Humiliated by Young Chavs

By Alan Rutherford

Published on Jul 24, 2019


I lay there completely helpless and in shock while Mikey and Sam pinned by arms down and Kaylum's gorgeous but rank arse smothered by face. Again I was starting to panic about the lack of air so started to wriggle hoping the three chavs would take pity on me.

"Stay still you little worm!" shouted Mikey. With that, Kaylum released another fart into my helpless face. "You know the drill now gayboy, right? Kiss my arse and breathe that badboy in."

I did as he asked, feeling sick at the thought of what I was doing. "Look at this lads", I heard Sam say to the others. "This sick cunt is still rock hard." All three burst out laughing and continued their stream of verbal abuse. Kaylum stamped his trainer as hard as he could on my dick. I screamed in pain but the sound was muffled by the arse smothering my face. "Ere swap places with me K, I can feel somethin brewin" said Sam. With that Kaylum got off my face and I was able to frantically breathe in fresh air. No sooner though did Sam's arse again return my face to a sweaty, darkness.

Immediately Sam let out a really wet sounding fart. "Fuckin hell Sam sounds like you followed through" laughed Mikey as the three lads cracked up again. I gagged uncontrollably at the smell as the warm air filled my nostrils. "Sorry about that gayboy" said Sam sarcastically. "Stick your tongue out and see if it feels damp down there will you?" With that I received a quick jab in my stomach to remind me what would happen if I disobeyed. I stuck my tongue out and tasted the rank, moist exterior of Sam's trackies. "Fuck he's got no shame this cunt" shouted Mikey, exagerratedly wretching to mock my current situation further.

Sam remained sat on my arse, occasionally wriggling it around to get my nose further into his crack. "Who you texting K?" he asked. "Just some of the boys, see what theyre upto later." I hoped he wasn't suggesting that more lads were going to come down here. It was bad enough humiliating myself in front of these three evil twats. "We should probably take this perv back to ours soon anyway" Sam suggested. "My arse feels like it could do with a deep clean." "Defo man" agreed Kaylum as they all laughed. "Sound good gayboy?" shouted Kaylum towards me. Shit, they must be joking surely? They weren't going to kidnap me? This was insane.

Shortly after I heard footsteps approaching. "What the fuck?!" I heard an unfamiliar voice shout. "Shit lads, run" said Mikey. He, Sam and Kaylum fled the scene immediately. My eyes readjusted to the light and I saw four lads I didn't recognise in front of me. I really hoped my hard-on had gone down enough for them not to notice it when they arrived.

"You ok man?" one of the lads asked me. "What the fuck was that about?" "I'm ok" I replied cautiously, "just a bit shaken up."

"I bet, that was some nasty shit" said one of his mates behind him. "I'm Junaid by the way" he said as he reached out to shake my hand. "Connor" I said. Junaid was a mixed race, dark haired scally with a sexy accent, sort of Asian mixed with north-east. He wore an all-white tracksuit, thin gold chain round his neck and white Adidas trainers to complete his look. "These are my mates Darren, Afti and Scotty."

"Alright lads", I replied. "Thanks for helping me out anyway, I wanna get home now." "No worries bro, take it easy" said Afti in a friendly tone. I began to walk off but as I put my weight down on my bad ankle, it gave way. "Shit man, you ok?" said Junaid, seeming genuinely concerned. "It's my ankle, I tripped earlier and it's swollen."

"We can't leave him like this lads" said Scotty, "what if them others come back?"

"Tell you what, I live just round the corner" replied Darren. "Why don't we all head back there for a bit then you can make your own way back when you feel upto it, sound good Connor?" I was so grateful they were protecting me like this. With that Scotty, the strongest looking of the three, put his arm around my shoulder to support me and we walked slowly into the council estate towards Darren's house. "Here we are mate, after you" said Darren, gesturing to me as he unlocked the front door.

I walked in and there were no lights on, behind me followed the four lads. I heard a lightswitch click and in front of me stood the three psychos from before. "What the fuck?" I shouted. "He fell for it then?" asked Kaylum. "Fuckin too right" replied Junaid. "Oh my poorly ankle, thank you so much gentlemen you're so nice" followed Afti, in a forced wimpy voice. All seven lads burst out laughing. "The whiney little gayboy, I wanted to know him out myself" said Scotty, still sniggering.

With that I heard the sound of the key in the door being turned, followed by it being bolted for extra security. I turned round to see Darren sealing off my only known escape. I turned back round, terrified and frozen still, to see Sam pull out a dog chain and some handcuffs and approach me. He came to within an inch of my face and looked me in the eye. "You're fucked now gayboy".

End of part 3. Thanks again for your comments and suggestions, keep them coming, hope you enjoyed this latest addition.

Next: Chapter 4

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