Humiliated by Young Chavs

By Alan Rutherford

Published on Jul 21, 2019


As instructed, I began to snog Kaylum's trainers as best I could while the three lads laughed and shouted insults. "Dirty little fucker" sniggered Mikey. The camera was pointing at me the whole time while I humiliated and degraded myself.

"Don't dare ignore my spit you ungrateful twat" shouted Kaylum, "fucking lick it up now." I couldn't believe this was happening but had no choice but to do what they asked and hope that I would escape without a beating. My tongue lapped up the disgusting, slimy spit from Kaylum's trainer. "Fuck me that's sick" laughed Sam, "can't believe anyone would do that."

"Ok you little perv you've had your fun with my trainers now" said Kaylum mockingly as he spat again directly in my face. "Now I want you to look at the camera and tell me how much you love my trainers and how grateful you are that I let you kiss em".

I felt my dick begin to get hard again as the thought of humiliating myself like this took hold. "Please lads, don't make me do this" I begged.

"Listen you perv, don't ever fuckin call us 'lads' again, we are your gods" shouted Kaylum angrily, getting right in my face, as drops of spit flew out his mouth. "You clearly fuckin like this, your tiny dick can't control itself. Now if you don't do what I said, the videos of you necking on with my trainers will be all over Insta, Facey and Snapchat."

I was desperate and decided my only hope of keeping this between us was to humiliate myself further on camera. "Yes sir, I'm sorry sir", I said pathetically as the cocky, shit-eating grin reappeared on Kaylum's face. "Got the camera ready Mikey?" he asked. "Sure do mate. Over to you gayboy."

I took a deep breath as the phone was aimed at me, my face blushing and still covered in flecks of Kaylum's spit, while my hardon was now out of control and my shorts tented obviously. "Your trainers are amazing sir and I loved being able to snog them, it was an honour. I'm so grateful that a stunning lad like you would let me do this and that you let me taste your spit."

"Hahaha what a fuckin loser" shouted Sam as the video stopped recording. I was visibly shaking and defeated, I can't believe I just incriminated myself on camera like that. If any of my mates saw this I'd be a laughing stock. "Good job gayboy", shouted Kaylum. "Oh, you're one of Jamie's crew aint ya? He's Sam's cousin, bet he'd love to see this."

Fuck how did they know who I was? Jamie has been my best mate since I was 10, he'd have nothing to do with me if he saw this. "Please don't show this to anyone, I'll do anything." I pleaded desperately. "Hmm, what you reckon lads?" said Sam, "Think we should keep this perv's little secret?"

Kaylum grinned, of all three lads he seemed to be enjoying the power the most. "I'm gonna have to have a think about this. Gayboy, why don't you lie down on the floor a sec, face up?" I didn't know why he was asking this but I did as he asked. All of a sudden Kaylum squatted his tracky covered arse over my face and planted his weight down. The other two lads cracked up laughing. "Offit you mate" Mikey shouted.

"What? I need a comfy seat while I decide what to do with this little perv" replied Kaylum. I couldn't believe the amazing arse that got me into this situation was now on my face. It was firm and muscely and the trackies made it even sexier. I felt my cock start to drool pre-cum. "Fuck he really seems to like your arse mate" Sam said as he clearly noticed my out of control dick. "Who wouldn't?" was Kaylum's cocky reply. "Only a little perv could enjoy that arse" laughed Mikey, "we've been out here all day it must fuckin stink."

He was partly right, I thought. There was a definitely smell of sweat but the hotness of having this amazing arse smothering my face was overwhelmingly worth it. I was starting to get a bit breathless though as my nose and mouth were directly under Kaylum's arse crack. Suddenly a loud fart came through the trackies and all three lads burst out laughing. "Fuck that stinks" shouted Sam. "You dirty bastard."

"Thought our friend here might need some air. My arse must defo stink now." The smell was rank, as though he had been drinking cans all day. That along with the warmth moistness coming from his trackies made me gag. I tried to escape but the other two lads pinned my arms down on either side so I was helpless. "Nah I don't think so gayboy" said Kaylum. "Aren't you going to thank me for letting you breathe?". I was fuming, he wanted me to thank him for farting in my face. I couldn't believe his arrogance. "Kiss my arse to say thank you gayboy, and take a deep sniff in my arse. Make sure we can hear it." At first I did nothing, this had gone too far, these lads were younger than me and weren't going to dictate to me what to do.

All of a sudden one of the lads punched me in the bollocks. It stung like mad and winded me. "Don't fuckin disobey your gods" I heard Sam scream. "Hahaha nice one mate", Mikey laughed approvingly. "Now do what we fuckin asked you."

I didn't want another punch in the balls and also wanted to get out of this situation as soon as possible incase anyone walked past and saw us. I kissed Kaylum's arse as passionately as I could do in my position, then took a deep whiff of his arse. The smell was overwhelming and made me cough. "Fuckin sicko" shouted Kaylum.

End of part 2. Thanks for all the comments and suggestions so far. Keep them coming!

Next: Chapter 3

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