Humiliated by Office Boy

By Chris

Published on Jun 19, 2023


Days past and nothing changed in the office. Although I was still getting the lunches everyday, Matt seemed to be bored of the idea of publicly humiliating his "faggot" manager. It was almost like he was torturing me by pretending that I didn't exist...

Since I didn't have many friends at the office (even less since Matt has started his reign of humiliation), I had started eating my lunches at my desk in an attempt to avoid the inescapable 'looks' I got from my colleagues in the staff room...I wasn't sure if they all knew about Matt letting out a manly fart all over my lunch but I couldn't take the risk of sitting in the staff canteen as if 'nothing had happened'... Besides, without really knowing Matt, it was easy to tell it was in his nature to brag to the world about what he had done and the power he lorded over me...

That day, a Thursday, I'd made and packed a chicken salad sandwich, one of my favourites. Just as I was about to take the first bite, Matt breezed into my view. He was wearing his usual tight black work trousers that were filled out by his magnificently beefy rugby player thighs and a crisp black shirt that hugged him as it were a second skin. I was nearly drooling. "Need you for a minute", he commanded. I instinctively put down my lunch and got up as he continued walking. This was the first time he'd laid eyes on me in days. My heart was racing. "No, this won't take long, you can eat your lunch on the way". I tried not to feel 'grateful' for Matt's benevolence but I couldn't help it. At only 16 years old, he was already my 'master'. It was almost as if he owned me. I scurried back and retrieved my sandwich and continued to follow Matt, ensuring I stayed several paces behind the teen boy-god.

We walked out into the corridor towards the men's toilets. Matt pushed the heavy door with one kick and walked in, letting it swing back in my face. I hesitated outside, remembering how Matt had forbidden me to go in the men's room when he was around. "Come in, I aint got all day" called Matt from inside, sounding impatient. I did as instructed and walked tentatively in. Surveying the bathroom, Matt was nowhere to be seen. I was confused... until I heard a vaguely familiar sound from inside one of the stalls. It had to be Matt, letting out what sounded like a loud grunt like sound. My heart was thumping and my dick was rock hard. Did he take me in here so I could hear him fart? Was he having a wank? Then I realised; he wanted me to suffer by forcing me to wait outside the toilet door while he was taking a dump. Although forcing me to stand outside a cubicle door was humiliating enough, I couldn't help but envy the toilet seat. I could only imagine what it would be like to be sat on by the hunky office teen. After several manly grunts and the sound of a loud splash, it was clear that Matt wanted me to hear what it was like when a 'real man' took a shit...

"Gimme a hand mate", Matt called out laughing. I remained silent. I didn't know what he meant and I was far too afraid to try and open the door. "I said gimme a hand", Matt called again. My hands were shaking; I slowly pushed open the stall door to see Matt sitting upon the toilet seat with his trousers around his ankles. With his muscley thighs and huge manly hands he looked like a king on a throne. I tried not to look, but I couldn't help but notice his enormous cock and huge low-hanging balls that sat upon the toilet seat. Although he was 'soft', his dick must have been an incredible 7 inches and incredibly wide. There was no doubt about it; at only sixteen, his manly genitals dwarfed mine by far.

"No toilet paper", he stated in a matter a fact way. I looked around. There was a ton but just as I was about to respectfully point this out to Matt, he'd already grabbed my sandwich and started wiping his shitty ass crack using my lunch. "Awwwwww, nice and soft", mused Matt with his eyes closed. I stood, transfixed in both lust and disbelief. Matt smirked, looked me in the eye with contempt and disgust, and after several long and agonising wipes, handed the sandwich back to me. It had fallen to pieces and the once white bread was covered in dirty brown shit marks - the remnants of Matt's manly turd. "Say thank you", Matt commanded. "Errrr, thank you. I replied". "Nah, say please can I eat the bread that has been in Master Matt's ass". I did as I was told and put in as much feeling as I could muster. Matt's beautiful teen face cracked a wide wicked smile. He couldn't believe I was actually doing everything he told me to. "Now eat it", he commanded in between fits of laughter. I did as instructed and began to munch on the lunch that Matt had 'kindly' caked in teen man-shit.

"Awwwwww, I thought it was sick that you'd eat a sandwich that I'd farted on but you're totally fucked up". "You're even getting turned on by this", he continued as I ate. "I can see your tiny dick getting hard. You fags make me feel sick". As I consumed the last of my bitter lunch, Matt slapped me round the head. I winced and felt pathetic. He moved his face towards mine as if to kiss me and as his head got close, he let out a huge manly burp in my face. I could clearly smell Matt's lunch and his 'present' left a splattering of spit across my face. He laughed. "Get on the floor shit face". I bowed in front of Matt, my head by his feet. He simply tutted in disgust, forcefully placed his shoe on the back of my head so my face was crushed into the dirty toilet floor and stood over me to walk out. I couldn't believe what was happening. To Matt, I was the lowest of the low. As much as I wanted to get my mouth around his teen cock, things were getting out of hand. Could I allow this humiliation to continue? My cock was rock hard. It answered my question for me; I would do or suffer anything if it was for the office teen-god.

After a few minutes kneeling in the position I had been left in, I began to get up and crawl towards the bowl in which Matt had just dumped. It was clear he wasn't about to come back and bother to flush - that was now my job. I tentatively, peered in the bowl, my hands either side, and was transfixed by what I saw - the biggest man-turd I had ever seen. It was a dark brown colour, about as thick as a beer can and as long as one too. It was defiantly the work of a 'real man' and the product of all the meals Matt no doubt scoffs in order to perfect his huge beefy teen body.

Just as I was consumed in lust, and enjoying the scents produced by the office bully, the toilet door swung open. I was speechless. It was Gregg, one of the most senior members of staff in our building. He was about 30 years old, but still 13-stone of total blond jock and an absolute tyrant to work for. Gregg was a bastion for all things manly. Despite his high position in the company, he was the kind of thug that spends his weekends watching football, shagging girls and drinking beer. Indeed, he was the kind of man that most gay men secretly lust after but could never actually have. He'd hated me from day one. "Uggghhhh, you sick fuck", shouted Gregg in a voice of total disgust. "Matt told me you were perving on his shit but I couldn't believe it". Gregg grabbed my head and pushed it into the bowl so I was inches from Matt's huge man-turd. "Go on, lick it. You know its what you sick fucks like to do". I wanted to argue, but deep down I knew he was right. I reached out my tongue to do as instructed but as I got near somebody else flushed the toilet, spraying dirty toilet water all over my head. I could hear fits of laughter around the room. "Awwwwww, poor fag boy. His dinner has been flushed away", called out someone. The room was in hysterics. Among them I could hear Matt. How many people were watching? I couldn't wait around to find out. Not even wiping the water from my eyes, I ran for the door, tripping on the way causing more laughter from the crowd that had come to watch. My lust for Matt was going to cost me either my sanity or my job. Probably both...

The following day, I was sharply told by Rachel I was to be moving desks. Gregg had decided that he needed Matt to be nearer the executives as he had some "important confidential work" for him to complete. I knew this was because of the way Matt had yet again humiliated me, but all I could do was shrug my shoulders in resignation. I know how the world works - jocks and bullies look out for each other and it was clear that Gregg wouldn't want anyone as inferior as me to be contaminating his manly air. As I sorted and packed my possessions, I could feel Matt smirking at me from across the office. He'd probably planned the whole thing. He was in control now and we both knew it.

I packaged my items up into several large bin bags and made the walk of shame to the small and inferior desk once reserved for the junior members of the office. I could barely fit what I used to contain in one draw in my 'new' desk. There was no computer, no telephone, just a pad of paper and an old pencil. How could I do my job from here? My mind began to race. There was no way I could do the job from here. I was thinking at a hundred miles an hour. And then it hit me; I was expected to do Matt's job. I could feel the colour rising to my cheeks. I'd been doing Matt's tasks for weeks but all of a sudden it dawned on me; I was now the office junior. After over ten years in the company, Matt had managed to demote me to the lowest position the company. He knew I'd lust after his shit and he used it for his own gain. Rage and lust began to build up inside me, I felt faint. I wasn't sure whether to laugh or cry. I wasn't given the opportunity to do either, as someone approached me from behind...

"Hey cocksucker". The hairs on the back of my neck stood on end. I don't know if I could face the cocky teen gloating about his victories in the office, but that is not why he'd come to talk to me. "I couldn't be assed to drive to work today so your giving me a ride home" he commanded. "Michelle is gonna come too. We're going out now". "Oh right", was all I could say in reply. I felt weaker then I ever had done. Evidently humiliating a (once) senior worker in front of a room full of people had really turned Michelle on. There was no doubt about it though; it turned me on too. If only I could be the one to service Matt's bulging cock... My cock stood to attention at the mere thought of it.

Throughout the rest of the day, I was forced to watch Matt all over Michelle from my new inferior desk. She was a beautiful girl but completely vain, with a mean glint in her eye. She knew she'd bagged the office alpha-male and she was determined to rub it in everyone else's face. As she massaged his bulging muscles in the staff canteen at coffee break, she made sure that everyone (especially me) could see her 'prize'. Just one look at Matt's strong manly hands would tell you that he would be the most intense, powerful fuck a girl could ever wish for.

As the day went on, I could barely concentrate on the menial office 'chores' that Matt was once paid to do. I was fixated by what was to happen at after work. My mind raced with the possibilities. I hadn't even noticed it was five o'clock. Without a second thought, I got my coat to go and meet Matt (my teen muscle master) and Michelle in the car park. "Shit car", said Matt as we approached my little mini. Michelle chuckled at her boyfriend's wit. "Where do you want me to take you, sir?" I asked Matt, trying not to rise to his earlier comment. "Back to your place. My mum and Dad would freak if I brought a girl home to fuck so your cooking us dinner, cock sucker". Michelle let out a shriek of laughter. I shakily took out my car keys to do as instructed. I wasn't sure where this night was going to lead but I had to find out.

We sat in silence as we went towards my place. I could hear Michelle and Matt furiously getting off with each other on the back seat. As I looked in the rear view mirror I could see his massive hands, slowly making their way up Michelle's short skirt and the huge bulge growing in his pin-stripe trousers. She couldn't help squealing in delight. I, on the other hand, was fuelled by a sense of frustration and jealousy. I felt inadequate and wimpy. I'd give anything to touch (and worship) Matt's beautiful body in the way that she was allowed to... Little did I know that during that night I'd be given the opportunity to do just that...

Note from author: Obviously John's humiliation is far from over and I have got several ideas of how things are gonna get 'worse' as Matt (the office-stud-boy) finds new ways to degrade and humiliate John. Perhaps Matt's sixteen-year-old rugby team would like to demonstrate their manliness by humiliating John the wimp too? I really do appreciate all the positive comments (at I had from the last story I posted. Please send me ANY suggestions of things you'd like to see happen in part 4 (coming soon - hopefully - if there's enough interest!)

Next: Chapter 4

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