
By hugh questorius

Published on Mar 21, 2001


Chapter Five

The Jock Strap. Part 3 The Randy Arab

Again I felt sickened but disturbingly excited by the tale of perversion I had read. But, Dear God, there was yet another to follow. Could I take any more of this? What sort of monster was I giving myself to? As Helpless as a rabbit snared in a car's headlights, I turned the next page. . .

"The last "inhabitant" of the jock strap could not be more different from the other two. To start with, Jameed is a Jordanian student and only 17 years old. He is strikingly beautiful, both his face and, when stripped, his slender, olive skinned and almost girlish body. Not the type that really appeals to me, but even so I cannot but be impressed by his gazelle like grace. If this makes him sound like a pretty, pansy boy, then that would be entirely wrong for he is very, very heterosexual. Indeed, he loves nothing better than to tell me, in great detail, of the girls he has fucked. Nor was he into punishment or bondage or humiliation . . . he does not even know that I have a punishment room. Not yet, anyway.

So, you might wonder, why does this young lad come to me? What is his need that I can meet? The answer is that he is quite absurdly oversexed. He expects to have an orgasm every day, usually twice a day and often three times. Occasionally more! And, I repeat, every day!

The poor kid knows that this is exceptional, but thinks it is wonderful. He has no conception that to have your life so completely dominated by sex is a terrible affliction. It means, for example, that a huge proportion of his time and energy is devoted to hunting for a partner. Every hour, every day. His testicles rule his life completely. And when he finds a girl he cannot keep her for long as no girl can keep up with such unrelenting demands. At first they find it very exciting, but three times a day every day for a week is just too wearing for even the most enthusiastic girl. Most last only a day or two before backing away. This means that he suffers from a virtually permanent shortage of sexual partners and most of his orgasms are self induced. He tells me that since he first started masturbating at the age of nine (nine!) he has shot his load, on average twice a day which means that up until the present day he has had some 6500 orgasms - and he is still only 17! Naturally, too, some element of boredom creeps into this constant repetition and he is always on the look out for fresh stimulation. Which of course is where I come in.

I boasted to him that I would be able to make him cum five times in one hour. This idea excited him hugely and he begged me to help him achieve this feat. Aha! I had him! I told him he would have to submit himself to me totally and he agreed with the alacrity of an innocent who had no conception of the range of sexual stimulation I could deploy. Still less of the patience I would show in slowly training him to suit my needs.

The first time I actually made him cum four times in 55 minutes, but it took another 35 minutes to pull the fifth load out. This was better than I had thought likely for a first try, but he was ecstatic. Apparently he was unaware of his nipples as a source of pleasure and the discovery left him feeling quite touchingly grateful to me, even if rather sore. I told him to come back in two days when I would again try to help him achieve the five-in-an-hour record, provided that he remained totally celibate for the 24 hours beforehand. The very idea of this shocked him, but I told him not to waste my time otherwise and that if he genuinely wanted to become a sexual athlete then he'd have to go into training. The idea of being a "sexual athlete" really turned him on and he promised to do as I'd told him.

Two nights later he returned. Immediately I asked him if had cum since our last meeting. He looked shamefaced and said he had, but "only once". I told him that would not do and sent him away. He was really shocked by this and begged me to try for the five anyway. Pretending to be very stern, I refused and sent him packing. I thought that would probably be the last I'd see of him.

About a week later he phoned saying he had at last managed to go a full 24 hours without sex and could he come round for "further training?" 'Training' I thought. Hmm. Interesting that he should have used that word. With pretend reluctance, I agreed.

He must have phoned from round the corner, for within minutes he was at the door. I ordered him to strip and put on a condom. It was five minutes to eight. I told him that as soon as the clock struck eight he was to toss himself off, "to get the first one out the way". At two minutes past, he had finished (!) so I peeled the rubber off him, knotted it and hung it up. One up, four to go. Then I made him lie on the bed and went to work on him. This time I got the fourth load out in only 50 minutes, but despite my best efforts it took another 45 minutes to get the fifth one. Interestingly though, he took this as entirely his failure rather than mine and was deeply ashamed - an attitude I did nothing to dispel. I let him enjoy the sleep of exhaustion for half an hour and then woke him, telling him I was going to milk him a sixth time. Interestingly, his big dark eyes opened wide with pleading and he begged me not to work him any more. He took my hands and kissed them and asked me to let him go home. I told him I was disappointed in him but agreed to let him go.

After he had left I felt quite pleased with the way things had gone. Not only had I, for the first time in his life, got him to a stage where he actually did not want any more sex, but had established my dominance too. When he'd had all he could take, he didn't say 'sod this, I'm off', no, he'd kissed my hands and begged to be allowed to go! I looked at the row of five condoms dangling like miniature Christmas stockings and smiled. Oh yes, he'd be back allright, driven by the whips of his pitiless sex need, and I'd be able to start fashioning him into something pathetically dependant on me.

The next day he phoned me to apologise again for having failed to achieve the one hour target but hoping I would continue to "coach" him. I was gentle, telling him not to be too hard on himself, that after all, what we were working towards was very likely a world record. Gosh, did I think so? Did I really think so? And did I think he could do it? He was so young, so naiive, so easy to manipulate, it was like taking candy from a baby. I assured him that I was confident he had the necessary virility for the task but that we'd have to intensify the training a bit . . . and the orgasm process too. He was agog to know what I had in mind. Well, as for the process, I felt it would be helpful if he was tied to the bed, spread-eagled . . . and hooded too. There was a silence at the other end of the phone. Had I gone too far, too fast? He wanted to know why. Why tied down? Why hooded? Clearly, alarm bells were ringing. Very gently I explained that there were certain techniques we had not tried yet, certain "more advanced erotic stimulations" which might help us to achieve our goal, that being hooded he would not be distracted by any extraneous visual input and could concentrate 100 % on sensual arousal. Yes, but why tied down, he persisted? With re-assuring patience, I explained that he had to deliver himself into my hands with total trust so that I could manipulate his body to heights of sensual ecstasy, which he had so far never dreamed of. The randy little bugger swallowed all this guff with an eager appetite, hungry for new and exotic sexual experiences. But, he persisted, I'd said something about intensifying the training too. What did that mean? Well, I conceded, perhaps he was not ready for that bit yet. Perhaps we could come back to that a bit later. No, no, he insisted, he realised how important training was in trying for a world record. Was he sure? It would not be easy. Please, he begged, I had to tell him. Well . . . I said, as if he were dragging it out of me, I think that to be sure of success we'll have to go for three days celibacy before the next attempt.

There was a stunned silence at the other end of the phone. After all, this was the randy little animal that had wanked himself off at least twice a day since he was nine. And here I was asking him to give up three whole days of sex . . . at least six good wanks. But that spunk would not go away. It would build up in his balls, seething and simmering, urgently pressing for release. At last in a small, pathetic voice, he whined that he did not know if he could do that Sir. Sir! The first time he had called me that. Encouraging! I told him I appreciated the difficulty but perhaps I could help by sending him something to ease the problem. And (yes, you've guessed it Fuckface,) I told him about the jock strap - about how two other men (I nearly slipped up and said slaves) had found it helpful in controlling their impulses. I offered to send it to him in the post the very next day. Oh, would I? Would I really? And he thanked me, stressing how much he appreciated all I was doing for him. I felt almost guilty at the ease of handling such a trusting fool. But of course I was in a win/win situation. Either he succeeded and arrived mad randy and ready for anything, or he failed, in which case one might be forced, ever so reluctantly, to consider introducing a new concept into the relationship. . . the question of punishment.

I have to report to you, Fuckface, that he fell at the first hurdle. Oh he tried. How he tried. But on the second night, with two days of spunk build-up bursting his balls, the over-sexed young Arab colt had a wet dream and dumped the lot into the jock. Luckily, I phoned him that morning and found him deeply contrite. He promised to wash out the shamefully soiled article and return it but I persuaded him that was not in accordance with my wishes. He then went on to talk of punishment for his failure. It was his word, not mine, but I promised to give the matter some thought . . . Although that was only three weeks ago he has worn the jock twice since then with no further accidents, I am glad to say, and has been here twice too. I have now succeeded in milking him five times in an hour (well, 64 minutes to be precise) but even more to the point, he has taken to being fucked as well as to expecting to be punished for any shortcomings. All in all, this young lad shows considerable promise.

And now, Fuckface, it is up to you. You are free to be the next to wear the jock any time you like. Only remember, once on it stays on, day and night, until I take it off you. And, that like my hand clamped over your groin, it forbids you to touch yourself. Pray that you do not suffer a wet dream like young Jameed. He was inexperienced in the ways of obedience but was punished just the same. For an experienced, trained slave like you, the penalty for any lack of self-discipline would be . . . well, would be as you yourself would expect.

If I judge you correctly, you are right now eager to rip open the pack and inspect the jock strap. Well, you may do so, only remember that once opened it has to be worn immediately and continuously. You are probably reading this at least four days prior to your visit, so think carefully before you act. Are you really prepared to wear such a disgustingly soiled item against your skin non-stop for four days? And four nights too, don't forget. The wise thing is to leave the package sealed and un-inspected until the very morning of your visit, but the choice is yours entirely.

The bastard, I thought, the sly, scheming, manipulative bastard. He knew very well the agony of indecision he would plunge me into. But one had to admire the way he was taking me over and making me dance like a puppet even before our first encounter. I fingered the package, squeezed it, sniffed it . . . and ripped it open! Inside was one of those self- seal plastic bags. I opened it and removed the content, which felt very slightly damp. Despite knowing its history, I was shocked by the obscenity of the filthy, limp rag I held in my hands. The wet mud of the rugger pitch had left it grubby and grey. Its other uses had left it stained and re-stained, crusted with dried semen and seepages, yellow with dried urine-dribble. I raised it tentatively to my nose and quickly snatched it away in disgust at the ammoniac stench.

Here in my hands was the very essence of sex and suffering, of sweat and sin, of slavery and semen. To put such a thing on my own body, to have it touching my own manhood, was utterly revolting and shaming. Without further ado I pulled it on and felt its clammy embrace enfold my cock and balls and its tight, dirty elastic belt grip my waist. It was the most disgusting, most erotically thrilling experience that I had ever had . . .

Next: Chapter 6

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