Humiliated by Office Boy

By Chris

Published on Aug 15, 2023


Jealously and lust consumed my mind. All I could think about was touching Matt's body in the way that Michelle was. I could feel myself beginning to drool as I noticed Michelle massaging Matt's huge bulge that hung so temptingly down one leg of his tight pinstripe trousers. I imagined myself taking the tip of his massive cock in my mouth and having Matt beat me around the head with it for not being able to suck it the way he liked. I imagined Matt forcing me to complete degrading acts for his pleasure or amusement and thought about how erotic it would be to publicly have my own puny body compared to his enormous teenage rugby muscles. I could barely concentrate on the road and as a result hadn't even noticed Matt on the phone. I awoke out of my daydream with a start as Matt slapped me hard round the back of my head. "Aren't you listening to me, fag. I said turn the car around! You're coming to my house and believe me it aint anywhere near this shit-hole neighbourhood. My parents aint in so I've got a few chores for you while I fuck Michelle, alright? Besides, I didn't wanna catch anything from your dirty faggot sheets". Michelle shrieked with laughter at Matt's 'brilliant' wit.

In my obsession with him, I'd already memorised his address from the company database. It was almost a warning to myself that things had already gone too far when I didn't even have to ask Matt where he lived. He didn't tell me either. He knew I'd already know.

As we drove towards the outskirts of London, I admired the beautiful houses that lined the leafy streets in the Kent suburb where Matt lived. Each one was individual and more impressive than the last. I immediately felt ashamed of the modest East end terraced accommodation I'd worked so hard to afford. I felt like life had dealt me a poor card and I could feel a burning rage building inside of me when I saw how Matt lived by comparison.

As we pulled into the driveway of the white neo-Georgian mansion where Matt lived it was clear that he was, or at least his parents were, very rich. Judging by his tough South London accent I guessed they must be 'new money', but this didn't detract from the wealth they'd obviously recently attained. Looking at Matt in the rear view mirror, his cocky teenage legs spread wide, I concluded that although he had money he was definitely no aristocratic gentlemen. The more I thought about it, it seemed Matt probably only brought me here so he could lord his family riches over me. Time after time I seemed to be falling into his humiliating 'traps'.

"Get out the car" Matt curtly commanded. I did as I was told. "Should have parked your shit-wagon round the corner. Will have to tell the neighbours we got ourselves a new cleaning lady if someone sees it". Michelle grinned and the comparison between a cleaning lady and me made my cock stir. What was wrong with me?

We entered the beautiful marble hallway and Matt turned to me to demand I take my shoes off. "Show some fucking respect you knob end" he said angrily. I was scared. I'd never seen rage like that in his eyes. I did as I was told but of course, this was not enough for Matt who still stood in his highly polished black work shoes. "Get on your fucking hands and knees and crawl when you're in my house". I could feel my face turn red. Was he actually going to make me do this? I fell to my hands and knees and crawled along the floor like a stray dog behind Michelle and Matt as they walked towards the oversized kitchen. As I did this, a figure appeared from what must have been the lounge. Another teenager, but younger than Matt. He must have been about 14 or 15 years old and although slim his body was clearly defined, not unlike that of a professional swimmer. He wore a cap and a pair of snug fitting tracksuit bottoms with a stripy 'Nickelson' polo shirt with the collar turned up. He had to be Matt's little brother and looked just as menacing as his older sibling. He had the same sandy coloured hair, cropped short and had the same twinkly blue eyes with the same menacing glint. Complete with white Reebok trainers, square stud earring, and gold chain he was my ultimate scally-boy fantasy brought to life. I immediately felt ashamed to be crawling along the floor in my cheap Burton suit in front of him.

"What's all this?" demanded the new face in a voice that suggested he wanted to sound older than he actually was. Matt smirked. "This is the fag I was telling you about, Jay. The one who will do anything as long as he can sniff your farts". If I wasn't embarrassed before that point, I was certainly embarrassed now. I hung my head in shame. In the space of a couple of weeks I'd been turned from professional mid-management to professional fart-eater.

"Oi!" shouted the teenager. "Look up when you're being spoken about, cock sucker". I brought my head up from the floor to look at him. Jay looked at me contemptuously and walked over and let out a massive wad of spit into my upturned face. Matt laughed, clearly pleased that his little brother was catching on quickly. Why was I allowing myself to be spat on by a schoolboy? My aching cock answered my question. From a distance, Matt spat at me again, the second wad hitting me right in the face. 'Great', I thought. I'm now a human spit target too. Despite the ordeal I was being put through my cock remained rock hard. I was desperate for Matt not to see it. He'd only become worse.

"Right", said Matt. "Fart-eater is gonna make me and 'chelle dinner and then when I'm fucking her you can do whatever you want with him". A chill ran down my spine, I've seen teenagers like Jay in the local park. I've got a pretty good idea of how sadistic they can be, especially when they want to prove their manliness over a 'low life faggot'. I stood on all fours, spit still running from my forehead to chin, waiting for my next instruction. Jay just stood, with a smirk on his face. He was going to be as bad, if not worse than Matt.

"Get in the kitchen, ass hole. Start cooking" stated Matt airily. I wasn't sure whether to stand or crawl so I picked the second option. The teenage brothers behind me shrieked with laughter at my open display of submissiveness. I'd never been so humiliated. Once in the kitchen and out of view, I was able to stand again and I began to explore my surroundings. Granite worktops and the best equipment and utensils money could buy. With this is hand, I would be able to make a meal fit for a king and I knew Matt would expect no less. I got to work straight away and slavered feverishly over a hot oven to perfect a roast chicken dinner complete with starter and dessert. With over 2 hours passing, I could even admit to myself that I'd done a pretty decent job. I'd created a banquet and almost quite forgotten about Matt fucking Michelle's brains out a few rooms away. I set the table and wandered out of the kitchen towards the staircase to get Matt's attention...

I walked past several rooms until I approached a door where I could hear the unmistakeable sound of 'straights' having sex. Michelle was shrieking wildly. It sounded like something out of a porn movie. But still, I could only imagine the pleasure of having Matt's enormous tool filling out my insides so Michelle's shrieks of pleasure were more than understandable... I knocked tentatively on the door, afraid to go in. I heard a rustling sound from inside. The door swung open at a speed that even shocked me.

"What the fuck do you want, you stupid poof?" shouted Matt, inches from my face. "Errrr, I, sir... I made... Dinner is ready for you, sir", I finally managed to blurt out. Matt studied my face with his menacing eyes. He was wearing only a pair of tight Levi jeans. I'd never seen anything so sexy. His thick muscles covering his broad shoulders glistened with sweat and his body reeked of the most manly, erotic aroma. The room stunk of sex and I didn't feel worthy of standing in front of him. All I cold think about was getting on my hands and knees and servicing his cock or licking his massive sweaty feet for his pleasure and amusement. He looked furious. I thought he was going to hit me for disturbing him until his face broke into a wicked smile...

"We aint done here yet. Tell you what fag, I'm gonna stick you back in the closet for a while". With that, Matt grabbed me by the back of the neck and with ease, practically threw me into an open closet door and shut it with a kick. I was too shocked to speak. All I could hear was Michelle in hysterics about the pun Matt had just made about 'putting the fag back in the closet'. I sat down on the dark closet floor that was littered with Matt's rugby boots, trainers and straight porn mags. It stunk of sweat. I wasn't sure if I was about to cry or orgasm. How did I get myself into this situation?

Minutes past and it was clear Matt and Michelle were back at the fucking. She could barely contain her shrieks of pleasure. Through the slats of the closet door I could make out Matt's massive outline, and the image of Michelle practically impaled on his enormous cock as he hauled her into the air with his massive hands. "Listen fag. This is how real men have sex", Matt shouted out to me mockingly. Michelle was clearly in too much pleasure to even take notice of what Matt was saying. She was clearly being more than satisfied by Matt's gigantic tool. I sat in the darkness, my small aching cock practically bursting out of my work trousers. I wanted this teenager so bad. I'd do anything for him and he knew it.

After what seemed like hours, the power fuck was over. I'd almost given up hope of ever being let out of my 'closet' when Matt opened the door. He was wearing the tightest pair of short, black boxer shorts. His ass looked amazing and his massive chest was heaving after the powerful sex session with his girlfriend. I could even see the veins poking out of his thick wrestler-style neck. "Right fag. Now we're gonna eat dinner. It best be good. My rooms a mess. Clean it. I've left a little present for you in my bed". He looked at Michelle and they both laughed as they left the room.

I stood up and surveyed the 'damage'. He was right. It was really was a mess. I didn't know where to start so I thought about trying to find the 'present' Matt had left for me... It didn't take long. Pulling back the damp, sweaty bed sheets on Matt's bed I found a used condom full of cum. I'd never seen anything like it. It was almost bursting. If Matt saw me looking at it, he'd go crazy and the submissiveness inside me was too strong to resist. Despite my desire to taste Matt's "man juice", I carefully picked it up and put it inside the bin. Being able to resist was a small victory for me although deep down I knew I was a real slave. I was clearing up after Matt: a straight, Adonis, teen-god. I was practically his maid. The only thing I was getting out of our little 'relationship' was the satisfaction of serving my teen master. But, to be honest, that was enough...

I toiled for about half an hour. Tidying away Matt's porn mags, polishing his rugby and wrestling trophies, making his bed and cleaning his bathroom. I put all his dirty underwear in the washing basket and struggled to resist the urge to bury my face into where Matt's teenage ass-crack had been. It wasn't easy...

As I cleaned the toilet seat, I had to catch my breath - to think, Matt's beautiful, muscular teenage butt had been naked on that seat. I had controlled myself with the condom and the underwear but I couldn't resist this... I got on my hands and knees and begin to kiss and lick the seat. I thought of Matt on it, his thick teenage legs spread wide, and his huge cock and massive balls. I was consumed with my lust for him....

"Ugggghhhhhh, fuck. Your gross." It was Jay. I turned around with a start. How long had he been there? I couldn't believe I'd been trapped like this again. It was almost like he'd been watching me. Waiting for me to slip up. My eyes were begging him not to tell Matt but I knew it was useless. Despite being about 15 years old, the boy in front of me was truly disgusted by my behaviour. I wanted to cry. "You sick little shit. Stay on your hands and knees". I did as I was told. Jay turned round, and before I could even realise what was happening he'd pulled his tracksuit bottoms down revealing a tanned and tight little boy-butt. He shoved it right into my face and let out a disgustingly loud fart in my face. It lasted for several seconds and had a real 'thick' smell to it. It truly was the most humiliating assault on my face this teenager could think-up. "Awwwwwwwwww", Jay cooed. "I've been saving that one up for you. My bro has been telling me you love having men fart in your poofy face. I hope it was nice and smelly. You're totally fucked up, you know that?!" I didn't even have a chance to answer. "Since you enjoyed it so much, now you get to tidy up my room too. Get to it shit face and start by cleaning my bathroom. If you're lucky, I'll let you sniff my ass hole again later". My face was beet red. I had no choice but to obey him too. I left Matt's tidy room and got to work on Jay's.

The walls were lined with under-sixteen football trophies but it was just as messy as Matt's. I suppose these Adonis-brothers considered it beneath them to have to clean and tidy their bedrooms. Then again, why do it yourself when a 'fag' will do it for free, I thought to myself bitterly. I toiled at his room, making sure it was left just as tidy as Matt's. As I was finishing off, neatly piling a stack of FHM magazines next to his bed, Jay re-appeared. He walked right up to my face, opened his mouth wide and let out an enormous belch. "Awwwwww, needed that and I bet you enjoyed it too", he laughed. The smell from his burp was thick in the air and was a mild assault on my nostrils. "Wanna sniff my foot too?" sneered Jay as he stuck a sweaty white-socked foot in my face. "Yeah, thought you'd like that. Proper sweaty, yeah"...I could feel my cock growing. The scent of Jay's sweaty teenage foot combined with the degrading way he was forcing me to sniff it was almost too erotic to bare.

"Urrghhhh, your just disgusting" said Jay almost pitying me. "Get yours ass downstairs, maid. Matt's got your dinner ready". Was he joking? Matt had saved me some dinner? The idea of Matt doing something nice for me couldn't quite ring true in my mind. There had to be some sort of sick ulterior motive to it but it was not as if I was in a position to disagree. I was certainly hungry so I cautiously made my way downstairs and entered the large granite kitchen where I'd slaved feverishly to serve Matt and his latest shag a huge roast dinner.

"Oh, 'ere he is", sneered Matt as I entered the room. "Did you enjoy licking my toilet seat earlier? Geez, you must be hungry. Thought I'd return your favour and make you something nice to eat too". My mind reeled. It didn't surprise me that his vicious scally brother had told Matt exactly what I had been up to, but I had no idea what pay-back Matt was planning. There was still a ton of food on the table so I let my guard down and pulled out a chair away from Matt and Michelle, attempting to cause as little offence to them as possible.

"Oh, I don't think so fag boy", said Matt, suddenly looking angry that I had dared to attempt to eat as the same table as him. "You eat on the floor". I was puzzled. I stood up away from the table and got back into the crawling position I was in earlier. The boys began to chuckle. I didn't even need to be told anymore.

"Your not seriously gonna do it?" Michelle said to Matt looking dubious. I started to become increasingly worried. Matt practically owned me. What was he going to make me do? He'd clearly been bragging to Michelle about the power he lorded over me. He had obviously made it clear that one flex of his teenage muscle could make me do anything. But what had he thought up now?

"Get me a plate", he commanded. "Make sure it's the best fag china too. I've got a special treat for you". Michelle moaned with delight and surprise. I crawled over to the cupboard and brought out the best silver platter I could see. The boys chuckled. In their presence I wasn't even worthy of standing up. "Put it on the floor in front of me", Matt commanded. I did as I was told and I instinctively knew what was coming.

Matt, slowly and seductively pulled down his tight, Levi jeans, revealing his muscular thighs that stood like two unmoveable tree trunks. Michelle let out a moan as she watched her strong boyfriend strip. Next down came the tight, black pants, revealing Matt's huge cock that hung between his legs above a pair of enormous low hanging balls. He sneered at me; disgusted by the fact I was so turned on by the sight of his naked body.

"Time for a nice hot, dinner fag boy. I know this is the sick shit you fags like to do so I think you better beg for it". I was lost in lust. I got on my hands and knees and began to beg for Matt's juicy meal. "Please sir. I beg you to feed me your manly shit. I need to taste it to prove to you that I am your humble servant. I want to eat your hot teen shit. I need to be shown how low I am. Your shit is worth more than me. I'll do anything to have a taste of something that came out of your beautiful ass". I couldn't believe the words were leaving my mouth. I was lost in lust. Matt and Jay were in hysterics and Michelle gave me a disgusted pathetic look. Matt squatted over the beautiful silver platter and watched as Michelle admired his beautiful thick thighs and perfect beefy ass. He then began to push out my 'dinner'. "I hope you like burger", he sneered. "I had a massive one for lunch and a big side order of chips. You stupid poof. You even paid for it". Matt began to strain and grunt and I watched in horror as a massive turd began to force its way out of his beautiful ass. It was the most manly shit log I had ever seen, Thick, long and truly massive.

"Your not gonna make him eat that are you?" Michelle cooed. "Why not, little fag deserves it, don't you fart eater?" I agreed by nodding my head and licking my lips. As the last of the turd forced its way out of Matt's hot ass, I got my head down to the floor to attempt to eat Matt's manly waste. After one bitter bite Matt began to shout. "Oi, faggot. I don't wanna have a shitty ass. Lick me clean you little bitch". I removed my head from the silver platter and did as instructed. I scooted over between Matt's massive thighs and began to lick by forcing my tongue into his teenage ass crack. It was slightly hairy and the smell of shit was over powering but I would do anything to be able to worship Matt's muscle-bound body. Just as I was getting most of the shit remnants out, Matt pushed out a loud and long fart that blasted into my face. Michelle burst into laughter and Jay grimaced. I must have looked so pathetic. Matt flashed his worst evil grin as he rubbed his ass into my face by gyrating his hips. He was clearly enjoying the humiliation I was suffering and probably couldn't wait to tell everyone at the office what he had made me beg for. For all I knew, he was probably filming the occasion. His body smelt sweaty and manly and just as I was truly beginning to enjoy licking his bum, Matt had kicked me away with little effort and pulled up his jeans.

"Right shit-licker. I'm nearly done. Wanna come fart on 'im with me, Jay?" he offered his younger brother. "Yeah alright", replied Jay. He strode up, chewing a piece of gum, giving me a disgusted look as he saw my raging hard-on. After contemptuously looking me up and down, Jay spat the gum at my face. It bounced off leaving a wet mark where it had hit me. I guess after being shat on by a teenager, this kind of humiliation was pretty mild by comparison.

Jay and Matt both bent over and pointed their beautiful teenage asses towards me. Both butts were fantastically pert although Matt's was perhaps a little bigger, rounder and more bulky compared to the tight globes contained in Jay's low-slung trackies. With Jay's football build and Matt's rugby physique, both were fantasies come to life. I wanted to close my eyes. I knew what was coming and pretty much in unison, the Adonis brothers concentrated with pent-up 'grunt-like' faces and blasted two massive manly fart gusts in my face. The sound rang in my ears and the smell was like a punch in the guts. They laughed and high-fived each other whilst Michelle looked on admiringly as if that was what being a 'real man' was all about. Jay was who I guess was particularly immature and was rolling around laughing on the kitchen floor. I guess farting in a grown mans face tickled his humour. I was nothing more than a joke to them. Only my raging (although tiny) hard-on kept me from running out.

"Ok, faggot", said Matt in between chewing a large bread-stick, "I want you to get the fuck out of my house but tomorrow I've got my under 17's Rugby tournament. It's the final and the lads get pretty hot and our feet fucking reek afterwards. So, your gonna come down and clean them with your tongue, gottit? If you're lucky, you might get to taste their asses after a shit too", Matt added with some amusement.

I was silent. I got up to leave. "No, you fucking crawl out of my house you low life piece of crap. And take the rest of my shit with you. You can eat it when you get home or as a breakfast treat tomorrow morning. Eating a real muscle-boy's shit will probably be a tasty snack for you sometime". I fell back to the floor and began crawling towards the door. It was as if in front of Matt, he would do everything in his power to make sure that I knew I really was the lowest of the low. I could hear the teenagers in the kitchen laughing as I left and loudest of all was the voice of Matt boasting about how he had to text the guys at the office to tell them what a piece of shit I was. Was he only doing this to me purely for his own amusement? I had to get out of there and service my aching cock. All the while, I couldn't stop thinking about licking the sweaty feet of a rugby team full of guys like Matt.... After the way Matt had treated me today, it would be my ultimate fantasy brought to life...

Note from author: Obviously John's humiliation is not over yet and I have got several ideas of how things are gonna get 'worse' as Matt (the office-stud-boy) finds new ways to degrade and humiliate him. Perhaps in the next chapter, John will get to lick the stinking feet of Matt's rugby mates or even get a taste of their cocks? Thank you for all the encouragement and praise you guys are sending me (at and I especially appreciated those photos of what some of you think Matt might look like! Please send me ANY suggestions (or photos!) of things you'd like to see happen in part 5 (coming soon - hopefully - if there's enough interest!)...

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