perhaps his own juices had started flowing. I slid my hands down his broad muscular back and onto his ass cupping each cheek in a hand and squeezing. He backed off slightly from my mouth and started sucking on my tongue with enough suction to where I wondered if he could suck it out of my throat. I felt my prick straining against his crotch. The honey colored bush that looked so soft but had such a coarse texture was being ground into my shaft. It was just as well it wasn't on my knob, it probably would have made me cum.

William started pulling me while he was rolling. I got the impression he was trying to get me to roll over on top of him. We succeeded in changing position without ever breaking our kiss. William's tongue was now in my mouth, our tongues playing tag. Our crotches still ground together and I could feel wetness on my belly but I couldn't tell whose it was. William's hands rubbed hard down my back and then on to my ass just as I had rubbed his body. I was surprised at the way he was clutching at my ass cheeks. The night before, he had been restrained about that spot and now, his fingertips freely rubbed my hole. And it felt great just like everything else we had discovered about sex between two men.

I broke the kiss and nuzzled my face between his two pecks. The pale blond, almost white, body hair was course and providing welcome stimulation like I had never felt with a woman. I had gone through some sort of a change because now, my whole focus was the gap between his two hairy pecs. A woman's tits seemed like a thing of the past. I started licking along the ridge as I had done the night before. As I passed his nipple, I darted my tongue over it and felt it stiffen and William let out a small gasp. I sucked on it gently and his body responded with a jerk, a slow groan floated from his lips. It was very evident he didn't mind having his nipples stimulated. I sucked harder and his body spasm was strong but restrained by the confines of my body laying on his. His groans almost became shouts as my sucking mouth was pulling the sensitive nub. I could feel the movement of his cock, which was trapped by my belly, his juices flowed steadily and smeared into my body hair.

"Man," he groaned "I've always wanted someone to do that!" His whole body squirmed under my mouth and tongue; he was forcing his chest harder against my face. His breathing was sharp and he bucked under me driving his stiff rod harder into my belly. I moved to the other nipple and took it in my mouth; his coarse chest hair rubbed against my lips. I sucked harder, he choked out a whimper and started clawing my back. For a brief instant, I feared he might leave marks that I wouldn't be able to rationally explain to my wife. I knew I was powerless to stop him and also knew I didn't want to.

Abruptly, he bucked me off. In one smooth movement he had me on my back and was straddling my chest. He stuffed a pillow behind my head and rubbed his cock head over my lips. I reached up and pinched his nipples. He growled a response that was unintelligible. He looked down on me; his face was distorted with lust. I had never seen man or woman so worked up. He continued rubbing his cock on me. His pre-cum oozed and coated my lips. I darted my tongue out, he slid forward and half of his meat disappeared in my mouth. I swirled my tongue as he withdrew a few inches and then back in. I continued working him with my tongue but with my head confined as it was he was controlling the movements. My hands started rubbing his thighs, chest, shoulders and arms as he fucked my mouth. I could see his balls had tightened and I was positive he would be delivering his spunk momentarily. I worked my hands down to his hips and then around to his cheeks. As he pumped his prick in and out, my hands massaged his ass going deep, all the way to his hole. I was rubbing the hairy little button when his body jerked wildly and his searing hot load erupted. My fingertips felt the contractions of his pucker as volley after volley of his cream filled my mouth to capacity and started leaking out and running down my chin and neck.

As quickly as it hit, it was over. William's breathing was in deep gasps; his muscles were still taught but slowly started to relax. I moved my hands to his hips and rubbed softly as I swallowed his load. William let out a deep sigh and slid down until his face was even with mine. Sweat was running down his face and several stray locks of hair were plastered to his forehead. He swallowed hard and then kissed me dryly on the mouth. Noticing his cum, he chuckled, "I guess I made a mess." He studied it for a second or two and then leaned down and licked his own cum off me. "I think I like yours better. And since we brought that up, now, it is your turn." With that, he moved down between my legs. His fist wrapped around the base of my meat and pulled it upright. William opened his mouth wide and gave my knob a hard lick. I let out an involuntary moan that would have been impossible to suppress. I knew he was going to make short work of me no matter what I did to try to prolong it. As he swallowed more and more of me, his hands rubbed my thighs with firm strokes. He increased his pace and I could feel my tensions building. I forced myself to relax but then his tongue would polish my knob and set me off again. On his next downward thrust, I felt his lips pressed into my hair. I raised my head and realized he was taking all of me down his throat. I guess the excitement of seeing him with his face buried in my pubic nest must have pushed me over the edged. I gasped out a warning and then lost consciousness as my body thrashed on the bed. His mouth continued sucking and licking as my cum shot out.

I raised my head up and saw William licking his lips. "I'm really developing a fondness for this stuff. Well, maybe just yours or mine. I don't think I could do this with a stranger."

I could easily have gone to sleep. I was drained and not just my balls. I pulled him into my arms. "Me neither." I kissed him. "I hate to bring this up but what time is our flight?"

"I don't think we've got a flight but I don't think it is any big deal, we're in business class, that fills up last. You think we should get ready?" he sighed.

I sighed also. "Yeah buddy, I do. I wish we could spend the day here but you know we got to get back." William rolled off of me and then off the bed, I followed. He took me by the hand and led me to the bathroom. Once inside, he took me in his arms and kissed me. His tongue slid in and worked its way around mine. I felt both our pricks stir. He broke the kiss. "Hmmmm, I wonder what time check out is?" he said with a chuckle but turned toward the shower. William adjusted the water and stepped in. As badly as I would have liked another session with his body, I knew we had to be sensible. Sensible, maybe, but not overly so. I got in with him. He smiled and didn't push me away when I started soaping him up. As he started getting into it, we became like two newly weds kissing and playing with each other. I soaped up his armpits, rinsed them and then buried my face in them as he laughed at me. "I think now I'll probably get a hard-on every time I put deodorant on!"

Emerging from the shower, we dried each other off. And then took turns shaving. Added to my growing list of turn ons, was watching William shave, although I'm not certain how much of it was his naked body and how much was the act of his shaving. Once we finished in the bathroom, William grabbed his shorts on the way out and looked at them thoughtfully. "Wow, these really are my lucky shorts," he said pulling them on. I smiled and gave him a kiss.

Since the bottle of scotch was still half full, William put it in his briefcase. We dressed and left the room. I glanced back nostalgically. William sensed my mood and put his hand on my shoulder. Nothing was said.

Once back at the airport, we checked in at the ticket counter and were told we would have to fly stand-by but warned that there was little prospect of a flight out until evening at the earliest. There weren't even seats available in economy. I guess we had been too drunk to think of making reservation the night before. We were given confirmed seats for the 7:45PM flight to L.A. and wandered into the Executive Lounge. It was crowded but just as we arrived, two men abandoned a pair of chairs in one corner. William hastened to claim them. I got coffee and some sweet rolls from the complimentary breakfast counter before joining him. I realized that aside from several ounces of William's cum, I hadn't eaten much of anything in almost 24 hours. The same was evidently true for William because he devoured the roll in four quick bites and then returned for another.

With the coffee and roll in my stomach, I began to feel better. I still refused to think about the future and to be successful at that would require some distraction. I opened my computer bag and took out my computer. William silently nodded and did the same. We positioned a small table between us. There was barely room for both machines. I spent about an hour going over some ideas for the new account, occasionally asking things of William who was working on a small account he was responsible for. We continued working and as each plane departed, an announcements was that the flight was full and informed stand-by passengers the waiting list would be transferred to the next flight.

I heard William sigh. I could tell he was getting restless. I had flown enough with him to know he often was impatient waiting for flights. "Activate your infrared," he instructed. I did. He sat there for a minute looking at me and then began to type. "Thank you for last night and this morning," appeared on my screen.

He smiled, I smiled back and typed, "No buddy, thank you. It was an incredible experience. I had no idea I could enjoy doing that," I typed. My meat expanded with the memory.

"Tell me about it! I can still taste you. We better stop this, I'm getting hard." To demonstrate, he leaned back and pretending to rub his thigh, he pulled the fabric tight against his thigh. I could see the long thick shaft and his fat knob. It made my own prick stiffen more. "How about you?" appeared on my screen.

I got up from my seat, walked around to his side, and squatted down. I pointed to something on his screen and he leaned forward pointing also but obscuring us from the other passengers and groped my crotch. My very firm pole greeted his hand. He gave it another squeeze, which got a deep sigh out of both of us. I returned to my seat.

I grinned and typed out, "What would you like to do to me if we were alone?"

He thought for a moment, grinned and typed, "Jack off on your face and then lick my cum up." I laughed a little too loud and a couple of people looked in our direction. "What would you like to do to me?"

I was suppressing laughter but I already knew what I was going to write. "I'd like to cum in your arm pit."

I could see he also was doing his best not to laugh as he wrote, "Okay, but you have to lick it up. If I'm going to eat my own cum, you are also!"

Grinning, I nodded and wrote, "Are we ever going to try fucking?"

William's eyebrows shot up but he didn't look shocked. After a moment of staring at the screen, he typed out, "Yeah, I suppose we should try it, don't you think so?"

I nodded and wrote, "Who's first?"

"Let's not try to plan it and just take it as it comes like we have so far. We'll know when it's time," was William's response. Just then, the announcement was made that the flight that was about to depart was full and that again the waiting list would be transferred to the next flight.

William groaned loudly and looked at me and said, "Are you thinking what I am thinking?" I didn't know what he was thinking but anything was better than just sitting here. I nodded and William got his cell phone out of his inside coat pocket. Even without seeing what he dialed, I knew he was calling the office. Mary, our receptionist, congratulated him on our landing the account. She said they got the call from Altman's office just a short while ago. Brad had arrived the previous night from Tokyo and was ecstatic. He was soon on the line. I couldn't tell what Brad was saying but William outlined our predicament and said they should not count on seeing us earlier than tomorrow. I could tell from the conversation on this end that Brad wasn't pleased. William was silent, like he was listening to instruction. Then he said, "Sure Brad, if that's what you think would be best. Okay, we will talk to you later." He snapped the phone shut and returned it to his pocket. "Brad thinks instead of trying to work here the rest of the day, we should find a hotel room to work in and then fly to L.A. in the morning. They are going to E-mail us some documents on the new add campaign." He broke into a wide open mouth grin "You with me on this buddy?"

I wanted to yelp with joy. It was an incredible, not to be believed situation. We had been given another 24 hours to be with each other even if it meant having to work. At least we would be free to touch and explore each other's body. Then I felt a stab of guilt. Poor Claire. I hoped she would understand. I got my phone out and called her. She was having coffee with Jean, our next door neighbor. Jean was a widow who had never had children. Claire was like a daughter to her. Claire was excited. She and Jean were going to pick out wallpaper for the nursery and then put it up. They had a busy day planned and now that I was delayed, they would even eat dinner together. That gave me a big boost. I still hadn't come to grips with what I was doing and how it would effect my life when Claire and I resumed a normal sexual relationship. Shortly after she found out she was pregnant, our sex life almost ground to a halt. The doctor warned me this could happen and I filled the gap with jerking off in my office I had at home after Claire went to bed. Even if we never talked about it, she knew what was going on and if the office door was closed, she didn't intrude.

William's call to his wife got their answering machine. He called her on her cell phone and got nothing. He paged her and got no response. He shrugged and grinned. "Probably in the shower. That's about the only place she won't take either her phone or the pager. She even takes them to the gym. Let's go buddy! We got work to do!"

At least this time, we wisely made reservations for the following day's 7:00AM flight to L.A. The decision of what hotel to go to was easy, we chose the same hotel we had the night before. This time, for show, we got a room with two beds. Once in the room, William took his jacket off and hung it on the back of a chair before taking me in his arms. I buried my face in his shoulder and savored his scent. One of his hands moved down to my ass as the other pulled my face up to his and kissed me fully on the mouth. His tongue seemed to be probing my throat. Our bodies pressed together and I could feel his prick stiffening. He had to be able to feel mine as well. We broke the kiss and started undressing each other with our crotches still pressed together.

William's excursion into the world of male to male sex did not nullify his preoccupation with his clothing. I could see an anxious expression as I removed his tie but once he saw I wasn't going to fling it onto the floor, he relaxed. I smiled at this inwardly and decided to cut him some slack by suggested we have our shirts laundered but firmly add it would be done "later on!" Now, my hands were on his bare chest. It seemed like it had been days since I had felt him. I moved my mouth to his, we held a lingering kiss as we groped each other's crotch. I felt my prick begin to seep. I managed to get William's belt unfastened with one hand. His pants fell to the floor, mine followed. We stepped out of them and draped them over the back of the chair. Old habits don't die easily. At least they weren't on hangers in the closet.

William was once again standing in his silk short. I pulled him into my arms and kissed him deeply with my hands on his ass. The friction of his ass hair against the smooth silk was an additional stimulation complementing the feel of our stiff pricks being ground together. I backed off slightly and pulled his cock out. It was impossibly hard; a drop of his pre-cum was beginning to form on the head. William's hand slid in my shorts and found my prick. I was a little wetter than he was and he inhaled at the discovery. He dropped to his knees and pulled my shorts off. Wasting no time, he swallowed my prick. The earlier intrusion into his throat must have left an impression because he took me in to the hilt with no problem. Seeing his pressed deeply into my crotch hair was almost as stimulating as the effects of his lips and tongue. After only the fourth time to suck me, he was already giving better head than any woman I had ever been with. I ran my hand over his head feeling the thick hair and then brushed my hand along his cheek. The beard stubble was already evident after just having shaved a few hours ago. As I felt my tensions build, I knew I had to prolong this and pulled him to his feet and kissed him. He pulled me up against him. I knew his saliva and my juices were staining his shorts. He didn't seem to care. I pulled them off of him. His cock was now dripping steadily.

I guided him towards the bed and I pushed him down and lay on top of him. Our passion was building and I had to have him. His body had become so familiar to me it was as if it had always been a part of my life. He surprised me by raising his arms over his head. Smiling at me, he guided my head down to his pit. I licked each very slowly. I didn't understand this interest I was developing but didn't care to try to analyze it too deeply. All I wanted to do was just enjoy the texture of the soft, fine hair on my tongue and that wonderful scent that was unique to William's body. Remembering how much he had enjoyed my mouth on his nipples, I licked my way in that direction. The first contact of my mouth on the little nub extracted a deep grunt from him. I raised up circling my fist around his rod and stroked it slowly while I tortured his nipples with my tongue and lips. I sucked harder and harder still. His thick slab of meat was throbbing in my fist. At times it twitched so strongly, I was positive it was going to pull out of my hand.

As I got ready to abandon his nips in favor of his rod, I heard a cell phone ring. William's head snapped up. "That yours or mine?"

"I don't care, ignore it." I knew it was his phone. Mine was in my computer case and wouldn't be that loud. I think he realized that also.

"It might be Stephanie or the office." He firmly pushed me away and got off the bed. It was Brad at the office. "Yeah, we just got checked in. Yeah, we're in room 717." There was silence. "Well, we just decided that since we would be working together, it would just be easier if we shared a room instead of taking two rooms. No big deal." His fumbling over the explanation caused me to blush. I thought if we weren't careful, we would give ourselves away.

I lay on the bed looking at him standing there. His prick was rigid and angling out from his belly by a couple of inches. He removed his computer from the case, fumbled briefly with the data link to the hotel phone system before switching the machine on.

"Yeah, it'll be up in a few seconds."

"It already is up" I said loudly enough to where he covered the mouthpiece and hissed at me to be quiet. He sat at the small table. His still turgid prick begging for my attention. I got off the bed and walked over to him. My cock swayed back and forth as I walked. He tried to push me away but I wouldn't leave. He gave me an exasperated frown. Realizing I would be persistent and not go away, he allowed me access to his body. Or at least the only part I wanted. I clutched his knee and spun him around so I could kneel between his legs. He continued his conversation with Brad.

"Okay, I got it. Yeah, that looks good." I sucked him hard. "Oh yeah, that is sooo good. I mean, it's suck, I mean SUCH a good idea!" I started working on him steadily. For a while, his leaking knob was getting my full attention and then a lunge found his bush pressed into my nose. "Oh wow! Yes, yes, that's it! I mean, uhmmm. I don't know what I mean. I'll have to think about it." He sighed deeply and emitted a slight groan as I polished his knob again. "No, I'm okay. It feels great. I mean I feel great. No, no you can't talk to Chas, he is busy. I don't know what he is doing but he's busy. Let's go back to that idea." I polished his knob again. He gasped out, "Yeah, that one. I think it is really a good one. Oh yeah, I'm getting real close. I mean you're getting really close! What? Wait, ummmm aaaarrrrggghhhhhh!" And he erupted in my mouth. He dropped the phone as his body spasms took hold of him. I gulped down his juice savoring the rich flavor. No, I would disagree with him, I liked his better than mine. Some day, we'd do a taste comparison.

William retrieved the phone. "Sorry, I dropped the phone. Listen Brad, room service is here with my lunch and I want to eat it while it is still hard. I mean hot, HOT! Call you back!" And he terminated the call and laid the phone down. He pulled me to my feet and then dropped to his knees. He swallowed my pole all the way to the root and started sucking with eagerness that spoke of his new found attraction to cock sucking. Picking up his pace a bit, he started rubbing my thighs and then my ass. Eventually, his finger was probing my hole but coming just short of penetrating me. I wondered if this was going to be the prelude to our fucking. I started rubbing his head and shoulders as my body drifted closer to my release. Then I felt that familiar tingle at the base of my balls. "Oh, buddy, lunch is served!" I said through gritted teeth and my spunk shot into his mouth. His suction increased and his tongue was lapping at my knob. I rocked unsteadily on my feet using his shoulder for support until the spasms died down. William pulled off of me and kissed the head of my prick. He looked up at me and smiled.

"Man," he said getting to his feet, "that is the best meal I've ever had. You know, I don't want to be anticlimactic but some regular people food would be good right now. As satisfying as your cum is, it just doesn't stay with me very long. Maybe that's why I keep wanting more and more of you. He gave me a wet kiss and I could taste my cum. We definitely needed to do a taste test.

We called room service and then had our shirts picked up for laundering. We got serious about work but that didn't mean we had to dress in more than just our undershorts or preclude a little toying with each other. Still, we managed to get through the rest of the workday. We had the disadvantage of being in a later time zone than L.A. so when we could finally get away from Brad's calls every half- hour, it was almost 9:00 PM in Miami. About an hour earlier, William had poured me a drink and one for himself. By the time we knocked off for the night, we both had a very comfortable glow that seemed to intensify our newly discovered attraction to each other. We sat at the table talking very little and touching a whole lot. William got up and pulled me to my feet. We walked to the bar and he freshened our drinks.

We stood there just as we had the night before but neither of us was hesitant to initiate the first kiss. William held his glass up. "To us!" I clinked his glass and took a drink. William and I must have the same thoughts because he reached out to touch my chest just as I reached out to touch his.

"You have such a wonderful body." I said as I leaned to kiss his mouth. He returned the kiss as his large hand slid in the opening of my shorts cupping and then kneading my swelling pole and both balls. I ran my hand down his belly and rubbed his cock through the soft silk. I knew we had to be on the verge of destroying those shorts. I made a mental note to get him another pair that we wouldn't have to worry about soiling. My prick was now almost hard and his hand circled around it. His own meat had stiffened to where I had difficulty getting it out of the fly. Finally William broke the kiss and pulled his shorts off. I pulled mine off as well. I lead him to the bed and we stretched out. Both of us were aroused but in no hurry. We lay facing each other. In spite of our having sex three times now (Actually four, if you considered last night as being two times!) we still had a strong degree of curiosity about each other. I took delight in just feeling his body. He seemed to share my fascination. I knew the feel of my own body but even though we were anatomically the same, his body had an altogether different feel to it. I started rubbing his chest and teasing his nipples with my fingers. I leaned over a sucked one into my mouth. He shuddered and pulled me off of him.

"If you start that this soon, I'll be spurting in no time. We've got all night, let's make this last a while." He pulled me into his arms and kissed me. His tongue swirled around inside my mouth. My own tongue sought his out and they slid around each other. We both shifted our weight and our bodies pressed together. By now, I should be used to the feel of his stiff prick rubbing against mine but I got the same dizzy feeling I did that first time just the night before. It was evident William shared my passion as his hold on me tightened. I felt that familiar dampness appear. One or both if us had started dripping. I ran my hand down from his shoulder to his hip and then on to his hairy thigh enjoying the feel of his firm muscles. I pulled back and wrapped my fist around his rod, not intending to stroke it as much as to just hold it. It was like an anchor to the earth and kept me from floating off into space. I pushed him on his back rolling over on top of him and kissed him while grinding my cock into his.

William pulled away from me. "Ah buddy, will you suck my prick a while?"

I had never thought I would hear a man say those words to me and enjoy the way they sounded. I rose up and scrambled between his legs knelling there to look at him. This was the most beautiful specimen of manhood imaginable. Every pore exuded masculinity from the thick hair on his chest to the large rigid cock and two balls hanging low between his legs. I pulled his pole upright, its hardness was to the extreme, a stream of pre-cum oozed from the wide slit and a large drop was about to roll off the fat knob. I licked it up. The burst of flavor left me hungry for more but the visual feast forced me to take my time. In the few times we had been together, I had never really studied his prick. Now, it was inches from my face. William had a slightly oval shat with a thick piss tube that ran from his balls almost to the deep "V" on the underside: that valley of skin between cock head and shaft. I ran my tongue up the tube and then just the tip of my tongue into every crevice of the valley. His cock twitched wildly and almost escaped my hand. My tongue traveled to the tip of his perfectly shaped knob and licked the juice that had already accumulated there. Using my thumb and forefinger, I spread the slit and darted my tongue through it visualizing his cum jetting out of it into my waiting mouth. Instead, I could see his pre-cum working its way out. I stroked him with my free hand and watched the little trough fill up with the slick fluid. Releasing my fingers, a large drop appeared at his slit. I opened my mouth to lick it up. William moaned loudly. "PLEASE do it NOW," he rasped out. I glanced up and saw he had raised his head up. I grinned back at him delighted I had him so thoroughly worked up. I ran my tongue around under the ridge of his cock head, completely encircling it. He moaned again. I opened my mouth and took the cock head inside.

William became impatient and took hold of my head and pistoned his hips forward. I felt my throat being forced open. For a brief instant, I was positive I was going to gag but didn't. My face was buried in his bush as he pressed down harder with his hands while he pushed up harder with his hips. He backed off and then drove his knob down my throat again. I was surprised I wasn't gagging but somehow, I was taking it all. Continuing to hold my head, he fucked my mouth with deep penetrating thrusts, each one all the way to the hilt. Without warning, he pulled out of my mouth.

William pushed me over on my back swinging a leg over to straddle my thighs and then leaned forward kissing me hard. Our cocks were pressed together again but the angle and pressure points were different. He pulled off my mouth and began tonguing my ear. William's warm breath was raspy and loud. He moved to the other side to give the other ear its due and whispered in my ear, "I want you so badly." His voice was strained and almost unrecognizable. He pulled up and his lust glazed eyes stared into mine. He shifted his weight and one knee slid between my thighs and pushed one leg outward. The first knee was joined by his other knee which pushed my other leg out. He lay down on me and his kissing resumed with the same degree of passion. The slow humping his prick was giving mine liberally smeared our juices. My prick was now as wet as his. He pulled off my mouth. "Wrap your legs around my waist," he instructed. I complied and William rose up on his knees lifting my hips from the mattress. He continued kissing me. I was becoming delirious with lust. I`d do anything for this man. All he had to do was ask. I had already found out in his current condition, he didn't ask but took what he wanted. When I felt his fingers probing my hole, I realized exactly what he wanted and was equally excited over the prospect of giving it to him.

William moved his hand from my hole to his prick. I could feel him stroke himself. When he returned to my fuck-shoot, he liberally smeared his juices and then a finger penetrated me. The passionate force behind his kisses increased as his finger went in and out going deeper with each probe. I felt increased friction and realized he must have a second finger in me. He pulled off my mouth, "Guess who's going to be first," he whispered huskily. He backed off and I could feel his fat knob at my gate. And it wasn't just to ring the bell. A couple of gentle nudges reminded me of how thick he was. I knew I had to take all of him: I wanted this as much as he did. I willed my bunghole to open for him. His knob penetrated me with some resistance. The sting I felt wasn't as much pain as it was a slight discomfort. With more pressure, he cleared my muscle. I felt him push a little further and then withdrew before sliding in a little deeper. The discomfort dissolved into an intense pleasure as with each deepening movement more of his thick rod was in me. He repeated the motions of backing off and sliding in deeper until I could tell by the pressure of his hips that he was all the way home.

I had done it. A man's cock was up my ass. William was giving me something only another man could give. Something I had never even fantasized would happen to me. I was ablaze with passion and pushed back with my hips as I rotated them. He matched my movements in the opposite direction. Our mouths never parted. I don't know when I became aware of his fist being wrapped around my pole but he started stroking slowly as his hips started moving in and out, shallow at first and then with deeper thrusts. I'd never been this stretched in my life and I was enjoying every sensation produced by our bodies. My hands were free to caress William in a way I had never been capable of. As my ass and cock were being pumped, I rubbed his chest, shoulders and biceps. My fingers probed his armpits and toyed with his nipples. I discovered I could reach around myself and rub his balls or his thighs. I wanted my hands to be everywhere at once and it seemed as if they were.

Abruptly, William's pumping slowed to almost no movement at all; he rocked steadily and was just squeezing my prick. I feared he was cumming and much too soon at that. "Man, I'm way too close and I don't want this to end," he said and kissed me again. I don't know how long we lay there before he started pumping again. The thrusts of his hips produced sensations that were as much mental as physical.

"Stop, let me show you something," I said. He stopped and I lifted one leg to his shoulder and then the other.

"What are you doing?" William said with a slight edge of annoyance to his voice.

"Trust me on this buddy." He looked doubtful but started pumping. Once he discovered the change in angle allowed him to thrust deeper he got into it and started pumping with renewed vigor. Sweat started to glisten on his body. Our grunts and groans were punctuated with the slapping of his hips and balls on my no longer virgin ass. His fist was tight on my prick but provided little friction due to the abundant wetness pumped out of my prostrate being so thoroughly stimulated by his pumping cock. From the distorted look on his face, I knew his orgasm was almost going to peak. He seemed crazed and his jaw was clinched tight. His jaw muscle worked steady. He leaned forward and kissed me hard and wetly.

I pulled away. "I'm getting close," I grunted out. William let go of me and continued fucking like a machine. His hand moved down to my ass and he squeezed my ass cheek. I pushed my cock up and rubbed it against his hard, hairy belly. The sensations emanating from my hole became intensified. I squeezed my muscle tighter causing more feeling to rip through me.

William smiled a lusty grin as he realized what I was doing. "Oh baby, now you're really mine." He swallowed hard and said, "I'm almost there, can we cum together?"

"Yeah," I nodded and started stroking my prick slowly. "Just let me know when you are about to shoot." He slowed his thrust but was still going in to the hilt and almost all the way out before lunging back in.

After a few of these plunges, he grunted out, "I'm about to do it." I picked up my pace a little and felt the first spasm rock my body just as William plunged in one last time and his grunts told me he was cumming also. As we looked into each other's eyes, my body jerked uncontrollable as my seed spewed from the head of my cock still throbbing in my fist. My first jet of cum streaked from my navel to my shoulder blade, clinging to my body hair. The second, third and forth coated my chest and belly with pearly white ribbons. My free hand on William's shoulder felt his own contractions as his load coated my insides. My last cum was a stream that ran out of my slit and pooled on my belly.

We both lay immobile and panting for breath. My fist continued to squeeze my still turgid rod. A few dribbles of cum rolled off my knob. William was the first to respond. "Whoa, I don't think I can move," he gasped. I squeezed his shoulder. My breathing slowed. I knew I had never had such an intense, explosive orgasm. William shifted his weight and slid out of me wincing as his knob cleared my muscle. His still rigid prick, glistening with his cum, swung up to his belly. I was amazed that something that large had been in me and had produced so much pleasure. He pulled my hand away from my prick and licked it clean, smacking his lips for emphasis. "I sure am developing a taste for your nectar," he said grinning. I moved my hand from his shoulder to behind his head and pulled him to my chest. He licked me clean, taking his time but lingering over my cock which still had not softened. I was extremely sensitive but could not deny him the pleasure he seamed to be getting from it.

Once he was satisfied, he crawled up to my side and pulled me into his arms. Our pricks had finally started to soften. Our kisses were lingering with our tongues doing a slow tango back and forth between each other's mouth. The taste of my load was still present. I pulled off his mouth and smiled at him. "Wow, I never thought sex could be that good. And we have had sex four times in approximately 24 hours. Don't know about you buddy but that many times in that many hours was something I have never done before. I wonder if I would have done it if the opportunity had been presented or if it was due to this new attraction."

"Don't know," he said shaking his head slowly. "That was pretty hot sex though and I thought you said you'd never done that before."

"I haven't."

"Then how'd you know about putting your legs on my shoulders?"

"Haven't you ever done that with a woman?" He shook his head and looked a little embarrassed. "No matter but I saw it on the video last night. While you sucked me, I was watching the guys fuck. That was why I asked you if we would ever try it. It sure looked like they were having fun."

"I'm glad you were watching! It was a lot more than just fun. It gave me the most intense orgasm I've ever had."

I grinned at him. "Me too." I squeezed my bunghole remember how great he had felt in me. I wanted to do it again but I knew as intense as the sex had been, our bodies probably couldn't take another round. As it was, my soft prick definitely had a red tint to it. I also wondered if the second time around might not be a disappointment after the intensity of our first, and hopefully not our last, man-fuck. "I guess we better clean up." William nodded getting off the bed and pulled me to my feet. He held me and kissed me again.

"Thanks buddy." I kissed him back and lead him into the bathroom. For the second time that day, we showered together. William soaped my ass and playfully slipped a finger in my hole but it went no further.

Afterward, we lay in bed, William's arms wrapped around me. My head was resting on his hairy chest as my fingers ran idly through his honey colored bush. His limp prick was resting on his thigh, mine was pressed into the other side of the same thigh. I was beginning to really like this position. William broke the silence. "When I was in high school sex-ed class, our text book said something dopey about the best part of sex is holding each other afterward. We all smirked and giggled about it but now I understand what that means. I wouldn't go so far as to say it is the best part but it is the most suitable and satisfying way to end good sex."

I murmured my agreement and for the hundredth time flexed my hole feeling the slight sensitivity. "What do we do now?"

I could tell from his sigh that he knew what I meant. "I don't know."

"I can't cope with the thought of never having you again. I don't know how this happened but I'm glad it did. I guess we will just have to be happy finding time when we can."

"Yeah, we'll have to be careful."

I nodded my agreement. "We'll work something out. We have to."

He nodded and pulled me closer to him. I snuggled against him thinking of his statement about me being his now. He was right of course but I knew we couldn't ever truly belong to each other: too many immovable obstacles. We would have to settle for belonging to each other in our secret world. We continued to hold each other as we drifted off the sleep.

I slept deeply. I woke up once lying next to William. We had the sheet covering us. There was a slight dull throb to my hole. Even in the darkness of the room, I could see he was hard. I didn't want to wake him but needed to feel his cock. I wrapped my fist around it, he shifted slightly then settled down. I drifted back to sleep holding him.

Without the rude intrusion of an alarm clock, I wake up slowly. Claire had always been an early riser and on weekends was usually up before me so I had time to wallow a little in bed before getting up. As I drifted into consciousness, I slowly remembered where I was. The dull throb at my hole was almost gone. The sheet that had covered us definitely was gone and there was an unmistakable warm, wet feeling on my rigid prick: William had it in his mouth. The room was dark, just a small amount of light was drifting in from the closed drapes.

I stretched and nudged William with my knee. "Is it time to get up yet?"

"You already are," he said pulling off of me. He returned and started sucking slowly with his tongue lapping my knob with slow gentle strokes.

I stretched and then nudged his side with my knee. "What a wonderful way to wake up." I rotated sideways and took his prick from him. It was still dry as I stroked it firmly but lovingly. I stretched further, at first just licking it and then started sucking him. His meat was very warm as if he had just woken up. We sucked for a while and William released me and then pulled his prick from my mouth. He spun around and kissed me, not caring that neither of us had yet brushed our teeth. His hard body, that I had already learned to appreciate and desire, was warm in my arms.

"How's your ass this morning?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Just fine, thanks. Are you interested in it?"

"Yeah, as a matter of fact I would like another go at it! Are YOU interested?"

To answer him, I pulled him over on top of me and wrapped my legs around him. I positioned his prick at my hole and he slid in part way. He was barely wet enough but I ignored the sting that more intense than the night before. I knew once I was used to his being there, I wouldn't have any problems with his fucking me. With a slow steady thrust, he completed his penetration.

Staring into my eyes he said, "Yes, this is where I belong" and started rotating his hips and pushing in at the same time. Looking back into his deeper than deep blue eyes I knew he was right and was not going to get an argument from me. Just like the previous night, he was stroking my meat as his pole claimed my ass. I reached up and started pinching his nipples. He grunted first and I pinched harder. This got a clinched jawed growl out of him and he slammed his prick home with enough force to rock me on the mattress. My responding groan was almost a shout. This seemed to have determined the pace for our second fuck. William's thrusts were fast and the depth varied. Some times I would receive a short jab that was followed by a long one, each landing his hips on my ass with a solid thud. I let go of one nipple and reached around me for his balls. They were tight and heavy but I held on to them until he pulled them away with a stroke that almost pulled his prick out of me. Our breathing had quickened and was punctuated with grunts and groans. My asshole was on fire and I was enjoying every second of what he was doing to me. The lustful expression on his face told me he was too. Suddenly, William threw his head back and with one last plunge, he came in violent jerks.

I lay there watching his orgasm feeling his hips pushing into my ass with all the force he could muster in his present condition. I was just a little disappointed he had shot before me. I knew it wasn't always possible for both of us to cum at the same time. We had been lucky in achieving it several times out of not all that many sessions. If nothing else, I got to see the contorted look on his handsome face as his orgasm ripped through his body. As William recovered, he withdrew from my hole. One of my legs was allowed to fall to the mattress, he gobbled my cock into his mouth and started sucking with ragged movements caused by his still heavy breathing. I felt his fingers slide in me and started finger fucking me while he sucked me. His fist had already worked me up and I was on the verge of erupting. I doubt more than a minute passed before I came almost as violently as the night before. William gagged as my hips shot forward and my spurting prick invaded his throat. Somehow, he managed to get back into position to where my squirt wasn't just jetting directly down his throat. My body thrashed a few more times and I collapsed back on the bed, breathing deeply. William was still on his knees between my legs. His prick was softening and was at a 45-degree angle from his belly. He fell over on his side, licking his lips and still breathing deeply.

We lay there, still breathing deeply. Our bodies entangled and were flat out bushed from the exertion and emotion. "It sure as hell is going to be hard to explain why we both came back from the trip so exhausted," I said.

"Yeah buddy? Well Stephanie is going to expect to get laid tonight! I'll be lucky if I can get it up this time next week!"

William suddenly jumped up and grabbed his watch. "Ohmagod, we didn't call for a wake up! We've got less than a hour before the plane leaves!" We dashed around with no time to play and although we did shower together, we didn't linger. As I shaved, I was wondering how I was going to explain having chapped lips in such a humid climate! The whisker burn would be impossible to explain.

We made the plane with minutes to spare. The long flight to L.A. gave us a little time to rest. It was difficult to not touch each other and for the first time, I realized this double life was not going to be easy to maintain. I had a momentary anxiety attack at the thought of maybe forgetting and touching him a little to intimately in front of one of our wives. He was right: we would have to be very careful.

We took the same taxi directly to the office but William said he wanted to go home and change before coming in. I guessed he was a little uneasy about wearing the same clothes two days in a row. I called Claire as soon as the congratulatory hugs and handshakes were over and then sat down and started planning out bringing the new add campaign into full implementation. My concentration was frequently interrupted by thoughts of William. I had no idea as to what the future held for us but somehow, he had to be part of my life. That lead to thoughts about the sex that we had shared.

While thinking about how good his cock had felt up my ass, I heard a knock on my door followed by William's head ducking in. "Busy?" he asked.

"Not for you," I said grinning but made a mental note not to ever again make comments like that in the office. He didn't return my smile as he came in and I could sense something was amiss. "What's wrong?"

"It's Stephanie. She must have gotten pissed off and flew to Houston. Any time she has problems, she goes running back to her daddy. I guess she was madder than I thought she was. She left me a note but didn't say when she left or for that matter, when she might be coming back. I called their house but just got the maid and left a message but knowing Stephanie, she will punish me for a couple of days before she returns the call." My eyes must have brightened at the thought of having a place to go with him because he put his hand on my shoulder and said, "Sorry buddy, I know what you're thinking but we can't. We will work something else out but not there. All I would need would be for her to find out what has happened between us and you can bet her daddy would have my cock and balls cut off. I think we'd both enjoy them more right where they are now." He squeezed my shoulder for emphasis. I just shrugged and smiled.

The next day was Friday and like a lot of companies, our shop was casual and low key on Fridays. Unless pressed into it, we didn't schedule any meetings with clients and since most of ours were from out of state anyway, that suited them also. The one thing we did have was a weekly update on projects and what was happening and then Brad or Ken would give a run down on what we were going after in the market and on this particular day, about the account we had won. William and I attempted to be as modest as possible but both of us were beaming. Since yesterday, I was deliberately trying to not come in contact with William any more than our jobs called for. For that reason, I sat opposite him in the staff meeting. That proved to be a mistake since he was in my full view.

William's idea of casual clothes could be summed up in two words: Ralph Lauren. I knew for a fact he had old pre-college levies that he wore around their home but his "dress casual" was still rigidly structured in it's casualness. Today, he was wearing a light blue chambray dress shirt with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows and khaki pants. At 10:00AM, his beard stubble was already prominent and a healthy amount of hair had already fallen down on his forehead. His blond chest hair was peaking through the open shirt buttons and was complemented by the pale blue shirt. I remembered how that hair had felt to my lips and tongue as I worshipped his body with my mouth. I sighed deeply and got an inquisitive glance from Brad. The meeting continued with each manager giving a summary of what he was working on.

I watched William as he ran down his accounts. Seeing him gesture with his hands reminded me of those same fingers probing my hole or stroking my cock. Then, to my horror, I could feel my prick had expanded and was solid. I wasn't certain my Dockers would hide a hard-on. I did my run down and then Brad summarized how the agency was doing and once again congratulated William and I. I allowed everyone to get up and start shuffling out. William lingered like I did and I wondered if he had the same problem. Finally, I got up quickly sliding a hand in my pocket. William stood also. I could tell he was "filled out" by the bulge at his crotch but his wasn't as obvious as mine was. This was going to be hell. William and I exchanged smiles and left the conference room with his hand on my shoulder.

As we walked out of the conference room, William was told he had a call

waiting, I guess he assumed it was his wife, he hurried off to get it. Brad was standing out in what served as our reception area and I knew he saw William touching me. I felt a little uncomfortable. Brad was gay and, more or less, out to just about everyone but still very low keyed about it. He didn't usually show up at social events with a "date" but when he did, it was always a very outstanding man. Looking back on it, he seemed to lean towards body builders with long hair and most of the men we had seen him with were massive. I had no problem picturing Brad on his back impaled by Conan the Barbarian's sword! That visual didn't appeal to me a fraction of what William's weapon did.

"Chas, you got a few minutes? I'd like to talk to you in my office," Brad said.

"Sure," I said following him. Once inside, we sat at the table he used for discussions. I respectfully waited for him to lead off.

"Chas, this is absolutely none of my business. So feel free to tell me to mind my own business and I won't be offended. Something happened between you and William while you were gone." I must have panicked and looked like a trapped animal. He put his hand on mine to reassure me. "Don't worry, no one would notice except me. You both have changed. I can see it in the way you look at each other when you are in the same room or when you are separated, you look around for each other. Yes, something happened and that also explains that bizarre phone call!" he chuckled.

"I'm sorry Brad, I don't know what you are talking about," I stammered.

Brad held up his hand to silence me, "It's okay Chas, I'm not going to pressure either of you. It really is your business and I'm going to butt out. Just remember that I'm here if you ever need to talk. And just for the record, you don't have to worry about me trying to jump either of you. You're both really great studs but not quite my taste." He grinned at me and stood up. "I also think it is great when two guys discover things about themselves and take a chance. You're both to be commended. And that is my last word on the subject."

I was dumfounded and stood also. I felt I needed to say something but words failed me. I just nodded and started to leave. "Oh, by the way," he interrupted, "I'm going back to Tokyo next Friday, If you don't mind, I'd like to leave you with my keys and ask you to check in on the place. I'm giving my maid the week off so there won't be anyone else to watch the place. That is, if you don't mind."

"Sure, no problem. Just let me know if there is anything special you need done."

"No, nothing special. Just have a good time." And with that, I returned to my office.

I spent the rest of the day in my office trying to stay busy but now, Brad's words had been added to my thought stream and between he and William, I got very little done. I was trying out some ideas for the ad campaign when William ducked in.

"I was just about to knock off for the day, you want to hit the gym tomorrow? It's been a week now and we do need to get back into working out."

I glanced at the clock. It was 5:30, I had lost track of the time. "Sure, I don't think Claire has anything planned but I'll call you if she does. How about 10:00? I'll dress at home and meet you out on the floor."

"Great," he said grinning and was gone. I sighed again thinking about him.

I hung around a little while longer and then went home. Claire and I had a quiet night and turned in early.

The next day, I met William as planned. He was wearing an old UT Austin sweatshirt with the sleeves cut off. The old jersey had curled at the arm opening revealing the edges of his chest hair and the wisps of pit hair that stuck out between his large smooth biceps and chest. His almost threadbare gym trunks were also from his college days. Extending down his thighs was the shiny white Lycra shorts he wore as a supporter. His hair was disheveled and he hadn't shaved yet. He was fucking sexy and my prick twitched at the sight of him.

We went through our work out as usual and I was enthralled with seeing the play of his muscles as he worked out. Lying on his back doing bench presses, I could see the lump of his meat slung out to the side and held in place by the spandex. My heart was beating faster and that wasn't because we were almost at the end of our work out either.

Since this was a downtown gym, most of the men who used it worked out during the week and on weekends. Now, the place was almost empty and as I glanced around, I saw a blond man standing over in a corner using free weights. He was short but powerfully built. I thought maybe I had seen him in here occasionally but hadn't paid him any attention. Now, I wondered if I had ever seen him naked and what his cock looked like when it was hard and what his face looked like when he was cumming. William caught me looking and broke my train of thought as he got up from the bench.

"You've noticed it too, huh?" he said nodding over in the man's direction.

"Yeah, why is that? I mean, I've never even noticed men like this before. Why now?"

"I don't know buddy. I've seen more men naked than I can even remember and now, I see guys dressed and the first thing I wonder is what they look like naked." He shrugged and grinned. "You up to the sauna?"


We dropped our car keys off with the trainer and headed towards the locker room. We stripped and just stuck our clothes in an empty locker. We both had locked our wallets in our cars and there was no concern someone would want to steal our sweaty clothes. Seeing William naked again was another blow. I felt my prick twitch as we entered the large room. As we waited for the heat to reach the maximum setting, I knew this had been a mistake. There was no way I was going to be able to sit in there and not get a raging hard-on. "This is a mistake," I said eyeing William's crotch.

"Yeah, I think we better leave before we embarrass ourselves." Just as we headed out the door, the blond was heading in. He made no attempt to hide the approving look when he saw our semi erect pricks just as he made no attempt to hide his disappointment when we walked passed him. If nothing else, I now knew what he looked like naked. He was nicely built and had a respectable cock but I still wanted William.

As we got to the locker containing our clothes, William said, "Look, I know it's risky but lets go to my place. We will just take the chance."

"No buddy, we can't. The risk to both of us is too great." I was thinking of Claire, there was no way Stephanie would just let that discovery die. I wouldn't run the risk even if he were willing.

"Yeah, I know your right but we gotta find a place and the sooner the better. I jerked off twice already this week thinking about you!" He started to pull his clothes on. I saw his prick disappear into the Lycra; he stuck his hand in and adjusted himself into a comfortable position. In my mind I could see William sprawled out stroking that beautiful rod and could see the cum jetting onto his chest as it had that first night. I wanted to touch his meat again. I needed him. I was about to suggest a motel when I thought about the office. No one ever worked on the weekend! It was by mutual agreement that people would work all night but drew the line at working Saturday or Sunday. The place would be empty.

"Uh, how about we go to the office. No one is there and we've got locks on our doors. It would be a lot safer than at your place." I tried to sound as convincing as possible.

"Sure! That would work! You're right, NO one is there! Let's go!"

We pulled our clothes on quickly and hurried out. Rather than drive and have our recognizable cars in the parking lot, we ran to the office more from just being in a hurry than for the work out. We continued sprinting past the surprised security guard all the way to the bank of elevators in the lobby of our building.

We arrived at our floor and let ourselves in. We had been right, the place was empty. We went into my office and once the door was locked I pulled William into my arms and slid my hand into his short. I was too impatient and too horny for a lot of slow formalities. His crotch was wet with sweat from the run. I didn't care and massaged his meat. It responded quickly. We stopped long enough to strip each other in what might have been record time.

William was again naked and in my arms. We ground our hard pricks together and his tongue was probing my throat as much as mine was probing his. Our breathing had already becoming sharp when I pulled him to the floor and we rolled around: him on top of me and then me on top of him, our hands were everywhere. Our now pumped muscles strained against each other's; our bodies still sweating. His heavy beard stubble was irritating my mouth but I couldn't be bothered with that. Finally, he roughly pushed me over on my back and attacked my cock. He swallowed me to my root with his first lunge and he let out a savage growl. I struggled to get in position where I could have him also. His large prick loomed in my field of vision but not for long. I devoured it in one energetic plunge just as he had done to mine. We thrashed around on the floor as his hands clawed my ass.

Abruptly, William pulled off me. "I want to fuck you," he said through a clinched jaw.

"Fine but you're shooting a load down my throat first," I said quickly and then returned to his pole before I heard his answer. I think he grunted his agreement because he returned to sucking me with a vengeance. This was no longer William the hesitant guy who was too frightened to suggest we stroke each other's cock. This was a lusty sex machine whose mouth was working my prick like he had been born with one in his mouth. I felt his fingers on my hole and he probed me sliding a finger in. I wasn't certain where the lubricant had come from but it went in easily. He continued working his finger in as he sucked me hard. I was sucking his rod with more passion than ever before. I had one immediate goal and that was his hot cream drenching my mouth. Our passions had heightened to where I was unaware of his imminent release. I didn't realize the first jerk of his body wasn't passion until the hot spunk hit the back of my throat. The first taste of his cream set me off as well and my body snapped like a whip. We lay there holding on to each other's thighs as our bodies continued to spasm and our balls erupted in each other's mouth. When William's body relaxed, I pulled off his slick cock and rolled over on my back.

William wasted no time and before I could even catch my breath, he was on top of me lifting my legs to his shoulders. I felt him probe me and then slide in. He winced, I already knew how sensitive his prick was this soon after coming. He paid the discomfort no mind. I groaned loudly and then his mouth was muffling my groans as his hips started a smooth thrusting that sent his prick in deep. I reached for my prick and started stroking it with one hand and rubbing his body with the other. His armpits and chest were wet with sweat. His scent was heavy but smelled wonderful to me.

William continued pumping me with firm thrusts. Unexpectedly he stopped. I assumed he was getting close but I was baffled when he leaned forward, his head was above mine and he was balancing himself on his hands above my shoulders. I couldn't determine what he was doing and stopped stroking myself. With smooth movements, he shifted his position and now, instead of being on his knees, he was on his feet but squatting. Now, I was almost bent double and my poll was only a couple of inches from my mouth. I found although I couldn't suck myself, I could lick my knob and started doing that. I heard a lusty chuckle from above me and realized he was watching me. We both pumped harder: he in my ass, me on my pole. I knew I was getting close but I couldn't tell if William's ragged breathing was from exertion or being close.

"I'm getting close," I muttered.

William shifted his body again and my prick was now directly over my mouth. "Open your mouth," he instructed. I did as he said knowing what he wanted me to do. I placed my tongue along my knob to act as a funnel. I was about to swallow my own cum. I knew it would just be a couple more strokes and I would pop my nuts. William stopped pumping and watched as my body, tightly confined in this position could do little more than just squirm as my spunk jetted into my mouth. "Don't swallow it yet," he said as my orgasm died. As erotic as that position had been, it suddenly became very uncomfortable. William was already letting me unwind. As quickly as he could get back to my mouth; he kissed me, his tongue sliding in after my load. I rolled over on top of him, holding the kiss and letting my cum run into his mouth. He swallowed it with a smile. "That just gave a whole new meaning to the terminology `wet kiss!'" he said.

"Didn't you cum?" I asked noticing his prick was still rigid.

He shook his head. "It doesn't matter. You cumming like that was enough for me."

"It matters to me!" I took hold of him and started stroking him. He pushed me over on my back. I could tell from the grin on his face that he had something else in mind. I had really enjoyed the fuck but feared what would happen to my back if we attempted it again this soon. That wasn't what he had in mind. Gripping his cock, he straddled my chest and started stroking his meat. He was going to jack off on my face. I chuckled at him and he gave me a shy smile. He was such a sweetheart. I knew if I wasn't careful, I was going to fall in love with this stud. As it was, our relationship was pure lust. I hoped to be able to keep it that way. Right now, I was fascinated at watching his strokes and seeing the foreskin slide up and make a cowl around his knob. When his breathing deepened, I opened my mouth.

"No! If I'm going to cum on your face, I want it on your face!" I closed my mouth just as the first jet hit my cheek. William rocked and I could tell he was watching his cream coat my noise, lips and cheeks. When he had stopped cumming, I licked his knob to get a taste of his cream and then started licking it off my mouth. William used the side of his index finger to slide as much of his spunk into my mouth as he could. Some had rolled down my neck and on to the carpet. I hoped it didn't leave any kind of noticeable stain. He lay on top of me while we both stopped sweating and returned to normal breathing. He rolled off of me reluctant to let go.

"I guess we better get cleaned up," I said. He nodded. We went into the little lavatory I shared with him. His office was next to mine.

As we stood there washing our pricks, I remember the talk with Brad and decided I should tell William about it. "Brad knows," I said. It was a simple statement.

William's head snapped around. "You told him!"

"No, calm down. I played stupid and pretended I didn't know what he was talking about."

William looked relieved. "Brad doesn't 'know' anything. Brad only suspects. Look buddy, this is still new to me. I don't mind sex with you. In fact, I crave it. I don't know about you but I don't want to have people speculating about me. I mean, if it gets out and Claire or Stephanie got wind of it, what would they think or do?"

I nodded. He was right of course. "By the way, Brad asked me to watch after his place while he is gone. He is going to leave me with a key and his maid is taking the week off. We've got the place available if we want it."

William nodded. "Sure, it's something we can talk about. Right now, you'd better get home."

We pulled our clothes on and held a kiss before we left the office.

This time, we walked back to the parking lot to get our cars. We stood next to William's car not talking but just being next to each other. Finally, William said, "I guess I'll see you Monday." He deactivated the alarm for the BMW (A wedding gift from his father-in-law) and got in. I reached down a squeezed his shoulder. I would rather it be a kiss but even on a Saturday, there were people around. Then he was gone.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 3

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