Humiliated by Young Chavs

By Alan Rutherford

Published on Aug 26, 2019


Kaylum began reading out the text from Luke. "Wtf Connor? Why have you sent me this? I don't want to see your drooling dick while you make out with a lad's arse. I told you after you tried it on with me in Benidorm that any more weird shit and you'd be out the group. You can forget coming on holiday with us and I'll be sending this to the group chat so the other lads all know why as well."

"Oh dear" laughed Scotty. "That hasn't gone well has it gayboy. Love how your pervy behaviour has caught up with you though."

I started to sob, this was so unfair that my mates were disowning me over something that's not my fault. Even worse as I had no close family, the lads were the only people who'd be concerned if I was missing, so now the chavs could keep me here as long as they want worry-free. "You horrible pricks" I blubbered, which led to a shriek of laughter and more mocking.

"Right enough crying you fucking baby, you've got more arses to lick" shouted Mikey. I was grabbed by my collar and my face forced into the next arse. It smelt rank, by far the first one yet, but I had no choice but to stick my tongue in the hole and taste. After a minute or so my head was pulled away. "Well sicko, who you guessing?" To be honest I really didn't care anymore, the evil bastards had won. "Sam?" I asked. "Lucky cunt, good guess!" said Mikey seeming genuinely annoyed.

The next few arses I also got lucky and guessed correctly, leaving 2 left. As my face was shoved in the next arse and my tongue tasted the sweaty, smelly juices, Sam piped out "Ere mate, seen as our little pal is doing so well and is clearly an arse expert, why don't you make things a little harder for him by making it a bit smellier?"

I felt one of the lads put their hand behind my head and push my face as far into the arse as it would go. Seconds later a huge, wet fart was released into my face. As my face was released, all the lads laughed hysterically "Fuck that must have been a wet one, he's got arse juice all over his face." I felt it began to seep through the boxers guarding my eyes and nose and began to wretch at the thought of it. "Scotty?" I guessed. "How the fuck are you guessing these right?" Although my life had been torn apart by these lads in a short space of time, it felt good to be getting these small victories over them.

"Ok last one dickhead." shouted Kaylum. This would be easy as I had remembered whose I had already had to lick. I confidently shoved my tongue up the last arse. "Shit" I thought to myself, "What's the other lad's name again?"

"Name then gayboy?" asked Mikey seeming resigned to me getting it right. "I..err...I can't remember his name."

"You fucking disrespectful cunt!" shouted Kaylum as he spat in my face. "One of your gods gives you the honour of licking his arse and you can't even be arsed to remember his name?"

"I...I'm sorry, it's been a stressful day" I tried getting some sympathy from them. "Stop being a fucking girl, no wonder your mates couldn't wait to ditch you." said Junaid, also spitting in my face. "Now, you're going to get your agreed punishment for not guessing incorrectly, plus something a bit special for disrespecting your god Darren.

Kaylum picked up my phone again and scrolled through the contact list at random. "Fucking hell he's only got about 3 mates in the whole world by the look of it" he laughed. "Here we go, Harry, who's that?"

"Oh my god, please no, I'm on a job placement at the minute and he's on my team. If you send it to him it'll be gross misconduct and I won't be allowed back. Don't do this" I begged, hoping they'd show some humanity. "Shut the fuck up" shouted Kaylum, as I heard the bleep to signal that the message was sent. My heart sank.

"You won't need a job anyway shithead, we'll have loads for you to do around here." sniggered Sam. "So now your additional punishment, I'm gonna get a pint glass and pass it round all the lads. They're gonna deposit anything they want into it and you'll have to neck it down in one go, got it?" asked Kaylum aggressively. I nodded as I stared at the floor.

He returned from the kitchen with a pint glass and hawked up 5 lots of thick, slimy spit into it. The glass was passed to Mikey who pulled his trackies down and pissed into the glass. Sam added the contents of his nose, some horrible yellow snot. Finally it was passed to Scotty who pulled off his rank sweaty sock and put it in the glass to add some extra funk. The pint was placed in front of me and I didn't know how I could drink this without throwing up. "Remember to thank us at the end sicko, I don't want your viewers to think you're an ungrateful cunt." shouted Sam, pointing the camera at me as all the lads watched on.

"Viewers? What did he mean by that?" I thought. Before I could ponder any longer, Junaid picked up the pint and lifted it to my lips.

End of part 6, hope you're enjoying the story and always happy to receive feedback and ideas.

Next: Chapter 7

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