Humiliating Bobby

By Randy Collins

Published on Feb 5, 2008


Sorry for the delay in getting this final chapter posted, I had a little "company" over the weekend. Perhaps I will post that story as well.

Here is where we left off:

"No Daddy" he said as I was putting my wet cock away and pulling up my pants.

"Hang on there son" I said as I noticed him begin to move his hand like he was going to wipe the cum from his hair, face and mouth.

He stopped in mid-movement, looking at me as if to ask why.

"You look good just like this and you will fit right in where we are headed.

Now Chapter 2 of Humiliating Bobby.

I guided Bobby down the hall and out the front door. I nodded in the direction of the passenger side of my car and dress how he was now dressed, he was in the passenger seat in no time!

"Where are we going" he said with terror in his voice as I pulled out of my driveway.

"You are going to do a little shopping and then we are going on a road trip son" I smirked.

Bobby slumped down as far as he could in his seat as we headed towards the 15 freeway. Just before we hit the freeway on ramp I pulled into a guys Am/Pm store and pulled into a parking spot.

"Go in and buy a pack of condoms and 2 bottles of water and a black magic marker" I said as I handed him $10.00.

I didn't think it was possible for him to get any more pale, but he did! Dressed in shorts so tight is little boy bulge was clear, his 1/2 tee shirt showed off his not at all muscled upper body, and he had dried cum in his hair, face, tee shirt and around the edges of his mouth.

The vision this little 18 year old would make as he went into the store, cum on his body and breath, asking the clerk behind the counter to buy condoms was hysterical to me.

"I just can't" he said as he bagan to sob.

"Well it's that or I will pull you out of this car, bend you over my knee, and give you a bare ass spanking right here in the parking lot" I offered as an alternate idea.

Slowly he opened his door and got out of my car, then made his way towards the front door of the busy convience store. I honked my horn just as he was 5 steps from the door and said, "Pull those shorts up more boy"

As I honked my horn, most heads turned to see what was going on only to see this skinny cum covered teen boy hike his tight little shorts up to show off the nothing he carried in his pants.

The self serve gas area was busy and I guessed that the store was as well because it took Bobby a full 5 minutes to return, his face a very bright shade of red!

He said nothing to me as he got back in the car and put his brown bag of shame between the bucket seats. As I was pulling out he put his hands over his eyes. Infact he kept them there for the next 10 to 15 minutes as we headed out the back roads to meet up with I-10 towards Palm Springs.

Let me jump in here, Bobby had no idea where we were heading and what I had in mind for him. Not to give our destination away, let me just say I have lived in Southern California for 25 years and have been training guys for almost 20 of those years. In that time I have made some great contacts. Contacts that, with a simple phone call, would allow me to take someone Brads age into places that normal 18 year olds would not be allowed in California. I should also mention that I have a pretty nice collection of classic cars, cars that draw quite a bit of attention. For this road trip we are driving quite a fun and eye catching car with T-tops. Tops that I had removed while Bobby was in the store.

Based on his reaction from exiting the store I can only guess that he ran into someone he knew and I did feel kind of bad for him, but oh well, I had more fun in mind for him.

I grabbed one of the bottles of water out of the bag and reached inside the center console, pulling out an Altoids tin. I opened the tin and took out a Viagra, dropping the tin back into the console and putting the pill on the shifter console..

"Here Bobby, have a drink of water and take this" I said as we sped down the freeway.

Bobby removed his hands from his eyes and took the water bottle from my hand and opened it.

"That too" I said as i nodded towards the little blue pill.

He must have known what it was because without question he grabbed it and swallowed it down.

"Did you have fun shopping son" I quizzed.

"No, I knew people in there" was his simple reply.

In no time the little blue pill was having the desired effect of Bobby's tiny cock, I could clearly see the micro dick making a small tent in the tight red swimsuit I had him in.

Now only 10 or 15 minutes from my destination I slowed my car down and pulled into the second lane, adjusting my speed to keep up with an 18 wheeler to my right. With the T-tops off the car I could clearly see the trucker and watched him as he glanced several times into the car next to him.

"Son, let that nice man in the truck have a look at your little weiner. Pull the crotch aside and give him a view" I said to the shocked 18 year old in my passenger seat.

"No, I can't!" he exclaimed.

I reached over and grabbed the silky material myself and pulled it aside, badly stretching it as his fully hard 2 1/2 inch newly shaved smooth cock sprung out. I glanced up to the trucker who was looking and laughing.

"Son, wave to the nice truck driver" I ordered.

Bobby kept his eyes glued to the road ahead of us and did not say a word, his face bright red.

I backed off the gas letting the truck pull away and pulled into the slow lane just behind him.

"Bobby, this was your idea not mine" I scolded. "The more you resist me, the worse it is going to get for you. Now as punishment for not doing what you are told this time, I want you to take that swimsuit all the way off or I swear I will pull this car over and let you off right here."

"But...people......they...I...." Bobby stuttered looking into my eyes.

Without a word I turned on my right turn signal and began to solow the car down as if I were going to pul over onto the shoulder.

"Ok, Ok Daddy" he gave in as he lifted is almost non existant ass and pulled the shorts off his thin legs.

I brought the car back up to speed and said to Bobby "OK son, spread your legs nice and wide" as I changed lanes again to catch up with the trucker I had Bobby give his first show too.

As I pulled even with the cab of the truck, I took in the sight next to me. Here is this naked 18 year old boy, pubic hair freshly shaved off, his micro dick hard as it can be at a full 2 1/2 inches, legs spread wide for all to see, his face bright red with embarassment.

I was able to "show him" to 5 or 6 trucks before we exited the 111 into Palm Springs. Most of the truckers were interested in having a good look so when I was sure I had their attention I would reach over and tug on his little dick a few times and lift his tiny balls to make sure they knew this kid was not only my property, but he was no where near a man, even at his age.

I don't think he had ever been to Palm Springs as he had no reaction as I pulled of the exit. Any of you who have been there know that the 111 looks like the middle of nowhere untill you actually hit the city and are downtown.

As we pulled into the city Bobbys head snapped to the left and he said in rather a panic "Can I put my shorts back on?"

I faked thinking about it for a minute and then said "No, I don't think so. Anyone who isn't interested will just think you are a shirtless boy going for a ride and anyone who is interested is welcome to have a look"

Driving through downtown Palm Springs is a slow process on a good day but it must have felt like forever for the poor naked kid in my passenger seat. At several stop lights the people partying from the second story patios would whistle and make cat calls aimed at the dickless kid.

As we made our way through downtown and were able to speed up a little I noticed that his hard weiner was begining to leak a little juice. Something that I had to use to my advantage, after all this is his fantasy! So I leaned over and ran the tip of my finger over his little cockhead and brought my liquid covered finger to my lips and licked the pre cum off.

"Looks like you are getting way into this son" I commented.

For the first time I saw the hint of a smile on his face and he said "I thought the store you sent me in was bad, but making me sit here naked while we drove through town was the worst. I have never been so was kind of cool."

He turned to look at me with the partial smile still on his face and I gave him a grin as well.

"Then you are going to love this next stop" I said as I guided my car of the 111 and pulled through the Target parking lot.

Those of you who know the gay resort scene in Palm Springs know exactly where I am and were I am heading. There is a very nice gay resort directly behind the Target store and another one about a 1/2 block away. The Villas was my destination, knowing full well that most of the men there would have a lot of fun with an 18 year old dickless boy!

I pulled around to the back where most of the guests park and instructed Bobby to pull his shorts on, the only clothing he had on his skinny body. We got out of the car and I told Bobby to wait a minute. I walked over to where Bobby was standing and pushed him back up against the car.

"Let's see how you look" I said as I pulled his shorts up to once again show his small hard package. I reached inside his shorts and grabbed his hard dick stalk, moving it around to see what the best angle would be so all could see he is small and hard. With a dick that small, even hard there isn't any great position but I did the best I could.

I stood up and leaned into the car pulling out the water bottle and the magic marker I had made him buy earlier.

"I think we need to add some accents" I said as I opened the sip-cap of the water bottle. I squirted a little water over the area where is finger sized dick head was, making a deep red spot on his shorts. It was clearly visable the little weiner was hard and now it looked like he was leaking alot. He was leaking on his own, but I wanted a little more glitz.

"How does that look son" I asked

"Looks like I came in my shorts Dad" he said looking down at his poor excuse for a bulge.

"I think we are missing something" I said as I stood up and leaned back into the car pulling out the magic marker he had also been made to purchase.

I kneeled in front of him, rubbing his little ball sack as I said "Hold very still or you will end up looking like a mess" I opened the magic marker package and removed the cap.

Bobbys eyes were wide as the tip of the marker approached his pale skin but becoming a good boy he did stand still. I pulled down the waste of his shorts about an inch and began.


Is what I wrote in black magic marker on this stomach, then adding curved arrows on each side, the point of the arrows dissapearing under the waste band of his shorts when I pulled them back up.

On front of each upper leg I wrote:


Again with arrows pointing directly to the not very tented but fully hard crotch area.

"Let's go" I said as I guided him through the short mase of room/cabins untill just before we entered the private grounds. I recognized about 8 or 9 of the guys there as I am a rather frequent guest. There were about 30 men on the grounds and at the pool / outside bar. Most were in there 40's through 70's but there were a couple of very nice looking late teens somethings, clearly hustlers.

Much like you see on TV, when Bobby made his way around the corner and was noticed, all conversations stopped and you could hear a pin drop! For Bobby, I did think he was going to pass out from embarassment, he was red from head to tow!

One of the down sides to Palm Springs, at least in my opinion, is all the old queens there. I learned many years ago however that if you want or need connections seek out the biggest queen and make friends. That is what I had done years ago so I guided Bobby with my hand on his back to a big ole queen in his late 60's and with the friendliest voice I could muster I said " Hey Jim, how are you doing today, long time no see" Jim was one of those money queens and was sitting near the pool ( and close to the bar ) with about 9 other males.

"My, what do we have here?" he asked in a sing song voice many octives too high for my taste.

"This is Bobby" I said as I moved him to stand right in front of me, my hands on his shoulders.

"Dad's little boy I see" Jim said as he was taking in the sight in front of him, reading what I had written on Bobbys body and checking out the little hard weiner that clearly showed in his shorts.

"Yea" I said as I moved my hands from Bobbys shoulders down his back and into the rear of his shorts, cupping his ass cheeks and making sure I pulled the material even tighter over his little hard on.

"I thought Bobby needed to get out, get some fresh air and meet some people" I said as I kneeded his ass cheeks making him squirm just a bit.

"It was a long drive over Jim, I am going to run to the bar. Can you keep an eye on this little guy for me" I offered knowing the queen wouldn't be able to resist.

"My yes" Jim replied licking his lips.

This guy needs a serious dose of testosterone I thought to myself as I pulled my hands off of Bobbys ass cheeks, letting the material snap back against them. I patted him on the ass and pushed him forward towards the aging queen as I said to him " Be nice to the man Bobby, I'll be right back."

It wasn't probably 20 steps to the bar and I took position where I could keep and eye on Bobby, Jim and his court, wishing I could order a drink but settling for a Coke.

Queen Jim wasted no time, but I knew he wouldn't. He had positioned his chair so that it was facing the majority of the people in the courtyard. He had Bobby sitting on his lap, one hand trying to find a nipple to pinch, the other rubbing the outside of Bobby's shorts. He was saying something into Bobbys ear but I couldn't tell what he was saying. Bobby was trapped in this guys lap and was in clear view of everyone who wanted to watch.

As I was observing Jim and Bobby, one of the hustlers came up to me and said, "How old is he"

"He's 18, but freshly shaved he does look a lot younger doesn't he" I said.

This guy was 100% Palm Springs Hustler. He was good looking but knew it. Nice body and he wore one of those jock / swimsuits that showed he clearly was a hung young man!

He saw where I was looking and ran his hand over the bulging garmet, lifting it as if to be offering it. "If you want some real fun, let me know" he propositioned.

"No thanks, today is Bobbys day but if YOU want some fun later, it might be nice to show him what a teen cock should look like" I said as I gave him a smile.

An outburst of laughter drew my attention back to Bobby and the group of men around him. The big queen had pulled Bobbys shorts down and as I looked up one of the others had pulled them off. There sat Bobby, fully naked, little 21/2 in hard on and the group of men was moving in to each have their feel of the little meat. Bobby was clearly struggling against the assult, but his puny body was no match for the aging queen.

The men were all laughing and making fun of his "package" and this had drawn the attention of most of the men sitting at tables around the pool.

I excused myself from the hustler as I made my way back to Bobby. "I see you are having fun Bobby" I said as I approached, noting the look of relief in his eyes at my return.

"I want my shorts" he said in a tone like you would expect from a 5 year old. Jim using two fingers to stroke his little weiner in front of the growing group of men.

"Now Bobby", this was going to be FUN! "That is no way to treat my friends. They are used adult sized dicks and don't often get to play with a little bone like yours. Now you just it there with aunt Jim ( I couldn't resist ) and let these men have their fun."

"But he has his finger up my ass!" Bobby blurted out so loud that again the entire area went quiet once again.

I glanced down getween Bobby little legs and while Jim's hand was under Bobby, I couldn't tell he was fingering the kid, but that did explane the excess squirming that Bobby was doing.

I also know far better than to get between a queen and its prey. I had to be tactful to help Jim save face rather than embarass him in front of his groupies.

"I bet Jim is just trying hit your button. He probably wants to see if that little dick can cum" I said.

Jim jumped on the chance to save face and said "That's it exactly. have never seen a dick this small want wanted to know if you squirt or shoot" He was clearly talking more to me than to Bobby. Jim slid down in his chair quite a bit, raising Bobby butt clearly showing everyone watching the he was 2 fingers deep into Bobbys ass. I am sure Bobby wanted to die on the spot, stiiting naked on this guys lap clearly 2 fingers shoved in his ass, on display for everyone.

"Well Bobby" I said chearfully, "If Jim wants to see you cum, why don't you jack off for him"

Bobby had a stunned look on his red face.

I grabbed him by the hand pulling him off of Jim's lap. Jims fingers following the tight ass untill his arms were extended and Bobbys ass was out of reach. I once again pulled Bobbys back to my chest and faced him towards the large crowd now watching. I put a hand on each tiny nipple and started to work them. I said loud enough for everyone to hear "Go ahead and jack off for the men son".

After some hesitation, Bobbys hand went for his tiny cock and he started to pump...well in his case maneuver a little. A cheer went up from the crowd as Bobby began to jack himself off. I looked around to his face to see his eyes closed tight and tears streaming down his cheeks.

The viagra had Bobby hard, but I don't think his heart was in it as he pumped and pumped without result. The hustler I had been talking to at the bar had been towards the back of the crowd but was now making his way towards me.

"I think you should have him stand on a table so everyone can see" he offered.

"Not a bad idea, but I think he is going to need some professional oral encouragement" I said thinking the too cute hustler might not be sharp enough to get what I was saying.

"OK, but I get his ass" was the answer.

"Deal" I said as I began walking Bobby to the closest table. I lifted the light weight body to the table and Bobby stood there hand still on tiny meat. Before I could give any more direction, the hustler jumped on the table with Bobby. He pulled his jock aside and revieled an almost hard 8 inch and thick cock, causing the crownd to cheer wildly.

He took Bobbys hand from his weiner and placed it on his own. "THIS is a cock kid" he announced and before today is over you are going to know it very up close and personal" I kind of liked how agressive this hustler boy was so I decided to let him run the show for awhile.

He got to his knees and took in Bobbys hard 2 incher. after a few strokes he pulled off and anounced to the crowd " This is like sicking on a crayon" and went back to work. The entire crowd went into hysterical laughter and Bobby just closed his eyes, red as a beat.

The hustler knew his stuff, he has 3 fingers worked up Bobbys ass in no time and had figured out how to suck on the little meat in his mouth. For Bobbys part, he was moaning and everytime he did the crowd just laughed at him.

The hustler pulled off Bobby and anounced "He's ready" as he pulled on the little cock while working the ass over with his fingers. In no time 3 little shots of cum came out of the tip of the micro cock. They didn't really shoot out, but the didn't dribble either. They just sort of came out.

The crowd, now near 40 people, hooped and hollered their approval. Poor Bobby was weak in the knees and as he began to crumble, the stud hustler caucht him and laid him on the table on his back. I couldn't help but notice when the hustler moved around to Bobbys head, hooked his hands under Bobbys arm pits and pulled him across the table so his head was hanging off.

"Now is when you thank me boy" the hustler said as he moved his dick into Bobbys accidently open mouth. This guy was good! He talked Bobby through swalliowng the big cock to the root. As the Hustler was deep fucking Bobbys face, I noticed all the hard cocks that were out among the group. The hustler must have as well and he said, "I am about to unload on this kid. Someone needs to get his ass open for me because that is where I am headed next. No fucking, his ass is mine but you can all have a crack at this throat."

For the next 5 minutes Bobby had his legs in the air while a couple diferent strangers alternated between eating his ass and finger fucking it. Bobby had fully recovered from his tiny orgasm and was hard as stone once again. The hustler anounced he was going to cum and I told him to come on his face and body.

This hustler was not only good to look at, could he ever shoot! This kid must have dumped 9 or 10 big loads all over Bobbys chest, stomach and face. Once satisfied, he backed away from Bobbys face and walked to his parted legs. I was impressed, this guy JUST came and was ready to rde again!

As he put the head of his semi hard cock against Bobbys ass, he said "Someone fill his mouth cuz he is going to yell." I watched a cock enter Bobbys mouth the same time the hustler must have entered his ass because Bobbys eyes got very big again! It took a bit for the fucker and the suckee to get a rythum going but one they did it was 100% a Bobby sandwich. Bobby had taken to stroking his own cock, so I knew he was really into what I had allowed to happen to him.

I had my eye on the action as well as the clock, there wasn't a lot of time to get Bobby back to Lake Elsinore but I was not about to stop the hustler from his masterful job of fucking Bobbys little ass.

The ass fuck took a good 15 minutes and in that time about 9 different guys had stepped up to Bobbys mouth and fucked it hard. His body was covered with load after load of man cream and 2 little loads of his own.

The hustler anounced that he was going to cum. The guy in Bobbys mouth backed out, I am sure to get a good view of the hustler. For his part, the hustler pulled out of Bobbys now well fucked ass with a loud pop and added another 5 good spirts to the collection on Bobbys body. All of this to a cheering crowd.

I moved in and helped Bobby sit up. As he did, large amounts of donated cum ran off his chest down to and over his little cock and balls, yet again to the cheering of the crowd.

"Guys, I am glad you were all here today to meet my boy. I am sorry to say we have to go, the boy here has a deadline." Nodding towards the happy hustler, I said " but I think if you want to continue, that can be arranged" I gave the buff boy a smile and he picked up on exactly what I was saying and grinned back.

Helping Bobby slide of the cum covered table I stood him on his feet. Noticing there were still many hard cocks exposed I said " I am going to shower Bobby off, but he will come by all of you with your meat out and thank you for watching him" I said as I got a very dazed 18 year old moving towards the outside shower nozzle.

I stopped Bobby at the first exposed cock and told Bobby to thank the man for watching. Bobby looked at the man and mumbles something nobody could understand.

"No Bobby, like this" I said as I wrapped his hand around the exposed meat of the stranger, shaking his hand up and down like you would when shaking a man's hand. "Now thank the man for watching you Bobby" I directed.

"Thank you for watching me sir" Bobby offered and he shook the strange cock up and down.

This repeated 15 or 20 times as I moved the boy to the outdoor shower. Once there, I pulled the chain and cold water began waking young Bobby up. Cum running off his naked body onto the ground, and his still hard little cock on display for all.

Jim came up and offered me a towel and the boys red shorts as I maneuvered the former cum cicle out of the shower.

Most of the men had moved on as we began to make our way back to the car. I looked over my shoulder to see the cute hustler naked in a lawn chair, legs spread wide and someone eating on his firm ass. I gave him the "nod" as if to say thankyou and he returned it to me just as a large cock was presented to his lips.

I stopped Bobby and said "We better put these on" as I held out his trunks. He let out a sigh and I could see he wasn't steady enough yet to do this simple task by himself.

"Put your hands on my shoulders" I said as I kneeled down and opened the red shorts so he could put a leg in. As I was pulling them up his stick legs, I took a lick of his still boned weiner and he let out a soft moan.

I patted him on the ass and said let;s go.

I think he was asleep before we even got off the property. After all the little boy with an even littler dick had quite a big day!

As we pulled back onto the 111 for the trip home, he stirred and I looked over at him. He had pulled the crotch of his shorts out of the way and his hard little cock was sticking out proud for all to see and drifted back off to sleep.

End of story

Feedback welcome. This is a true story and is my property so no reposting. Bobby still comes over to the house at least once a week. He had a VERY good time, I fillled his fantasy.

Next: Chapter 3

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