Hunters and Hunted

By moc.liamg@swerdna.nave.rm

Published on Jan 26, 2022


Hunters and Hunted Enthralled By Evan Andrews 2022

This is a fan fiction.

This story is part of a larger cycle of stories, The Hunters and Hunted series, and follows chronologically on "Entering Service".

Despite similarities in names and relationships the story is set in neither the Supernatural-verse nor the True Blood-verse nor the Buffy-verse. Those faces were just the ones I had in mind as I wrote. The two thralls are being played by porn stars Dan Saxon and Archer Croft. Kai is based on a real mixed martial artist, and Daton on a college wrestler. This story should not be considered a true representation of the sexuality of any of these men or the characters they play.

The story depicts males in sexual situations with other males. If this offends you, if you are underage, or if reading such is illegal where you are please stop reading now. Thank you.

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Sam and Dean, with their new brother Oz, easily beat the masters back to the Manor. Dean that and said that this was because the van was carrying more important passengers and so had to proceed more cautiously-- something Oz didn't bother to contradict, Sam noted. But it was more likely to be due to the way Dean drove. In either case, they left the Impala in the Manor's garage and headed down to loading dock on the building's lower level to wait. Meanwhile, Oz decided to make use of the time to give them the first part of The Tour.

From what the brothers saw, the lower level appeared to be little more than a maze of service passages and closed doors. They did pass a couple of curious rooms though: a large communal shower and bathroom (but with no lockers for clothes) and a room large enough to hold a couple of dozen men. Two beds sat in the middle of its floor with three more pushed up against the wall, but otherwise the room was bare. They only walked a few of the service passages, though. The others led to God knew where or what, but since Oz didn't mention them, the brothers assumed they weren't immediately important.

The loading dock was flanked by a shabby sort of lounge area, but when Sam stuck his head in the door, Oz put out an arm to stop him from actually entering. A long-haired young man who had been seated before a bank of monitor screens stood up when the pages and squire appeared in the doorway, and he exuded off a strong vibe of "You are not welcome here."

"That is the Brotherhood's ready room. Never ever enter it without an express invitation," Oz said.

He nodded at the long-haired man who nodded in return.

"That is Ethan, one of the Brothers. Never for a moment make the mistake of thinking that he is not one dangerous motherfucker."

Ethan smiled at that, and before turning back to his monitors he said, "Just heard from Dyson, they're only a few minutes out."

Ethan's demeanor was the same as Alcide and Dyson's: tolerance, edged with contempt. Unphased by Ethan's attitude, Oz led Sam and Dean out onto the loading dock itself where they pulled up a few crates and sat themselves down to wait.

"Brotherhood?" Dean asked, glancing back at the door to the off-limits ready room.

"Wolves, or werewolves," Oz said, "Like the two you already met. They're in charge of security for the Manor, but they're not friends—not of the masters and especially not us. Allies might be a better way to describe them, but it's a fragile alliance. Maybe prickly mercenaries would be a better word to describe them. Whatever you do, though, never call one of them a werewolf to his face. They're kind of touchy about that. In fact, if I were you, I wouldn't go asking them too many questions at all. Part of the agreement between them and the Masters is that we don't talk about Wolf Club."

"Sammy?" Dean looked to his brother.

"Hey, if there can be a manor of vampires, why not a brotherhood of wolves?"

"And do they, well you know, wolf out?" Dean said.

"That's what they say, not that I've ever seen it. Believe me, from what I've heard you don't want to see it. Let me tell you about upstairs instead."

And that was that as regarded Wolf Club.

Oz proceeded to give the brothers a verbal rundown of the Manor. The heart of the place, he said, was the Club.

"Club?" asked Dean. "Vampires have a clubhouse?"

"Think of an old-fashioned Downton Abbey ballroom, or maybe a dining room, and that's the Club," Oz said. "When the Masters arise, they congregate there. You, and I (and the other squires) will be on hand at that time to do their bidding, so get used to sleeping during the day. When we're on duty, they will keep us on the hop."

Entrance to the Club was from the first floor, which also held the pages' and squires' rooms, the offices for household administration and maintenance, and a private kitchen. (Even if vampires ate next to nothing, the rest of the staff did.) The Masters' rooms were at the very top, on the third floor, while on the second a ring of private lounges encircled the Club, looking out on the street.

"And the rest of the basement?" Sam asked.

"Access to the whole estate, as you saw," Oz said, "There are spiral stairs that lead to most of the rest of the Manor. (We use these when we want to be discrete.) The Brothers' ready room which doubles as a security center. Cells for the thralls, along with the showering and grooming room you saw, a second kitchen, a med center, and the Enthrallment Chamber."

"Enthrallment?" Dean asked.

"When Eric and Jason get back I suspect you'll get a crash course in that."

"Okay, then thralls?" Sam asked.

"The Masters have to feed on someone. It's all part of the vampire thing. I know you're used to a wilder sort of vampire, but our fellowship, instead of participating in a continual bloodbath, bind men they find pleasing to their service. That's Enthrallment, and the men they bind are Bloodthralls. Thralls for short. Enthrallment, the process, is a little like the way you two -- and I -- were bound to service, through blood and cum. Both we and the thralls serve, but since we serve in different capacities our binding rituals are different."

"Wow," Dean said, remembering Eric's teeth piercing his flesh.

"You said it," Sam concurred, remembering Jason's shaft pulsing in his ass.

"You said the Masters choose," Dean pursued, "Why us?"

"You'd probably never guess that I used to be a hunter, like you," Oz was grinning. "Actually, I was more like a hunter's sidekick, or maybe a mascot, but I staked enough vamps in my day enough to earn my wings. That's how I came to their notice. The Masters take their servants from among their greatest enemies. It's their way of honoring us."

"And reducing the number of hunters?" Dean suggested.

Oz nodded, "Two birds with one stone. They're not stupid."

"Freaky," Sam said, but Dean was on a roll.

"If you're a hunter, why've we never heard of you?"

"Uh, maybe because my heyday was over 30 years ago?" Oz smiled. "Of course, to me it feels just like yesterday."

The brothers stared at one another. Oz didn't look to be older than his early 20s, so what? So that make him, what? Like 50 years old? And still looking like a greenhorn? Whoa!

But the arrival of the van cut off the conversation and speculation. For now.


With a chorus of backing-up beeping, the van slid up to the dock and the rear doors opened. Eric and Jason sauntered out looking fresh as two daisies. Behind them, on the floor of the van, the penis flytrap boys lay, bound and gagged. The vampires had clearly toyed with their new acquisitions on the road. Both boys had raging hard-ons and wore masks of drying cum. On top of that, their eyes were filled with fear. They clearly knew something momentous, and life-changing was about to happen to them, but nobody was explaining the particulars. (Dean figured they thought they'd been snagged by sex-slavers – so close, but no cigar.) In spite of the fear, though, both were whimpering from a need to cum (caused by residual flytrap venom, Sam thought) and desperate to facilitate the process.

"Oz," said Eric, "I want you, Sam, and Dean to take these two. Clean them up, inside and out. I want the stink of that abomination off them. Then take them to the Enthrallment Chamber. Jason and I will find out who's in residence just at the moment and join you there presently."

That said, the vampires strode off into the labyrinth of tunnels. Alcide and Dyson, without a glance at the new pages, strode into the ready room, leaving the squire and pages alone with the two captives.

"And that's all we'll get out of them," Oz said. "Help me get these two up on their feet."

A knife made quick work of the zip-ties binding the naked men's ankles, but it took a while before they could stand on their own two feet. Once they could, though, Oz simply said, "Follow me," and headed off in the direction the vampires had taken.

Sam took the slenderer of the pair (the one with splendid polychrome ink down his back) and Dean the burlier (and inkless). Of course it was Dean's boy that tried to make a break for it. Even before being bound to service, Dean would have been more than a match for burly boy, but to Dean's surprise he felt a rush of adrenaline when Burly broke loose, and he was able easily to bring his guy down before he'd gotten two steps. He also got off a couple of punches to the guy's ribs as they tumbled to the floor.

"Not happening, buddy-boy," the ex-hunter grunted in Burly's ear, "Not fucking happening. Now, back on your feet."

Apparently Dean had made his point, because both captives came along peacefully, if resentfully, after that. The shower they had seen earlier had enough shower heads to handle maybe a dozen men at a time, more if they doubled up. Oz pointed to a pair that had spreader bars over top of the head itself. Apparently there was a regular need to scrub down men that required restraint.

"Cuff them to the bar, and we'll get to work," the redhead said.

One at a time, starting with Burly, Sam and Dean cut through the boys' wrist restraints and slapped one wrist and then the other into handcuffs that hung from the bar. Dean thought it looked like something out of a gay bondage site he'd once stumbled over on the internet, one where they trussed men up, flogged the shit out of them, and then edged them to the borderlands of insanity. Oh, and finally fucked the shit out of them -- not that he'd watched any of those films to the bitter end, of course. And he certainly hadn't jerked off like a monkey to them. So he knew exactly what to do.

"Should we take out their gags?" Dean asked. The guys in the video clips had screamed, a lot. That seemed to be part of the scene.

"Sure, why not. They'll need to have free mouths for the Enthrallment anyway."

The bothers removed the boys' gags, and Burly immediately went into his macho act.

"If I ever get loose, motherfuckers, I'm gonna beat the shit out of ALL of you!" he snarled, his glare clearly communicating that he'd start with Dean.

Dean balled up his right fist, but Oz simply smiled, stepped forward, grabbed himself a handful of Burly's nuts, and squeezed. Hard

"Ow! Fuck! My balls! Let go!" Burly screamed.

The redhead leaned in.

"Let me make this painfully clear to you, meat," and Oz squeezed again making Burly wince, "When those restraints come off, and they will, soon, you will be happy that you got picked up the other day and brought here to serve the Masters. No, not happy; you will be fucking ecstatic, so I suggest you get with the program and enjoy the ride."

With a final squeeze, Oz turned away from the trussed-up captive.

Slender tried a different tactic.

"Please," he said to Sam, "I remember you. You released us all from that plant demon or whatever it was. Please, let me go. I think they're going to turn us into gay sex-slaves. Please, I'm straight; I have a girlfriend. I don't want to be turned into a fag whore."

Sam ran a sympathetic hand over Slender's trembling cheek and then took hold of the boy's venom-induced erection.

"You don't? I think you may be outvoted on that," Sam said. As he stroked the boy's rod, Slender shuddered.

Oz produced razors and had his new brothers get rid of the hair in boys' armpits, on their chests and bellies, and around their ass-cracks. (Their public hair had already been dissolved by the flytrap.) Then the squire and his brother pages stepped back and regarded the guys' longish hair and beard scruff.

"Whadda ya think?" Sam asked Oz.

"From what I've witnessed, Jason likes to use long hair to hold a thrall's head steady when he skull-fucks him," Oz said matter-of-fatly, and Slender gulped, "And Eric has said he likes the way scruff and beards feel against his crotch, so I say we leave it for now. If the masters decide they want things different, they'll tell us."

Burly was fighting his restraints again (The boy really was a slow learner), and Slender looked like someone had punched him in his soul. These pervs, he realized, really were going to turn him into a fucking sex-toy. The brothers turned the captives around and used a hose to administer the first of several enemas. When the boys' guts ran clean, Oz turned on the showers.

"Now we get them clean," Oz said as he pulled off his clothes, "And when I say clean, I mean their skin should glow."

The water turned out to be lukewarm, and the brothers stripped down to join the naked Oz. They stepped into the cascading water and got hands-on with their task.

The feeling of strong hands running soap-suds over the captives' abused and very naked bodies acted as a further turn-on to all involved. If the boys were not yet Enthralled, their cocks certainly were, and their groomers sported wood of their own before the shower was over. Every cock in the place was dripping with more than lukewarm water.

"Nice," Oz said, tweaking the nubs on Burly's chest while Sam ran a fluffy towel all over Slender's body. "Pert nips on a straight boy add that crucial `yeah this is real' touch to the Enthrallment."

Sam and Dean dried, pulled their clothes on again and went to release the captives, but first Dean grabbed Burly by the chin and said, "No more fucking tricks, bitch. Remember. If I have to give you bruises or even break an arm, I will. Got it?"

Burly gulped as Dean once again made a fist. Closing his eyes shut, the kidnappee nodded. He'd behave.

Oz, now clothed as well, led the little parade the short distance to the Enthrallment Chamber.

"Cuff them to the beds, hands and feet," the redhead said. "I'll alert the masters we're ready."

Spread-eagled on his bed, Slender made one last attempt to beg himself free.

"Please," he said to Sam, the kinder-looking brother of the two, "They really are going to make us fags and whores."

Sam knelt down and said, "You, sweet thing, talk too much." Kissing the boy, he added, "That's my job."


Oz called upstairs, and shortly thereafter Eric arrived leading a parade: Jason and six more men that Sam had never seen before. The former hunter decided they had to be more vampires based on the pride in their stances and the predatory cast in the looks they threw at the bed-bound boys. What Sam missed, though Dean didn't, was the envious look the unknown six threw at Eric and Jason after they got a look at the new pages. Behind the vampires came what Dean decided must be another squire. Squire because the lanky stud had on clothes but lacked the feral look that hung over the vampires, oh, and because he greeted Oz with a fraternal nod and a conspiratorial grin. Behind him walked two totally naked hairless muscular young studs. One was maybe Hawaiian with tattoos on his arms and both pectorals, and the other was white with a beard and head of bushy brown curls. Neither was restrained in any way, unless you counted the looks of adoration they turned to the vampires. These were definitely thralls.

The vampires gathered in a loose circle around the bound boys while the squire sidled up to join Oz and the Winchesters.

"It's a full house then?" Oz whispered as he shook the other's hand

"Let's just say there were people that were very interested to see what Eric might bring home," the squire said.

"Sam," Oz said, gesturing at the former hunter, "And Dean. Pages now. And this, brothers, is Pike."

They nodded greetings while watching the motionless vampires. Something was happening; power was building up towards a paranormal climax of some sort. The bound captives writhed as though the vampires' stares were physically teasing their flesh.

"Damn it," Burly half snarled, half whimpered, "What the fuck're you doing to us?!"

Slender, however cocky he might have been as a free man on the street, was in dire straits now.

"Please," he begged, "Please let me go."

"Go?" Eric said commandingly, "But you're so damned pretty. You'll look very good alongside Kai and Daton there." The boys shot a glance at the naked young men and winced.

"Oh, and the others."

Others? The horror was written on the captives' faces. How many fuck slaves did these pervs have? (Dean was wondering that, too.)

"Can we stop stalling and get on with this already?" one of the vampires said testily.

"Of course, Dallas," Eric said, "Sam. Dean. Come here and use your hands on these boys. I think you know what needs to be done."

The Master's speech had changed slightly, like there was now some physical impediment. Dean glanced over and saw Eric was now sporting a neat pair of fangs. Had he not known better he might have taken them to be those fake appliances some kids wore, but no, these were obviously real. It was freaky, but fucking hot too.

The brothers crossed the room, dropping clothes as they went. Slender couldn't tear his eyes from Sam's lank hunkiness (and his 8 inches), and when Sam fell to his knees alongside Slender's bed, Eric said, "Do it, Sam. Drive him wild. I want to know he's worthy."

Sam once again grabbed Slender's 7 plus hard inches and twisted his right hand around the rigid shaft, using the stud's precum to lube his cock. His left hand first squeezed the boy's firm balls and then explored lower heading towards the boy's virgin hole.

"Oh God, stop!" Slender wept as his ball juiced seeped out, "You're fucking turning me into a fag, man!"

Sam glanced up Slender's body. Slender, that was a stupid thing to call him.

"What's your name, boy?" Sam asked.

"What?!" Slender's look was incredulous.

"Whose cock," and Sam took the boy's cockhead into his mouth and ran a tongue over the knob (there had clearly once been a ring in the end of the kid's cock, but somewhere along the way it had gone missing). "Whose cock am I sucking?"

He licked the boy's punctured but still-sensitive frenulum, and with a little cry Slender whimpered, "Archer."

Sam sucked in Archer's cockhead again while his finger managed to slide through the boy's tight sphincter.


"Well, Archer," Sam said as he let the dick fall from his mouth and commenced fingerfucking the boy's hole, "It's time for me to get familiar with every square inch of your delectable body."

Dean, at the same time, was sliding three fingers into Burly's tight hole. Really tight. The boy was fighting, of course, but every time Dean brushed his prostate an additional squirt of precum flowed out to join the pool already decorating the base of his cock.

"Oz, can I get some help here?" Dean said.

After getting permission from Eric, both Oz and Pike stripped down and joined the brothers in working over the captives' bodies. Pike crawled between Archer's legs and got a mouthful of the boy's firm nuts while Sam licked his way around the bound stud's throat. Oz, on the other hand, knelt down on the opposite side of Burly and began to tongue-tease the tip of the hunk's meat while Dean worked his way north.

"Fuck!" Burly screamed. He'd never in his worst nightmares imagined any such thing happening to him, but here it was, for real and in the flesh. God! And that same flesh was betraying him even as his mind fought. But it fought a losing battle. His nips were aching hard too, clearly relishing the oral worship Dean now bestowed on them, and his body was doing everything it could to get more of what his assailants were dishing out. More cocksucking, more fingerfucking, more... God, more everything! How could it be that none of his girlfriends had even shown half this much ability at driving his body to the edge? He had no certain idea what was going to happen, but his body no longer cared, and his mind was slowly coming round to its point of view.

"Oh fuck!" he groaned.

"Eventually, probably," Dean said as he twisted one of Burly's nipples. "When you tell me your name, I'll ask the Master for permission to take your ass and turn it into a hot boy-pussy. You like that idea?"

For a split second, Burly's head started to nod, but the boy caught himself and gasped, "No, never fucked. Not.. No.. Faggot."

"Mmmm," Dean said, and he took over cocksucking from Oz. The redhead crawled up to Burly's head and began to paint the captive's face with his 8 inch precum magic-marker.

"No!" Burly whined, "Not cock."

"Yes, boy," Oz said, "Cock and more cock and even more cock until the Masters are done with you. Smell that dick-sap. You want to taste it. You know you do. Listen to your body, boy."

Burly was beside himself. Whoever these freaks were, they knew exactly what to do to turn his body against him. He knew that the whole thing would never end until one of them sank a hot hard dick into his shithole, and given the inevitability did it really matter if they did so now rather than in fifteen minutes? Did it? Body took over casting the deciding vote for "fuck no".

"Dan," Burly cried, "My name is Dan!"

It was as close to giving in as his ego would allow—for now.

"Good boy," Dean said, and turning his head towards Eric, "Master, Dan wants to be fucked. May I open his man-cunt?"

Permission granted with a nod, Oz and Dean released Dan's feet, and Dean crawled between the spread legs, cock in hand. Dan shot one look over towards Archer and saw that the illustrated stud had Sam kneeling over his chest feeding hot man-meat into his clearly willing mouth. "Fuck, we really are doomed," he thought. And then Dean's shaft began to force its way into Dan's guts.


The vampires watched in awe as the new pages ground these gorgeous young captives down to their primal needs and desires.

"Fuck," Dallas said, "Why did you wait for so long before Binding those two? Look at those fuckers go!"

The fact that the rest of the vampires had their cocks out and were stroking their lengths, signaled general agreement. Eric just smiled enigmatically.

Dean was hard-pounding Dan's ass now as Sam speared Archer's throat burying his rod to the root. Pike had spread the tattooed boy's legs and was sliding hard dick into tight man-pussy as well, while Oz finally induced Dan to lick his first cockhead. The boys' lives as free men were over, and in only a matter of moments they would join the Manor's stable of eagerly submissive bloodthralls.

"I did what seemed best at the time," Eric said, "But I see your point. We've been in want of new vigor."

"Speaking of new vigor...," Damon started.

Eric held up a hand.

"Can it wait?" he said, "Right now we should keep our attention on the matter at hand."

Dan was in tears.

"Please," he gasped around Oz's cockhead, "Fuck my ass, Dean! Fuck me hard! My ass needs hard dick! It needs it bad!"

Dean was more than happy to oblige, and he pounded away as on the next bed over Pike dicked Archer with practiced precision.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" one, or maybe both, of the captives screamed.

"Kai, Daton, get in here," Oz called, and the thralls, after looking to Eric for permission, slid onto the beds as well.

Outnumbered now three to one, the fledgling bloodthralls whimpered as men ranged over the sensitive flesh of their sweaty bodies with hands (and fingers) and mouths (lips, teeth, and tongues). And no matter what they did, the captives were always desperate for more. So desperate, in fact, they were ready to give themselves unstintingly to the Masters whenever they decided to get involved. Until then, though...

Dean was astounded that he was able to fuck this long without creaming either Dan's mouth or asshole (he had given both holes a good workout by now), or leaving a gooey white stain across those delectable muscles. (Yeah, he could say that now. These boys were delectable. Once you saw them you had to fuck them, and share the fucking. Thank you, Eric.) Dean was now on the other bed, straddling Archer's head, his dick deep in the boy's increasingly talented throat. Daton soldiered on, sucking the boy's proud cock while Sam drilled the boy's butt-cunt double-time. The studlet's face was awash in saliva, precum and snot, and his cock would have been in the same position except for Daton's greedy vacuuming up of the tasty suck-drool.

"Now!" Eric suddenly cried, "Bring them off now!"

Dean pulled out of Archer's throat, and his balls fell into the boy's mouth.

"You may want to get those out of harm's way," Sam jibed.

Dean knew he was right, and moved to sit on Archer's face instead. Sam went into overdrive as Daton wrapped his hand around the beleaguered shaft and began to pump the kid's cock towards a monumental orgasm.

"Fuuuuuuuuuuck!" Archer screamed, thrashing as his shaft erupted man-goo, "Oh fuck, so GOOD!"

When his body stopped thrashing, Archer's belly was awash with sperm, as was Dan's now. (Oz and Pike had been enthralling men for the vampires for many years now and had bringing them off down to an art, and Kai had proved a quick study.)

"Now, add your own seed to the thrall's own!" Eric ordered.

Squires, pages, and thralls all came to stand alongside the puddle of hot jizz on the new thralls' stomachs and stroked away frantically.

Kai and Daton (who, Sam guessed, were most used to cumming on demand) shot first, and they blasted off some generous loads, Dean noticed. Clearly being a vampire slave did a body good. Oz and Pike shouldered the thralls aside and groaned out their own loads onto Dan's belly. Finally it was the Winchester bothers' turn.

"Sammy?" Dean gasped from right on the edge.

"Right with you, bro," Sam grunted, and he howled as his heavy load augmented Archer's own. A second later Sam watched as Dean gave out a howl and added the cherry on top of Archer's seduction.

"Sit consumatus!" Eric cried.

Following Oz's lead, the brothers backed away from the beds and joined their fellows (and the two current thralls) to watch the end of the show.

The vampires, up until now content simply to watch the action and beat their meat, stepped up to the beds, stripped naked now and ready for action, and jerked away on their proud shafts until six more loads of thick sperm joined those already decorating the thralls' bodies. Then Eric raked sharp nails across Dan's cum-painted flesh while Jason did the same to Archer. Neither did any real damage, but they left a trail of scratches that bled much more than they should have. The boys gasped at the novel pain as their blood welled up from the shallow scratches to mix with the pooled cum.

"Sit benedictus."

As a body, the vampires leaned over their new thralls and ran tongues over the sanctified flesh, not simply savoring the mixture of hot fluids but also turning the thralls on again with their talented tongue-action. Meanwhile, Eric and Jason crawled up between the thralls' languidly spread legs and nursed their balls.

"Please, Master!" Archer cried. He didn't know what he wanted, or needed, but he knew Jason was the one who would give it to him.

Jason smiled and let his fangs caress the flesh above the femoral artery.

"Suck, thralls," Eric ordered, and the new thralls did as they were told, Dan let Dallas' fat cockhead fill his mouth while Cash pressed his need into Archer's mouth. As Archer sobbed in joy around Cash's plum, Jason let his fangs sink into the flesh of the muscular thigh, thrilling at the jets of deep red delight that filled his mouth. Archer bucked, as if he could feel his life pumping into the sucking mouth, but soon he quieted down and gave in to the enveloping sensation of absolute release.

When he had taken his fill, Jason slipped back, and Eric, pulling back from Dan's femoral artery said, "Release them."

The squires and pages rushed forward and unlocked the cuffs that had held the boys to the bed. Shaking their heads, the new bloodthralls sat up, smiling. Eric and Jason dipped a couple of fingers into what little of the combined cum and blood that had decorated the thralls' bodies and fed it to them before pressing gentle kisses on the now-willing blood-slaves. The thralls pulled their masters close, and shed tears of happiness.

"If there hadn't been a crowd," Pike whispered, "Eric would have shared it with us too, but this lot were all way too famished for virgins' cum."

Dean was surprised at the idea, but Sam seemed to consider it just a natural thing. "I wonder when," the younger brother thought, "I'll get a chance to join in the communion of Enthrallment?"

When the vampires stepped back, Sam and Dean got their first good look at the newly enthralled Archer and Dan. Both of them had smiles of wonder on their face, and their eyes broadcast worship in the direction of any and all of the blood-suckers. "Well, why not?" Dean thought, "They are the Masters after all."

"Oz, clean our new playthings up and add them into the rotation," Eric said, "And, Pike, grab the next eight up for an evening and bring them to the Club."

That said, the master vampire turned on his heel and left, followed by his cadre and the two veteran bloodthralls.

"Come on, boys," Oz said as they released the wrist restraints. "Let's get you cleaned up and bedded down. Who has room, Pike?"

The other squire, pulling on his pants, said, "Block 5, has openings, I think." And once his boots were on, he hurried off, bare-chested, to bring a feast to his masters.

"Block 5?" Dean said, "How many thralls ARE there down here?"

"A little over a dozen right now," Oz said as he helped Dan to his feet, "Enough for a good rotation, but not too many. Unless we keep up the current number of masters in residence, or get more in. Then we'll definitely need more."

"Rotation?" Sam said, more interested in the logistics of Manor than in how its larder was filled.

"Rotation as in we don't want any of the thralls to die from being overly fed-upon. Dead bodies need to be disposed of, after all, and someone always asks questions when a corpse shows up. Like I said, the masters' aren't stupid. Oh, Dallas might be impetuous, but he knows the rules and knows that Eric will enforce them. But, back to your original question, the thralls spend a week or so "on-call" (being fucked and fed upon) and then have a few weeks off to recover."

They massaged the rest of the blood and cum into the new thralls' skin, toweling away whatever remained after that. (Oz refused to let them wash the boys for another 72 hours. "And on the third day," Sam said, but the glance he got from Oz suggested that was probably not a safe joke to make.)

After dressing, they put the thralls in alongside their fellows in Block 5 two dreamy whites with fuckable asses and one Asian man.

"We only have a few blacks," Oz said, "And they're all in Block 2."

As they shut the cell door and went back to retrieve their clothes from the Enthrallment Chamber, Oz taught them the names of the other masters currently in residence: Dallas, brash obviously; Cash, cocky and moody; Hannibal, also cocky but more genial; Damon, philosophical; Garrett, second in age to Eric; and James, gentle—no, really, gentle, Oz insisted.

"What do we do now?"

"Now," Oz said, "We grab some food and report to the Club. With a full house, you never know what the Masters'll require."

A full house of vampires, thought Dean, two days ago that idea would have sent adrenaline rushing through his body as he contemplated an orgy of extermination, but now the adrenaline was tempered with testosterone as he contemplated an orgy of a different sort. The ex-hunter's cock sent him a heads-up, literally.

"Well, let's get a move on," Dean said, rubbing his bulge, "Can't keep the horny vampires waiting."

Next: Chapter 4: Thrall Market

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