Hurricane Warning

By Desert Rat

Published on Oct 17, 2022


WARNING! This story depicts graphic sex acts between consenting gay males. If gay sex offends you or is illegal at your locality, you'd better move on. If words like cock, cum, asshole and fuck bother you and you prefer penis, ejaculate, sphincter and intercourse, maybe you'd better move on also and snuggle up with an encyclopedia! Other wise, I hope you enjoy my story.

My characters always swallow cum freely and the only time rubbers are worn is if you expect some hunk to lick the cum off your cock after you fuck his legs off. In the real world, exercise caution; play safe and live long.

As always, I appreciate comments and story suggestions are always welcome. The greatest compliment I can receive is that my stories made you hard or made you want to pop a load.

"Hurricane Warning - Part 1"

William and I were stranded and we flat out were not going anywhere. The airline had been very apologetic but the hurricane that was wrecking havoc in the Bahamas had turned toward the Florida coast and as a precaution, all flights were canceled. Hell of a way to ruin what had developed into the most jubilant day of my life. Well, with the possible exception of the day my wife told me she was pregnant.

We had arrived in Miami early in the morning. It was hot, humid and a tropical storm was belting the city unmercifully. This was the last place I wanted to be but we were pitching a new add campaign to a major cruise line. Brad Thompson, one half of Thompson and Elliot, had been delayed in Tokyo. Ken Elliot was on his third "hornymoon" (as he called them) in five years. With the top guys not available, the account mangers got pressed into service as so often happened in a small agency. So, William Sutherland and I got the honors. Oh, me? I'm Charles Tate. Or Chas as William christened me the day he walked into the office for the first time three years ago. "Charlie (most people call me that) sounds too loony and Charles sounds like you got to have a poker up your ass (whatever he meant by that) so I'll call you Chas." And it has been that ever since.

We gave one hell of a pitch. William did the talking, as he always did. He was in rare form and as smooth as the $100 silk ties he was so fond of. Although he was a sharp dresser, it didn't come off as his being flashy. His ability to make both men and women squirm in their seats was the subliminal suggestion that at any moment, this hunk was going to strip off his clothes and have his way with you, what ever that was. I had seen more than one man squeeze his thighs together when William was pitching.

William had IT. At 28, his future was solid gold and he knew it. Texas born and raised with a just a hint of an accent. When he spoke to you, his eyes, which were of a shade of blue that looked too deep to be real, seemed to penetrate to your soul and that silky voice melted you into submission. It was no wonder he had been voted "Most Likely to Succeed" in high school, popped three cheerleader's cherries, was president of his class for all four years in college and married Miss Texas. We joined T&E four years ago when the fledgling company first started to expand. I joined a month or so before he did.

As he was pitching, I watched him. He wasn't the typical tall, blond and blue eyed wonder-boy. He didn't have classical good looks but was what women liked to call ruggedly handsome. His deep tan seemed to emphasize the square jaw and perpetual four o'clock shadow. His hair had every shade of blond imaginable and he wore it a little longish. As a marked contrast to his impeccable dress, his hair was far from what you would call manageable; you could always count on there being a few locks having fallen down on his forehead. By the end of the day, between his beard stubble and his hair, he looked as if he had just gotten out of bed no matter how meticulously groomed.

When the pitch was over, it was still early in the afternoon. I just wanted to get out of this city. The weather was forbidding, I was hot and clammy and no matter how good the air conditioning, even my California weight suite felt like cellophane wrap. But Altaman had suggested drinks to celebrate. "Celebrate?" I asked a little hesitantly.

"Sure! Thompson and Elliot have the account! Your campaign has the freshest ideas I have seen in years and I can tell it will be immensely successful. Since it is my decision, you've got the account."

So, for the next three hours, we had to listen to every cruise line horror story you can imagine. Enough to guarantee I'd never be caught dead on one of their ships. Of course our ad copy was going to make their clients feel like they were royalty but who ever said advertising was honest!

Finally, feeling more than a little drunk after sharing two bottles of champagne and three scotch-on-the-rocks each, Altaman escorted us to a waiting cab. The wind was blowing furiously and the rain was almost horizontal. Robert was standing in front of William shaking his hand when suddenly the wind caught him and literally blew them together. We chuckled about it as we got in the cab.

I guess when we arrived at the airport and saw more cars leaving than going in, it should have given us a clue. Once in the departure lounge, we heard the announcement that said all the flights were canceled for the remainder of the day. With absolutely no reasonable alternative but to ride the storm out, we decided to have another drink at the Executive Club Lounge while the receptionist found us rooms for the night. William decided we should have Rusty Nails instead of scotch-on-the-rocks. We dutifully called our wives and reported our success and our predicament. My wife was disappointed but understanding. William scowled when he hung up. "God, am I going to pay for this."

"Why, what's wrong?"

"Today is our anniversary and we had a big night planned."

"Hey man, sorry. You should have told Brad you couldn't make it. He would have understood."

William grinned that famous dimpled grin and said "Hey, that's the breaks! I guess today the closest thing I am going to get to a lay was Altaman copping a feel when he pretend the wind blew him into me!"

I was incredulous. "You're shitting me! That slime!"

"Hain't no big dull. Ah'd let 'im suck dat ol' weener uh mine iffen it meant us gettin' dat 'count." He fell into that Texas drawl (In reality, it was probably more hillbilly than Texan.) that always made me laugh. The he wiggled his wedding ring around on his finger and said, "Best insurance policy around. A little too much booze one night, dim lights, clothes just a little too revealing then a well placed hand and bingo; suck city. The next morning total remorse, agony over the little woman finding out, 'How could I have let you do that to me!' The whole routine and it's a clinched deal."

My mouth must have been open a foot. "Na, you wouldn't," my voice trailed off. "You haven't have you??"

"No but I would. You're not in Kansas any more Dorothy! This is the big city guy! The name of the game is getting ahead and if clinching a 20 mil account means me letting little Bobby slobber on my weewee, bring him on!"

"Buddy, I salute you but no man is going to drink from my spigot!" and we both grinned. "I think we better get to the hotel, that wind looks fierce," I said. We stood up, not at all too steadily. I swayed and he grabbed my biceps with one hand and my shoulder with the other.

"Hey Chas, you okay?"

"No, I am not, I am a little too drunk for my own good. I can tell already that tomorrow I'll have a hangover. Shit William, we haven't eaten anything since breakfast on the plane!"

"Not true pardner, 'member that lass with the big tits who came around the bar with that tray offering those teeny little sandwiches. The only thing I wanted to nibble on was her teeny little nipples. It is a good thing little Bobby didn't cop a feel then. He would have come up with more than just a handful!" We must have thought this was the funniest thing we had ever heard because we laughed so hard that we had to hold onto each other to keep from falling down. That was how we walked out of the airport, our arms wrapped around each other. I think that was the first time I felt that clutch in my stomach. I dismissed it as being too much alcohol and not enough food. But some how, his body just felt correct right where it was with my arm wrapped around him. I also realized the scent of his body. William had a unique scent of his own.

Now we are at the hotel. A good hotel? No, a great hotel! I had been in a lot of hotels, some of them world class. But this one had an edge that was honed from titanium. Like all airport hotels, this one catered to the business traveler who wasn't forking out the cash to pay for it. Over inflated prices, very impressive lobby, lots of facilities and spacious rooms full of conveniences and little perks that Mr. Bigshot's company was paying heavily for. However, my initial positive impression evaporated at the check-in desk. I was dismayed. Had that stupid receptionist actually thought we were going to stay in the same room!?! Or had we been too drunk to understand what she had been saying. And now this wrinkled old prune was telling me there wasn't another room available in this hotel. The prune had offered us a rollaway bed but William had said rather indignantly that I could sleep on it if I wanted to but he was taking the bed. Okay, so I gave in.

Once I got accustomed to the ideas, it seemed laughable that Todd and I in Mexico one summer, had not only slept in the same bed but also had taken turns fucking the same girl one night. But we were also drunker than drunk. Man, weren't the days of youth so incredible? To be able to drink a whole bottle of tequila and not only still be able to get hard but cum twice (or was it three times?) in less than an hour. And now, I am bitching about having to share a $400 a night hotel room with my best friend and work associate!

We were headed in the general direction of the elevators when William nudged me into the hotel bar. "Just for a quick night cap!" he hissed. That wound up being two more Rusty Nails. Aside from the bored bartender, the place was empty. By the time we left, William's twin showed up or at least that was the way it seemed because I was seeing two of him.

Once again, we were unsteadily heading towards the elevator and our room. All of a sudden, William is pulling me into the small convenience and gift shop. "We have to get toilet gear! I have to brush my teeth and there is no way I am going to ruin a $100 shirt due to excess beard stubble. March private!" And he pushed me through the door. We found the toiletries.

"Not much of a selection. I hope you aren't too choosy," I said.

"Na, so long as I get my own tooth brush, I'll be happy with anything." We got a couple of disposable razors, shave cream, the usual stuff. We passed on deodorant since all they had was stick and neither of us liked them.

"What kind of rubbers you want?" he asked.

"Hhum, they got the over sized ones?"

"Ummm, no. You're out of luck."

"Well, in that case, don't get any. Buddy, I don't want to dampen your spirit but unless you plan on jumping the prune, I think there isn't anyone else around here. Besides, you're married!"

"Yes but tonight was to be my anniversary! And I had really got my hormones in gear! AND tonight is going to be the first night in a long time that I wasn't sleeping beside my wife! So that pretty little ass of yours may well be at risk!" he gave me a moderately hard slap on the ass.

"Ouch! Well, just be gentler than that! Remember this is my first time! I said as we headed to the counter to pay for our gear.

We found our room and with no little difficulty, we managed to operate the electronic door card and went in. The air conditioning wasn't on and the room was as clammy as it was outside. Other than that, it was luxurious; almost a suite with a large working area, small table and chairs, a bar and a decent sized TV but unfortunately only a queen sized bed. "What side of the bed do you want dear?" I asked as I fiddled with the A/C controls and set them to maximum.

"The closest to the bathroom," William said as he picked up the phone. "This is room 1015, could you please send up a bottle of scotch and a bucket of ice?"

"You're not planning on drinking more are you?" I asked in disbelief. I had already had more to drink in a few hours than I usually do all week. I felt the need for food and reached for the room service menu.

William pulled his coat off and dusted the shoulders and lapels with the side of his hand before hanging it up. He took his tie off, inspected it for spots and then hung it up. Then he unbuttoned his shirt revealing the deeply tanned chest. Pulling the shirttails out he asked, "You don't suppose I could get this laundered tonight do you?" He pulled the shirt the rest of the way off and buried his face in it. He made a face and crossed the room to the desk reaching for the hotel directory. He flipped a few pages and then frowned. "No luck there, they close at 6:00PM and it is after eight now." He hung the shirt up and took off his slacks. "I don't know about you guy but I need a shower."

I looked up to ask him if he wanted some food and saw him standing there dressed only in a pair of cream colored silk boxer shorts. Actually, they weren't really boxers. Cut more like brief running shorts but instead of a side seam, they just had a wide overlap on the sides that was only joined at the waist band. I admit I was a little surprised. He and I work out together three afternoons a week and I had never seen him in anything other than his usual white low rise Calvin Klines. I guess he caught me staring.

"They're my lucky shorts" he offered. "I was wearing these the first time my wife and I had sex. She was dating my roommate in college. His birthday was coming up and she wanted to get him something so she asked if I would help her pick something out. We looked but the only thing she liked was these shorts. She bought them and when we got back to the apartment, she asked me to put them on so she could decide if it was what she really wanted to give him. So I went in the bedroom and put them on. Since she had spent several nights in our apartment, she had seen me in my underwear so I had no objection. I came out wearing only these. She looked at me for a minute and said she wasn't certain they were right and walked over and started rubbing my dick. I got hard real fast then she stepped back and looked again. I had the fabric tented like this" and for emphasis, he pulled the left side up and out revealing his limp cock. "She said that wasn't the effect she was looking for and she spun around and headed for the door. I got pissed, pulled the shorts off and threw them at her. When they flew past her head and she realized what they were, she turned back around. I was standing there with my balled fists pressed into my hips and my cock pointing to the heavens. I guess she liked what she saw because we fucked like mad. I guess I shouldn't be telling you all this. I don't think she would approve. Anyway, she never gave him the shorts but we have had sex with me wearing them on several occasions. I was wearing them the day I proposed to her and she accepted and again when I got the job at T&E and again today so they kind of became a good luck charm!" He looked down and then added "They had a big button on the fly but Stephanie likes me to wear them with pants made of thin fabric so she can see the out line." He brushed his hand along the length of his cock to indicate what outline he was talking about. " But the button made it look like I had a bottle cap stapled to my dick so I cut it off. The button that is, not my dick!" He went of f to the bathroom laughing loudly to himself.

The visual of the Ice Princess (as my wife's unaffectionatly dubbed Stephanie) doing something like that was plausible, the visual of her 'fucking like mad' was not. The only thing I could see her doing 'like mad' was shopping. Raised the only child of adoring, indulging parents, she quickly became spoiled and bored from having no responsibilities. I often wondered how William could ever have been attracted to her. She did have looks, I'll grant that and although she went to the Miss America Pageant, she was scarcely noticed. A raving beauty to be certain but she lacked the dazzle that would make her a beauty queen. Plus she didn't have a singing voice and the tap dance routine she did during the pageant would have been comical if it hadn't been so painful to watch. She did have a wide smile and 1000 watt teeth but it was totally devoid of any sincerity.

As coincidental as it may seem my dorm mate in college and I watched the pageant rating each girl in our own categories: Most Fuckable, Best Tits, Best Ass, and Potential for Giving the Best Head. She won hands down in the Head department. As soon as she flashed that wide grin, Todd clutched his crotch, pushed it towards the TV and said 'Come on honey, I'll whiten your teeth!' Rumor had it that Big Daddy (VERY wealthy family) had rigged the pageant in Texas but lacked the contacts to do any real manipulating at the national level.

William singing in the shower brought me back to reality. I continued to sit there, still clothed but unable to get the sight of him out of my mind. He looked so fucking gorgeous in those shorts and the sight of his cock made me feel a tug in my balls. I got lost in my own thoughts which seemed to center around a naked and hard William standing there glaring at the Ice Princess. There was a knock on the door. I shook my head to clear it. It was room service and William's bottle. I signed the slip and it wasn't until he was leaving that I realized I had a hard on. Was that because of William!? I felt sweat break out on my forehead and under my arms. The panicky feeling I felt was at least enough to allow me to soften enough to where I could undress and not disgrace myself. I poured myself a drink and started undressing. About the time I was down to my shorts, cock safely tucked down, William emerged from the shower toweling himself off. I was like a hard punch to my gut. Sure, I had seen him naked at our gym probably hundreds of times but it was like I was seeing him through a different set of eyes. He was truly beautiful. I know I can hold my own with most guys but William was a god. His heavy pectoral muscles had an even mat of blond hair that had almost been bleached white by the sun. The hair narrowed just below his pecs and continued down as a heavy line dividing his rippled abs and feathering out on each side to smooth skin. Just below his navel, the color darkened again and widened, merging into his thick honey colored bush. My heart seemed to stop and there was a pounding in my ears. I had to sit on the bed to keep my knees from buckling. He was standing only a few feet from me. I was eye level with his crotch. The pale white of his tan line seemed to make the tanned surfaces of the rest of his body glow. The thick cock hung down to where the head was just slightly lower than his large balls. The first half-inch of his dusky pink head was obscured by the paler foreskin. How come I never notice he wasn't circumcised? I wondered.

"Scotch arrive? Hey, you look pale, you okay?" He asked breaking my spell.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just a little too drunk."

He grinned as he toweled his crotch. "Man, we are just getting started" and he headed to the bar to fix his drink. I watched his retreating bare white ass seeing the play of the muscles and the heavy line of hair up his crack. "You gonna shower?" He called over his shoulder

"Sure." It was exactly what I needed, a nice sobering hot shower. I headed off to the shower as William pulled his shorts back on.

Standing under the hot water, steam raising up, I felt renewed. Yes, I needed this. This will make everything right again. I started soaping myself up. As I was soaping my chest feeling my own muscles, my mind again returned to William and I wonder what his muscles felt like. I rubbed slower with both hands on my pecs working the lather in then slowly working my hand down to my belly and then my crotch. Then I realized I was leaning against the wall stroking my cock. I looked down at it and was satisfied. I knew I was larger than average and I got great pleasure in it but I wasn't one of those giants I had seen in porno. The ones that never seemed to get hard and no one was capable of really sucking them. I was glad I wasn't that large. Just a few more strokes and I could pop my nuts. What am I doing! I straightened and let go of myself. I looked out to the room in case I had been caught but I was alone. Now what am I going to do with this? I wondered.

"You about done in there?" William called out.

I moved quickly up under the stream of water and turned my back slightly pretending to rinse my pit in case he came in. "Yea, just finishing." I called back. In order to get my cock down; I had to hit myself with a blast of icy water. It did the trick; cock went south, balls went north. I got out of the shower and dried myself then pulled my shorts back on, again tucking myself firmly under my ball sac. I took a look at myself in the mirror. My underwear was missing something compared to William's. Like everything else about the man, even his CK's exuded sexuality and those silk ones were heart stoppers.

As Soon as I had started working, I had problems with my balls. Sitting all day long with them confined after my "free swinging" college days, I started developing irritations and rashes. The doctor I consulted recommended boxers but the first pair I put on under a pair of slacks left nothing to the imagination. Maybe I am not with it but it just seemed inappropriate in an office. In college, I never wore underwear and 'showing cock' (as Todd put it) was almost a generational icon. But I guess as I got older I became more conservative. Then I discovered the style I am still wearing. Definitely not a regular jockey short but a modified type. Like a cross between a bicycle short and a jockey short but there was a much larger pouch with a horizontal fly. They were made out of the thinnest and softest of cotton jerseys. They gave you plenty of room but kept everything from straying too far and were damned comfortable. I decided William must have thought they were funny looking because he seemed to look at me kind of oddly when he saw me in them.

I went out in the room. William was lying diagonally across the bed, his knees bent forward. He glanced over his shoulder at me and said, "Look what I found." his tone was that of a mischievous 10 year old that had found his dad's Playboy hidden under the bed. But instead, he had found a porno on the hotel cable system. A man was in the process of eating a young blond woman.

"Why no sound?" I asked.

"Ah, that dialog sucks worse than the women. It is so bad it always makes me laugh and I loose my hard on."

The prospect of this guy watching a porno was impossible to comprehend. Surely the Ice Princes wouldn't watch them. Did he watch them alone and jerk off? And is he going to get hard watching this? I gave him a sidelong glance and sure enough, his cock was a lot larger. He had his left leg was pulled a little further forward and up a little. The junction formed between his hip and his thigh was filled with his expanding cock. The head was clearly visible under the thin fabric and was threatening to snake out the unjoined sides. The fly with its missing button was gapped open and I could see a healthy patch of his bush and the base of his meat. God, what was THIS going to do to me. I crossed to the bar, poured myself a healthy shot, and swigged it down and then a few more splashes in the glass and an ice cube. I glanced up in the mirror behind the bar and saw William had uncovered the head of his cock and was rubbing it. I felt my cock expand mindless of the confines of my shorts. Getting a hard on was going to be inevitable but I knew I had to get back down on the bed before that happened. I disappeared down the little hallway and switched off a couple of the room lights. The light from the TV and bar were more than enough and the room wasn't as harshly light and it might make a hard on not so noticeable. .

"Hey, that's much better," William said approvingly.

I stretched out on the bed leaning against the headboard with a pillow behind my back. We watched the film in silence. I had my knees pulled up to hide my hard on which I finally had to discreetly maneuver out across my hip. But in spite of every attempt William made, his prick was not going to stay covered. It was trying to get to its natural hard position parallel to his belly and the nonexistent structure of his shorts was offering no resistance. Every attempt and shift in position only made the fly gap widen and offer a teasing peek. I spent more time looking at him than at the TV. I was finding little details that I hadn't noticed. Like the twin patches of hair on the inner side of his thighs that disappeared into his shorts. I wondered what they looked like the rest of the way. I noticed his navel was almost entirely obscured by the hair on his belly and that his armpit hair, not being bleached by the sun, was the same honey color of his bush. With no forewarning, he got off the bed and went into the bathroom emerging several seconds later with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Uh, I was afraid I might start getting a little damp and I don't want to get spots on my shorts. Too hard to explain at home," he said sheepishly.

I just grunted an agreement because I couldn't trust my voice not to crack with emotion. If he had thought that towel was going to hide that raging hard on, he was mistaken. Because of the thickness of the terry cloth, it made him look even larger not to mention how the ultra white of the towel made his tan even darker and more inviting to be touched.

I must have visibly shuddered. "You cold? I can turn the A/C down," he said as he crawled on the bed.

"No, I'm fine, just need to take a piss," I said getting off the bed. I managed to get past the TV slightly turned as if to watch the action in an effort to hide my hard on.

I went into the bathroom and closed the door behind me. Freeing my prick from its confines, I stood leaning over the bowel and waited. My erection was actually painful. Pushing it down created enough discomfort to allow me to soften. The pale yellow stream started jetting out. It felt better as I softened. I was standing there leaning against the wall when I noticed William's shorts draped over the towel bar. I finished pissing, shook the last off, and stuffed it back in making no pretext of trying to contain it. It had a mind of it's own and there was no reason to have to manipulate it back into a comfortable position again.

I picked William's shorts up and examined them. There was no evidence of any type of spots. I held them to my nose smelling his scent. It was an incredible aroma. Very much like the scent I had detected in the airport but stronger, more masculine and very sexual. I stiffened quickly. Here we go again, I thought to myself. I continued sniffing and retrieved my cock from it's hiding spot. I stroked myself slowly as I sniffed. I slid my shorts off and rubbed the silk on my cock. The feeling was wonderful and I wondered how he avoided having a hard on all the time. Then I hit on an idea and I stepped into them letting my cock stick out the fly. I rubbed the silk on my ass and balls staring down at my pole the entire time. I wonder if that's the way he looks in them. Closing the fly as much as possible but still allowing myself to stick out, I tried to visualize what he looked like. But my black crotch hair showed trough the fabric and I couldn't block it from the illusion. I wonder if he ever jerks off wearing these. Then it hit me; while I was in her playing with myself, he was out there playing with himself!! I quickly snapped the light off and quietly opened the door a crack. Through a complicated series of reflections created by the mirrors at the bar and vanity, I could see William. He was now stretched out the towel open and stroking himself slowly. Clutching myself, I matched him stroke for stroke. Even though the room wasn't too bright, I could make out the foreskin sliding up onto the knob. I wondered if I should let him finish. No fucking way! Regardless of the implications, I had undergone too many emotions tonight not to have him and I had no idea how to go about even suggesting it.

I closed the door and switched the light back on. I pulled his shorts off and wrapped a towel around my waist as he had done. I had been gone long enough to finish jerking off so that was what he probably thought I was doing. I opened the door loudly and flushed the toilet.

Walking back into the room, I could see he was propped up on one elbow again with one leg bent forming a "V" and had only draped the towel between his legs in an attempt to hide the obvious. "I thought you had fallen in," he said casually.

I didn't know what he meant by that and dismissed it as being something Texan. "No, it just took me a while to soften enough to where I could piss." This was the first open acknowledgment of sexual arousal by either of us.

He grunted in knowing agreement. After all, he was a man too and only a man can understand trying to piss with a mega boner. If he had any other thoughts as to what had kept me, he said nothing but I noticed he quickly glanced at my hard on as I walked past the TV.

I resumed the same position on the bed. I liked it because although my head was pointed in the general direction of the TV, I could check him out and I found him much more interesting than what was on TV. Slowly, his free hand would drift down and he would rub himself. I got up once to get us fresh drinks. I made no effort to hide my erection and you could probably say I was flaunting it. Now, the combination of adrenaline, alcohol and desire made me more than light headed, I felt reckless. I could see myself pulling the towel off of him and taking him in my arms. Would I kiss him? Probably. Would he kiss me back? Maybe. Would I like it? Definitely! Once back on the bed, I was openly rubbing myself as I stared at William's cock trying desperately to get free of the towel.

Once again my thoughts where shattered by William. "Fuck!" he said slamming his fist down on the bed. "Look, I've got to jerk off or I'll never get to sleep tonight. If it bothers you to see me do it, you can go sit in the bathroom but it may be a while so you may want to get dressed and go for a walk but I've got to do it!" He was too self-conscious to look me in the face and addressed all this to the TV.

My heart leapt and I tried to sound as casual as possible. "Well, in case you have forgotten, walking would be a bit difficult in a hurricane. But a jerk off right now sounds pretty good to me and if it wouldn't bother YOU, I think I'll join you." I slid down to a horizontal position and flipped my towel open letting my cock go free. In the position it had been in, a complete erection was not possible so it swung up on my belly and just lay there a few seconds. I didn't touch it right away. I don't know why but I suspected William was looking at it. Finally, the blood completely engorged it and it rose off my belly a few inches. I twitched it a few times before wrapping my fist around it and started stroking it slowly.

He was a little slower by a few seconds. Naked, with a hard on between his legs he was a virile stud. His fist knew exactly how to please himself. I was impressed with the slow easy pace. It was evident that he was in no hurry to get off. "I had kind of thought you had jerked off in the bathroom," he said rather shyly.

"Naw, haven't jerked off sitting on the pot since I was a kid. But to be honest, I did give it a stroke or two. Felt pretty good too."

"Yea, I gave myself a few strokes while you were gone too. Needed to badly. I was afraid I'd pop with out even touching myself and that seemed like a waste."

Now, I've done a lot of things in my fairly short life but I had never actually jerked off with another man even if we were doing ourselves and not each other. Todd and I jerked off during the college years. But we also lived in the same room for three years and it was always while the other was sleeping or at least we thought he was. Anyway, I was certain William was still checking me out just I was doing the same to him. I was higher up on the bed than he, so I couldn't se his face but I could see the angle of his head and I am certain his line of sight was more towards me than the TV.

After a few moments, he slid up even with me on the bed. "I don't what to be in the line of fire when you go off. In case you fire any stray bullets, I don't want to get hit."

"Not to worry buddy, he always fires straight and true." Now, he was even closer. I could just reach over and grip him. How would he respond? With revulsion, anger, even violence? But hadn't he said he would go with a guy in the right circumstances? Had he been trying to tell me something? What was going to happen? My heartbeat was loud in my ears and my face was flushed, I felt a stinging on my cheekbones.

"Uh, you know, don't take this wrong, it's not like I've ever done anything like this but I was wondering..."


"Well, you know, maybe..."

"Jeez William, spit it out will ya, you're breaking my concentration!"

Yawannajerkeachotheroff?" He said the words fast like he had to get them out before he had a chance to change his mind.

I lay there not saying any thing trying to assure myself I fad heard the correct combination of words spewing out of his mouth. If my heart had leapt to just see him jerk off, being able to touch him would stop it this time.

I guess he took my silence as a rejection. He let go of his cock and sat upright, "Oh, man, why did I say that?! I'm sorry Chas! God what are you thinking of me? I swear I have never done anything like this..."

"Shut up William," I said pulling him back down. I leaned over and took his cock in my hand. My first impression was one of warmth. Mine did not seem that warm when I stroked it (Yes, I may be married but I still stroke my cock!) Probably no longer or thicker than mine but it had a different feel to it. Also, although it was as hard as granite, the loose skin around it gave it a soft feel. Even as large as my hands are at least a third of him wasn't covered by my encircling hand. There was something good and honest about my hand being right were it was.

William had been stunned by the suddenness of my response and was slower to react. I had already given him several strokes before he took hold of me. Maybe he was testing the waters to see if I was just joking with him. I wasn't. He gripped me firmly but gently just as I was holding him.

"You got a good grip," I said.

"Yea, so do you. You ever jerk off?"

'Who me? Never!"

He chuckled, "Yea. So do I."

I laughed back and slid a little closer to him in order not to have to reach so far. Since I was on the right and we are both right handers, I had to lean slightly to reach him. In this position, he was definitely in danger of getting hit by a stray. Now our thighs and shoulders were lightly touching. My left arm was at our side and the side of my hand was pushed into his hip. His biceps every so often would brush mine as his hand pumped my cock.

I didn't pretend at not looking at him. I not only liked the sensation emanating from my cock that was being masterfully manipulated but I liked the sight of his meat in my hand. I enjoyed the course feel of his bush when I would slide all the way down and my thumb would be pushed into it. His bush gave off contradictory signals. On the one hand the delicious color and shape suggested softness and made you want to bury your face in it, lick and kiss it but the reality was it was dense, course and springy to the touch. And then there was that beautiful cock. Standing proud and tall, a pillar of pale off white marble capped with a dusky pink knob. Completely smooth and straight with not a vein in sight. When it wasn't being stroked, the foreskin was just a wrinkle of skin under the head.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't enjoying this. But where is it going to go? I don't even know what comes next; I had never done this before. 'Yea right! You know exactly what to do.' From deep in my subconscious came a voice from my past. Todd. I pushed it down, trying to get it out of my mind. But he would not go away. 'You know what you want to do to him, the same thing you did to me.'

'That was your idea and you did it to me first' I argued back.

'Yea, but you didn't say no.'

'I was young and stupid! I didn't know my own mind'

'So what's your excuse now, stud?'

As if on cue, William broke my concentration. "Man, I wish my wife would do that," he said enviously as one of the women started sucking a guy. He had a big cock and she couldn't get much more than the knob in her mouth verifying my observations about large cocks being more for show than anything else.

'There ya go stud, he's practically inviting you to suck him. What are you waiting for, an engraved invitation!?' The voice was persistent. I tried blocking it.

"What's the matter buddy, she won't give you any head?" I asked.

"No, she says oral sex is dirty."

"Well, if it is any conciliation to you, mine won't either. Oh, I can eat her all night long and she loves it but she wouldn't lay a lip lock on me to save her life." I squeezed his pole a little tighter and he returned the pressure as if we were physically consoling each other.

'You're going to dick around and he is going to pop his nuts all over his chest and you'll never know how good he tastes!'

In order to get away from the voice, I concentrated on the TV and William's prick. The segment of the film we were watching had two men and two women sitting naked in a Jacuzzi. Without sound, it was impossible to really tell what was going on but the women seemed to be daring the men to do something and judging by the shocked look on both their faces, it wasn't something the guys were too willing to do. Both men were very muscular and well hung. Just as the women were equally beautiful. At least the hotel had a higher caliber of porn than usual. Finally, the blond haired man lifted himself slowly out of the water and sat on the decking. His huge, almost hard cock resting on this thigh. The darker haired of the two moved over in front of the blond and started sucking the guy's nipples while he stroked the cock. Then he started edging his way south. I was in heaven, my eyes were slightly blurred already from too much to drink, but in my mind's eye, it was me licking William.

"Jeez, you don't think he is going to suck that guy's cock do you?!"

"Yea, it sure looks like it."

"I don't know about this!" William shifted his weight on the bed.

I felt rising panic, I gripped him harder. I didn't want to let go of him. If this was all I was going to get to do, I wanted to see it through to completion. Mercifully, the camera switched to the women who were now sixty-nineing.

"Ah, that's better," he said. We both relaxed but I could tell by the way he glanced down at my hand that he had noticed the increased pressure I had given him. I wasn't embarrassed and continued stroking him. I wished there were some easy way of telling him I wanted him.

"Why is it that we see two women going down on each other and it excites us but the sight of two men doing the same thing, it makes us uncomfortable?" I asked.

He was silent for a moment and then said, "I think it's because it's alien to us. Since we have sex with women and not men, we know what a woman tastes like. Seeing two women together and knowing what they are tasting is more enticing. Seeing a woman go down on a man, we know what it feels like so that is a turn on also. Lot's of guys are attracted to the taste of pussy and getting their poles smoked but not many would admit to being attracted to the taste of another guys meat."

I was surprised by the openness of his answer. I wondered if the fact that we had our fists wrapped around each other's cocks influenced this liberal view. I was just about to ask him if he wanted to find out if he would liked the taste of cock when the scene changed again.

"Uh, they're back!"

"Shut up William, it's happening on the TV, not here so you have nothing to fear. Just relax and accept it for what it is." My irritation was stemmed more from my frustration at not having the courage to express my own desires and a genuine fascination at seeing the guy effortlessly swallow a huge cock. So much for my assessment that really big cocks are a handicap. I wondered if William noticed my cock got harder seeing for the first time in my life a man suck another man's cock. Or at least it seemed to me I got harder.

I looked over at him and saw he looked to be sulking from my rebuke. I needed to make it up to him. After all, it wasn't his fault this was happening. Nor did he know what was going on in my mind. I wrapped my fist around his shaft just below the head, holding his foreskin down and ran my thumb gently over the top side of his fat knob.

"Ummm, that feels good," he sighed.

"You like that?" I said softly. I smiled at him and kept up the movements. I let go of him for just a few seconds to wet my thumb with a little spit. I could taste and smell him on my hand. I started slowly rubbing him with a lubricated thumb.

"Oh yes, that is very good!" he sighed deeper and I noticed he started rubbing me the same way.

I rolled a little closer to him. Now, more of our bodies were touching. I knew the time was at hand to take action. I didn't know how much longer we could stroke each other and not cum. The alcohol had desensitized me to the point where I felt I still had some distance to go but I didn't know about him. In order to prolong it, I let go of his knob and slid my hand down to the base of his shaft. With my thumb pulling his pole upright, my four fingers were massaging his balls. He seemed to like what I was doing. I felt him rotate his hips slightly on the bed and he sighed again.

The two men on the TV screen had begun to sixty-nine. It was easy for me to visualize that it was me going down on William. That is what I wanted. I knew it now and the voice didn't need to urge me on. It was evident from William's deeper breathing both of us were responding to watching the two guys suck. I wondered if he was about to cum, hoping desperately that he wasn't. I heard him sigh deeply. Fearing he was about to come. I stopped rubbing him. He glanced over at me and held my eyes for a few seconds as if trying to read my thoughts. Maybe he didn't like what he saw. William let go of my cock.

"I need another drink!" He pulled free of my hand, got off the bed and headed to the bar.

I didn't want to let this go, we had gone too far and it probably would only happen this once. I couldn't stop now and would do anything short of rape to have him. I got up from the bed and joined him at the bar where he had already filled his glass. He was standing at an angle to me; his rigid cock would have been enough to hold my attention but that coupled with the profile of his ass was breathtaking.

"More?" he asked pouring some into my glass.

I put my hand on his far shoulder allowing my arm to rest on his back. His other shoulder was pressed into my chest. I squeezed his shoulder with my fingers extended down into the chest hair just below his collarbone. The continuous squeezing action of my hand was really allowing my fingers to nonchalantly rub his beautiful chest hair. We clinked our glasses together. "To whatever," I said and he nodded his agreement. Both of us standing there totally naked and rock hard. If he was self conscious about it, he didn't show anything. I set my glass down and pulled him a little closer. I ran my hand from his belly down to his bush and then rubbing my fingers back and forth through the dense mass of hair. Even though I had been playing with his prick, this seemed more intimate. Reversing my hand, I clutched him with my palm on the top of his shaft instead of on the bottom. This position gave his cock a whole new feel. He took hold of me also. We were standing close enough to where we could see both cocks at the same time. "Well, at least we are about the same size," I observed.

"Yea, but you may be a little thicker and you probably noticed I am not circumcised."

"My head is a little blunter and I think your balls are bigger." I used this as an excuse to cup his balls in my hand. They were large and heavy. They felt so good rolling around in my large hand.

"No, I don't think so. Let me see yours" and he cupped mine in his palm and squeezed gently.

"Come here." and I pulled me closer to me. Now our chests and thighs were slightly touching, cocks pressed together. I reached between us, cupped one each of our balls in his hand, and rolled them together. "No, I guess your right. Maybe it is because yours hang down lower and it makes them seem bigger." I let go of our balls. We were holding each other's gaze as if to determine what to do next. He placed his arm lightly on my shoulder. I moved my free hand to his waist, pulling him gently narrowing the gap between us. Our bodies, from our bellies to our thighs were lightly pushed together. Pulling him even closer, I ground my crotch into his with slow circular motions. The friction between our cocks and bushes felt great. He obviously felt it also. His body relaxed and he gave into the feeling by returning the pressure and adding his own movements. The gap between our faces narrowed. Then as our lips almost met, I opened my mouth slightly. I don't know if that spooked him or if it was just the realization of what we were really doing but he pulled back, grabbing for his glass. He took a healthy swig and winced from the burn as it went down.

"Wow, that was close," he said to the glass, not looking at me.

"Yea, it almost happened," I said almost but not quite under my breath.

"What?" He asked.

Not realizing he was not asking a question but asking for clarification of what he hadn't understood, I said "This" and pulled him into my arms sliding my tongue in his mouth. In the initial seconds of shocked realization of what was happening, he didn't respond. Slowly, he came to his senses. If he struggled, it was only for a second and then his body relaxed and he started kissing me back. My tongue was as deeply in his mouth as it could go; his was playing tag with it. I knew I was in safe waters when his tongue gently nudged mine out and followed it back into my mouth. We stood there for what seemed like an eternity before I came back to the realization of his cock pressed into mine. Although it couldn't have been possible, it seemed like we each had gotten harder than before. I felt something wet but didn't know if it was him or me dripping. Finally daring to break contact, we pulled apart.

"Wow" was all he said. We kissed again before we separated, William taking hold of my dick and leading me back to the bed. He released me long enough to crawl on the bed, his ass a tantalizing sight. He rolled over on his back, his cock now standing several inches off his belly. I lay down beside him. He started to grab my cock but I rolled him over on his side and pulled him into my arms.

"Were not ready for that yet." Holding each other tightly with our crotches pressed together and our legs intertwined, I kissed him and he kissed back. A few hours ago, this would have been unimaginable to both of us but now it seemed as natural as breathing. We continued kissing and I got bolder starting to rub his back and thighs. I desperately wanted to feel his ass but was afraid it might spook him. I let him lead the way. Our cocks were dripping now nonstop and we ground our hips together with such urgency we were probably milking it out of each other. Finally I felt his hand drift down to my ass and he gave a cheek a squeeze. That was invitation enough for me. I ran my hand down his back from the shoulder blades down through the small of his back feeling tight muscles and smooth skin. Drifting lower, my hand caressed his ass. My fingertips lightly brushed down his crack, feeling hair that was somewhat softer than the rest of his body hair. I rolled him gently onto his back and broke the kiss. I propped my self up on one elbow and looked down on him. Like I had done with his back, I started running my hand from his throat all the way to his bush, savoring the feel of his warm, hairy body.

"God you're so beautiful," I said leaning over and kissing him again. "Listen buddy, what's happened so far has raised a lot of questions in my mind and I've got to get some answers. You don't have to do anything to me but I've got to find out what's what. You willing?" All he did was nod his agreement. "Buddy, just lay back and enjoy the ride," I said straddling his thighs. I leaned forward and kissed his lips, dryly at first and then with a few flicks of the tongue. I moved down licking his throat. The heavy beard stubble was like sandpaper on my tongue. I worked my way slowly down to the center of his chest, licking the hair and skin and inhaling the scent of his body. "Wonderful" I murmured. He repaid my attention by rubbing my chest and shoulders. I continued following the ridge of one pec. I lingered over his nipple but not wanting to make him feel I thought of him as a woman, I only ran my tongue over it instead of sucking it. The effect was instantaneous and his body gave a small jerk and he let out a slight grunt, his nipple went hard. I continued up the pec to his shoulder his body squirming under the exploration of my tongue. "Flex your biceps" I told him. The urgency in my voice evident, he did so without question. I start kissing and licking the hard cantaloupe sized mass, moving closer and closer to the pit. When I encounter the first fine hairs, he raised doubt.

"You're not going for my pit are you?"

"Why not?"

"I don't know, that's kind of weird." He still sounded doubtful.

"It's just skin and hair, no different than the hair on your chest and you seemed to be enjoying my tongue there." I inched my way down until my face was buried in the honey colored hair. I was surprised to find it was even silkier than the hair on his ass and far different from his other body hair. He might have thought it weird but I could feel his warm breath on my cheek and I sensed his eyes were intently watching my tongue and lips working on the dense mass of hair. I loved the scent; fresh from his shower with just a hint of his own scent mixed in. I wanted to linger there, but I knew I had to move on. I continued my oral worship of his body glancing up occasionally to see a blissful look on his handsome features. He was allowing me to feel myself out and take risks with these impulsive actions. I was hoping his pleasure was equally as satisfying. I moved slowly savoring each spot in turn. As I neared his navel, I encountered a small pool of his pre-cum, soaking into the hair of his belly. I licked it clean. Working my way into his bush, my face pushed his cock up and out of the way. My beard stubble must have been torture to him because he was moaning and his cock was flexing slapping me wetly on the cheek smearing his pre-cum in my hair. I devoured his bush, never in my life have experience such a sexual high from such a simple act. The combination of the musky scent of his crotch, the course texture of the hair and the thick shaft pressed firmly against my cheek was making my head spin.

I moved around to the side nudging his legs gently apart I said "Spread your legs, I want to suck your balls." He spread them willingly and without hesitation. I lay between his legs with my torso on the bed but my lags were hanging off, my cock humping the edge of the mattress. I nuzzled his ball sac and sucked one ball into my mouth. They seemed heavier now than they were before. I was not able to roll it around in my mouth it was so large but I could suck on it and run my tongue over the hairy surface. I alternated between them sucking until I was certain I had licked the hair off. I lifted his balls up and ran my tongue over that hairy patch between his ball sac and his asshole. This was where his scent was the strongest. As I neared his hole, he realized what I was doing and pushed his hips as hard as he could into the bed.

"No! I can't let you do that."

Absorbing the rebuke wordlessly and fearful he might change his mind, I turned my attention to his shaft. With some resistance, I manage to pull it upright. Starting at the base of his balls licking straight up the broad underside until I got the large head. Without any ceremony, I opened my mouth and took his knob in pushing my tongue heavily into and around the velvety skin, finalizing the movement by sliding my tongue through his wide slit oozing pre-cum. William responded with a loud groan that urged me on. I took more of him in my mouth getting him wetter with my spit until my mouth slid up and down easier. I was in awe of the hardness of his cock and the textures of the skin my lips and tongue was experiencing. He was dripping constantly now and the sweet pre-cum was adding a rich flavor to this feast. As I applied more suction to his knob, I felt like I was sucking the juice out of him. I wanted all of him, to feel his bush pressed into my face as I devoured his prick. But always about two thirds of the way down, I bottomed out and less than three inches away was my goal. I was frustrated by this limitation that was the one flaw of the whole experience. With each thrust, I pushed down harder but my throat resisted. Out of desperation, I opened my mouth as wide as I could and with a muffled shout forced my face down. Triumphantly I felt my throat open as his fat knob slid all the way in. I let out a muffle groan. My lips pressed into to the base of his cock as he pushed back grinding his crotch into my face, forcing the head of his cock further down my throat. I had never felt anything that had felt that good. I think I could have cum if I had been stroking myself.

I glance up at him surprised to see he was propped up on his elbows watching me eat his prick. His face now had a hard edge to it, possible it was lust, but it urged me on. I wanted him to see me swallow that massive cock of his. As I increased my pace, I felt his hand on my shoulder. "Slow down!" he demanded. I slowed my pace. "Right there, ah, that's perfect," he moaned. "Oh, I'd forgotten how good this can be." He lay back flat, took hold of my head. With legs slightly bent at the knees, he backed off a bit and slid in deep, grinding his bush in my face. He repeated the movement of slowly sliding the long thick shaft in all the way to the hilt, rotating his hips and then sliding out. We got into the rhythm of his fucking my mouth, both of us backing off and sliding together until once again we made contact. I don't know how long I sucked him but for that interval of time, the only thing that existed was his cock and my mouth.

Then the moment I had dreaded arrived, he pulled out of my mouth. "I'm getting too close," he panted. I lay there looking at his spit slick cock and his bush, which was now matted in spots from my watering mouth. His balls had pulled up slightly. The tight skin of the ball sac emphasized their large size. I wanted more of him. A whole life of it to be exact. I effectively blocked out all commitments, responsibilities and physical limitations. Right now, he was mine and I never wanted these feelings to end. I nuzzled his cock and kissed it.

Once he recovered, he pulled me up in his arms. I straddled his thighs again. Our cocks pressed together, both wet but for different reasons. He kissed me deeply, held it and then let go. "Wow, I think I can taste my cock in your mouth."

"Can't imagine why. What do you think about it?" I wanted to be cautious and let him feel his own way. If he ever did try it, it would have to be his decision and not something that he was pressured into doing. That would diminish my pleasure. When the time came and he was blowing his load I was completely willing to bring myself of with my own fist if I had to.

"Well, maybe I should at least taste it."

I raised myself up to my knees and he reached between my legs and felt my cock. "Jeez Chas, you're wet!"

"Yea, I think I ruined the bedspread!" He gripped me firmly and stroked me a few times. "Easy buddy! It won't take much to pop me!" He gingerly retrieved the glob that was about to roll off my knob with his thump and licked it off.

"Yea, that's good stuff. More." Instead of using his finger, I felt his hand pulling my hips closer to his face. He stopped pulling when my cock was a several inches from his chin. I rubbed my cock through the hairy crevice between his pecs. Even the course hair felt good to my sensitive cock. He cupped my balls in his hand and rolled them around in his palm. "I want to suck you but I don't think I am ready for you to cum in my mouth. I wouldn't bet on your chances of ever becoming a father again if you do." He squeezed my balls a little harder for emphasis. I got the picture.

With that understanding, I moved a little closer to his mouth and rubbed the head of my cock on his lips. His tongue darted out and I slid my cock over the broad surface of his tongue transferring my slick pre-cum to his mouth. I lifted my cock off his tongue and milked it a few times allowing a large drop to roll off my knob and onto his tongue I was overly excited just by this action. This handsome stud who allowed me to nurse on his cock and was now licking mine.

"Fuck my mouth," he ordered. I pulled the pillow under his head and slid forward. I wrapped my hand around the base of my cock to keep from gagging him and probed his mouth gently feeling his lips part as my cock slid in a few inches. I pulled it back out and rubbed it around on his lips a few more times allowing him to get used to the combination of tastes, scents and textures I had encountered only a few short minutes ago. I couldn't see his face in this position. All I could see was his blond hair and my cock disappearing into some warm wet orifice. If he needed time to get used to the act, it was a short duration. On my next plunge, I felt him let go of my balls and reach around to my ass, cupping each cheek firmly in a large muscular hand pulling me further and further into his incredibly warm mouth. Finally, I felt the block I had created with my hand pressed into his lips. Satisfied I wasn't going to gag him, I started slowly pumping while his hands rubbed my ass going much deeper and lower than I expected he would. I wanted to see his mouth on my cock but by attempting to straighten up, it put him at too difficult an angle. He pulled off me and I straightened up, looking down on him.

"You okay buddy? Did I do something wrong?" I asked anxiously.

"I'm fine, don't worry. Let me up." I swung my leg up so he could slide out. Once free, he knelt beside me and wrapped his arms around me and we kissed a short while, he rubbing my back and I rubbing his ass. I could feel his hard on pressed into mine and wondered how I could ever have sex again with out another cock being present.

When we broke the embrace, he told me to lay flat. I did as I was told trying to capture the sight of him kneeling beside me but I was looking more at that sizable slab of meat still standing straight up.

William stretched out beside me on the bed, leaned over, and took my cock in his mouth. Besides his mouth being warm and wet, he knew what he was doing. I knew it had to be instinct since I trusted his saying he hadn't been with another man before. I propped myself up as he had done so I could relish the site of my prick disappearing between his lips. The block created by my hand was gone but he couldn't master the gage reflex and we had to be content with only taking half of me.

After a very short while, I knew I had to have him again and I pulled him up into a sixty-nine position and started sucking him freely rubbing his ass in time to my suction. After several minutes, he pulled off of me, "I'm getting too close again."

"Me too." I pulled him up into my arms and we tried to kiss and come down a little but it wasn't working, any contact with either of our cocks left us feeling that familiar tingle.

"It's no good. I can't hold back any more." He took hold of me and squeezed firmly. I wanted to have him cum in my mouth but after his not wanting mine, I was afraid he might feel obligated. So, resolved to only getting to see his cum fly and not taste it, I started pumping him. We didn't last long.

"Oh man, I'm going to do it!" William panted and I saw his body racked with muscular contractions and cum spewing all over. A second later, I felt a wet splash on my own chest and realized I was cuming too. Through blurred vision I watched his jets of cum paint his chest although I could only feel the repeated splashes on my own body. As our mutual orgasms subsided, we fell back still holding each other's cock. Both of us covered in cum, it was impossible to tell whose cum went where. I am positive several strays hit us both.

I broke the silence. "Jeez, William, I haven't cum like that since I was a kid!" He was silent. "Hey buddy, you okay?" His eyes were closed and he was breathing deeply. I wondered what thoughts where running through his mind. It seemed too cruel that after such outstanding sex, he would be denied to me because afterwards, he gets hit with a guilt complex. My heart raced. I rose up being careful to dot let any cum run down on the bedspread. I leaned over him. His eyes flickered and he looked into mine.

"Wow, that was more intense than I could ever have imagined it would be." He pulled me into his arms mindless of where the cum was running and kissed me. I broke free, leaned down, and licked some cum of his shoulder. I had no idea who's it was. I had to taste it. "How dose it taste?" he asked.

"Well, I think I like it" and I returned to shoulder to get more. William watched me lick a short while and then said, "Let me try it." He seemed a little doubtful but gave my chest a short lick. "Yea, not bad. We kissed and played with each other's bodies for about ten minutes when William pulled me off the bed and led me into the dressing area. Standing in front to the single bowel looking at ourselves in the mirror, we had to laugh. Our chest hair was matted down in more places than not and we both had bad cases of whisker burn. We cleaned each other up with soap and water being careful to rinse thoroughly. Something told me we weren't done yet.

I was toweling William's chest when he took me in his arms. This was a new sensation I hadn't expected. I found that a man feels one way when you both are sexually charged and another way when you are not. Our now limp cocks even felt different pressed together. We held each other and then kissed. He lay his head on my bare shoulder with his face nuzzling my neck and whispered "You good for another one?"

"Yea, I am certain of it."

"This time, I want you to shoot down my throat."

I wouldn't have been happier if I had one the Lottery, well, maybe THAT is an exaggeration but I was happy enough. I tugged him back to the bed where we took the bedspread off this time. Too late of course but it was a gesture.

Sex for us during the second round was even better. The urgency was gone and we spent linger moments exploring each other's body. We concentrated on pleasing each other yet satisfying our own needs. Lying on our sides and kissing deeply while we stroked each other seemed to have a definite edge over our first attempts at stroking each other. We both liked the sixty-nine position but found an extra thrill when we were going solo on each other as we did several times. I got to lick William's other pit and he tried licking my chest and found it suited him also. I didn't press the issue of reaming him. I would have done it to him but he obviously had a mental block about it. If it never happened, that would be fine also.

It was with deep satisfaction when we both shot our loads in each other's mouth. Afterward, I pulled his thigh forward and used it for a pillow while I watched his cock soften and his balls drop. Every once in a while, a drop of cum would ooze out of his wide slit and I was good to lick it off before it got too far. After awhile, we were in each other's arms kissing and just holding onto each other. I never realized how good it was to lay with my head on a muscular, hairy chest and have two massive arms wrapped around me.

We didn't talk of the future or why this could never work. I couldn't face reality and I didn't want it banging around right now when I was so totally content and blissfully happy. I wouldn't say it was love. Maybe just the afterglow of a serious case of lust that had been satisfied. The last thing I remembered as we lay there snuggled together, my head on his shoulder and his head lying against mine was Todd's voice, 'He might have gotten you now but I will always have been the first.'

"Go away," I mumbled. William mistaking my murmuring as being some kind of affection tightened his arms around me and kissed the top of my head. And we slept.

To be continued!

Next: Chapter 2

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