Hurricane Bitch

By Mac Rountree

Published on Sep 15, 2018



Hurricane Bitch

This is a true story of an encounter a few years ago when a hurricane moved across the Outer Banks of North Carolina. I never saw the man again after our weekend encounter.

Please remember Nifty and donate funds to help this precious resource continue. Mac

It has been a very busy hurricane season so I was inured to another bout of hysteria from the weather forecasters. I had left the beach several times during the summer to find a motel with one room left to rent in some little inland town. Fuck that. I decided to stay put and ride this one out. If it was the big one and I left this planet, I would be one of those folks that was talked about as having too little sense to know that it was a category five yet decided to stay.

It was Sunday morning which meant that the roads were swamped with people who were leaving the beach after a week of sun, sand and sin. The beach road was under water so I tried to use the by-pass to head south to the Stop and Shop. Traffic was backed up heading north to the Point Harbor Bridge and safety. I knew all of the cut through streets and was scamming how I would get back home in some reasonable amount of time.

I picked up the Washington Post, Richmond Times Dispatch and the New York Times and decided to go to Harry's Bar for brunch. It was Sunday, there was a hurricane and I needed sustenance and company. The parking lot already had six inches of water but the restaurant was open. The rain was horizontal and I was soaked when I walked in the door. Betty and Jim greeted me and said I had become like a native. I grinned and told them I was tired of running away from Mother Nature and she had some explaining to do for her lousy weather this summer. I pulled off my yellow slicker and hung it beside the door. I had on khaki shorts, a tee shirt and wading boots. I sat in a booth and Joyce brought me a cup of coffee. I ordered eggs over medium, a rasher of bacon, fresh fruit, and wheat toast with Seville orange marmalade.

I looked at the bar and saw a tall fellow drinking a Bloody Mary. He had on shorts, a print shirt that was only half buttoned and flip flops. I had never seen him before. His mop of hair was still wet. His hairy legs protruded from his shorts and I could see a nice hairy chest from his open shirt. Just as I like them: suntanned, blond and hairy. I looked and his rain gear was hanging beside mine and had created a huge puddle on the floor. I chuckled and thought that might be a reason for them to clean the place. Lord knows it looked like it hadn't been cleaned in at least 10 years. I had taken my mother and Jube to Harry's one Sunday and she wouldn't eat the food; she said the place needed a good cleaning. I told her the food was fine and that if she wanted to send her maid over the owners would probably let her clean but then would make fun of someone who was so persnickety. Jube gave me a knowing look that indicated his mother would probably have said the same thing. These DAR women could be a little too uptight sometimes.

I asked Joyce about the tall fellow. "Poor thing, his car has drowned out and he has nowhere to go. I am afraid he is going to drink himself to death waiting for the hurricane party to start tonight." I grinned and said, "Well, I have never been to a hurricane party but this is nothing more than a nor'easter on steroids. If we partied for every nor'easter people might think we were drunks." Joyce did a double take and then burst out laughing. She was the master of comic timing.

Since I was the only other patron in the restaurant I told Joyce to ask the fellow if he wanted to come sit with me and have breakfast. She grinned and said, "Sure thing honey, I know what type of party you want to have." I acted all sincere and alarmed by such a comment. "He's straight and I am just trying to be a good Samaritan. I am not trying to get into his shorts."

"Yeah, tell me another one and see if I believe it."

Joyce went to the bar, spoke to the fellow who then turned to look at me. He picked up his drink and came to the table. He struck out his hand in greeting. "Hi, I'm Kyle. Thanks for asking me over, it is so quiet in here it is nice to talk with someone." He sat down and took a long gulp of his drink. "It's a long time before the hurricane hits and it looks like you are on the way to being drunk and will miss all of the action."

"Nah, I am just upset because my MG flooded out on the beach road and I can't get to my rental in Colington Harbor."

"Well, you wouldn't get to Colington Harbor in the MG today anyway. The road is completely under water."

He looked crestfallen. I asked where the car was. " I called the garage in Point Harbor and they sent a wrecker. The bill will be humongous given how long it will take them to get across the bridge."

Just at that moment my food came and I offered to share with Kyle. He declined and took another sip of his drink. Per usual, the amount of food exceeded my intake capacity and I pushed the food to the middle of the table. Kyle reached over and took a slice of bacon. He then looked up at me and smiled. "I hope this is ok. I really am hungry and don't have any money."

"You are welcome to eat the bacon. How are you going to pay for your drink if you don't have any money?"

"I used the last of the money to buy these drinks after paying the tow truck driver part of the bill. I was hoping that some friends would drop in and I would ask them to spot me some cash until payday."

Joyce brought the tab and I paid leaving a big tip knowing that the food business would be dismal and her income might be slim depending if the drunk business picked up in the afternoon.

"Well, I am heading home to read a stack of newspapers and listen to some music. If you don't have a way to get home you are welcome to come stay until the storm passes."

"Thanks man, but I think I will hang out and wait for my friends."

I got out of the booth and stretched my arms above my head. I yawned while scratching my stomach. My shirt had pulled out of my shorts and I realized that I was playing with my hairy navel. I looked over and Kyle was staring at my hand. I laughed and said I might go back and take a nap. I then yawned and stretched again.

Kyle looked up, smiled, and said he might take me up on my offer of reading newspapers and listening to music.

"Let's go then buddy. Give me a minute to put the papers in the back seat of the Jeep. I don't want you to sit on them and get them wet."

I put on my slicker and ran to the Jeep. Damn, it was pouring. Just as I turned from putting the papers in the back Kyle opened the door and slid into the seat. We both looked like drowned rats. I laughed and told him it would be an interesting drive back to the house. The rain was beating so hard on the roof of the Jeep it made talking difficult.

The Jeep parted the waters on the beach road as we headed north. I drove down the center ridge of the road. The few times we encountered other vehicles I slowed and pulled into the right lane to reduce the wake and give them lots of space. I slowly made my way north until I reached the house.

"OK, now this is the hard part. We have to go up the outside stairs without being washed away." I had the papers in two plastic sacks and stuck them under my slicker. "Follow me."

We raced up the steps and stood on the front porch. The wind was whipping around the building and rain was pouring across the porch. We piled inside the front door and I started stripping off my wet clothes. The slicker had kept the papers dry but my shorts were soaked and stuck to my legs. My waders were full of water and my head was sopping wet. I tossed the papers on a table. "Tell you what, I am going to hop in the shower real quick to rinse this water off." I just started laughing at the silliness of what I had just said. "Well, anyway I am going to take a quick shower and then you are welcome to do the same. Then we can put on some dry clothes and relax. I headed into the bathroom and dropped the last of my soaking clothes on the floor. It was a brief shower and I felt better after washing my hair and drying off. I walked into the bedroom to get some clothes out to wear. Kyle was standing there looking at me. I told him that there were fresh towels in the bathroom for him to use. He looked at me. "I don't have anything to put on except these wet clothes, can you put them in the dryer." He dropped his shorts and I noticed he was going commando.

"No problem. I will put our clothes in the washer and then we can dry them. You can wear something of mine until yours are dry."

I walked to the laundry carrying wet clothes while Kyle got in the shower. I noticed that he had put on some music. Sarah Vaughan. Now the man had good taste in music; perfect for relaxing and reading the Sunday morning papers. I got the coffee pot set up and could smell the first of the grounds being saturated with water. I love that smell of freshly made coffee.

I decided to close the blinds on the ocean side of the house because the wind and rain were distracting and I kept looking at the rough ocean. I could hear the shower still running and thought that Kyle must be enjoying the hot water. I went back to the kitchen and poured myself a cup of coffee and was heading into the library when I heard the water stop. I sat and pulled out the New York Times from the stack. I was perusing the front page when Kyle called out and asked if there was anything particular he could wear.

"Wear whatever you like. Just get comfortable." I had sized up Kyle and knew we wore about the same size clothes.

He walked into the library wearing a European style athletic tee shirt and a navy blue jock strap. I had the coffee cup up to my lips and had to concentrate not to choke on the swallow of hot coffee I had just taken. He smiled and said that he felt much better. I tried not to stare at his hairy ass.

"I hope you don't mind that I have on your jock strap but it looked too tempting to not wear. How many colors do you have? It looked like a jock strap store in your dresser drawer."

"I haven't counted. It looks good on you, you should keep it."

Kyle smiled and told me he loved jock straps and would add this one to his collection.

"By the way, coffee's in the kitchen."

"Thanks, I will have a cup. Do you have cream?"

"Sorry, I don't use cream in my coffee. I am lactose intolerant and don't do much dairy."

"May I make a cup of hot tea? I don't like coffee unless it is very light and has lots of sugar."

He had his elbows on the bar that separated the kitchen from the dining area. His hips were thrust back and I slid by him trying not to touch his ass. I got out a kettle and heated the water. I decided to make a pot of tea so that whatever he didn't drink I could use for iced tea later in the day.

I made the pot of tea and handed him a Fitz and Floyd Beeker mug that I had bought in a shop in Georgetown.

We made our way back to the library and I sat on the sofa. He moved to the other end and was about to sit down when he turned to me. "Let me get a towel to sit on. My ass is so hairy and hot I don't want to mess up your sofa." I could only look at him as he slid between me and the coffee table to go get a towel.

I tried to read the paper but my eyes wouldn't focus. Kyle returned and slid between me and the coffee table again. He leaned over to put the towel on the cushion. His hot, hairy ass was in my face. Damn.

He sat down, picked up his mug and poured himself some tea. "God, this is delicious. Very few people understand tea. They buy whatever is on sale at Food Lion."

"I get my tea and coffee from a fellow who operates a co-op here on the beach. He places monthly orders with a distributor in New York."

We settled in and read the paper. The wind was howling and every so often we would hear a crash and both of us would stare at each other and then start laughing. Norman Connors was now crooning "Voyage from Atlantis" from the stereo and I was trying to relax and not think that staying through this storm might have been a mistake.

"I don't know about you, but this storm has me jittery." I looked at Kyle and told him it would be ok.

"That is unless it is like the Ash Wednesday storm when the sound crossed over and met the ocean. That wasn't even a hurricane but a bad nor'easter. If that happens our asses are in lots of trouble."

"Speaking of asses, could you look at mine. I think I have a pimple from sitting on this towel."

Kyle pushed the last of the papers on the floor and got on his hands and knees on the sofa. "I think I feel a pimple in my ass crack. You don't mind looking do you?"

His ass was in the air and his head was stuck down between the sofa cushion and the arm rest.

"No, I don't mind looking." I leaned over and felt his ass. He let out a moan. I rubbed his right cheek and told him I didn't feel a pimple.

"I think it is in the crack." He reached back and pulled his ass cheeks apart. "Do you see it? My ass is itchy and I thought maybe I had a pimple."

I moved in close and put my hands on each cheek and moved them apart. I looked but did not see a pimple, only the redness on his cheeks from sitting on the towel.

"Look closer."

I moved in and could smell his fresh ass. I rubbed my fingers up and down his crack trying to find the pimple.

"Oh God, that feels so good Mac. Don't stop."

I leaned in and licked his ass crack. He was moaning and hips began to undulate. "Eat my ass, Mac, eat my ass."

I did as he asked.

My tongue slid up and down his crack leaving lots of saliva in the hair. He put his hands inside the pouch of the jock strap and rearranged his junk. "Oh yeah, I love being with a man who wants to fuck me and make me his."

I had his hips in my hands and pulled his crack into my face. My tongue found his hole and I could taste the soap he had used. Damn, I thought, he was cleaning out his hole while he was in the shower. No wonder it took him so long.

I slapped his ass and told him that we were going to take it to the bedroom. I grabbed the back of his jockstrap and pulled him to me. The tee shirt had ridden up his torso and I could see that the word "FORD" was tattooed across his lower back. "Nice tat."

"Yeah, and this ass needs fixing or repairing today. Let's go try out your tool to see if it works."

I followed Kyle into the bedroom and pulled off my clothes. He immediately dropped to his knees and started sucking my cock. "Oh fuck yeah, I love a big hung dude. I love a thick cock in my man hole."

He kept sucking and I told him I was going to drop a load. He stopped, looked up at me and grinned. "I want that cum in my hot hole. How many loads can you give me before the storm ends?"

"We will count and you let me know when to stop."

I picked Kyle up under his pits and lifted him onto the bed. As I was kissing him I started to pull off his jock strap.

"No, don't. I want you to fuck me while I am wearing your jock strap."

I could see his cock pushing out the pouch.

"OK, Mac, I need for you to take me. Make me your hurricane bitch."

I grabbed the bottle of lube out of the night stand and told Kyle to get himself ready. "I'm already lubed, I filled my ass full of lotion while I was in the shower. I am ready for you to ride me."

I flipped him on his back and put his legs over my shoulders. I pushed the head of my cock at his hole and pushed. My entire cock went in.

"Mother fucker, I didn't know it was going to be that big. Give me a minute." I kept my cock in place and then I could feel Kyle start to work his ass muscles. "OK, that feels good, now fuck me hard."

I pulled all of the way out and then put the head at the opening to his hole. I then plunged and bottomed. I set up a steady rhythm of fucking his ass while he moaned and sighed. At one point I couldn't tell whether the shrieks were coming from him or the storm raging outside.

"Get ready, I am ready to shoot my load." I could feel my legs tensing as the orgasm started moving from my toes to my groin. "Arghhhhh, fuck, take my load hurricane bitch. Take my huge fucking load." I pushed in and could feel spurt after spurt shooting from my cock. Sweat was dripping from my body onto Kyle. He looked in a daze and then ecstatic as he started shooting his load into the jockstrap. He wasn't touching himself as he shot load after load. His hips were bucking and pulling the last of the cum out of my balls.

I looked down in amazement at the man lying below me on the bed.

"Kiss me." I leaned down and honored his request. "That was the best fuck I have ever had. God I didn't know the day was going to turn out like this when my car broke down this morning."

I chuckled. "Yeah, I didn't know I was going to find such a hot man when I went to get breakfast this morning."

My cock slid from his ass. He looked disappointed that I had softened after cumming.

"Give it some time and it will be ready to go again." I scooted down and started sucking his cum from the jockstrap. He moaned and pushed my head into his crotch. I pulled the pouch aside and started cleaning his big dick. My mouth licked the head and then I went down the shaft. I started playing with his balls while sucking on his cock. I tasted a small amount of piss and started moaning. "You want my piss, man? Do you want to drink this bitch's hot yellow lemonade?" I moaned and he started pissing in my mouth. I slid the cock down my throat so it wouldn't be wasted. After he finished, I put his cock back in his jock and pulled myself up on the bed and kissed him. He smiled and said he loved to piss himself and also to drink his piss. He told me he would return the favor when I needed to piss. "No need to get out of bed; just let me know when you need to turn on the faucet. I am always ready for a hot drink."

We fell asleep wrapped in each other's arms. When I awoke I was aware that he was staring at me.

"I didn't plan this you know. I have a girl friend and I don't do things like this."

"OK, funny things happen when people get caught in hurricanes."

He seemed relieved by my answer and asked if we could get something to eat. "Let me get dressed and I will fix us something."

"No, I want you naked so I can look at you. Our bodies are much alike and I like looking at your big cock."

"Well, I need to piss." He smiled and lunged for my cock. "Give me your piss man, let me have it." He put the head of my cock in his mouth and looked at me. "Uh huh, mmmmm." I knew he was ready and starting pissing a hot stream into his mouth. He swallowed as fast as he could and then let me run from his mouth onto his chest. he started rubbing the piss into his skin while continuing to drink from the faucet. I finished pissing and pulled my cock from his mouth. He smiled and told me I had just satisfied one of his fantasies.

We went into the bathroom and got into the shower. He told me how he and a basketball buddy would always jack off in the shower after practice. "This shower looks like a smaller version of the shower from high school." I reached out and man- handled his junk in my jock strap. I told him that I wanted to see if my cum was still in his ass. He bent over and I got on my knees and pulled his cheeks apart. I slid my fingers into his ass and could feel the wetness. I took my fingers out and asked if he wanted a taste. He nodded and took my fingers into his mouth. "Damn, that is tasty cum. Give me more." I asked him to push the cum out of his ass. My tongue was waiting at his hole and gobs of cum fell out. I turned him around and started kissing him. My mouth tasted of cum and hot fucked ass. His cock had pushed out the side of the jock strap as he sat on the floor and kissed me.

"The water is going to turn cold soon. Let's get something to eat." We got out of the shower and toweled off. We walked into the kitchen; me naked and him in my jockstrap. We ate standing at the counter. I couldn't keep my hands off his body and he was the same with mine.

The wind had picked up and was roaring. The house shook and the lights flickered. We both looked at each other with uncertainty.

"Well, I have this to say: if I die in the storm tonight I have had the most incredible day being with you."

I agreed with his sentiment. It has been a hot day of sex.

We went into the library and I put on some bisexual porno. There were two guys and a girl. One guy was fucking this chick. He had a huge cock and a ripped body. The woman was moaning and running her hands all over his chest. He was kissing her and steadily pounding her pussy. The second guy moved behind the couple and started licking the guy's ass. The fellow fucking the girl hesitated and then told him to eat his hot ass. The second guy complied and put his face into the guy's ass and started licking. His tongue moved down and started licking his balls. Everyone was moaning and the second guy started stroking his cock. The girl orgasmed and was screaming and writhing on the bed. The second guy got behind them and shot his load on the balls of the guy fucking the girl. Just at that moment the fellow slammed into the pussy and shot his load. Cum was dripping from his balls and from the pussy. They collapsed into a heap. The first fellow then told the guy to clean his cock, balls and pussy. The fellow was hesitant so they started eating the pussy together. Then they started kissing and making out. The girl moved out of the way and the guys were kissing and stroking each other's cocks. The first guy then told the other he wanted to fuck him. He reached for some lube and fingers his ass. He then moved behind the fellow and fucked him doggy style. The bottom fellow's cock was hard and swinging as his man cunt was fucked. "Take my big cock, you fucking cocksucker. Take this man's cock." He pulled his cock out of the man's ass and shot a huge load across his back. The bottom fellow's cock started shooting when he felt the scalding cum on his back. He lowered himself onto the bed and the other fellow lay across his back and cuddled him. They were both cum covered as the video ended.

Kyle looked at me and said, "I want to do that with you and my girl friend."

I suggested that I was gay and not bisexual. Kyle said, "Do it for me. You can do that. It will be fucking hot, Mac."

I told him we could try our moves and pretend the girl was there. We headed to the bedroom and Kyle got in a doggie position and told me he wanted my cock in his ass. I immediately climbed onto the bed and got between his haunches. He pushed back and my cock slid in. We fucked like animals until I was ready to shoot my load. I pulled out and shot my load across his back. Just at that moment Kyle shouted that he was cumming and shot a huge load across the bed sheets. I was on top of him as he slid down onto the sheets. "Stay in me Mac, leave your cock in my ass." I cuddled around him and fell asleep with my hard cock in his hole. I awoke and realized that the house was quiet and that I was alone. The storm had passed during the night. I got out of bed and wandered through the house. There was a note from Kyle on the kitchen counter telling me that it had been an incredible night.

I started making a pot of coffee and then headed to the shower. I scrubbed my body paying particular attention to my cock. I got out of the shower and put on a pair of gym shorts. I poured a cup of coffee and headed to the deck to see what damage had occurred. The beach was strewn with trash. I walked around the house and noted the repairs that needed to be made. I went back inside wondering if the day before with Kyle had been real. It had been so unexpected and ended with Kyle leaving before I awoke.

I decided that a trip to the gym was in order. I went to the dresser and opened a drawer to get out a jock strap. I noticed that a jock strap had a note attached thanking me and letting me know he left me a gift in the pouch. I opened the pouch and found it full of cum. I put it to my mouth and sucked the cum from the strap and knew that it had really happened.

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