Hunters and Hunted

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Aug 13, 2022


Hunters and Hunted Vampire Made By Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

"Vampire Made" is the fifth part of a larger cycle of stories, The Hunters and Hunted series, and comes after "Thrall Market".

Despite similarities in names and relationships the story is set in neither the Supernatural-verse nor the True Blood-verse nor the Buffy-verse nor the Sabrina-verse nor of any supernatural-story-verse. Those faces were just the ones I had in mind as I wrote. The thralls are based on real people, or my fantasies of them. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of any of the actors or the characters they play.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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"Damon, where is my pretty squire, Caliban," Eric disarmingly said one night in the Club, seemingly out of the blue.

A half dozen undead eyes turned to the philosopher vampire. The words had been spoken with no particular intonation, but everyone knew that Eric could go from pussycat to avenging bastard in two seconds flat. Sam and Dean braced themselves – just in case.

"In the tower room," Damon said after a moment. Sam and Dean had already established that Damon he was not a man for words; he chose the few he used deliberately.

"Ah, that must be what you wanted to tell me a few days ago. The day we Enthralled Dan and Archer."

The thralls in question now knelt alongside Eric's chaise. They looked up adoringly when Eric said their names, but clearly they had no idea what was going on or what the vampire was talking about. Nor did Sam and Dean when it came down to it; Oz hadn't said thing one about a squire named Caliban.

Damon nodded and said, "Caliban has the fever, brother."

"So, it's come at last," Eric sighed. "How many years has my lovely Caliban served us?"

"Since 1733," Garrett said. "He could have been Changed long since, but you decided to continue to toy with him rather than bring him across at a reasonable time."

Eric shot Garrett a sharp glance before the blasé vampire smiled disarmingly and said, "Which was your prerogative, of course."

"Thank you; so kind," Eric said. "Do my all brothers agree that Caliban is ready for to be brought across."

The assembled bloodsuckers nodded.

"He shows all the signs," Hannibal said.

"He burns," Cash added.

"He's wracked with the hunger he can't satisfy," Dallas said, grinning with an eager wildness in his eyes.

"That's why I made the decision, in your absence and subject to your approval, to remove him to the secure place he is now," Damon finished.

Eric stroked Archer's unruly hair, considering.

"Well, it's too late to do anything tonight," the master vampire said. "Caliban has waited this long, he can safely stew a few more hours. Tomorrow we'll all go, and I can assess him myself. Pike!"

"Master?" the ranking squire said.

"You said, I think that we have a dozen or so thralls in the stable at the moment?"

"A few more now thanks to acquisitions, but yes, master. Eighteen strapping thralls wait the opportunity to serve you," Pike said. "We anticipate adding more soon, but that's the complement at the moment."

"Tomorrow afternoon, pick the fifteen strongest, and prepare them."

"As you will, master."

"Good. That's enough business for tonight. Brothers, let us, now, give ourselves over to pleasure."

Music welled. Each of the vampires took up one of the thralls on duty and proceed to make love to him. And feed on his vitality. Eric, as the master, pulled both Dan and Archer up onto his chaise.

"Before I feast on your blood and cum, worship my body, you beautiful boys," he said, and they did.


After the evening was done, the vampires retired, and the bloodthralls put away, Dean whirled on Oz.

"Caliban?!" he barked at the little redhead. "Who the fuck's Caliban when he's at home?"

"Brought across?!" Sam followed up. "What did Eric mean by `Brought across?!"

"Ozzie, you've got some `splainin' to do," Dean finished.

Pike just laughed.

The squires and pages had retreated to their own room where each was now nursing a beer.

"Hmm," Oz said, "Caliban, as you heard, was taken into service as a squire in 1733. I'll let you do the math."

Sam did, goggled, and said, "That long? I knew you were in what? Your fifties? But can there really be a squire that's almost three hundred years old?!"

"Yeah," Pike said, "That long. And wasn't the bastard just pleased as punch to rub our faces in his seniority."

"'I'm the masters' favorite' he always said," Oz recalled. "And he's so damned pretty, you could almost forgive him for it."


"Ravishing," Pike said. "Nubile to the Nth degree. And he'd looked like that forever, it seems. What you know about aging doesn't exist where the Masters are concerned. I mean, do the masters look old to you? Would you believe that Eric is over a thousand years old? That Garrett is over five hundred?"

"And James has been a vampire a little longer than Caliban has been a squire. Vampires don't age as mortals do," Oz said, "And when they take men into service, squire or thrall, they gift them, us, with a sliver of that. Until we leave their service, we won't age a day."

"And if we're brought across," Pike said, "We'll continue ageless."

"Really?" Dean asked.

"Really," Oz said. "We'll look as we did they day we were taken into service until we are either released or Changed—which is what you call a man that's been brought across."

"Which brings us back to the original subject," Sam said, sidestepping the question of release for the moment.

"Change, yeah," Pike said. "Mortal into vampire. It hasn't happened during my years of service,. Dallas was changed in the 40's, I think, and Cash in the late 50's."

"Hannibal is more recent, 90s I think, but he was Changed by some master other than Eric," Oz said. "It wasn't until recently that those three petitioned to attach themselves to the Manor."

"How..." Sam started, but Oz interrupted him.

"Look, I could waste a lot of time detailing things, but you're going to see the process tomorrow. More things will be clear then. Save your questions until after that."


The next day, in the early afternoon, the vampires assembled in the Club.

("Why afternoon?" Sam had asked. "To make it easier on Caliban," Oz said. "Daytime mellows vampires. This way he won't be hit with the whole `I'm a creature of the night' thing at once.")

Pike had selected the fifteen sturdiest looking bloodthralls (actually he had simply excluded the three that most needed to recover) and had them standing to the side. Eric looked the naked boys over and nodded his approval.

"Bring them all," he said, "Sweet Caliban will be hungry when he Wakes."

"If he Wakes," Damon amended.

"If," Eric conceded.

Ah,' Sam thought, So some don't survive this Change.'

With no further word, the master vampire turned and led the procession through the corridors to the base of the Tower. Mounting a set of spiral stairs, they at last came to a strong door with a massive lock. Eric turned the key, and they entered a windowless round room. A half dozen chairs sat along the wall, and on a large bed at the far end of the room, a young man in knee-britches and a peasant shirt was tied spread-eagled.

Dean was confused by what he was seeing. Squires were bound to serve and obey, so If Caliban was a squire, why did he need to be tied a bed in a locked room? Actually that was Dean's second thought. His first was that Pike had been right. Caliban was an obscenely sexy boy, and boy was the word. Though Caliban had been in the Master's service for centuries, it was clear he had been bound to that service young. Sam and Dean looked like the men they were, but Caliban was a boy still. A beautiful masculine boy, to be sure, but a boy none the less – and had been for centuries. And now would be for centuries more. The idea was almost more than Dean's mind could cope with. His cock, however, liked what he saw.

As the assembly watched, Caliban struggled feebly against his bonds, trying to reach his masters. Sweat had soaked through his clothes, and they clung to his body, leaving no mistake but that he was a paragon of the muscular ephebe. In spite of everything, he also sported an enormous erection.

(If this boy was a hunter too,' Dean mused, I wonder what stake he used on his victims?')

"So lovely," said Damon. "It will be a pity to lose him." And that said, the philosopher went to kneel alongside the squirming squire.

"Please, Master Damon," Caliban begged, "I'm burning up. And, oh god, I'm so hungry it hurts. Please, untie me."

Damon leaned over to kiss the stunning boy on the lips, which made the bound man moan like he was being tortured.

"Little love," Damon said, "You know I can't do that. It's your time."

"Time?" Dean whispered.

"Time to join the ranks of the masters," Oz whispered back. "I told you that."

"You mean he wants to become a vampire?" Sam said. "He's not being forced to it?"

"Want has nothing to do with it," Oz said. "Not anymore. Nor force, at least not in this case. He has to Change. If he doesn't, he'll die, plain and simple. And his body knows that even if his mind may not have quite grasped the reality."

He looked seriously at the brothers.

"It's a rather horrible death from what I'm told," the redhead said frankly, "Though there are rumors that some have in fact chosen to die rather than join the masters. They claimed they weren't sufficiently worthy."

"Or that's the story," Pike added.

"And why is he tied to the bed?" Sam asked.

"Ah, that would be because if he weren't he'd be running amuck by now, attacking every male he could get at," Oz said. "His body knows he needs blood and cum, and he'll do anything to get them. Until he's Changed, of course, they won't do him any good, but he'd still go after them. And he'd do a lot of damage—to the property, to the thralls and squires, and possibly even to the masters. We don't want that."

"No," Sam breathed. "We don't want the masters hurt."

Pike put in another two cents.

"Cal's body is changing already, you see. Some would tell you he's dying, but actually, he's simply adjusting to an alternate metabolism and physical state. Usually the Masters are good at sensing when the Change is coming on, but Caliban jumped the gun on them."

"He would," Oz said.

"Right," Pike continued, "Well, the Masters in residence restrained Caliban and locked him away while Eric was out retrieving you two. Properly, he should have been Changed the day you all arrived."

"Why didn't they?" Dead asked.

"I guess someone thought he could hold out for a while longer," Pike said. "Or they wanted him to suffer a little longer. And he is suffering."

"Someone miscalculated," Oz said.

"Or that," Pike agreed.

Both Dean and Sam nearly jumped out of their skins when the room was suddenly rent with a shriek of agony.

"Maaaaaaaaaster!" Caliban screamed, doing his best to bend in half, "I hurt so bad! I think I'm dying!"

"He's ready," Oz said. "Now watch."

The vampires formed a circle around Caliban and, kneeling down, they tore the sodden clothes off his body and made love to him for the last time. (Vampires don't fuck vampires, Oz explained later. Nor do they feed off one another.) The bloodsuckers caressed and kissed, licked and sucked at Caliban's flesh, including his cock, and finally Damon released Caliban's feet and took position between the squire's legs before penetrating his ass. Caliban howled.

"Fuck me, Damon! Master! Fill me with your cum!"

Damon gave the frantic boy a considerate fuck before shooting inside of his ass, but that wasn't what the boy either needed or wanted. The other vampires stepped up after that to fuck the soon-to-be-minted vampire this one last time. They gave the boy the hard wild fuck he craved, especially Dallas and Cash. Dick after dick seeded Caliban's ass (Not his mouth because the boy's canines were already converting themselves into fangs and, as Oz had said, vampires weren't stupid), overloading the writhing young man sexually. All the fucking, though, broke through Caliban's frenzy, and he became calm as his ass was filled with more and more man-cream.

"Thank you, masters!" he whined. "Thank you for jazzing your boy, sirs!"

"Jazzing your boy?" Dean whispered.

Oz just shrugged. "1733. What did you expect hm to say?"

Eric was the last to fuck the squire's ass. The master vampire knelt on his haunches between Caliban's spread legs. He rammed two fingers into the boy's hole and, using the cum already deposited there as lube, massaged the boy's prostate.

"Master," Caliban whimpered, "Please! It.. I.. Uh! Cumming!"

Caliban's final money-shot as a mortal gushed out and left white gooey stripes across his taunt belly. The dregs, the last few half-hearted wads, bubbled out and glistened down the shaft of the boy's still-hard cock. Eric scooped up a couple of fingers worth of Caliban's sperm and fed it to his soon-to-be brother.

"Taste the last seed you'll shoot as a mortal, Caliban, and be welcome to the Brotherhood of Blood and Cum."

Eric rammed his dick into the squire then and fucked him. The two were face to face, with Eric covering the boy's delicious body. At the moment Eric spent, he bit Caliban's throat while at the same time forcing his own wrist into the boy's mouth. Caliban's new fangs tore into the flesh, and Eric fed him pure vampire's blood.

Caliban's thrashed in ecstasy and agony underneath the master vampire's body. Eric's cum in his guts warmed him like never before, and the taste of the vampire's blood in his mouth was sheer heaven. As Eric sucked away on Caliban's throat, however, the squire got light-headed. Death approached, and every instinct told him to fight it. He almost broke free of the restraints, but bit by bit the boy's struggles grew less and less until they ended altogether, and the boy's now-pale breathless body lay still. Eric reverently closed the squire's eyes and pulled out of the dead ass.

"What now?" Dean whispered to Oz.

"Now, Dean," Eric said, "We wait. Soon we will know if Caliban has taken the Change or if he is utterly lost to us."

The vampires pulled up chairs and sat in a circle around the bed, keeping vigil. The squires stood back with thralls.

"We can't leave in case we're needed, but we don't want to be too close if and when he Wakes," Oz warned. "Sometimes new vampires go into a frenzy."

An hour passed. Then a second. At the end of the third hour, though, the body on the bed spasmed and Caliban, the new Caliban, let out an unearthly scream. His wrists tore through the heavy leather cuffs, and he sat up heaving.

"I hunger!" he howled in a dangerously feral voice. "I want blood!" and looking in the direction of the thralls he added, "I want CUM!"

Caliban threw himself towards the thralls, but Eric caught the infant vampire in his arms and held him tight.

"Pike, send me the strongest thrall we have," the master said as the beautiful undead boy fought to get free.

Pike pushed Troy forward, and the blond approached reverently, as if cognizant of the honor being done him in being selected to be Caliban's first feed.

Caliban, in tears, tried desperately to get at Troy, but Eric held him in his embrace.

"Caliban, my sweet," he said, "Taste first."

The master made a delicate scratch on Troy's chest and pressed Caliban towards the blood that welled up from the firm muscle. Dean tensed, just in case Caliban took a bite out of the thrall's flesh.

"Mmmm," Caliban groaned as he sucked what blood he could from Troy's seemingly insignificant wound. The taste of Troy's blood took enough of the edge off the hunger that Caliban was letting himself be directed.

"Gently, little brother," Eric said. "Relish the taste for now. Let it take the edge off your hunger. A full meal will come later."

Troy clearly felt the sublime fulfillment of being fed upon, and he melted into the bizarre tableau.

"Pike, I'll want Clark and Daton next," Eris said. "You other squires, I need three thralls that are ready to pop a load. I don't care which, but get me three hard dicks, now."

As Pike brought the two requested thralls to take Troy's place, Oz pulled out three thralls. Blond Brandon he pushed towards Sam, Beefy Dan towards Dean ("Together again," Dean play growled at the long-haired thrall as he started stroking the hunk's half-hard cock), but the little Hawaiian, Jordan, he kept for himself. Clever squire hands worked over the excited thralls, teasing their balls into action and working their dicks, edging them to the hair-trigger point.

Caliban had sucked as much blood as Eric would allow from Clark and was now sucking away at Daton's farm-boy flesh.

"Are those three ready?" Eric demanded.

"Yes, Master," the squires replied, and they guided their ready-to-shoot thralls towards the action.

Daton fell by the wayside, exhausted but not in any physical danger, and Oz pushed Jordan forward.

"Open, Caliban," Eric crooned. "Open and drink."

The master vampire nodded, and Oz took the golden dick in hand and gave it the last few necessary strokes.

"Cumming!" Jordan cried, and Oz pointed the pulsing cock straight at Caliban's open mouth so that the boy's jets of sperm could pool on his tongue."

"Ah! Ah! Ah!" the Hawaiian stud gasped as his balls emptied themselves.

When Jordan's orgasm was over, Oz pulled the Hawaiian back and let Dean push Dan into place as Caliban swallowed. The still-new thrall didn't hesitate for a second, but screamed as his cock, too, all but exploded ropes of cum into Caliban's waiting mouth.

"Oh fuck!" Dan cried. "So good!"

Finally Sam brought Brandon into the game. This thrall was famous for being almost as theatrical in his orgasms as Archer had proven to be, and Sam was pleased to be the one priming him to be part of Caliban's first meal.

"Ghyeeeeieee!" Brandon screamed, and the thrall's body almost twisted out of Sam's grasp as he blew.

Happily, Pike had just brought up three more thralls in case Eric needed more blood. He caught Brandon, and the two squires held him upright long enough for him to fire a thick heavy load into Caliban's mouth. They pulled the blond thrall away as Eric pulled Kevin close and scratched his breast.

Thrall by thrall, they worked through the available boys. Nine gave of their hearts' blood, and six their seed, before Caliban's Waking hunger was appeased.

Caliban, looking sane for the first time since he Woke, stared amazed up into Eric's eyes.

"Mas..." but he stopped. He could feel that his submissive bond with Eric, with all the vampires, was sundered, gone. No longer were he and Eric master and slave. They were equals, as Eric had said, in this sanguine brotherhood.

"Caliban, my brother," Eric smiled, "You look terrible."

Caliban laughed, "I do, don't I? And I'm naked. I need clothes—but first a bath. Can the squires attend me, or do I require a nanny still?"

"The squires can attend you, and Damon and Garrett have clothes already chosen for you. Clothes more suited to the age and your station. Go with them. Pike, you and Oz take care of the new master."

The five men, two mortal and three vampire, filed out leaving behind them a shambles of a room, four vampires, two squires, and a team of spent bloodthralls.

"Sam, Dean," Eric said as he got to his feet, "Clean this mess up, and if you think any of the current stock is up to an evening, bring them to the Club at sundown."

"Of course, Master," Sam said.

"And if our blood would help..." Dean started.

"Or cum?" Jason said, smiling at the brothers as he and Eric made to follow the other vampires back downstairs.

"If our blood?" Sam said, turning on his brother. "Really?"

"Or cum," Dean said. "Hey. Don't judge me. You got to fuck Troy; for some of us it's been a while."

Next: Chapter 6: Squires Communion

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