Hunter and James

By moc.liamg@2932xetj

Published on Jun 11, 2009


DISCLAIMER: This is a story about two boys who fall in love. The relationship is real, although the names and locations have been changed for the sake of a good story- These two boys don't yet live together. They will one day, and when that day comes, I'll write more stories about it. If you are offended by this material or if it is illegal in your area, don't read it. This is a work from the heart, and I sincerely hope you enjoy it. ~James ;)

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Hunter Meyers woke up to a deep baseline coming from his alarm's radio. His foggy sight cleared slowly, his surroundings gradually coming into view. His mother's voice sounded, as if from very far away- "Hunter! Hunter! You need to get ready for school!" He dragged himself out of bed, and looked at his blue-brief-clad figure in the mirror. At 14, 5'3 was nothing to brag about, and his 120lbs kept him lean. Puberty was coming slow to Hunter; he was mostly smooth and hadn't built much muscle to complement his 5", right-curved cock. His dark caramel hair covered one of his brown eyes, the other shimmering in the windowed sunlight. Summer was ending, but Hunter's deep brown tan would last several more months. Hunter grabbed a pair of khaki cargo shorts and some socks from his dresser, and reached into his closet for a red t-shirt from the zoo. After brushing his teeth, he made his way to the kitchen. He entered to the smell of frying bacon and cooking eggs. After a quick breakfast with his mother and younger brother, Nate, Hunter grabbed his backpack and reached for the doorknob. As his hand grasped the brass knob, he heard his mom say, "Hunter, don't you want your shoes?" Turning red, Hunter turned and grabbed his shoes from the closet adjacent to the door, put them on, and made his way to his bus stop and first day of High School.

James Danner first heard the thunk of his cell phone hitting the carpet. The damned thing kept ringing, and he reached to turn it off, irritated. "That alarm will be the death of it." James thought. He hauled himself out of his bed, and made his way boxer-clad into the living room. He was the only other person in the house besides his mother, who was certain to be asleep at this hour. It was 7am, and James had to leave for school in about 50 minutes. He was lucky to live near the school, and could walk most days. He walked, still nearly naked, to the refrigerator, grabbing some of last night's leftovers for a quick breakfast- Country-fried steak, mashed potatoes, some bread and cheese to make a steak sandwich, and an ice-cold Coke. James wasn't a breakfast person, and he wasn't a chef- this would do. He made his way back to his room, and his full-length mirror. At 16, James had a nicely developing body. He was about 6'0, 175lbs, and had lots of definition around his thighs and calves. He hadn't managed to tan this year, or any year, but at least he wasn't too pale a shade of white. His chest was deep, not incredibly muscular but coming along. Muscles were coming in on his biceps, and his wide shoulders and long arms made people think he was a quarterback. Soccer was his game, however, and he playfully used his right foot to flick a ball from his floor back to the shelf in the corner where it belonged. James had just gone shopping for new school clothes, like he always does, and dressed today in a tight, blue Hollister "Laid Back" tee, and his 32/30 Hollister hip-huggers. He debated for a moment which shoes to take, and decided since he had soccer practice after school, his white-on-white Pumas would do. James went back to his room, grabbed his iPod and his phone, and went into the bathroom where he brushed his teeth, shaved, and grabbed his Axe gel, spiking the front of his dirty-blonde hair. He grabbed his new Nike backpack, locked the door behind him, and left for his first day of Junior Year.

As Hunter's bus approached Williamsburg High School, the shining bricks and the windows reflecting the sunlight dazzled him. The high school was much bigger than his old middle school, and he was certain he'd get lost. He checked one more time in his pocket to make sure he had his schedule, and was hoping he could make it in time from class to class. He and his bus mates clamored out of the large yellow monstrosity and made their way in a haphazard line to the cafeteria doors. The cafeteria in the morning, Hunter would find, was the social circle of the school. Cliques here were definitive, as were the mini-cliques- basketball players, for example, instead of all jocks. Hunter was overwhelmed by the vast number of kids around, and the complicated system they seemed to all understand as to where to sit or stand in the cafeteria or by it. Hunter looked around, but couldn't find his friends anywhere in the massive crowd. Kids continued pouring in, so Hunter made his way to a space against one of the inside walls and rested his backpack against it until the bell rang.

James Danner returned to his school once again, thrust into the crowd of about a thousand students arriving in the early morning mist. His walk ended at the cafeteria doors, he took the steps two at a time, entering the doors to the cheers, yells and noise he had become familiar with at WHS. Friends and acquaintances alike greeted James as he slapped hands, caught up with people and generally enjoyed his steadily growing popularity. He'd started at the bottom as a freshman, a complete unknown, but by the start of his junior year he'd made quite a mark on the student body. He was far from being referred to as "popular," but he wasn't terribly far from it. He took in the smells of the school, the people and the fresh paint and the mopped floors, and he looked around at one of his favorite things- the new freshman. James had known he was gay for a long time, and had always liked boys a little younger than him. One thing he'd always liked, even when he was a freshman, was freshman. There was something about 13 and 14 year old boys he just couldn't get enough of. As he looked around he saw one kid up against a wall who looked tired, scared, and fairly out of place. The caramel hair and the tanned skin attracted James' eyes, and he would have been sure this kid would be more popular, a heart-stopper for sure; perhaps even one of the athletes. James decided to leave his friends a moment and check out the new boy.

"Hi," he said, James' smooth, deep voice wrapping itself warmly around the young boy's ears, "You're new here, aren't you?"

"Yes," Hunter said shyly, his voice still unbroken, soft and sweet.

"Well, then let me introduce myself. I'm James. Hopefully you haven't heard too much bad about me yet," James said, with a chuckle. Hunter smiled. "I'll bet you don't know where your classes are, do you?" Hunter shook his head. "Well, if you have your schedule handy I can help explain." Silently, Hunter pulled a neatly folded piece of paper out of his pocket and showed it to James. "Mr. Wilkinson first..." James muttered to himself, "that'll be right around the corner, not too far," he told Hunter. "Oh, hey, look at this, second period we'll have together!" James informed the smaller boy with a smile, "I have gym that period- although you'll be doing all the hard work, I'm an SSL for Speiz."

"What's an SSL?" Hunter asked, looking up at the kind blonde boy in front of him.

"Student Service Learner. Basically, we're teacher's helpers. Mr. Speizio is awesome, you'll love him. I don't just set up stuff, I'll play with you guys too, and normally so does Speiz. It'll be fun," James finished with another beaming smile, making Hunter think to himself, "I hope he doesn't change with us, I'll be in trouble!"

James finished explaining Hunter's classes; they also shared a computer class together. James had gotten Hunter to say he'd help him since he wasn't very good with PC's, and both boys were looking forward to seeing each other again- although they didn't know the other felt that way. Second period had come, both boys had had books thrown into their backpacks, and made their way to gym. Like James had said, the teacher was really nice, and the 16 kids in the class, plus James, all sat in the bleachers while he talked about what class would be like. James had made sure to sit right next to Hunter, every time he saw this boy he sure liked him more and more. James hoped they might become friends, which he was hopeful of since, to his complete shock, Hunter didn't exactly have a big circle of friends. Gym class was rather uneventful, there was no changing on the first day, just a little basketball. James taught Hunter how to take better foul shots, and was rather obviously giving Hunter more attention than the others. Nobody paid much mind to it, except for Hunter, who was mentally kicking himself for thinking James might actually like him. "There's no way he's gay" Hunter thought, "gay people can't be this popular, or this nice... or this nice looking."

James was happy that he and Hunter were sat together in his computer course. The class was a Microsoft Certification course in PowerPoint and Access, which neither boy had much experience in. No real work was accomplished the first day of school, and after their computer class was lunch.

When the bell rang for lunch, Hunter realized that he wouldn't be sure where to sit. He was thinking this about the time James wrapped his big arm around Hunter's much smaller shoulders. "Hey buddy," he said, "would you like to sit with me? I'll bet the guys will think you're awesome." Hunter was very nervous about acting "cool" in front of James' friends, but said "sure," anyway. Hunter was glad James had been with him at lunch. It was loud, crowded, confusing and scary. Hunter's mom had forgotten to put money in his lunch account, so James offered to buy him lunch. On his way out, another boy tripped Hunter, causing his tray to go flying. He didn't, however, because James caught the boy with one hand, while making gestures to the other boy with his other hand. James motioned Hunter to sit down, while towering over the tripping boy and yelling at him over what he'd done and genuinely scaring the hell out of the boy. Hunter got all red watching James defend him the way he did. James disappeared once again into the lunch line, with a fresh new tray of food which he brought to Hunter, along with a shiny red, cold Gatorade.

"Those are expensive," Hunter said with a gasp, "thank you."

"Its okay, Hunter," James said, "you're worth it." He changed the subject, "Don't worry about that guy Hunter, I know him, he's a jerk. He knows better than to screw with my friends like that." Hunter turned red again at the reference to him being a "friend," but it made him happy James seemed to like him. He was scared, however, that he might fall for James. Falling for straight boys was bad business, he knew it would end up a mess and he didn't want that. The thing about love though is that most times, you don't get to choose.

Next: Chapter 2

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