Hungry for Love

By Henry Brooks (Hankster1430) - Laureate Author

Published on Oct 13, 2017



Hungry for Love


Harry Granger woke up on his forty-ninth birthday and stared in the mirror. He saw a couple of wrinkles near his mouth, but he still had a handsome face, a hard body and a spectacular bubble butt.

Nevertheless, he started to shiver. His apartment was warm enough, but he was literally shivering in fear. It occurred to him that one year from now, to the day, he would be facing a fifty year old man in this same mirror.

He was so upset, that he decided to skip breakfast. He had no appetite anyhow. He showered and did his morning things, just as he did every day. He usually whacked off in the shower, but because he was so depressed, he skipped that pleasure also.

He had the day off for his birthday, and since he didn't have to go to work, he made a decision that surprised him. He decided to stay home, and meditate on his future. After downing his one-a-day vitamin pill with a glass of orange juice, he went into his den, and spread out on his lounge chair. All he bothered to put on were a pair of cargo shorts and a T shirt, which he should have thrown out years ago. The shirt was too tight for him, but it emphasized his muscles, so he didn't have the heart to throw it out.

The first thing that occurred to him was that he should be having a birthday party this evening, at some gay bar, with all his buddies giving him gag gifts. Almost every weekend, when he cruised the bars, he observed just such an event. Now he realized that he had a lot of acquaintances, but no friends to party with. He sank deeper into depression.

Another thing he noted was that he was hooking up less and less for sex. These days, he was happy to be intimate with someone two or three times a month. He really didn't mind because he was getting older. But what he did mind was sleeping alone, and having nobody to cuddle up with, to fondle, and to kiss.

He usually ate alone, but preferred to have company. The only person in the whole world he ever shared a meal with was Cole Barton. Cole was a co-worker, and he and Cole usually had lunch together. He was beginning to realize that his idyllic life wasn't so wonderful. A birthday will do that to a man. Except for his luncheons with a straight co-worker, he was a lonely man.

He thought about the few acquaintances he did have. Most of them were happily coupled. That was one of the reasons he had nobody to go to the bars with. These couples saved clubbing for special occasions. They had each other, and didn't have to cruise the bars, or spend a fortune every week on booze.

Harry rarely slept with a trick twice, and never spent an overnight with any of them. If the trick came to his apartment, he always left after sex, and the same was true when Harry went to the trick's place. He never wondered if this guy or that would make good husband material. He wanted to get his rocks off until the next time, and that was that.

He made up his mind to go to a club that evening, and to look for a guy to join him in celebrating his birthday. He vowed to seriously start looking for his Mr. Right. The time had definitely come. He prayed that next year he could celebrate with his partner, and make a big bash for all their friends.


He got himself all primped up that evening, and examined himself in the mirror. He was handsome, and he knew it. He also had a very youthful face and body, and he was feeling good about his prospects for the evening. There were several clubs he patronized, but he decided on one this evening that catered to more mature men. He didn't want to spend the rest of his life with a Twinkie. In the past, he had rarely gone to that bar, preferring the company of much younger men.

He entered the club and sat down at the bar. He ordered a scotch and soda, and since he was in no rush, he relaxed and took in the scene around him. Much to his dismay, there was a birthday party beginning to form. Men were coming in singly, doubles and in groups. They all carried prettily wrapped gifts. The maître d' directed them to a corner section of the club where three tables had been set aside for them. Someone had set up a bridge table nearby, and the men were placing their gifts on the table. They all seemed to be between thirty-five and forty-five, and Harry was attracted to more than one of them.

One waiter was taking their drink orders, and another was loading their tables with an assortment of hors d'oeuvres. All the seats were occupied, except for two seats at one of the tables. Harry figured out soon enough that this was a surprise party, and the two seats were reserved for the guest of honor, and whoever was bringing him here.

Harry grew unexplainably jealous. He turned away from the party, and continued to nurse his drink. Suddenly, his eardrums nearly burst, when he heard the party guests all yell at once, "SURPRISE!!" He turned around quickly to get a glimpse of the celebrant. He got more than he bargained for.

All the guests jumped up from their tables. One of the late arrivals, obviously the birthday boy, was being greeted with handshakes and kisses. His friend stood politely aside. When all the kissing was done, the birthday boy began to introduce his companion to two or three of the party goers, but the man seemed to know the other guests, and he got busy shaking hands.

Harry froze in his seat. The companion of the guest of honor was his co-worker and lunch buddy, Cole Barton. Harry had to wonder if Cole was a straight invited guest, the celebrant's partner, or simply a gay friend. Harry was out at work, so he determined to go over to Cole, after everyone settled down, and say hello. He considered leaving the bar, but his curiosity got the best of him, so he kept his eyes on the festivities.

Even before everyone settled down, he spotted Cole heading for the men's room. Harry got up quickly and followed him in. They had pissed side by side often enough at work, and if they did it here, it would be no big deal. They both approached the men's room at the same time, and Harry yelled out, "Cole! Fancy meeting you here."

When Cole saw Harry, his eyes lit up. He gave Harry a bone crushing hug, and the two men went into the john.

"What's going on, and what brings you into a gay bar?" Harry asked. This could be Cole's moment of truth.

"My older brother is turning forty-five today, and I'm making him this shindig. It's a milestone birthday after all. Please join us. The food and booze are on me. Besides, I have been trying to figure out how I could get you two to meet, and here's the chance. To tell the truth, I was hoping you would be here tonight, even though I didn't think there was a chance in hell."

"I came here to celebrate my own birthday," Harry half lied.

After they washed, Cole took Harry's hand and led him to the party. The men were still standing around socializing. Cole called his brother over. "Hey Reid," he said. "This is my friend from work, Harry Granger. I ran into him in the men's room."

"Wow," Reid said. "Cole talks about you all the time. He's been dying to fix us up, you know."

"He never said anything to me, but now that we have met, it would be more than okay with me."

"Why don't you introduce Harry to your friends, Reid? I have to talk to the maître d'. I'll be right back," Cole said.

Reid introduced Harry as his friend. Needless to say, Harry was surprised, pleasantly so. One of the guests actually said that he didn't know that Reid was seeing anyone, and he had good taste. He and Harry both blushed.

Cole returned with a waiter. They squeezed in another chair between the two brothers. The booze and food goodies were served non-stop. Harry and Reid did not have more than one drink each. Harry was the designated driver for himself, and Reid was the designated driver for him and his brother. While the other revelers were getting sloshed, Reid and Harry were talking without let-up.

Finally, Cole urged his brother to start opening his gifts, and the other guests spurred him on. Most of the gifts were gags, and there was plenty of laughter and camaraderie at the party. When all the gifts were opened and stored neatly to be put in Reid's car, the waiter brought over the birthday cake. But he brought over two of them. One said, Happy Birthday, Reid," and the other said, "Happy Birthday, Harry." Dear sweet Cole must have given last minute instructions when he went to speak to the maître d'. For a moment, Harry wished it was Cole who was gay, and not Reid.

The guests all sang "Happy Birthday" to both men, and congratulated Harry along with Reid.

As the party broke up, Harry and Reid exchanged cards, and promised to call each other as soon as possible. Although Harry had nobody to share his bed with this night, the evening had gone much better than he had expected. He actually celebrated his birthday with a big crowd of people.

As he climbed into bed, his brain began to work overtime. The first thought he had was about Reid Barton. Was he a keeper? Harry thought so, but he really wasn't sure. Then Harry had an epiphany. He realized that it was Cole he had the hots for, but Cole was straight, or was he? Cole was forty-three years old. He had never married, and Harry could not remember his ever mentioning a girl friend or going on a date. If he was less than straight, why wouldn't he confess his sexual orientation to Harry? Harry vowed to learn more about Cole on their luncheon dates.

Since he had not jacked off in the shower that morning, Harry decided to end the day on that happy note. As he began to stroke himself, and the pleasure began to build, he tried to imagine making love to Reid, but Reid kept turning into Cole.

Harry did not wish to admit it, but in his quest to find a life partner, he came to realize that he was in love with Cole. Falling in love with a straight man is a recipe for disaster.


Early the next morning, before Harry had a chance to hang up his coat in his office, his cell phone rang. It was Reid.

"Hey guy," he said, "my office is really close by to yours. How about meeting me for lunch at Freddie's?" Freddie's Surf and Turf was a well-known midtown restaurant. It was practically a land mark. Harry could hardly say no, but he hated to give up his luncheon with Cole.

When Cole came into the office, Harry told him that he was having lunch with Reid, and he asked Cole to join them.

"No way," Cole said emphatically. "I've been trying to hook you two guys up forever, and I'm leaving you men alone to get to know each other. In case you haven't figured it out, I think you are both great guys."

Walking to the restaurant, Harry felt like a teenager about to go on his first date. He had butterflies in his stomach, and he couldn't fathom why. Reid was already seated at a table, studying the menu, when Harry arrived. He walked over to the table, and sat down.

"Hey there, Handsome," Reid said. "It's really nice to see you again. He held his hand out and Harry shook it.

As soon as their lunches were served, Cole said, "Look, Harry, we're both too old to play games. I've got serious hots for you. Are you free this evening?"

"I'm free, but please slow down. I would love to have a go at it with you, but aren't you going to woo me a little bit first."

"Reid laughed. "Come on Harry," he sighed, "admit it. You and I are exactly the same. We love em and leave em. I never want to be in a relationship. I want to be free until the day I die."

That's exactly how Harry felt until two days ago. He had every intention of having sex with Reid this evening, but he wrote him off his "keeper" list.

"Let's meet at my place," Reid suggested. "I live with Cole, you know. I think it would be kind of daring for you to be fucking me with your friend in the adjoining bedroom. By now I'm plenty used to fucking with my brother next door."

This statement gave Harry an opportunity to discuss Cole with Reid.

"Cole confuses me," Harry said. "He's openly straight, but he's in his early forties, and I've never known him to date a woman, or a man for that matter. Is he straight or gay?"

"I'm on the same platform as you are. He never dates, but I never gave much thought to his sexual orientation."

"I wonder if he could be a gay man in denial," Harry said. That got Reid to break out laughing.

"Why don't we try to get him to join us tonight," he said.

"All we can do is try."


Reid greeted Harry at the door wearing a pair of skimpy gym shorts. Harry flipped. Reid had a great body and obviously worked out a lot.

"We won't be able to test the waters with Cole tonight," Reid said. "He was so adamant about leaving us alone, he went to a movie. Anyway we'll be long done before he gets home."

The new and reformed Harry hated that last remark. It sounded like the old Harry...slam bam, thank you sir. It also indicated that he would be gone before Cole came home. Suddenly he couldn't wait to get his rocks off and leave. The mystery of Cole's sexual orientation would have to wait for another time.

As soon as Reid locked the door behind Harry, he dropped his shorts on the floor, and pulled Harry into his bedroom. "Let's not argue over who does what to whom first," Reid said. "Let's just start out with a hot game of sixty-nine and then fuck."

"Sounds like a plan to me," Harry said. He thought that they might hold each other intimately and smooch a little before the big finale, but Reid had no such thoughts in mind. He was already sprawled out in bed waiting for Harry to strip and join him. He was hard already, and about seven inches of hefty uncut cock. Harry rivaled him in size, but he was cut.

They were experienced enough to bring themselves to the edge twice. Then Reid got out lube and condoms. Reid fucked Harry first doggie style. He came rather quickly, and then he seemed to lose interest. In fact, he acted like it was a big deal letting Harry fuck him. Harry realized that Reid was a more disinterested lover than the old Harry had ever been. He also appreciated even more, the idea of making love for a change, with plenty of foreplay, and for some inexplicable reason, he thought of Cole, and wished that he was kissing him.

When Harry came, he exited Reid as quickly as possible, washed up, dressed and left. Neither man asked if they would see each other again. They both sensed the other's disinterest.

Driving home, Harry made himself a promise. At lunch tomorrow, he was going to tell Cole that he and his brother did not hit it off, and one of the main reasons was that he was madly in love with Cole. He had no idea how Cole would react, but he decided to let fate take its course.

At the first coffee break the next morning, Cole told Harry that Reid was gone before he got out of the shower, and he couldn't wait for lunch to hear all about the date. Harry was looking forward to lunch also, but at the same time he was full of apprehension.

They were seated in the restaurant, and Cole asked eagerly, "Well?"

"It wasn't well at all," Harry admitted. "I'm sorry to say that your brother and I are totally incompatible. I'm looking for love, and he's looking for one night stands."

Cole's face clouded over. "Gee, I hate to hear that. I thought you two were perfect for each other."

"I'll tell you who I am perfect for, Dufus. I'm perfect for you! Why the hell do you have to be straight? When I was fucking Reid, all I could think about was making love to you. I don't mean one time and goodbye. I mean for a lifetime. I want to be with you, sleep with you, have my morning juice with you, and care for you when you're sick, but it can never be."

"Oh my God," Cole whispered. "I don't know what to say, but I know that whatever it is, it can't be said over a half hour lunch. Let's go someplace after work, and we'll discuss this. We have some stuff to work out." He took Harry's hand in his and smiled at him. All Harry could think of was that at least he didn't try to kill him.

On the way back to the office, Harry said, "I live really close by. If it won't freak you out, would you like to come back to my place after work? I have plenty of frozen meals I can make for dinner. The best part is that we will be alone and we'll be able to talk uninterrupted."

"I'd like that very much; more than you know," Cole said smiling at Harry.

For whatever reason, they did not talk about their "situation" all through dinner. Instead they talked about a hundred other things of no consequence. Finally dinner was over and the dirty dishes were in the dishwasher. Cole took Harry's hand and led him to the sofa. They sat down side by side.

"We acted very domestic tonight," Cole said.

"I know," Harry responded, and I liked it much more than you know." He repeated Cole's very words. Somehow that phrase now had special meaning for both of them.

"Now talk to me, please," Harry begged.

"Promise you won't interrupt until I'm finished."

"I promise."

"Reid knew that he was gay from puberty. He never tried to hide it. I always thought of myself as straight. Somehow I was still a virgin when I started college. I went to CCNY, and lived at home, so I really didn't have a college experience. Nevertheless I had three opportunities to fuck women during that time. I had no trouble getting hard, but I couldn't maintain my erection. I finally gave up, and depended on my fist. It never occurred to me that I might be gay like Reid. As a result I'm a virgin to this day. I was afraid of failing with women, and being laughed at. I was too scared to make love to men also, so I didn't do either."

Harry could not believe that he was talking to a real live forty-three year old virgin. He wanted to say something, but he had promised not to interrupt, so Cole continued.

"Sometimes I could hear Reid going at it in his bedroom, and I got really horny. I had no trouble getting a hard-on and whacking off. Not only did I not lose my erection, sometimes I had another orgasm without a need for recovery time. A few months ago, Reid was out, and I went to his drawer where he kept his DVD's. Most of them were male films, and I popped one into the player. I was never so turned on in my life. Of course, at that moment, I realized that I was gay, but much, much more importantly, I realized that I loved you. I have loved you since the moment we met."

Cole stopped talking. He buried his head in his hands, and sobbed softly.

Harry took him in his arms, and removed Cole's hands from his face. He started to kiss away Cole's tears. As he did, Cole whispered in his ear, "I don't want to be a virgin anymore. Please make love with me."

Harry smiled and ran his palm softly against Cole's cheek. "Get undressed," he said, "and shower with me."


Even before they got in the shower they pressed their naked bodies together. Harry just kept on kissing Cole on his eyelids, his cheeks, his ears, and finally, his lips. He parted Cole's lips with his tongue, and finally their tongues met in a dance of pure love. All the while Cole kept whispering, "I love you so much. Why was I so afraid to tell you? Why was I so afraid to come to grips with who I am? You and my brother never had a problem with it."

Finally, they went into the shower. "Let me do all the work," Harry said. "That way, I can give you more pleasure than you ever dreamed of."

First, he fell to his knees and took Cole's cock inside of him. Cole's cock was a replica of his brother's. When he was good and hard, he took the soap and proceeded to soap Cole's entire body. He took particular pleasure in peeling back Cole's foreskin and soaping his cock and balls. When he did Cole's back, he reached low, and cleaned his crack and reached into his ass with one finger. Cole was fighting not to swoon.

Harry put his hands on the shower wall and stuck his butt out. He had soaped his asshole well, and Cole's cock was oozing soap. "Fuck me," he commanded. "Enter me slowly." Cole was glad to comply. When he was entirely into Harry, he began to sob again.

"This is so wonderful," Cole said. "Let's do this together every night for the rest of our lives."

"I intend to," Harry whispered.

Suddenly Cole had trouble breathing. "I'm cumming," he mumbled. "Should I pull out?"

"Never," Harry yelled. "Empty inside of me," and that's what Cole did as he continued to cry. He stayed inside of Harry as long as he could.

When he fell out, he said, "Please, Harry, I want to suck your cock and I want you to fuck me."

"Are you sure, my love?" Harry asked.

"I've never been so sure of anything. You have filled the empty void in my life. I'll do anything for you."

"I just have one request," Harry whispered.


"Love me."

"Love me back," Cole said.

In the vast cosmos we call the universe, a miracle occurred. Two men, hungry for love, opened their eyes, and fulfilled their dreams.

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