
By Dagor Dragontooth / Arkan Two Worlds

Published on Apr 2, 2012


Part II

Hunting -- Part II

You know the drill. The following is an erotic story depicting sex between consenting adults (m/f, m/f/f, m/m) and if this is illegal in your jurisdiction or you're not of legal age, press alt+f4 and do something else with your time. I hope you've enjoyed the story so far. I intend to continue writing, but your feedback is important! Email me at with comments, ideas, or whatever. It's all appreciated. That said, I hope you continue to enjoy Damian's sexy adventures.


Mr. Two Worlds

There was something naughty about sleeping with Mrs. Talbot when Big wasn't there. Of course he knew, but there was always that sense of the taboo, that sense of naughtiness that just added to the sensual experiences I shared with Mrs. Talbot. I slipped out of her after bringing her to orgasm and fell to her side.

"You're getting to be even better than this than you were before."

"Practice makes perfect, Mrs. Talbot." I said, as I kissed her once again.

As we were making out, I slid back into her and got myself close to orgasm for the first time. And then her cellphone rang from her bedside table. She rolled over and answered, sounding confused. "Hello? Oh, that was today? Sh...yeah, no, now's a good time, you're outside? Give me a few minutes to get dressed. See you in a bit."

I slipped out of her and she turned to me. "Uh...want to go into the closet?"

"Well, you already know I'm bi."

"Not that closet. The actual closet. I have a visitor coming, and I don't know if she---"


"You're not the only bi person around here."

"Oh, wow. Yeah, I'll hide."

"It shouldn't be long," she said, giving me a tug on my cock, which was ready to burst. just don't make a sound."

I grabbed my clothes and shuffled over to the bathroom instead, turning off the light, dropping off my clothes on the floor and leaving just a little tiny space for me to see what was going on within. Mrs. Talbot slipped into her bathrobe and walked out. A few minutes later, I heard voices in the entrance hall slowly approach the bedroom. I realized that recognized the other voice, a high pitched, sing-song voice talking to Mrs. Talbot. My suspicions were confirmed, much to my surprise, as I saw two women return into the room. Megan...I hadn't seen her since high school. We had gone to the same one together and I had graduated a year above her, so that would place her at 22 right now. She was fair-skinned, short, thick, curvy (the healthy curvy, not the sickly curvy), wearing a blue cotton summer dress and sandals.

"Where's Mr. Talbot?" Megan asked, looking around.

"Business trip. You're looking great, by the way."

I could see the red blush creep through Megan's cheek from my position in the closet. "I don't think so, Mrs. Talbot," she said shyly. "I've gained some weight."

"Healthy weight is never a bad thing, let's take a closer look."

And then it happened. A few years ago I would have killed for a moment like this, and now I had a chance. Megan slipped out of her summer dress and kicked off her sandals and I saw Mrs. Talbot begin tracing her hands all over Megan's body and large, supple breasts, and traced her finger down to Megan's lovely mound. "You're as wet as I am, Megan. Now, what is it that you wanted to do for lunch?"

Megan smiled, and slowly fell to her knees and opened up Mrs. Talbot's bathrobe and took Mrs. Talbot's pussy into her mouth. And boy, she was much better than me. I was so caught up in the moment that I momentarily forgot about my painful erection, I was just enjoying Mrs. Talbot's low, guttural moans of orgasm as she came. Megan pulled back and wiped some of the juices that had dribbled on her chin with the back of her hand.

"Still as awesome as ever," Mrs. Talbot said, slipping out of her bathrobe.

"Would you like a foot massage, Mrs. Talbot?"

"No, that you're here, I do have an idea."

She stood up, her tall figure dwarfing Megan's prone body, and walked to her closet, fishing out a pair of handcuffs that she and Big had used on one of our sessions. Megan's face lit up, and she got on the bed right away. Mrs. Talbot first handcuffed her, face up, and then fished out a strap-on that I hadn't seen before. It was thick, rubbery, maybe seven inches but very thick. She slipped into it and just as quickly, slipped into Megan. Megan let out a high-pitched squeal as Mrs. Talbot began sliding in and out of her in a my technique! She'd place the tip of her strap-on at the entrance to Megan's pussy lips, and the slide hard in, before slowly pulling back and repeating the motion. Within a few minutes of this thrusting, Megan was screaming in pleasure, struggling against her bonds. And then she came, quite explosively.

"Wow, you really needed this, Megan. It's been awhile since you've had the real thing, hasn't it?"

Megan nodded.

"Want to have it again?"

"With whom?"

"One of my friends."

Megan thought about it and then shook her head. "I'm not into older guys...sorry, Mrs. Talbot."

Mrs. Talbot laughed. "No, no, besides, Big is not here. He'd change your mind. I mean someone your age, maybe a year or so older."

"But...I don't know, I don't trust guys much anymore. Is he clean?"

"Clean as a whistle."

"Where is he?"

"Hiding, here."


"He'll keep our secret, Megan."

I took that as my clue to walk out, but for civility's sake, I had a towel around me.

"Damian?!" Megan asked, surprised...but not disgusted. Point for me, I reckon.

"Hi, Megan."

"You two know each other?"

I nodded. "High school together. I didn't realize you were in town this summer, Megan."

"I...yeah. Summer vacation. I'd say hi but I'm tied up."

Mrs. Talbot motioned me over to the bed and guided me to take her position.

"Megan, do you want to do this," I asked.

"As long as you don't tell anyone."

"I won't, I promise."

"Good, and I'm on the pill, so don't worry."

I smiled and leaned over, kissing her deeply, and then I slid quickly into her. It took a lot not to let my previous orgasm return in force, but I kept thrusting and thrusting, and I didn't feel Mrs. Talbot place her hands on my ass. "Oh, Megan, if it helps, I'm going to tell you why Damian is good at keeping secrets." And then I felt the strap-on slide hard into me, making me let out a grunt of pain before the pleasure returned. Megan looked surprised, but closed her eyes, and focused on my cock sliding into her pussy.

"Oh, that's it, I needed a man inside me. Fuck me, Damian!"

And I kept on, I kept on, sliding hard, sliding deep and in a few minutes, I felt her body shudder and juices splash around my cock. I shuddered, too, and let out a moan as I came inside Megan, with Mrs. Talbot's plastic cock still in my ass. We fell in a heap together and the older woman uncuffed Megan. As the three of us made out, I couldn't help but bask in the glory of two women together around me.

We broke the kisses, but Mrs. Talbot remained in me. "Damian," Megan said. "I didn't realize you were into strap-ons."

Mrs. Talbot laughed. "I'm afraid he's into a little bit more than that, right, Damian?" she said, as she thrust just a little deeper in me while she slapped my ass. "I'm into guys, too, Megan."



So, I told her all about how Big had made me his after our adventures out hunting, and Megan was in utter shock.

"Wow...that's incredible, and hot. I never...pegged you for being bi."

"Funny choice of words there," I laughed. "How did you and Mrs. Talbot meet?"

"A bi chatroom. I was having some issues with Alex and...well, I got curious. So I got online and started talking to Mrs. Talbot...after a few weeks of talking, we realized that we were a fit for each other and we needed to meet. So we exchanged pictures. I was surprised."

"Oh, that's right, Cindy went to school with us! How could I forget?" Cindy was Mrs. Talbot's niece.

"Yeah, that point, I couldn't shake the feelings I had, so we met up, and now here we are." After another lovemaking session, I headed back to my apartment, drenched in sweat and ready to take it easy for the rest of the day before my nightly gym routine. On the way into my apartment, I ran into Jim, my next-door-neighboor.

"Hey Jim!" I said, stopping at my door to say hi.

"Hey Damian, how's it going? I haven't seen you in a bit."

Earlier this year, Jim and I were workout buddies. It was an interesting partnership. I had the weight and build on him, but he was taller and lither than I was and far more health conscious. He also had an ability to appear much younger than he was. While he was older than me by several years, he looked to be 21 at the most.

"Work's been kicking my ass. Speaking of which, I have been meaning to talk to you about something. Still looking for a job?"

"Sort of, I mean, I have some grad school loans for the summer, but a little extra cash wouldn't hurt. What's on your mind?"

"Well, a position in our company opened up and we've been meaning to hire a new candidate."

"What kind of position?"

"Administrative assistant."

"You mean a secretary? Look, Jim, I didn't go to school for four years to—"

"Paying $5,000 for the entire summer."

"—so easily dismiss opportunities! Tell me more!"

"Well, I'm going to work out the details with my boss this afternoon, but I'll swing by tomorrow morning. To confirm everything."

"Awesome, man! Thank you! I'll have to buy you dinner."

"I won't say no to that. See you around, Damian."

He took off and I went inside my apartment to let out a huge whoop of delight. $5,000 took care of two months' rent and left enough to make a significant dent in my student loan debt. That night, I was more pumped up to go to the gym as usual. I had made nightly routines my thing after Jim couldn't make it to morning sessions anymore. I liked them better since I tended to be the only one that late at night in the apartment complex's gym and could jam out to my own tunes at high volume. After finishing working out, I went to get a drink at the water fountain only to find out that it was out of order. Cursing under my breath, I headed to the next room to get a drink. The apartment's gym had a little lobby area and then a tiny shower room that connected to the swimming pool. As I was drinking water, I heard shuffling inside the shower area. Better judgment told me to not peek, but I was curious. Who was out swimming at ten at night? So I opened the door and turned on the lights. Nothing out of the ordinary...except the shower was running in shower number two. Underneath the curtain, I saw two pair of men's feet, a large black pair at the end of a pair of thick, muscular shins, and a smaller pair of white feet at the end of thinner shins. Giggling to myself, I took the shower next to them and undressed as I took a quick shower. Wet sounds of sex came from the other stall, and I took it on myself to masturbate in the shower because, hey, why not? I finished, letting out a grunt of pleasure, and turned off the shower. "Y'all have a good night," I said as I wrapped a towel around my waist, picked up my gym bag, and headed out.

I was asleep within minutes of returning to the apartment. I had time to put on boxers as I was going to settle down to watch movies for a bit, but I managed to get through only five minutes of a documentary before passing out cold. The doorbell woke me up at 8 the next morning. I decided to ignore it, still trying to hold on to sleep. And then the phone rang.

"Fine, I'm up, I'm up!" I said as I reached over to the coffee table to answer.


"Hey, it's Jim. Open up, I'm outside."

"When I heard morning, I didn't realize you meant crack of dawn morning."

"It's eight a.m. Man up and open the door."

So I did, and it was Jim, wearing beach clothes but carrying an attaché case.

"Don't you have work today?"

"Day off."

"Ah, well, come in and tell me all about my job."

"Direct much?"

I laughed. "Sorry. Can I get you something to drink?"

He smiled and shook his head. "Just had breakfast."

"Awesome, well, how can I help you?"

He motioned to his attaché case. "I have some forms for you to sign that tell you all about the job."

"Come into my office, then.."

My `office' was actually my bedroom and the queensize bed there. I had a huge computer desk where I did most of my studying, and that's where I sat down. Jim kicked off his sandals and sat on the bed after he handed me something he pulled from the case.

"Standard nine-to-five, answering calls, it's nearby so there drive's not that bad."

I looked it over, saw nothing shady or fine print that would have made me sign off my soul to the devil, and signed the papers.

"Here you go, and tell your boss I'm excited to be working for him. I was getting tired of all the free time," I said, handing the papers and he put them back in the folder inside their case.

"Good. There was another thing I wanted to talk to you about."


"I didn't realize you were into guys."

"And whatever gives you that idea, neighbor?"

He smiled. "You were masturbating last night next to two guys inside the shower."

"What makes you say that?"

"You're the only one in this complex that works out at night."

"Could have been anyone."

"Your voice is quite distinctive."

"Wait, damnit, I thought the security cameras were just for show!"

"Well, yes, they are. But I wasn't seeing the cameras. I was...there."

"Um...there were only three of us in that room. There was no one in the third or fourth stall."

"Uh, Damian?"

"You were next door?"

My mind experienced a sudden shock as Jim nodded. I couldn't believe it, well, I could but, still, it was surprising. "All this time I thought you were straight," I said.

"I am, well, with women. With guys I tend to be bi."

"Well shit, I guess I am, too."

"That one comes as a surprise."

"Everyone keeps saying that. How long have you known?"

"For about several months now, since I started working." So he told me the story about how he met Vince, his black friend, at a job social, and after a few drinks, had to be driven home. Somewhere in that drunken stupor, things were said, and Jim had ended up making love to Vince. And by making love, I mean Vince had fucked Jim pretty hard. I told him the story about Big and how dominant he was, too.

"That's funny. Vince was in the army, too," Jim said after I finished. We compared notes, and narrowed down that there was a chance that the two men knew each other.

"I love getting fucked by Vince, y'know," Jim said. "It's kind of the way I am with women, but I get tired of being dominated like that. I want to have sex without any of these trappings and power plays."

"I know the feeling, but, I don't know, I've never fucked a guy."

His face lit up. "Really?"

"Yeah, I mean, I've been fucked, but I haven't ever returned the favor. Obviously Big won't want me to mount him."

Jim patted the bed next to him and I sat down.

"Tell you what, since you owe me for finding you the job, you and I are going to make love. I'm a bottom ,apparently, so we're going to have your first today."

I gulped, slightly nervous, but nodded. With my permission, Jim reached under my boxers and began stroking me. "Oh, thick. I like that. Let's get naked."

We both did, and I got a chance to admire Jim's naked body. Ivory-white, sun splotches here and there, but thin. We got on the bed and began making out, at first, I was not accustomed to the lack of force, but eventually I gave in. Hands brushed hands, toes brushed does, and tongues fought with tongues. We were two equals, sharing passions. Jim broke the kiss and then began working his tongue onto my shaft. I was in pure bliss, and I sat back. I didn't force anything, I let Jim suck me expertly, using some of the same motions that I used when Big was in my own mouth. And soon enough, I felt the orgasm build up, but I wasn't going to let Jim swallow.

"Jim, I'm about to cum."


I placed my hand on his short hair and tried to worm out, but he wasn't having any of it, and in a few seconds, I sat back and moaned out as I let loose a burst of semen inside Jim's mouth. I heard a few audible swallows, and then he quickly pulled back, getting some of my cum on his face. He crept up to me and kissed me, and another session of making out followed. It didn't take long for me to be hard again, and Jim felt it. "Okay, it's time. Do you have any lube?"

I nodded and reached by my bedside, where I Had a drawer where I kept condoms and a small bottle of lube. Jim squeezed some on his hands, a glob between his legs, and began lathering up my hard cock. He sat up and placed his tall, lanky frame above me, and my cockhead at the tip of his asshole. "You ready?"

I nodded. And Jim sat down. It felt tight, it felt great, and it was awesome. My cock slid hard in him and he let out a moan as he leaned back, taking everything in. I pulled up, kissed his neck, and grabbed his ass, sliding in and out. I felt his bare feet push my back further into him. I was ready to cum in just a few short minutes, but Jim wasn't letting me, always stopping at the right time and slowing right back down. After awhile, he pulled back and got on all fours. I knew what I had to do. I placed myself behind him and placed my lubed up cockhead where it belonged...and thrust in. The feeling was intense, and so were the thrusts. Slow at first, picking up speed, especially as I used my left hand on his shoulder. My right hand was gently placed on his ass at first, but then crept down to his cock, to stroke him in tune to my strokes. I felt an incredible rush of power as I drove into Jim, eliciting moans for each thrust.. I understood why Jim and apparently Vince liked the dominant position, it was incredible. And then I felt my cock build up orgasm again, drawing it from my balls as I drove inside Jim's velvety ass. In my hand, Jim's thick cock shuddered suddenly, spilling his seed into my bed and through my hands. It was enough, I arched back, slammed into Jim, and let loose seed after seed with thrust after thrust until I was completely emptied out. Exhausted, I gently slipped out and laid in bed next to Jim, arms around each other and legs intertwined.

"That was intense," I finally said.

"It was."

"So, if we're working together, does this mean more of these sessions?"

"Sure, if you have any energy left after being a sex toy for an older couple."

"Hey, they're not that old. Plus, you'd enjoy them!"

"And you'd enjoy Vince."

"We'll have to find about that one out soon."


Next: Chapter 3

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