Hurricane Eli

By Max Mann

Published on Aug 22, 2010



Author's Note:

I am working on another multi-part story that I hope you will all find entertaining. Meanwhile, I figured I'd knock out a quick short story or two until I get the first of that one posted.

Normal disclaimers apply: Under 18 (or the legal age in your area)? Any of this material violates the laws where you are? Then please leave right now. All my characters are over 18 and always will be.

Finally, as always, it is fun to be a fictional character sometimes because you don't need to play safe. Please see the distinction between fiction and reality and always practice safe sex!

Please send any feedback to

This is a fictional story.


I turned on the two-way radio to hear the latest from Dispatch...

"Breaking weather alert in our area: Hurricane Eli heading for the Florida coastline. A mandatory evacuation is in place for all low lying areas along the east central coast. This is a serious storm, expected to reach Category 4 status before landfall. All residents advised to take shelter inland. Do not try to ride out this storm at home."

I find it hard to believe how many lunatics try to ride out hurricanes. And yet, as a Ranger, I have to be the one responsible for saving the dumbasses from their own stupidity.

I was almost done with my check of mandatory evacuations. I wasn't sure how much time I had until the brunt of the storm hit. I called into Dispatch to get an update.

"Dispatch, this is Ranger Parker. What's the ETA on hurricane force winds reaching my area?"

"This is Dispatch, Ranger. You have maybe 30 minutes to finish your rounds, then I suggest you make it to safer ground. Copy."

"Copy that, Dispatch. I have one neighborhood left to check. I shouldn't be long. Out."

Chapter 1 "The Evacuation"

I arrived at the Atlantic Palms beach community around 6pm. There are only 10 houses on this stretch, and I have about 30 minutes to check them all out. My orders are to get everyone out quickly and safely. A mandatory evacuation means that I can force folks to leave, but honestly, how much can I really do?

The first few houses all seemed vacant, so I skipped over them. The next still had several cars in the long driveway. I pulled in to investigate.

I approached the front door and heard... music. Uh oh. I knocked loudly on the door. No answer. I looked in a window and didn't see anyone. Then I heard some laughing around back.

I circled to the back of the house, went through the gate, and saw them. Two guys, maybe in their 30's were in the pool, laughing and splashing around like nothing was going on.

"Excuse me," I announced. "You folks can't stay here. There is a hurricane approaching."

"No shit, weatherman," the one fired back, and continued talking to the other.

"Sir, I am a Park Ranger. This area is in a mandatory evacuation zone. You both have to leave, now."

"Leave? The party hasn't even started yet...wooooo!"

Every neighborhood has one idiot and I found this ones.

"Sir, it isn't safe to remain. Please come with me. I am required to evacuate you."

"So you're gonna force us, is that it, Sonny?"

"Sir, please just comply. It is for your own safety."

Mother Nature decided to back me up. At that very moment, several wind gusts blew through the back yard, rustling the trees overhead. The skies were getting darker.

"Sir," I tried again. "We are already nearing tropical storm winds. It will get much worse, very soon."

"Nah, that just means it's time to move this party inside!"

With that, the men waded over to the edge of the pool and climbed out. They were both completely naked. I looked away in embarrassment.

"No need to be shy." The man walked towards me, not even attempting to cover up. "You never skinny dipped?"

"Sir, please, just get dressed and come with me. If you don't feel safe driving I can give you a ride."

"Ooooh, now you're talking. Can I give you a ride instead?"

I was a bit confused at the comment. Did he mean what I thought he meant?

I was wasting too much time. How could I convince them to leave?

"Sir, can you and your friend just come with me? We have to get out of here."

"Listen, pal, we're not going anywhere and I'm pretty sure a lowly Park Ranger can't make us. Hell, why not stay and enjoy the party?"

"Sir, I can't do that. Are you refusing to leave?"

"Got that right, boy"

"Okay, but you are taking all responsibility for your actions. If you need emergency service, no one will come until it is safe."

"Fine by us."

I turned to walk back to my truck. The winds picked up again, even stronger than before.

"Uh oh, Mr. Ranger, you hear that sound?" The man walked with me around the side of the house.

"Damn. My truck! The tree must have crashed right into it!" I started to panic. "Sir, we have to get out of here. Can we use your vehicle?"

"Curse the luck, boy, wouldn't you know it. The tree is blocking our driveway. We aren't going anywhere."

I grabbed my radio.

"Dispatch, I am at a residence that refuses to evacuate and my truck has been damaged. Can you send someone out to get us?"

"Sorry, Ranger, the Service just shut us down. We have sustained tropical storm force winds now. You're on your own. Try to take cover there."

"Alright, Sir, looks like you got your wish. May I ride the storm out in your home?"

"Nah, I don't think so. You aren't in the party spirit."

"Sir, are you serious? I need to take shelter. Please, let's just go inside."

"Boy, you couldn't force me to evacuate and I'm sure you can't enter my home without permission. Is that about right?"

I paused, trying to think of some obscure rule that relates to states of emergency.

"Well, I guess so, Sir. But, you invited me in."

"No, I invited you to the party."

"Well, then, I'll go to the party." I was getting exhausted from the exchange.

"Well, there's just one problem you see, Ranger."

"What?!" I finally yelled.

The man looked down and held his arms out a bit.

"You're not exactly meeting the dress code. Are ya?"

Chapter 2 "Let's Get This Party Started"

I stood there dumbfounded.

"You want me to get naked, too?"

"Unless you wanna stay out here, your choice. Knock on the patio door when you are ready to party and I'll let you in."

With that, the man reentered the home and shut the door behind him.

Holy shit, he really means it! I looked up. The clouds were gathering overhead. It was still technically daytime, but the storm was quickly turning it to night.

I went to the back porch and looked inside. The two men were standing in the kitchen fixing some drinks. I tried the handle. The door was locked.

I had no other choice. I stripped out of my uniform, down to my boxers. I knocked on the door. The man looked over at me and shook his head.

Fine, I thought. What do I have to be embarrassed about anyway? I was about the same age as them and probably in better shape. I stripped off the boxers and stood there naked.

I knocked again. The man approached the door and looked me over. He gave a slight grimace and shook his head again.

"What?" I yelled, pounding on the door.

He ran his fingers through his still wet hair.

He had to be kidding. But, he didn't budge.

The wind was really starting to swirl now and I had to get inside. I ran over and dove into the pool. It actually felt great on my skin. I hoped that I wouldn't actually have to stay in long, so I climbed out. The water was dripping from every inch of my naked body.

When I returned to the door, it was open slightly.

I walked inside and stood on some towels to dry off a bit.

"There, you happy?" I asked the two.

"Better. But, you're still not in the party spirit. Have a drink."

The other man, who had yet to say a word to me, handed me some kind of fruity drink. Could I order a beer, I wondered.

"Well, what are your names at least? I guess we should know since we're all so familiar with each other now. Mine's Eric," I offered.

"Well, I kinda liked it when you called me Sir so how about you stick to that? You don't need to know his name. I do all the talking around here."

"Ok, Sir, if that's what you want. It's a little strange though, don't ya think?"

"You're standing naked in someone else's house and you're gonna comment on what's weird?" The fucker had a point.

I heard the wind and rain start to pelt the side window. It had started.

"So, what kind of party is this anyway?" I asked.

The man just laughed as he sat down and snapped his fingers. The other guy hurried over and knelt before him, then leaned over and starting sucking the man's dick.

"This kind," he said, and chuckled.

My mouth almost hit the floor. I was speechless.

"Don't worry, Ranger Eric, you'll get a turn." He smiled and winked.

"Huh? I don't think so, I'm not gay."

"Think I give a fuck, boy?"

"Sir, if you think I'm going to give you oral sex, then you are mistaken." I tried to be firm, but polite.

"Come here," he ordered. I hesitated, but finally did.

When I was close enough, he reached down and grabbed my cock and balls. He squeezed tighter and drew me in close.

"I'm only gonna say this once Ranger Eric. In my house, you do what I say. If you rather go back outside, I understand."

I was squirming from his unyielding grip. My balls had never hurt so much. Still, what he was suggesting was impossible.

"But..." is about all I got out. He squeezed harder.

"Do you want to go back outside Ranger?"

"No.. no.." I whimpered. He let go. I slumped to the floor.

"Get on all fours and face the wall," he barked.

I got up on my hands and knees and turned to face the wall. My ass in full view of the man.

"Nice ass, boy. Spread your cheeks."

"Do what?!" I couldn't believe I was being humiliated this way.

"Spread your fucking cheeks, boy, and show Master your hole."

His voice had a new level of contempt. I was going from nervous to panicking. Maybe I should just go outside and face Mother Nature.

Instead, I reached back and spread each ass cheek wide open, exposing my pink hole.

"Nice tight pucker, boy. When's the last time it was fucked?"

"Sir?! I said I am not gay."

"So, you're a virgin?"

"No, I've fucked plenty of women."

"I'm not talkin about sex with skanks, Ranger. I mean good rough sex with a real man."

"I've never..."

"So, you're a virgin?"

"Yes, Sir."

"Good, then let's get this party started," he declared.

Chapter 3 "Black Betty"

I was forced to stay in my position on the floor until ordered otherwise. My forehead was getting sore from resting on the carpet. My arms were tired from holding my ass cheeks in position.

Still, I was to remain like that until he commanded me otherwise.

I heard him moan and groan as he continued to get a blowjob from the other boy and, presumably, from the view.

"Ahh. Good boy," he told the guy. "Go fetch me Black Betty."

Master--I guess I should call him now, for lack of a name-- knelt down on the floor beside me.

"Return your hands below you, Ranger." I did so.

"Good, boy, now lift your head up high and arch your back. Yeah, that's it, stick that virgin ass high in the air." Again, I complied.

I heard something being handed to him. He leaned over to whisper in my ear.

"By my count, Ranger, you disobeyed or hesitated on an order five times already. That gets you 100 each. 500 total."

"What? 500 of what?"

He showed me Black Betty. It was a long hard rubber paddle. It was dirty, too. Were those cum stains?

"Now, as I said... 500, and you have to count them out."

The first swing hit my ass hard. I let out a cry and that is all.

"Okay," he said, "you didn't count so it starts over. Try again."


"One..." I whimpered.

Smack!! "Two..."

Smack!!! He continued to administer my spankings and I quickly counted each one. The pain began to overcome me. My ass was still slightly wet from being in the pool so the paddle's fury was amplified greatly. The tears started flowing at about number 100.

"One hundred twelve, oh fuck," I bawled.

By about number 400, my ass cheeks began to feel numb. I can't even imagine how red they must have been.

The rain continued to pound against the windows and I could hear the wind howling outside. Is it too late to take my chances out there? I strongly considered making a run for it and trying.

But, I took the last of my spanks and even gave him a "thank you, Sir."

He rubbed my ass cheeks firmly, I almost passed out.

"Now, Ranger Eric, time to get the taste you've been missing out on in life. Time for Master's cock."

I shook my head, still not wanting to put my mouth around another man's tool.

"Please no, Sir, please. I beg you."

He sat back up on his chair and smiled.

"Crawl over here Ranger Cocksucker and get what you really want."

I was crying again but not from the beating. I wasn't a cocksucker.

"Fine. How about 5,000 with Black Betty first."

I shook my head violently. "No, fuck no. My ass can't take any more."

Defeated, I crawled like a dog to my new Master's feet. I spread his legs wide and slid in between. His crotch was very hairy. I don't think he had ever trimmed down there.

And yet, from the mountain of bush, rose a long, fat cock. This was the first time I got to examine it in this state. It had to be 8 inches but as thick as I could imagine a dick to be.

"Come on cocksucker, get to it."

I leaned over to lick it, but he moved it out of the way. I followed it to the right and tried again to touch it with my tongue, but he flicked it to the left. He was toying with me.

Finally, I grabbed the base of his cock firmly and licked slowly up the shaft.

"Oh yeah, fucker, take what you've always wanted," he moaned approvingly.

The taste was not what I expected. It was actually pretty good. I even enjoyed the veiny texture of his shaft. I continued to bathe his rod with my tongue, taking long slow strokes as I did. He moaned louder.

"Damn Ranger, if I didn't know better, I'd say you've done this before."

Well, of course, I hadn't. This was my first cock and I couldn't get enough of it. I wanted to know how every inch tasted and how it felt buried in my mouth.

With his shaft soaked in my saliva, I moved up to the fat mushroom head. I popped it in my mouth and swirled around with my tongue. I could taste something leaking into my mouth. I had to know how precum tasted so I sucked it out and let in rest on my tongue. Damn it was incredible too.

Master grabbed the back of my head to help guide my progress. He pushed me a few inches down but it was already too much. I choked on the cock now pressing against the back of my mouth. He didn't relent.

"Come on, boy, take it all."

I tried to protest but it only came out as a groan. He wasn't interested in my struggle. He pushed harder.

The cock pushed into my throat, beyond what I thought was even possible. I nearly gagged. How do guys suck cocks like this, I had to wonder.

I tried again to break free but his grip was too strong and steady. I took as much air in through my nose as I could, but even that had been restricted by his impressive manhood.

My nose began to rub against the thick bush of his pubes. I was nearly there. I was also about to choke to death. Finally, he released.

I jumped up, gasping for air. I ran to the door, but realized I was trapped. I couldn't go out there now. The winds had to be up to Category 2 strength by now. Still, was I any safer in here?

Master just looked at me and laughed.

"You're not going anywhere Ranger. I know what you really need. It's time to pop your cherry."

Chapter 4 "The Night the Lights Went Out in Florida"

I just looked back him in a panic. That cock barely fit in my mouth. There's no way I could take it in my ass. I tried to reason with him.

"Please, Sir, this is crazy. I've never even had a finger in my hole. How am I to take a dick your size? You would split me open."

"Everyone's gotta have a first time, boy. You'll beg for it the next time, I promise."

I just shook my head. He sensed my fear and it only fueled him on more.

"I love popping a straight boy's cherry. There's no better feeling. I think you'd eventually like it too, after the initial pain. Maybe you just need a demonstration."

He snapped his fingers and, again, the other guy came rushing over. The man squeezed some lube in his hand and rubbed some along the guy's ass crack. Then he covered his stiff cock with the rest. It sure didn't look like enough.

The guy climbed up on Master's lap and they shared a kiss. Master's cock had made its way behind the guy and it was rubbing along his back. It looked even bigger from this angle.

Finally, the guy positioned his hole just above Master's cock. I was sitting at his feet so I could clearly see his cock rubbing along the guy's tight hole.

The guy lowered himself slowly; the cock head struggled to pierce the tight entrance. Master had to reach down with his hand to help force it in. It looked like it was trying to pop through.

A loud groan from the guy announced its presence in his warm hole. I was mesmerized at how something that big could just disappear into another man.

Firmly grabbing Master's cock now, the boy's hole lowered slowly. Each inch gave rise to another groan. I could see his hole try to expand to accommodate the enormous shaft. The sight was incredible. I looked down and I was rock hard.

I sat and watched as Master's cock slowly disappeared into the guy's ass. The gaping slit finally reached the thick bush. With one final gasp of ecstasy, the guy sat fully on to the cock, taking every inch to the hilt.

"Fuck yeah, boy, that feels so good. Ride my fat cock. Show the Ranger how good it feels to have a man inside you."

The guy happily obeyed. He lifted most of the way up the shaft and firmly glided back down. He repeated, more forcefully this time. Each trip up and down Master's cock seemed to feel more intense. Both men were moaning loudly, almost drowning out the sound of the hurricane outside. The guy getting fucked picked up his pace, determined to take it as hard and fast as he could.

I heard a loud groan from the guy and saw his body shudder. Then, three huge strings of cum shot over Master's head and landed against the wall. A few final shots soaked Master's hairy chest. He paused briefly to enjoy his orgasm and then resumed working Master's cock with his tight ass.

The guy leaned forward and Master reached around to spread his cheeks wide. I got a perfect view of just how much a cock can split an ass open. He continued to ride it, taking all 8 inches each time. I realized at that moment that I was jerking off while watching. Master noticed too.

"Good, boy, better stop... don't wanna blow in you right now. I'm saving this one for the Ranger."

I must have turned pale again. While it was incredible sight, I still didn't think I could take it as easily as the guy had. What I just saw would kill me.

Another snap of Master's fingers and the other guy ran off. We were left alone. His gaze was so intense that I couldn't bear to look at him. I heard him stand and turned just in time to see him standing over me. He grabbed my arms and dragged me across the floor to a staircase.

I finally looked up at him and gave him a look that begged for mercy.

"Please," I begged.

"Ha, thought you'd beg for it."

I just shook my head.

He grabbed my hands and slid something around them. They were restraints. He pulled them tight and buckled the other side. My hands were joined tightly and were being lifted above my head. He walked up the stairs and pulled tight on the restraints, lifting me off the ground an inch or two. Then he secured me in that position.

My arms felt like they'd be broken off. I pointed my feet to keep them on the ground, saving my arms from bearing my full weight.

Master returned to me and kicked my legs open wide. I couldn't support myself. I screamed as the force became too much for my arms.

Just then, the lights went out.

Fuck. We have to lose power now?!

The room turned pitched black. The rain and wind continued to beat against the windows. I could feel a man's breath on my neck.

And I waited.

Chapter 5 "The Eye of the Storm"

A warm hand ran down my back and then worked slowly over my ass. Three long fingers slid between my ass cheeks and gently rubbed my hole. There was still enough lube on his fingers that the middle one was able to slide inside a tiny bit. It met a great deal of resistance though.

"Fuck, Ranger, your cunt is tight. How is my big fat rod going to fit in there?"

I hoped this meant that he'd changed his mind. Instead I heard the squeeze of a bottle. Then a cool gel rubbing along my ass crack.

"This should help a bit, Ranger. I'll use more than I did for my boy, don't worry."

"Why are you doing this?" I cried out. "I said I'm not gay. How can I take a real man like you when I've only been with whores before?"

This only turned him on more.

"I could tell from the start that this is what you wanted and needed. I saw the way you stared at my cock as it slid in my boy. You wanted that feeling."

"No, Sir, please. I found it very exciting, yes. But, I am not one of your faggot boy toys."

"Oh, so that's all they are, huh, Ranger? Worthless faggots?"

"No, Sir, I didn't mean that, please."

"No, I see now. I've known a lot of straight guys that like to play just a little. But the one thing I found is when they get real defensive and start throwing words like faggot around, then they are repressing something. Probably their true nature. Am I right?"

I shook my head, not that it did any good in the dark.

"No, Sir, please. I am not a closeted gay. I promise."

"Nope, I'm more sure than ever, Ranger. You not only want to be a faggot whore, but you want to be my faggot whore. Time to make you one."

With that declaration, he slapped my tender ass hard. I screamed in pain.

Then there was silence. Even the rain had stopped. We must have been in the eye of the hurricane.

I felt his feet push up against mine, sliding them farther apart, again knocking me off balance. I dangled from my arms as his rough hands ran down my sides and to my burning ass cheeks. Then I felt it.

It was his fat cockhead. It made a path along my cheeks up to the top of my crack. Then it began its descent. Slowly it worked down between my cheeks, finding the tight prize in the middle. Master grabbed each cheek and spread me open gently. I was completely exposed and helpless to stop this intrusion.

I felt it press against my hole, struggling to enter much as I did at the patio door. It was like my hole was locked and his cock was pounding on the door. Just like me though, it just needed to get wetter. I heard and felt Master spit a giant wad near the bottom of my back. He mixed it with the lube and massaged it into my hole.

I felt his breath again on my ear.

"Now, Ranger Faggot," he whispered. "I usually work a couple fingers in to get my boys loose first. But, in your case, I don't want to rob you of the sensation of having my fat cock be the first thing to penetrate that hole deeply."

I could only whimper like a small child. I'm sure I'd never forget what this stranger was about to do to me. I couldn't even anticipate the pain. Then came the pop.

His cock pierced through my sphincter and I let out a loud groan. Now I know how the boy felt when the head finally forced its way in him.

Then came a couple inches of hell. I'd never felt anything like this before. I moaned loudly.

"Fuck, Ranger, I've never felt anything so tight in my entire life. Even when I was a kid and popping cherries, I never find one like this."

I couldn't speak. I wouldn't even know what to say. I felt him draw me closer to his body, trying to spread me open more. I couldn't give more ground to his cock. He was content to push it through anyway.

He retreated slowly then pushed back into me for not only the same couple inches but another couple more.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled out.

"I am, Ranger, I am gonna fuck it," he grunted in my ear.

Then came a couple more inches and my ass felt like it would explode. But yet, I didn't feel any hair brush against my ass. So I knew he wasn't done his assault.

He slid his cock out and back in, to the same spot every time. But I knew he had more to give. He wanted me to sweat it out. He was saving those last couple inches. He wanted to cherish them.

Almost five minutes when by with him just fucking me five or six inches deep. His girth was more than enough to make me moan and groan at each insertion. Yet, the anticipation of getting the last bit of his monster cock made me do something I would never have guessed I'd do.

"Master, please, fuck me harder. Give me every inch you got, please!!"

I heard a hearty laugh in my ear. He had been waiting for that. Now he had won. My ass was his.

"You got it Ranger, just remember you asked for it."

The next three strokes of penetration went to the place I had grown accustomed. Then came the next one. He pulled out almost fully then shoved it back in fast and furious, giving me every millimeter of meat he could offer.

I screamed so loud my lungs hurt. Of course, it didn't compare to the sensation in my ass. Three more long hard strokes were plunged deep into my waiting cunt. I was his bitch and he knew to treat me like it. He didn't even try to be gentle.

All I could feel after this was his continual pounding of my ass. I was getting numb. I couldn't take much more without passing out. Then I felt his hand.

He reached around and grabbed my nuts hard. With each penetration, he'd squeeze hard. He didn't touch the shaft, but he didn't have to. One fuck and grab later, I felt my balls empty. I don't even know where my load could have gone, but I knew it was spurting out in buckets.

He wasn't done making me his bitch yet.

"Now, Ranger Fuck Whore, one more thing you need to complete your journey."

I just moaned in defiance.

"Come on, Ranger, you have to say the words."

I didn't have a choice. It seemed so wrong yet I wanted nothing more at that moment.

"Please, Sir. Please cum inside me. Breed my faggot hole."

It took only five more agonizingly long strokes before I felt his full cock pause, fully buried in my ass. Then I felt the spasm. His load filled me up. My tight ass felt every contraction as it squeezed the seed from his cock.

Master let out a long moan and yelled, "Take it fucker. Take my cum." Then he pulled out.

My hole felt relief at last. But the damage was done.

Master reached down and fingered my hole, enjoying what he reduced me to. I even felt his jizz start to leak back out of me. He just laughed and kissed me on the neck.

"Fuck!" I said. "That was incredible."

"Lights, Marty" "Master" called out. Suddenly, the lights came on in the room. Marty was standing by the switch smiling at the sight of us. I think he was impressed... or jealous.

"Master" climbed to the top of the steps and undid my restraints. Together, we crashed on the sofa. I leaned over and gave him a long kiss.

"Damn, Eli," I said, totally spent. "That was the most intense game we've done yet! You really got into it."

"Well what did you expect, "Ranger" Eric?" He laughed.

"What is the weather like anyway?" I wondered out loud.

Marty went over to the window and looked outside. "Shit, it didn't even rain that much. We should try this again during a real hurricane."

"That would be awesome," Eli said. "I want to be the Ranger next time."

"Okay, then I get to be the hurricane," I laughed.

"Ahh man," Marty groaned. "That means I gotta be Dispatch again!"

The End.

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